xt7pg44hnk5j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7pg44hnk5j/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1943-10-29  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, October 29, 1943 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 29, 1943 1943 1943-10-29 2013 true xt7pg44hnk5j section xt7pg44hnk5j The Ken TUCKY Kernel


By Don Lail

Allied troops left the Volturno-Calar- e
line far behind them as
they pushed the fierce fighting Germans farther and farther up the
Italian peninsula. They took six
key towns, including Campabasso
ar.d Vinchiaturo and reached the
Rcgia canal. While advance elements were battling enemy rearguard detachments, reinforcements
of both men and armor were pouring across temporary bridges over
the Volturno river.
The Germans, who. according to
the Algiers radio, were in full retreat along the road to Rome,
brought out their air force for the
first time in weeks, but lost 17 out
of a total of 50 planes without doing
any damage.


(jyOIUER 'J, 19)3

Opens Season












non-existe- nt









1 O rPll


UK Releases

Sponsors Address




Men Will Report
To Purdue Nov.












tryouts for new members will
be held at 4:30 p. m. Monday in
ttie Music room, Union building.



in instrumental music tire
needed by Dr. Jesse Adams at the
University High school. Persons
interested should contact him im- -






To Be Distributed





Must Be Taken


Jones Elected
House President

Movie Of UK

Kampus Kousins
Will Be Begun
Next Week

Throughout State


John Dudley, Tenor, Opens
Concert Series On Sunday
















(jfj InOX



Under-Secretar- y'

. . . committee of the Union board
will meet at 5 p.m Monday in the
Union building.


Mortar Board

Support To Drive


society will meet at
7.30 p. m. Thursday in room 313.
Biological Sciences building



President Urges

. . . club will meet
at noon Tuesday at the Colonial Bowling Lanes


In Three Years

Comin9 Up!


Men On


Y group will meet at 6 15 Tuen- lay in the Union building.

First Faculty
man diecieu

j)day For ASTP

. . . will meet at 7:15 p. m. Tuesday
in the office of Miss Rosalie Oakes.
Union building.

asked to come to
meeting at 4 p. m. Tuesday
.1,- v,...,.,
ui uic Vnntuxlrtcn rtfTino UrVV

Final Selection

Furloughs Begin


a brief

Formal presentation of sorority
pledges will take place at the an- banquet to be
nual Panhellenic
held at 6:30 p. m.. Thursday, at (he
Lafayette hotel.
Sarah Ewing. president of the
organization, will serve as toast- mistress, and Miss Margaret Lester
will pronounce the invocation.
Guests will be President and Ms.
L. Donovan: Mrs. Sarah B.
dean of women? Miss Jane
Haselden, Miss Lester, and Miss
Alice Wooten.
The following committee chairmen have been appointed for the

Sadie's Day

pir-mon- ey

of the Y will meet at
. . . groups
6:15 p. m. Tuesday in the Music
room, Union building, to discuss
the historical beginnings of reli- gions. led by Rob McNeill

Experts To Judge
Pictures For

Dr W.S. Ward, Jimmy Hurt
Named Members By ODK

At Banquet


. . fellowship will meet at 5:30
p. m. Sunday for supper at the
Maxwell Street Presbyterian church.
Evensong will be at 6 p. m. and a
forum at 6:30 p. m.

rm beta


officials have released the names of women from
whom four Kentuckian Beauty
Queen candidates will be chosen
at 7:30 p. m.. Saturday, in Memorial hall.
The following candidates
w- - S- Ward' assistant pro- have
been selected: Alpha Delta PI, Patsy
fessor of English, and Jimmy Hurt.
Horkan and Wanda Scrivner: Alarts and sciences Junior from
pha Gamma Delta. Joan Theiss.
wley, have been elected to
Dorothy Wilson. Betty Haynes. Jean
bership in Omicron Delta Kappa.
Phipps. Jerry Williams, and Helen
national men's leadership frater- LVitsch; Alpha Xi Delta. Betty Jean
nity. Ward is the first faculty mem- Taylor, Ruth Ellen Link. Penny
ber to be granted membership in
Shlvely. and Jean Runyon; Chi
the organization in the past two
Omega, Betty Clardy. Betty Mc- banquet: arrangements. Patsy Hor-ka- years, and Hurt is the first student
Laney, Doris Smith, and Edith
publicity, Betty McClanahan; member to be taken in this year.
Weisenberger: Delta Delta Delta.
Ward Is Adviser
Betty Clardy; invitadecorations,
Minkie Clark. Betty Miller, and
tions, Reeda Von Allmen; tickets
Ward is faculty advisor of Lances,
Lucy Meyer: Kappa Delta, Myra
and program, Marjorie Wilson.
junior men's leadership honorary.
Lee Howard. Patti Rimmer. Lillian
Other officers of Panhellenic are He is a faculty representative on
Bertram. Beth McCollouch. Norma
Edith Weisenberger, secretary; and the Union board, a freshman adNlswonger, and June Scott: Kappa
colLee Mock, treasurer. RepreSarah
visor in the arts and sciences
Kappa Gamma, Lyde Gooding.
are the lege, and chairman of the arts and
senting the social sororities
Doris MacCuley, and Ethel Bian- following members: Alpha Gamma sciences Committee on the Im'
ton; Zeta Tau Alpha. Jane Thomp-JI.HM- 1
Delta. Eloise Bennett and Esther provement of Student Scholarship.
HIRT . . .
son and Mary Craig. Independent
Nevitt: Alpha Delta Pi, Patsy Hor-ka- n He was formerly faculty advisor of . . .
has been chosen as a member candidates have not been selected
and Betty McClanahan; Alpha Keys, sophomore men's honorary.
Delta Kappa, men's
rIDrr, judre
XI Delta, Betty Fraysure and Mar and of Sigma Upsilon. literary fra- - f Omicron
garet Stokes; Chi Omega. Edith ternity. He was a faculty repre leadership fraternity.
The candidates will be selected
by five judges, two women and three
Weisenberger and Betty Clardy; Eentative on the Lialsion committee
Delta Delta Delta, Virginia Wesley of SGA last year. Ward came to i V7"
men' The women are beauty ex- AY 7"
Perts while the men will be Army,
and Virginia CantreU; Kappa Delta, the University in 1930 as an lnstruc-- I
Navy, and Marine officers, accord- Sarah Lee Mock and Evelyn tor in English. He received his A.
1- to Micki Bogsn. business man
Thompson; Kappa Kappa Gamma, B. degree from Georgetown col
X 1HV J.
aser of the Kentuckian. The publi.
Sarah Ewing and Louise Milward; lege, his M. A. degree from Har- is invited to attend.
Zeta Tau Alpha, Marjorie Wilson vari university, and his Ph. D. de- and Reeda Von Allmen.
gree from Duke university.
Pictures of the four candidates
According to the constitution of
selected will be sent to national
ODK. a faculty member may be
beauty experts to be ranked ai
elected to full active membership
queen and attendents.
Representatives of the WAC and
for a period of three years.
the WAVE will address all women is The Kentuckian theme this year
Hurt Named Who's Who
"A Woman's World." featurint;
4 p.m. today in the
"around the clock with the ."
Hurt, who was recently named students at
building. Spon- - in addition to snapshots of campus
to Who's Who Among Students in Music room. Union
American Universities and Colleges, sored by Mortar Board, senior personalities and buildings,
is chairman of the men's division of women's leadership fraternity, the
Five Fraternities Represented
the campus War Chest drive. He program will give students a chance
five fraternities
Sixty-on- e
of tne ASTRP have is
of the Student to discuss the opportunities for
ia he represented in the
released from the reserve probeen
association and was WOmen in the armed services.
tuckian although fraternity houses
gram at the University, and are jresnman represeniauve
j wic
Especially planned for graduat- - have been taken over by the Uni- transferred, attached unassigned. Legisiaiure. tresiaeni oi me rn-- 1
to ASTRP. Purdue university, La- kin club. Hurt is also treasurer of ing seniors, the forum is open to versity for the duration. Only
Lipscomb. Company G. former University stu- a 1 1 women, Virginia
fayette, Ind.
Phalanx, a member of the Union nririHnt nf Mnrtar TlnarH an- - dents, will be included in the mill- 3. board, treasurer of SuKy. president
They will report there November
By Marion Douglass and
nounced Special opportunities for tary section,
society He is a officer Ualmng are
The men are Kelly C. Berger, of Prjor
Frances Keller
Bryant. Rolland C. member of the Board of Student to college graduates. Miss Lips- SoW.
Ida Bannon.
OLD MAN MOSES CAVE. KV., Burdge. William W. Chandler, Rob- publications.
A former associate
Lexington, has been in charge of
OCT. 28 (Special to The Kentucky ert D. Fasnacht. Thomas R. Gallo- - editor of The Kernel, he was co- - comb
Members of Mortar Board ill be all advance sales while Pfc. C. Ed- Kernel)
In a special prediction Way, Jack J. Herman, Norman L. editor of the
for two years,
. ...
. . .i
. ........
T,11 O
for the University of Kentucky stU' Hookway, William F. Jazdzyk, David a momher nf th Kentuckian staff. Present ai me meeting iu
are arranging for Sadie B. Klapper, James S. Lewis. John and president of the Y Freshman Personal interviews with the offi- - ton. is in charge of the beauty
dents who
Hawkins' Week, November
W. Lindsay, Wendell J. Lough. Ottis club. He is treasurer of the YMCA cera Ior a" imerwieu
Furloughs beginning today have Old Man Mose came out of his T. Martin, Jr.,
Lieut. Vera Haspell, of the WAC
John E. McKay, and was formerly its secretary. For
been granted 700 members of the cave, scratched his left ear once, Robert C. Morrissette, Richard N. j
the past two years. Hurt has been recruiting station in Lexington, and
on the University hiccoughed, and today declared:
ASTP stationed
Parker, Vernal A. Rathfelder, Jr,
of the Independent Ensign Margaret Scully, in charge
campus. These men have complet-- ;
of WAVE recruiting for Kentucky.
H. Richardson, Donald E. party.
ed their second term here. All men For SuKy circle which seeks to
will be the principal speakers, it
Robbins, Bernell G. Slgg, Joseph P.
Faculty Grup Acts
The Community War Chest
on furlough will report back to the
Student Directories will be dis- is possible that an Army nurse and
St. Clair. Robert D. Stinson. Wildeserves the support of our
Last spring, the student members a Marine wil, also
University November 7 to begin ad- - Kentucky's youth from city and
present Miss ' tributed between 12 noon and 5
liam A. Taylor. Fred A. Walker, Jr.,
urga.uxauo.. t.eueu
vanced work.
p.m. Monday and between 10 a ui
mh revealed,
Lawrence A. Weekley, Jr., John M. ultyuie
quota can be raised only by segroup to carry on their actlvi- Six hundred members of the With promises of Sadie Hawkins
and 5 p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday
curing the support of each inties during the war period and to
ASTRP will leave today on vaca-- j
in room 127. Union building. All
Howard A. Wilber, William J.
dividual faculty (faculty, staff,
tion and will return November 7. Can really expect to aid your edu- Wood, Joseph B. Yanity, Paul T. perpetuate the fraternity by elect
students may obtain copies at that,
and student) connected with
Co. G
ing eligible persons to membership.
The only student soldiers remain-- i
Zeff. Nichelson E. Buchwalter, John
the University. Let me urge
It was this group, acting with the
ing on the campus during this All you gals, here's your chance
A. Carstensen,
Directories wiU be printed each
Robert G. Emrich,
group to support loyally
period will be members of the To be the ones to wear the pants, George C. Finlayson, Raymond E. student members, which selected
quarter this year, and any correcthis very worthy cause. There
ASTP-ROTThese men will at- - For all the boys it will be just play Gillies, Ralph W. Hoefelman, Rich- - Hurt and Ward on the basis of
tions should be turned in to the
can be no debate about the
tend regular classes as civilian stu-- ! 'Cause the girls will be the ones to
office of the registrar immediately.
?; ",Pkin
that is accomplished
faculty war group
All men of Company
Members of the
iva. AJCVJ', rtatlllUHU if. Liewia,
through the efforts of the ComROTC-ASTshould have their
At the end of the week, there'll be Walter B. Lloyd, Gideon C. Lowe, are Dr. H. H. Downing. Dr. W. S.
munity War Chest.
Give as
Webb, Dr. M. M. White, Dean L.
pictures made for the 1944
a lark
Irvin S. Mathews, John W. Morrias you can afford to domuch
at the Lafayette
These, my words, you'd better
son, Charles W. Norris, Richard R. J. Horlacher, and Dr. J.
studios before November 13.
Student members of the
Perry. Edgar C. Richardson, John
iSign-dH. L. DONOVAN
organization are Ed Bames, Louis- according to an announcement
W. Ritner, Warren S. Sherman,
Mildred Jones, of Anchorage, was
Caywood, Hartford,
from Virginia Long, editor. No
When Bill Nicholls, president of Joseph M. Solomon, Earl E. Ste- ville; William
recently elected president of Lydia
special hours have been reservhouse, women's auxiliary SuKy, was asked to interpret the phenson, Wilmer J. Tanenbaum, Conn.; John H. Kerr, Lexington:
ed for this work, so the men
prediction given by Old Man Mose, Frank Valentz, Andrew J. Warhola, and George Dudley, Sturgis.
may go at their own conveniOther officers elected were Jean he said that all he knew was that John H. Welsh, Jr., Robert A. Wieence.
By Shirley MeiMer
Riddle, Stone, secretary', and Rose- -j plans were being completed for a demann, Edward F. Wilsey, Jr., ArBe
Men going to have these piclynn Routt, Lawrenceburg, social Sadie Hawkins Week to be cli- thur Wrightson, Robert M. Young,
Question: 1
yu think women
tures taken should wear their
maxed by a dance on November 13. James M. Zoubul.
should be allowed to wear In.
regular uniforms
with their
garrison hats. Miss Long statThe motion picture "The Uni-- j
Pfe. E. li. Roberts, Fatlerxin hall:
ed. Since their activities will
versity in War and Peace" will be
No. because it's a part of the Army
The Kampus Kousins, a new orbe listed in the annual, it is
shown in various places throughout
uniform and she shouldn't be wearganization to bring about close re- important that they give this
the state in the next few months.
ing it unless she's in the Army and
lations between freshmen and up-- !
information when having the
iu""wing is an incompieie um,
women shouldn't be in the Arrm
will be Inaugurated
photographs taken, she stressu win
of tlle Places wnere
in the first place.
on the campus next week.
proximately 200 upper-clawomen
rrt. Leon lidrych. Brerkinrulge
yearA special section of the
" November 3, it will be shown
hall: No. the soldier has worked
and men, will accompany freshmen
book is being reserved for these
jonn Dudley. Metropolitan tenor.
on week-en- d
hard to earn the privilege of wearcamping trips to
former Juniors, so it is imperaGamma at Lexington, before a wl1 present tne first concert m
ing the insignia of the out tit he is
peared in concert, with orchestra, lakes and rivers of Kentucky and
tive that all men in the comfter- ,?
the ,943"44 series f
in. A person who has not worked
and in oratorio in his native city also plans Friday and Saturday
pany have these pictures made.
VI of tne American
for it should not be freely granr.ed
wilmoBre nigh
and Sydney before going to Lon- night parties at which the students
Miss Long emphasized.
litity . asB0ClaUollf at
don in 1935 to study for two years will be the guests of various facthat privilege.
school ana tne wumore ousiness
teacher, ulty members for singing and diswith the distinguished
His program will include the folBob Williams. Kinkead hall: t
club. November 5. it will be shown
Dinn Gilly.
think it's ok. as long as they don't
to the students of Lexington Jun lowing selections: Come, Let's Be
t n ri
Merry!, an Old English song ar- Kampus Kousins is neaded by
overdo it.
In 1936 he was engaged for Die
ior High school
summer opera season at Covent general council consisting of Jay C.
Pfe. John UalUv. ROTt : No.
On November 12. the picture will ra"Bed
Garden. His personal success was Doyle, chairman; Marjorie Palmore,
be presented in Covington before a
because the insignia stands for au
au Voyage.
Victor R. Portmann.
assistant outnt or something and they don't
such that he was
for secretary-treasure- r;
meeting of the Northern Kentucky Handel: Llnrttotion
Phelps, registration chairman, worn- - professor of journalism, is repre- - belong to it.
the following year. That spring
November uujjaii:, ipres uu n.eve, raure;
Fourdrain; Aria: La
came the Coronation and trie en; Jimmy Hurt, registration cnair- - seining the Kentucky Press associ- 13. it will be shown at a Farm Bu
Pvt. Roy Bacon. Bradley hall: I
opera house outdid itself to match man, men; Ruth Avelar, retreat ation at a conference of 400 war approve, because
reau meeting at Morganfleld, and fleur que tu m'avais jetee, Carmen,
if they have some- - production leaders and the gov- - I, 1. i.l
its performance to the historic oc- chairman, women; Bill Emory, re.
Ihil nnn it.. .. ... .1 ..
November 18, it will be given in Bizet; A Wand'ring Minstrel, I,
from The Mikado, Gilbert and Sulcasion. Dudley had the honor of treat chairman, men; Hugette Bal- - ernors of eleven Midwestern states Tr,s(.n
Lexington before a meeting of the
livan; Is Life a Boon? from Yeoparticipating in the gala perform- zola, fireside chairman, women: at Fort Knox.
Altrusa club.
Jun Hampton. Bradley hall:
men of the Guarc, Gilbert and
ance of Parsifal.
Marshall Hahn, fireside chairmui,
of War Robert
It all depends on where they wer
Sullivan; Would you know the kind
P. Patterson, who issued the invi- The following year he was signed men.
of maid? from Princes Ida, Gilbert
Miss Alice Jacobson will act as tations, said the meeting would be
as the leading lyric tenor of the
Fvt-- t'umryman Wong. PaUer- and Sullivan; Go, Lovely Rose,
similar to a conference of indus- D'Oyly Carte Gilbert and Sullivan sponsor and advisor.
Quilter; At Night, Rachmaninoff;
"U: No- - betaUie th-labor and newspaper leaders
Opera company. After a season in
New .schedules for the closing of , rd Randal English, arranged bv
B,ven to men 0,1-Washington last month. The'k'Be should
London the company came to New
the Library have been announced Cvrii Scott,
William Tremaine. Palter- group will hear a report on the mil- York where Dudley won particu- by Miss Margaret King, University
hall: No, because it shouldn't
itary situation by
Dudley, young Australian tenor,
lar acclaim in the roles of Nankl- -.
army officers, and a discussion of be worn by "anyone."
Poo in The Mikado and of Ralph
. . tenor with the Metropolitan
"I Wanted Wings" with Ray
Monday through Fridav the Li- - was engaged by the Metropolitan
supply problems and of the eco- Pvt. Andy Friedman. Patterson
brary will close at 9:30 p.m. instead Opera in the autumn of 1940, im-- Upera association, will sing at the Rackstraw in Pinafore. He con-firMilland, Veronica Lake, and
nomic and military resources of the hall: I don't see what harm it can
regular musicale at 4 p.m., siUer!i hij. GlU)(,n and Sullivan
at 10 p.m. On Saturday and mediately after his first appear-SundaWilliam Holden will be shown
in Memorial halL
the closing time will be 5 ance on the Opera Auditions of the
perience especially valuable for the
at 5:45 p.m., Monday, in the
During his debut
The visitors will be housed in
Air program.
Baa. Bojd hall: If women
p ,n
urecision it gave to his diction and
Union building.
barracks and will cat in the mess want to wear insignms let t.em
These hours went into effect last season with the opera company, of appearances for a newcomer.




To Be Presented

Opening the drive of the SGA
Victory committee to sell $18,000 in
war bonds and stamps will be the
purchase of a $500 bond by the As-tsembly of the SGA. This sale will
be the first to go on record after
toe Victory shop in the Union
building opens at 11 a. m. Monday,
During the remainder of the year,
the shop will be kept open between
p. m. Monday through
IX a. m. and
Friday. Women representing dif- ferent residence units and sorority
houses will remain in the booth
during these hours to sell the
stamps and bonds
Records of ah sales will be kept
and each person will be asked to
credit his purchase to one of the
houses. At the end of the winter
quarter a trophy will be presented
to the house selline the most
stamps and bonds,
House representatives selected to
serve on the general committee
are: Alpha Delta Pi, Anne Howell;
Alpha Gamma Delta. Jean Mills;
Alpha Xi Delta. Eleanor Bach; Chi
Omega, Mary Mason Taylor; Delta
Delta Delta. Virginia Baskett; RapP Delta. Claudine Gibson; Kappa
Kappa Gamma. Betsy Ross; Zeta
Tau Alpha, Elsie March.
McDowell house, Frances Ken
Buchanan; Shelby house. Doris
Enlow; Lydia Brown, Jerry Dugan;
Patterson annex, Mary Margaret
Davis; Phi Delta Theta, Martha
Belle Hood; Kappa Sigma, Wilma
Berry; Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Wanda
Sigma Chi, Helen
Lee Spears;
Deitch; and Sigma Nu, Frances
The SGA Victory committee is
composed of Norma Weatherspoon,
chairman, Betty McClanahan, June
Baker, and Mary Searcy.

10-d- ay


Sorority Pledges

Booth In Union
For War Effort

"Dark Eyes"

"Student enthusiasm is high and
the campus War Fund drive should
By Frances
go way over its $700 goal," Alger- comedv
Dark Eves." a three-awon Dickson, general chairman of starring Anne Shropshire,
SGA sponsored drive announced Bloomfield. and Opal Palmer, will
mark ,he operung of Guignol thea- The opening of the campaign was ter's 1943-4- 4
season when it begins
marked by a mass meeting Monday a week's run on November 15.
night of from 150 to 200 workers,
The entire cast follows:
who heard talks by drive boosters Miss Shropshire
Tonia Karpova
and received cards and literature Mrs Bloomfield
for use during the
Natasha Rapakovich
which ends November 3. Speakers Mrs
Ogla Shmllevskaya
at the rally, presided over by Al- - Mrs RaJ. Murphy
gernon Dickson, included Charles
Grandmother Field
isackes. secretary ot tne Lexington Ann Cinocchi0
and Fayette county War chest; Annie Laurie Riley
Helen Field
Dean W. S. Taylor, general chair- In.inc....Prlnce Nikolai Toradje
man of the University chest; Bart r.rTV SnedekOT
Larrv Field
Peak, secretary of the YMCA which JeweU
is contributing to the drive by pub- - Waliace
John Field
licizmg the World Student Service
fund: and Vincent Spagnuolo, SGA laughter was fabricated bv Edena
president and executive chairman Miramova -- la collaboration
of the student drive.
Eugenje Leontovich." The plot con- Faculty Works
cerns the Invasion of a quiet, rather
The faculty drive, headed by dull Long Island home by a Geor- Frank D. Peterson. University; Bian prince affianced to the daugh- comptroller, will begin Monday and ter of the house. Unknown to his
continue through Thursday. Dur- - host, the prince brings three Rus- ing this time, $6,602.35 must be sian artist-frienwith him. They
contributed to the chest by faculty arrive burdened with paraphernalia
and staff members.
"of the spirit." musical instruments.
In a letter written to members a samovar, and a trunk full of cos-the faculty. Dr. Herman L. Don- - tumes.
ovan. president of the University,
Complications really set in when
urged that all contribute to "help the father of the household, a wid-th- e
University to have 100 percent ower and a solid, conventional
in this campaign."
inessman. returns to his home for
Members of the advisory com- - a brief and
rest. But
mittee. assisting Peterson in the due to the picturesque and
of the drive, are Wal- - antly mad Russian invaders the
ter A. Price, Niel Plummer, Jesse situation is handled beautifully.
E. Adams, and Henry Beaumont.
Appearing in Russian costumes at
Individual faculty members have an Impromptu
been named to solicit specific groups given for the grandmother, they
so that every person may be reached sing, dance and make merry until
everyone is drawn into the fun.
Hours Listed
By winning the good will of the
Workers are urged to turn in entire family, they hope to
as soon as possible after suade Field to finance the produc- collecting donations. Headquarters tion of a play which the three ac-- tr
for the campaign will be room 127 tresses have written, and which is
in the Union building, which will to recoup their
be open during the following hours: tunes. For a moment all seems
Today 2 p. m. to 4 p. m.
well but Russian temperament has
Monday 2 p. m. to 4 p. m.
not yet had its day.
Tuesday 2 p. m. to 4 p. m.
Wednesday 2 p. m. to 6 p. m.
Miss Dickson stressed that the
campaign solicitors, who will each
contact between 5 and 20 persons,
Continued on Page Four





SGA Sponsors


By Jane Powell



Faculty Campaign
Opening Monday

Dear Beanies



Peterson Heads

War Catches


Someone Needs You:
Give Your Share

Drive Expected To Top Goal; Annual Dinner!iKeiituckian Queen Candidates
...... C...
j. ui
Victory Sale Opens Monday c;t Tinnfinv vaiuseu 17.... uuuie&i ouiuruiiY

Allies Meet
Cordell Hull and Anthony Eden
were expected momentarily in Moscow for the tripartite meetings.
The Russians were said to feel tHat
the conference would prove the
turning point of the war is agreement were reached on coordinated
military action, with quick invasion of western Europe before time
played In Hitler's favor.
Allied troops were continuing
their advance in New Guinea while
in China's Yunnan province, the
Japanese drove closer to the Burma
President Ramirez of Argentina,
saying his government "won't tolerate any tampering," discharged
all federal employees who had
signed a manifesto calling for a
re'urn to constitutional democracy.


TW- O-


Navy lights
The recent Salerno battle was
won when Allied battleships fought
it out with German tanks. Naval
fire burled the land awnor and
among the participating ships was
the reconditioned U. S. Cruiser
Boise. More than 500 ships took
part in the landing operations.

Gone, for the duration at least.
are the beanies, dear (?) to the
hearts of freshman men. In form- years, one could always count
on seeing bits of blue bobbing about
campus until late in the fall
"hn elated freshmen joyfully toss- ed their bonnets into a huge bon
fire at the homecoming or Thanksgiving pep rally.
Even last year there was a fore- shadowing of things to come when,
early in the fall, there was discussion over whether to burn the caps
as usual or to have them cleaned
to save for this year's freshmen,
because of the "scarcity of materials." What finally became of
them remains an unsolved mystery, but they were not burned,
nor are they being worn by the
freshies this year.
So for the present, freshman
beanies are out, but we all look
forward to the day when the war
in over and "the wearin" of the
blue" begins again.


Library Hours
Are Changed



"I Wanted Wings"













jp- -


� The Kernel Editorial Page




Ectrrrd at the Post Office at Lexington, Krnturij-nim4 elus mim under the Art of March s, U7.

kM, IneRpre



Ntw YoK.




ISO One Quarter


flllvVirM MflHrtgrr

betty ievis



Allan S Abramson. Suranne Bingham. Mary Lil- (1
r,,..,, Ad,,, Drnman. Marlon Douglass. Betly Lee Fleish- man. Alice Freeman. Mary Jane Gallaher. Oarnett Gayle. Cath- Onman. Pred Oreenberir. George Hall. Charlotte Ann Har- mon. John Hawkins. Lucy Ann Hawkins. Betty Henry. Bernice
Herman. Carolvn Hill. Frances Jenkins. Eleanore Recti. Fran- res Keller. Mildred Long. Laura Lore. Shirley Melster. Pat Pol-A- lt
lack. Martha Pruitt. Doris Binaieton, Katherine Southworth.
Wanda Lee Spears. William C. Spraftens, Elizabeth Street. Betty
Tevis. Oene Allen Whicker.

N. V.


1150 One Year

mni eolawtat are ro be con ttrfererf the
nptninnt oj the arnlert fieelre. mid tn "( aereiiri
reiecr the opinion of The Kernel.
aifraetf etrliele



We are searching for a nice

ball at UK."

Someone Needs YOUR Aid
skclimn ici(1 uiili
snpixnted on leg, as thin



lain lavcr of skin,
tvirs. its sioiikkIi

War Chest campaign,
dav lo do vour bit.

bv an ocr-sicbloated from lack of fond. iOK-head villi maiaicd (Valines these are
the actual picture of the children of I'hI.iik!
and Greece which tome to us from the countries where they have taken refuge from the
invading Nai army.
American soldiers suffer the ignominv of surrender to Japanese hordes which om number
them. They are sent to prison camps where all
personal comforts must come from their friends

Vou have


It was a good idea and we
would like to burv it wilh honor for it was no


Wedn'es- -

Opportunity Unlimited
In Military For Women

on the outside.
A merchant seaman on a tanker carrying oil
for our armies jumps from his
into a raging oil fire. Wounded and suffering
from shock and exposure, he will Ik- caicd lor
in rest homes provided bv the United Stimu li's


A famous Hollvwood star perforins on a
stage somewhere in Africa bringing home
to the hearts of our men overseas. Such programs, clubs, and canteens, where our soldiers
tan relax from their viial jobs, are furnished
hv the National USO.
A crippled child from a jtoor mountain fam-illooks with jov and hope to her future from
a than hospiial plav room. She and many others like her will le able to lead happv normal
lives as the result of the care given bv the
Children's Aid.
A homeless Russian woman, carrving Ik nctili
her arm a bundle containing all that remains
of the home whiih she built and loves, lmks to
America for food, clothing, anil medical supplies leing sent bv Russian War Relief.
The Polish child, the American soldier, and
the Russian woman are but a few of the millions vou will help by vour contribut ion to the
leni-jiorar- v



Vocations with plenty of opoi tiinii y will be
presented to University women by representatives of the Wats and Waves at a meeting sh)ii-soreby Mortar Hoard in the Union this afternoon.
Uiiivetsiiv women who exect to graduate
jn Decern I jer, March, or June should be es- and wtileh out for his lower left!''
K't ia y interested in learning the details of life
Colin the service from these military officers.
lege graduates are particularly wanted as officer
material by the Waves and Wacs.
Any graduate, no matter what her chosen
field, can find Ixiih an opportunity for advanceBy Pfc. Ed Barnes
ment in her career and for service with one of
these organizations. Mortar Board invites vou
to come and listen. If you are interested, a perLt. Jones Good, I was afraid you
Miracles never cease! Imagine
sonal interview with one of the officers will be the library being the most popular were mad at me.
place of the year. Why even fhe
Over at the Alpha Xi house, we
grill "juke box" Is playing second hear that Ida Bannon is still th
fiddle and the Union In Its true silver lining in Allan Parr's black
To Anonymous
sense is no longer below Frazee cloud. Ida declares that when fhe
hall but in the Reference room dur- chips are down her love is only
To The Editor



out, untied shoes flopping on their
feet an1 nair uncombed tnen tne
proper military spirit has been
achieved and they go about the
business of "falling in," a compli- cated series of maneuvers consist- ing of coming to "attention" and
slouching to "at ease" in accord
with barked commands from sun- dry
officers who
try to oido each other in volume
)uou an
Civilians may be annoyed at these
the ones
that block the street that runs
past Bradley hall and the tennis
Soldiers are