xt7p8c9r5500 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7p8c9r5500/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-01-22 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 22, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 22, 1971 1971 1971-01-22 2020 true xt7p8c9r5500 section xt7p8c9r5500 ' . . " . - 'l' . ' ' ,I I. . I r
. I ' s . . i '.
. Earns $360,000 , , a '4' 1
__—__— . .' " I I .'
o 0 . .- ." " I »,
Ab t ° 0 Man’s Prtmar ‘ Oeeu )atton
or ton. ne y , . I
v ’.'
This is the last ankle in a live-part series examining Ilulie took ott her underneai. elimhed up on th« Inln got up tight .max then 3. t'i . a I. . -I' i, '. ,I'
the issues (outerning abortion. The names of people table. and put her still shoed feet in tin stirinps 'l‘he Ill/.1l)lt* it-tm “M mm. (hump; wt M I,” .‘.I_.. ‘ ' . K: .. '1'
. dii‘eulv involved in sperilit situations have been (hanged. "nurse" held her hand and tried to get her talking xxxept into the hottoin oi the ‘..1-"1Illtt . ,' t. ’...
in jANE DELANO BROWN 5“" ““5 “"’ “““"“‘l~ .. I Pawn“ Wkw”! I . , III
\ssist'int Managing Editor Thu": "NU”“H H'“ i"”““‘“ “-“I l""'“ l'i" "1'" "“11"” "‘ "" ‘ c ’1' -.
.. .a . c c . I . . II n I I . I I v \ Mil \intnl V‘lvg' "“‘4 .(' it I . “I. ."V ,I' .t
'l‘he ilirl. Julie. was l5. seared. lrom Rhode lsland. t(.oldlarb ll‘dfi lill't't‘ Hilli‘ii'N “11"” it“ ith‘“‘" l” ‘ ”M “NH!” h" i l" l. i” ' I . if: " i ‘7'"
three and one-half months pregnant. and with her par- sister. it took her three \ieeks to get used to the blood ‘I‘H‘Il “"1" W'IH.‘ "INA“ “"I‘ t" "‘4 I' " " ' i V “ ‘ ". II.‘ .'."I. .-.,‘
euts. She had told them three days before. 'l‘hey had \(i\\' she assists (ioldlaib in the ”operating [0“!!! ' Ha I‘m“? """“”“"""t‘ I“‘}I“‘I"I 1" "I‘ “ I' " ' ’5 '
"eontaets" and had been able to set this up with (Lold- other girl has had t\\o abortions herself and \llll isn't "';ii"I‘liIi) iimiii .5 “M "1'“ i!” M ii V N i, i I’ '
larb. 'l'he lather looked \lat‘ia. but jovial. He had a big IN'd to the blood. She tailu to the peoph- fifth; 1:: I II""'I""-’ ‘I‘m' IiI‘“ """"‘ It" ‘ t ‘ “.' I. II ' II-'
eitzal' and a tnr coat. The mother looked ‘20 \‘eais illf‘ ”‘U'P'l"“ ”NH“. The other "nurse ' (41-er 21%| "" “Mi-“M“ ““1"” ‘ 'iJ (""H‘h‘ " i'" ‘ '. .' i h ‘5‘ 'v
‘ ' - .- ~ . i ,t t' 4.. ".n'.',.".'
younger than she “as. and “as really tielded when itlture “llt'. takes (“are of his \lanhattan piai'tzr e tah " ‘\ )"H IH‘I" “' ( I II I A ivIIt, - 4"" I:
‘ Selmarl. asked. “uhieh one needs the abortion?" he's doing abortions. . I l ’ 1 WW“ I"' IN”; ’ "I' 'l " ' I . 'I _ "f. .. I'I ' 'II
Julie kept asking it it would hurt. Finally. (loldtarb The procedure took lit minutes (Loldtaih taiiz vi “WWW! 2" “W'T‘I “" W """“ ' " ' ~I»‘ "iii, 71;". ‘. ‘2‘
‘ ' . . . i ‘1, I' i ', 1 Ix: ( ‘;..I. ‘14 ' I I‘, _', i . '.~ '
said. "It‘ll hurt like hell!" and laughed. He explained the whole tulle He asked Illlhe at one point .i in ',“'\ “I “"I‘l‘n‘l 5 “(HM ” I” t ‘ " ~ my i .
later that it didnt really matter what he said. the “HS .L’ititlil to start tdlxilii-E iii“ 1““ Hi)“. Slit' Nit! ht“ “mum” m i1“ ””1” "His“ 'V 'H [i ‘Z i " ‘ ‘
girls had it ”1] “gun-(l (mt Hussy-‘1); and only after it l\\'t’t‘ll SllILlel (‘l‘tllllp llltittliS. ul‘lli ltt‘\t’i' L'aillii! it) «in it ‘( LU“! “Hui“ i‘idh‘ “"~" “i" 3'" ii Ii" "“ 'i 4 "II.':’ .I‘ -‘- 1.2,;'.i."~*'
was over “ould ther believe him. again" (ittlilidl‘l) laughed. “Ditllt Ilit‘ to me." ('ontinued on Page ‘7. (‘01. t 'IW 't'~. LI; II' ‘ '35:”
“N" '. in,
.t . .” ' 'iI'FI‘.-'\":_‘ -'.'.,
(2‘; Q, 9'11; IzIx I-IItf‘ ".
. a. II . . 1 II-‘xIt; I , -. I. . its";
. \ .. . ., . ' .
Friday, Jan. 22. 1971 l'niversitv of Kentucky. Lexington Vol. l.\ll. \o. 7‘.’ . . . \ I. I . .
W " i .‘lil‘l "' "I I: by ‘
N . "j ‘ . . ' . ... . w I . II ..~,...._.. t-III-:I~I AI
yi‘a am rm «m 1'11 3“" p w ....
. ,. . .. .. . h k, . )4 ,. L, ‘ . II , v. _II II .;;,Qz=-.--=;:---s::;-."~'5‘5"--‘:’-W .. .. INA; . v II . III.I .‘ II I
, 6 . g i * 5 Q It 1 .. . 5. r ”355‘ c 4.5 - gs- : ‘ . ' his 74- , \. .
x t "‘ ‘ "‘ I ‘74 '4‘ ii “ '* 'l a fit. a i “ 3‘“ H ' , 3. '- ,. tail 2; it“: ' -t . ‘ . *5
_ . - r it . - 2! Ev‘x}. {“32” I. I w _ W—l ',:' A.~'$'§«f‘;ufa)I .- !.I ‘ ‘I-u I I'I‘I 1 - 3.,
,, at am HAHKEI’NS : .. 1' , I .. ,. . .._ ‘j «a; .-.. _’.¢.- a Ir. .
; - ., . . , >‘rf - ., . 2 ,I . . '; - '.' 7.
assistant Managing tortor Inc-3.29 m “1'". I e "aux-err *. :‘i'itx.’ ran. my; gag???“ . I . . - . _,, ' ‘—I I: I
{he iiev i'iiily (arahan‘. Wiii mrmn notetzxnar‘ .raLawna: ".a’ wear Tim :ia.‘ Width-o "re xi‘\£”' o " - ' . _ I I '; -II
bring i115 crusade ‘0 the i h iiidde appearancesrecentyonthc “‘3": spon \Orfihlg‘r Iii 'he c\ en: ., ' .‘Ii '3'} .F; i . i i f .‘
campus April 22.25, i. niversiti of Tennessee and ‘t the \t‘lh had not accepted. ' ’3 I. ‘ :2? ' %W' ‘ f'f ‘ .W
, t .. lflui " n' fit L y ' ‘ ' C 3— 1 i l ' i i ' I* ~ I ’V ‘ s. 1': I 15:5..."':;:s.:j.i“,I_5'3‘.“1 .5: ”i , . I “.1 ‘ ; 'I u 5-“: v’e' I . .
10 be sponsored by the btu- pugezm a ate niyemty an. IIIeIaUn ainIzlthevIVouggI nave otterea . . I _ I .3 I II III I I
.. li _ . . I r. c pus orgamza- , I fI. II
dirlllttiemi; , “3! the if??? lie said that a representative tron, he said. ‘ . (a. , .-
w ‘3 e p CC m‘ emor ‘ ’0 from Graham's office in Atlanta it is L'niversrty policy said " , ~ : t ~ in it -: ~-
scum with the possibility of a . '_ I . , :g... - - I ;_
. had called iuesday and that Hemdon. to offer sponsorship of x u ‘- - .
Sunday night servicetakingplace - .,-. . . _
in Stoll F‘eld Brown then sought the coopera- events on campus to student or- . 3 . ._ ;:- Iv . I ;. .
Plans also call for the crusade tion 0f the Lniversity. ganizatiplns. F F . II I. ., ‘ I.
oeo m
to be taped by the American "Nunufluuw- . P r 0'“ Let There Be Light I. .
Broadcasting Company and tele- The SCB will be involved in _ . . . " I '.-j .‘g f; ‘,.
cast by some 350 stations na- W eather public relations work and final gill?" all“ qilllet and vawhbmyf 89'“? home» ilhe 5hr?“ Plant " - f'
n VlSIOn is st at wor . en cse IS one to te w w ights are ‘ ’. 5" -, ' ' '
tionally in May. Mostly cloudy with light rain egotiations for the crusade. b 9 Th I I d" I ed b h'nd h Off II . I I! I. II
Lexington has hoped to bring today changing to snow flurries Hemdon said the board also umt out. is one was isomer e i t e we Tower. II ,. .I, .I.,;. I; _f
Graham to town for some time. 1 ' hoped to set up a fomm between '_"'—_—"'"—-' ._ '. I.III .' I .III
rdi t th a BobB w “°‘°““h”“d ““1““de Graham and stud nts i ith ’ " "
. “r”. 5‘“ °: m B ”a“; mm“- The W temperature the cm 3.11.003... u“; ruff Lettuce Boycott \ e rt ‘ '5- -‘“
an Sher a r n y up 5 today will be in the low 40's, Coloseum ‘ e 0 I” I » a ,, .I, . ; ..-::.~'
urc ' dropping to 30 tonight. De- “I'd expect a greater response 7 9 f ‘ » . .' i. ‘-
Attem t To Reach Youn creasin cloudiness and cool to- ' W I l 1 . ‘ .- ‘I "
p g 2 h (to the Graham cmsade) from ome’l b l o k )0’lb()r ”c" i- - I'” I ‘- .- !.
Brown said he felt Graham giorrggv, 43gb 7Bemperatureh will the community and out in the ' ~' ' Luci.
, ea ut . rccntcance . ~ ~
had decided to come to Lexing i it ti od pe d state than from students. . . . BY WENDY WHICH] em (imam/int; (.wntzrmr .aw. .1 _. ‘
ton because of the success of prec P a on t 3" an tonight, 1' 11 . . . -' mt .. our 9...: ., it. u . '. .
. , 30percent tomorrow m not rea y sure how the stu- Kernel StaiTWntcr - . -i- «Mimi. u x 1h , II .-
one of Graham 5 evangelistic ' dents will respond." Herndon The Rev. John Bani, :l (Ina: ” \WIY! ‘- ‘i- T?“ “1’ ' 3 3 " 1 2 ',,‘ '. ‘. ‘5
teams here 1“ 1%7 and because "”""”’N"""m added. Chavez's United Farm Workers -‘ Vii“ tun-i . 3 “WW "it ‘1 «NV .3 1‘ 1 . i I. I
Organizing (Iommittu “writers .. '.t.i\\{it’lliril iLi‘- :z.' I ,. “f. w .
, . II .L'FW'OCL spoke at a meeting ‘aant— it ietcnt ‘."\(‘i.i\ warrant... ' .. ‘ f
i. " , Thursday night sponsored by “”“H‘i (”NH (Aild‘i'f 1‘“ '1 'V -.-. Y ,
i“ ». . Women's Liberation in the Stir- the \lllt‘l trigttlll/J'H 'tn ‘ztm ' I _ II I] ..
»- , dent Center. are any ilitlltation '. .3 , I . . :- . '. I
I’ ~. ' Inviting the young, green- 0n Dcceinhu i. iiJTt). (\th \.ii i '1 if ’5.
_§ - eyed. casually harbored Roman Cilth'l W118 Ortit'mi i“ Jdii to a ' Q 71h“ - . ' i -
> . . Catholic priest to Spt‘dk on his Stillll‘dS. Cdllltfl'lll‘d L'ttlll’i lllllll iit' ' I a] . I' ,-... “Ling“
% IIIII,I I I» expericnces “'ith tilt“ [nigrant W'tnlld C'dll Off the lt‘lltlLt' boy I. \I'i .‘ i- I I“
.. , . . T I , . workers in Califoniia was ap- CU“ “'hit‘h “35 dined) “H“ b '- '- ' .i . i
.< ' "f " I ‘ .. . _ , men s Liberation in attempting Pile” 0* “WW Kroc”) ”Milt“ .I J :
' “if . .I 'i n- .i. .5561 Pl! _ ‘ to raise interest in a lettuce boy- The night Chavez. was 1111- . . - ~II ‘. . :II t'.
a? ,. . . " ' I , cott in the Lexington area. prisoned, "135595 “t “1““ ““rkt‘r‘ 1" "H i‘ .. " ‘ .
it: 3., ~- Ila“! " "1 Father Bank related his ex- 0f the Imperial Valley held a ~ I - -'I " I‘I -. \
it,“ i g ‘ ' I .. « periences in the California grape BOO—hour vigil outside the Hon . ~ 1 ‘I , ‘-
‘ , I ' ‘ ' boycott, and the more recent tere) County Jail.Workers‘wnex ' e ' . j '
52"" . 3' "SaladBowl' Strike against Bud built an altar in the back oi a ‘ ' , .. I i
. .. .. > ‘ \' Antle Fanns Inc..whichhas been tnick, where Mass was said merIx . ' ,' f. ' .
‘9 n 'fflf successful so far with all major evening until Chan-1. um. re ' ‘ ‘- t. . _'
, . ' ’ chain groceries except the Kroger leased on December 24. -‘I L». _' . ' .' .. ‘
fig {i I Company. Bud Antle Farms. a Reasons Manifold -
I I I. . ‘. . s . II V .. ' _ I~ I -I .- t
i _ .5 '. I subsidiary of l)()\‘I\ (.litiiiIital(,o.. lhe reasons the “my“ de- . I II . . I I .
' ' .. f g . . I is a ll]d_)()l' \lippllt‘l' to krtiger ot II it I I _ i F l . -* . .
t '3‘ $5M ' .. lettiiee rrovyn in mi vi int “Milk \m H m“ ”“1”“ MW in “I O .‘ i i ‘ ‘
_. e, .3 . h ' h ‘ lianlx. are mamtold _ . .' - * , ~
. . I ,. . . eg. ”I I . .- ._
-_:.'» 1 ' ‘ " . } l‘aim \\ttlht'l\ lt‘tt‘l\t’ “Jul-x ' ; . _. . .'
" "'II‘ a SOrICS ()f 1“”‘0‘ twin“ \\ ital flit l‘it‘tlt'ldl (I. \ l m .‘\I ' ' r i ‘
. i. ‘ 'l‘llt‘lt‘tt‘lllt‘illtli b\ thehdit int-tit temp. "inatlt‘t Ertfit ~I . ' - -
t i ~.. . oinla “oil-ten l\ one .-t a \t‘ll<"\ $371M \t.lll\ M a mum ..; hm: '- " - i‘ .. fl ‘
w F i, , i ' .' ~ . u . oi mom‘s aimed at bettering the D FIN,” “HIM.” are \nhnttmi . . , . I
' W aw ' ' it" we: =3 } ‘ ' , ; II plight olmigiant Workers through tr.ih11,‘.;.1..;;\ \t..;an..m.i;i;.m\ .I- ~ . t
.1 I. . . I - -, ma . . . ‘ ‘
"“ .. i P“ I I; ,. .. ”is the organization ol tln l mted the) ha\e .1 300 ‘1"[\('|1l tug.“ I .
. ' l‘annWorkers union. accident rate than the nation .l\ i~ I ' .
The Rev. John Bank, flanked by sample picket Speaking bfiore Women's Liberation Thursday The United Farm Workers. 3 whole. and are otten in danger . ,
signs, relates his experiences with migrant farmers night, the Cincinnati priest urged grass-roots or- whose beginnings were initiutui of pesticide poisoning. I' I ~
in the strike movement headed by Cesar Chava. ganization for lettuce boycott. jointly by the Agricultural Work— (‘onunued on Page 8. Col. .. : r .
‘v .

 7 77 7 Z—TIIE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Friday. Jan. 22. l97l ————____________————————— I
‘ ‘.
Owners (.011ld Be 1* med "
. M . r ll
. Report Blames Hyden Disaster 0n mers <
. FRANKFORT, (AP) - The Authorities have said pre— fatal day, Kirkpatrick said: with pemiissible explosives." is dead. COUld have gotten all ' " '.
. . Kentucky mines and ruinerals viously the explosion resulted "Well, illegally they shot this Primer cord, a ropelike ex- the men out and had them eat- by
. commissioner saidThursday"the from an operation to blast a boom hole withmeninthemines, plosives detonator, is forbidden ingtheir lunch, thecommrssron- _, . -..
. real responsible people" in the higher rock ceiling in a boom 38 men. Secondly, they shot 1m in underground mines because er said.
recent Hyden mine disaster“are hole"—a coal-loading point — holes at one time with primer it flashes and flames. Kirk- ”The man who set off the 3
. , all dead." and was spread throughout the cord. Under the law they should patrick said it detonates at the shot, who was supposed to have 5 .
. . k . d h mine by ever-present coal dust. have only shot 10 holes at one speed of 21,000 feet per second. been the expert, would have kill-
. . H-N- Kh'kPatnc‘ ma e t e Asked to sum up what was time with no one in the mines “The main thing is that the ed himself and all this ~ I .
' ' . comment at _a news conference done illegally in the mine on the except the shot fireman and then superintendent in charge, who wouldn't have happened. . . . mu
. . to give details of a preliminary st--
. 2 ? report on the Dec. 30 tragedy . . . . hav
. ’ . - in Southeast Kentucky which S F O l S] k C 60 M l .3 in
w , ~ mass m... an ranmsco 1 10 overs 1 es ,0,
7 ‘ . 7 He declined to place any SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -An' the bay had gone out to sea on oil company's efforts with a gon Standard after it collided bei
blame on the owners of the un- oil slick continued to spread in the tide, had been picked up or fleet of 50 vessels mainly were With the tanker Arizona Stand- 5
. ' 7" , derground mine, Charles and the Pacific Ocean 03 San Fran- was fouling the beaches. concentrated on the seagoing ard.The Arizona _105t "0 011- groo
. . '7 ' Stanley Finley, but added they cisco onThursday,but only traces ”Only traces are left in bay slick. The volunteers includedbeach real
- ‘ ' could be heavily fined and im— were left in San Francisco Bay waters," he added. On the beaches, other crews area resrdents, 10031 hOUSGWlVCS like
7 W ‘ .. prisoned if it were proven they as more than 1,000 workmen and The Coast Guard was keep- collected straw that was spread and hundreds 0t young people, Ima'
' ' were knowingly negligent. volunteers labored to clean up ing an eye on the slick from to soak up the ship fuel that teenagers and students from like
, . Kirkpatrick indicated there is the water and beaches, aerial survey flights, and the poured from the 15,(X)0-ton Ore~ nearby colleges. Blue
. 7 - 2 nothing to stop the Finleys from Between 2,000 and 2500 Wild 4 . but -
' . ' reopening the mine should final birds were brought to Cleaning 6.9 Percent Lrled malt-
: . . 7 federal and state report absolve stations where volunteers remov- ________—————
' them of blame. ed oil from their feathers. Fish U C C °
. Kirkpatrick asked how far andgame officialspredictedmore K FrQShman Umpared and amplled; have.
. ' . 1 son
, :. . , . the F inleys' responsibility went, éfiznhgfwggfm eventuallywould . . o andg
- ' .. ' . ' . 31.35.5033,“; ‘gtggnggggfesr n. coast Guard said the on Interesting, Strange S tatlstlcs Result and
" ‘. ' . - ‘7‘ » »_ , . - at sea had formed a major slick , e "
. . .‘ . _ ‘ $3.332? bl]: asgugftignthfiy 7 1/2 miles long and three miles You probablydidn tknow that 48,2 percent favored regulation ant by 80.5 percent ( up from 53 but i
. . - . . . . . to cost thergn thin lives." y g wide off Daly City, south of San 6-9 percent 0f the freshmen Who of student publications. Onefifth Petlgeht 1" lmfiil- 11 UK d t cess
3' - * Francisco. Pilots who surveyed entered UK this fall had cried thought America should be more emograp C3 Y 065110 reaso
I - 7 ' - 7 the coast found several smaller during the past year. involved in Southeast Asia. ’3ka up as a mral SChQOI' Only R
I. » , ‘. -- STARTS 7:30 ADM. $1.50 slicks. Fascinated? This is just one Nationally, 29.6 percent now 27.9 percent ofthe entenngfresh- ment.
' L» . . ‘ . 7' ‘ ELECTRIC iN-CAR HEATERS The contamination covers 0‘ the findings 0f the American want marijuana legalized, as 01" men come from a farm 0’ small cor
' -- 7. 7‘ 7 l ,8Wrmwmm'm about 60 miles of coastline. A Council on Education, which posed to only 14.3 percent of town, while 64.4 percent come tes I
~, i. ,’ 0IRCIE3 ”.2524”; Coast Guard spokesman said the oonducteda nationwidesurveyof the UK freshmen. Ecology was from a city or suburb. jam .
. 2 -. 3 . l . . _ AUYO THEATRE oil appeared to be turning brown college freshmen, including UK's another liberal issue that fared This year's freshman malefe- With
-. ‘7 V SHOWTIME 7:36 and ”:26 and congealing, a natural pro- this fall. The areas investigated well, With sentiment favonng male ratio will be 57 to 43. ing:
. VlRUS cess in which it hardens. It then ranged from marijuana to mus- government control 0f POHUtmh Engineering was the’top career iam7f
' J 7 . 3 could sink to the sea—bottom or eum visiting, with interesting re- bY “the to one. . . _ choice among men UK sfreshmen on a
-' ' . ’ ' OF DOOM wash ashore. Inacongealed state, suits. The 'Classof 74 15 not rad'i- mama percent), while women much
' ‘ _ the Oil WOUId hOt coat the Politically, UK freshmen are C31 1" Its PthSPOhY- AbOUt ‘0 preferred health professions and and
. . 3 ENVELOPS. beaches and 00““ be PtCked more conservative than the percent 0f UK freshmenofeel the education (%.3 and 18.7 percent, an al-
. - 7 _ ,3 EARTH! up (3351le he said. national average. At least 60.1 major benefit of college is mone— respectively.) b _ ‘
. ‘ .7 . . I - ”The whole 910th“? 1001“; if percent believe colleges are too tar-y. Succeeding in one own One area in which Kentucky w 9“
‘ . - . 7 . » ". great deal brighter than it (1m lax on student protesters, while business was considered import- students indicated unusual in- Milan-
_ ' .i ' .' , . 9 h. v. yesterday," the Coast Guard terest was sports—among UK c‘ St.
: - .- . . , v-szss...‘ g \7 spolstesnllancsiagli C {C if B . o h C o to B freshmen the percentage ““1550? 7
7 7 . 7. .2.” V 5;, :7 7 '21," = 7 tan 31' 7 0.0 .a l ornia / (nationally only 439.) I,
V . -. _. _ , . Q . .1. W; m, mm... 3.0,, 840.00 gal, rltls ommunlca 1011 an ,I
. . . . .- . Eigsg... J?" .517"? 3:. fix7 lons 0f bunker oil were lost early 7 T . V . N l7
‘ 7. ‘ . ' . . ‘ 4.. & ..-7 . 1.37-3.75 Monday when two Of Its tankers Ill] )Osed l)‘7 “l Olol(l [/1 nl(’ll (1)1‘1'M311 (,z1l)l(s .
. .55.;- K ,_.,.:<fix 9...... . mllided in dense log near tllt , ‘ .
. . . ' 3 " {539553 .:I.-- - ‘ 3 ' ‘. s 7 y . I V ‘ ' ¢ '
- .7 " , : 7' 'I.-_...r§-f'_., :, ’3 “if. C0726" (77m B7777“: . . L( )NDO.\ (AP) -— Britain. in unions everywhere to support the P d‘ (H 5 [3(11 {Ly-"lg
:7 77' '7 7. 525.4“ i3 5377155.; 7 . ‘ company ”W’kcw‘d‘“ “M the second day of a nationwide British strikers. . I - . , , . I U
- ' . . _ ; ‘ I ssh-fig; rw “All lh" “”“l “53‘” Thursday night with a world sympathy bans also are expected . f C 7 k 7. .. _
, . ..,,.,,.~,q .,x M, A (must ( uurd s mitt-smur- . . . . . , 1.11m )er 0.. spo c at a Hittt
. I . .‘ : 3. ~ “In. “if... *2. ,._.._ I ~ . y‘, . .7 . I" , l ’ " ban on manual telephone, tele- in trance, ltaly. the Lnitet. mg 0! “w College Rc'mblicans
7 . l 7 in. 7795733" 5:.- 7777” “77m U7 ”777 7)” 77777177777177 graph and telex link“ With over- State“ some lin’tish (Iommou inil Tuesday night s7aying he
i l 7 ' I 7 " " 777731. 17'" ,. 7 st’l,t\‘L'Ollntl'lCS. wealth countries and Japanl' favored thy (~()litr¢’ri'9r\iill 7W”-
-' '- ‘ 1 717’ l “77:77: 1.. :- Li . .. , The Brussels-based l’ost Tele- The LT)“ said the second( ay ~ 7- "77W "77.7
. . ‘ I/ ~..;.;.~_> . '4; ~ r t . r ‘ I ‘ _ ' ' ' ' ' 1
~ _‘ '. 7 -.‘f_g.j".:_g§§§§;§; ._‘.:;-,.'77 ' .377. THE RENTLLKX ]\ER1\EL graph and Telephone lnter- ofthe strike was overwhelmingly gl)l:fi):;i;,,7:j777gl77g (0‘77 on L777“
' -. I- 7 ‘2 "We 51737115.,,77r7'.7_‘7.7f7.7-}l:‘lu Wit...“5551‘???iii national-which represents 2.5 observed by its members, al- In a discussion at the end of
, _ - 5. - I. £24”? . 3m 23 *5" 5:31 ”1.3.”, KtiiiUl'KBI’7 Elli. sit-gm. (his. million communications workers though a few strikershadtrickled the meeting Cable said the
I‘ .I .5 . . . . . .1. i3;"..‘;..“.‘:":"-i‘."‘.i:?...:'1‘..’.'.'.‘.l’:';“.ilfififi.“l‘...‘ in 82 countries-said the ban al- back. The union said support money that ‘would have to be .
7 7‘ 3 7. - . 77 :5? 3 7‘... .”. ’7 it'lllllllfidiotllll-ll, .i;il‘.‘f.‘i3”{h;i" ready is being imposed by up- on the first day was 95 percent. used for building a road to tnick
7 'V 7 ‘7 V ' 77,977, 7777l7’7llilllil7isheti bx il‘( }’n'r(‘ hf \‘tnrim‘t Cmtors 7n lielm'llnl. 7\0m7ay and 'Ihe Strikers caused traffic llllf C08] C0111dh€lpt0“'ard "loft: ,
' . ‘" NO : * '3!“ rrunnmmn, CK rm'lmi... llnx 4986. Sweden. jams in central London m a important projects, should barg-
" ' ‘ 57‘ '7 room 23,...- ,,,,I-.L,‘1fi§‘,',‘.d“.7,,.,‘.’?§....f.j'f§f7’..3”thl.“9}i,,“n“fl Britain's Union of Postal mass march to support their ing be approved. ,
, '. ‘ _. to run! _3 . 33;, .m...‘ 19157 ' ’ ‘ 7 _ _ Workers, representing more than claims for a pay hike of 15 per- The coal miningexecutive and ‘
i» . 3 _ - .. No $4211.23. 33’ lollhilllrllfliii:Shim?lilflgdfrergllin“Ail; 200.(X)0 striking postmen,c0unter cent on salaries,which range from former parks commissioner, who
. 3 . place to 357 . . . .\ ix.“1:0;3-)r122;1.;i.}drTn§c..%éenrérr:rng should clerks and telephonists,'appe\;led 836 21865 a weEkWThegffihave actively sought support as a can-
. ‘ 1‘ ’ 7.- ‘ hide, _ 5"”. SUBSCRIPTION RATES to the lntematlonal unlon ed' reject Olltrlfihtt 8 OS? CC S didate for the governorslilp but
_ ' . . _ 3 _" ": $11133; li-‘r‘oigi‘fiflé; 39-3510 nesday night to cut Britain off ofier of an 8 percent increase. withdrew Dec. 1 citeda ”dang-
. -I , r ;_: . KERNET. TELEPHONES from the rest of the world in The only mail movingin Brit- erous" trend in the country to ‘
,' ' , ., No ;}‘§”‘*"- i“g“‘j*{i“,¥d§d”°r 275-1755 a display of solidarity. General ain, followmg the almost solid ignore information and warning
. -- - ‘(.il.'l.r.‘[-7r..mni?lirianOQpnru 257—1740 Secretary Stefan NedZynski re- closure of post offices and halt- from producers and “qualified
- ' 1 " 7 3' ', B'ade "“,‘,‘,’f;f“‘*‘“‘“' ”WM“? L”""““2258,4646 sponded by telling postal trade ing of deliveries, is being carried people" on air pollution, health
vI ' . by private post servrces set up and safety
' ,. y’ . ; '.. . ' a, for the duration of the stoppage. Cable gave as an example
. .7 I The strikers call the private en: the meeting of the legislature in
. .7 .' 7' 7 Pass . I terprise deliverymen pirates. December when a group of citiz-
. ._ . T- i ,_ P .. (“J m Mm" . ttentlon ens fought for bills to do away
I - . ' 7 , .5 ‘RT 7‘ '7 777"” 77‘ 77 7777 . , with surface mining inKentucky.
' ‘_ 33;?!» PLUS MGM . 1C9, Dlrt Scraper The bills were proposed at
. . _ . . How" . Graduate 8. Professronal Students a time when surface mining was
’ . , ~ 5 ME 9.23 A plastic ice scraper is just producing40 percent ofKentucky
,4 . _ .3 _ the thing to clean dirt from a coal and 8 percent of the total
. " . ' L ,_ .. ’ H H II spade or hoe It works bett coal for the country, Cable said.
7 . " . . 1' . .; ',.,_.._.-:;-.;.;:;:; ' GI _ J .
.- . ~ f g, 3 come to Happy our than a wooden paddle and is adding that it the bill pass-
. " 7 ; . . ‘ ‘14,, f'_ . V .1 small enough to carry in 8 ed there could have beena severe
, . - ' 1.3-}? . ‘ . sweater pocket. fuel Shortage-
. . -— we; .. . Friday, January 22—4 p.m. to ?
' , ,' 4n "t; . . - is? I .
' ' - _' 9.1/6.) _ ’Man Is born to live a perfect life, encompassing the values of
. . ' ,I THE '* 919 S. Lime the transcendental Absolute—unlimited energy, intelligence. ‘
, . . ' » STRAWBEfiY-g. .l power, peace and bliss —' together with the unlimited values of
. . . . .. the world of multrplrcrty In relative existence.’
' . STATEMENT 7 «a S ecial Prices: Ladies .50 itchor 5
. Av mm NAVY)“ [MN\WKKFPW(XIK in, ngtlgmfln $1.00/Pif6h0l' -
. [R]- w W Q; FRIDAY. JANUARY 22 8:30 PM.
WI:-—-..Qfl. I-I—— --» ‘ _.. “a. .m.-w r 0—— c—‘a.§m-n..r~v n ‘~~-.. -u . ..._u _. -" w”. _.-.~-u&-
‘ l

 .1 ‘ Vi. :’
mm“ Till“. KENTI'CKY KICRNFJH Fritlm. Inn. 22, I‘lTl - 'r I: .- ‘ ‘
, Music Review .f_
B1 1 Alb “H r - y, - - u
r . r s 3 " . ,-
\ ues mage um zippy But Not Milli]... .. -
: J ‘ t, : v,
n all "Red. White, and Blues Image," With records. In order to achieve is a balanced piece of music; with his music—but usually the listened to The performer as not '
I eat- by the Blues Image. on Atco that magnificent voicing and that could have been performed force of his personality is just a person, but a couple of boxes , -. .: ‘ ,
ssion- . Records. sound you get on your home by a computer. as important. The physical pre and a wheel that goes around _ '. ff
. stereo. recording studios tone One of the high points of sence of a performer can hold and round. lt'shardto‘nayemuth .' x .
i the BY BILL BUXTZON some parts, make other; louder, any jam is to see and hear a an audience just as much as the empathy With machinery ,4 .3. 1.?
I have 1 .. Kernel 5““ Wnter and do a magnificent job of ldll- musician take the floor and hold mUSIC he makes. Anyonewho has The Blues image Style is ”W -'..t ’ ,~ .' f ,
eldll- Rid. White, and Blues ing any personality the musician it against all comers. He can do seen someone like [an Gillan of of a live performing band it . . _*' .3«
this Image is a happy record. The put into the music. The result this in several ways— sometimes Deep Purple perform knows how isn't really too exciting on re r f, 75:;
. music is straightforward. With} ,. g .; , , ‘_ _ impossibleit is to segregate hear- cords, which is too bad. mostly '._": . .. . g ."' .
; steady beat, and the lyrics dont ' ' ' " ‘ " ‘ ’ ing from the other senses in because there are some nice songs “Hz". " ,’. ,3 -,
have 3 whole lOt 0f symbolism _‘ music. on the album e.g. ”Rise 'cp” “ ' :' .p 5.
i: them.1The 10023 talklabor‘fi This is exactly what records and ”it's the Truth". But some- a, _-" ._ ,
V6. 39" ng ‘0 now 990? e,a . v s w . 3 do, however. The music can be how, the album never gets off I. . I:
ided ~ being free. Free Uan 6' blty neither seen nor felt-it is only the wound. l T
33d- § With all of the happiness and . [I
each : aerzfiygogfig: $351311?be Titi‘e Fm. llniverflitycatatlyoiwill bedisfiibuéfittli‘rlplugég— . 0 1 L 4
. .. out t e campus an Vicmi ' eginnmg on ' , ' . . _ ‘ 2 ; ~
:1: like .Rfid. Whhite, and BlueS ii“. The following courses will be offered beginning Wed 1; SdlnlA ugu‘Sllngj Chang] 7;"
om mage as to appen to agroup if? nesday Jan. 27. For further infonnation contact Paul 1:; L) j_ ' a“ “:1 ‘f
. like the Blues image. Basically, 3;; Wertheimer at 2534452 , ‘ 5 1‘ , .1 4 ’. ',
Blues Image is a.good band, i; The Episcopal Chapel on Campus for . _. '1
but 800d bands don t necessarily Students, Faculty, and Staff l ; } t ;
make 200d records. Wednesday Sunday ‘ ‘ . 1 l ,' l,‘ '1; t ‘-
The Blues Image's style is to :if Philosophy of Campus Human Potelmal “mum , SPRING SERVICE SCHEDULE f if .. , —. -
; have the whole band play a '- Beginning Knitting MUSWW‘S POUI , _;._ >
song's theme, and then rhythm Basic Auto Mechanics Monday L : ‘A .' - A“; Z.
and bass vamp while various ' Musicians Electronics Change without Violence SUNDAY—l0230 am. 1 . 1 1 - 1‘ 1. :17 .
band members "do their thing." Chess Basics Yoga _ , L ._" I: . .;~ »_ f
Thereis nothing wmngwith this, ’ Experimental Theatre The Student and the Ad- _ Holy EUChOrISl’ and Sermon _ . .' 5s \
cessfully on records for several ,. Environmental Awareness U b P bi l 530 p.m., Evensong an upper ~ .~ .; ~_ . .
not reasons. . Society ‘r an r0 ems ; .. ’ ." ;
lnly .- Radical Politics TU ESDAY—l 2205 p.m. j z _' , ',
esh- Reason number one: time ele- .‘ Thursday Youth Revolution _ . p "it: .‘ -. ," a '
all mm" One Side of an LP re' Canada Anyone? EncounterCroup Hol)I Eucharist and Holy Days .
me cordingonly lasts about 18minu- :" The Draft da . .1 ., . .‘ .
' tes. A good musician can easily Ba - ph't h' Tues y __ , ' j ; ‘ f ,zj
f Jam ms long all by himself. Bugléhisronograp > Guitar Workshop .. ' WEDNESDAY 5.30 p.m. é . .. .1, ., ,_
4; With the time limit on record- ESE}? The Blues Committee on Militarism Hol Eucharist l p '_ _ ;
' ings, one player seldom gets to Verbal Encounter Zero POPUIation Cthh Y i '. ,
.861" :1?» - A , ' l f, 3 ._ - . . ,
jam for more than one minute 3.; CuenllaWarfare ; , g ‘ j‘ 1 ~
:2 on a theme. This doesn’t give 'iffif Saturday P3152 P h l g”: THE REV WILLIAM K~ HUBBELL. 0‘09'0'" l I}; . z =
‘ much time to develop anything, Intermediate Auto Mechan- Jungian WC 0 ogy ’3: . n i ; . ,. . '
’3? and with Tom or five songs to lCS and Auto CO-Op Creative Writing Workshop :2 MR. PETER REYNIERSE, Semmo an Ass stont E ‘14:; -.
’ an album side. plus several jams 2 I, , “'1‘ _ ~ ., ' .1. f.
ky to each song. the msuitisarouah f 472 Rose Street Phone 254-3726 I ’. :1 T .3 .
_ “nanotvew we“ develop“ musi- "1.53'f:3:35;;::;;:§:§:;:§;;;g:g:§::3133;523:35131:1;3::3:3:43:13;:;:;:;-::;:;:;:;:::;5253;322:5149:_:_:;::‘;.;:;:;:;:;:;:::-:;-,.;:-:.-.-:v.:-‘:‘;-,-=--:-:4:- l I". I: - I. ; . 1:.
1&- mwmm —————-———————— CAN TERBURY HO US E I ., .»
‘2 5:531“, 1, another problem KERNEL CLASSIFIED ADS BRING RESULTS! TRY THEM! I ',~ . _‘_'u
_-__——-—————————'————— ‘ , .' ; ._ , . . ,

t .- .aii- ,0 ‘

l ..‘~"_;,:' ,1 j.
:lc (“it if. i V'

C . ‘ " ’_'.: j “3,-
E. IN CONCERT _. p - p
d , Saturday, February 13, 1971 j v. 3
0 8 PJfl. ’ i 1 "it; "
2 Tickets Go On Sale Wednesday, January 27—9 a.m.-5 p.m. -,' p. « ,l -" it"; ‘
3 Student Center Central Information Desk I j ‘_ '.
$4.00 — $3.50 —- $3.00 ~ s_ a -
e ‘ v . 1 I. hf. " .
. ACAPULCO NASSAU "KIN" .: ;‘ ._ f. _»
8 days OR 8 days ' _.
7 nlghts 7 n-shts January 25-26 Comv'ex Commons 6. '
and and January 27-30 S ,. Grille _. . ._ '
LODGING LODGING . . g . .' g
. SETS AT .00 PM. and 9:30 PM. '. .‘ 5
$234 $189 ‘ plus 10-30 .M. on FRIDAY and SATURDAY! . . ' ‘ ‘

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