xt7pc824fg05 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7pc824fg05/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1991-02-25 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 25, 1991 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 25, 1991 1991 1991-02-25 2020 true xt7pc824fg05 section xt7pc824fg05  

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Kentucky Kernel

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Health insurance V t ancttpated

Associate Editor

Student leaders are pushing ahead
witlt plans to challenge a controver-
sial law requiring college students to
carry health insurance, but one of
their primary reasons for opposing
the mandate has been dealt a serious

The Board of Student Body Presi-

Army says

first day of
ground war
a success

Associated Press

DHAHRAN, Saudi Arabia —
American and allied troops stormed
Kuwait by land, sea and air early
yesterday and wrested pieces of the
emirate from Iraqi forces. By day's
end, U.S. paratroopers and Marines
were reported on the doorstep of
Kuwait City.

The huge Desert Storm offensive.
striking along a 300-mile front, also
swept up into southern Iraq in the
largest American-led invasion since
World War II.

Allied casualties were
“remarkably light," said overall
commander Gen. H. Norman
Schwarzkopf, who gave no figures
for US. dead and wounded.

By early today, more than 10,000
Iraqis had been taken prisoner, a
senior US. military source said. No
information was available on Iraqi

bed by hundreds of tanks, the
troops from 11 nations raced across
the desert battlefield, at times under
pounding rain. Aircraft screamed in
low, attacking through greasy black
smoke from 200 oilfield fires. Hun-
dreds of assault helicopters
streamed into Iraq carrying Ameri-
can airborne troops.

One column of Saudi and Kuwaiti
troops that punched 20 miles into
Kuwait was ”moving like a knife
through butter.” Associated Press
photographer lament Rebours re-
ported from the front.

Some defenders tried to hold their
positions. “'Ihey’re fighting, they're
resisting," a Marine colonel said at
one point And American military
sources cautioned that days of hard
fighting could lie ahead — particu-
larly if allied forces grapple with the
Iraqi army’s elite Republican Guard.

But American commanders. none-
theless, could barely restrain their

The Iraqis have proven to be
“remarkably inept." said one senior
military source. Schwarzkopf hailed
the first day as a “dramatic suc-

See GULF, Back page



Aleksei B. Kozhevni-

kov will present “Sci-

ence Policy and Insti-
tutional Development
of Physics in the So-
viet Union” at 8 pm. in
room 230 of the Stu-

dent Center.




Lady Kats
win twenti-
eth game.

Page 3.

Campus Calendar ............ 2
Diversions ........................ 6
Sports .............................. 3

Viewpoint ........................ 10
Classifieds ...................... 1 1




dents — which represents the state's
rtearly 200,000 college students —
had opposed the new law in part be-
cause board members said the cost
of health insurance would be more
than some students could afford.
But the Council on Higher Educa~
tion said Thursday that the insu-
rance required by the state could
cost students as little as $39 a se-
mester and $26 for summer school.

The policy is the same price for
all ages and is considerably cheaper
than the rate UK currently charges
for its student health plan. The cur-
rent UK plan costs $191 a semester
for students under the age of 35.
Older students must pay $526 a se-

Debbie McGuffey, associate di-
rector of CHE, said the council had
been contacted by an insurance car-

rier that said it could provide the
coverage mandated by the law for
$39 a semester. The CHE also ex-
pects to receive price quotes from at
least one other carrier, she said.
Sheryl Kramer, a UK graduate
student, said the CHE’s ann0unce—
ment is good news. Kramer. a 37-
year-old single mother, does not
currently have health insurance be-
cause she cannot afford UK’s stu-

dent policy.

“I think that's great that they're
going to find a carrier that's going
to lower the cost with no age crite-
ria," Kramer said.

The Board of Student Body Presi-
dents, however, still plans to seek
an injunction stopping implementa-
tion of the new law because they be-
lieve it is unconstitutional.

The law, which takes effect Sept.

1, requires all full-time college stu-
dents at public and private colleges
in Kentucky to carry health insu-
rance that pays for at least 14 days
in the hospital and 50 percent of re-
lated doctor's fees. The law also
covers part-time students who take
at least 75 percent of a full course



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Kentucky's David Wagner (4) scoops the ball away from Cincinnati's Tom Hodgkins in a Lacrosse match played yesterday oft Alumni Drive. The Wildcats had an eaSy
time with Cincinnati in UK's opener, downing the Bearcats 16-0.


101st division supports offensive

EDITOR'S NOTE —~ The follow-
ing dispatch was subject to U.S.
military censorship.

Associated Press

fleet of 300 helicopters, some pilot-
ed by women, streaked deep into
Iraq yesterday in a lightning thrust
aimed at cutting Saddam Hussein‘s
supply lines.

In what officers called the largest
helicopter assault in military histo-
ry, the Screaming Eagles of the
lOIst Airborne Division airlifted
more than 2,000 men, 50 humvees
and howitzers and tons of fuel and

ammunition more than 50 miles into
land vehicles took another 2,000
men from the 101$t over the border
into enemy territory along what the
troops called a “highway to hell."

“This is a bold, bodacious ac-
tion," Maj. Dan Grigson said.

The airborne operation was part
of a push to establish a strong toe-
hold on Iraqi territory west of Ku~

From such a position. U.S. ar-
mored forces could move north to
envelop Kuwait, or possibly pin
down or engage the Republican
Guard, the Iraqi army's elite, in
southem Iraq.

There were no initial reports of
American casualties and the lOlst

encountered only minimal Iraqi fire.
officers said.

Women pilots flew some of the
Chinook supply helicopters in the
assault. The 101$t has 22 female pi-
lots, although not all of them flew
into Iraq.

Col. Tom Hill, a brigade leader.
said at least 15 Iraqi soldiers were
captured and officers said hundreds
more prisoners were expected.

Hill said the attack was proceed-
ing better than anticipated. By late
afternoon. the troops had carved out
a 60-square mile staging area in
Iraq which will serve as a giant fuel
and ammunition dump for later as—

See KENTUCKY, Back page

Gaines Center offering academic
credit in Venetian Renaissance Art

Contributing Writer

The Gaines Center for the Hu-
manities will be offering a unique
opportunity in the fall for UK stu-
dents to receive academic credit
while learning about Venetian Ren-
aissance Art.

Dr. Raymond Betts, director of
the Gaines Center, explained that
the center offers 3500 scholarships
to students who seek to participate,
although preference is given to sen-

“We hope to get a marvelous
mix of students." Betts said.
”We've had students from busi-
ness. history. architecture and Eng-

The program is set up so faculty
members can teach courses they
have always wanted to teach but
for which they did not have the
means. Faculty candidates submit
proposals of the courses they want

to teach, including a list of any ex-
perts who may be needed for the

“I don‘t know of any program in
the United States that is like this —-
that is so directed," Betts said. “It
will be integrative and beneficial to
all those who participate."

The faculty scholarship recipient
this year is Jonathan Glixon, a UK
music professor. Glixon is bringing
Dr. David Rozand. chair of the de-
partment of art and architecture at
Columbia University, to campus to
lecture on Venetian art and on the
artist Titian.

Most people have a very romantic
vision of Venice, Betts said, but ar-
tistically Venice is the most spectac-
ular city in Italy.

Rozand’s visit on campus will
provide UK students and the public
a chance to learn about Venice and
its an. he said.

The program is structured to ena-
ble Rozand to visit UK for a week.

During that time, he will hold lec-
tures —— for students and for the
public — and students will be able
to meet with him on a more casual

Betts said it was a “real coup“
for UK to get Rozand for the pro-

Students who are interested in
participating in the program should
pick up applications from Nancy
Howard, administrative assistant at
the Gaines Center.

Deadline for application is Fri-
day. Three gredit hours are award-
ed for completion of the program,
and credit received can be used to
fulfill part of the University Stud-
ies requirement.

The program will take place
sometime in October I991, al-
though exact dates have not been
set yet.

Funding for the program is pro
vided by the Mary Barry Bingham


Staff Writer

Saturday‘s open house at the
College of Engineering offered
an opportunity for UK engineer-
ing students and area high school
and junior high school students
to display their talents in the en-
gineering field.

In addition, the open house en-
abled the college to raise the
public‘s awareness of the role of
engineering irt everyday life.

The open house featured four
student competitions — the mod-
el bridge contest, the mousetrap
car contest, the egg-drop contest
and the student project competi-
tion. The contests were divided
into college. high school and jun-
ior high categories. A 550 first
prize, 525 second prize and $10
third prize were awarded in each

The model bridge contest chal-
lenged the students to build the
most efficient bridge possible
from balsa wood.

Each model bridge is placed
on a computerized machine in
which pressure is applied to the
bridge until it breaks.

The level of pressure was
measured by the machine, and
the lightest bridge that could sup-
pon the most pressure won the

Mitch Hosman and Jim Doek-
cr. both civil engineering seniors,
teamed up to win the event Hos-
man said he was glad to see high
school students at the competi-

“The thing I like best is getting
the high school students interest-
ed." Hosman said. “We try to do


Talents displayed
at engineering day

something like this to hund
some cxcncmcni III engineer

Hosman said that high \L hoot
students presented sonic. tift
competition in thc tontcst.

”Usually the high school \tu-
dents do better titan the college
students because they take more
time to work on it." Hosman
said. ..

One high school student who
participated in the contest was
Kenneth Pendygraft. a freshman
at Lafayette High School. He
took first place in the high
school diviSton of the mousctrap
car contest.

The object of that contest was
to build a deuce with tour
wheels powered by a mousctrap

Pendygrnl‘t was one of three
students competing in the event
from Joe Sparks" technological
education class at Lafayette.
Sparks said he used the mouse-
trap car €01“th as a “problem-
soIving exercise.“

“I see a lot of young kids
coming over to see what‘s going
on and I think that's good.“
Sparks said. “It‘s important to
get them interested at an early

The eggdrop contest featured
a surprise visnor _,_ the WKQQ-
FM “Q-btrd," who showed up to
cheer on the competition. The
contest challenged the student to
construct an enclosure device to
protect an egg when it was
dropped from various heights.

The student project compou-
tion offered engineering students

See STUDENTS. Page 7







'nto'rvxi'ior‘ on this ctiieooo' 0t even's is coltec'iu "or" "we widest Activities Othce 2UJXZ‘1‘A Student Comet Lion-'3': at


MONDAY 2/ 25

I Movie ‘Do the Right Thing'; Free;
Center Thane; 7:30PM; call 7—8867

I Exhibit: African-American Artists
1880-1987: Selections from the
Evans-Tibbs Collection'; Free; UK Art
Museum; Noon—5PM; call 7-5716 (thru
4/ 7)


I Concert: ‘Perfect Circle' African folk;
Free; Arts Place; Noon-1PM; call

I Movie'Paciiic Heights'; $2; Worsharn
Thatre; 7:30 and 10PM; call 7—8867


I Movie: 'Pacific Heights'; 52;
Worsham Theatre; 730 & 10PM; call


I Movie. ‘Pacitic Heiights'; $2;
Worsham Theatre; 730 6: 10PM; call

I Concert: 'Unsong: The Songs of
Nadia Boulanger'; Free; King Library
North - Peal Gallery; Noon; call 74900
I Concert: Lexington Philharmonic
Orchestra; SCFA Concert Hall; 8PM


I Movie. 'Pacitic Heights'; 52;
Worsham Theatre; 7:30 & 10PM; call


I Movie. 'Pacific Heights'; $2;
Worsham Theatre; 7PM; call 7—8867

I Concert: Central KY Youth Concert
Orchestra; Free; SCFA Concert Hall;
3PM; call 7-4929

I Poetry 8: Short Fiction Radings:
Marcia Hurlow, James Wyatt; Free;
Arts Place; 7PM; call 255-2951



I Meeting: Table Tennis Practice, $10/year:

‘ Seaton Squash Ct; 7:30-10PM; call 7-6636

O Other UK Judo CLub; Free; ALumni Gym;
56:30PM; all 255—2625

I Meeting: UK Judo Club; Alumni Gym; 6-
730PM; all 255—2625


I Meeting: Amnesty International; Free; St
Cntr 119; 7PM; all 254-0952

I Meeting: Cycling Club; Free; 9:30PM; call

I Religious: Catholic Student Leadership
Meeting: free; Newman Cntr #8; Noon; all

I Other: Aerobics; Free; Newman Cntr 1&2;
550-7T’M; all 255—8566

I Meeting: Commuter Student Board; Free;
St Cntr 106; 5:15PM; all 7-6598


I Religious: Holy Euchar'st; Free; St. Augis—
tine's Chapel; SBOPM; all 254—3726

I Religious: 'Encounter'; Free: St cntr 205;
7PM; call 278—9533

I Meeting: UK Judo Club; Alumni Gym; (v
7:30PM; all 255-2625

I Meeting: Student Organiation Meeting;
Free; Newman Cntr 8; g” .00; call 255-8567

I Meeting: SAB Cinema Committee; Free; St
Cntr Z28; 4PM; all 7-8867

I Religious: Catholic Newman Cntr Night
(CNZ); Free; Newman Cntr 3&4; 7:30PM; call

I Religious: Rellowship of Christian Ath—
letes; Free. 502 Woodland Ave; 9PM; call Pr

I Other: Aerobics; Free; Newman Cntr 1&2,
5:50-7I’M; all 2558566

I Religious: Thursday Night Live' at CSF;
Free; 502 Columbia AdiVities Rm; 7:30PM;
all 2330313

I Religious: Mass; Free; Newman Cntr; 6PM;
all 255-8566


I Religious: Mass; Free; Newman Cntr;
9,1130,S&830; call 255-8566

I Religious: Holy Eucharist; Free; St ngis
tine's Chapel; 10:30AM; all 254-3726

I Religious: Holy Eucharist 6: Fellowship,
Free; St Augistine's Chapel; 5:30PM; all 254-

I Religious: Spaghetti Supper Night; 52,
Newman Cntr 3&4; 6PM; call 255-8566

I Religious: University Praise SerVice; Free;

502 Columbia Activitis Rm; 11AM; 2330313


2—KantuokyKarnal. Monday, February 25,1991
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«am g ' ’”‘ ,r d '
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'Vios‘ he ”Bed Out at We Static-M A. ' . um i ". u


’ Com -

88.1 Student Run Radio

elebrate RFL’s th' d year on the airw es

Satur- y, March 4 (1

R0 a1 Cres nt Mob


Sunda arch 3rd

G ekid Blues Rev' W


Mond ' arch 4th

aul K. and the Weathermen


Langdon Shoop

Three days of music, prizes and free eats

The AIDS Memorial Quilt will be on display in Maximum ( .m. i m. ii- iii wiiiii;ii.ii.~..iiiii imam. iii.»

Iiii llwtl‘lt‘l‘lW in»! {w llii‘Siimll liillili'i‘lll \\l‘\llli'\\lil\ flli

35pm llllll‘xilili \Ili 1 firm

lilil l“ \l.iii ll l-J \iii» jiiiii

: , .'. - M. _
aeri'ocky The mtotmotion is published as supplied by the oncompus sponsor to: Student Organizations or University Department 5 to make entries on the Calendar 0 C ndo F
,rin .mvi 0! Photographs (1 G'oohicr are encouraged Deadline No later than the Monday preceding the publication date I 0mm. Cole ' orm


MON DAY 2 / 25

I Lecture: 'Authority in the Church‘ Dr.
Eileen M. Egan, SCN; Free; Newman
Cntr Main Hall; 7:30-9PM; call 255—8566



I Forum: 'The Crisis in the Gulf Dr.
Peter Bechtold; Free; St Cntr 230;
7:30PM; call 7-8867

I Forum: discussion of The Blackman's
Guide to Understanding the
Blackwomen lead by Nikki finney and
Chester Gmndy; Free; St Cntr 111 6:
115; 8PM; call 8-5348 or 8-4263

I Forum: Donovan Scholars - ‘The
Great Barbecue' Mark Summers; Free;
St Cntr 230; 4—SPM; call 7—8314

I Seminar Characterization of the
NADPH Binding Protein
(Dehydrogenase) of the Leukocyte
Respiratory Burst Oxidase'; Free; Med
Cntr MN463; 4PM


I Seminar: ’The Role of FAR-1 in the
Mechanism of Cell Cycle Arrest by a
Yeast Negative Growth Factor'; Free;
Med Cntr MN563; 4PM

I Meeting: Black Student Union; Free;
St Cntr 245; 3:15PM; call 269-4869


I Fomm: Joint discussion of The
Blackman's Guide to Understanding
the Blackwomen; Free; St Cntr 111;
4:30PM; call 8-5348 or 8—4263

I Forum: Donovan Scholars - 'A
Geritrecian: Who Needs One'; Free; St
Cntr 230; 4—5PM; call 7—8314

I Lecture: 'A Roman Villa in Tuscany:
A Family History Unfolds‘; Free; CB
118; 8PM; call 7-2710



I Sports: Entries due for Intramural
Soccer at Manager's Meeting;
$20/team; St Cntr Theatre; 5PM; call


I Sports: Wildcat Basketball vs.
Alabama; Free w / UKl D; Rupp Arena;


0 Sports: Lady Kats Basketball SEC
Tournament (thru 03/03); Albany, CA
I Sports: UK Baseball at
Alabama-Birm; 3PM


I Sports: Wildcat Basketball vs.
Auburn; Free w/UKlD; Rupp Arena;

I Sports: UK Rugby vs. Lexington
Blacstones; Free; Rugby field by
stadium;1 PM; call 271-5843

I Sports: UK Baseball at Stanford;

I Sports: UK Lacrosse Club vs.
DePauw Univ; 1PM; call 277-0734 or

I Sports: Intramural Singles
Badminton Tourney; Seaton Cntr
courts 1 & 2; starts at10AM (brackets
posted 02/28 at 2PM)

I Sports: UK Lacrosse Club vs. Univ of
Tennessee; 1PM; call 277-0734 or
I Sports: Intramural Doubles
.Badminton Tourney; Seaton Cntr
courts 1 5: 2; starts at 1PM (brackets
posted 02/28 at 2PM)




I Movie: '00 the Right Thing',Frce

I Exhibit: 'Afncan-American Artists
18801987: Selections from the


I Concert: Perfect Circle' African folk

I Forum: The Crisis in the Gulf Dr
Peter Bechtold

I Forum; diacusion at The Biackman's
Guide to Understanding the
Blackwomen lead by Nikki tinney
and Chester Grundy


I Seminar: The Role of FAR-1 in the
Mechanism of Cell Cycle Arrest by a
Yeast Negative Growth Factor’

I Lecture, 'Authority in the Church' Dr.

I Forum; Donovan Scholars - "Ihe Great

I Seminar: Characterization of the

I Sports: Entries due for Intramural

I Meeting: Black Student Union
I Sports: Wildcat Basketball vs. Alabama
I Movict'l’aciiic Heights'



EvansTibbs Collection

Eileen M. Egan

Barbecue" Mark Summers

NADPH Binding Protein
(Dehydrogenase) oi the Leukocyte
Respiratory Burst Oxidase'

Sococr at Manager‘s Meeting

I Forum: Joint discussion of The
Blackman's Guide to Understanding
the Blackwomen

I Forum: Donovan Scholars - ‘A


Student at! UM i‘rs llit‘ walls around I t‘\l|1f_!,l()ll


Geritrecian: Who Needs One'

I Lecture: 'A Roman Villa in Tuscany: A
Family History Unfolds'

I Movie: “Pacific Heights'

I Concert: 'Unsong: The Songs of Nadia

I Concert: Lexington Philharmonic

I Sports: Wildcat Basketball vs. Auburn

I Sports: UK Rugby vs. Lexington

I Sports: UK Baseball at Stanford

I Concert: Central KY Youth Concert


Hurlow, Jame Wyatt




I Poetry A: Short Fiction Readings: Marda I Sports: Intramural Double

I Sports: lady Kats Basketball SEC

I Sports: UK Baseball at Alabama
I Movie: 'Pacitic Heiights'

I Sports: UK Lacrosse Club vs. DePauw

I Sports: Intramural Singles Badminton

I Movie: Pacific Heights"

I Sports: UK Lacrosse Oub vs.
Univ of Tennessee

Badminton Tourney
I Movie: 'Padfic Heights'








Kentucky Korml, Monday, February 25. 1991 - 3




With ‘season on line,’ UK beats Gators 90-74

Associated Press

tucky is ineligible to win the South-

eastern Conference championship.
but that isn't stopping the Wildcats

whole season was on the

John Pelphrey scored 24 points
and Deron Feldhaus had 18 to key a
19-7 spurt, which helped the Wild-
cats pull away in the final nine min-





from doing It was the
everything they 1,499th win in
can to finish Kentucky histo-
with the ry.
league's best This leaves
record. the Cats one be-
The 90-74 vic- hind the Univer-
tory over Florida sity of North
Saturday ena- Carolina, which
bled coach Rick . won its all-time
Pitino's team to lSOOth against
keep pace with PELPHREY FELDHAUS Clemson Sun-
LSU for that dis- day.

tinction even though Kentucky's
season will end after two more
games because of NCAA probation.

“It was more than a big game for

us," Pitino said after the Wildcats
improved to 20-6, 12-4 in the SEC.

Feldhaus scored 16 points in the
second half, when Florida over-
came an eight—point halftime deficit
only to falter after tying the score at

“1 think we just came together as

a team. laid it on the line and played
harder.” said Feldhaus, who came
off the bench to compensate for the
absence of freshman center Jamal
Mashbum. Mashbum played just
nine minutes and scored just two
points before fouling out of the

“We had to have this game,"
Feldhaus said “We just did every-
thing we could to win."

Jeff Brassow started Kentucky's
decisive burst with a three-point
shot, giving the Wildcats the lead
for good.

A three-pointer by Feldhaus made
it 65-59 and Kentucky (20-6, 12-4
Southeastern) continued to pull
away when Feldhaus wrapped a
three-point play and a layup around
Dwayne Davis’ basket for Florida
(11-14, 7-9).

“There was a point and time we
had a chance to take the lead and
make a couple of plays," University
of Florida coach Lon Kruger said.

Kats move up SEC rankings,
as Davis plays her last at home

Senior Staff Writer

A fifth-place conference finish
wouldn’t please most teams.

But for the UK Lady Kat basket-
ball team. a fifth-place finish in the
tough Southeastern Conference
was enough to bring smiles to the
UK team as well as their coach,
Sharon Fanning.

On Saturday UK won its sixth
straight game, defeating the Uni-
versity of Flori-
da 67-65 at
Memorial Coli-
seum. The win
improved UK's
record to 20-7
overall, and 4-5



in the South-
eastern Confer-


great, great win

for us," Fanning
said. “Tonight we will celebrate,
then come back here next week and
work harder than ever to get ready
for the SEC Tournament."

UK took a 37-33 lead to the
locker room in the first half despite
being outrebounded 28—15 by the
lady Gators.

The Kats jumped out to a ten-
point lead to start the second half
after junior Kristi Cushenberry
completed a four-point play that
made the score 43-33.

Cushenberry went on to lead the
Kats in scoring. finishing with 18
points. She hit 4 of 8 shots from
three-point range.

With 9:56 to play in the second
half, Cushenberry scored her 1000
career point as a UK player. The
game was momentarily stopped as


coach Fanning handed the game
ball over to Cushenberry.

Florida‘s senior guard Sophia
Witherspoon scored six-straight
points late in the second half to nar-
row the score to 58-56.

And the game remained close all
the way to the end.

All eyes were on the basket when
Witherspoon's three-pomt attempt
with three seconds left fell short, al-
lowing the Kats to win.

“They're tough," Fanning said. “I
thought we handled them quite

Witherspoon. however, finished
as the game‘s leading scorer with
20 points and 9 rebounds.

Gators junior center Erika Lang
led all rebounders with 19, as Flori—
da went on to win the battle of the
boards 56-33.

Sophomore Jocyelyn Mills was
the Kats top rebounder with 11
boards and and 13 points.

Two injured shoulders didn’t
stop senior guard Tracye Davis
from playing in her last regular-
season game.

Davis didn't receive much sym-
pathy from the Memorial Coliseum
baskets as a countless number of
her shots fell in and out of the bas-

After the season Davis will hand
the Kats‘ steering wheel over to
freshmen point guard Karen Killen.

Killen says the thing she will
miss most about Davis is her great
sense of humor.

“She always cracks jokes like in
practice for instance 1 always have
to guard her at the top and she will
say something that makes me

After the game Davis seemed to
filled with joy.

“By far this is my happiest sea-
son here, we have a few games left
and I'm happy about that."

Before the game Davis was
pulled to center court where she re-
ceived hugs from both coach Fan-
ning and assistant coach Karen

Then the lights were turned off as
a spotlight focused on Davis. With
cheerleaders on both sides of Da—
vrs, the five hundred-plus crowd
sung a “My Old Kentucky Home”
in Davis's honor.


Kernel File Photo

(Above) UK's lone senior Tracye
Davis said farewell to Memorial
Coliseum Saturday night. Davis.
who Currently ranks fifth on UK‘s
all-time assist list. will try to help
UK gain a berth to the NCAAs.

“But Kentucky stepped forward
and finished the game in a lot better
fashion, obviously, than we did." he

Pelphrey's last basket gave the
Wildcats a nine-point advantage
with 3:51 left. and Kentucky scored
its next 12 points from the free—
throw line.

Reggie Hanson hit five of six
shots during that stretch. and Pel-
phrey made four of six.

“We set an aggressive tone and
we stayed with it,” Pitino said.

“In order to win on the road. we
have to play hard 40 minutes a game
and we did that. Our goal the whole
game was to wear them down. You
can’t match them shot-for-shot at

Pelphrey, eight of 12, and Feld-
haus were joined in double figures
by Hanson (15 points), Richie Farm-
er (11), Sean Woods (10) as Ken-
tucky bounced back from a loss at
Vanderbilt. despite playing most of

the game without Mashbum.

Mashbum’s two-point perfor-
mance was his least productive of
the season.

Renaldo Garcia led Florida,
which overcame an early 10-point
deficit, with 18 points. Davis added
17 points and Poole had 16 — all in
the second half when he keyed the
rally that helped the Gators get back
into the game.


Conf. ALL
Kentucky 12 4 20 6
LSU 12 4 19 7
Alabama 1 1 5 17 8
Miss. St 1 1 5 18 7
Vanderbilt 10 6 16 10
Florida 7 9 1 1 14
Georgia 7 9 14 1 1
Auburn 5 1 l 12 l 3
Tennessee 3 13 9 18
Mississippi 2 l4 8 l7



. KENTUCKY (90) .
Maehbum t-2 0-0 2, 9919mm 8-
12 to 2‘. Hanson 5-12 5-6 i5,
Woods. 55 0-0 10. Farmer 3-8 24
1%, Watson! 342 0-0 7, Feldim
7-31 8-4 18. Thomas 0-0 0-0 0; 3:»
Martinez 0-1 1-2 ‘1. Braddy 0-1 2-2
,2. Totals 32-64 17-22 90

FLORIDA (74) ,
Grimstey i-a 0-0 2, Poole 6-“ 5-5 .
18mm am “17.3mm“ .,
cm a, Garcia 6-11 @718, Hogan;
24 0-0 6. Chatman 3-5 14 7,
Rows 0-10-0 0. Kuisma 0-00-00,
Turner 0-0 0-0 010131: 29-53 12$
19 74. _ g .
Heldleentwky 37, Florida "
29. 3-polnt youth-Kentucky 9-28
{Fetpl'rey 4-8, Farmer 3-5. Feld—
haus t~2. Brassow 1—8, Braddy 0-: '
i, Hanwn 0-2), Florida 4-6 {Stew- .
an 2-2. Hogan 2-2, Garcia 0-2}.
Fouled out-«Mashbum. Poole.
Robouodo~ Kentucky 36 (Pet-
phrey 7), Florida 29 (Davis 9). Al-
slotszemucky is (Feldhaus 3),
Florida 14 {Grimsley 5), Total
foulewKentueky 21. Florida 20.
Technlcel—«Florida bench.





UK sophomore Patressa Leonard leaps for a rebound in Saturday night's Victory over Honda 137-55

Cats whip George Mason 9-3 to repeat as Southern Champs





Kentucky Cool Cat Chad Cooper charges his own net to try and stop a Duke Blue Devil from scoring.
Cool Cat goalie Curt Roberts is also involved in the action The Cool Cats defeated Duke 5-1. before re-
peating as SCHA Champions yesterday against George Mason University with a 9-3 routing,

Staff Writer

Southern Collegiate Hockey As-
sociation Champions. The Cool
Cats like the ring of that title.

And if the Association passed out
championship rings. the Cats would
now have one for each hand.

“We were really up for it and
when it came down to the wire we
knew we had it." Kentucky‘s Chad
Cooper, the Most Valuable Player

The SCHA tournament was held
in Lexington this year but the Cool
Cats didn’t have to rely on the home
ice advantage to win the champion-
ship for the second year in a row.
The champions took the trophy after
the final match against George Ma-
son Universrty Sunday aftemoon-
with a score of 9 - 3.

Although the Cats dominated the
tournament. the weekend was filled
with impressive hockey from sever-
al southem learns.

Beginning Friday. Duke Unwersr-
ty challenged Liberty College. The
close game went into sudden death
Overtime when Duke scored 38 sec
ends into the extra time. ending the
game with 54 Victory.

The midnight game on Fnday
was South Honda Universrty
against George Mason Universny.
The game was tied at the end of the


“We were really up for
it and when it came
down to the wire we
knew we had it."

Cool Cat Chad Cooper


first period. when George Mason
made its move and took the win
with a final score of 8-5.

Saturday. the Cool Cats took the
ice against the Duke Blue Devils.
With a lead of 4-0 at the end of the
first period. [7K could taste the no
tory. With goals from (‘had Cooper.
Jeff Cooper. Jeff “The Toothlcss
Wonder" Ncuman. Nick Pelligreen
and Paul Sloan, the Cats took the
game 5-1.

“1 was actually expecting it to bc
a little worse,“satd defenscnian Jeff
Cooper. “They were more L011
trolled than we expected. l'sually.
after we score so many goals the
other team falls apart. But tonight
they stayed collected."

Though the anticipation was high
for the le Cats, the totimainent
wasn't quite over. Jeff Cooper add-
ed. “We‘re really looking forward
to tomorrow‘s game. it should be

With one goal each for (‘had
Cooper, Jeff Cooper, Roy Henry,

\cutimn. Jason Sniithwtck and Pet-

tigrceit. the tool (Kits were riot
\cortng from .1 wide variety of

»\rt “ltlell rounded out the
\Lklllllg with two goals it his own.
.is [K routed UML', 9— 4.

Waiter i'ltlll‘dgull. the c\.\.\l.\l"llll

L‘oniitiissioiicr of the \L'liA was '1.
attendance last weekend and voiced
his praise of this (mars tounttiiiicitt.
“'ihts has been one it the best and
most .lllt‘litlt‘tl totiriiaiticiits that
we've ever find. ” i~lan.ig.iit \il‘d.
“We've hteti looking for .'1 plate Io
hold the tournaiiienl every year. and
Kentucky l.\ .i very likely landi-

Finishing out the “ill-‘91 season
with a 23-1 1 record. the Cool Cats
are pleased. “the guys knew what
we had to do this weekend. All our
hard work. tilSLlpllnC. rind dt‘dltd-
tron paid off, We'd also like to
thank the fans for their continued
support throughout the tournament
and the year.“ Canadian Wickson

Besides l‘k‘s taking the (‘litf
Wallace (‘up for best team in the.
league. sophomore (‘had (‘oopcr
took the Tom Bebee (‘up for most
valuable player in the league for the
second consecutive year “It was a
good season overall,“ he said.



 4 - Kentucky Keml, Monday, February 25, 1991





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Names in the game can’t
stop UK women in match

Staff Writer

In their 5-4 victory over 21st-
ranked Texas A&M, the Lady Ten-
nis Kats had to face a team featur-
ing two intimidating names that
have become basic tennis vocabu-

Namely, Agassi and Graf.

While freshman Jenny Graf is not
related to world tennis srar Steffi,
senior Tami Agassi’s brother is rock
’n‘ roll tennis player and Nike ad
man Andre Agassi.

Aside from their tennis abilities,
“why do you think I recruited
them?” joked A&M coach Bobby

The intimidation factor didn’t
stop the 18th-ranked Kats from pull-
ing out a victory