xt7pg44hnx1q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7pg44hnx1q/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 1999 bulletins  English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins Frontier Nursing Service, Vol. 75, No. 2, Fall/December 1999 text Frontier Nursing Service, Vol. 75, No. 2, Fall/December 1999 1999 1999 2014 true xt7pg44hnx1q section xt7pg44hnx1q m
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Introduction to FNS - Decuzna Scvcmiice I
FNS Remembers Robert Johnson - Eric ./0/iiisoii 2 *
Wendover News - Jere11i_v Bus/1 5
Courier Program News - Jerenrv Bus/1 7
Website Information It)
FSMFN/CFNP News - Di: Julie Maife/I I I
FSMFN/CNEP News - Susan Stone I4
Mary Breckinridge Healthcare News - Ma//ie No/2/e I6
Beyond the Mountains - Decuznci Seveiziiice I7
75th Year Celebration Calendar of Events 24
Miscellaneous Tidbits 25
In Memoriam 26
Cover: Roberr J0/1i1s0i1 - Mem/1ei·ofFNS Bvaizl of Gm·ei·i1o1·.r
Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin
Published at the end ofeach quarter by the Frontier Nursing Service.
Wendover. Kentucky 41775
Subscription Price $5.00 a year for Donors
Subscription Price EB l5.0() a year for Institutions
VOLUME 75 NUMBER 2 Fall/December I999 _
Periodicals postage paid at Wendover, Kentucky 4 I 775 and at additional
mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to FNS. Inc. .
I32 FNS Drive, Wendover. Kentucky. Copyright FNS/lnc. I999 All
Rights Reserved.

  The Frontier Nursing Service
  Ifyon have never been introduced to the Frontier Nurs-
 i` ing Service we would like t0 take this opportunity to i7I'f(ff_\`()lI on
 in the historjv and the 0n—going work ofthe Service. P/ease x/rare
  this information with a friend.
·'  Bom in 1881 into a prominent American f`amily. Mary
  Breckinridge spent her early years in many parts of the world —
 g, Russia, France, Switzerland and the British Isles. After the death
  of her two children, she abandoned the homebound life expected
  of women of her class to devote herself to the service of others.
· {Q  particularly children.
  Mrs. Breckinridge established the Frontier Nursing Ser-
 V vice (FNS) in Leslie County, Kentucky in 1925. then one of the
i  poorest and most inaccessible areas in the United States. Mrs.  
 All Breckinridge introduced the first nurse-midwives in this country. l
 . Riding their horses up mountains and across streams in blizzard.
 5 ~ fog or flood, the FNS nurses brought modern healthcare to fami- I
  lies throughout an area of 700 square miles. -
if z Until her death in 1965. Mary Breckinridge was the driv- ,
 {I ing force behind the work of the Service whose influence today  
[  extends far beyond eastern Kentucky. Through the Frontier School .
  of Midwifery and Family Nursing, hundreds of nurses have been E
ii I trained and this important concept of family healthcare has been I
  carried throughout the world.  
  Today, the FNS is organized as a parent holding com-
1  pany for Maiy Breckinridge Healthcare, Inc., (home health agency.
ii  two out—post clinics, one primary care clinic in the hospital. Kate  
  Ireland Women’s Healthcare Clinic) and for the Frontier School ~ 
.Z€  of Midwifery and Family Nursing — the largest midwifery pro- p
 i l gram in the United States.  
  Remarkably, the purpose and philosophy of the FNS has
_  remained constant since 1925. ·
 n - Deanna Severance, CEO $
.7 1

FNS Remembers Robert Johnson »
The Frontier Nursing Service Board of Governors has
experienced a great loss with the passing of Robert Johnson. His pi
astute, wise and concerned counsel led us to many decisions re- 1
garding healthcare to the people of Kentucky and elsewhere. We
benefited from his vast experience and he has left a legacy we  
will long remember. Our loving thoughts are with his wife, Ruth. 1
June Leigh Powe/I,  
C/mirman ofBoard of Governors  
Mr. Johnson served as Chairman of the FNS Foundation  
Board of Directors, member of the Frontier School of Midwifery 1
and Family Nursing Board of Directors and as a member of the 1
Board of Govemors. His ideas and support of the FNS Board of  
Govemors will be greatly missed. Mr. Johnson died on Septem-  
ber 29, 1999, after a difficult battle with colon cancer. He was 74. 1
Mr. Johnson first came to Lexington, Kentucky in l96O  
to join the group creating the University of Kentucky Medical E
Center. In 1966, he was appointed the University of Kentucky’s l
first Vice-President for Student Affairs by UK President John I
Oswald. Under Mr. Johnson’s leadership, the University devel-
oped it’s first student code, a landmark achievement in the mid- l
In 1968, Mr. Johnsonjoined the University ofCalifornia, i
first as Vice-Chancellor for Student Affairs on the Berkeley cam- `
pus, then as Vice-Chancellor for Administration. In 1970, he was
recmited by UC President Charles Hitch to become the first Se-
nior Vice—President for Administration of the entire nine—campus
institution. In 1976, Mr. Johnson departed UC to become found- _
ing President of the National Center for Health Education. an or- E
ganization that grew out of a commission created by President 1
Nixon. .
Two years later Mr. Johnson returned to Lexington to head
the financially threatened Appalachian Regional Healthcare. a _

I move that the Lexington Herald—Leader described in an August
I 1978 editorial as "courageous." During his I5 year tenure Mr.
Johnson helped ARH avoid bankruptcy, while greatly expanding
_ its services as well as building and acquiring new facilities in its
. three state service area of Kentucky, Virginia. and West Virginia.
. Mr. Johnson also served on gubernatorial and legislative com-
  missions and committees dealing with health issues in Kentucky.
  Mr. Johnson was bom on September 22, 1925. in Cortland.
  New York. He served in the U. S. Navy during World War II and
1 graduated from the State University of New York at Cortland and
I Yale University School of Public Health. He began his career in
1 1952 with the Erie County (NY) Health Department. Three years
l later, he became the first health educator to serve in a private
i medical practicejoining the Rip Van Winkle Clinic - a group prac-
I tice in Hudson, NY. Then, in 1958, Mr. Johnson and his family  
1 moved to Boston, Massachusetts where he was founding Execu—  
[ tive Director of the Medical Foundation of Boston. the position I
f he held prior tojoining the University of Kentucky.  
l In his retirement, Mr. Johnson served on the Governing  
l Board ofthe Frontier Nursing Service; the Advisory Board of the ;
X University of Kentucky’s Rural Health Center; the Advisory Coun- ·
cil of Clinch Valley College ofthe University of Virginia; and as
an adjunct professor in the University of Kentucky’s College of  
i Medicine and College of Allied Health.  
i Mr. Johnson received numerous awards and honors, in- I
l cluding the Distinguished Career Award from the Health Educa— 1
` tion Section of the American Public Health Association; the Out-  
standing Achievement Award from the State University of New
York Alumni Association at Cortland; the Kentucky Hospital As-  
sociation Award of Excellence; and in l989 being named one of
_ the nation’s 25 outstanding executives of health care systems by »
i Modern Healthcare magazine. In 1997, Mr. Johnson received the ,
Service to Humanity Award from Kentucky Healthcare.  
- Mr. Johnson made his first contact with the Frontier Nurs-  
ing Service in the early l960’s while working with the University  
of Kentucky. He became acquainted with Mrs. Breckinridgc and  
I Miss Helen Browne. Later, Mr. Johnson was a prominent figure Q

on the FNS Board of Governors, providing support and leader- F
ship as a dedicated Board member. He was always ready and will- i
ing to help in any way. Much of his life was dedicated to preserv-
ing healthcare in an area where it was so desperately needed. Mr. ·
Johnson, quite simply, gave his entire life to help others and he l
always felt gratified for so doing.  
Mr. Johnson is survived by his wife of 54 years, Ruth i
Aldrich Johnson; daughter, Karen Samuels and her husband Larry.  
Los Angeles, California; daughter, Karol Jump and her husband  
Leyton, Tenio, Washington; son, Eric and his wife Rebecca.  
Versailles, Kentucky; daughter, Lisa Ford and her husband Rob- l
ert, Sacramento, Califomia; He is also survived by five grand-  
children. Many thanks to Eric Johnson for allowing us to reprint i
this tribute to his father.  
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Mn Johnson at Wendover Big House - April, 1999  

F Wendover News
by Jeremy T Bush
' Wendover Tours
Q Wendover has had a busy tour
( season. Alyssa Gayhart, our new Tour Q2/ `  ‘°
g Guide, has given tours to Carolyn  
  Robinson’s Bachelor of Science nurs-
J ing students from Lincoln Memorial E  
l University (Harrogate, TN); Jennifer ~_ Q, V.  l   ·’`ll f
’ Wilson’s nursing students from Som-  
l erset Technical College (Somerset,  
l KY); Michelle Wilson’s students from   4
  Hyden Elementary (Hyden, KY); Christine Krutzer’s students
l from Beech Fork Elementary (Asher, KY) and Damon Huff’s
l fourth grade class from W. B. Muncy Elementary (Cutshin, KY).
  Alyssa has a great affection for speaking to the little children about
k Mrs. Breckinridge’s contribution to our local area. Alyssa and l .
l were were very pleased when we were asked to travel to the Harlan `
l High School (Harlan, KY), to speak to a group of career students.
l Speaking of little children, we are working on a commu-  
l nity awareness campaign here in Leslie County. It is the FNS of  
l today which children are most familiar. Through the community
l awareness project we wish to strengthen their knowledge of the (
( rich heritage created by Mary Breckinridge and their ancestors. .
  Several teachers in the local area have made their own attempts
to incorporate FNS into their classroom activities. We recently ,
L begun sending invitations for all the local schools to visit Wen-
a dover, the historic birthplace of FNS. We anticipate sharing the {
  history of FNS with our local school children. l
( The Daughter’s of Colonial Wars (DCW’s) visited FNS ;
ll on October 8. They arrived at noon for Marylin’s delicious south-  
  em fried chicken and then had a tour of various buildings on the ‘
 y Hyden FSMFN campus. The DCW’s donated money for the fur-  
I nishings in Aunt Hattie’s Bam classroom. They saw the furnish- ‘ 
‘ ings that their generous donations provided. The DCWs’ last stop  
, l

was at St. Christopher’s Chapel which has Mrs. Breckinridge’s  
beautiful l7th Century stained glass window. They left us with
lifted spirits and a sense of pride for ajob well done.
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l DCW’s at the Big House, Wendover
Alyssa and I gave the annual CNEP graduation tours on
October 16 to over fifty people at Wendover. Among these visi-
tors were Barbara Beyen and Marta Eastburn, Mother and Sister
of Lisa Scherrer who was tragically killed in an automobile acci- »
dent. Lisa would have graduated with this class. Mrs. Beyen and
Mrs. Eastburn established a scholarship in memory of Lisa.
Wendover Grounds News
Thanks to an idea by Dr. Anne Wasson. we have installed
a "Home of Frontier Nursing Service" sign located near the road
below the Big House. After dark the sign is illuminated by a flood-
light. This should make life much easier for visitors who have  
trouble seeing the buildings at night.
Other completed projects include: lights erected along S
the road from the Garden House to the Big House; numerous  “
cracked windows in the buildings replaced; new parking and build- l
ing signs; scraping and painting of steps and handrails at the Gar-
den House; and fence railing straightened with new supports.

i Courier Program News
l by Jerenzy T BHS/I
.. We have a fantastic group of Couriers for the fall term.
. Kim Houkom, Norna Ludeman and Julie Wilbur have won our
J hearts and below is a brief introduction to each of these individu-
l Kim H0uk0m, San Diego, California, comes to us as a
; graduate of Stanford University. Kim is well organized in plan-
  ning her activities and carries with her a special sensitivity for the
l needs of others. She has divided her time among the doctors and
l midwives at MBHC. She also had the opportunity to witness two
l births in one night! She has spent time at the clinics and with the
[ Home Health Agency. Kim has volunteered her time at the ani-
g mal shelter and has immersed herself in local culture learning to
l quilt and to make furniture with the help of some local artisans.
l Kim has applied to several medical schools and aspires to be a
} physician.
l Norna Ludeman, Danville. Pennsylvania. is also a gradu-
Q ate of Stanford University. Norna has a wonderful sense of ad-
venture. She has been expanding the normal realm of Courier
l shadowing into places like the MBHC laboratory. Norna also spent
I time at the new After Hours Clinic at MBHC and with Dr. Jean
5 Sullivan, a local Family Practice Physican.
l julie Wilbur; Hopewell, New Jersey. is a graduate of
l Colby College in Waterville. Maine. with a degree in Spanish and J
l Biology. "Sweet Pea" or ‘“Miss America" as we have come to
l__ know her, is kindhearted. Julie has spent her time distributed
l among the midwives, doctors and FNP`s. She tutored local high .
school students in math and reading and also volunteered at the  
j local animal shelter where she fell in love with an adorable little  
‘ black Labrador. It was the runt of the litter and would have died  
5 had Julie not come to its rescue. l

Many of our past Couriers remember the old Dodge Cara-  
van. The van recently died 0n a Lexington trip and we bid a cheer-
ful farewell to a relic of FNS’s recent past. We continue to solicit
funds from our ex-Couriers for a new vehicle. t.
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Julie Wilbun N0rna Ludeman, Kim H0uk0m, jeremy Bush 1
Farmer Courier News
Elizabeth Nussbaum (‘98) just entered into the nursing
program at Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) in Cleve-
land, Ohio . Imagine her surprise when she stumbled upon three _
former ENS Couriers at CWRU! Julie Cross (*94) has almost  ‘
finished her midwifer training, Leslie Bardo (*96) is in medical ‘
y D
school and Danielle Olds (‘98) is beginning adult education. ‘
Jane (Schneider) Wright(‘89) wrote the following: "My l’
experience as a literacy tutor at FNS was what led me to become  _
a teacher. I’ve been teaching ESL for the past eight years. first in I p
my home state of Minnesota and more recently in southern Cali- ’
fornia where I’ve lived for the past five years. l found and mar-  I
ried Mr. Right (Terry Wright) last October and we are now ex- {
pecting our first child in February 2000." Q

=_ Ever since I left Hyden one year ago. the Frontier Nurs-
i ing Service keeps reappearing in my life in the most unexpected
ways. A few weeks ago, I was waiting on a couple at the Jupiter
t Grill Restaurant in Louisville, Kentucky. where I am working for
I the summer. I happened to randomly mention Hyden. Kentucky.
I in conversation and the woman immediately asked if I had worked
l for FNS. It turned out that this woman. Laurie Birnsettl. had done
l research on FNS after meeting Mary Elizabeth Houston. a former
  Courier. Laurie was kind enough to let me join her on a visit to
  Mrs. Houston’s home.
  Mary Elizabeth Houston was one of the original FNS
l Couriers working on and off throughout the l930`s. In an en-
l chanting southern accent, Mrs. Houston told me delightful sto—
l ries about the early days of Wendover. Her eyes lit up as she re-
l lived memories of riding Tennessee Walking Horses through the
,“ snowy mountains and spending tea time with Mrs. Breckinridge.
  Mrs. Houston laughed as she described one incident of a city doctor
I who refused to ride the horse she had brought with her to the bus
{ station to meet him. He waded through all ofthe creeks and rivers
e on the way to Wendover instead!
  I was even lucky enough to take a look at Mrs. Houston`s
  trail map from her work at FNS. Considering my own inability to
  find my way around Hyden in a car, it was incredible how these
; women found their way on horseback. To me. the map looked
  like nothing but a few scraggly lines with "Hell for Certain" writ-
  ten around every bend.
l Chatting with Mrs. Houston was a special experience —
l one of many that I have gained since working in Hyden. She gave
l me her permission to write this, saying simply. "I am happy to do
l anything I can to help FNS.” After six decades. Mrs. Houston
j, retains the same feeling that every Courier does — FNS has won a
l very special and unforgettable place in our hearts.
l —Nun<·)· Rein/mr! ( `Q8) I
i ·— l

P Nancy Reinhart and her parents Pat and Phil Reinhart  
visited Wendover during the summer.
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Nancy Reinhart and Ally  
Caroline Leis (‘95) wrote t0 say that she got married in  
October. Congratulations Caroline!  
Ann (Bemis) Day (‘48) wrote the following: I was a Cou-  
rier in 1948 and liked seeing the photograph in the last Qum·rer/i· .
Bulletin of Beulah Fomess and her grand-daughter in the uni-  
forms. I remember the nurses wearing those regularly every day!  
In 1948 we used horses to go everywhere and Couriers took care  
of them.  
Frontier Nursing Service — wwwfrontiernursingorg   V
FSMFN Community-Based Nurse—Midwifery Education Program  
(CNEP) — www.midwives.org   `
FSMFN Community-Based Nurse—Practitioner Program (CFNP)
- www.frontierfnp.org

Frontier School of Midwifery and Family Nursing
`l by Did Julie Maijfell, Education Direcmr
The first class of the Certified  
Family Nurse—Practitioner Program .  v “  
Q (CFNP) began September 29 with pe
"FNP Bound" in Hyden.The class has { _   1  
j students from Kentucky, Florida, Ind-, '   if  i 
  iana, and South Carolina. It was a 1       gr
  gorgeous fall weekend in the moun-   1    gii =     ' j_ `
, tains and as it so happened, "FNP l <-   "¢>   ‘  » fi
1 Bound" coincided with the Mary Breckinridge Festival. The stu-
— dents and faculty attended the parade and en_joyed some time away
from class and studying.
V Both the students and faculty enjoyed an evening at Wen-
  dover. Jean Fee and three of her classmates from the FSMFN
1 class of 1959 and one graduate from the class of 1958 joined the
1 group for dinner. Jean spoke with students about being an FNP.
Q nurse-midwife and FSMFN graduate. The class of 1959 celebrated
  their 40th anniversary this year and everyone felt so fortunate to
  have them join us at the Big House. All of the ladies had spent
  time working overseas as midwives and had wonderful stories
  about their experiences both as practicing midwives and as stu—
l dents at FSMFN.
j Dr. Anne Wasson also joined the group that evening. Dr.
j Anne spoke with the students after dinner and told wonderful sto-
ries about delivering healthcare at FNS. The students enjoyed the
humor and wisdom ofexperience that is woven through Dr. Anne`s
1 stories.
{ The CFNP Program will be accepting applications for
J _ Class 2 until April 1, 2000. The second class is scheduled to be-
  gin May l I. The current plan is to admit two classes per year.
  spring and fall. A part—time option has also been added to the
  program. This structured program of study allows the students to
  spread the course work over 36 months instead of 24.

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59er’s 40th anniversary: Back Row: Arlene Schuiteman, $
Deanna Severance (CEO 0f FNS), Margaret K00inzan, Jean I
(Kerf00t) Fee Front Row: Jean Vanbeek, D1: Anne Wasson, I
Clara (Sparks) Rice  
I presented an invited paper regarding immunizations and  
a poster highlighting the history of FSMFN. This included the Q
success of CNEP and the rebirth ofthe CFNP at the Nurse—Prac— I
titioner Associates for Continuing Education (NPACE) confer- I
ence held in Chicago during September. I am also doing a poster  
presentation this month at the American Public Health Associa-  
tion meeting. also in Chicago. on interdisciplinary education.  

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; Class of 1959 taken at Mardi Cottage
l Back row, left to right: Arlene Schuiteman, Margaret Kooiman,
[ Carol n Ban hart, Jean Ker oot Fee, Barbara Kie er. Front
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§ row, left to right: Clara Sparks Rice, Anne DeTourney Boyeig
{ Molly Lee, Margaret Prescott Fehr
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E Fnrst FNP Class - September 1999. Left to right: Tony Anoia,
in Spencer Eaddy, Dr. Anne Wasson (not a student), Karen _
  Oberson, Helen (Terri) Hersey and Diana Brackin `

· Frontier School of Midwifery and Family Nursing _.
by Susan St0ne, CNEP Director 1
Fall is a very busy time of = I q y
year for the Community-Based E  
Nurse-Midwifery Education Pro-   .
gram (CNEP). We have had sev- _ p  y,. A,_,_   
eral very inspiring activities.   v   [  
In late August the FSMFN * _ I . `”""' `  
staff and administrators gathered   ,;A% il   iii — A A
together at the School in Hyden to  
receive training in the operation of l" - i
our new database program. We spent three days with an on-site  
consultant learning to use filters. to set up reports. and to add I
information. In addition to being Y2k compatible. the new data-
base will allow us to sort and publish the data about our students
and graduates. We are grateful to the contributions of the Daugh-
ters of Colonial Wars (DCW’s) whose generosity assisted us in I
the funding of this new system
In September, we had a group of l7 midwifery students
on-site for two weeks of intensive learning. They all stayed in the
Haggin Dormitory and spent their days in class. This is called the
Level III experience in CNEP. The classes included such topics
as Physical Assessment, Suturing. Professional Role and Clinical
Case Studies. Upon completion of the Level III experience. all I
the students retumed to their communities to begin training with
their Certified Nurse-Midwife Preceptors.
On October I3, thirty faculty members arrived in Hyden ‘
for our annual faculty meeting and graduation ceremony. Faculty
came from all over the United States including the far reaches of "
Hawaii. Maine, Florida, and California. This group of accom-
plished midwives spent three days in continuing education pro-
grams, planning meetings. and program evaluation meetings. On i
October 15, seventeen graduate nurse-midwives arrived in Hyden A
to take the National ACC Exam. The ACC Exam is the National I
Certifying Exam for Nurse—Midwives. On October I6. the annual  

  graduation ceremony was held at the Richard Nixon Center in 1
A Hyden. Thirty—three of the ninety—seven graduates were able to  
j come to Hyden to join us for the ceremony. A tradition at the  
- FSMFN is for students to ring the bell located on the chapel as  
they begin their education and upon their return for graduation. A 
The sound of the chapel bell rang over Hyden on this day. Kitty {
Ernst was our graduation speaker and inspired all of us with her I
visionary speech. This very busy weekend left all of us with a I 
feeling of accomplishment and a great hope for the future of pro- I 
viding the option of midwifery care to all women and their fami— l
lies. I 
On November 3. I999. we welcomed Class 28 to Hyden  
I for their orientation weekend known as Midwifery Bound. The I 
[ faculty and staff spent five days teaching these 43 new student `
{ midwives how to use the computer communication system. ori- I
enting them to their Level I courses and helping them to know  
each other and become a part of the FSMFN family. On Friday  
evening, November 5. l999. we all had dinner at the Big House  `
. at Wendover. The Couriers and cooks at Wendover did a superb {
job, as always. It was wonderful to hear this large group sing { 
"Amazing Grace" just before dinner. Everyone felt the infusion  
of our heritage before us and our continued hope for the future. I 
On Sunday morning the new students all rang the chapel bell as E 
they prepared for their educational journey and for their journey  
The work continues as we prepare to welcome l2 more  
students for their Level III experience on November l(). The pur-  
pose of the CNEP is to significantly increase the number of prac-  
ticing certified nurse—midwives to meet the needs of the families {li
residing in all areas with a focus on rural or underserved areas.  
.. Our Fall 1999 activities surely reflect this purpose. The sound of S 
the ringing bell across these Appalachian hills assures all of us I 
that we are moving forward in the fulfillment of this purpose.  ,

Mary Breckinridge Healthcare News t
—MalIie N0/ale, A¢In1ini.s‘Irc1ror  
As we bid farewell to summer, M . _ Ai
the mountains display their beautiful   ` _
fall coat of many colors. The staff of      
Mary Breckinridge Healthcare are    
busy making preparations for the FNS    
75th year of service to the people of   _     p
Eastem Kentucky and are looking for-   J I
ward to the new millennium.   ti`i I
Iam delighted to announce that Denise Kilburn, RN. has
accepted the position as Director of Nursing. Denise has been
employed with MBHC for four years as House Supervisor and
ER Manager. I am confident that Denise will do an excellentjob.
Roxanne (Roxie) Combs, RN, has been promoted to the
ER and Hyden Rural Health Clinic Manager. Roxie has been with
MBHC for four years.
Andrew Krasuski, MD. Board certified in OB/GYN.
joined our staff on November I. 1999. Dr. Krasuski is from
Plantsville, Connecticut, and brings with him his wife. Helena.
and daughter, Michelle. We welcome them to the MBHC family.
The Physical Therapy Department is now under MBHC
management. We feel this will enhance services to our patients.
Staff includes David Hume, PT Department I\/lanager; Stephanie
Sizemore, MSPT, StaffTherapist; John Sandlin. LPTA; and Kim
Roberts, PT Tech and Office Manager
Mona Howard. LPN, is now the Infection Control Nurse
and I am confident that she will assist in providing a safe and
healthy environment.
Rochelle Cheek. A.R.T. from Manchester. Kentucky. A
joined our staff November I as Director of Medical Records.
I would like to thank the maintenance staff who con- H
structed a beautiful outside deck onto the MBHC cafeteria. This
is a wonderful and welcomed addition to the cafeteria and is ap-
preciated by all. s

; Beyond the Mountains
  by Deanna Severance  
l “Those we love would not want us to be mournfitl i
but as we were when they lover] ns. Anal too, when I
we remember them with happiness we bring them j
close forever: " Jerome Robinson ·
These last few months have   t j W ._       gg  *1
I seen the passing of two beloved   *¤   ` _       Q5   = 
members of the Frontier Nursing I  ~    N   _   . 
Service: Robert Johnson and Dor-   M   i . I    I-
othy Norton Clay. I have reprinted t   K?   I  I p * ~   I 
words of their fulfilled lives else-    z rw  g r  y
where. Even though to have known _._ .  .  ww I  I 
them was to celebrate life. they are   4 A l 
missed!  _-I
E. O. Robinson Mountain Fund  
On May 12, representatives from the E. O. Robinson 5 
Mountain Fund visited FNS. Judge N. Mitchell Meade. Chair- { 
man, Mr. Harold H. Mullis, Board member and a friend of theirs.  Ti
met with me at the Big House to get an update of happenings at  
American College of Nurse-Midwives Convention  
During May. CNEP celebrated a Decade of Excellence at  
the Convention of the American College of Nurse-Midwives  
(ACNM). CNEP is very proud to have educated over 760 nurse-  
midwives in the past decade using the Community as the class-  
·‘ room concept. Our graduates now represent every state in the USA. g 
CNEP also celebrated honor bestowed upon Susan Stone.  
H CNEP Program Director in receiving the Kitty Ernst Award. The  
ACNM gives this award each year to a nurse-midwife who has  
been in practice less than ten years. The award is in recognition ; 
. of innovative and creative endeavors in midwifery and women`s  

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Left t0 right: Ron Hart, Bernadette Hart, Dr. Anne Wasson,
Elsie (Maier) Wilson, Ann Richter (ACNM Convention)
Lexington Herald Leader Recognizes FNS
During July, Barbara Isaccs, Staff Writer at the Lexing-
ton Herald Leader, visited Wendover to gather information about
the Frontier Nursing Service. She wrote a wonderful article which
was printed in the Lexington Herald Leader on August l. l999. `
entitled "Still at the Frontier". The article featured key events in
the history of FNS and the CNEP Program.
Visit to North Carolina
Labor Day weekend, my husband. Carl. and I drove to
Tyron, North Carolina, to visit with our dear friend and supporter
Mrs. Eleanor Stetekluh. It is always such a treat to be invited to
visit with friends and talk about the work of the ENS.
Annual Bluegrass Committee Luncheon
The Bluegrass Committee held the annual luncheon at -
Spindletop in Lexington on September 15. Although we have had
a terrible drought, the weather was glorious! lt is al