xt7p8c9r5b91 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7p8c9r5b91/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1986-09-08  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, September 8, 1986 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, September 8, 1986 1986 1986-09-08 2020 true xt7p8c9r5b91 section xt7p8c9r5b91 LNMVERSHY OF KENTUCKY




Members, University Senate

The University Senate will meet in regular session on Monday,
September 8, 1986, at 3:00 p.m. in ROOM 115 of the Nursing Building
(CON/HSLC). PLEASE NOTE: This is a change from where the Senate met last
year. The Nursing Building is across Rose Street from the University
Hospital and is connected with the Medical Plaza. Room 115 is at the
north end of the building.

1. Minutes of April 14 and April 28, 1986.
Remarks by President Otis A. Singletary.
Introduction of Senate Officers and Committee Chairs.

Academic Ombudsman's Report for 1985-86 Academic Year: Dr. Charles

Chairman's Announcements and Remarks.


a. Proposed Policy on Student Attendance at University Sponsored
Functions. (Circulated under date of 21 August 1986.)

Proposal to establish a new category (Auxiliary) of Graduate
Faculty membership. If approved by the University Senate ,
the proposal will be forwarded to the administration as a
recommendation for inclusion in the Governing Regulations.
(Circulated under date of 22 August 1986.)


Randall Dahl




The University Senate met in regular session at 3:00 p.m.,
Monday, September 8, 1986, in room 115 of the Health Sciences Building.

Wilbur W. Frye, Chairman of the Senate Council, presided.

Members absent: Frank Allara, Sandra Allen*, Robert A.
Altenkirch*, Richard Angelo, Patrick Appelman*, James L. Applegate,
Charles E. Barnhart, Susan Bean*, Raymond F. Bette, Jeffery Born*,
Daniel J. Breaseale, Joe Burch, I.K. Chew*, Michael Cibull, Lisa Corum*,
Emmett Costich, George F. Crewe*, Frederick Danner, Richard Domek, Jr.*,
Ropbert Lewis Donohew, Anthony Eardley, Donald G. Ely*, Stanley Feldman,
Thomas R. Ford, Michael B. Freeman, James Freeman*, Richard W. Furst,
Fletcher Gabbard, Thomas C. Gray*, Andrew Grimes, Raymond Hornback,
Jennifer Jacquet*, Mehran Jehad, John J. Just, Jay T. Kearney, James 0.
King, Walter Kivett*, James R. Lang*, Robert G. Lawson, Bruce A. Lucas,
Edgar D. Maddox*, Martin J. McMahon, Jr., Patrick J. McNamara*, John
Menkhaus*, Robert Murphy, Michael T. Nietzel, Robert C. Noble*, David J.
Prior, Peter Purdue, G. Kendell Rice, Thomas C. Robinson, Thomas L.
Roszman, Wimberly C. Royster*, Edgar Sagan, Karyll N. Shaw*, Timothy
Sineath, Joseph Swintosky*, Brian Taylor, Sherri Thompson*, Thomas
Travis*, Marc Wallace, Cyndi Weaver*, Jesse Weil*, James H. Wells,
Charles T. Wethington*, Carolyn Williams*, Paul A. Willis, and Angene

Chairman. Frye introduced and welcomed Dr. Otis A. Singletary,
President of the University‘ as well as President of the University
Senate, and invited his comments. President Singletary's remarks follow.

Thank you. It is a pleasure to join this afternoon in welcoming
you back to another year at UK. I certainly hope that you have
had a pleasant and interesting summer and that you are ready for
the demands and expectations of the new academic year which is
already well under way. I think it's going to be a good year;
there are many, many signs that it's going to be a good year.
And there are a number of developments in related areas that are
worth mentioning because I think they bode well for a kind of up
beat feeling on this campus. I'd like to summarize some of those
if I may.

First of all, and of particular interest to the faculty, there
are a number of matters I think are pretty well in focus . . . in
spite of the continuing problems——parking and liability
insurance-—of this University. The parking problem will never be
solved. It is quite possible that the liability insurance will
some day be solved, although that is not true as of this moment.
We're working in about five different directions. We have
conducted what in effect is a world—wide search for somebody to
insure this institution and I can only tell you that we have not
yet found anyone. It is somewhat apparent——as I'm sure you'll

*Absence explained.


8 September 1986

Members of the Senate Council:


'Bradley C. Canon, Political Science, Immediate Past Chair (Ex Officio)?/
”Ray Betts, History and Honors Prog., Board of Trustees (EX Officio)¢

’Constance P. Wilson, Social Work, Board of Trustees (Ex Officio)

[Charles Ambrose, Medical Micro and Immuno. (for Jim Wells, on leave)

"Donna Greenwell, Pres. Student Government Association, (Ex Of.)
xEnid Waldhart, Communications

_/Loys Mather, Agricultural Economics (also chairing Senate Committee)
JRobert A. Altenkirch, Mechanical Engineering

nyndi Weaver, Student Member

“William Lyons, Political Science (also chairing Senate Committee)
*John Menkhaus, Student Member

“Richard Angelo, Education

’Madhira Ram, Medicine

“M. Ward Crowe, Veterinary Science

JJesse L. Weil, Physics and Astronomy (probably will not be there)

University Senate Committee Chairmen:


Rules and Elections
i Malcolm E. Jewell, Political Science

,/Admissions and Academic Standards
Loys Mather, Agricultural Economics (also on Senate Council)


H Academic Facilities
' Fletcher Gabbard, Physics and Astronomy

Library Committee

Roger Anderson, Russian and East European Languages


 Page 2

Senate Committee Chairs [continued]


Research Committee
Donald Leigh, Engineering Mechanics

Academic Programs
William Lyons, Political Sciences (also on Senate Council)

Academic Planning and Priorities
Stanley Brunn, Geography Department

Academic Organization and Structure
Paul Eakin, Mathematics

Institutional Finances and Resource Allocation
Joseph Krislov. , *

University Studies

Louis Swift, Classics Departmentvi

University Senate Officers


Randall Dahl, University Registrar, Secretary
Martha Sutton, Recording Secretary

Gifford Blyton, Professor Emeritus, Parliamentarian
Frankie Garrison, Sergeant—At-Arms

Mary Mayhew, Sergeant—At-Arms


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University Senate Minutes
8 September 1986

agree——that the risk management people seem to be determined to
eliminate risk altogether. In any event, the situation remains
unchanged on the liability‘ insurance as it affects the
faculty——and that's a fairly serious problem. We're looking at a
consortium with other universities; we're looking at some relief
from ‘within. the state; we're looking at self—insurance; we're
looking at a number‘ of things——none of which. are particularly
promising at this time. Nonetheless that problem is too severe
to continue much longer without some resolution. It's not just
UK. There are four other public universities in Kentucky without
coverage and literally hundreds around the United States. The
situation will not be allowed to go on this way. In spite of
those matters, there are some significant advances that should
hearten us——particularly the matter of salaries. I am pleased
that we were able to put together a 7% package for this year and
I think it's safe to say that our expectations are for a better
year‘ the second year' of the biennium in terms of faculty and
staff salaries, although iI would caution. you to remember that
that outlook and assumption are based on the fact that the state
will in fact realize its revenue projections with no further
budget cuts. I think that's going to be the case and I believe
that we will see a biennium in which we gain some lost ground
from our sister institutions.

You. will also be interested to knOW' that our early retirement
program has been implemented. We've been talking about this for
several years; I received last year from the committee a revised
version of the plan which we were all in agreement of and it has
gone to the Board and been. implemented. And, as a matter of
fact, we have our first early retirees this year.

Closely related to that, and on recommendation of the Faculty and
Staff Benefits Committee, we will be appointing another ad hog
group to take a look at retirement plans other than TIAA—CREF.
There is sufficient interest to warrant looking at alternatives.
You will no doubt have some interest in the outcome of that.

Also of interest to faculty——endowments on the campus. As you
know, we have already assembled a . . . I don't want to say a
reservoir——let's call it a pool . . . of professorships on this
campus. We now have seven alumni professorships. We have two
endowed professorships in Business and Economics; we also have
them in Law, in Engineering, in Medicine and one in the
Humanities. This is an area or direction that we have needed for
a long time; it's one in which we've had little tradition in
Kentucky and I think it's now beginning to have enough body and
substance to amount to something for us in terms of critical
mass. You also have read in the paper where the Council on
Higher Education is considering now the guidelines for the


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University Senate Minutes
8 September 1986

awarding of four endowed professorships in the state-—this is for
the second year in the biennium. They are putting them out on a
matching basis per institution. The state will put up $500,000
and the institution will be required to match it with
$500,000-—so we will have a million. dollar endowment for the
professorships. We expect for UK to be highly' competitive in
these and you will no doubt follow that with interest as will I.

I can also say that later this month we hope to announce another
professorship——another endowed professorship at UK. I am not at
liberty to say any more about that here today other than to say
to you that we think there will be one announced in the near
future. I tell you that because it's an area of activity where
I think we must have a serious interest if this institution is
going to continue to seek that kind of support.

Still another area of interest to you——and I think one of the
bright spots in our institution—— is honors and awards. I am
sure you know that eight of your colleagues have been selected
for the competitive Fulbright Awards. Countless others have been
singled out for one reason or another for outstanding
contributions in the state and in the country and a fairly
healthy and respectable number are serving as presidents or other
officers of their respective professional organizations——all of
which are clear indications that the UK faculty is continuing to
remain active in the University's tripartite mission. All in all
I consider those to be encouraging signs and clear evidence that
this faculty is doing what it's supposed to be doing.

I think much the same can be said if you look at the student
area. There are a number of items that can be grouped under the
student area I think are worth noting. First of all, I'd like to
say something about the enrollment situation; they finished the
first run this morning and it's very interesting. The total UK
enrollment for the total system is up approximately 4% which is a
pleasant surprise. The final figures won't be nailed down until
some time in November——you know about that traffic and what
happens——but we're pretty certain that the combined system
enrollment will be something like 46,500 students. That's this
campus and the Community Colleges. It's a record enrollment for
the Universityu These are preliminary figures, as I say, and
there will be some adjustment, but we think they're going to
remain fairly firm. The Lexington Campus, including the Medical
Center, will enroll about 21,150 students——that's about a 1%
increase over last year. The Community College enrollment will
go up to 25,400--up 7%-—which is a substantial increase . . . a
record enrollment for the CCS. Of particular interest to you
here is that the entering freshmen enrollment on the UK campus is
about 2,500——about a. 4% increase. The interesting point about
that——as I'm sure you know——is that at the same time we're still


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University Senate Minutes
8 September 1986

feeling some of the impact of our decision to go into selective
admissions. This is the second straight year our figures have
begun to climb. In fact I think we had a little over 2,400 last
year, so we're up in incoming freshman and not just in terms of
numbers either. The ACT composite for the entering freshman
class has increased again and moved from 21.80 to 22.00 which is
heartening. If you look back at the time we adopted the
selective admissions policy, the average ACT score was 19.7;
we're now up over 22. That's substantially above the national
average and it reflects an improving undergraduate class at UK.
You'll also be interested in the speculations about the
fluctuations in enrollment. Graduate enrollment is up slightly
at UK; there are increases in Allied Health, Business and
Economics, in Communications and Education-—interestingly enough
Education-—up lO%——Fine .Arts, Nursing, and Social Work. There
are declines in Engineering and Home Economics and Agriculture
and a number of disciplines where the numbers are fairly stable
or only‘ slight fluctuations. Those are headcount enrollments,
but we have no reason to think the FTE variable will change very
much. What all that tells us is that selective admissions is
going through a cycle. It's happened at lots of other
institutions where you get a little shock in your system when you
do it, but then. the institution. comes back and increases its
enrollment and increases enrollment with measurably better

I also think it's worth noting that we opened this year with the
largest number of merit scholarships of one kind or another. It
is the largest we have ever had in the entire history of the
University. Just a few years ago——in l983——at the opening
session we had something like 63—65 merit scholarship students
for something like $70,000. When we opened this year, we have
550 merit—type scholarships now and the value of them is slightly
in excess of $850,000. This change is due in great part because
the merit scholarship program has been a priority as well as our
modest but growing excellence fund; the chancellors and I have
complete agreement that that money has been well invested and has
been and will continue to be a priority. I hope that by the time
you open school next year that there will be something in excess
of a million dollars in that fund and that it will continue to
grow over the years.

We also had the pleasure of hosting the Governor's Scholars
program here on campus this summer. There was a section here and
one at Center College in Danville. We had over 500 talented high
school students on the campus; they spent five weeks here in a
very' intensive academic enrichment program. Bob Hemenway——who
has since that time departed from us to take a deanship at
another institution——was very actively engaged in putting that
program together and overseeing its successful tour on campus.


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University Senate Minutes
September 8, 1986

And the confidence and dedication of this faculty were very
clear-—in fact so clear that the Governor's Scholars' Board has
already decided to return to UK for the summer of '87 which is
exactly the kind of sign we want.

Another interesting footnote on our student population has to do
with the Teacher Education Scholarships passed by the General
Assembly' in 1986. They‘ funded a hundred new scholarships for
teacher education majors and conducted a state wide competition,
the results of which were announced in mid-August. UK students
received 32 of the 100 scholarships. What I think is interesting
to note about that is that UK has just about 10% of the education
majors in the state. I believe that is a very good sign.

Another footnote that you may not have noticed is that we now
have a new Student Services Center on the Lexington Campus
located in the Funkhouser Building. What the Chancellor has done
is pull together admissions, student financial aid, and student
housing into one geographic location——one place where people can
come in here and deal with the maze of getting into this
institution before they get into the maze of getting out of this
institution. Unlike the faculty, students, and staff, they may
even have some restricted parking for 15 or 20 minute intervals.
(That, of course, will not last!) In any event that's a good
movement—-something we have needed to do for a long time--and a
convenience factor for very heavy traffic in that area.

In terms of the academic program, there are also some items for
you to consider as you start this year. There are some good
things around, and we'll be feeling their impact. We have a new
non-tenured clinical title series in the Medical Center——brand
new——first time in history——in Medicine and Dentistry.

We have a new Director of the University Studies
Program——Professor Lou Swift——who already has done yeoman's
service getting that package through this body last year. He
will serve as the new Director. And we have two new Ph.D.
programs——one in Nursing and one in Mining Engineering. We have
consolidated the Ed.D. program from 5 programs to two. Be on the
look—out for developments in the Robotics Center this year. And
also in the development of our Centers for Excellence. There are
two themes running through the Centers for Excellence. The first
is that our own five year plan has built in. it a number of
Centers of Excellence——places within. this institution. where we
think exists considerable strength already. We are proceeding on
those. Along with that, the Council on Higher Education has
picked up interest on these Centers. The CHE Centers are
somewhat different in concept and design though we do not find
any necessary conflict, particularly if they will come forward


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University Senate Minutes
September 8, 1986

with some funding. The CHE is working on those as well and this
will be pretty much decided on in the course of this year.
Whatever decisions they make will go into effect the second year
of the biennium.

You can also expect a report from the Committee on the Future of
the University which was appointed sometime last year. It is a
26 member committee chaired by the Dean of the College of Arts
and Sciences. I asked for a report by December of this year and
I suspect we will be hearing from them soon.

Another positive note I think, as we look at the basic posture of
the University——later this month. we will have an occasion to
celebrate the 2 millionth volume in our library. I need hardly
say to this group that the library is a basic resource and
element in the academic program at UK. This library was just at
1 million volumes when I came here in 1969, so it's a special
pleasure for' me to see that milestone come at the end of my
term. It's a curious kind of thing. We have no substantial
budget for building the library; we've got a budget which is
very modest and each year we have to cut and splice to put
additional resources into the library. We have not done all we
would like to do. Those of you who have an understanding of its
importance will understand. ...

On the topic of research, I think this is an occasion to say a
special word. A number of things have occurred that indicate—~at
least to me-—a very promising future for research at THC if we
take advantage of the opportunities we have. I mentioned the
Robotics Center, which was recommended by Governor Collins and
approved by the General Assembly. It's going to open up a
significant new area of research for us. We also are fortunate
in my opinion to have gotten the Legislature to approve a bond
sale so we are now in a position this biennium to acquire 20
million dollars' worth of new research equipment for the
University of Kentucky. The bonds have been sold and the tools
are all in place. This will be coordinated through the graduate
school; what I would not have you miss about this is that it is
the greatest single infusion of research capital in the history
of this institution. I think it gives us an opportunity to be
competitive with others around the country. It should be seen as
that. The super computer is another such item. It was funded on
a matching basis. The acquisition of that instrument will
greatly enhance and expand the research abilities on this campus.

You can also see in the new construction a number of projects
that are directly related to research—~Cancer, Mining, Equine and
Robotics. Along that same line, there are a number of searches
underway as we meet here this afternoon. We are looking for


 Page 7

8 September 1986

several key people. Search committees are looking for a Director
of the Gluck Equine Research. Center; Virgil Hays is chairing
that Committee and we hope to have someone in that spot by the
spring. The Dean of Engineering is chairing a Committee
searching for a Director of the Robotics Center. Don Leigh is
acting in that capacity for us for the time being. Once again we
hope to have somebody in it by spring time. A Director for the
Computational Sciences Center is being sought. A search
committee is at work chaired by Len Peters of the graduate
school, and this is a program that is planned for implementation
next year—-the second year of the biennium.

In related matters of interest to those in certain. kinds of
research areas, I hope you read a week or two ago that the Markey
Cancer Center received a $900,000 grant from the National Cancer
Institute. Wonderful news. . . and I think very significant
story having to do with the EpScor Grant to the state of Kentucky
by the NSF. It's a grant to the state on a matching basis to
provide 6 million dollars over a five year period. The aim of
this is to stimulate the ability' for institutions to generate
research support. There were 12 grants made in the United States
and Kentucky got one of them and I am pleased to say to you that
the University's participation in that was nothing if not
prominent. I think of the 15 major projects involved, UK is
involved in 12——something like 75% of the funding will be in UK
related projects. I am personally very pleased that that kind of
competitive award certainly shows once again what our people can
do when we put our minds to it. And I will mention Len
Peters——who has done a superb job putting together and
coordinating that program. I'd also like to acknowledge that the
chairman of the that group was a member of the Board of
Trustees——Mr. Ted Lassiter——who is the number one man out at the
IBM facility here. It was a cooperative effort and it is a good
thing for the state and a good thing for UK.

I think you can hardly talk about the things going on here
without some mention of the capital construction projects that
are underway. You recall that we occupied two new buildings last
year——we finally' got in the Pharmacy Building after all those
years and we also got into the patient care facility of the
Cancer Center. Both are extremely valuable additions to the
campus. We still have extremely active building projects
underway on this campus. In fact as we sit here this afternoon,
there is about 45 million dollars worth of construction going on
on campus——only about half of which is being funded from public
funds. Revenues were raised from other sources for the other
half. I don't think we need to spend a great deal of time on it,
but as you look around you can see the Mining and Minerals
Building going up, the Gluck Equine Research Center is coming
along, and the Animal Care Center is well under way. The


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University Senate Minutes
8 September 1986

Faculty Club/Center is well underway; the Aquatic facility over
by the dormitory towers is rather a substantial hole in the
ground by now and the addition to the Medical Center parking
structure is underway. That will be enough to cause you
considerable inconvenience on this campus for this year and if
that were not enough let me warn you that there is also going to
be another 100 million dollars worth of construction begun this
year. About 28 million of that will be in the Community College
System——with one project going up here at the Lexington Community
College. There are four other major projects at existing
Community Colleges around the state and there is a new Community
College that has been authorized in Owensboro and the architects
have just been selected. All those projects will be begun in the
course of this year.

Here on this campus you will have a substantial project-—a 44
million. dollar renovation and expansion of the Medical Center
which you may have heard about in a presentation to the Board not
long ago. The bonds have been sold and the reserves have been
put together. That package is in shape now to move ahead. Here
on the Lexington Campus the new Agricultural Engineering Building
soon to be under construction will contain the Robotics Center
and Agriculture Regulatory Services, which is long overdue; and
for those of you who never thought I would mention it, a football
training center——that is being built with no appropriated
funds--the grounds for which were broken last week.

All in. all, the capital construction program at UK is moving
steadily‘ ahead and with. these projects that are underway, our
campus is generally in very good shape. Our instructional
facilities for the student populace we are likely' to have are
basically in place. The research space is coming along——with the
different projects . . . I would guess that our future needs
will generally center around highly specialized space, but I
would like to think that the basic campus at UK is built now for
the remainder of the this century.

One last topic that I think you should have some interest in
because it has direct impact on the quality matters that concern
you. The development program at UK has had another spectacular
year. I think last year was a record setting year in the history
of this institution. Ten thousand of our alumni contributed a
record amount in terms of the annual giving program——l.4 million
dollars. Both of these figures are the highest ever in the
history of UK. Corporate and foundation gifts included 4.2
million from corporate gifts and 7.2 from foundation gifts. Both
of these surpassed the previous year. The Fellows Program
continues a remarkable success. We had 188 new Fellows last
year——the largest number ever to come in in one year. We now
have over 1,400 fellows in the program and a figure


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University Senate Minutes
8 September 1986

that is truly astounding——and I think: you will find it to be
so——the total commitments for the Fellows Program is in excess of
30 million. dollars——money committed——some already paid, other

already pledged and still coming in. But its a substantial
commitment. The total private gifts for last year came very
close to 24 million dollars; that's a long way from $600,000
coming from all sources 16 or 17 years ago. I think the outlook
is superb. I do not think that we will have that kind of year
again because last year we had about three substantial
one—time—only gifts in there for something like 10—12 million
dollars. But even so, the basic programs that make up our
development thrust are all in place and all functioning and are
doing better than in what can be called reasonable terms each
year. I am confirmed in what was my original feeling that what
was best for UK was not a kind of one—kind capital approach but
to put in place certain kinds of programs on which we can
build——and we did and they have. . . and I hope it will continue.

These then are some of the reasons why I believe we have every
reason to look forward in general anticipation to what I expect
to be a banner year in the long and sometime vexing saga of this
venerable institution. It is a year that will in addition to
those things already mentioned, witness a change in the
administrative leadership. In response to my decision to retire
from the presidency no later than June 50 of this academic year,
the Board has appointed a search committee as set forth in the
Governing Regulations of this institution. That Committee is at


work and I fully expect them to complete their work on schedule.
I fervently expect that. This being the case, this will
doubtless be my last official appearance before this body and I
do not choose to let it pass without one additional personal
comment. These past 18 years have seen their fair share of good
times and bad and I think we've shared our quota of ups and
downs——differences and agreements. But in all these years, I can
tell one basic view of our University that remains unchanged as I
stand here this afternoon. Whatever else I believe, I believe
that the future hope of this institution, as it continues to seek
its rightful place as a distinguished, national public
university, rests with its faculty. The quality of the
instructional program, the quality' of the research. effort, the
quality' of the wide range of of public service that is being
delivered are matters that you hold in your own hands——just as
you control the most significant activities of this
institution——and I mean. by that specifically' who gets in, who
gets out and to a very great degree, what happens to them
academically and intellectually while they are here. In all
these matters you not only have my warmest thanks for your past
work and your very' real accomplishments but also my continued
best wishes in. your future endeavors which I shall, I hope,
continue to watch with interest and applaud your successes.


 Page 10
University Senate Minutes
8 September 1986

Thank you very much.

The Senate applauded President Singletary after which Chairman
Frye thanked the President for sharing his remarks with the Senate.

Chairman Frye recognized Professor William Lyons who read the
following Resolution. on Professor Bradley C. Canon, Chairman. of the
University Senate Council, 1985-86:

Professor Bradley' C. Canon recently completed his term as
Chairman. of the University' Senate Council for the 1985—86
Academic Year.

In keeping with tradition and with deep appreciation of his
services to the Senate;e Council and the University of
Kentucky Senate, I offer the following resolution.

Like most Senate Council Chairpersons, Brad discovered that
many of the issues that crossed his desk have been around for
a long time. There are just some things that keep coming
back to haunt us over and over again.

Brad confronted some of these perennial ghosts by urging the
Senate Council and the University Senate to do something
sensible and useful about such things as excused absences,
cheating and plagiarism, and deleting courses from the
catalog that have not been taught since before creation.

The second type of issue that every Senate Council Chair has
to face falls under the heading of "adjusting to new
realities." Brad also met his share of these.

For example, just as Brad and the rest of us thought that the
recently adopted Selective Admissions policy' had become a
matter of routine administration, he discovered that the NCAA
had developed some novel thoughts about academic standards
for student athletes. This was followed by a proposal from
several sources, including the Council of Higher Education,
calling for the resurrection of the old idea that high school
students who harbored thoughts about enrolling in an
institution of higher learning ought to complete an
acceptable set of pre—college requirements. Brad stuck with
it and got us to agree to a policy that deals with the most
immediate implications of the NCAA's venture into academic
excellence. And he helped lay the foundation for us to
consider the matter of fitting the concept of pre—college

requirements into the current selective admissions policy of
the University.


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