xt7pg44hnk89 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7pg44hnk89/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1933-04-07  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, April  7, 1933 text The Kentucky Kernel, April  7, 1933 1933 1933-04-07 2013 true xt7pg44hnk89 section xt7pg44hnk89 L




Best Copy Available







$Prof. Odoriferous Piscatorious

Wifi Others at W.A.C. Banquet


Hampered By Rainy
Weather, Are Training
Hard Daily


By Jl'DY (
U. of K." is the title
of the faculty stunt which will be
presented at the W. A. C. banquet
Monday night; last year the facul-

Year 2.000









Brace Up
Smile, Eds!







business manager.

Of four petitions submitted for
editor of the 1934 Kentuckian, the

board approved those of J. D. Palmer Providence, Junior, College of
Commerce, and a member of Pi
Kappa Alpha fraternity; George
Vogel, Schenectady,
N. Y., Junior,
College of Engineering, Alpha Sigma Phi, and Cameron
Lexington, junior, department of
journalism, Delta Tau Delta.
Other petitioners for Kernel editor were Ralph Johnson, sports editor, and Joe Relster, associate editor. Dan Ewing, business staff, also petitioned for business manager.
To Take Posts April 21
Carter and Turnbull, succeeding
Lawrence Herron and Coleman R.
Smith, Incumbent Kernel editor and
business manager, will take their
posts with the April 21 issue. The
successor to John M. Kane, 1933
Kentuckian editor, will be chosen
from the eligible candidates by vote
of the Junior class.
Horace Helm, president of the
junior class, indicated Wednesday
that he will call the Kentuckian
editor election some time this
month. A tentative date, set by
Helm, is the week after Spring

PERSONAL IDEAS Straight "A" List
Shows 18 Perfect
University Students






cross-purpos- es


Alpha Zeta, Block
And Bridle Plan
Initiation April



Varsity Golf Team
Names Settle Captain


Juniors Will Meet At 5 p. m.
Tuesday To Elect '3
Year Hook


Horace B. Helm, president of the
Junior class, issued a statement
that there will be a meeting of the
entire Junior class at 5 p. m. Tues- day in Room 111, McVey hall for
the purpose of electing the
for the 1934 Kentuckian.
The candidates are. Georee Voeel.
benenectady N. Y.. Alnha. Siemn
Phi: J. D. Palmer. Providence Pt
Kappa Alpha; and Cameron CofT man. Lexington. Delta Tau Delta.
Vogel is a Junior in the College of
Engineering and was associate edi
tor of the year book for ths past
year. J. D. Palmer is an assistant
news editor on The Kernel and is
a Junior in the College of Commerce. Cameron CofTman. a Junior
In the department of Journalism, i
the present circulation manager of
The Kernel.
Applications were passed by the
Board of Publication
on April 4, which is headed by
Prof. Enoch Grehan, head of the
department of Journalism.
committee is successor to the form
er Board of Student Publications,
which was done away with by President McVey when he appointed
the new committee last semester.
In previous years, also the business manager of the Keniuckian
was appointed by the Publications
board, but under the new system,
the editor of the year book may
appoint the business manager provided the candidate for the post
receives the sanction of the Publications committee.


Lamp and Cross

Will Pledge Twelve

Honorary Will Post Shield Be
tween Ad Building and






Straight "A's" have been made by
students during the first semester, 1932-3according to a statement Just released from Dean


Boyd's office.
A sketch summary of the report
reveals that of the "A" students,
the girls led the boys 11 to 7, the
sophomores had 6 on the list, the
seniors and Juniors were tied with
five apiece, while two freshmen
made the grade. Lexington led all
other cities with seven, its nearest
rival being Paris, which placed
with three.
The list follows: George Akin,
Princeton; John Davis, Paris;
Dundon, . Paris; Anna
Bruce Gordon, Winchester; Fannie
Herman, Winchester; George Howard, Lexington; James Hunt, Lexington; Isabel Isgrig, Paris; Ann
Merle Justice,
Jones, Lexington;
Pikevllle; Otto Koppius, Lexington,
Alice Lang, Lexington; Elsa Lisle,
Mary Nash, Harlan;
Marjorie Powell, Baldwin, N. Y.;
Elvis Stahr, Hickman; Charles
Carlisle; and Mary Wharton,


Currier To Lead
Easter Services

Leader of Student ' Volunteer
Movement Will Speak at
6:30 p. m.
secretary of the Student Volunteer
Movement of America, will address

students at the annual Easter worship service this year, at 6:30 p. m.
Sunday, April 16, in Memorial hall,
according to a brief announcement
of preliminary plans made by the
committee in charge of preliminary plans made by the committee
in charge of arrangements, Thursday.

For the remainder of the program, student talent will be used,
primarily. Tentative plans provide
for instrumental and vocal selections. The morning worship service will be in the charge of Sara
Mr. Currier, who will give the
principal address, is an oustanding
speaker to student groups, and will
be in Kentucky to address colleges
and universities in this state during
the week of April 14 to 21. He will
be at the University Tuesday, April
18, for which several meetings have
been scheduled.
The committee which will be in
charge of completing plans for the
affair is composed of Roscoe
Stephens, head of the Lexington
Young People's Religious council,
Dorothy Lykins, June Winslow, Augusta Roberts, and Bart Peak.
New officers for the Y. M. C. A.
be announced Saturday. April
Ballots for the election were
put In university post office boxes
Wednesday. Only members of tne
Y. M. C. A. will receive ballots.



Enough Paper to Make 500
Books of Two Inches Thickness DRESS


cooking marvel, will be taken by
With Publication of
Miss Grunmeycr.
After deciding
April 21 Issue
names the
on their respective
members of the faculty went Into JUNIORS WILL SELECT
a retreat for 20 minutes to mak?
up some clever things to say. and
the writer was put out of the offic? CofTman, Palmer, Vogel
and told to corns to the banquet
ed as Kentuckian Editor
for further information.
Helen Morrison is chairman of
the stunt which will be presented
by the women students at the banWesley E. Carter, 2i years
quet. The scene of the play will
place with Mrs. Mc- - old, Campbellsville, junior in
be at Maxwell
Vey (Eleanor Dawson), presiding at the department of journalism,
the tea table, a number of distinguished guests will call during and a member of Pi Kappa
th? afternoon, Augusta Roberts Alpha fraternity, was ap(Helen Rich)... Miss Berkley, Pat pointed Tuesday by the Board
hall house mother,
Grubbs), Mrs. Server (Ann Duke of Student Publications
editor-in-chiof The KenWoodford I, Mrs. Holmes (Marian-n- a
Lancaster), Mrs. Smith of the tucky Kernel for the school
English department. (Mary Agnes
1933-3Edward R.
Brend), Miss Margie McLaughlin Turnbull, 21, Lexington, jun(Alice Pennington) Miss Desha,
ior, College of Commerce,
nurse at Patt hall.
Delta Tau Delta, was named
on Page Four)

ty stunt was (according to rye witnesses) a little raw; it was too good.
I mean It really was. This year,
decided to
Improvement however,little faculty has with their
mix a
humor, but don't be alarmed iCs
t In Mile Run; Seale rfhd
only simplified education.
Drury in Weights
lectures will be given and to cut
With adverse weather con- down on time they will be given all
ditions hampering the work at Dr. Sapiens Femina, the dearly
of Coach Bernie Shively's beloved president of the University,
' track squad, the Big Blue who is called Sappy by her devoted
cinder artists will have to students, will be portrayed by Miss
will inwork extra hard for the next Sally Pence. Dr. Sapiens illustrious
days in order to be in troduce of theof faculty who will
condition for the meet with In turn give some very enlightenthe Vanderbilt Commodores ing lectures. Prof. Odoriferous
Piscatorious (Mrs. J. Server) will
on Stoll field, April 15.
With rain falling every day for lecture on dead fish (some kind of
anyway and dead is the easiest
almost a week, the Cat trackmen fish
were forced to practice in the rain to spell). Dr. Esther Cole will por- s.
and on a soggy track. The runners tray the role of Pollnarlus The
political science savant.
are nearing their
the field event men and hurdlers
are not ready for action yet.
The sprints seem to be well forBall,
tified with Johnson, Foster,
and Parrish ready to participate in
either the 100 or 220. Ball will run
both the 100 and 220, and possibly
in the mile relay. Parrish has done Ramsay, Kelly
and South Are
the quarter in :53.2, is improving
daily, and will receive aid in this
Featured On Last of
No need to be
event from Carter and Cassady.
Sunday Afternoon
you eds who lost the "Best
Cassady is fast and with a little
Dressed" title yesterday. The
more work should do the quarter as
periodical reading: room of
well as Parrish does.
the library has been given a
is the weakest of TO BE SACRED CONCERT
The half-mil- e
book on men's fashions for
the field events because both men
spring, and it is at the disThe final Sunday afternoon musl-cawho were being groomed for the
posal of all those who would
of the current season will be
event have been forced to quit the
become well dressed.
team because of injuries. Mahan, presented In the Memorial auditorbook is up to the minute in
a long legged sophomore. Is showing ium April 9. A Palm Sunday sacred
styles and has about 200 pages
form, but Shively is searching for concert
Beof colored illustrations. Eventitled, "John,
another man for this event. In loved" will be presented . the Ber
erything from shirts to shorts,
case he can fiend no one else, Cas- tram P. Ramsay,
and from sluts to boots is inbaritone; Abner
sady will run the 880.
cluded In the book which, by
Howard Baker Is better W. Kelley, organist; and Dudley
the way, was donated to the
than ever in the mile and Mahan South, pianist.
library by Mr. James Strauss
Bertram Ramsay is the baritone
is a capable running mate for the
of the Kaufman Clothing-companCat leader. Miller was turning in soloist at the First Methodist
some fine workouts before he church, South has appeared on sevsprained his ankle, and he may yet eral occasions on the Sunday afterbe of service to the Wildcats. Vin- noon series in the past few years.
son, McGaughey, and Baker form His program with Doctor Kelley,
the two mile division for the team two years ago will be remembered
and are all developing into crack as one of the most artistic presentations of the year.
distance men.
Abner W. Kelley, a member of
The field events are still weak
and the coach is hunting for men the English department, is the or' who can pole vault, jump,
throw ganist at the First Methodist
the discus, or put shot. Sam Tut-tl- e church, while South is the organist Forum Discussion Results In
seems to be the best bet in the at the University. He has appearDecided Expressions of Indiscus; John Drury and Frank ed many times as soloist on the
dividual Opinions
Seale are the leading contenders in Sunday programs.
Dudley South, a member of the
the shot put.
"Doug" Parrish and Ralph
mathematics faculty at the UniverAn expression of opinion that
are the pole vaulters and sity has been active in musical
Parrish gives promise of developing circles for several years. He also college students in the present eco
into one of the best Wildcat vaul- has been a member of the Univer- nomic crisis should keep themselves
and should learn to
ters in several years. The hurdles sity Philharmonic orchestra.
are well cared for with Kercheval
The program which these artists make proper use of leisure time was
and Parrish in the 220 lows, and have arranged has for it central made by college students at a meet
Parrish and Emmerich in the 120 theme the favorite disciple of ing of the Student Forum discus
sion devoted to the subject, "The
Christ: John, the Beloved.
College Student's Relation to the
All the men in the jumps are unThe program:
Present Economic Crisis," Tuesday
known quantities, but several are
I. The Witness of the Light
talented performers and may come Wilderrless, Shure; Rioercare, night at Patterson hall.
In the preliminary Informal talk
through arid develop into valuable Palestrina
men. Gene Miller and Don Bra-de- n
Come and made before opening the question
II. The Disciple
in the high jump, and Sale in See, If a Man Loves Me, Woman for student consideration. Dr. Es
ther Cole, faculty leader of the
the broad jump are the best of the Behold Thy Son,
meeting for the Evening, stated
newcomers. Kercheval will do the
III. The Ascension and Pentebroadjump and throw the javelin, costReverie, Capurso; Toccata, that at the present time 14 to 15,- 000,000 potential
but seems to be sole entrant in the Reger.
spear throw. Anyone who can or
IV. The Apostle God So Loved out lfof work and that not more than
of them could be placed in
thinks he can compete in any of the World, Stalner; Be Thou at one-hathe field events see Coach Shively Peace, Bach; Ever Beftr We His industry if all factories and business organizations were operated at
on Stoll field.
Precept In Mind, Halevy.
1929 production rate.
V. The Companion in Tribulaprethat
tionIntermezzo, Rager; Recita- She pointed out order, under the were
sent economic
tive: Behold I Tell You a Mystery, working at
when enHandel; Air: The Trumpet Shall ergy Is devoted to improving techSound, Handel; The River of nical methods which will
throw laLife, Gallico; Amen: The Grace borers out of work, thus decreasing
of Our Lord Be with you, Strickthe purchasing power of the naland.
During the student discussion, .the
point was made that college education in many cases is not relevant
to securing a position. Opinions
One ed casually remarked that
11 were freely expressed andfor portion
of the group remained
a conhe was working and making his
tinuation of the discussion
room and board and another board
Pledging services for Alpha Zeta the meeting was dismissed at after
and Block and Bridle, national p. m.
to sleep on.
agriculture honoraries,
and the
A discussion of the relation of
There will be a special Stroller election of new officers for the religion to problems which have almeeting today at 5 p. m. in ' the Agricultural society will be conready been considered at the Forum
Little theater In White hall. All ducted at the Gingham party which meetings will bring to a close the
will be given by the Agricultural series of Forum discussions with
members are requested to attend.
society from 7:30 until 10 p. m., the fourth and final" meeting at
Mortar Board will meet at 2:30 Tuesday, April 11, in the Judging 7:30 p. m., Tuesday, April 11, in
p. m., Sunday in the Patterson hall, pavilion. Music for the party will the Recreational room of Patterson
reading room for the. purpose of be, furnished by Roy Sharpe and hall. Dr. Amry Vandenbosch, deselecting new members.
partment of political science, will
The pa- his orchestra.
Present officers of the Agricul- be in charge of the meeting and
troness will be present.
tural society are Ollie J. Price, will conduct the discussion.
Dr. A. Ej. Blgge-- professor jof president; Ralph Broadbent,
and Louise Ewing,
German, will speak to the young
peoples' meeting Sunday evening at
Officers of Alpha Zeta, which is
6:15 at Christ Church cathedral.
fraternity for
All students who are interested are a national honorary
invited to attend. Supper will be the promotion of all Agricultural
Evan Settle, Junior in the College
projects, are Robert Reed, presiserved.
of Education, was elected captain
dent; James Downing,
Robert Scott, treasurer, and of the 1933 varsity golf team and
All men interested in trying out
Jack Mohney, student golf Instrucfor the Independent Diamond ball Horace Nicholson, secretary.
Block and Bridle Is a national tor, captain of the freshmen, at a
team may do 60 by reporting to
m. yesterday
manager Recano at Stoll field at honorary organization for fostering meeting heldC. at 3 p. office. J. W.
animal husbandry. Officers of the In Couch J.
4 p. m. Saturday.
of the
local chapter are Herman Roth-wel- l, Steele was elected manager Hillen-meypresident; Tom Quisenberry, varsity squad and waiter
Thomas R. Underwood, managmanuger of the freshmen.
Lee Evans, treasuring editor of the Lexington Herald,
The rather large number of canwill speak at the regular meeting er; and Wendell Howard, secretary.
didates for both freshman and varof the Catholic club at 10:30 a. m.
sity teams has been reduced to
Sunday in the gold room of the PITKIN CUB TO HOLD
FINAL SEMESTER MEET about six fbr each squud. Couch
Lafayette hotel. His subject will be
Jones has called a practice mutch
J. Rogus Miner,
varPitkin club will meet for the between the freshmen and the Pica-dopresident, will preside.
last time this semester at noon sity Tuesday afternoon at the
course. Fred Hardwick will
The Kentucky Home Economics Wednesday. James Newman will
play against Jack Mohney, Haggard
association will meet Friday, April have charge of the food arrangements. Mary Carolyn Terrell, T. V. against Hillenmeyer. Settle against
21, at the Kentucky hotel in Louisville. A tea Is bring arranged for Nedelkoff, and George Skinner, Jim Irvln, Bill Meredith against
the members mid guests of the as- former president, compose the nom- Elliot, Steel against Fllppin, and
inating committee for new officers. John Davis against Glrdler
sociation at the meeting.



the New Staffs to Assume Posts

part of iniuslon


WESLEY CARTER University Stenographers Use

H ill Deliver Lecture in Concert





It has been estimated that the
yearly quota of typewritten papr
turned out by the Unlvcrs ity's
strnmrraphic department is of sufficient amount to fill five hundred
odd books of two Inches in thickness. This department, which is
located In the northeast coiner of
the Administration building, litis
bepn on the campus since 1917. th
year of President McVey's inauguration as president of the University.
President McVey. notine
the crowded conditions of depart
ment stenographers,
decided that
the time was right for the organization of a department to have, as
Its particular function, the attendance to all University communications. Th? department has grown
and expanded, from Its original
fore? of two typists, to a force of
four, who regulate the corresnon- dence of the various departments
At PrcSf,nt Miss Mary Johnston
is in charge of the department with
Mrs. Mable Allen. Mrs. Columbia
Smith, and Miss Mildred Morris,
serving as assistants.
The functions of the department
are many and varied, but its primary purpose is to relieve the department stenographers as much
as possible and to provide secretaries for those members of the
faculty who have no regular appointed typist. It is a service bureau for the University and does
such work as the typing of correspondence, mimeograph work, preparing of the official University
bulletins, which are issued weekly,
and the preparation of quizzes and
No student work is
done, however, because this would
necessitate the presence of more
typists and crowd the departments.
Summer school session is a particularly hard one for the department as the regular correspondence must be attended to as well
as the work of the regular secretaries who are on vacation. The
department recently presented to
the public in behalf of the Women's
club, a mimeographed book form
paper written by Doctor John W.
Manning on the subject "Woman
Citizen." Publications of this sort
are a part of the regular routine of
the department, a process that entails much hard work and accuracy.

The Secretaries club has been
cently organized by members of
the classes in secretarial training
for the purpose of forming con,
tacts with men and women of the
business world, as well as with those
interested In the teaching phase of
commercial education.
The club expects to hold one dinner meeting each month at which
time programs of interest and value
to the members will be presented.
All secretaries on the campus are
Lamp and Cross, senior honorary cordially invited to attend the
meeting Tuesday evening, and to
fraternity, will pledge 13 men today become members of the organizawhen it posts its large shield, with tion.
Prof. A. J. Lawrence of the Colthe names of the pledges on it, between the Administration building lege of Commerce and instructor of
Capt. Clyde the classes in secretarial
and the Armory.
is the faculty adviser of the club.
Grady, Pi Kappa Alpha, and liason The following officers were elected
officer of Scabbard and Blade, hon- at a business meeting last week:
Pitts vStallard. president: Nell
orary advanced military organizaand
tion, will be made an honorary Margaret Bell Humphreys,
member at this
The annual initiation and diner
dance will take place April 21.
time, the pledges will wear
the familiar rosette of black and
Mrs. Margery Hornsby. of the
O. B. Murphy, Lexington, Alpha
Tau Omega ; James C. Bishop, Mur- graduate reading room of the liray, Sigma Alpha Epsilon; S. F. brary, is compiling a picture collecMusselman, Cynthiana, Triangle; tion which covers' highly varied
Paris Mahan, Williamsburg, Alpha types of pictures.' Some of the subjects which the collection shows
Sigma Phi; Joe M. Grimes, Millers-burSigma Alpha Epsilon; Doug- are art, flowers, sculpture, nature
las Parrish. Paris, Phi Delta Theta; scenes, flowers, manuscripts, illusCarl Howell, Hodgenville, Sigma trations copies of famous paintings,
Nu; Wilford Graves, Georgetown, portraits and historical pictures.
At present there are about 500
Pi Kappa Alpha; Reynolds Faber.
Fort Thomas, Sigma Chi; Ralph pictures included in the collection
Edwards. Walton, Lambda Chi Al- and it is requested that anyone
pha; Frank Adams, Lexington, Phi having pictures of any sort, especKappa
Tau; Smith Broadbent, ially those of Kentucky scenes, will
Cadiz, Alpha Gamma Rho; James turn them over to the library to
Hardyman, Maysville, Kappa add to this collection.




Picture Collection
Shows Variety


Orchestra Will Be

Guest of Women

The University Philharmonic orchestra under the direction of Prof.
Carl Lamport will be the guest
artists of the Central Kentucky
Women's club at 3 p. m. Saturday.
The appearance of the orchestic
by invitation of the club is due to
the successful season experienced
by the musical body this season. At
present there are 50 pieces in the
orchestra. They have appeared in
several of the Sunday musicales
and other programs in Lexington
and vicinity.
Samuel Adams, popular tenor
soloist of Lexington, will be the
feature attraction on the program
He will sing
Suturduy afternoon.
two selections of his own choosing.


S( vie Show in

Training School
Auditorium Will Start
at 7:30 p. m.

More than 2,0(10 voles were
ist in the election of the best
dressed man and woman of
the campus held Tuesday and
Wednesday, April
and 5, in
McVey hall. This was probably the largest vote ever taken at the University in proportion to the size of the student body.

To carry out further the program of the contest. The Kernel
is forced to withhold the names
of the winners from publication
until tonight when they will be
announced at the style show to
be held at 7:30 in the auditorium
of the Training school.
Tuesday's edition of The Kernel
contained the ballots used in the
election, and the issuing of the pa
per on that morning
the balloting. All day the voting
ran heavy and continued at a
somewhat slower rate Wednesday.
The counting of the votes took
place Wednesday afternoon in the
business office of The Kernel. Committees selected from the editorial
and business staffs of the paper had
charge of the counting.
The fact that no nominations
were made caused a large number
of candidates to receive votes. Seven hundred ballots were cast for
approximately 20 males, and 500 for
15 female candidates.
The contest among the women
was close, the winner of first place

defeating her nearest candidate by
hardly three dozen votes. The remainder of the ballots were widely

Newly Organized
Secretaries Club
To Meet Tuesday



Co-e- d

The sponsors of the contest are
working yet on the program to be
offered at the style show. Several
persons of local talent will present
acts, in conjunction with the announcing of the winners In the
contest. The various winners will
model the prizes they won.
Those who will probably appear
on the program are the Kentucky
The newly organized Secretaries Cardinals quartette; Ruby Dunn,
vocalist; Whitlock
club will hold its first dinner meet- Jimmie Sammonds, Fennell, whistler;
and Mary King
ing at 6 p. m., Tuesday, April 11 Montgomerey, pianists, and others.
No admission will be charged for
in the University commons.
interesting program will be given the entertainment.
which will include talks by Dean
Edward Wiest and Mr. Robert


Kernel Unable To
Names of Ed and


Prof. R. D. Mclntyre, of the College of Commerce, will be the principal speaker at the final meeting
of the International Relations study
club at 7:45 p. m. Tuesday, April 11.
in the faculty club rooms at McVey
Professor Mclntyre's talk on "International Relations and Music"
will bring to a close a series of discussions on the general theme of


Concerts Changed To Sundays, at 4 p. m., from
Thursdays; 50 Pieces Listed in New Organization
The annual twilight concert serthe concert band under
the direction of Elmer G. Sulzer,
will inaugurate the official heralding of the University that spring
is here when it presents its first
concert of the year from 4 to 5
p. m. Sunday, April 30, in the Memorial hall amphitheater.
concert is the first of five to be
weekly, at this same
hour, until May 28.
In beginning this year's series of
concerts, many new. features will
appear oh the programs, and all of
them will be presented on Sunday
afternoons in place of previous concerts which were given on Thursday evenings.
The concert band of this year
numbers more than 50 pieces, and
a difficult and extensive reportoire
which will please every concert fan
has been rehearsed by the band
and will be presented before its audiences in pleasing arrangements.
Many of the numbers are recent
broadway hits from musical comedies such as "Good News," and "Of
Thee I sing."
On each program there will appear added attractions in the form
of unique Instrumental ensembles.
A clarinet quartette, brass quartette, trios, and the popular "German Band." which gained much
popularity from its renditions at,
the season's basketball games, will
be present.
In addition to the series of
conceits, the conevrt band
will give five broadcasts, starting
on Friday. April 28. May 5. 12, 19.
and 28. They will also appear on
a benefit program. Thursday, May
U. in Midway.
ies, given by




The University debate team, represented by James A. Moore and
Frank G. Trimble, won a technical
negative decision from the Georgetown college team Wednesday aft"Intellectual
The ernoon in a debate held in Room
public has been cordially invited to 231. McVey hall.
The subject of the debate wa.
attend the last meeting of the club
Resolved: "That the United States
for this school year.
and Germany Should Cancel All
Professor Mclntyre. in connecd
War Debts." The Unition with his lecture, will use his
versity men upheld the negative,
valuuble collection of phonograph
records to demonstrate the various while Louis Higgins and Homer
types of music in the United States Smith,
representing Georgetown,
spoke on the affirmative.
and other countries.


� Best Copy

Pajje Two
Is active In outstanding associa
tions. The honors which have come
his wav, owing to his contributions
Piillibrrl on Tnc1.is and Fridays
to education, are far too numerous
to mention in this brief editorial.
National College I'rrw Awn mi ion
In June of this year he will be
Kentucky Inicriollrgialc I'rw
eligible for transfer to professor-emerituAwn iatinn
having reached the age
Lexington nonrd of Cnnuncrre
limit aet by the University senate.
Through The Kernel, the student
Ofliri.il Newspnrr of the StmlrnM of
the I nivenil) ol kriitnk. LcxinRion body, faculty, and alumni wish to
thank Dean Melcher for his conSiilncriplion $2 00 a r.r. Fnlritd at tribution to the Institution and to
Lexington, Kv.. IVwloffnc as Second
extend warm felicitations of good
Claw M.til M.iMer.
health and happiness henceforth.

The Kentucky Kernel



Hrrron .. Mi tor in Chirf
With the sun finally breaking
Maitin C. H'm lis . . . Managing Editor
Frcil II. SheilvAwt. Managing Kdiior through the clouds to herald a late
spring, college students have asASNCK.I All Fll l"ORS
sumed an unsportsman-lik- e
Man Jo
James R. Miner
DisJoe S.
tude by way of celebration.
missed early from classes or havANSIS I AN I 11)1 I ORS
irginia I re Moore ing a free hour, some students give
Ftank Adams
vent to their exhilarated feelings
I ilrran Editor
ime A. Matthew
feature Editor by annoying classes In session.
Judith Chad iik
Although there are many places
Irl Editor
lolmnie C.r.iddotk
Drama Editor on the campus where students sufWclwlcr C'.nsviSociety Editor fering from spring fever can relieve
Kliahrth Hardin
VirWy Editor their excess emotions, collegians
Willie II Smiili
N.iika llciker tend to loiter about halls and doorlianres Itnvli
Jean Anderson
ways of the buildings. Open winNI'KIAI. WRI I I RS
dows and doors carry the sounds
Houard I.. Cleveland
of their boisterous conversations to
. .Vein Editor
class rooms and disturb class proKolcrt II. Miiiatiuhev
No thought evidently is
given to the fatt that students and
I). I'almei
Maiy Carolyn Terrell
Hen I Tailor
professors in class rooms are being
Such conduct is not indicative of
Ann Hoinshy
Jav Lillian
Sara Del.ong
Mary A. Hremt
true college spirit. The University
Agnes Savage
Morton Collin
administration expects the students
Sylvester Ford
Fail Bourgeois
matriculated here to conform to
C. Hulelt
rules and regulations as a municil)a
itiooks Kirk
Mta Mac Cole
pality expects its citizens to conJ.uk May
manEditor duct themselves In a decorous
Ralnh E. lohnson
ors Editor ner.
Adams . . . Asst.
Disturbing classes in session Is
suge Quinn not a serious offense; yet It
Henry C. McCown
gests a discourteous attitude which
J. n Wells
is not characteristic of the serious
Ccman R. Smith .. Hiiuiic" Manager college student. It is to be hoped
that. In the future, these thoughtAdivrtising Manager
Ned Tiimlmll
will supress their
Rolwrt Nail less offenders
Dave Dilford
outbursts until they are assured
Dan F.wing
Miss Warren
that they will not annoy others.
Circulation Manager
C V. Coftman



Rri-.ir- r










Friday, April 7,



THEY SAY "Bell's RooterVs Hare the Best Looking Shoe."

conducted by JANE ANN MATTHEWS


Our Easter Footwear Styles

Poems featured In this Issue of Rising, rising upward for a moment,
The Kernel are the compositions Flutter softly back Into the night.
of Elizabeth Clay. Miss Clay Is a
Whistle the phantom echo!
I received a letter the other day.. grarluate student. She received her
Whistle and then alight.
It wasn't much of a letter... but degree from the University. Du