xt7pc824cc60 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7pc824cc60/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1935-10-25  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, October 25, 1935 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 25, 1935 1935 1935-10-25 2013 true xt7pc824cc60 section xt7pc824cc60 ri











to Iexington to Attend
First of Concert

ings by teachers attending the
Annual Educational conference, in
Room 18 of the Art Center, Saturday, October 28.
In this collection will be found
drawings by Miss Margaret
of Murray State Teacher's
college, Miss Lucy Dlecks of
High school of Louisville, and
Miss Katherine McGlnnis of Henry
Clay High school of Lexington.
This exhibit is an indirect result
of the carrying out of the recent'
state code which requires that
requires that drawing be taught1
In all elementary schools.
Besides this exhibit, the exhibit
of the Brush and Pencil club, fea- turing artists of Lexington and'
central Kentucky, will continue un- til November 3. This exhibit may
be seen on any week day from 8
a. m. until 6 p. m. and on Sunday
afternoon from 2 to 8 p. m.



Will Make Initial WITH FRESHMEN
Appearance Today


Both University glee clubs will
make their first public appearance
today when
HAND TO ALABAMA the Twelfththey will appear before
Annual Educational
conference which is being held at
Large Number
Attendance of
President Appoints Special the University, Octobebr 25 and 26. Mainstavs of Cat Forward
of Students Is
Homecoming Committee
The Girl's Glee club, under the
Wall Are Finally in
direction of Miss Mildred Lewis,
of Three
Shape to Play
will give the educational conference
at Memorial hall at 2
Announcement of a yell contest its send-oBecause of injuries to several of
The 1935-3- 6 season of the Comunder the sponsorship of SuKy, p. m., at which time they will ren- his key men, the practice football
der five numbers. They are;
munity Concert association of cencampus pep organization,
with Cr,echo - Slovaklan Dance Song-Pop-ular game scheduled for tomorrow afttral Kentucky opened last night
prizes of $2 for the first, 81 for the
ernoon between the Kentucky varMelody.
second, and 60 cents for the third
with Nino Martini, noted young
sity and Coach Blck"tt Prlbble's
Joseph Clokey. freshman teams has been cancelled
A Snow Legend
tenor of today, in recital with Miyell, was announced today by
Wee Fiddle Moon Leon Abbott by head coach Chet Wynne.
guel Sandoval, pianist. Mr. MarEwlng, president of the pep
tini's voice Is lovely,
When this year's schedule was
I'm So Glad Trouble Don't Last formed the date of October 26, was
flexible, and under control.
Novelty, method of delivery, and
a product of the bel canclarity will be considered In Judg- Always Negro- Spiritual.
purposly left open to allow the
Minor and Major Charles Gil- Wildcats a breathing spell between
to school as can be imagined. It
ing the yells. Those wishing to
yells should send or give bert Spross.
unfortunate that he goes
enter their
the Auburn and Alabama games.
The Men's Glee club, directed by The practice tilt was slated to give
Into a strenuous season without a
them to Dan Ewlng at the Pi Kappa Alpha house as soon as possible Professor Lampert, will sing at the the fans some entertainment and
rest, although a slight flatting was
as it is planned to use some of the banquet of the Educational confer- to give the varsity a stiff workout,
the only manifestation of his faence which will be held at six o'- The numerous injuries that have
tigue. He said somewhat ruefully,
yells at the homecoming game.
evening in the ball hit the Big Blue camp since the
"I am young, so I must work."
Two cheerleaders and the Uni- clock Friday
They Ohio State conflict necessitated the
We are fortunate in having JOCKEY
versity band will be sent to Birm- room of the Phoenix hotel.
following numbers:
cancellation of the game.
ingham next week for the Alabama will sing the
heard Mr. Martini first hand, since
Soldier's Chorus Gounod.
Stan Nevers, 205 pound tackle,
game, it was decided at a meeting
he is one of the coming figures in
Dedication Frantz.
left behind
motion pictures. He has already KILLING WOMAN of the circle held last Tuesday af- Selections by the U. of K. Quartet. who was Auburn, waswhen the team
went to
back in uniternoon, and the possibility of charmade one picture and says that he
Battle of Jerico Negro Spiritual. form Wednesday afternoon for the
will make two more in the spring.
tering a special train for the band
first time since the Georgia Tech
Alma Mater Lampert.
Mr. Sandoval, a native of Guate- Schaeffer .Willing to Waive" and supporters with a special
Miss Martha Sue Durham will game. His injured knee is healing
round-tri- p
mala, South America, is a composer
rate was discussed.
rapidly and he is expected to be
Extradition in Case of
accompany both club at the piano.
of some note. (The National BroadFurther plans for the big homein perfect condition for the AlaWoman Killed in
casting Company recently gave an
were also discoming pep rally
bama game to be played In BirmLouisville
entire program of his works.) He
ingham next week-encussed at the meeting. It was dewas at his best in his own idiom,
cided to award the customary cup N. Y. A. WILL AID
Sam Potter, the other injured
both as accompanist and soloist. The
best fraternity and sorority
Wildcat, was also at practice Wedrecent Interest In Spanish Ameri- Seated on an iron cot in a detention for the
day of
nesday and seems to be ready to do
homecoming decoration the
can music is particularly felicitous cell here, early today, Walter i the game. Plans for the pep rally
battle with most any team. Potter
exercise bov for the
to his continued success as Inter- Schaeffer.stables,
event NEEDY
was injured in the Ohio State game
denied that he include a broadcast of the
preter of the Interesting and color- Headley
and this week is the first time he
genure of killed Mrs. Evelyn Sliwinskl on a over WHAS through the
ful rhythmic and tonal
has been able to do any strenuous
lonely road outside Louisville, Ky., studios, talks by President McVey,
his people. His technique and feel Sunday morning.
Coach Wynne, prominent alumni of Colleges and Universities in work.
for his Instrument seems all that j Schaeffer, however, signified his the University, and members of
to Receive The other members of the 'Cat
could be desired.
willingness to waive extradition and the Varsity squad, and a parade
Grants; Kentucky Institu- squad who were on the hospital list
Mrs. I. D. Best, who welcomed go back to Louisville to face a through the downtown section to
are rapidly rounding into condition
tions Included
one of the largest audiences ever murder charge.
and barring injuries in next week's
be followed by a bonfire on Stoll
gathered in central Kentucky, read
practice sessions the entire squad
Schaeffer, who was taken Into field.
W. Williams, executive should be
a letter Inviting members of the custody here last night at the re- -I
in the pink of condition
A special homecoming committee
LouYouth Ad- when they Journey to Birmingham
of the National
association to be guests at the
quest of Louisville authorities, is composed of Virginia
Robinson, director
announced that on November 2.
ministration, has
' changed with running down Mrs.
isville concerts.
Dick Boyd, and Mary Ounn Webb
We, in turn, were delighted to Sliwlnski with an automobile. The was appointed by the president to financial assistance will be providOne of the most talked of subjects
welcome about a hundred students woman's battered body was found, have charge of all arrangements ed by the administration at an in the Big Blue camp this week has
100,000 needy students
early date for
and friends of music from Louis- a short time after she had taken for the affair.
been the outstanding work of "Red
In 1,500 colleges and universities in Hagan. This lad has been a substl
an automobile ride with the ac- -,
ville. In fact the number of young44 states.
tute end so far this season but the
er persons In the audience was cused, Jockey Willie (Smokey)
Kentucky will have 32 such insti- creditable performance turned in
notable. It seems to point a trend Saunders and Mrs. Agatha Mackin-- I "On, On U.
will by the carrot-toppe- d
tutions provided for and this
Louisville boy
toward real interest in the cultural son. Saunders surrendered to the
Copies Available cover 1,640 students. The monthly at Montgomery last Saturday may
arts amongst the only people who Louisville police and named Schaef
government elevate him to the position of first
as the driver of the car.
grant from the federal
can really affect the future of mu- fer
The police claim that when Mrs.
string end.
All freshmen and upper class- will be $24,660.
sic in America: the younger genSliwinskl got out of the car fol- men, as well as others who haven't
Each college president will be held
lowing an argument, Schaeffer ran learned the University school song, responsible for the program in his
her down, then later came back "On On U. of K.", may obtain a institution. Students will be em- Keenon Addresses
and again ran over the proserate copy of the song by calling around ployed In socially desirable work on
form, which the prisoner empha- at the Publicity office in the ad- and off the campus. On the camDemocratic Club
tically denies.
ministration building, Mr. Elmer pus they will be engaged In various
G. Sulzer, director of the depart- duties that may be assigned them,
Rodman W. Kennon, Lexington,
ment stated today. Both the words while off the campus their activi- former clerk of the Court of Apprinted song ties will include community educa- peals of Kentucky and a prominent
LOUISVILLE, Ky.. Oct. 24 (INS) sheet the music
style which will be given tion, health ,and welfare projects.
attorney, addressed the University
-- wide
Turkey Festival Jockey Willie "Smoky"today stuck away gratis.
Selection of students will be Democratic club Monday night in
noted rider,
Radio programs of broadcasts made from those unable to remain McVey hall. Mr. Kennon traced
Will Feature Event
to his denial that he knew anything
the history of partisan politics in
about the death of Mrs. Evelyn from the University of Kentucky in college.
Kentucky from 1899 to the presdancing extension studios of WHAS in
Sliwinskl, his
13, 14
stuLoulsvlle are available to all
ent time and made particular menparty companion.
to the Pubtion of "party splits."
He was free under $5,000 bond, dents who call around
The freshman class of the Col- provided late yesterday, and his licity office. These programs conSeveral members of the club are
Phi Delta Phi, international legal
lege of AgTClulture is planning a preliminary hearing was set for tain a list of all broadcasts and fraternity, entertained the pledges conducting speaking campaigns in
Turkey festival, in connection with Oct. 31.
of the broadcasts from of the organization at a luncheon central Kentucky. The next meetthe time
the annual Fall festival, to be held
Saunders, whose brilliant career the University studios. Students at the Phoenix hotel, Wednesday, ing will be held at 7.15 o'clock
Livestock pavilion on No- was climaxed by his piloting of may obtain these programs to send October 23. Following the luncheon, Monday night in Room 129 McVey
in the
vember 13 and 14.
Omaha to a Kentucky Derby vic- home to their parents.
David W. Carter, John Byron Han- hall.
This is the first time a state- tory this spring, returned to Louisnah, Ben T. Cooper and Snyder
turkey festival will be held ville alone and gave himself up to
Downs were initiated. Mr. Leer
at the University. Dr. J. th officers.
Buckley and Mr. Lon Rogers, alumfor
The rider readily admitted that
Martin, head of the PoulHolmes
ni, were guests at the luncheon
try department, has secured Dr. S. he was on the party that ended
and services. The officers of the
with the leaving of Mrs. Slivlnskl's
fraternity are: George Skinner,
J. Marsden, associate poultry
of the Turkey Depart- battered body on a road and that
Albert Jones, Jack Evans, John
he denied
Geyer and Sam Kennedy.
Petitions for all senior class
ment, U. 8. Department of Agri- his car was used, but killing.
Pictures may be taken for the
officers have to be in the Dean
culture. He will Judge the turkeys any knowledge of the
Kentucklan during the coming
of Men's office by noon MonWednesday, and Thursday he
week at the LaFayette studios
day, October 28. These petitions
will address the members of the Vandenbosch
at 301 W. Main street. This is
must be accompanltd by twenty-fwho
Turkey Growers
The Home Economics club will the last opportunity for memnames of members of
Meet ive
meetat the Experiment
hold its regular
will meet here
bers of
the senior class, and no name ing Monday evening, October 28, juniors campus 'organizations,
station farm.
and seniors will have to
can appear more than once on
Is being held Political
Disroom of the Agriin the student
Science Head
This turkey festival
have their picture taken.
any one petition for an office.
annual fall
cultural building. An interesting fraternities and sororities are
in connection with the
cusses Europe and
The candidate must signify his
musical program will be the main
sponsored by the various
urged to have a picture of their
willingness to run for the offeature of the meeting. All memorganizations of the College of
housemother taken at the stufice by signing
his signature
bers and other students enrolled in dio during the week.
Agriculture on
to the petition.
Dr. Amry Vandenbosch, head of
home economics are urged to be
November 13.
the Political Science department,
The following students are In was the principal speaker at a
charge of the turkey festival:
meeting of the Reserve Officers
Smith, chairman; Robert
Kentucky, Tuesof
secretary; Robert Conner, mess night,Central 22, at the PhoeOctober
classifichairman of Judlng and
nix hotel.
cation; Charles Kelly, chairman of
the situation
Non-participatiarrangements, and Harold Kitchln, that his discussion of
now exists In Europe, Doctor
Vandenbosch stated that under the
Further denouncing of the boy
The students in charge of the present neutrality legislation, the
CHICAGO. Oct. 24
cott movement, he said:
show prgoram are Logan Brown, United States would, should the "Sportsmen of this country will not policies "are nothing but
assecretary of show; J. B. Wise,
"The bitter feelings engendered,
whole of Europe be drawn into the tolerate the use of clean American effrontery."
hatThe American Olympic commit- the attempted coercion and Intimsistant secretary; James Quisen-berrwar that now exists between Italy sports to transplant old world Avery tee
which idation by fair means or foul, the
is the only organization
superintendent of show, and and Ethiopia, have great difficulty reds to the United tSates,"
assistant superin- In keeping out of the war. Doctor Brundage, president of the Ameri- has authority to deal with the rep- vicious and insidious propaganda
E. O. Gregory,
declared resentation of this country In the which are being used in this camcommittee,
Vandenbosch also reviewed the facts can Olympio
of games.
paign largely by individuals who
that led to the United States en- today in a scathing denunciation
Brundage branded opponents of have never learned the lessons of
World War. Under pre- the movement games next year. He participation Communists, declarWILL
tering the
amateur sport and thus do not hesin the Berlin
PLAN ENLARGEMENT sent neutrality regulations, states add-d- :
itate to use methods contrary to all
Doctor Vandenbosch,
the cyclical
say positively that there will
"It should be known that Soviet codes of sportsmanship, are an in"I
Representatives of the Associa- events which it will cause will bring be teams representing the United Russia is not represented in any of dication of what may be expected
the great International sport fed- if religious, racial, class or politition of Kentucky Colleges and Uni- about a new world conflict
States In the 1936 games.
At the meeting of the Mess offiversities and the Kentucky Assoc"The games belong to the ath- erations. In 1932 there was a con- cal issues are allowed to intrude in
were appointed to the letes and not to the politicians.
certed attempt by Communists both the council halls of sport.
iation of High School Principals cers members
Lieut. Leroy
R.O.T.O. committee.
will meet tonight at a
Germany's political policy within here and abroad to wreck the Los
"It is notable that everyone who
at the Lafayette hotel for Miles presided.
or without Its borders has no bear- Angeles games. Many of the in- has visited Germany has reported
organizations active courteous and hospitable treatdividuals and
ing on the subject."
a discussion of a proposed constiDEAN B LANDING SPEAKS
Acceptance of the invitation to In the present campaign to boytution for the new Association of
"Organizations on the Campus" compete, Brundage said, does not cott the Olympics have Communis- ment."
Kentucky Colleges and
Brundage closed his statement
was the subject of Dean BlandUig's mean endorsement of the policies of tic antecedents."
The committee chairman care- with the plea that encourage loyal
A proposal to enlarge the present weekly talk to freshman women the German government.
association to Include high schools Monday night in Patterson hall.
He declared attempts to "twist fully refrained from specifically and patriotic
movement "to prothe
will be offered. Dr. Paul P. Boyd, Cwen was explained by Ann Lang and distort" the decision of the mentioning the possibility of Jewish
chairman, will preside at the dis- and the other organizations were American committee to compete team members being barred on be- vide full teams for the eleventh
(Continued on Page Bis)
discussed in general.
into an endorsement of the Nazi ing made unwelcome.
cussions following the dttmer.





free-flun- g,










Petitions Asked


Be Taken

At Officers

Brundage Denounces U. S. Movement For








Work of Teachers Attending
Judging Will Re Based Upon Songsters Will Be Heard by Wynne Calls Off Fray in OrEducational Conference
Method of Delivery,
Educational Conference
to He Shown
der to Prevent Further
Novelty, and
Injuries to 'Cat
There will be an exhibit of drawClarity



For Art



SUKY WILL HOLD U. of K. Glee Clubs

Center This Week AT HOMECOMING




NINO MARTINI IS Exhibitions To Be





Best Copy Available

Berlin Olympiad

J. Graham Is


Speaker At O.D.K.


Gathering 15 OPENED TODAY

Trophies to Winning Groups
Twelfth Annual Educational
to Re Presented at
Conference Will Hear
Club's Dance
Dr. Everett Dean
A dinner meeting of Nu Circle ot

Omicron Delta Kappa, men's hon- orary fraternity was held at the
Tea uup inn xuesaay nigm, ijcio-be- r
22. with Col. James Hiram
Graham, Dean of the College of
as guest
David Dlfford. president of ODK.
presided at the meeting.
Colonel Graham in his talk to
the group pointed out the need for
the interpretation of ideas in business. He showed how the ideas
which one gains In college can successfully be applied to business.
A discussion on the proposed
Student Union building was led by
Colonel Graham.
Plans for the ODK dance which
will be held Saturday night, November 2, were discussed and a
dance committee was appointed.
The committee which was appointed is composed of Cal Cramer, Sam
Warren and Jack Faunce.

Mrs. Walter Radford Will Be
Citizen Speaker on
Program, October 26
A citizen's
sponsored by the Kentucky Library
association and the University Is
planned for 10:30 o'clock Saturday
morning at Memorial hall. It will
be a rally of community
business men, club women, parents,
teachers, and "city fathers" Interested in library progress in the
state. .Miss Mildred Semmons, head
of the department of library science of the University, will preside.
General library conditions and
library planning in the state will
be the theme of the conference.
Special attention will be directed
to the five point legislative program
of the K. L. A. of which the highlights are: permissive legislation for
the larger units of library organization and support, county and regional libraries, and changes In
present laws to give Increased support to the city libraries, especially
those of cities and second class.
The plans for the future are results of a study made during two
years by the Kentucky library survey commission, of which Miss
Margaret King, librarian at the
University, Miss Susan Miller, librarian at Henry Clay High school,
and Miss Mildred Semmons were
local members.
Mrs. Walter Radford, prominent
club woman of Louisville and a
member of the library board of that
city, formerly of Hopkinsville, will
be the citizen speaker on the program. Her subject will be "The
Citizen Looks at a Library Program
for the State." Mrs. Radford is
well known to Kentucklans as a
speaker by reason of her associa-

tion with the radio staff at station

librarian of
Louisville Free Public library, chairman of the Kentucky Library Survey commission, and a newly elected president of K. L. A., will present the legislative program as
planned for the state. Miss Lena
B. Nofcier, secretary of the Kentucky Library commission, Frankfort, will discuss library conditions
in the state and library planning
for Kentucky.

Public Forum Series
To Open October 28
Noted Speaker Will Come To
City Under Auspices Of
Local Businessmen
The Pubic Forum, a community
by Lexington business men, provides an opportunity for townspeople and students to hear some of America's
most interesting men and women
on topics that are of vital concern
to everybody today.
This year the Forum committee
plans to bring to Lexington the
following speakers on the dates Indicated: October 28, Dr. Wilfred
Osgood: November 23, Will Durant,
and Amelia Earhart, tentatively, in
The price of a ticket for the three
lectures is one dollar. Tickets may
be obtained .from the office of William S. Taylor, dean of the College
of Education, or from the Business


Deans of Women Group Meets
Jointly with Conference




' rVactically
r,..i vj.

ev-e- "!



Jr V
v." ';y
,. i.
ty camjj
"j ;.
Twelfth Annua
ference gets under Wa
in Memorial hall, with Pre.
L. McVey, presiding.
The conici
ence will be opened with an adIts
dress on "Adult Education
Place and Function In a Democracy," by Dr. Everett Dean Martin,
sociologist, lecturer, Congregational
minister, and director of Cooper
Union Public Forum in New York.
Although this is a Kentucky state
conference, many educators from
West Virginia, Tennessee, Indiana
and Ohio are expected to attend.
Each year the conference emphasizes one particu'ar theme, and it
will be "Adult Education" this year.
Speakers on the theme of the conference will be Doctor Martin,
Floyd W. Reeves, head of the Department of School Education at
the University from 1928 to 1929,
and the present director of personnel of the TV A; and Lewis R.
Alderman, of the Office of Education in Washington.
The program will begin in Memorial hall at 9:30 a.m. Speakers of
the morning other than Dr. Martin
will be Mr. Alderman and Mr.
Reeves. The musical portion of the
program will be furnished by Mrs.
Lela V. Cullis and Professor Carl
A panel discussion on adult education will be the feature of the
afternoon program which will begin at 2 p. m. The theme of the
discussion will be "Changing
World." John O. Gross, president
of Union college, will be the leader,
with Doctor Martin making the
opening talk.
Participants in the discussion
(Continued on Page Five)




Stroller Tryouts



Held in Memorial Hall
on October 29,
30, 31

Amateur night, an annual event
sponsored by Strollers, student dramatic organization, will be held at
7:30 o'clock, Friday night, November 8 in Memorial hall. Try-ou- ts
for competition in the event will
be heard on October 29, 30, and 31
in Memorial hall.
Amateur night, one of the traditions on the campus, will be comprised of five one act plays, enacted by those who are thought best
in the tryouts. Competent Judges
have been chosen for both the tryouts and Amateur night. There will
be a gold cup awarded to the man
and to the woman who are the
winners, and 75 of the 100 points
necessary for membership in the
Membership is based on the point
system. Those people who try out
for the organization, and are considered eligible material, will be
given 25 points. Those who go to
Amateur night will be awarded 50
of the necessary 100 points. The
winners of the contest will be given
75 points.
Five plays have been chosen and
are now on reserve In the reference
room at the Library. Contestants
are to copy then- - part in the play of
(Continued on Page Five)

organlzatiin sponsored

O. D. K. will hold its next meeting Tuesday afternoon at 6 p. m.
in Room 207 of White hall.

There will be a meeting of W. 8.
O. A. at 7 o'clock Monday night.
Oct. 28 In the Boyd hall reading

The Pryor
will meet at 7:45 o'clock next MonThe Henry Clay chapter of Phi day evening in the basement of the
Alpha Delta, legal fraternity, en- Archaeology museum.
tertained with a luncheon WednesThe Patterson Literary society
day Oct. 23, at the Patio. Dr.
acting dean of the Law will meet at 7:43 o'clock Monday
College, in Uie absence of Dean evening in the staff room of the
Evans, was the guest of honor. All library. All members are urged to
be present.
the actives and pledges were
(Continued on Page Six)


� Best Cop




and day


Band Director
Now Colonel, Suh!


Tht next time you drop In at
the Art Center, if you see a
last that good old fall weather has gotten here
The tang In the
stately gentleman with a
Maybe by the Florida game topcoats will
air Is certainly exhilarating
goatee nonchantly sipping a mint Julep, don't appear
be In style
The last two home (tames have been too hot to enjoy
Heard many complaints about the dance Wednesday night
first of too surprised, willbecause Inother
be none
probability It
all they did not like the orchestra
Here Is how It happened
than John Lewis. Jr., director
students kept asking why the
dance committee did not give
of the U. K. band.
Bill Jacobs a chance to play. . . .All right
The secret is this.
He had his chance last night.
Mr. Lewis has very recently
. .And look at the number of persons who are griping because his band
been declared a Kentucky Coldoes not come up to standard
What can you do with people like onel by Governor Laffoon, which
The second complaint comes In the form that there are too many
gives Colonel Lewis the authority to sit back and comment on
outsiders allowed to come to those dances
This Is true
And has
Kentucky's fast horses and pret
always been a sore spot with the dance committee
Have you any Ideas
ty women.
on how they could be kept out
One plan that was suggested was to
have everyone bring their student books
This would probably work all right for one or two times
But then
some people would forget their
books. .. .Then what could be done
.... Another disadvantage of the
student books would be the confusion they would cause at the
People would be Jammed on top of each other. .. .NevOf the seven colleges at the UniKentucky's
ertheless, something has to be done versity of Kentucky, the most recently established one Is the College country team will face Its Initial
to keep these
test tomorrow afternoon when the
for university s udents only....8ee of Commerce. This college, al- Wildcat harriers meet the Univerthough not actually established unthey are aam setting work on the til 1925, had Its beginning In 1918 sity of Tennessee at Knoxville. The
i front ;f rat hall
It is In the Department of Economics meet will be held between the
of the Tennessee-Centr- e
a:')jl t!,i";'... li, takes about 500 and Sociology In the College of Arts halves football game.
rMi-- i
of rubber off a tire every and Sciences. The growth of the
The Wildcat squad of four men
.ir.i! u car Is driven over the pres-- v department was so rapid that In left here this morning by automo1925, the present College of Comnt mess.... They stopped work on merce was organized with Dr. Ed- bile for Tennessee. Those men
making the trip Included Bill Ford,
tl.al last July
ward Wiest as dean. Dean Wiest varsity mile star. John Spragens,
Petitions for senior class offices still holds this position.
varsity two roller, Cecil Hilllard,
White hall, the building In which and Warren Steckmest, both gradhave to be in the Dean of Men's
the college is located, Is next to the uates of la.st season's frosh track
office by noon Monday. .. .Election
oldest building on the campus. It team. Cameron Parks, a former
will be held Thursday
Ballot was built Just after the Administra
University of Illinois athlete, who
Ad-- ! tion building
boxes will be placed in the
and was used for a is now taking graduate work here,
ministration building and the En- - number of years as the Men's dor- is coaching the Kentucky team.
glneering building
Voting hours mitory. Afterwards It was remodThe meet will be held over a
eled so that classes could be held three-mil- e
will be from 9 a. m. to 3:30 p. m. In it. Until
the formation of the which runs through the campus of
Don't forget who you are supposed College of Commerce In 1925, Eng- - the University of Tennessee.
to vote for
Community concert Ush and sociology classes met there.
The members of the faculty In
series started Wednesday
one was accorded a great success tne ColleBe of Commerce are, In
comparlson wltn the faculty of
....See the Junior Leaguers put other colleges, almost newcomers the
out the Lexington Herald yesterday the University, with perhaps one
It seemed to be a very exception. Dean Wiest began his
good edition.... Wonder why they' service in 1918' as head of tne
LONDON, Oct. 24
Economics and Sociol-dol partment ofCollp of Art, flnH R.un this Parliament only (INS)more day
t let the Kernel staff put out
nvt lOOUC .
.They did two or three ences. Dr. W. W. Jennings, profes- - of life. Britain today plunged Into
years ago
They are bound to sor of economics and Dr. Robson an election campaign for a rearm
know as much about It as the D- Mclntyre, professor marketing ament mandate, as cold diplomatic
and salesmanship, probably come analysts took the view that MusLeaguers... The Wildcat-Freshmnext In years of service. Professor solini's conciliatory gesture does not
game has been called off ... .Don't Jennings came to
the University In materially change the general situforget the W. A.
1925 from the University
of Iowa, ation.
agreement, as reported
dance Saturday night
It prom- - Other members of the staff who from Duce's and Rome, to withdraw
have been added at various times
ises to be a good one..
Edgar Z. Palmer, Rod- - four regiments 10,000 men from
Looked like some of the hats since are:
man Sulllvani Luclan H. Carter the Egyptian frontier of Libya,
Graves-Co- x
had in their "old hat" Robert D. Haun, A. J Lawrence, created a favorable impression with
contest were worn by some male Lloyd B. Averitt, Philip D. McGee, the public however, and the announcement overshadowed In the
students during Wednesday's rain and w- - A- Tolman.
press the preparation for the gen
In October, 1931, a group of stu- - eral election of