xt7pc824f92k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7pc824f92k/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1991-12 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, December 1991 text GLSO News, December 1991 1991 1991-12 2019 true xt7pc824f92k section xt7pc824f92k Free at Selected Business Locations
Home Delivery at $5 per Year
LEXINGTON cu/usann sxnvxcx oncmmnou, 11.0. aox 11471, mum-row, M 40575
By Bill Loggins

The demand for two services provide by the Lexington Gay and Lesbian
Service Organization has increased over the past year and the
organization has moved to beef up those services. The GLSO Phoneline
has installed a voice menu and there has been an increased demand for
speakers from the GLSO Speakers Bureau.

On October 25, the voice menu was initiated on the Phoneline. People
calling the Phoneline number (231-0335) can now hear a short
presentation of nine different topics. Topics callers can choose from
include GLSO, Phoneline, speakers bureau, religious organizations, AIDS
information, social activities,
special events and Lexington THIRTY"HAPPY CAMPERS" ENJOY
The Phoneline provides a valuable
link for central Kentucky gay men 1%: Steve R.
and lesbians, as well as providing The twel h annual fall campout
information to visitors and people at Eddie's Scott County farm was a
new to Lexington. big success again this year. Over
The Phoneline is staffed by 30 people gathered around the huge
volunteers four nights a week: log fire at the old campsite——our
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and thanks to Willy and Eddie for the
Saturday from 8 to 11 p.m. great weather. Hot dogs and
New volunteers are always needed marshmellows were joined by five
and welcome; training sessions are course dinners cooked in the
scheduled as new volunteers are campfire this year.
added. An electronic switching After some great song and dance
system allows the volunteers to numbers, and a few "blonde" jokes,
answer the calls on their home we spent a relatively quiet
phones. evening under the stars. (Of
The current messages on the voice course, it was not real quiet for
menu are being used on a trial Lannie, who was pulled out of his
basis. The phoneline staff tent two or three times—-it never
welcomes your comments on the pays to go to bed too early!)
messages. The next morning everyone

Demand for Speaker Increases shared bacon, sausage, eggs,

The GLSO Speakers Bureau has banana bread, and even fresh

experienced unprecedented growth oven-baked made from scratch
this year. Since September the biscuits. (Yes, Peggy came in
bureau has sufplied volunteer second place for the paraphernalia
speakers for c asses at Eastern award.
Kentucky University, Transylvania The big excitement this year is
University, Eastern Kentucky the Title Award: "Pee Wee's Big
University, Lee College, Northern Adventure Award," which gioes to
Kentucky University, Kentucky everyone who raced down t e hill
State University, and the to round u? the herd of cattle.
University of Kentucky. Someone le t the farm gate open
Continued on page 5 and the Continued on page 5

 Aword from the editor 11 f h h d t

A o t ese t ings in ica e

that when gay men and lesbians

Closets Are For'CIOtheS take public actions advance gay
B¥ Chuck Smith rights it has positive effects.

It is ime for the gay and Now is t e time to start
lesbian people of Lexington and planning to make 1992 a banner
the Bluegrass to throw off their year for the growth of community
lethargy1 and become more active. spirit among Lexington's gay men
Over t e past 30 months many and lesbians and for the advance
people have gliven me arguments for of gay rights in the Bluegrass.
why gay peop e can't or won't act Let's make the 1990’s the gay
to claim our rights, why we can't ’905 in the Bluegrass!
do this, or s ouldn't do that.

These arguments usually make one
point, "Lexington isn't ready."

My answer to this statement is
that there is an increasing number
of a men and lesbians who are - .
actigvg in political and service Published monthly by the Lexmgton
égtiViE—ieS-t T3917 have ShOWn that Gay/Lesbian Services Orginizafion,

l is ime o o more. .

If you don I t what to get P.0. BOX 11471, Lenngton, KY 40575 .
involved in these things, at least " '
don't burden those who are taking Chuck Smith, editor
positive action with words 0 . ,
gloom and doom. Don't tell us Craig Clere. ["831de 0130 Board
Lexington isn't ready for this or
that; it lniay well be thatl: Maillng:lee. Folding and stuffing: Lee,
Lexington wi not be ready unti - -
we make it face face the reality Laurie. Mark. Steve. and ““1
'of the many gays and lesbians in ——
its midst. Montgomery, Alabama
wasn't ready when Rosa Parks
refused to give u her seat on the The Esmeralda's Parlour column
bus. The Unites States wasn't with news and viewpoints of
ready when Dr. Martin Luther King, interest to lesbians in the
Jr. began to take actions to end Bluegrass is produced by
racial segregation. Esmeralda Collective.

This issue of the GLSO News
reports a successful forum on gay
and lesbian sexual orientation at Views or opinions expressed in GLSO News
Centre College, the reorganization are those of the authors and don't
of gay students at UK, a rally necessarily represent those of the GLSO
protesting the anti-People With Board of Directors. Submissions are
AIDS and anti-gay tone of The welcome. All submissions become the
Kentucky Kernel, and of increased property of GLSO and must indicate full
demand for educational service by name and address of the author. The
GLSO. staff reserves the right to edit

Judge Lewis Paisley's ruling submissions and ads to meet publishing
that declared Kentucky's sodomy requirements, as well as the right to
statute unconstitutional was made reject any submission. Placement of
an election issue by the political advertising in the GLSO News does not
right-wing and re igious funda- denote a person's sexual orientation nor
mentalists in Fayette County. Yet a business's customer preference. .
he won a two to one victory in the
November election.

2 - GLSO/December

By Mary Sojourner Crone
one of the ways I am invo ved in GLSO is by being a member of the
Speakers Bureau, work I enjog tremendously. I like to challenge the
assumptions about gays and les ians we find in all audiences. I though I
would do this for some just by showing up, older than expected, wearin
femmy clothes, and happy to be there. I may get dressed up, but I stilI
get asked, "Why do all lesbians wear flannel shirts?"
Perhaps I am one of those
invisible stealth lesbians and answering clearl is quite a task.
they really don't see me at all. I "Do you think God condones
am thinking of putting on some of homosexuality?" "Wouldn't you
my more outlandish festi wear and rather be normal?" "What do you
saying I am wearing lesbian say to people who blame
clothes. I'll get some new homosexuals for bringing AIDS to
questions out of that. this country?" (Maybe stealth
I introduce myself as a mother lesbians should be issued
of three children; the hands go up invisible brain cleaning dart
or the pencils start flying. guns.)
"Didn't your ex—husband try to In spite of the occasional
take them away from you?" I say he hostility, I enjoy the stimulation
is -not homophobic but many do not of hearing what audiences are
seem to understand that as a going to ask next and figuring how
possible category. "Will you try I can give then an answer some of
to influence your children?" What them can take in.
a thing for a mother to attempt. In addition to that, I speak as
"Won't they grow up to be 'Adult a way to support the individuals
Children of whatever' like listening with some personal
children of alcoholics?" ("My mom concern on their minds and in
was one of those stealth lesbians their hearts. A few people have
and I had to be able to name 15 approached me after a presentation
kinds of oppression before she'd to say they are trying to mediate
let me date.") between their parents and a
I always stress that my children sibling who is coming out. One
have expressed no problem with me young woman said she was
because I am a lesbian, although struggling with whether to tell
they certainly have a growing her friends that her mother is a
awareness of homophobia and lesbian. Sometimes there is a
respond to that in their own ways. smile, a wink, or a thank you from
After what I considered a an apparent sister or brother. I
positive description of the also notice fearful glances and
relationship I have with my see tense, slumped bodies.
children, I still got, "Do you One older woman did her
think your children will forgive accounting as we spoke in front of
you when they grow up?" This was her socio ogy class. Rows and rows
from a woman- later identified» by of nice neat controlled numbers,
the professor of the class as one adding up to something she could
of the more liberal students. understand. I don't think she was
There are other popular ever able to look up at me. Was I
questions, some with negative so scary to her, maybe even evil?
assumptions so embedded that Maybe just cute?
GLSO/December - 3

 The key to HIV
Prevention is
Spread Facts,
not HIV.
For more information, call your
local health department or the
HIV is the virus that causes AIDS.
4 - GLSO/December


By Debbie Currie

Saturday, October 26, the Pride Week Committee sponsored the first of
several benefits for the Pride Week 1992. The coffeehouse/dance featured
the popular Louisville band "Yer
Girl riend," and was a rousing ANNUALCAMPOUTABIGSUCCESS

Our thanks to all who attended Continued from page 1
and/or helped out. Thanks to you left the farm gate open and the
after expenses were paid we raised cows got out on the main road. We
$300.48. This gets the Pride Week loaded as many eople as ossible
fund off to a great start. on the backs of two trucgcs, and

Watch for more coffeehouses went out to play cowboy. I think
after the first of the year, as some of the people had never
will as other Pride Week benefits actually seen cows close up
in the spring. If you would like before, much less chasing wild
to get involved With the Pride ones down the road. When we got
Week Committee, or would like to back to the camp we went on the
help organize benefits, please annual walk and took our annual
cal Debbie at 255-3851. Your group picture.
help will be greatly appreciated! The camping awards this year

MORE GLSO SPEAKERS NEEDED * Chicken Little Award -- "The
cows are out, the cows are out! to
Continued from page 1 Don E., the New York cowboy.

As more professors become aware * Most Queenly "Butch" Lumberjack
of the speakers bureau and learn Award —— for digging up the trees
how receptive classes are to the instead of chopping them down, to
question and answer format, we Frank M.
hope to be even busier. * Virgin Camper Award —- (Never

Seven volunteers, four men and spent the night outdoors): "so
three women are juggling their t os‘e are stars," to John V. from
already full schedules to try to Cincinnati.
fill a l the requests for speaking Continued on page 6
engagements. A few more volunteers
are needed.

If you are interest in working CLASSIFIED ADS
on the Phoneline or with the GLSO
Speaker Bureau, call Bill or Tony For sale: antiqgie couch-51/2 feet long.
at 266—9175. Call Mary, 266- 904.

' " ' " "" ' ' ""' " " ' Job wanted in mentally stimulating gay-
affirmative work environment for _recent
"Complete Travel Services" college graduate. New to Lexmgton.
Beth, (6 6) 253-0955.
Airline Tickets -- Cruises -- Tours _
2nd National Graduate Student Lesblan
PEGASUS TRAVEL INC. and Ga Studies Conference. AEril 2-4,
1992. {Iniversity of Illinois at rbana-
2040 Idle Hour Center EhamJ paign.1§ubxéfit_ prfiiosals folg pagers f
Richmond xingt ,KY50502 an. : us a o e ,- 0
Road, Le on Education Policy Studiestniverglty of
800 228-4337 606 268-4337 Illinois 360 Education Building South
Sixth Street, Champalgn, IL 61 20.
GLSO/December - 5



By Chris McDavid

The rights of gay people were discussed by more than 75 people at a
forum on Nov. 11, sponsored by the chaplain's office of Centre College.
The forum was in response to the anti—gay activities of a fraternity at
the Danville college. Members of the fraternity attend the forum.

Dr. Eric Mount, the chaplain
said, it was important for the
college community to support gay heterosexual activities and that
and lesbian in their effort to it was only chance that made gays
build meaningful relationships, its initial victims in the U.S.
rather than put roadblocks in The other speakers, Katie
their way. McCormick of the Bluegrass NANES

Marie Carney, a law student at Project, and Scott Hallam of AIDS
the University of Louisville, who Volunteers of Lexington emphasized
graduated from Centre College last that AIDS can strike anyone and
year, and Jessie Moore, a senior that education is the best
at Centre told of their safeguard against its spread.
experiences of being gay at the

A lively but orderly discussion
followed the presentations, the CONTINUED FROM PAGES ,
panelists answered questions about * Jehovah's Witness Award: —— for
become aware one is gay, coming walking 1.2 miles up hill to the
out, and discrimination against campsite, to Jim W.
gay people. * Sleeping Beauty [or Rip van

Winkle Award -- a tie: John G. and
Lannie A.
UK STUDENTS PROTESTAGAINST * Paraphernalia Award -- for the
TONE OFKERNELAIDS COLUMN picnic table and bonnet (bright
green and white): to Jack K.

More than 150 People gathered at * John Glenn Award —— for the
the University 0 Kentucky on Nov. farthest distance traveled: to
21 to protest the views expressed Robert P. from San Francisco
by Kentucky Kernel columnist Alan * Good Sport Award -- for being
Cornett on the spread of AIDS. the butt of the blonde jokes: to

The column in the Nov. 12 issue Chip
of the newspaper said that AIDS * Maybelline Award -- for first
was not an epidemic and that scream at daybreak, "Where's my
"[e]veryone who has AIDS has it Maybelline: to Mark W.
because someone was involved in * Better Homes and Gardens Award
illicit behavior." -— for best use of color in a pair

In protest a candlelight of pants: to Ron B.
memorial for the people in * Special Show Award -- for his
Kentucky who have died of AIDS was ren ition of "This ole Gal": to
held in front of the Grehan Jack K.

Journalism Building. Every year the GLSO Campouts

Speakers at the rally said that have their own character. With the
AIDS is a serious threat which growing gay radio craze sweeping
everyone should be told how to the nation, the "Cow Chase
avo; . Campout" was appropriate for this

Dr. Phyllis Nash of UK Medical year. Ever one had a lot of fun
Center's Behavorial Sciences with new friends and old ones.
Department, said that the AIDS The Campout is the second weekend
virus can be readily contracted in of October every year. Get
Continued in the next column involved with GLSO events:

6 - GLSO/December

_ ——-——‘-———————.—
The International Secretariat of Recently a South American
Amnesty International in London newspaper editorialized it' support
issued on September 30, an action for groups of vigilantes murdering
alert on behalf of a Turkish gay gays in the streets, saying that
and transvestite activist Ramazan such action should not be
"Demet" Demir who was arrested considered murder, but merely
twice in August, reportedly beaten "hunting." The Iranian government
by Istanbul police chief, and is has called for gays to be killed,
now being held in prison facing suggesting burning alive as one
charges of defaming the memory of method. And Chinese official
Turkey's modern founder, Mustafa stated recently that there are no
Kemel Ataturk. gays in China "because we kill
This is the first gay prisoner them."
of conscience adopted by the human It is hoped by gay activists
rights organization, since it that the change in the policy of
expanded its mandate to include the much respected human rights
people arrested for sexual organization Amnesty International
activity with same—sex partners signals the start of wide spread
and recognized for the first time repudiation of hate campaigns
sexual orientation as a basic around the world. Amnest
human right. For membership intyormation
Gay men and lesbians are the write to Amnesty International at
target of governments around the 322 Eighth Avenue, New York, NY
world. 10001.
The American Civil Liberties Union Dartmouth University has given the
has sued Georgia Attorney General military until 1993 to change it
Michael J. Bowers alleging that he anti-gay policies or face
improperly fired a woman after expulsion of the ROTC program.
learning of her plans to undertake
a Jewish religious ceremony of The Ku Klux Klan of Orlando,
marriage with her female partner. Florida has established an anti-
gay phoneline [(407) 352-1642].
The New York Governor's Office of The current message praises the
Lesbian and Gay Concerns has veto of California's gay rights
ordered the State University of bill by Governor Pete Wilson and
New York in Buffalo to stop using praises the anti—Jgay hiring policy
state funds or resources to assist of Cracker Barre Restaurant. If
armed forces recruiters on campus. you call you can leave a message.
Such assistance to the military
was held to be in violation of Illinois Governor Jim Edger has
Governor Cuomo's Executive Order signed two domestic partner bills
28.1, which prohibits state and a bill aiding people with
agencies from iscriminating on AIDS.
the basis of sexual orientation.
Minnesota Governor Arne Carlson
New Jersey Governor Jim Florio has agreed to be honorary
recently issued an executive order co-chairman of a fundraiSing
extending anti-gay discrimination dinner for the Human Rights
protection to all the employees of Campaign Fund, a gay and lesbians
the state advocacy organization.

 a P the catalyst which catapulted me
smerelda 5 81‘10 r into a new dimension of writing.
3, , Through my writing I was able
"R to cope with the joy, the ain and
A! >3 . g .
".- the newness which has sur aced in
,c‘?‘ my life. A real, live breathing
« ‘ female occupied my thoughts.
Only after I had written and
[This month we are celebrating out first six presented the first poem to her
months of "collective" efforts in writing (in a slightly intoxicated state,
Esmeralda's Parlour. I think we are off to a I might a d), did I feel a weight
good start. Although Teri Wood and I are lift from my soul. Although I was
currently the prime contributors, there have never intimate with her in the
been half a dozen or so contributors, which is true sense of the word, our
terrific. With a little luck and even more relationship evolved to a "more
support from all of you out there, we should be than friends, less than lovers"
able to keep rolling along. This month we're level.
pleased to offer you the following contribution. We have shared the joy Of
—— Debbie Currie] complete trust and understanding
. _ . which encompasses loving someone
Try Lifting a Weight of the same sex. She gave me a
From Your Soul push into the light with the
_ purest and most honorable
By Emaline West intentions. I saw the light with a
There are times when we find blinding force and a revelation of
ourselves with emotions transcend- knowing repressiveness darkness.
ing verbalization and physical So I've bared my soul to you,
affection. We feel incompetent, albeit in an anonymous manner.
inept and simple too afraid to I've said all this to say this -—
dare express these emotions aloud. I know I'm not alone. I know there
It is in these times we suffering are others who have written for
poetic souls retreat to the that special someone. You've
privacy of our darkened corners written the joy, the pain, the
and put our words on paper. fears and disappointments. Share
During the summer of 1989 in the it with someone. Maybe you can
midst of a mid—life crisis and the lift a weight from your soul.
illness of my late husband, I was I'm no Emily Dickinson. I'm not
forced to confront over 20 years a professional. I write the same
of repressed sexuality and denial as everyone else -- what I feel.
of my true feelings. So I'll share this poem with you
An itch, I had refused to and encourage others to submit
acknowledge, was scratched; a your writings.
flame, I kept snuffed, was fanned;
a stone, that I had previously and FEMALE ARCHITECTURE
purposefully walked around, was
turned. My feelings for a Inaworldfilledwithcoldhardness,
particular female in my life §ouembodgallthatissoflsandwarm.
pounded like music not yet oualtert edimensionsofmybeing
written, much like a song past due and reship the angles of my world.
in its singing. The only safe Thedarknessinnowlight.
avenue available for the Thesharpcornersareroundedcurves.
reconciliation of these feelings Theflow15fluid
was the written word. she became and the voicehasno edge.
8 - GLSO/December

The first three months after a diagnosis of AIDS is the most crucial
period of the disease according to a study done by two University of
California researchers. The statistical analysis of more than 88,000
AIDS patients shows that one of every six patients dies within three
months of being diagnosed with AIDS.
The researches, Chin Long Chiang
of UC-Berkeley and Chui Yu Liu of Gay and bisexual males who have
UC—San Francisco, found that gay not received blood products have a
white males live longer follow1ng median incubation period of 9.5
the diagnosis than any other years. But for recipients of blood
demografhic group, and that men products, the incubation period
live onger than women who is only 6.4 years.
contract the disease.
The statistics indicated that ——
the probability of d ing decreases HIV TRANSMISSION PATTERNS
after the seconcI, year from
diagnosis, suggesting. that the HIV moves from man to woman
patients' immunologica reactions during sex far more easily than
become more effective in combating the other way around. In a stud
the disease after the second year. of a cohort of 379 heterosexuaX
Overall women survive an average couples in which one person was
of 11.4 months from diagnosis. HIV seropositive, it was found
Gay white men in the age group that only one of 73 men (1.4%)
30—39 average survival time is contracted the virus from their
15.3 months following diagnosis. infected partner. However 61 of
White gay men of all ages lived, 307 women (19.9) contracted the
on the average, 13.7 months virus in that way.
following diagnosis, while The study's author, Dr. Nancy
African—American and Latino males Padian, M.D. an epidemiologist at
lived less than 12 months UC-San Francisco, calculates that
following an AIDS diagnosis. the risk of contracting HIV during
Chiang and Liu said differences unprotected intercourse is at
between survival rates of whites, least 17 times riskier for women.
African—Americans and Latinos, may Similar studies in hemophiliacs
be due to socio-economic and their partners have shown
differences that make whites more similar results.
likely to routinely see a
physician than other racial
The statistical study also
indicated that mortality rates for Fears of getting AIDS during
people who are infected with HIV surgery or dental work are
through blood transfusions was unfounded, said ex—Surgeon General
markedly higher than those C. Everett Koop recently.
infected b sexual contact. To ease the public's mind the,
The onfy slightly optimistic American Medical Association
note in the Case survey is that asked several experts about HIV
the incubation period -- the time infection.
from initial testing that "Chances of getting infected
indicates a person is HIV—positive from a health worker are nil,"
until an actual diagnosis of AIDS Koop said.
—— is much longer than has been + + + + + +
believed. SAFE SEX OR NO SEX
GLSO/December - 9



Schools in the San Francisco Bay William Bo ce Meuller, 40,
area have taken severed their grandson of Wil¥Liam Dickson Boyce,
relation with the Boy Scouts of founder for the Boy Scouts of
America because of the youth America, said the Scouts "are
organization's policy of denying wrong in this area and have to
membership to gay boys and not rethink their whole philosophy.
accepting gay adult volunteers. "My grandfather would not want
The schools have canceled use of have wanted to see me excluded
school resources by the Scouts. from the Boy Scouts of American

The Santa Clara County schools because of my sexual orientation,"
voted unanimously to end a $12,000 said Meuller, who is gay.
contract with scouting staff and After the meeting Mueller's
volunteers to teach once-a-week mother, Virginia, said in a TV
science courses. interview, "[My father] didn't

School board member Alex Salazar found the Boy Scouts for certain
said that although the Scouting groups of boys. He founded it for
program was a valuable asset to all boys. He was a very big man in
the district. But, Salazar said, many ways, and I don't think the
"When they openly said they would would have liked discrimination
discriminate, it became very easy either."
for me to vote against them.

A few weeks earlier, the San
Francisco Schools bared the Boy BOYCOTT OF TROJAN CONDOMS
Scouts from operating programs in SUGGESTED BY GAY ACTIVISTS
school classrooms.

The grandson of the founder of Gay activists have launched a
the Scouts in America spokeOin Trojan War with a contemporary
favor of the ban at the school twist. They are encouraging a
board meeting when the decision boycott of Trojan condoms.
was made. Continued in next column Carter—Wallace, Inc., makers of

Tro-jlan Condoms, has said the best-

—"'— sel ing brand will advertise in

FBI POLICE TRAINING PROGRAM "mainstream" men's publications ——
HELPS HATE CRIMEREPORTING excluding national gay magazines
such as The Advocate and

In an nationwide effort to Christopher Street even though
implement the Federal Hate Crime studies show gay men are more
Statistics Act, the FBI is likely to buy condoms than their
providing a series of regional straight counterparts.
seminars to train local police "Condom makers represent the
departments on how to identify, most startling example of
track, and respond to hate crimes, advertisers taking gay dollars
including anti-gay crimes. while slamming the door on gay

The National Gay and Lesbian publications," said a spokesperson
Task Force Institute and other of Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against
national advocacy groups assisted Defamation.
the FBI in planning and delivery Letters protesting the Carter-
of the seminars. Efforts were Wallace policy should be sent to
made to have gay and lesbian Henry Hoyt, Jr., Chairman and CEO,
community representatives have Carter-Wallace, Inc. 1345 Avenue
give presentations at each of the of the Americas, New York, NY
training seminars. 10105.

10 - GLSO/December


The Board of Aldermen of the DIRECTORY
City of Lguisville adfipted a hate _
crimes or inance at t eir N . 14 .-
meeting, The vote of 8 to“; was GLSO Gaylme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231-0335
seen as a ood omen f th .
passage of Sfihe additiofrof f; GLSO Board (Crali) . . . . . . . . . . . .266-8887
sexual orientation clause to GLSONeWS(ChUC )............253'0661
cities anti—discrimination law. GLSO Speakers Bureau (3111) - - - ‘266'9175

Members of the fairnesg campaign GLSO P onehne (Tony) . . . . . . . . .266'9175
promoting the adoption of the gay GLSO Commg Out Group .. . . . . .266-5904
anti-discrimination clau a . .
that they expect the matT-far 580’ Rainbow BowlmgLeafiue . . . . . . . .267-2127
come before the Board of Aldermen Trl-state Gay Rodeo ( erry) - - ' 233'7266 '
in January . NAM_ES Prggect Kentucky (Katle) 223-3855

In October the city . 5 Human Lesblan Pot uck. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223-3925
Re 1 a t i o n s G 0mm 1 s s i o n v o t e d Esmerelda's ParlourflDebble) . . . .255-3851
unanimously in support of the Front Runners/runnmgclub (Dan)254-6850
e x t e n s i o n o f c 1 v i l r i g h t s BK figmfiblap (SJhUdentfsgiTlgfil) 33353833
protections to a citizens . em on_ ens OI‘US e y '

ihe city ' s poglgce' have also been (Mlchael) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .233'3709
ma ing. opening to the gay .
communlt . Police Chief Dou Gay/LesbianAA(Dave)..........277-9522
H a m i l t oyn h a s i n v i t e d g a ; Gay/Lesblan Al-Anon (Robert) . . . 293-0516
organizations to take part in RELIGIOUS GROUPS
t ' ' ff ' .
——-————ralnmq new ° we” ?igrfityz 0%tho1ic ($325 .). . . . . . . . 39792-2332

ne 1t: isco -
LEXINGTON NIGHTLIFE InteflveivePUniféxian (tr-dig) . . . .266—8887
The Bar Complex, 224 East Main, 255-l 55l . Kemfigllgsglnlggxfiiiflegz 861.2835 645-2437
The restaurant, Cale Montparnasse, open lrom AVOL (11312-0. & services) . . _ 254-2865
6 - H pm, Saturday 6 pm - 3 cm Also ACT-Lexin on referal) . . . . . . . . .281-5151
lectures Johnny Angel Disco, Gilded Gage HIV+ ARE? AIBS Support Group
Cabaret, and the Living Room Lounge. (Edwin) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .233-0444
Atterhours Saturday night from l:30 - 3:30 am. .
_ Anoigmous AIDS Testmg
Crossings, l 17 North Limestone, 233-7266. Lexxngton- ayette County. - . - ~ - - 288-23ifl
Lexington's mens’ bar. Cowboy night lst ill/[adisop 0%mtyt' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ' 2321149
Saturday Leather night 3rd Saturday. Operates VggzadIfIEII-ifcguuxlllty. ‘ ' ' ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ’ ' ' ' ‘ .837-4541
The RacL, a leather shop, open Friday and y' ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ' ' "
SGlU'dO)’, l0 pm '0 l am. Louisville&Jefferson County
Gay/lesbian Information Lme . . . . .589-3316
The Metro, T56 West Main, 254-988l. Shows
ever);i weekend. Atterhours Friday and N t' al G /LeSb' C _ . l'
5 t , ] ; - 4 . a mu a Inn 11515 me
O L" °Y 30 cm (805) 347-4283
Joe's Cale & Bar at tleur de lys, T20 South
Upper Street, 259-9973. 4 pm - i am, - '1 E5 - -
Monday — Friday, 6 pm - 1, Saturday. Lexmgt on Ga3é31_0gl§§ Information
GLSO/December - ll

Contact names and numbers for all events can be
found in the Directory on the previous page. S P E C I A L E V E N T S
The Comp Care Center is located at 201 Mechanic
Street in Lexington. SUN 1 Tri—State Gay Rodeo
Association, 4 p.m.
i:-L':::~:-:-:-:-Iz:z:z::1;::::::::::1:1:2-:2:zI:2'2:i:l:i:1:1:£31?:1WE:i:I:25:92::EFFEM:3:ig:f:3EEEEEEEE:f:5:3:311‘1‘i'55:33:32g:333:5:f:§:::‘-‘1‘i:§:§:§:g:' TUE 3 GaYJ-ine meeting! 5 :30
$MYWTF‘5 WED 4 GLSO Board meeting 7 p m
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Thu 5 GLUE (UK gay, lesbian, and
8 9 1O 11 12 13 14 bisexual students group)
15 16 17 18 19 20 21 meeting. for info call:
Jeff: 253—9729
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
29 30 31 SUN 8 AVOL meeting, 5: p.m.
WED 11 NAMES Project Meeting,
7 p.m., Rosenthal Center,
Transylvania University
WV E 15 K I; Y E \I E Ii T S
THU 12 NAMES Project Panel Making
Workshop, 7 p.m., Quilters
SUNDAY Gay/Lesbian AA, 4 p.m., Square, Regency Road
Comp Care Center; GLUE (UK students) meeting
7:30 p.m.
MONDAY Lesbian Adult Children
of Alcoholics, therapy SUN 15 Lesbian Potluck, 2 p.m.
group. 4—5z30, call
Emily, 281-2100 LAST WEEK OF THE MONTH .
GLSO News folding and
TUESDAY Gay/Lesbian Al-Anon 7 pm stuffing, for info, call
Rainbow Bowling League, Lee,277-9365
8:45 Southland Lanes