xt7p8c9r591s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7p8c9r591s/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2007-02-22 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 22, 2007 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 22, 2007 2007 2007-02-22 2020 true xt7p8c9r591s section xt7p8c9r591s One girl’s reasons why See Page 3 For Oscar
the Academy sh0u1d pick preview in Kernel POP

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. word.

revision Conflicti 11g connotations of the n—word forces today's
goneratio 1 to co sider the cpithct’ 0,1thch .11 past

By Blair Thomas

h11101nas@kykern01 com fly Shannon Max:111 .11111 W05 Blo'vmx

8111111111 (11111'1‘111111'111 \1'11;1111r\ 1’1'.11
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By MIChael Finnegan 11.1115"111.5.111'11 11.1.1'1111.11': -. 1'11'1

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Adoption director inspired by 111111111 1111'. honored by

ByWalker Manin 1'1111w 1111! 111' .11 111-12111111141111 1x111.1111:11.111'111'1'11 .111111'11‘.1' ‘.1.".1.11;.'~ 11
vowsmmme'mm 1111' 1'\111'111'11.1' 111 .1111111111111 1\ 1111111111' .11111 1111' 11'111. \111'1111111 13"111'1..111 \R

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First 1m. fru. Suhuquom ium25conu. Newsroom. . 1‘”? Advonising1257-2872



PAGE 2 [ Thursday, tebiuary 22 2007


suveku Go to www kykernelcom for the solution




7 '1'3






v .i"1‘":§ {Ii 1:1:iltstr \1111 1 .1111 .lI11111‘1. 11l1'1
HQI'GSCGPES 11151 't 's 1111' 1111' them to ‘..1.“.'.It‘;(‘s?1:”1’l
( 11111.“. '1111. 1‘. '1'1‘115.1,‘ 11111'.11‘.'1 '111'11' (11‘

111111”: 111111 11111.“. "1111‘11‘1111'111‘11 '1

"1“11"11'1‘ LU" 1111'1'1 91111.1: 1.11' ‘:: .111

3‘1 c1"’11:1 311.1111 I‘."1s ‘
‘ 111’ ."115..1..‘1.1'1.'.11115 31:11:11 111,1.j.1_.- Leo (July 23 Aug. 22) . .111, 1. .1
‘ '1511 11.? 1.11.1111 111.? '1'». ',' 111:1

113111} '1‘, s‘ the 11.15 my “1;. 1? The .. y,
1 s .‘1.111’e1_1111111 1211111011 '111 s
Aries (March 21 April 19)—

~11“ V 1 1- 1 11 " '11
~.1:‘ 1‘111l111':‘ ... "-...1 ""‘

r .. s‘ 1’"

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'11 ' 11111". 11111 11:11:11 1“ 1"


-. . ‘ 111 11 11, ,1..‘
'1:,"“.1‘t‘(.11 y ,1 . \1 ..1 . t .1

Taurus (April 211 Nlay 20) .' 1'

‘1 5


,,. ‘. ”.11
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.‘.I ‘I1‘-' .‘\t"‘ ‘ """' I"

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1‘11.“ :1. Y1“ V111‘11t 113111.1[1‘


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1 1 -. , 1, s 1 1. ,. . 5 . . - ~ 11 fl 1.
. ' 111.:I1 \II‘1I11" 1 .111 111’11 .1.. ' ‘

.1 . .1 ,1 ‘ Scorpio (Oct. 23 Nov. 21 — '
cancer(June22July22)- 1‘ 1*"5'" '1 ‘ ‘ '1


TOday'S C HAPLI E...
Horoscope B OW NS
Sponsored By" |

((1 s1.iui.i:11 .iiid lotiiicr

SIi’V I lthitI ,\\ 1'.








11111.11 1121311111111 as well as learning.
11~~ all 1111 solid and supportive for
1W y;.1 11.«11111-;t.l1l"Z‘1" . ,‘ .1 .
It Won't Win Because: 11 new 1111 1.11 ‘ ‘ ,1 1
He, 11:1 me 1111?. 111111.121 '11 1111-1-11 .1 1 - ' .
January, and some t'1n1 1 :"111 1' .1 . Won't Win Because. 1' ‘
bacr. door wrtl‘. 111.3 111.1111‘.11:,." .-.'1‘ \ ¥ ~ ‘ " 1 ~ ‘ 1 '
"1,1‘ :\ 1""" “ 1 "171} 1‘
The 011131111." 1 1’. y ,1 , _ ,
It Will Win Because: Wt" :1'1."" ":1 ' 1111 ’ ’ " ' BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS
artrng, textbook (1111211111; 11111 11 1.1 1'1. ‘
9mm "Queen" has; f)E"f1‘11‘ 11'1"'n"‘_<1 BEST ACTRESS ,. ' ‘. '
for an Osrar 111111231111 1 111,1“ .1. ‘
1t Won't Win Because: 1111111" 1.11 11111131' “11711112" Will Win Because: ' 1 1
who olavs Queen E1111a11rg‘1'1v "11'; 1‘1/Vie: ,. '11;.11-1,.111< - 1 ' 1 - -' 1
r 11.31" 1 1 .1. 17,1, . 1' A 1 ‘ J
11111.1 11h 11111 1 111.11 .5 «11.1 11.. 1111... Will Win Because: 111 .. . 1

has .111 not locked 11111 '11‘.1v ‘. 3
e13 may want to «ham- ‘1'

the "Best P11.111re' awa'rl

1111.“ ".1711"


11'" .1111! ".11 \ 1V1111‘


'1 fl "‘ \ r ’11 1

1 “N11”


Won't Win Because: 4' ,



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PAGE 4 | Thursday, February 2’2 7007


'Margot' plays folk, pop music tonight ONTAP marital

Nine—membef band
knows when to play
and when to work

By Juliann Vachon
IvaChOII@kykerriel COITI

lIidianaptihslxised band Margot A: the Na
eleai' So & So's Iiiight be btis_\ “oriting on its
nets album. but members tools a break l'i'oni
reeordiiig to enio} a Super Bool Sunday soii‘ee.

Margot and triends had a \siniiing eonibinar
tioii at the part) beer. blue and white l'aee
paint in honor ot their hoiiietomi (‘olts and. ol
eotirse, (iiiitai Hero

"I think “C hm e that in Common \\Ith iiiost
eollege kids around the eoiintr)" said \ iohnist
lirik Kiiiig. 3‘). ol the band’s tllllnll) tor the
popular i’la) Station: ganie

While the llllit‘rtls‘t‘p eiisenible ean roels out
to elassies on a plastie guitar \Hlll the best ol
theni, l'ls' ean e\peet a st)lllt‘\\ll‘.tl tlil'lei'ent
sound at the band‘s perloi'nianee tonight at 9 in
the Student Center (irand Ballroom,

"We take this real!) seriously," Kang said
"It‘s important to Us to put on a good shots tor
students. We want exer)one to hear great llltli
sit‘ and see the band enio) iiig eaeh other”

Margotk eolleetioii of instruments and ‘sltl‘
r) like i_\l'iC\ has been dubbed “ehaniber pop"
it} niiisie erities. i‘e\ealing the band‘s hem)
lolk and pop inlhienees.

lead singer and guitarist Riehard Edwards
has helped Create the band's sound \\ith band
Iiienibers ls'ang l\iohn and slide guitar), And}
l-r_\ tgtiitiii'l. .lesse lee leellol. lainil) Wail-tins
Ipianoi. iltll‘cl'l (ilmei' Itrtiiiipetl. (hits it}
idrtinis I. (Lise) 'lennis «drums and assorted per
Lll\\ltllll and I‘_\ let Watkins Ieleetrie bassl

.\ lllllC'lliL‘ltll‘Cl' band is a siii'etire \\a_\ to
keep things interesting.

"It one ol us is boring _\oii. another “Iii
rink up the slaekf‘ lsaiig \tlti

Margot naiiied alt-e: (i\\:\llellt l’altiim ‘s
thai'atter in " I‘he Royil lenenlnitinis” has
eneotinteretl Countless toiiiparisons Io other oi>
ehesti‘atetl [\op bands

Hut. Kang said hand nienibers sortietiiiies
'Eiristle at the toiiirmiison” to bands \ilkil as .\r
eade lIIe_ the llei‘einl‘erists and the Sliinsi
among others. espeetall} “hen Comparisons
:nirTl\ that \iai'got the“ inlliienees tron: these



J Roddy Wolston and The Businm w/ Wax Fang
and Motol


Sounds like — The Shins. My Morning Jacket

Richard Buckner w/ Six Post Seven
Sounds like — Josh Ritter, Lucinda Williams

Yonder Mountain String Band

Sounds like « Blueground Undergrass, Aquarium
Reseue Unit

FRIDAY, Feb. 23



Sounds like ~ Tito Puente. Buena Vista Social Club


Sounds like — Suzanne Vega. Shawn C olvin

8 PM, RuPP ARENA. TICKETS COST $32.50-$42 50



Margot & lie Nuclear 80 & SOS play tonight at 9 In the Student Center Grand Ballroom The band com-

i’irnes over nine Instruments and storyilikel ms to form a unique sound ,

groups, The band is recording a new album. playing ANA? ,

“l"or tear oi sounding snobby. we are dill'erv shows on weekends and deliberating over a 5%er DDTHGATE HOUSE NEWPORT TICKETS COST $10-
ent." Kang said. Tic“ reeord label alter leaving Artemis Records. 5"“"‘1“ “A" " Iron & Wine, Freakwater

l’ront nian Edwards penned all of the lyries But Kang said the members of Margot .s‘till J M
toon the ed “The Dust ol'Retreat.“ \Vhieh range get together and enjoy free time like many 0"" RAVE“ ‘ ‘
li‘oiii solenin and earnest to plLl‘\l‘llli merit} vsoinething‘s do drinking together 8 PM" UP? ARENA T‘CKETS CO“ $38344

Song arrangements dexeloi one of mo and eniminu the oeeasional (lunar Hero show~

~ ~ I » - r . MONDAY, Feb. 26

“J.“ exer}one "messes around" together or doun in the comfort ol a hung room. aua) l

liduartls hrings an Idea to the table. and band troni the bright lights of touring, l OPEN M“: NIGHT N
niates take turns building on it. 9 PM, THE DAME ADMlSSlON lb FREE

laking Its “shared sense ot ad\entiire" to
the road Kang said the band had man} niemo- TUESDAY! Feb- 27


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