xt7pg44hn51k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7pg44hn51k/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1962-02-mar16-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1962-02-mar16-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1962-02-mar16-ec. 1962 1962-02-mar16-ec. 2011 true xt7pg44hn51k section xt7pg44hn51k 

          Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee of the University
of Kentucky, March 16, 1962.

          The Executive Committee of the University met in the President's
Office on the campus of the University at 1:40 p.m. EST, Friday, March 16,
1962, with the following members present: Dr. Ralph J. Angelucci, Vice
Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Harper Gatton, Robert H. Hillenmeyer and
Smith. Broadbent,Jr.  Mr. Broadbent was detained by a previous engagement
and entered the meeting at 2:00 p.m. President Dickey was present and, in
the absence of the Secretary, Henry Durham, Administrative Assistant to the
Vice President, Business Administration, served as acting secretary of the
Executive Committee. Also present were Donald L. Sproull, Director of
the Division of Personnel, and members of the press.

          A. Meeting Opened.

          Dr. Ralph J. Angelucci assumed the chair, welcomed Mr. Durham and
members of the press and introduced Mr. Sproull.  He requested Mr. Harper
Gatton to open the meeting with prayer and then proceeded with business on
the agenda.

         B. Approval of Minutes.

         Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the minutes of
February 9, 1962, were approved as published.

         C. Financial Report.

         President Dickey explained that, since the Board of Trustees would
meet on April 3, at which time a financial report would be presented, no
financial report would be made at this meeting.

         D. Purchase of Property Approved.

         President Dickey presented the following communication:

                                                     March 8, 1962

  President Frank G. Dickey
  University of Kentucky
  Dear President Dickey:
  Since the last meeting of the Board of Trustees, three pieces of prop-
  erty, located in the immediate vicinity of the campus, have become



    available for purchase. I would like to submit these to the Executive
    Committee at the next meeting and recommend that these properties
    be authorized purchased, at the prices indicated, for a total expendi-
    ture of $39, 250.

    412 Rose Lane is offered for sale by C. C. Early, Agent for the R. R.
    Early Heirs, at a cost of $15, 000. The lot is 50 feet by 190 feet and
    contains a one and one-half story brick residence.

    401 Linden Walk belongs to Miss Mattie R. Davis. The lot is 50 feet
    by 150 feet, contains a one and one-half story brick residence and
    separate garage, and may be purchased for $15, 000.

    407 Clifton Avenue is owned by C. W. and Virginia Pearl Razor. The
    lot is 60 feet wide and 77. 5 feet deep on the West side and 86. 5 feet
    deep on the East side. It contains a one-story frame residence and
    may be purchased for $9, 250.

                                     Very truly yours,

                     (Signed)        Frank D. Peterson
                                     Vice President
                                     Business Administration

           On motion duly made, seconded and carried, the purchase of prop-
erty as listed above was approved and the Committee authorized the Vice
President, Business Admi nistration to acquire the deeds and make payment.

           E. Transfer of Bull Approved.

           President Dickey advised the Committee that the Agricultural
Experiment Station desired to enter into an agreement with the C. V. Whitney
Farms and Hillcrest Farm for the transfer to the University of a one-third
interest in a registered bull, Whitney Bardoliermere 12, register No.
3150625. This transfer is being proposed in conjunction with a previous
agreement between the parties to promote beef cattle production and to con-
duct experiments in animal husbandry. No consideration nor expenditure
for this transfer is required.

           Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the agreement
was authorized executed on behalf of the University.



           F. Approval of Contract with the City of Dawson Springs for the
Construction of a Water Main.

           The Executive Committee considered a.n agreement between the
University of Kentucky and the City of Dawson Springs, Hopkins County, Ky.,
providing that the City perform all work connected with the construction of a
water main to be laid from a point northwest of Kentucky Highway 109 to a
point approximately 3300 feet, near the Guest House of the Western Kentucky
4-H Club Camp.  This water main is to be 4" in diameter and. under this
agreement, the University will pay to the City the sum of $2. 00 per linear foot
plus the sum of $15. 00 per cubic yard of rock that cannot be removed by
pick and shovel,  The ownership of this water main will at all times be in the
City, its successors and assigns.  In the event that other parties are granted
permission by the City to make additional taps, the University will be reim-
bursed at the rate of the average cost fjor installing 50' of pipe line per tap.

           On motion duly made. seconded and carried. the Agreement was
authorized approved and executed.

           G. Agreement with the Alpha. Iota Corporation of Zeta Beta Tau
for the Construction of a Small Dormitory.

           The President submitted an Agreement between the University of
Kentucky and Alpha Iota Corporation of Zeta Beta Tau providing for the con-
struction of a small dormitory residence unit for University students to be
leased by the University to the fraternity. The Agreement provides for nay-
ment of $23, 550, 00 to the University by the Alpha Iota Corporation to reimburse
the University for the value of two tracts of land, 502 and 504 Columbia Avenue,
upon which the residence unit is to be constructed.

           Upon acceptance of this Agreement, the University is obligated
to proceed with the necessary steps to construct a small dormitory designed
to house from 40 to 48 University students in an amount not to exceed
$150, 000. 00.

           Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Agreement
was approved and authorized executed.

           H. Agreements between Kentucky State Department of Health and
the Fund for the Advancement of Education and Research in the University of
Kentucky Medical Center,

           The.President submitted an Agreement between the Kentucky State
Department of Health and the Fund for the Advancernert of Education and
Research in the University of Kentucky Medical Cente to furnish consultive
nursing services to the Department of Health on the 'V.a.ternal and Child
Health In-service Training Program.  This programn provides that the College



of Nursing personnel will act as consultants in the Health Department's train-
ing program, and subject to the availability of Federal funds, the University,
through the Fund for Advancement of Education and Research in the University
of Kentucky Medical Center, will receive $1, 500. 00.

           The Pre sident presented an Agreement between the Kentucky State
Department of Health and the Fund for the Advancement of Education and Research
in the University of Kentucky Medical Center providing for the College of
Medicine, Departments of Medicine, Behavioral Science and Community Med-
icioe to participate in a program for a prevalence study of chronic disease in
Eastern Kentucky. The Vice President, Medical Center, recommends the
University's participation in this program since there are no clear-cut and
dependable methods established for conducting meaningful periodic health eval-
uations to ascertain the extent of chronic diseases in communities with limited
medical resources.  This study is to be completed by June 30, 1962, and will
use as samples adult members of households in Owsley and Jackson counties.
The University, through the Fund for the Advancement of Education Pnd Research
in the University of Kentucky Medical Center, subject to availabililiy of Federal
funds, is to be reimbursed the sum of $6, 900. 00.

           The President presented an Agreement between the State Department
of Health and the Fund for the Advancement of Education and Research in the
University of Kentucky Medical Center for personnel of the College of Medicine,
Departments of Pediatrics and Medicine, to render diagnostic and evaluation
service in the field of cardiovascular diseases. This service is to be rendered
in connection with ten heart clinics which are being conducted by the State
Department of Health in Eastern Kentucky. Subject to the availability of Fed-
eral funds, the University, through the Fund for the Advancement of Education
and Research in the University of Kentucky Medical Center, is to be reimbursed
the sum of $1, 800. 00 for this service. These clinics are to be completed by
January 1, 1963.

           Upon motion duly seconded and carried, the above Agreements be-
tween the State Department of Health and the Fund for the Advancement of
Education and Research in the University of Kentucky Medical Center were

           I. Charges for Services of Department of Animal Pathology.

           The President presented and recommended approval of the establish-
ment of charges for routine clinical services and products presently being pro-
vided by the Agricultural Experiment Station Department of Animal Pathology,
as follows:


Rhinopneumonitis Vaccine
Strangles Bacterin
Abortus-equi Bacterin
Enteritidis-Typhimurium Bacterin
Mare Culture Sets
R.B.C. Counts
W. B. C. Counts
Differential Counts
Complete Blood Counts
Antibiotic Sensitivity Tests
Abortus-Equi agglutination
Fecal Flotation for ova
Out-of-State Tissue Sectioning

$1. 50/dose
1. 00/dose
0. 50/dose
0. 50/dose
1. 50
2. 00
2. 00
4. 00
8. 00
6. 00
5. 00
1. 00
5.00 to $25. 00.

           Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the schedule of
charges as presented was approved and the Department of Animal Pathology
was authorized to make these charges, effective immediately.

           J. Injury.

           The President submitted the following report of injury:

                                       March 14, 1962

President Frank Dickey
University of Kentucky

Dear President Dickey:

Attached hereto is a request for payment of medical expenses
to Mr. Eursel Davis, a janitor at the Medical Center.

This request is somewhat unusual in nature in that Mr. Davis
is apparently allergic to synthetic soap which is used by our
Division of Maintenance and Operations.  This request for
reimbursement is in the amount of $56 to cover eleven office
visits to Doctor William E. McDaniel, This incident occurred
in August of 1961 and treatment continued until September of
1961. After Doctor McDaniel's diagnosis Mr. Davis was ad-
vised not to use this synthetic soap again and was also provided
with a pair of rubber gloves in the event that it was necessary
for him to come in contact with this material which had
caused the severe dermatitis on his hands.




           Apparently some time after this initial exposure Mr. Davis,
           despite instructions to the contrary, again exposed his hands
           to this soap.

           I recommend that this special case be presented to the Executive
           Committee for their consideration. This claim is only being
           made for the medical treatment involved in the first exposure
           although the treatment for the second exposure was in the amount
           of $35. 00. No claim is being made at this time for the second
           exposure to this material.

                                         Sincerely yours,

              (Signed)                  Frank D. Peterson

           The President discussed and explained the circumstances of this
injury and recommended that the charges be paid in the a-mount of $56. 00
without admitting negligence or establishing a precedent.

           The members of the Committee, being advised, upon motion duly
made, seconded and carried, authorized the claim of Eursel Davis paid in the
amount of $56. 00 with the expressed understanding that the University does
not admit negligence in the injury nor establish a precedent by paying this claim.

           K. Transfer of Funds to the Kentucky Research Foundation.

           The President presented a gift from Ford Foundation to the Uni-
versity of Kentucky in the amount of $9, 840.00 to be used for the purpose of
stimulating scholarly publication in the humanities and social sciences. The
President recommended that this gift be accepted on behalf of the University
and the Treasurer authorized to deposit this money to the credit of the
Kentucky Research Foundation to be administered according to the terms set
forth by the Ford Foundation.

           Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the gift was au-
thorized accepted and transferred to the Kentucky Research Foundation.



           L. Authorization for Payment of Salary Shift Differentials
in the University Hospital.

           The President presented for approval a tentative policy regarding
payment of shift differentials in the University Hospital and explained that the
proposal had been developed by the Vice President, Medical Center, in con-
sultation with the Director of University Personnel.

                        UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL

1. Full-time employees whose work schedule requires them to work two or
    more hours between 7:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m. are entitled to the evening
    differential provided for the position.

2. Full-time employees whose regular work schedule requires them to work
    two or more hours between 11:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. are entitled to the
    night differential provided for the position.

3. Any person whose work schedule falls into both of the above categories
    will be entitled to the evening differential.

4. The differentials due are as follows:

    a) Service, Auxiliary, office and clerical personnel -

$10. 00/mo.
   .48/8-hr shift

$5. 00/mo.
  . 24/8-hr. shift
  . 03/hr.

b) Technical and supervisory personnel -

$20. 00/mo.
   . 96/8-hr. shift
   . 12/hr.

$15. 00/mo.
   .72/8-hr. shift

    c) Professional - as described in the appropriate salary scale.

    d) Administrative - None.

5. The decision as to which differential a group of employees is entitled will
   be made at time of the activation of the position in accordance with the
   general classification of the position.



   6. Temporary employees and regular employees working part-time will
       be entitled to the shift differential on a pro rata basis. Employees
       working overtime during the evening or night periods will not be en-
       titled to receive the differential.

   7. Payment for permanent (if covering one or more pay periods) evening
       or night shift assignments will be made by C -PR- 1. Payment for
       temporary evening or night differential will be reported on the standard
       time card and paid on the semi-monthly payroll.

   8. Full-time employees assigned to work in evening or night shift on
       a "rotating" schedule will be entitled to the equivalent shift rate.

            after some discussion concerning the necessity of paying higher
rates for evening work, a motion was made. seconded and carried to approve
the policy, effective upon the opening of the University Hospital.

           M. Office Hours.

           The Chairman, Dr. Angelucci, presented for discussion the Uni-
versity's policy of closing its offices between the hours of 12:00 noon and 1:30
p.m. After some discussion, the President stated that not all offices observed
these hours and that some departments, including the Registrar' s Qffice and
the Business Office, are remaining open during the noon luncheon period. Mr.
Hillenmeyer made the observation that it might be desirable for everyone to
observe the practice of closing his office for lunch. No action was taken.

           N. Staff Personnel Policy and Procedure Manual for Staff (Non-
teaching) Approved? Effective April 1, 1962.

           The President recommended approval of a series of bulletins setting
forth personnel policy and procedure applicable to the staff (non-teaching) per-
sonnel employed by the University of Kentucky. The Manual, which had been in
the hands of the Executive Committee for several weeks, was prepared by a
Personnel Policy Committee under the direction of the Director of University
Personnel. It was explained that this procedure manual was developed in order
to provide department heads, supervisors and employees with an equitable
and sound basis for establishing and maintaining harmonious relationships
through a co-ordinated and continuous personnel program. Some of the policies
contained in this Manual reflect present policy which has not heretofore been
set forth in a University publication. Many of the policies are restatements
of present written policy. Some of the material is new. After a brief dis-
cussion by the Director of University Personnel concerning the effective date
of the Manual, the Chairman expressed the Executive Committee's pleasure
at the development of this Manual and its thanks to the Director of University
Personnel and the Personnel Policy Committee.



           Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Staff Personnel
Policy and Procedure Manual was approved and authorized to become effective
April 1, 1962.

           0. Budget Adjustments.

           The President recommended that budget adjustments be made from
unappropriated surplus to Account 105-2, Debating Team, in the amount of
$500. 00 to assist the Department of English, Speec ih and Dramatic Arts in its
program of intercollegiate debating. These funds are to be used in representing
the University at tournaments during the remainder of the spring semester.

           Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Treasurer was
authorized to make the necessary budget adjustments and to take from the un-
appropriated surplus $500. 00 and transfer this to Account 105-2.

           The President also recommended that budget adjustment be made
to provide for the purchase of an Instron Tensile testing machine to be used
in conjunction with the College of Engineering Coal Testing Laboratory. This
equipment will cost approximately $2, 875. 00.

           Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Treasurer was
authorized to make the necessary budget adjustments and to take from the un-
appropriated surplus of the University $2, 875. 00 and transfer this to Account
1040-3, Mining and Metallurgical Engineering.

           The President recommended that budget adjustment be made to
take care of the additional expense involved in the televising of a course in
the College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Anthropology. This transfer
of funds is requested because of the enrollment of 479 students which was
much larger than anticipated. The sum of $500.00 is recommended for the
Department of Anthropology and the sum of $1, 000.00 is recommended for
the Department of Radio, Television and Films.

           The Chairman answered questions and discussed televising of
courses offered by the University. Dr, Snow was commended for the excel-
lence of his presentation on the local Lexington television station.

           Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Treasurer was
authorized to make the necessary budget adjustments; to take from the unap-
propriated surplus of the General Fund the sum of $500. 00 and transfer the
sanme to Account 460-1, and to take $1, 000. 00 from the unappropriated surplus
and transfer $600. 00 to Account 690-1, Radio, Television and Films, and
$400. 00 to Account 690.2, Radio, Television and Films.



           P. Free-fee Scholarship.

           The Committee on Foreign Students recommended that Virendra
Barot be granted a free-fee scholarship for the spring semester, 1962.

           Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the recommendation
was approved and the free-fee scholarship was granted to Mr. Virendra Barot.

           Q. Consultive Services.

           President Dickey reported that Mrs. Evangeline Smith Kelsay had
been requested by the Fayette County Board of Education to teach an evening
adult course in Home Economics for the second semester of 1962. Mrs.
Kelsay would be paid $198. 00 for this service by the Board of Education.
President Dickey recommended that Mrs. Kelsay' s employment by the Board
of Education be approved.

           Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the recommendation
of the President was approved.

           R. Change-of-Work Status for Professor Victor R. Portmann.

           President Dickey recommended change-of-work status for Victor
R. Portmann, Assistant Professor of Journalism, School of Journalism,
College of Arts and Sciences, effective July 1, 1962. He stated that Mr.
Portmann had been employed at the University since September, 1927, and
had rendered continuous service for a period of 35 years. He recommended
that Mr. Portmann be given change -of-work with an amnual salary of $3, 355. 00
and that his change of duties be as follows:

           1. Act as liaison between Kentucky newspapers, the University
and the School of Journalism;

           Z. Conduct a survey toward publication of a brochure of the School
of Journalism alumni;

           3. Serve as consultant to the School of Journalism.

           Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, change-of-work
status was authorized for Mr. Portmann as recommended, effective July 1,



           S. Change-of-Work Status for Professor George K. Brady.

           President Dickey stated that the Executive Committee at its February
9, 1962, meeting approved change-of-work status for Professor George K.
Brady, Department of English, effective September 1, 1962. Professor Brady
is requesting that the effective date of change-of-work status be amended to
September 1, 1963. President Dickey concurred in this request.

           Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried. the effective date
of change-of-work status for Professor George K. Brady was amended to Sep-
tember 1, 1963.

           T. Graduate Faculty Nominees Approved.

             President Dickey advised that the Graduate Council, with recom-
mendation of the Graduate Dean, had nominated for membership on the Graduate
Faculty the following:

           Philip A. Duncan, Assistant Professor of French
           Hans Gesund, Associate Professor of Structural Engineering
           Mervyn B. Quigley, Associate Professor of Anatomy and Oral
              Surgery, College of Medicine.

           Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the recommendation
was concurred in and the personnel listed above were approved as members
of the Graduate Faculty.

           U. Department of Animal Husbandry, College of Agriculture and
Home Economics, Changed to Department of Animal Science.

           President Dickey advised that the staff of the Departrre nt of Animal
Husbandry had unanimously requested a change in the name of the Departsm nt
to the Department of Animal Science. William A. Seay, Acting Dean and
Director of the College of Agriculture and Home Economics, concurred in
this request in order to recognize the scientific areas of genetics, psychology
and nutrition, which are investigated and studied in the Department of An-
imal Husbandry.

          President Dickey concurred in the recommendation, and upon
motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Departrnent of Animal Husbandry
was ordered changed to the Department of Animal Science, effective imme-



           V. Appointment.

           President Dickey read the following communication:

                                                March 14, 1962

    Dean C. C. Carpenter
    College of Commerce

    Dear Dean Carpenter:

       I recommend the appointment of Mrs. Sally C. Lerner as a part-
    time research associate in the Bureau of Business Research begin-
    ning March 19, 1962 and ending June 30, 1962. Her salary is to be
    $280 per month for 21 hours work each week. Account 3234 should
    be charged.

       Mrs. Lerner, who holds the Master's degree from Columbia
    University, was employed by the Field Research Company of San
    Francisco for the four years prior to moving to Lexington last fall.
    (The latter part of her employment was on a half-time basis.)
    Her supervisor and head of the company, Mervin D. Field, recom-
    mends her without any reservations.

       She is the wife of Assistant Professor Melvin J. Lerner of the
    Medical Center. Notwithstanding, we wish to employ her in the
    Bureau because, without doing so, we have no apparent means of
    meeting our obligations to the Kentucky Department of Highways.
    This emergency situation has arisen because of the resignations of
    Messrs. Holshouser and Vargha and several assistants during the
    course of the academic year.

                                                Sincerely yours,

                             (Signed)           James W. Martin

          Cecil C. Carpenter, Dean, College of Commerce, forwarded this
communication with his recommendation. President Dickey recommended
that an exception be made to the Board of Trustees rules and that Mrs.
Lerner's employment be approved.

          On motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Executive Com-
mittee concurred in the appointment of Mrs. Lerner on an emergency basis
for three months, effective March 19 1962, and not subject to renewal.



          W. Appointments and Other Staff Changes.

          President Dickey submitted staff appointments, reappointments,
 salary adjustments, leaves of absence, resignations, promotions and other
 staff changes requested by deans and heads of departments.



          Timothy M. Young, Instructor, part-time, Physics, for ten months,
 beginning February i, 1962, ending June 30, 1962.

          Paul H. Vaughter, II, Instructor, part-time, History, for five
months, beginning February 1, 1962, ending June 30, 1962.

          Nancy Allen Rose, Secretary, Political Science, beginning February
 1, 1962, ending June 30, 1962.

        ,i-Homer C. Rice, Inqtructor, part-time, Physical Education, be-
 ginning February 19, 1962.

          Robert J. Ray, InstTuctor, English, for ten months, beginning
September 1, 1962, ending June 30, 1963.

          William Lee McAdams, Instructor, English, for ten months,
beginning September 1, 1962, ending June 30, 1963.

          Priscilla Lantz, Visiting Associate Professor, Library Science
for four months: beginning February 1, 1962, ending May 31, 1962.

          Henry Butler Chapin, Instructor, English, for ten months, begin-
ning September 1, 1962, ending June 30, 1963.

          Danny Louis Redmron, Junior Machinist, Physics, beginning
February 12, 1962, ending June 30, 1962.

          Bruce James Vermazen, Instructor, English, for ten months,
beginning September 1, 1962, ending June 30, 1963.

          Donna Rhea Etheridge, Librarian and Secretary, Mathematics
and Astronomy, for four months, beginning March 1, 1962, ending June 30,

         Deborah R. Simcox, Secretary, Modern Foreign Languages,
beginning February 10, 1962, ending June 30, 1962.

         William John McMurray, Instructor, English, for ten months,
beginning September 1, 1962, ending June 30, 1963.



Re signations

          Mary Brown Overstreet, Secretary and Multilith Operator, Math-
eznatics and Astronomy, effective March 10, 1962.

         Clifton R. Bradshaw, Storekeeper, Aerospace Science, effective
February 28, 1962.

         Friedrich Bar, Post-Doctoral Fellow, Chemistry, effective February
28, 1962.

Appointment. (continued)

         Carolyn Davis Scott, Instructor, part-time, English, beginning
February 1, 1962, ending June 30, 1962.


         Wilbert L. Carr, Visiti'ig Professor, part-time, Ancient Languages,
beginning February 1, 1962, ending June 30, 1962.

Changes in Status

         Sue T. Golan, Secretary, Multilith Operator and Teaching Assistant,
Mathematics and Astronomy, to Secretary and Multilith Operator, beginning
February 1, 1962.

         Julia L. High, Psychiatric Social Worker, Psychology, appointed
as social worker, University Hospital, Medical Center, effective February
1, 1962.

         Dorothy Upton Seyler, Instructor (part-time), English, change
from part-time to full-time, beginning February 1, 1962, ending June 30,

Leaves of Absence

         W. C. Royster, Associate Professor, Mathematics and Astronomy,
research sabbatical, beginning February 1, 1962, ending May 31, 1962,
to accept NSF research grant at Institute for Advanced Study.

         Hill Shine, Professor, English, sabbatical leave beginning September
1, 1962, ending June 30, 1963.



         Pradyumna P. Karan, Associate Professor, Geography, leave
beginning July 1, 1962, ending August 31, 1962 (to teach geography, Uni-
versity of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada).


         John R. Mitchell, Special Assignment, Chemistry, died February
1, 1962.



         Howard C. Wilson, Artist-Draftsman, Experiment Station, beginning
February 1, 1962, ending June 30, 1962.

         Byron D. Williams, Field Clerk, 4-H Extension, beginning
February 1, 1962.

         Thelma True, Assistant Home Demonstration Agent in Training,
Whitley County, beginning February 15, 1962.

         Goldie A. Thompson, Assistant Home Demonstration Agent in
Training, Carroll County, beginning February 15, 1962.

         Duncan E. Sanford, Assistant County Agent in Training, Marion
County, beginning February 1, 1962.

         Sandra Poore, Laboratory Aid, beginning February 5, 1962,

         Virginia Louise Haney, Extension Clerk, Pulaski County, beginning
February 1, 1962.

         Robert Lewis Christian, Assistant County Agent in Training,
Franklin County, beginning February 8, 1962, ending August 31, 1962.

         James B. Moore, Laboratory Technician, beginning February 5,

         Doris S. Scillian, Extension Clerk, Lyon County, beginning February
5, 1962.

Re signations

         Leroy Wilson, Aid in Agronomy, effective February 21, 1962.

         Edwina L. Steele, Bookkeeper-Stenographer, Extension, effective
March 15, 1962.



          Betty L. Johnson, Home Demonstration Agent, Garrard County, ef-
fective March 2, 1962.

         Carolyn Houston, Instructor, part-time, Home Economics, effective
January 31, 1962.

         Shirley Brown Dillard, Assistant Chemist, effective February 28,

         Lillie Mae Cheers, Clerk, Hickman County, effective December 3i,

Changes in Status

         Wilburn J. Pratt, Research Assistant, adjustment in salary and
change from part-time to full-time employment, beginning February 1, 1962,
ending June 30, 1962.

         Judith V.Curry, Clerk, Adair County, adjustment in salary, beginning
February 1, 1962.

Leaves of Absence

        William. Harold Wood, Assistant County Agent, extend leave, beginning
March 6, 1962, ending June 6, 1962.

         Helen Wesley, Field Agent, 4-H Extension, sabbatical leave begin-
ning March 1, 1962, ending July 16, 1964,

         Hayden Watkins, Associate County Agent, Pulaski County, sabbatical
leave beginning February 21. 1962, ending November 20, 1962.

         Alan P. Utz, Jr., County Agent, Carroll County, sabbatical leave
beginning February 10, 1962, ending November 9, 1962,

         Janice Crase, Assistant Home Demonstration Agent, Jefferson
County, beginning February 6, 1962, ending indefinite.

         Harry Whit