xt7pc824c09p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7pc824c09p/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky 1930 yearbooks ukyrbk1930 English Benson Printing Company, Nashville, Tennessee Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Yearbook Collection The 1930 KENTUCKIAN text The 1930 KENTUCKIAN 1930 1930 2012 true xt7pc824c09p section xt7pc824c09p       GThe 193 O
Published by the
of the
HE decorative theme of the 1930 Kentuckian has been taken from the art of the present. It is in the present that new ideals of political democracy and intellectual liberty are being formed. The belief that divine powers are not jealous of the human mind is almost universally being learned. Men have come to hope and unceasingly strive for knowledge and goodness, which is the goal of mortal endeavor.
 preparedness parades
lex i w gto m , ky, 1917
XN the 1930 Kentuckian we present to you a panorama of the past year's events. It is our sincere desire that in future years, as you turn these pages, you will live again your college life at the University of Kentucky. May this volume be an inspiration that will ever stimulate your efforts toward her future progress.      fry/      The editor. THE. FIRST   HUNDRED THOUSAND
VBt' ....... C^f'-S
CLASSES.......... 27
FEATURES......... 105
ATHLETICS........ 259
ACTIVITIES........ 293      ^0 %
1  m	'91		
  The Law Building Memorial Hall Power House and Neville Hall   Deans Thomas Poe Cooper
College of Agriculture
B.S. in Agriculture, University af Minnesota, 1908; Sigma Xi; Alpha Zeta; Acacia Frat; Ep--iIon Sigma Phi; Who's Who, page number 546; Present Office since 1918.
Paul Prentice Boyd
College of Arts and Science
A.B., Ph.D., Oberlin College; Cornell University; Sigma Xi; Sigma Delta Chi; Pi Mu Ep-iilon; Who's Who, page 337; Present Office since 1917.
Edward Wiest
College of Commerce
A.B., A.M., Ph.D., G. W. U.; Columbia; Phi Sigma Kappa; Delta Sigma Pi; Beta Gamma Sigma; Who's Who, page 2,217; Present Office since 1918, Professor of Economics.
  William Delbert Funkhouser
Graduate School
A. B., M.A., Ph.D., Sc.D., Wabash; Cornell; Phi Beta Ivappa; Sigma Xi; Kappa Sigma; Omicron Delta Kappa; Omega Beta Pi; Who's Who, page number 826; Present Office since 1918.
Sarah Gibson Blanding
Dean of Women
A.B., M.A., Kentucky; Colorado; Mortar Board; Kappa Kappa Gamma; Present Office since 1924.
Columbus Rudolph Melcher
Dean of Men
A.B., M.A., Hanover College; Delta Tau Delta; Omicron Delta Kappa; Who's Who, page number 1,457; Present, Office since 1914.
22 ^1930j^K|Tj|CKJAN
Men's Student Council
Henry Smith Scott.........................President
Thomas L. Riley...................Vice-President
Benjamin LeRoy..........Secretary and Treasurer
Seniors College.
H. S. Scott.................Agriculture
C. E. Colvin.................Engineering
Robert O'Dear..................Law
J. L. Collins.................. Agriculture
Walter D. Vest................Commerce
O. K. Barnes...............Arts and Science
Banker White................Education
Tom L. Riley..............Arts and Science
Rex Allison.................Commerce
James Dye..................Agriculture
H. E. Abley.................Education
Benjamin C. LeRoy..............Engineering
W. A. Bruce.................Engineering
J. D. Alexander................Engineering
Imogene Smith...........................President
Mary Moore Milton....................Secretary
Margaret Treacy................Treasurer
Elizabeth Cramer ...... Y. W. C. A. President
Cora Polk .............. Boyd Hall President
Mildred Dudley  ....  Patterson Hall President
Minnie Pigg ........... Smith Hall President
Bernice Byland ....... W. S. G. A. President
Mrs. Lola Robinson ...... Phi Beta President
Lela Cullis .......... Mortar Board President
Kathleen Fitch . . Theta Sigma Phi President Katherlne K. Wilson . Chi Delta Phi President Dorothy Threlkeld . Phi Upsilon Omicron Pres.
Jane Gooch ..... Alpha Delta Theta President
Betty Hulette ..... Alpha Xi Delta President
Elizabeth Brschell . Alpha Gamma Delta Pres. Bernardine Mason . Beta Sigma Omicron Pres. Mary Moore Milton  ....  Chi Omega President
Kathryn McWilliams  ....   Tri-Delta President
Elizabeth  Hood ....... Delta Zeta President
Kathleen Fitch ....... Kappa Delta President
Imogene Smith.Kappa Kappa Gamma President Bernice Byland .... Zeta Tau Alpha President Mary  Montgomery  .  "V.-Pres.  Freshman Class
Jane   Dyer ...... Secretary  Freshman   Class 
Georgetta Walker . V.-Pres. Sophomore Class Eloise Dickinson . . Secretary Sophomore Class Margaret Cundiff  ....  Vice-Pres.  Junior Class
Jane C. Kenney ...... Secretary Junior Class
Frances Baskett........Vice-Pres. Senior Class
D'Allis Chapman ..... Secretary Senior Class
Leura Pettigrew ....... Su-ky Representative
Ellen Minnlhan ....... Stroller Representative
Prof. R. D. McIntyre
The University of Kentucky Vespers
HIS YEAR, for the first time, the new Memorial Auditorium has made possible the Sunday afternoon vesper services. The programs for these services have been arranged so as to give the University community an hour of the finest musical literature each week. Organizations co-operating to make the vesper services a success were: The University Philharmonic orchestra; the University Concert Band; the University Choir; the Men's and Women's Glee clubs; the University String Quartet; the MacDowell Club; and various church choirs and organists from the city of Lexington. Soloists and speakers appearing on the programs have included Dr. Sidney Durst, organist; Miss Enid McClure, organist, and Miss Dorothy Robb, violinist, of the Cincinnati CcJlege of Music; Mr. Barre Hill, baritone, of the Chicago Civic Opera Company; Mr. Story Turner, tenor, of Chicago; Miss Caroline Pike, pianist, and Mrs. Eugene Bradley, organist, from Georgetown College; President C. M. Dannely, Kentucky Wesleyan College; Bishop H. P. Almon Abbott, Lexington Diocese; President Charles J. Turk, Centre College; President Elmer G. Campbell, Transylvania College; President Marshall Adams, Georgetown College; President Louis R. Akers, Asbury College; and our own president, Dr. Frank L. McVey.
    Students of the Graduate School
First Semester, 1929-30
James R. Abner Henry A. Adams Mary Christian Adams Mrs. Nellie E. Adams Charles Edward Allen Harry Raymond Allen Nathan B. Allison William Homer Arnold Eston Jackson Asiier Harvey Arthur Babb Robert H. Baker Charles Otho Banta Dukie Barber Mrs. Edna Shivell Baucom Cicero Henry Bernard Lawrence Francis Bischof Hervey Parks Boone Earle G. Borman James M. Boswell Thomas David Boyd Virginia Drue Foyd Caroline Elizabeth Brown Hattie M. Brumback Thomson Ripley Bryant Robert C. Bullock H. C. Burnette Hugh S. Calkins G. W. Campbell Katie Dalton Carpenter Emile Barton Cavai.i.o Leo Martin Chamberlain Henry Ci.ay Chambers Wilbur W. Chambers Kin Ching Chen Julia Clark
Elizabeth Starling Clay Mrs. William M. Clay Thomas Henry Coat'es Charlie Cobb Eloise Kirti.ey Conner Virginia King Conrov Jesse James Coop Florence Crowder Adeline Cubbage Raymond E. Culbertson Mrs. Virginia D. Currey Marion I. Davis Charles Lenard Dees Claire Henry Dees Olive Douglass James Alexander Elam Fred A. Engle Julia R. Ewan Edwin P. Ewers
Robert Price Ewing
Mrs. Margaret H. Falconer
M. A. Filson
Helen Virginia Fisher
Norman Fitch
Edith G. Ford
Nettie B. Foster
Willie Ann Fraas
Oscar Fitzgerald Galloway
Paul D. Gard
Lucy Blakemore Gardner
Wayne Wilburn Garneit
Paul L. Garrete
James Edward Gates
Hazel Ann Gibson
Anna D. Gill
James Philip Glenn
J. W. Graybeal
Howard H. Groves
Margaret Adams Gunn
Mrs. Lulu Cooper Hale
William Albert Harboi.d
Laura Lucii.e Harp
Marshall Dees Harris
James B. Heird
Harry Eugene Hendrick
Henry J. Hervey
Kate Gray Hieatt
George H. Hieronymus
Herbert Talmage Higgins
Ei.i.ery Hinson
Yancy Carman Hoi.brook
Henry Bert Holmes
Mrs. Sarah B. Holmes
Lucy Bethel Holt
James B. Holtzclaw
Samuel L. Isbell
Mary Katherine Jasper
Dorothy Ruth Johnson
Vinson Lair Johnson
Leslie P. Jones
Durbin C. Kemper
Jay B. Kenyon
Mrs. Marcarei  Km,by
Elmer James Kilpatrick
Helen Galvin King
Willy Martina King
Olis C. Kintner
Edwin L. Kirk
Roy Knight
Charles F. Krewson
John Wilbur Lancaster
Louise McNeill Landrum
A. J. Lawrence
Wendell M. Layman Alleen Lemons Wm. Stewart Lester, Sr. Harold Forest Link Dorothy LinvtlLe Cornelius R. Lisanbv Mrs. Jamie Bronston Long Ellen W. Loudensi.ager James Thomas Lowe Harry Richmond Lynn Lucy Edelin McCaw Virginia McClure William Lawson McGill A. F. McGuire Mrs. Esther L. McGuire Geneva O. McGuire Samuel H. McGuire Maude C. McTnteer Gladys R. McWhorter Jo Hazel McWhorter Virginia H. Maurs Mabel Kerr Marshall Ernest Dexter Martin Mary Lewis Marvin M. Taylor Mathers Ruth Elizabeth Mathews James Warren May Henry Hobjon Mayse Elizabeth B. Miller J. Lester Miller John Stapp Mitchell Ellen Ruth Moffite Gayle A. Mohney William J. Moore Ethel Anne Morcan David W. Nankivel William G. Nash John Thomas Neal William Edcar Newbolt Roy Hamilton Owsley Hovey Duncan Palmore R. Smith Park Noah J. Parsons George Willard Patton Albert Pearce Sallie Elizabeth Pence Morris Robert Pepper Georce E. Perrv Elizabeth Peters Elizabeth W. Pinkerton M. E. Potter Albert B. Poundstose Ralph D. Purdy Alice Taylor Ragland
Bertrand P. Ramsay William Leitner Rast Ellis M. Reeves Susan Owings Richards Frazure B. Richardson D. O. Roberts Helen Porter Roberts Lydia Florence Roberts Roland Roberts Virginia Lee Robinson Edith Belle Rose Edgar Royse Clem Wilson Russell Bennett T. Sandefur Fred W. Schaefer Ellen Scott A. M. Shelton William A. Shelton Mrs. W. A. Shelton T. W. Skinner Evelyn Slater Cornelius C. Smith Wallace Smith Oma Smith Soper Cora Marie Spraguf. Gelu S. Stamatoff Helen Ashcraft Stanley Emma Ritchie Stevenson G. A. Stone Lloyd Everett Teague Jack Thompson Jessie Tilton Ralph Beckham Tyree Andrew J. Walker C. S. Waltman Hattie C. Warner Charles T. Warren Clarence Olney Warren Robert Wm. Waterfill William G. Watkins James R. Welch Wylif. Brodbeck.Wendt Bell Irvin Wiley Mrs. Mandy Lee Williams Ella Bond Wilson Gladys Morton Wilson Mary Elizabeth Wilson Nancy Mary Wilson Roger Clay Womack Robert Marvin Woodson Herman Worsham Emma Lou Worten Ralph Collier Wyatt Francis Lorraine Yost Alice Conrad Young
History of the Class of 1930
J. H. Callaway Historian
AST IS EAST and West is West, but here the twain did meet in the fall of 1926 to form the Class of 1930 at the University of Kentucky. Banded together to seek for itself the pleasures of life that come through the development of a more learned mind.  In that September, now nearly four years past, the coveted goal seemed an eternity away; an eternity to be spanned in four mammoth strides, each of which could hardly be realized in its extent.
The acclimatization stride, though timid and hesitant it may have been, brought meager laurels to its perpertrators. This process of seasoning was goaded to a satis-facory end through kindly advice or force, as the case merited, administered by the faculty or upper classmen.
The "Foolish" year was fertile time for the sprouting of the hidden seeds of prominence and we entered it with a worldly air of confidence. Our members began to assert their rights to positions among the leaders in campus affairs. Such a time was only necessary to prepare us for our rightful positions in the proud class of the present.
Then, as the fruits of leadership, scholarship and athletic ability were borne from these seedlings of the previous year the Class of 1930 was looked upon as one with exceptional qualities. We have failed in only one thing. We could not waken those dormant requisites of fame that [ay hidden under the surface of so many of our members. Even though this be true, one slight failure does not wipe out success, and we are glad to know that our own wealth of admirable traits will balance those laid on the scales of fortune by any group who now calls Old Kentucky, 'Alma Mater."
Now, with the fourth stride nearing completion, we look back and can visualize only one short, pleasant step that has carried us to our goal. A step beset with joy, good times, profitable experiences, gainful knowledge, happy memories and enviable traditions. All these things have been proffered by our "Fostering Mother," the University, and we pray that by our future actions we may prove ourselves deserving of them. We are sorry that the tottering steps of some who started with us became so uncertain as to leave them behind, because they, too, would enjoy the riches from which we have gleaned the nectar.
And now, Alma Mater, as we depart upon our various roads to fame in the many fields to which you have opened the gates for us, we sincerely wish that you may live a long and prosperous life in your efforts to give to future generations that which you have so kindly imparted to us, and may they, as we ask the power to do, carry your banners o'er heights of usefulness to the loftiest peaks of success.
College of oAgriculture
Archie C. Ausenbaugh
dawson springs, ky.
B.S. in Agriculture
Owen Brookshike paducah, ky.
B.S. in Agriculture
Jesse Locan Collins ATP
flemingsburg, ky.
B.S. in Agriculture a z
Men's Student Council, '29, '30; President Alpha Zeta, '29. '30; Pan-Politlkon. '29, '30; Alpha Zeta Freshman Scholarship; Well Scholarship; Dairy Judging Team, '29.
Irvine Hagin Crosby K 2
simpsonville, ky.
B.S. in Agriculture
Claiborne Truman Henson B.S. in Agriculture
mayslick, ky.
College of oAgriculture
Charles Eugene Bortner burgin, ky.
B.S. in Agriculture
James Walton Brown ATP
buffalo, n. y.
B.S. in Agriculture
Agricultural Society; President Agricultural   Society,   '29;   "Winner of Block   and   Bridle   Stock Judging Contest, '28.
Henry B. Cravens
livia, ky.
B.S. in Agriculture
President Y. M. C. A.; Vice-President Y. M. C. A., '28; State Student Cabinet, '29; Blue Ridge, '28; Manager "K"' Book, '29; Vice-President University of Kentucky 4-H Club; Cosmopolitan Club; Pitkin Club; Agricultural Society.
Monta V. Frisby
liberty road, ky.
B.S. in Agriculture
Charles Waller Jones
 a e
lexington, ky.
B.S. in Agriculture
Drum Major, '27, '28; Omicron Delta Kappa; Lamp and Cross; Block and Bridle; Agricultural Society.
Clarence Mitchell Kindoll ATP
wheatlev, kv.
B.S. in Agriculture
IVice-President   Block   and Bridle; iPresident University 4-H Club; Ar-ricultural Society,  '29, '30.
Harold Lyon1 ATP
lexington, ky.
B.S. in Agricultur,
Lewis McCubbin campbellsville, ky.
B.S. in Agriculture
Henry Smith Scott ATP
west  paducah, kv.
B.S. in Agriculture
President Student Council; Pan-Po-litlkon; Pan-Hellenic. livia, ky.
>c mors
Aaron Lee depoy, ky.
B.S. in Agriculture Winner Essay Contest.
Sanford Duncan Lyne olmstead, ky.
B.S. in Agriculture
Russell Johnson Plue lexington, ky.
B.S. in Agriculture
Cornell Thela Sutten lexington, ky.
B.S. in Agriculture
Horace J. Watson
princeton, ky.
B.S. in Agriculture G\ fi>
Georce E. White A r P
henderson, ky.
B.S. in Agriculture
0 a k, a z
Block and Bridle Club, '28, '29, 30; Intra-Mural Wrestling Champ, '28; Agricultural Society; Livestock Judging Team, '29; Dairy Team, '30;   First  Lieutenant,  R.  O.  T. C.
Anna Pope Bland z t a shelbyville, ky.
B.S. in Home Economics
W. S. G. A. Council, '28. '29; W. A. A.; Home Economics Club; Agricultural Society; Girls' Glee Club.
Ann Beatrice Eyl lexington. ky.
Home Economics
Joan Gorey
paris, ky.
B.S. in Home Economics
Elizabeth McCi.intock Jones millersburg, kv.
B.S. in Home Economics
I =1
a o
Joe Robert Thompson
lexington, ky. B.S. in Agriculture Varsity  Football,  '28, '29.
Bessie May Bush mt. sterling, ky.
B.S. in Home Economics
Y.  W.  C.   A., '2G,  '27,  '28,  '29; Director y. W. Camp, '28, '29.
Gladys T. Fisher
millersburg, kv. B.S. in Home Economics
Frances Holland K A
russellville, ky.
B.S. in Home Economics I>  T 0
y. W.  C.  A.,  '28, '29; Home Economics Club,   '2s,  '29; Agricultural Club,  '2s, '29.
Virginia Meacham Craveus
hopkinsville, kv.
B.S. in Home Economics k a n
< 'osmopolitan '28, '29; W. sity 4-H Clul Staff.   '29; i '27,   '28, '29
31ub; y. W. C. A., '27, . A., '27, '28; Univer-
'28, '29, '30; "Kernel' >me  Economics Club.
Agricultural Society '29. pernors
Martha Clay Riccins harrodsburc, kv.
B.S. in Home Economics
Dorothy E. Threlkei.d morganfield, kv.
B.S. in Home Economics
cArts and Sciences
Elizabeth Acker paducah, ky.
Evelyn Alsover
ATA bic stone gap, va.
Phil Aswerus dry ridge, kv.
r r e
y.  m.  C.  a.   Cabinet.  '27. '28.
V 13
Louise Prate Rogers z t a
shelbyville, kv. B.S. in Home Economics
Home Economies Club; Pitkin Club; French    Club,    '29; Pan-Hellenic Council.   '29,   '30;   Secretary  Y. W. C.  A., '27.
Grace Mae Thurman lexington, ky.
B.S. in Home Economics
oArts and Sciences
Lawrence Jackson Alexander
n k a
eddyville, ky.
B.S. in Arts and Science * M A
Glee  Club,  '27,   '28,   '29,  '30; University Quartette,  '27,  '28, '29, '30; Scabbard and Blade; "Kentuckian" Staff.
Edward Stephen Amis himyar, kv.
B.S. in Arts and Science
Paul Avekitt A P P
lexington, ky.
B.S. in Arts and Science
Clarence M. Allen
wilmore, ky.
A.B. in Education
William Andrew Bacon * S K
hickman, ky. A.B.
O'Rear Kay Barnes A T Q A.B.
lexington, ky.
0 a K. 2 a x
Sigma Pi Eta; Blackguard Fusi-leers; Student Council, '29; Managing Editor of the "Kentucky Kernel," '29; "Kentuckian" Staff, '28, '29; Editor "The Kampus Kat," '28, "29; R. O. T. C.; Lamp and Cross.
Betsy Waller Bennett K K r
richmond, ky.
Elizabeth Billiter X 0
williamstown, ohio
Cecil Edward Ayres new liberty, ky.
Harry Cubley Baum A X
detroit, mich.
Detroit College of Pharmacy, '24; Trojan Band; Kappa Zeta; Dramatics Deputation Committee; U. S. C, '20, '27; Pre-Medical Society Indi ana University, '28; Detroit City College,   '28, '29.
Anna Beavers gallatin, tenn.
Samuel S. Billington A X A
paducah, ky.
Evelyn Jane Bland logan, w. va.
A.B. in Education
 Richard O'Conner Bowling
n k a
lexington, ky.
Mary Browne Bradley ASA
greenville, ky.
Rebecca Gault Brown lexington, ky.
Ruth Bullock lexington, ky.
Bernice Bell Byland
z t a
dayton, ky.
A.B. ez*
Club,  '2G,  '27; Vice-President atterson Hall, '27; "Kernel" Starr, '28; Strollers, '28; Secretary W. G. A., '28; Treasurer W. A. C, '28; Y. W. C. A. Cabinet, '28; English Club, '28, '29; President W. S. G. A., '29; Vice-President Y. W. C. A.,  '29; Pitkin Club, '29.
)ctii or.s
Robert Leo Bradbury butler, ky.
Clay Brock * A 0
lexington, ky.
Z a x, 0 a k
Tennis Team, '27, '2S; Manager Tennis Team, '30; Strollers, '29; "Kernel" Staff, '28; Vice-President Pan-Hellenic, '29; Lances, '29; Lamp and Cross, '29; President Phi Delta Theta, '29.
Ethel Buckner k k r
lexington, ky.
Elise Adele Bureau B 2 0 lexington, ky. A.B.
.  C.  A.  Cabinet,  '20,  '27, '28, '29; Blue Ridge, '28.
Kathleen Carlton z t a
louisville, ky.
A. A. . \Y.
, '28; Secre-Y.  W.  C. A., In Athletics , '28.
Morris T. Carpenter Triancle montclair, n. j. B.S. in Industrial Chemistry
Lamp and Cross;  President Triangle,   '28,  '29;   Pan-Hellenic Representative, '28.
Robert Graves Chambers nicholasville, kv.
Susan E. Cook
lexington, kv. 15 2 0 A.B.
Donald E. Cor rv * K T
owensboro, kv.
A.B. i r e
President Spanish Club, '28, '29; Business Staff Y. M. C. A , '29. '30.
Elizabeth Cramer
z t a
louisville, kv.
Alpha Gamma Delta Freshman Cup. '20; Mortar Board Cup. '20; W. A. A. Council, '27, '28; Numerals, '28; Hide Team, '27. '28; Classical Club President, '27; Y. W. C. A. Cabinet. '27; President, '29 '30; Eta Zeta Phi Secretary, '28, '29; Mortar Board. '29, '30: Gulgnol Producing Staff, '29. '30; Pitkin Club, '27, '28; Stroller Eligible.
ci ra
Robert Louis Carter lexington, kv.
May Francis Cogswell Z T A
lexington, ky.
0\ ra
B. Pearl Cooksev
edmonton, ky.
Ed F. Craoy 2 B Z louisville, ky.
Uitle Team. 2 A X
Sarah Early Cropper burlington, ky.
A B.
Lela Elizabeth Cullis A A 
lexington, kv.
B.S. in Music
Helene Blair Dale A A e
mvers, kv.
W. C. G. A., '28. '2D; Y. W. '28, '29.
Margaret Davidson A A 9
rockville center, long island
B. S.
Martha Jean Doak louisville, ky.
James Reid Dorman K 2 lexington, kv.
Keys, '26. '27; Mystic Thirteen; Press Committee; Lances; Strollers; Cast "Square Deal"; Lamp and Cross; Business Manager Strollers. '29.
q fa
Elise Marshall Derickson AAA
mt. sterling, kv. A.B. II 2 t>
Vice-President   Junior   Class, '28; Glee Club, '28;  Secretary Eta Sigma Phi, '29;  W. A.  C,  '28; Classical Club, '28, '29.
Frank Costellow Davidson 2 N
barbourville, ky. AM.
Lamp and Cross; Lances; Pep Club. Vice-President Su-Ky, '28; President. '29; Cast of "Truth About Bloyds" and "Duley"; Stage Manager Strollers '27; Local Coin Producer, '29; President Mystic Thirteen; President Lances; Secretary State Press Association; Treasurer Pan-Hellenic.
Amelia Duley m0re1ieai), kv.
Vera Alice Dodson bridgeport, ill.
Douglas M. Durham
columbia, kv.
 Rebecca W. Edwards
versailles, kv.
Marie Emmert lexington, kv.
Beatrice Lucille Erickson muskigan, mich.
Gordon Bennett Finley
r x a
madisonville, kv. A.B.
Scabbard and Blade; Captain in R. O. T. C. Regiment; President Patterson Literary Society, '29, '30; Brent Prize for Highest Standing in United States History, '29.
Kathleen Fitch k a
lexington, kv.
Mortar Board; Theta Sigma Phi, President '30; President Kappa Delta, '28, '29; "Woman's Pan-Hellenic Council, '28, '29, '30; Women's Administrative Council; "Kentuck-ian" Staff, '27, '28, '29, '30; "Kernel" Staff, '27, '28. '29; T. W. C. A. Sub-Cabinet, '27; Stroller Eligible; English Club; Senior Class Ring Committee; Junior Prom Queen,'29; "Local Color," '29; Women's Tumbling Team, '28, '29.
"D "
a to
4 )
Ruth Elmore X fi
durant, miss.
Sara Elvove
paris, kv.
Feature "Writer "Kentucky Kernel.'
Rob Evans lexington, kv.
M. Elizabeth Finnell A Z
winchester, kv.
Spanish Club, '27. '2S; Pitkin Club, '29,   '30;   Girls'   Glee  Club,  '20; Y. W. C. A., '26.
M. N. Franklin
a t a
knoxville, tenn. A.B.
Varsity "K" in Football and Baseball.
  Effie D. Hughes
fanbush, ky.
Elizabeth Rowland Hulett lexington, ky.
E.viiL W. Johnson
lexington, ky.
Cross   Country,   '27;   Track Team. '28,  '29;   Pre-Mecl  Society,  '26, '27. '28.   '29;   Pitkin  Club,   '26,   '27, '28, '29.
Mildred Lloyd Judy lexington, ky.
Julian F. Keisiieimer
lexington, ky. B.S.
Hettie Belle Hughes fanbush, ky.
Gordy Bernard Johnson murray, ky.
Mrs. Grace Roth Johnson lexington, ky.
Vice-President Classical Club.
Margaret Hope Kenney kenton, ky.
Thomas Howell Kingston exeter, ky.
 GV p
Josephine Lapsley
x a
shelbyville, ky.
Mary Elizabeth Lee lexington, ky.
Warren F. Lindsey
rock port, ind.
Z a x
Associate   Editor "Kentucky net," '29; Track, '29.
C to
c\ p
Rebecca Coleman Long lexington, ky.
Kathryn Louise McWilliams AAA
lawrenceburg, ky.
Editor "University Bulletin," '2S, 29; Sponsor Second Battalion, '28; Stroller Eligible; W. A. A., '28, '29; President Delta Delta Delta, '2S, '29.
Jess Murillo Laughlin
K 2
lexington, ky.
0 A K, 2 A X
First Lieutenant R. O. T. C. '29; Scabbard and Blade; Secretary Sigma Delta Chi; Special Writer "Kernel"; Associate Editor "Kernel," '29; President Sigma Delta Chi. '29; Associate Editor "Kampus Kat"; Editor-in-Chlet Sigma Delta Chi Edition of "Kernel"; Rifle Team, 2G, '27, '28; President Kappa Sigma,  '28, '29.
J. Henry' Lewis 2 A E
anchorage, ky.
Business  Manager  1930 "1 ian."
-i z
English Club. English Club, Fleur de Lis, Club,   '29; Sel
'29; President ench Club, '29; easurer French Ball Committee;
University of Cincinnati, '20, '27.
Ida Ki i ii Mil arlasd lexington, ky.
Oit B. McAtee
cadiz, ky'.
Ida Fannye Mackey williamsburg, ky.
A.B. in Education
Samuel Rossington Magruder
kevil, ky.
B.S. 2 r 2, 2 r e
Pitkin Club, '28; Spanish Club, '27.
Browder R. Means
hopkinsville, ky.
Louise Millikin paducah, ky.
Mary Moore Milton lawrenceburc, ky.
Mary Virginia Mackoy A Z
maysville, ky'.
William Taylor Maxson 2 A E
Freshman  Track;  "Varsity  "K" In Track,   '27, '28.
cJ v3       Samuel Winfrey Menefee, Jr.
louisville, ky.
History Club, '28, '29; International Relations   Club, '29.
Arthur Claude Munyan K 2
lexington, ky.
Men's Pan-Hellenic Council. '28; Lamp and Cross, *28; Omicron Delta Kappa, '28; Sigma Gamma Sigma, '27; Sigma Gamma Epsilon, "28; Frosh Tennis Team, '26; Student Council,  '29;  Rifle Team, '27.  seniors
Wendell Gay Reading 2 X
lexington, ky.
Glee Club, '26, '27; Lieutenant R. O. T. C.
Edwin Kerr Rice 2 A E
paris, ky.
University Band, '27, '28, '29.
Virginia Rives hopkixsville, ky.
Mildred A. Rue
harrodsburg, ky.
Roxanna Ruttencutter A A e
covington, ky.

A bayou, ky. B.S. in Commerce 'Kentuckian" Circulation Manager; Wichita University, '20. Forrest Thompson Dalton A X A sturgis, ky. B.S. in Commerce a 2 n Thomas C. Gaines, Jr. K 2 louisville ky. B.S. in Commerce Intra-mural Wrestling Champion 135-lb. Class, '29; Delta Sigma PI. CAP Paul L. Blanchard ashville, n. y. B.S. in Commerce Herman S. Brumfield A X A n1cholasville, ky. B.S. in Commerce A 2 IT First Lieutenant R. O. T. C. Virgil L. Couch A T fi beaver dam, ky. B.S. in Commerce a a 2, a 2 ii President Frosh Y. M. C. A. Cabinet, '26; Editor "K" Book, '29; Representative to International Student Convention, Milwaukee. Wis., '27; Student Volunteer Convention, Detroit, Mich., '28; Member National Student Council of Christian Associations, New York, and General Council Y. M. C. A., Chicago; Sec-retaiy. Kalamazoo. Mich.; Southern Regional Council Y. M. C. A., Atlanta; Editor Southern "Y" Grams; Editor the "Kentucky 'Y' News"; President State Student Cabinet and State Student Convention Y. M. C. A., '28; President University Y. M. C. A., '28; President Alpha Delta Sigma. '28; Secretary, '27; Chairman National Convention Committee Alpha Delta Fig-ma; President The Pitkin Club, 29; Editor-in-Chief 19.10 "Kentuckian"; Head Announcer U. of K. Remote Control Station of WHAS. Francis Day A 2 * lexington, ky. B.S. in .Commerce Robert B. Goad 2 K moscow, ky. A.B. College of Education Ruth E. Allen A Z tampa, fla. A.B. in Education Frances Baskett ATA cynthiana, ky. A.B. in Education r. o. t. C.; Sponsor of Company "B," '29. Geneva Mae Combs ATA LEXINGTON; KV. A.B. in Education Charles Donahue sturgis, ky. A.B. in Education Thelman Berxice Evaxs lexington, ky. A.B. in Education Vere Marie Flora carlisle, ky. A.B. in Education Elizabeth Graham a z clinton, ky. A.B. in Education Philo