xt7pc824cc5d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7pc824cc5d/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1935-10-29  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, October 29, 1935 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 29, 1935 1935 1935-10-29 2013 true xt7pc824cc5d section xt7pc824cc5d n Best Copy Available








Birmingham Hotel Named
Headquarters For U. of K.
Students At 'Bama Game




Tutwiler Hostelry Will Re
Rase of Operations for
University Fans

Nationally Prominent Lectur-

ers, Writers, Educators
on Program of


Association Members Elect
Officers for Ensuing
and prominent speakers of the state
brought more than one
and nation
thousand educators from through- out Kentucky to the campus Friday

two-da- y


edu- -


Public Ponim; Lewis R. Alderman.
Office of Education, Washington,
.nH HWH w Reeves, nresent dl- rector of personnel of the Tennessee
Valley Authority.
The morning program began at
a. m., Friday In Memorial hall
with speeches by Dr. Martin, Mr.
Alderman and Mr. Rcves. A panel
discussion on education was the
principal feature of the afternoon
program on the theme of "Chang'
ing Worlds." John O. Ore"
of Union College, 'was the
leader, and Doctor Martin made the
opening talk. Short talks were made
by various state leaders In several
adult education fields.
A banquet at the Lafayette hotel
concludd the Friday program, with
Dr. Martin as principal speaker.
Music was furnished by the University Men's Glee club.
Fifteen specialized conferences
were held in rooms of the education college and In other campus
buildings Saturday morning. Subjects of the various meetings were
agricultural and home economics,
art education, attendance officers,
city and county
problems, commercial education, exeducation, mutension, elementary
sic, school librarians, secondary education, special education, teacher
training, work of the registrar and
social sciences conducted especially
by the Kentucky Academy of Social Sciences.
Officers of the Academy of Social Sciences wre elected at the
organizations conference as follows: Dr. J. P. Shannon, head of
the Department of History and Political Science at Transylvania college, president: J. W. Manning,
university political science profesProf. Virgil
Burns, Department of History, Eastern Teachers college, secretary and
treasurer, and Miss Grac- - Curick-shanHenry Clay High school, and
Professor Widner of Berea college,
members of the executive committee.






Chi chapter of Sigma Gamma
Epsilon, honorary mining, metallurgy and geology fraternity, held
Its monthly meeting at the Patio
Tuesday night, October 22. Dr. O.
T. Kopplus, guest of honor, spoke
on geographical
petroleum production.

'Cats To Be Given


Suky, campus pep organization,
will sponsor a special train on the

Southern railroad for all students
interested In attending the Ken- game next Satur

day at Birmingham.
The rate for the trip will be $12
for a round-tri- p
ticket on coaches,
and $16 If a pullman Is desired. The
train will leave at 8:15 o'clock Friday night and arrive at Birmingham at 7:10 a. m. Saturday. It will
leave Birmingham at 12 midnight
and arrive in Lexington at 11 a.m.
Permission has been gained from
Dean Blanding for girls to make
the trip as proper chaperones will
be taken along.
All persons interested, call Dan
Ewing at 4624, or Dick Boyd at 3489
for reservations.

Guignol Chooses An

English Production


The fourteenth annual conference of the Kentucky Association
of Deans of Women was held In
conjunction with r. the educational
'inirty-fou- r
deans of women from Ohio, Indiana and Kentucky were present.
Principal speakers were Dr. Irma
E. Volgt, Ohio University, president
of tlw National Association of
Deans of Women, and Dr. Martin.
Miss Curraleen Smith, Morehead
Teachers college, was elected
of the state association
at a business meeting held Saturday morning in Boyd hall. Miss
Margaret Moery, Ft. Thomas, Highlands High school, was elected
treasurer. The president. Miss Ruth
Ruy of Covington, and secretary,
Miss Lucy Thomas of Centre college,
were elected last year for a two-ye,
A luncheon at the Lafayette hotel followed by a panel discussion
on "High School Problems," led by
Miss Catherine Morat of Louisville
Atherton Girls' High school, brought
the meeting to a close.



of the Birmingham
alumni dub,
in charge of arrangements
'he affairs after the game, and
will be assisted by A. B. Haswell,
j president
of the club. Members of
the Birmingham club are: H. H.
Swope, Burgess Carey, J. J. Vena-8:3- 0
ble, J. V. Arnold, J. B. Nutter,
j John C. Arnold, R. J. Grasty, W, E.
; Hobson,
C .C. Kelley, Mrs. C. C.
Kelley, E. J. Kohn, W. L. Masch-meye- r,
J. M. Sprague, R. B. Pef-fe- r,
J. P. Skinner, Samuel Smith,
H T. Watts, Mrs. H. T. Watts, Geo.
O. Whatley, George Wilson, H. C.
Smith, T. H. Hagan, H. V. Fried,
L. M. Fried,
L. R. Ringo, John
Murray Rainey,
P. B.
Blackmore, Henry Jacoby, L. M.
Butsch, Thomas E. Skinner, E. A.
Brandis, E. L. Wise, Stuart Van der
Veer, W. H. TUlow, J. A. Brittaln,
W. O. Hodgkins, and H. B. Sanders.


A "sendoff" for the University
Wildcats who entrain for Birmingham to meet Alabama Saturday will be held at 8 o'clock
Thursday night at the Union
station under the sponsorship of
BuKy, campus pep organization.
The University band will be
on hand to furnish the music
and cheers will be led by cheerleader Pete Relnlnger and bla
assistants. Coach "Chef Wynne
and Captain J amnio Long will

make short talks.

For Coming


Will Include Several
Old Favorites and

New Comers
The Guignol theater has chosen
for its second play of the eighth
season, "A Murder Has Been Arranged," a ghost play by Emlyn
Williams, to be presented the week
of November 11.
This play was first produced by
the Repertory Players at the Strand
theater In London in 1930. Frank
Fowler, director of the play, has
chosen a capable cast to fill the
various roles. One will find several
old favorites and several new comers In the cast which Is as follows:
Miss Groze Katherine Davis.
Lady Beatrice Jasper
Maurice Mullins Howard Smath-er- s.












Selection of Artists For
Year's Sunday Afternoon
Music Program Is Given
Miss Agnes

Candidates for Positions Are
Prominent in Campus
With the Senior class election to
the petitions of
11 candidates for the four offices
of that class were filed yesterday In
the office of the Dean of Men.
Elvis Stahr, Charles Zimmer, and
Victor Hobdbay have accepted the
nominations for president of the
class; Jack Craln .Robert H. Taylor, and Ralph Hughett will run for
"Chris" Floyd, Martha Christian, and Louis Ison are
on the ballot for secretary, while
Frances Kerr, and Clarence Ayers
are the only two candidates for
be held Thursday,

Elvis Stahr, Jr., is a senior In the
College of Arts and Sciences, president of Sigma Chi social fraternity,
of the varsity ten-

Davis Featured
Art ist First of Series
Next Sunday

Kernel Feature

Writers Wanted



Feature writers or those Interested In feature writing (not
reporting) are Invited to Join
the staff of The Kernel.
Requirements for permanent
membership are that one feature story be submitted every


Regular meetings of the staff
will be held each Thursday afternoon from 1:30 to 2:30 p. m.
at which time subjects, types,
methods, and aims of feature
writing will be Informally discussed.
If you are Interested In writing you will be welcome; if not,
don't waste your time and ours.
The first meeting Is at 1:30
p. m., Thursday, October 31, In
Room 50, of McVey hall.


The programs for the Sunday
Afternoon muslcales, which are to
be given at 4 p. m. on each Sunday
afternoon during the months of
November, December, January.
February and March in the Memorial auditorium of the University,
have been announced by Professor
R. D. Mclntyre, chairman of the
committee In chnrge of these recitals. The concerts are open to the
public without charge and will last
for one hour each.
Professor Mclntyre recently returned from New York city where
he was fortunate In securing a
number of outstanding young Am-- j
erlcan artists for these musicales.
The University Symphony orches-- ,
tra, under the direction of Profes-- 1
sor Carl Lampert. the University
Concert band, under the direction
of John Lewis, Jr., the Men's Glee
club and the Women's Glee club
will each contribute programs to
the series. The annual Christmas
Carol program will again be directed by Miss Mildred Lewis.
The program next Sunday will be
given by Agnes Davis, brilliant
young American soprano of New
York. Miss Davis was the winner
of the first Atwater Kent national
audition in 1927. She continued her
studies at the Curtis Institute of
Music and since that time has appeared with the Philadelphia Institute of Music and since that time
has appeared with the Philadelphia
Grand Opera company under Fritz
Reiner and Alexander Ormandy
and has made Victor recordings
under Leopold Stokowskl of his
concert version of Wagner's
Miss Davis will
sing this fall with the New York
Philharmonic orchestra under Otto
Klempener and is appearing In
Joint recital with Charles Hackett,
distinguished tenor of the Metropolitan opera throught the United
States and Canada.
The complete schedule of pro-- 1
grams Is as follows:
November 3 Agnes Davis, soprano, with John Shelby Richardson at the piano.
10 I n t e r n a tlonal
string trio. Winifred Merrill, violin.
Lennart "on Zweygberg, cello, and
Ernest Hoffzimmer, piano.
November 17 Iso Briselli. violinist, with Edward Harris at the
November 24 University SymCarl Lampert,
phony orchestra,
The Old Harp SingDecember
ers. An ensemble of eight voices
singing a program of American folk
December 8 Gertrude Peterson
and Lucy Lewis, harpists.
December 15 Annual Christmas
Carol program presented by the
University Choristers under the
on Page Four)

of Omi-cro- n
nis team,
Delta Kappa, a lieutenant In
Rifles, pledge of ScabAchievement Tests, Declama- bard and Blade, a Rhodes ScholarRecent Convocation Speaker
ship candidate, member of the
tion, Music, Athletic ConPresents Four of His
Men's Student council, and a mem-betests to Re Features of
Volumes to
of the Kentuckian editorial
Two-Da- y
Lamp and Cross, and other
The eleventh annual rural school honoraries. a Isscholastic senior adviser,
Edwin R. Embree, representative
standing of
tournament will be held at the and has
and presid-n- t of the Julius Rosen-wal- d
University Nov. 1 and 2. The pro- three for three years.
fund, recently contributed
Charles Zimmer is a senior In the
gram In which approximately 500
four of his works to the University
boys and girls of the fifth, sixth, College of Arts and Sciences, a Library as a gift from the Rosen-wal- d
seventh, and eighth grades of Ken- member of Phi Delta Theta social
fund. Mr. Embree addressed
tucky rural schools will participate fraternity, and the Interfraternity the student body and the faculty
was chairman of the Junior of the University at the October
is under the supervision of the Ex- council,
prom commlittee last year, and Is a convocation and won the admiration
tension department of the University which has planned a number pledge of Scabbard and Blade.
and respect of all that heard him.
Victor Hobday Is a senior in the
of contests.
One edition is titled "Brown
deCollege of Arts and Sciences and a America," the story of a new race,
Dr. C. C. Ross, head of the
partment of Educational Psychol- pledge of Scabbard and Blade.
by Mr. Embree and published by
ogy Is arranging achievement tests
Jack Craln, candidate for
the Viking Prss, New York. This
Is a senior in the Comto be given under his supervision in
comment was made by the authority
the auditorium at the University merce college, is a member of Del- DuBose Heyward; "I think that Mr.
Training school at 1:30 p.m., Nov. ta Tau Delta social fraternity, cap- Embree has done an extraordinary
1. At the same time declamation
tain of the varsity track team, piece of work the book Is free from
contests will be held for boys In member of Omicron Delta Kappa, prejudic, so informative and so
Memorial hall and for girls in the Scabbard and Blade, Pershing Ri- interestingly written that it Is sure
auditorium of Frazee hall.
fles, Strollers, Lances, and several to make for a better understanding
Miss Mildred Lewis will conduct other campus honor societies.
between the races of America."
the rural music contests. Mr. M. E.
R. H. Hughett, senior in the ComTwo others lncludd in the gift
Potter, head of the Department of
college, is a lieutenant In are: "Island India Goes to School,"
Physical Education, will supervise merce
manager of
of which are Mr. Emathletics contests Saturday on Stoll Pershing Rifles, sales
the Kentuckian, member of Scab bree, Margaret Sargent Simon and
W. Bryant Mumford, and was pubA tennis tournament In charge bard and Blade, Lamp and Cross,
lished by the University of Chicago
H. H. Downing, coach of the Men's Student Council, and other Press,
of Dr.
and "The Collapse of Cotton
University tennis teams, is also be- organizations.
For secretary, "Chris" Floyd is a 7,'enacy," written by Charl"s W.
ing arranged. A tourney for high
Johnson, Mr. Embree and W.
school students only, will be In senior in the College of Engineer- Alexander, and which Is a suming, member of Tau Beta Pi, pres- mary
charge of W. G. Stames.
of field studies and statistical
Trophies will be awarded to the ident of Sigma Gamma Epsilon, surveys from 1933 to 1935. It comes
winners of the various events.
and a member of other campus or- from the University of North Caroganizations.
lina Press.
The Young People's Service
Martha Christian is a senior in
The fourth work is "Prospecting
league of Christ chruch gave a the College of Arts and Sciences,
published by the VikHalloween party Friday evening in an officer of the Woman's halls, for Heavn,"
Christ church parish house. Meet- and an English major, and has tak- ing Press.
ings are held each Sunday evening en an active interest in campus afThe purpose of the Julius Rosen-wal- d
fund is "the well being of
from 6 to 7:30 o'clock at which fairs.
mankind," and is developed from
supper Is served for 15 cents. All
Louis Ison Is a senior In the Colphilanvisitors are cordially invited.
lege of Agriculture, a member of Mr. Rosenwald's personal
which have existed for
Alpha Gamma Rho fraternity, thropiesyears
and which have inLamp and Cross, the Men's Student
educational: local charities
Council, the Interfraternity coun- cluded
in Chicago, and- the betterment of
cil, Lances and other societies.
the condition of American negroes
For treasurer, Frances Kerr,
among other things. Mr. Rosenwald
on Page Four)
died January 6, 1932.
All U. K. Men




Will Be Given By





New Organization Completes
Plans For Tea Dance at
Downtown Hotel, Oct. 30.

Officers of the Transfer club were
elected at the second regular
of the club held last Thursday
night at 7 o'clock in the Boyd hall
reading room. Gall Hacker, president, presided ovtr the meeting.
Joy Snyder was elected
and Aileen Simpson, secretary.
Both are transfers from the University of Michigan. Clara Bush,
transfer from Randolf Macon college, was elected treasurer; Ann
Bishop, transfer from Shorter college, was el'cted senior cabinet repSir Charles Jasper James Bouch- resentative to the V. W. C. A. board,
and Lois Perry, from Wheaton coler.
lege, was made publicity chairman.
James North Frit.1 de Wilde.
Plans for a tea dance to be given
Mrs. Wragg Jean Abel.
at the Phoenix hotel Wednesday,
Cavendish, an orchestra leader
October 30, from 4 to 6 p. m. were
Alexander Capurso.
completed and committee chairmen
The Woman Katherine Daab.
chosen. Ann Bishop was made genMrs. Arthur Genevieve Lyles.
eral dance chairman, Katherine
Wilnia Bush,
Bisset. Invitations;
entertainment; Betty Mitchell, place,
Rowena Caylor, chairman of
the music committee. All transfer
men students and three representatives from each fraternity are
d to attend. Billy Jacobs and
Prof. W. 8. Webb, heiffl of the
Physics department, and Prof. Jar-v- is his orchestra will furnish the muTodd were speakers at the au- sic.
tumn meeting of Kentucky's chapter of the American Association of GRADUATE LECTl'RES AT I'K
Physics Teachers at the Western
O. I. Barnes, director of vocaKentucky State Teachers college,
tional education of
Saturday, October 20. Professor was graduated from Kentucky, who
the University
Webb spoke on the subject "Modthe freshmen
1919, addressed
Physics for the Elementary In
boys of the College of Agriculture
Student." Professor Todd's address Saturday, October 26. His subject
was entitled "How They Do It at was "Opportunities for Men Who
Six members of the Are Prepartlng to Teach AgriculHarvard."
faculty from the Physics departture In High Schools." He stated
were present at the meeting that there are at the present time
and the luncheon which followed.
170 high schools In Kentucky In
The title of the symposium was which agriculture is taught and
"What Shall We Do With Modern that there U a possibility of barPbyslatr"
ing 350 such Institutions.


Webb, Todd Speak
To Physics Croup

ln-v- it'


TO 5, IN





Eleven Seniors Sinnify
tention of Vying for
Officerships of

following persons are requested
to go to the Lafayette studio,
301 W. Main
street, sometime
this week and have new pictures
made: George Campbell, John
H. Faunce, Frances Kerr, Helen
Catherine Calloway,
Le.ilie Jones, Douglas Sutterlln,
Edith May, Ben Willis, Jane
Turner, Charles Brooks, Hazel
Brown, Wesley Dodge, Herbert
Swartz, William Evans, Robert
Coleman ,Tom Chalkley, Charles
Ryan, Frank Coffey, Jack Phillips, James Chester, Donald Luf-ne- r,
Tom Nichols, Ralph Reeves,
J. Franklin Wallace, Raymond
St. John, and Elizabeth Nichols.-


General sessions or ine comer- rnce were held in Memorial nau
and special sessions In various campus buildings. The theme of th"?
conference this year was "Adult
Education." bringing such speak- ers of national noU, as Dr. Everett


Due to the fact that pictures
taken for the 1934 Kentuckian
cannot be used this year, the

Several prominent alumni, including representatives of the
Birmingham alumni club will be
on hand to welcome visitors.
and ribbons, football schedules, "K"
stickers will be given out. Several
dances have been scheduled
Birmingham the night of the game
an plans are being made for an
alumni dinner under the sponsor-cationship of the Birmingham
club If
train schedules permit.
Alumni headquarters have been
maintained at every
game that the Wildcats have played
this year and ,will be maintained at



Students Asked To
Have New Pictures

Headquarters for University alumni and supporters attending the
Alabama game next Saturday will
be maintained at the Tutwtler hotel
in Birmingham, according to R. K.


for the annual



Alpha Delta Sigma
Elects Officers
Ernie Shovea, Alpha Sigma Phi,

was elected president of Alpha Delta Sigma, honorary advertising fraternity, at a meeting held last
Thursday in the Kernel office.
Other officers elected were Jack
Crain, Delta Tau Delta,
Ike Moore, Delta Tau Delta,
secretary and Sam Warren, Kappa
Sigma, treasurer. David Dlfford,
retiring president, presided at the
A group of students who had
done work in the field of advertising were considered for member-sniPlans were made for the conducting of the annual vesper program this week, and other business
was discussed.

Council Approves

Definite approval of a vanity
boxing team and the reappointment of freshman basketball
coach Paul F. McMrayer were
the most Important items passed
upon by the athletic council of
the I'niversity at a meeting yesterday afternoon in the office of
Gradual Manager of Athletic
S. A. "Daddy" Hole.
The council acted upon the
matter of the boxing team after
a petition had been presented to
it by Jay Luc Ian and Jimmy
Wcwtbrook. Bekidr approving the
petition, the council agreed to
finance the team, although it U
expected it will become
William V. Hanson
of the Department of phytic!
Education has agreed to act a
coach, of the boxing squad.



"Little Sister System" for
Freshman Girls to He
Main Topic for Discussion
by Group

Inauguration and organization of
the "little sister" system, used by
many of the larger universities
throughout the country, will be the
object of a meeting under the snon- sorshlp of the Women's Student
Government association, to be neiu
at 7 o'clock tonight in the recreation room of Patterson hall.
The object of a "little sister" system Is to have personal contact
with the freshman girl, to orient
her in the rules and customs of the
University and to help her in every
way with the problems which she
has to face.
At present, there are 250 freshman women In the University. According to organization plans, 250

will be
selected upperclasswomen
assigned to the project, fcacn
will have a freshThese "big sisman "little sisU-r.ters" will be divided Into groups
,,M.i.r Die leadership of a selected
faculty woman or wife of a faculty
,..,i r Each grout) will be com
posed of ten "big sisters" and ten
little bisters." Personal contact
will be the first step in the inauguration of the system. After the
women have become acquainted,
meetings of the groups will be held.
Problems of all kinds, designed to
aid the freshman girl in every posof
sible way, will be the subject
these meetings.









Winners of Contests Will lie
Given Points Toward
Membership in
S( rollers


for Final Amateur
Niirht Is Set for
November 15

Strollers, dramatic organization
of the University, begins its three
day period of try outs today with
winners of the tryouts competing
In the annual Amateur Nleht. All
Interested persons who have not
been assigned a time for a try out
must call Tommy Atkins at the A.
T. O. house tonight and anyone
Interested In gaining points for the
organization by singing, dancinsr or
giving original skits are urged to
arranee for an audition as soon a
There will be an important meeting of all Stroller members at 4
p. m. in room 111 McVey hall, next
Tuesday. All members are urged
to attend. Three absences make It
necessary to drop anvone from the
roll. In the event that members
can not attend, a note will be accepted as an exceuse. Plans for
Amateur night will be completed.
Try outs are being conducted in
Memorial hall. Mary Lyons, one of
the most prominent actresses ever
born in Lexington will hear the
plays, and decide on the couples to
compet on Amateur night.
The date for Amateur night has
been changed, due to other event.
taking many interested people out
of town. The date has been moved
back a week, and Is now slated as
November 15, in Memorial hall at
8 o'clock.
The committee in charge of
are well pleased with the
number of persons who have desired to participate In the contests.
There are even more than there
were last year. It Is planned to
have a series of "Nights", not the
Amateur night, but occasions on
which plays will be given, free of
charge, for the amusement of the
members of the organization, and
their friends. This plan will enable
student actors to express themselves, and will again give to Strollers the undisputed title "student
dramatic organization of the University of Kentucky." Anyone with
the desire to act will be heard,
seen, and if at all possible, will be
given a chance.

The YWCA freshman group has
been divided into an afternoon and
evening group for the convenience
of town and dormitory girls. The
afternoon group, under the leadership of Mary Jane Robey, will meet
on alternate Thursday afternoons
at 4 o'clock in the Woman's building, and the evening group, with
Carolyn Sigler as chairman, will
meet on alternate Thursday evenings, at 7:15 o'clock In Boyd hall.

Co-e- ds


Invited to Tea
Dance Thursday in
Pat Hall

Halloween tea dance, sponsored
hall women In honor
of new dormitory residents, will be
held Thursday afternoon from 4
to ti o'clock In Patterson hall, with
music nrovided bv Billy Jacobs
All University
and his orchestra.
men have been invited to auena
the dance, which is the first of its
lind to be held by dormitory co
The dance has been organized
under the direction of Mrs. M. Collins, social director of the women's
dormitories, and has been arranged
by a group of committees under the
direction of Ann Carter and Eleanor
Snedeker. The committees consist
of the Invitation committee, composed of Eleanor Snedeker, Mary E.
Bouldin, and Florence Fort; the
decoration committee, composed of
Marguerite Ooodfriend. Theo and
Isabella Nuilelsteln, Mary Jane
Dixie Abram, Daisy Cain,
Jessie Wilson, and Evelyn WhitA

by residence

man; and the entertainment


mittee, composed of Elizabeth Jctt
Margaret Markley. Virginia Mount,
and Frances Sadler.



Jessie Stewart, school teacher
and poet of Greenup county, and
auilior of "The Man with the Bull
Tongue Plow" will read his poems
to the book section of tne univer-- 1
sltv Woman's club this afternoon
in the Faculty room of McVey hall.
The University library has an
exhibit of the latest sonnets and
poems of Mr. Stewart including his
recent book containing 790 poems.
Mr. Stewart who is known as the
"Boy Poet of Kentucky" runs a
continuous feature of his works in
tils hometown


There will be an important meeting of Sigma Delta Chi at 324
place at 8 o'clock tonight.
It is necessary that all active
niembera be there.
The trip to Frankfort, planned
service group, for
Wednesday. October 30, has been
postponed to November 14. The
group will revisit the Eastern Stale
hospital this week and go through
the women's division of the hospiby the social


There will be a business meeting
of O. D. K. today at 5 p. m. In
Room 207, White hall.
Le Circle Francais wlil meet at
Wednesday In the Woman's

3 p. m.


the University Aeronautical association will be held
tonight at 7 o'clock in room 111,
hall. All interested are
urged to attend.
A meeting of

The ancient and honorable Order

will meet at 12:15
of Kadio Nit-wi- ls
p. m. today in the radio studio con-

trol room. Things of immense
portance will be discussed.
ously, this is important.



There will be an important meeting of the Patterson Literary society in the Staff Room of the Library at 7:30 o'clock Wednesday
The regular me' tuig

of Cwens

will be held at 5 p. m. Thursday.
October 31, in the reading room of

Patterson hall.

on Page Pour)

� Best Copy
r.ige Two

T It
maletial. Consc ii nils, cditou and u
aie probablv out suspicious and like l
find out if what is olfeicd come s within shooliii';

ag inda


distance of the coirec
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IrTlnir'rMi ponrd of rnmmrrrr
Nn'miml O'lHnfr FrrM Annnlinn
Kcnluckv IntrrcnMrRlMr Pre A"rlHtiou
Inl'M nnl lonnl Nr


A mrmhrr of I It Mutnr CnllrKr Pubtlrnnonv
rrprrmtrd nv
J Norru Hill Co. la F 42nd SI . N' York Olv: in W
Mdi.n 8t., Cl'imvi; 1004 2nd Avp Rrnltlr. 1031 8 Hrondwa'',
l.os AnffHrs; Cull Hulldlnn. Bnn Frnnrlsro


definition of news
Sulloid. Kans.







(i vri le;
NK Rorrii s
Sac; Rash

I he
giealest cause of business f.tiluic befoie
the depiession se t in was inc ompc lent e, according to the official repoi t of Biadslieet.
I hen. if real business management
to tun a business and keep it going in
good limes, what must success call for nowa-





i.ililoi in Chit f
,f aliasing 1'ililm
Managing Editor



Bradstieel rcottcd that in 1!'J7 theie were
business failuies involving liabilities of
SCO.i.LIO.OLT). In seven years,
to 1027, failures in this country totaled KM ."0. Biadslieet
rcoits several causes contributing to these
failures, 39.1 cr cent being lack of capital and
Business men tt)ing to run a
business in a new clay with old methods were
found not woikablc, and 31.9 xt cent of the
failures could have gone ahead, Biadslieet
had they been managed by competent executives.
0H'iating a business in 1931 is different from
it even in 1927 when the nation had
more than 20,000 business failures. Business
cannot be ocrated today by those who ran the
country stores 40 years ago and who believe in
the same methods today. While the government
is endeavoring to lessen the strain of serious
competition, business requires more business
methods today than ever befoie. Profits are cut
clown, volume is cult clown. Smaller profits must
be made to go farther than ever befoie. Every
method must be worked by individual business
concerns to get their share of the available business. Running a business today calls for more
than just silling in one's store and waiting for
customers. Anyone can sec that for himself.
Those stores who just wait for business, keep on
waiting and operating on a shoestring. They
are operating in a competitive business world
and will not admit it.
The small town merchant who succeeds is
the one who has what people want and lets
them know about it. People are busy today.
T hey will not lake time to shop where merchants
insist on keeping their wares and prices a secret.
T he busy stores are those who send to their customers' living rooms the home ncwspajH't' con- tabling the stores' advertisement of products and
prices. Advertising has become the greatest servto the busy
ice in time-save- r
and money-savhousewife. She knows from the advertising
she wants to pay. She does her shopping on a
where she can buy what she wants at the price
third of her original shopping time.
The business concerns that want to be rated
as successes in this new era realize that they must
operate under new methods. The surest sign of
approaching failure is business ceration on the
worn-ou- t
method of old. Success in business will
methods in business.
come from business-likfun, maybe, to be asleep at the switch
It's great
but business is business. Grit Advocate. Jules-burColo.

let's srrroRT hie team


1 lie Wildcats
aic at the crucial oint in their
schedule. Having elroed two of I he five encounters, one to a particularly outstanding foe
and the other to a surprisingly strong opxncnt,
they arc at the crossroads. Whether or not the
season will he termed a success or failure will he
determined by the remaining games.
Sinre their defeat at the hands of a team that
most sports writers doped Kentucky to beat,
there has been a tendency on the part of many
of the student body to more or less "lay down" on
the team. This attitude is clue partly to the fact
that their hopes for a Southeastern Conference
championship were crushed by that setback and
partly to the fact that some siipxrtcTs can't
stand up behind a losing team.
Now, when it most needs our support, is the
time for all students to rally behind their replete nt.it ives on the gridiron. Now is the time
which determines whether we really have the
"stufl" in the way of college spirit or whether
we are "fair weather" boosters.
Those of us who cannot follow the team to
Alabama should at least be at the station to see
our charges off. Let's show Coach Wynne and
win or lose,
i he boys that we're behind them
lose or draw.






wishes to suppott other organs of
public leadership in their campaign against mass
murder on the highways. College students are
no more guilty than other groups but all should
be made conscious of this increasing and wanton
for human life.
Statistics show that the automobil