xt7pc824ff0m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7pc824ff0m/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1982-12-09 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 09, 1982 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 09, 1982 1982 1982-12-09 2020 true xt7pc824ff0m section xt7pc824ff0m T 9
KB .v ’
I f '. Remembering Gethlc ert
' ~\ 3 1' In the later part of the 15th century.
'\ Germany produced a remarkable num-
: ,l‘ t ber of gifted artists who helped shape
' what we now call Late Gothic art. In to-
day's IIISTNIOHTII, a recent book
/ about the subject published by Univer-
’ sity Press of Kentucky, Is reviewed See
' page 3.
, .,,_,._ -t_____.___________._..___ ________________________________...—.———————+~———._._7_______..
Vol. LXXXV, No. 85 Thursday, December 9, 1982 An Independent 81qu newspaper University of Kentucky. Lexington. Kentucky
O crunc a BCtS on-campus IHteI'VIeWS
By BECKY MCVEIGH The decrease in '0b opportunities To find ' be in the hidden market, jars in thmand by certain compa- need to “explore, research, talk to reer, Howard said. For students
1 1° . . . . .
Reporter has even affected fields such as en- “you don't just go where the jobs nies, positions they offer, where they friends,relatives,employers. . wanting to establish a major, the
gineering and accounting that tradi- are advertised, you go where you are located nationally and interna- Talking with a professional in Career Resource Library, in 2060
__________._._——— tionallyhave been in high demand. want to get a job,” she said. tionally, and summer openings for your field can “establish a contact Matthews Building, has pamphlets,
Looking for a job has never been “It's a big oblem,” said Randy . students. Students may write, send and a potential lead, which is very films and books such as The Occu-
- pr Howard said 85 rcent of all em- ~ -
easy, but this year has been partlc- Bertram, an electrical engineering 1 t t P: d er resumes or visit regional offices, Ott non-threatening," Howard said. Stu- pational Outlook Handbook and
ularly dismal for college students senior whose interview with Texas ngnen opporum ‘5 are una v ‘ said. dents can set up interviews with pro What Color is Your Parachute?,
seeking employment. Instruments was canceled. “Seniors n ' Just reading and writing resumes, fessionals on their own by using the which provide information on va-

Fewer jobs have caused “a lot are wishing they did better in One way of exploring the market however, “won’t get you a job," Yellow Pages and calling, she said. riots careers.
more competition" on college cam- school. Some goofed off because is through the 1983 College Place— Howard said. “To be a job seeker, ”(Weill can 85k: ‘How do YOU get Th q ll d I"! 'des 'nf
puses. said Jim Gates. a recruiting they thought they could get jobs no merit Annual, said Barbara Ott, you have to be an active job seeker your foot in the door?‘ ‘What's a typ- “en °bo°'; h: Pa“ ‘ 9T
officer with the advertising firm matter what, but now they’re having staff assistant at the center. The ref- It takes time and energy." ical day'?‘ ‘What's the outlook in the "if: 0. a t“ ulw 3‘? are wives;
Coopers at Lybrand. He has inter- atough timefindingjobs." erence lists college majors, the ma- Instead of sitting back, students next decade?‘ ‘How can I prepare ab: m pafuic mmaiors. w I
viewed students on Kentucky, India- “When accounting firms are inter- myself?’ " JOt ared :6 to averagfe sa ary
na, and Tennessee campuses for 14 viewing 100 or more people and Some people find a “hangout" {ngfmaarlionw she “igontact or more
years. they're only hiring three or four, I where employers meet, and try to . ‘ ' . .

He said students have begun to that’s not good odds," said hank Employment Offices merge find out when and whom they're hir- El“? .‘t'P'ary 315° P'Wdeffidwnc:
camp out to gain interviews with re- beggio, an accounting senior. “You ing, she said. Others read newspa- f‘lfierfizfi‘fi ognldwfli’lnrzswmm‘inier
cruiting companies —at the Univer- read in The Wall Street Journal ' per business sections to find out . . ' . '
sity of Louisville recently, he discov- right before your interview that per» 10 UDIte placement effort which companies are expanding, Viewmg techniquesl, bleaif'eers, and
ered “students had been waiting ple got confirmed job offers in which are in trouble and which are figyfigfdfinzviln: diyorsmfi
since 4230.01‘ 5:90 that mofimng to March. 813d ”BB found out In May By MICHELE ERB “Placements will be more plen- huhmg . . may prepare themselvfi for inter-
Signupforintemewsat9.30. they didntget the Job, so you worry StaffWriter tiful as a molt of the Lexington You can find out a lot just by , b hi . t‘

The job crtinch has also hit UK‘S that even if you get the job offer, Cam Employment Office’s on- reading between the lines.“ she “a": th: r313”: "8 clpmpanies or
campus. Approximately 150 employ- youstill might not get the job." campus tern ry job requests said. By being aware of the chang- WT: Ply e to“); ' C Re
ers, or 25 percent of the 600 to 700 With the increase in competition, ————-— and Wéfcamlllla contacts with ing conditions of the market, “you e Czcemeili an_ b areer . '
companies scheduled to VlSll UK “Students are becoming aware that . pus . - may be able to create services by source nter .ISts 3° vacanCies,

. . . . . . . After two years of operation other personnel professxonals in . . . . .. helps students find summer or part-
this year. Will cancel. said Drema Jobs are not gomg to fall into the1r . .’ . identifyingtheneeds of SOClety. .

. . , . Student Employment SerVices is the commumty who have repeat- . time work and offers workshops on
Howard associate director of the laps. . . They re taking more respon- . .. As examples she Cited Mothers . . . . .
' . . . , . movmg to 252 East Maxwell St. edly asked for student help, . . . . .. interwewmg and resume writing
Placement and Career Resource Sibility,’ Howardsaid. and merging into the Lexington Skiba said Against Drunk Drivmg, a group of each semester
Center. “(Students) are trying harder to Campus Em loyrnent Office Gallaher said Bill George man- people who saw the problem of '

“Companies are saying. ‘We’re prepare themselves gradewise, in “It has rsiw established itself ager of recruitment and employ- drunk driving and the need to pro- Howard said students should reg-
just not actively recruiting in order activities out of school, in leadership and it ‘ust seemed a l ical time ment will supervise the program vide safe transportation,“ and a vet- ister with the center in the middle to
to save money. Students will have to positions, in organizations,” Leggio to do “1., said Walter Sfu‘gba direc- Chet 'Fmshee who directed the erinarian who operates a “traveling end of their junior year, and defi-
come tous.‘ H said. “There‘s been a change from tor of personnel for the Lexington student employment effort during vetvan"for shut-in animals. nitely in their 58”“ year. “Let‘s

Some of the companies that have ‘Where do I want to work?’ to cam its first two years will be reas- Conversely, giving in to a defeatist say a particular employer has a job
canceled recruitment visits include ‘Where can I work?’ and «Where‘s a Infill: st the Lexi ton Cam- sigied in the Student Financial attitude is the worst thing a student opening but is not sending someone
Alcoa Aluminum, Schlumberger job?’ " pus Emp‘lgyment 0mg? the Uni- Aid Office seeking employment can do. How- out lto recruit) but has requested a
Services and Dow Chemical. How- Setting up interviews to help stu- versity‘s main hiring office has “This is no reflection on me or ard said. list of qualified students. Only those
ard said other companies, including dents get jobs is one of the purposes aided students in finding ’rma- an bod else" Foushee said “We “The bad part of this publicity students registered with us would
Exxon. Union Carbide. Ashland Oil. of the Placement and Career Re- nent 'obs Skiba said Now‘lehe of- tell it 31’0“] dybe better for every- about unemployment is that stu- benefit because we would send that
Armco and some major accounting source Center, Howard said. “We fice Jwill rovide ‘ information one .. dents are panicking. They‘re saying company the names of students reg-
firms, have reduced the number of serve as a liason,” she said. “We about tem prar and rt-time “This is ‘ist one of the many things like, ‘Well. there are no jobs istered with us."
interviews they will grant students. don’t hand people jobs, but we can ‘obs for stuggnts 3:00 pa ste bei Jtaken tot to provide out there, so why should I even both- With cutbacks in recruiting and

The effect of the reductions is that help them to get jobs by contacting J “We believe this fear anizati on betfir bignefits ferry students n er trying?‘ But if you go out with hiring and increased selectivity and
“they‘re going to hurt students in employers and setting up inter- will ”wide more .0b 5 mm: Skim said ’ this defeatist attitude, it becomes a competition, students will have to
that companies are 80108 to be more views." ties 3) r students seJe kin p531 lo _ The move will take effect Jan self-fulfilling prophecy." prepare themselves and more acti-
selective." said James AlCOm. dl- Besides helping students find jobs ment ,, said Art Gall afier Sia‘yn 3 the first da the University The Placement and Career Re- vely seek jobs, Howardsaid.
rector of the Placement and Career that are advertised, the center helps cam 'us chancellor who :1 0‘ ns following yChristmas vaca- source Center can help students gain ”The attitude will have to change
Resource Center. “There will not be students look for jobs in the “hidden n 0 ml: ed the chan e ‘ a tit; a positive view about job seeking from ‘give me a job’ to 'what can I
as many job opportunities." job market," Howard said. g ‘ ‘ and aid them in preparing their ca- learn in order to geta job?’ “

Man killed after Monument siege ~ : . .
.. 3&3,
WASHINGTON — A man threatened to blow up the Wash- \ k ‘- .
ington Monument with o truckload of dynamite yesterday, 31. .v ' ”£3 : : ’ ..
demanding "a national dialogue on the nuclear weapons . " : x , , . " ' »- : . , 1.-
quesfion." After IO hours, police killed him in a rain of gun- .- 3 ’ e ” tit: ., _, - '
fire when he attempted to drive off in the direction of the 0:... _ " ls :._ N: ’ ' _,
Police said he may have had an accomplice who ran into 3: As ". b ’ ‘i .» _ . .3: ' _
. £3 ':‘ I; § K: K; {.{mx {‘3- ‘ . ’. .:.\:\ k": 3. g
the monument during the chaotic scene. The monument was ii a '. .: s: ._ __ : : :.
flooded with tear gas before officers began their search. " 5: ”ff“: 3. ‘ :. : i- :_ 3 '. Rig "
But after two hours, there was no confirmation that anyone ‘5: wt§§§ : :
was inside. I . : : h ii \ \ “Egg ,.- t;

"We are still operating under the information . . . that :' " -... ,,‘ ‘ _: - . s : 13;:
there is a potential for an explosion," said D.C. police in- “- _, a, if": ,. .. "
specter James Shugart after the body was removed from _ “:33 ’ c . \\
the truck, but there was no indication that there were -,-. :‘7 ': s,‘ ‘ ‘ a:

”I'm pounds Of TNT" or dynami" inside The truck, as the §\ - ‘._‘ N: ,..- , \n 1*
monhodclaimod. , . .5 » . 3 V.

The truck was registered to 66-year-old Norman Mayer “a ' : ' 4 ’<'___ _ : '2 , X;
of Miami Beach, Flo., who had a history of protesting _ «‘31-»... ,.. “Si ‘ ' 3.:
against nuclear war, for the last few weeks outside the - : ‘ :
White House gates. ' ' :13, 3:: ‘ :1 M : . .1,

The siege began at 9:20 o.m. EST. Gunfire burst out, “-5. ' w : ' l V :3 1 ‘s
under floodlights, of 7:35 p.m. It was after 9 p.m. when the . ° : - r W: .. .3 ..
body was removed from the scene. : _, ' .3 : - ~’ “

During the ordeal. nine people were trapped inside the " a ,_
monument for a time, huge government buildings were " a . '
evacuated and officials worried about the safety of the .3 - i : a:

White House six blocks away. i. ' “ . ‘7 .. R >3 ..

A reporter was sent, at the man's request, to receive l‘ ‘ “3‘ ~ '3’" and).
demands. The man asked for a national dialogue on nuclear ussANDIMWMN/iw-i w.
weapons as the first order of business on the agendas of
"Churches, busin“3.g' frat’rML “mam. 390,-“, etc., no 03- Lisa Dodd, one of Santa’s many helpers, holds Brook Cor- ter of the UK Medical Center. The two were at a party for
socialion excepted." penter, a former patient of the Neonatal Intensive Care Cen- former patients of the specnol care focuIity.

He demanded that national and local media carry these
discussions dolly. filling 51 percent of their time and space.

Explosives experts sold if l.000 pounds of dynamite
were detonated. a crater 100 feet deep would be dug at the -
base of the monument, but only moderate structural dom- r, s mas an 8
age would result. However, hundreds of pieces of shrapnel
would be thrown up to 1,000 feet away and the blast would
be strong enough to break windows in the White House 2,- ° '
m,”,oww_,,“,m, ,mmMWmnm, Youthful hospital veterans celebrate new lease on life _
side facing away, toward Pennsylvania Avenue.

__.__—.—— .
ByJAMES EDMN HARRIS recuperated from illnesses or pre- turns greeting him at the unit‘s chael ‘Gosh. he looks bigger than a
Managing Editor mature birth. service window. two-yearold. "
Yesterday, however, a conference “He had problems ~ big ones, Jacqueline Canada. of 760 Char-
. . . W_.___d room outside the $1.2-million com- too," said his mother, Vickie Mi- lotte Court. watched as her twinS,
WEATHER plex was transformed intoa banquet chael was two months premature Erika and Elaine, shyly posed for
Punch flowed, Santa Claus min- hall as more than 100 parents. and weighed less than four pounds television cameras. The twins, she
gled and the participants engaged in youngsters. doctOIS and nurses ate at birth. she said, but during a two— explained. were born a month and a
. mild conversation, but the setting cookies and got reacquainted with month stay overcame lung damage half early and weighed just under
wasn‘t your typical office Christmas each other for the holidays. and assorted otherills. three-and-a-half pounds.
party. To see the children come back Yesterday. the chubby, gurgling But now. four years old. they are
M wlll b. Wk ‘M'm "“Y "l'h ' “W The revelers were between the made it “a very exciting day for all visitor returned, and as he pounded healthy and inseparable, she said.
mernlng anew NW NW by electing eh!“ M. ages of one and four years, and the of 15 here." said Dr. Douglas Cun- on the service window with a small Among the other visitors were 15
[0. 9... mm. m Mull "m be In the lower .0 mid festivities commemorated their re- ningham. the unit‘sdirector. stuffed dog, he held hands with members of a transport team that
‘ ”g, turn to the UK Medical Center‘s It was a very exciting day for Mi» some of the nurses who cared for brings premature and critically ill
Neonatal intensive care Unit. The chael Kinder of Morehead. The 26- him. infants from outlying parts of Ken-
tenlght will be be partly cloudy end cold tonight fourth-floor mm was a, one time pound child celebrated 16 months or “He's 26 pounds?" Cunningham lucky and surrounding states to the
vol"!- low In ”to '0'! ”m 20'. their home when, as newborns, they life by captivating nurses who took said unbelievingly when meeting Mi- Medical Center via helicopter.

Ker he" i
Illl “olden Androi- W John Ovflfln Steven H. humor llnl 8. Kodak 3.0. Vac-Noon Dan ("Ward
Editor in Chief Naws Editor Arts Editor Sports Editor Spouul Francis Editor Photo Ediior Graphics Editor
P E R5 UASION mm mm“ W ”MM W WW
Munggmggdno, Edlionolfdiior AumomAn-Edimr AnnsioniSporiIEd-ioi speciolProiecqu-ium (hiclPholographar (
Greedy parkers J. Carlin Gregory . . . 5 rec one 3” 0 A new form of mining called cree . ow m 0 or Harry M. Caudl'll is a professor in gag,
Chemistry gradstudent Jolgedh’imbahd‘ Peter Toylmshend “long-walling" has entered thefield. swell the river. Except for h ‘9‘” the history department, He has a 1
Being a resident of Rose Lane for JMoim was “323‘: year ‘1‘; Ken“ The machines advance on a wide ”3”" ”game m" ”wage ,1" law degree from the University 0f i.
about a year now, I have taken a M [Wh l h , woyears er. front under a roof-supporting cano- “mfhrpggks aseas serv‘ij l‘ . y KentUChY and has W'ltten 399"“ *5";
different perspective on life here at or e O S W 0 Perhaps you should’ve checked py. When large areas are mined out mars __ an ,7 1:), . ec ‘3”: books about the Appalachia region.
UK. That is. those who commute to your “Who‘s Who" before you wrote the top falls, the overlying strata scarce] mot": Ith: mhtehltfof sl‘o
this university and park on this A fanatic about The Who, I was thearticle,Mr.Steiden. crack and collapse. and wells 80 jars ayn: pacommodes reach th: L . ‘
street don't give a damn about those delighted to discover Bill Steiden‘s LaurelA. Bruce dry. creeks That is the reason that after Otters Pallcy g".
ofuswho live on this street. article “last hurrah?" in the Nov. Ilexington Strip mining makes huge contour ' fl ood the b ”h l 1,“,
cuts along ridge slopes and, lncreas- eyery f t ned 5th :9,“ ”0‘0" 0' "I0 ”Mucky KorM' ;
DRABB E "’ b K . F ingly, cuts mountains down layer by s mmgremisl‘ggam “:8 0‘ et are welcome to express their vlom :5"
L y eVIn agan layer in a process can“ “top re, paper [)0 . lpe .t t on lhoodlforlalpago. ,-".
moval and valley fill." This inter- 'dmoflw mougliiain pheeopelwantto ge '0 50 “MN-rid for public-Non. g?
Moo rm THANKGGMNG l5 1 mm mouoeuw... Fofl soME Mammoth "Wise ii'e seems rupts shallow underground streams. 2 b, 333" if?" "35:3 “may; '°"°" '“N'M '° "l. “M“ %
overt, l wees ire. ow. To scam To oer curiae 1m stiletto mum destruying wells, accelerates stream d,“ Yd, ":3” dc "1“,”le Clorox would «arm on.» comm-m
oer lNTO M, cumin/ins J? ms madam me 510% N Mullet! siliation and mineralizes water. 5c” h “f m He 1 nd WP“ and double-spaced to the odi- "
ohm, HUHNORMM? 4‘ ' swirw occochiiuc FOR '? fr These practices have caused Wide' “,3? 83:: c3 hulk]; pale: bah- '°"°' “h" " "‘ ’°“"‘"""‘
a ’ ' so. ' ma HOLIOHS. E ' n scale degradation ofmountain water 3 “'ed " ow ., at”, lulldlne—UKJosoe-oocz.
, ' l ,' B r, ’J’ O supplies mm are especially difficult 33' “3" m dr 01, 8318 a manner Writers mun Include their name.
if, - .35 e, a a g— . v a to cope with became pactically ev- .bot es an .cahs t once coh' addresses, telephone numbers and
L w _2 . . lg . . tamed bush-killers, garden herbi- "M, , , , _
/ ~-) ., v, we. . - eryone outside the incorporated . . . d Mic I. uni Iceilom or con
: ; ,5, . ‘0. \x- _‘ If" it, , r ,, (E 4.7,; towns is dependent on we“; Miner- eldes, and median” for man an reaction with UK. Identification will
:1 ( ' 58¢