xt7pg44hnk64 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7pg44hnk64/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1932-11-04  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, November  4, 1932 text The Kentucky Kernel, November  4, 1932 1932 1932-11-04 2013 true xt7pg44hnk64 section xt7pg44hnk64 Best Copy Available





KY. ASSOCIATION Rousing Send-of- f
DEANS OF WOMEN Is Given Wildcats

At Union Station

SuKy Plans Welcome For Uig Has By SYLVESTER FORD liquor
Canada a system of
Annual Two Day Meeting Illue Upon Return of Team control that the United States
Opens With 40 School OfSunday Afternoon
for prohibition?
should exchange
It has not, according to Ben Sprnce
ficers Attending


send off

for the

"flghtinest team In the South" was
WEBB HEAD SPEAKERS given the Wildcats at the Union
President and Mrs. McVey To station last night as they left for
Durham for their annual football
He Hosts to Delegates at

Saturday Hrcakfast

Kentucky Association of Deans of
Women will hold its annual meeting today and Saturday at the
with Sarah O. Holmes, assistant denn of women, and president of the association, presiding.
About 40 deans of women from
schools throughout the state are
expected to be present.
The association will open Its convention at 2 p. m. today at Boyd
Annual election of officers
will be made at this session, and
several social affairs have been

Among prominent speakers scheduled to appear on the program are
Dr. Anna L. Rose, Carnegie Foundation for Advancement of Teaching;
Miss Josephine Simrall, dean of
women at the University of Cincinnati; Pres. Frank L. McVey, and
Dr. W. S. Webb, head of the physics
department and professor of archaeology at the university.
After the afternoon session today
a tea will be given for the delegates. Dean Sarah Blanding and
Mrs. Holmes will have the delegates
as their guests for a dinner Friday night.
The Saturday morning meeting
will be held at Maxwell place with
President and Mrs. Frank L. McVey as ho-tand with the delegates
as guests for breakfast. Miss Rose
will bo the principal speaker on
the morning program, after an address by Marguerite Reasor, Highland junior high school. The meeting will end at noon Saturday after
a luncheon at 12:15 p. m. in Boyd
Miss Catherine Morat of J. M.
Atherton high school, Louisville, is
secretary-treasurof the association.
Included among deans who are
expected to attend the convention,
(Continued on Page Four)

with Duke University tomorrow at 2 p.m. SuKy also plans to
welcome the team home when they
arrive at 4.10 p.m. Sunday at the
Union station.
The committee which was In
charge of the send-olast night
will sponsor a pep meeting which
planned for next Friday night,
preceding the homecoming
with Tulane on Saturday. The
committee will attempt to get per- mission for a bonfire and a torch
light parade at this rally.
contest will be
climaxed at the homecoming game.
The winner of the contest will be
presented a silver loving cup and a
free shave on Stoll field between the
halves of the game. The winner
will be selected as the man having
the longest and heaviest beard. The
Judges of the contest will be announced In a few days. In the
meantime, SuKy asks that all male
students allow their beards to remain unshaven until the contest is



Social Calendar
To Be Released
Several Fraternities Fail To
Petition For Dance


Deans will release the sociar cal
endar for this year as soon as the
various committees
and councils

can pass on it. Approximate release
date will be about November 15.
According to Dean C. R. Melcher,
all the dates should have been
turned In several days ago, but a
few fraternities on the campus
failed to petition for dates before
the last day and so they will not
be granted a dance unless other arrangements are made.
In order to draw up the social
calendar the dates must be turned
in to Dean Melcher, who examines
them and gives them to the Student council who In turn makes the
choice between fraternities for the
The calendar
then must be sent back to Dean
Melcher who places it before the
university senate for final approval.
The senate Is scheduled to meet
net on November 14 at which time
In Brief
the calendar will be presented. The
Dean of Womens' conference meets;
calendar In its accepted form will
Wildcats sent to Duke to beat;
then be published in The Kernel
Co-emust have Ma's consent.
if It Is accepted
Or Knoxville bound they will not on November
by the senate.
Muslcale plans come a'rushin';
Y. M. C. A. begins discussion;
Council slams class politicians;
Gridgraph to relay teams' conditions.
Bliss Warren, chairman of the
Two university
students were World Fellowshin committee of the
omitted from the list of Stroller Y. W. C. A., reviewed "A Daughter
Clyde of th Samurai" bv Etsu Inagaki
eligibles published recently.
Reeves and Dorothea Lyons are the Sagimoto, at the first meeting of
the additional eligibles to the uni- that committee tnis year, at p.m.
versity dramatic group.
Wednesday In the "Y" rooms.
The book, an autobiography of a
Open house for University stucast,
dents will be held Sunday afternoon Japanese girl of the higher edu
from 5:30 until 6:30 o'clock at Cal- was discussed as It related to
vary Baptist church, corner of cational methods and customs.
which Is the creneral toDle of dis
Rhodes avenue and High street.
cussion which will be considered by
"Open rush week" starts today as the World Fellowship committee
the sororities make their second bid this year. A second meeting oi ine
for new pledges. The bids must be organization which will be held will
In Dean Blanding's office by noon 4 p.m. Wednesday of next week
Friday, November 11. There are no also be given over to the study of
Japan. The programs Tor otner
set rules for this week.
A meeting of the business staff meetings through the year include
of the Kentuckian and the sales th discussion of Chinese. Indian,
representatives from eaoh of the and Russian student life and cusfraternities and sororities will be toms.
held at 3:15 p. m. Friday afternoon
in the Kentuckian business office
Plans and procedure for the sales
campaign In connection with the
annual beauty contest will be explained.
Roadside marketing of fruit will
If you haven't bought your copy be one of the subjects discussed the
meeting of
of the Kampus Kat, see John Crad-doc- k the annual winter
soor Fred Shells and get It to- Kentucky State Horticultural Colday. Don't forget that It Is a month- ciety December 1 and 2. at the Ec
Alvin O.
lege of Agriculture.
ly magazine.
kert. president of the Illinois Horlead the disMembers of the general editorial ticultural society will
Kentuckian are hero cussion.
staff of the
Mr. Eckert Is one of Illinois' large
informed that work is going on from
The commercial fruit growers and has
3 to 5 p. m. every afternoon.
editor states that there Is consider- had much experience with selling
at a roadside stand. He will make
able work to be done.
two addresses at the convention, one
Will the person who found a new of which will be on the general out"Roman Literature In Translation" look of the fruit business in the
please return It to Marvin Wachs middle west.
at The Kernel News room?
Other speakers on the program
are Prof. J. S. Shoemaker of the
All proofs have been received In Ohio Experiment
station; Frank
the Kentuckian office and will be Street, manager of the Cardinal
Persons not orchards, Henderson; Dr. H. Van
returned tomorrow.
having seen their proots are urged Antwerp, Farmer; Joe Brav. Bedto make their selections today.
ford: Dr. J. B. Jordan, Mlddletown;
Personal pictures have been re- William C. Johnstone, agricultural
ceived for J. E. Marks. CI. L. Orif-feagent In McCracken countv; and
Olen Smith, MrMahnn, R. J. members of the faculty of the horAustin, and Hie Smith. They may ticultural department at the Kenbe had In the Kentuckian office tucky College of Agriculture and
from 3 to 5 p. m. dally.
Experiment station.



Book Review Is

Given By Warren

Fruit Growers
To Meet

at U. K.

former Canadian official since Canada's sytcm of liquor control is not
a system in fact but only In name.
"Canada's system is not what the
people of the United States believe
it to be."
These were some of the startling
statements made by Mr. Ben H.
Spence, noted Journalist
and au
thority on Canada's liquor control
system, who addressed an assembly
of about 200 persons Tuesday night,
November 1 in Patterson hall on
"Canada's Liquor Control System."
Mr. Spence pointed out that of
the total of 5,330 establishments
dispensing alcoholic beverages in
the dominion of Canada, only 642
wore government owned and controlled, the other 4.688 being operated by private capital for private
profit. He showed that since the

Y. M. C.


Seventeen Fraternities Hold
Regular Weekly Meetings
UnrVr Auspices of
"Y" Leaders
Unlversitv Y. M. C. A. discussion
groups were organized this week at
the various fraternity and boarding
houses. The meetings, which are
annual affairs, are sponsored by
the "Y", and will continue for six
weeks. The university has led the
southern schools in attendance at
these groups for many years.
Purposes of the "Y" discussion
groups are to talk over with the
students the diversified problems
arising from social and personal
sources and the quandaries
life. The gatherings
in every-da- y
orp under the leadership of mem
bers of the faculty and students.
Seventeen out of the 19 fraternities are conducting groups. Siirma
Beta Xi plans to start nc-- t week.
The groups and their leaders are
as follows: Alpha Gamma Rho,
Prof. W. S. Webb: Alpha Lambda
Tau, Prof. J. S. Ho"ine; Alpha
Phi, Dr. Henri Beaumont: Alpha Tau Omega, Dr. H. H. Pitzer;

romniK rvinh.Prnf

L. L.


Delta Cht, Rev. Hayes Farish: Del
ta Tau Delta, Dr. Howard Morgan;
Kappa Sigma, Prof. Edwin Freeman T.n mhda Chi Omega. Mr. W.
C. McCarty; Phi Delta Theta, Rev.
George Heaton; Phi Kappa
Mr. Aubrey Morse and Prof. C. S.
Ricma Kanoa. Mr. D.
H. Peak: Pi Kappa Alpha, Dr. J.
Holmes Martin.
Alnha Eosilon. Prof. Roy
Moreland: Sigma Chi, Dr. W. W.
White; Sigma Nu. Dean Edward
Wlest; Trianele, Dr. Otto itoppius;
119 Bassett Court. Dan Shacklett;
Bart Peak:
(vi9 Maxwelton Court,
Proi. r.
338 Harrison Avenue,
Karraker; 343 Harrison Avenue,'
33fl Harrison Ave- nuncur
nue, Forrest Sale; 725 Rose Street,
Robert Stewart; 628 soum t,uiic-ston- e
Street, Ru Bee: 260 South
Street: Hubert Odor;
Breckinridge Hall, south, Charles
Yancey; middle. Morton wauier.

north, John Carter;


passage of the first government
control act in 1923, the per capita
of liquor Increased
from 2.83 to 5.27 gallons per annum, and that hand in hand with
the increase in the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages had
come a tremendous
increase in
crime and In accidents caused by
He also pointed out that the
amount of alcohol contained in the
liquor increased from 2,500.000 gallons in 1023 to 5,200.000 gallons In
1931. Such a triangle is not Just
a coincidence, but conclu.sivs proof
of the fallacy of the belief that
government control is the solution
of the liquor problem, according to
Mr. Spence.
Mr. Spence stated that instend of
solving Canada's liquor problem
and ridding the dominion of the
saloon, Canada's system of liquor
control had only succeeded In adding a touch of respectability to
the traffic in alcoholic beverages,
and in greatly increasing the number of bootleggers. He offered this
as almost conclusive proof that the
repeal of the eighteenth amendment
would not solve ti e gangster and
bootlegger problem. In fact, he upheld the eighteenth amendment as
a great factor in educating the
American people away from the
use of liquor by the process of outlawing all persons transporting and
selling such beverages, and stated
that in this respect it wrs greatly
to Canada's s y st e m,
through which the Canadian government had lost all such educational influences through its partnership with the bootlegger.

First Program
Afternoon; Is

Artist Member of Cincinnati Conservatory Faculty


Chanson d'Amour et de Souci
The freshman ana varsity iuui,- - Hue.
ball squads are included in the Aris de Lia from L'Enfant
groups, and have special advisers.






Student Loan Fund
Capital Decreasing

Block and Bridle Club will meet
7:30 p.m. Monday In the AgricuAll
lture building.
urged to be present as further
plana for the Annual Fall Festival
which will be given November 18.
will be discussed and pledges are
to be selected.

The Student Loan Fund has
loaned approximately $600 this year
to needy and worthy students who
are having financial troubles. A
PROGRAMS TO BE RELEASED totul of 24 of those enrolled this
year have received an average
The International relations class amount of $25 as the money is be
programs for the year are not out. ing made to helu as many as possi
According to Mrs. Frank L. McVey. ble. Dean Webb reports that the
a member of the program commitcapital Is low, but that he could not
tee, thev will be released In about give out any figures In regard to
two weeks.
the matter.

Season Tickets Will Sell
at $1.00 Each
One of the most Important social
events of the year, the annual military ball, will be sponsored February 24 by Scabbard and Blade,
honorary military fraternity. Pledging of new members to Scabbard
and Blade will be held at the dance.
The first Cadet hop of the year
will be given December 4. Pershing Rifles, basic military fraternity.
Is In charge of the ticket sale for
these dances. They are held from
4 to 6 p m. in the afternoon.
will continue through January and
Ma'ch and season tickets are on
sale for $1.00.
The social committee of Scab
bard and Elade, which Includes
George Stewart, chairman, Charles
Maxon, and James MacRoberts, is
in charge of the military ball and
cadet hops.
Members of Scabbard and Blade
are as follows: Harry Emmerick,
Ollie Price, recretary;
Horace Helm, treasurer: L. B. Da
vis, Thornton Helm. Malcom Foster, James MacRoberts, Charles
Maxson, George Stewart.
Coffman, Ray
Skinner, Cnmeron
Alford, Howard Baker. Lawrence
Herron, Fores'; Mussclman, Gnvl"n
Harvev. Ray Ratljff, Edward Moffat, William Luther, and Thoma-Quisse- n

Holmes Cites Rates
For Knoxville Trip
Parents' Consent Necessary
For Women to Attend

According to information received
by Mrs. P. K. Holmes, assistant
dean of women, from the Louisville
and Nashville Rnilroad company, a
Pullman car will be chartsred for
those women who plan to attend
the Tennessee game, if the party
includes at least 25 members.
If the chartered Pullman is procured, the total cost for rail and
for the
sleeper accommodations
round trip would be $15.48. The
be reduced to $14.23 if
fare would
there were 30 women in the party.
The train will leave Lexington at
11:30 pm. November 23 and arrives
in Knoxville at 6 a. m., November
24. Returning, they will leave Knoxville at 11:30 p. m. November 24
and arrive in Lexington the next
morning. Accommodations on the
chartered car basis would permit
the use of the sleeper as a hotel
while in Knoxville. No meals are
included In the above quotations.
The following quotations were
made for a round trip ticket, which
includes rail and pullman cost without a chartered car:
One person occupying lower berth,

U. S. Accountants

aramey nun, Franck.

issued by Major
roii hm
Brewer for 250 boys to form an or
ganized cheering section ior me
game. Boys are
asked to come in uniform before
the game, and there they will be
organized by SuKy, pep organiza
tion. Previous pracuce is uui, nec
Axru-Hinitn Malor Brewer, the
boys will be seated in one section
before the game, forming the let
ters "UK", with the background be
ing furnished by the remainder oi
the student body.
This nttpmnt tn form an organ
ized cheering section is the first in
several years. A few years ago me
came to the
RO.T.C. members
came In uniform and filled a re
served section. At these games the
cheering was the best that the university has ever had. It is Malor
Brewer's plan to restore the Kentucky cheering In a measure at
least partly equal to that In other

First Cadet Hop Is Dee. 4;

Mary Ann Kaufman Brown,
will be the feature artist on
the first program of the series of
Sunday afternoon musicales which
are sponsored annually by the university. The program, which will
be presented at 4 o'clock Sunday
afternoon in Memorial hall, is under the direction of the unive-sit- y
music committee.
Prof. R. D.
is In charge of arranging the
Mrs. Brown's recital last year on
this series was one of the highlights of the season and she was
for an appearance this year. She is an artist member of the faculty of the
Cincinnati Conservatory of Music
and has had extensive concert experience
throughout the middle
west. She has appeared freauent- lv as soloist with the Chicago North $15.47.
Shore Music Festival, the Cincin
Two persons
nati May Festival, and with Chica- berth, $23.44 or $11.72 each.
go, San Francisco, Minneapolis and
One person occupying upper
Cincinnati Symphony Orchestras.
Mrs. Brown will be assisted at berth, $13.75.
Two persons occupying upper
the piano by Dr. George Leighton,
prominent Cincinnati critic and berth, $21.94 or $10.97 each.
Two persons occupying drawing
composer. The program is as fol
room, $42.94 or $21.47 each.
Four persons occupying drawing
Aria Hear Ye Israel! (from Eli- room, $58.88 or $14.72.
The party will be chaperoned and
jah) Mendelssohn.
will go on the same train as that
transporting the university band.
Romance Debussy.
Le Mariage des Roses

second floor, Tom Lynch.

Major Asks Cadets
To Form Special
Cheering Section



Annual Ball Is
Set For Feb. 24


Will Sing In
on Sunday


Scabbard-Blad- e



Er Ist's Hugo Wolf.
Valse de Chopin Marx.
Morgan Strauss.
Die Krone Gerlehtet Erich Wolff
The Shepherdess MacMurrough.
Spring-tim- e
The Sleep that Flits on Baby's
Eyes Carpenter.
River Boats from Sketches
Paris Manning.
The Street Fair from Sketches
of Paris Manning.







Lexington Alumni Club met Monday night at the Lafayette hotel to
make plans for Homecoming. Saturday, November 12. The club will
sponsor a Homecoming dance that
night at the Alumni gym. November Issue of the Alumnus Magazine
will be Issued the last of next week.
It will contain articles on art. organization, of colleges, news from
other colleges, and sports.

account of the
battle will be
liven via the gridgraph beginning at 1 p. m. Saturday
in the Alumni gym.


Mummer, director of publicity
at the university, will be In
charge of the attraction. In
addition to reporting
fame at liurhani, l be
of the Froth - Vandy
game also will be announced
at the end of each quarter.
A small adinihslon will be
charged and students will be
required to prex-u- t
books at the door of the gymnasium, it is (Ut4.
pro-gre- wi

To Hear Prof. Haun
Prof. R. D. Haun, College of
Commerce, will speak on "Statistical
Costs and Accounting Costs" at a
meeting of the Louisville chapter
of the National Association of Cost
Accountants to be held November
15, at the Brown hotel, Louisville.
The monthly meeting will be in
charge of W. R. Epperson, construction auditor of the Louisville Gas
and Electrical company.
The Louicville chapter is one of
the 40 chapters of the national association. It consists of more than
100 members and represents all the
larger industrial concerns in Louis
On December 2, Professor Haun
will present a paper at a professional meeting of the Kentucky So
ciety of Certified Public Aceoun-!buitants on "Legislation for Public
The meeting will be
held at the Kentucky hotel, Louisville.


The Return

The Apple


Remember the time when
It was customary to bring a
big red apple to school each
morning for the teacher? The
custom is still prevalent even
In college circles.
Dr. Other ( ole tn conducting a class In political parties. Yesterday morning when
the good teacher strolled Into
the class room she found a
nice Juicy Bilriwin apple on
her desk. And who do you
believe presented the good
teacher with the toothsome
morsel? Well, we won't tell
(airs out of the class room,
Hoss" Scale, the
but little
Wildcat center, was seen
scampering away from the
desk just before teacher entered the room.
Teacher's pet!

Class Committee Member of
Current Year Are Cleared
by Move
Presidents Will Keep Appointive Power llndor Terms
of Resolution

Kentucky Contingent Left
Last Nijrht With 22
Players Aboard



With their star kicker, Ralph
Krrchcvnl. out of the lineup and
other members of the tram hampered by injuries the Wildcats will
face Wallaca Wade's Duke Blue
Devils tomorrow afternoon in Durham. N. C.
The Kentucky contingent, conches, 22 players, managers and newspaper scribes left Lexington over
the C. fe O. Inst night at 8:30 o'clock. A crowd of well wishers was
on hand to givs the bovs a send-oand urged on by SuKv they imparted cheer to the Wildcats.
The 'Cats have little reason to
feci cheerful for Wallace Wade's
teams hav? always beaten the Blue
and White outfits.
Niver has a
Wildcat team enjoyed success
against one of the Wade coached
teams. This year the Devils have
a light team, both In the line and
backllcld but it is very powerful
and strong on the defense and
boasts of a dangerous passing attack. Tennessee hd, a terrib'e time
beating the Devils last week, doin
so only in the last few minutes of
play by virtue of a field goal kicked
by "Breezy" Wynn.
Mason and
Laney are fast backs and gained
consistently against the Vols.
Joe Rupert, talented 'Cat end who
has been under observation for the
past week for appendicitis was reported by his physician to be able
to play Saturday and will be seen
at his usual post at the terminal.
"Pug" Bach also is suffering from a
few minor injuries but will see
plenty of action. Kercheval's ailing
leg was unimproved and he will not
be able to perform against the


Although they took a terrific battering from the Alabama forwards
last Saturday, Captain "Bud" Davidson, George Skinner and their
cohorts in the Big Blue line are
ready to go against Duke. For the
first time this season Coach Shivery has his full line strength ready
for service and has four tackles of
almost equal ability and two good
reserve guards In addition to the
regulars. The three centers are In
tip top shape and the ends are in
first class physical condition.
Kreuter has about recovered from
the abuse he received at the hands
of the Tide and Rupert Is reported
O.K. after his recent examination
by the medicos. Tate Duff, one of
the best defensive ends on the squad.
will be ready to step into the breach
of either of the regulars falter.
Skinner, still a trifle sore from
the terrible punishment he took in
(Continued on Page Four)

Sterna Delta ChT
To Select Pledges
For Fall Semester

Pledges of Sigma Delta Chi, na
tional professional Journalism fraternity, will be announced
week, according to Gilbert Kings- President of the local chap- ter. Plans for the forthcoming
year are near completion and the
programs of the chapter will be released in the near future.
Negotiations are also under way
to bring a nationally known comedian to the campus under the aus
pices of Sigma Delta Chi, it war
announced. The name of this man
will not be released as it is the deR.
Portmann, sire of the chapter to present him
Professor Victor
department of Journalism, is In as a surprise to the student body.
Cincinnati today and tomorrow The chapter held its last meeting
where he is making two addresses at the home of Professor Victor R
before the National Scholastic Press Portmann, faculty advisor of the
association at the Hotel Gibson. His fraternity.
assigned subjects Include:
Typography of Magazines. An
nuals, and Newspapers" for Friday
morning, and "Typography of College Publications"
for Saturday
Miss Janette Metcalf, graduate
The scholastic association In the class of "27. died recently of
cludes all the high schools In the Puris, Fiance. For the past few
United States, as well as division years. Miss Metcalf had been studyorten to colleges and universities. ing French and Spanish and durThe membership In the association ing her stay In France had received
numbers well over two thousand, severul scholarships. Including the
with over 250 colleee and universi- Lausanne Scholarship.
Miss Met-cu- lf
ties represented.
The Greater Cinwas a graduate of the Arts and
cinnati 8eholatle Press Oulld. hosts Sciences College, a member of Phi
to the convention, are entertaining Beta Kappa, and Chi Omega social
over 1,500 delegates.

Queen City Meeting

Hears Portmann

Graduate, Class '27,
Dies in France

"Unfounded accusations," of gTaft
and corruption among members of
student commit tjes were the target
of a resolution passed by the Men's
Student council late Thursday.
The resolution, introduced
James Curtis, sophomore councilman, Commerce college, set out
that charges of dishonesty have
been lodged maliciously
members of undergraduate committees "by those persons who have
been disappointed in campus political affairs."
In order to exonerate members of
undergraduate committees of the
current year of similar charges, all
contracts let by class committees
in the future will be submitted to
the council for approval.
TJndrr terms of the resolution, no
contract made by class committees
will be valid until it is signed by
both the president and the secretary of the council, with approval
of a majority of the. council. This
limitation, however, will not be
operative in restricting powers allocated to presidents of various
classes to appoint members of committees under their control. The
council can t.nke no part in actual
making of contracts, but has the
power of nullifying any contract
drawn by any class committee empowered to expend money from
clas- - funds or from funds "derived
from members of classes.
Committees mentioned specifically in Thursday's resolution are the
senior invitation committee, senior
ring committee, senior ball committee, and junior prom committee.
CnmnMe text of the resolutions:
WHEREAS: Charges of graft and
corruption in the past have been
lodged against various university
undergraduate committees, and
WHEREAS: Members of the student council feel It is their duty to
prevent any intimation of dishonesty among student officers, and
Men's Student council are convinced
that these charges are entirely
without foundation and have been
lodged maliciously by those persons
(Continued on page Four)


Division Will lie Made After
Close of Football Season;
Concert and Basketball
Bands to be Formed
The University of Kentucky band,
consisting of 90 pieces, directed by
Professor Sulzer, which has been
playing at football games, will, as
soon as football season is over, be
divided into two separate units, concert band and basketball band.
The concert band will begin exThe
tensive work on repertoire.
band has broadcast over WHAS four
preceding football games, and
plans to give a program i'rom 6:30
to 7 o'clock at Knoxville, Tenn.
Six twilight programs will be presented in the spring in addition to
broadcasts which will be planned
from time to time. On November
5 from 11:45 to 12:45 the band will
club program,
broadcast on the
sponsored by the Department of
for 23,000
The basketball band will play for
military parades as well as for basof the
ketball games. Twenty-fou- r
band capes have been cleaned, and
had their linings bleached. After
the Kentucky - Alabama football
game, the members of the band
were entertained at tea by the Alpha XI Deltas.
Officers of the band for the first
semester are as follows:
Wiley Foreman, sergeant quarter-muste- r;
Elizabeth Jones, sponsor;
Crosby Bean, drum major: Rocer
Clark, corporal librarian: Edward
Barlow, captain, chief musician,
head clarlne section, band head,
assistant director, in charge wood-wi- n
ensembles: Roy Hahns. cantain.
business manager, head saxonhone
section, rank head:' Frederick Moore
serireant. head trombone section: R.
McDowell, sergeant, rankhead. locker supervisor; John Potter, corporal,
head baritone section: Gayle Tudor,
sergeant: Herndon Blades, cornor-a- l.
head locker supervisor; James
Scholl, sergeant, rankhead. section
head: Robert Jennet, cantain. head
cornet section, rank head, chief bugler; Henry Hall, corporal, supervisor of properties: Earle Havs, sergeant; John Buskie.
James Miller, rank head: assistant
director, in charge brass ensembles:
Edunr Bagshaw. cantain pHnctnal
musician: Joe McDanlel. senennt,
drill assistant, rank hed: William
McClure, corporal, section head,
rnnk head, drill assistant: Fred
Crowley, corporal: Ben Stark, sergeant; C. L. Oooch, cornoral. rank
head: Orba Traylor. sereeant: Carl
Boone, sergeant, head horn section,
rank head: Justlm Bluekerbv. cornoral, assistant supervisor of properties, Thomas
Scott, corporal,
head bass section, rank bead; Jim
Templln, sergeant.



� Best Copy

Pape Two

The Kentucky Kernel


Thouqh qlasses mau.
detract somewhat
From their complex-






ions briqht,

I've found that cites
toearinq them have
At least achieved fore




Art Editor
Dramatic Editor
Literary Editor

Ray Stark
Howard L. Cleveland



Mary Carolyn Terrell
J. D. Palmer
Robert H. McOaughcy

Peggy Wallace
Jack Wild
Ben Taylor
Myrtle Polk Prank Adam
Jack Qulnn
Judith Chadwlck
Marjorle Hoagland
W. Shotwell
Sylvester Pord
Mary Brend
Florence Kelley
Betty Dimmock
Marjorle Welst
Jane Hamilton
Sara DcLong
Sporll editor
DELMAR ADAMS . . Assist. Sports Editor
A. Stanley Trlckett
Henry C. McCown
Oene Lutes
Joe Qulnn
Edward Watts
COLEMAN R. SMITH . . Business Manager
Dave Difford


William Carney

Robert Nail
Bliss Warren

CAMERON COFFMAN. Circulation Manager


Have you heard Louise Johnson
say "Just
and Don McOurk
Quit now I. . .Freshett
Rcotly Hobart also says that the
home town boy who drives up from
Danville for that standing date Is
an old friend of the family...
At the mention of someone "yell- lng In the cellar." why do Tat hall
pirls scream "Hurray for Delta
Tail"?. . Alfagam Petty Davis has
a Slcma Nu pin I Who said "Music






Bring Us Your Prescriptions

102 E. Main St.

Lexington, Ky.

Speaking of states, we wonder if
it's easier Macon Oeorgla or Wheeling West Virginia.

lights have been seen illumi-

nating unoccupied class and laboratory rooms. This waste of money,
resulting from the indifference of
those who switch on the lights, is a
black eye for school economy.
Unquestionably the university is
running under strained conditions.
The budget has been slashed by the
legislature; President McVey has
adopted a new scale of economizing,
including a reduced salary scale for
staff members and other employes.
The university has come in for a
deal of criticism throughout the
state for political and economical
reasons. Eyes of the taxpayers have
been and are focused on the school's
budget. Some persons believe that
too much money Is annually appropriated In the upkeep of the
University of Kentucky.
Whether this be true Is a matter
of conjecture and bears personal
But what The Kernel is Interested in Is the cooperation of everyone on the campus with
the economy move. And unnecessary burning of electric lights is a
point. It is such a
trivial thing for one to snap