xt7p8c9r538k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7p8c9r538k/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1967 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, January 1967 text The Kentucky Press, January 1967 1967 1967 2019 true xt7p8c9r538k section xt7p8c9r538k 2.22r'esp 2” ‘ . ’
;..z‘ :v ‘ 2 - See'i-‘zfl‘i‘iw 33:: '. '. eii‘v‘W‘éi‘ién 97519-1 ' ' >
' eggs- «3.. 4% (fleeftfg °(E‘ It“) 23226;; ‘ “ “v V1116 Courier - Journal and ' '
castes?with-‘31»r eat-iii 2 or» “731:2 n. tn 2 . use. 2. neré‘»?‘:‘£°‘e ‘ utters :3;-’2’Tnf~77-'~.‘1”-3‘2:. .».‘ '2? a. .:‘:":‘3‘."»1‘221‘22’ .
. 222%? _ free a»??? @fifirfig‘gFt-;e.ag§§r%:g2nf2y£.:q-t r2?» t 52.2332“: nan" 1“:ch- m ., Times. Don succeeded Warren
earn 2. . *~ 6?!“- . “Y“ in ~, *2; “E:- ”$.he"t+ 21kt. 22 2:“ '2' .; a” v2 ”Etta/2 4; ’r’ o- - '
- #2 View shite “Et'tee\n/etni§ t2 the Fe fleet “"i- Abrams as Dlrector 0f Pubhc
fast . .2.“? ' .22-2. “enhtgmggg $3.4... \2» men have devoted a great deal H 7*
' w hos/keen tongnwweee t fit «in 5 t» 2 -
‘ . «22.2 2&n2n, ‘”’ ssh ten; teen 0f tlme and effort to assure
- "New:Left-251%tis”a”3:55-33”:-‘-“"-$;2‘=“e‘ei‘:e'.e“s;"::"e’:et‘z’='i‘e‘~=ttfe°s“~;.:tie:§ax<. ‘“ ‘ We . .
. e. » . ' . Eefiiiir‘essmmamst , 2 US that thlS year’s convention
,, 2 ' i'hsornensii — will be bigger and better than
errt2v1n 2 » . ‘ . _ . t ' * »
t’ ,‘i‘; ' W ever '
t_________________J_AIMR_Y_JZQZ._______—_____ In addltlon to such distm-
25; Mn W W .2 p W,“ ., ' smelled Speakers as Wilham
5“ enr‘tet‘ee fieiemetertfltt‘ “t; Le Ryan Of The ASSOClated '
,2 2.3%,? in“... neg Press, Creed C. Block of the
» 3:2 N t 2 tentitn tweet?“ ‘nntt Chicago Dally News, and Leo -
it" tetgiess t&\“‘i\tt§t¥\§“§ e‘nite“ Ho Petersen of United Press .
. intents 3&ng V22 Internatlonale many Of 0111“ an”
thers tt‘sm ting?“ ”minced gUbernator *a1 canal ' ‘
“we? .' .. n “‘“ns‘ gist dates plan to be On hand. ‘ ‘
e i517»: Eis‘hh‘etgngntt t§“\§t\e§?n g On the lighter Slde let’s not
nose. nanx forget the Monte Carlo party
in» his nose on Thursday evening where .
hens It we’ll be refreshed and ehetr- .
‘ ie‘nnei» t” tamed through the Courtesy of ’
i , h John c. ozConnon and Inc., and v
. , 7111-3: ‘ " . y “Reggae thrill to the sounds of head ’
”t ‘- . 2 .. 1 22 . t2 2 ‘23 not croupler Al Schansberg and ms
V 2 ' 1 he" "asst : St. Matthews J in '
”5' . ’ - . , .. tse*”i"n‘w'e$ un. r Chamber
‘2 7.2;.-. . _ ‘ -- .' '. fl *“nn‘ew‘g 2 e Of Commerce aSSistants as we
\ ~ ‘ y '. 1'2: gWe‘i’h‘ieoxete:e\i3 » : ' do battle for our make believe ‘
v ‘ .. ‘ r =- .- mWeeestM ‘ ' " ” “ ‘ money. Don’t forget, either, the I
. . g 7 I. ‘ WILLIAM L. RYAP‘IM.‘:2"‘ 2 p g .‘ CREED c2 BLACK ‘ - .2 - LEo H. PETERSEN annual reception hosted by the \
. -, 5 2 - . 2.: - 2 - _ . _. .2 7... , - ‘ ‘ Louisville Courier-Journal and
. ,__'}|'qpasgp_eakxergs_ AttrqctKPAConv‘entionGoerus For 67 Times, the Lexington Herold-p
3.7., ,, ‘ For” almost three ‘deeadesj'ver'sityq He went on forT-‘an MA in’the‘ Armyduring World War Leader Company, and KPA. Of 1 ’
Umted Press...Vilnterriatlgnet'f-11.1.;2;3P9_.1,'1t1031, science {from the ’11. and 2an5 a Bronze Star re- course the banquet follows.And ’
35,-; sportsedltorLeoH_P£t§nsenUnlveEslty of J.5Chi‘cagogji}.Mr.;;“'~,uci_pi_‘ent.~ . .. . ‘ what a banquet! Basil Caumis-
r1. seen-2.. ‘sjr‘n’h'e 15““ L “ 72“»: 4-; this»; ' "" ‘9'?“ ~' 77‘“; ’ ,1921‘1‘an2xFF‘i“::-‘= ~"-:n:-2 = - .‘
‘ ~ settethfisehee‘éfiteneehneiffigfifitweselecknserhedfartfleeve°"s..;";22.ffi;it2§sntem799°“ 4) . sell- and the toms at Stouffer’s ‘
, {if}? 2. He flieganfi.agile.égworkingg-hisjg:Kentugklans‘MournLoss”TemplgnnndCaywood as the kings of days gone by f
' sit." we on e"7UniverSit: f "‘2; ‘, .- . . . ' ' 5
- 'y > ‘2 g I v - -yzq ,2 Kentucky: PressxAssoc-iation Editor, and City Editor for feaSted' All thls not .to mention
. . Iowa,-as a oampuscorrespondv members and Kentuckians the Herold as well as a re that we’ll be entertained by the t
exit for news a ers in the mid- 7' ‘ " . ‘ F '- — * I ' t
a» - . west and pigs}; associations ' throughout. the Commonwealth pOrter for the Leader ' He had illngtletiit faggfdlsfroinéomme
i.; , Sports . continued . to g be a are mourning the deaths of WiI- been. 'PrOmotion Director for boro y wens
. erominent art of h' k rham. C._Caywood andEdwards both papers since 1944. Since ' - ,
:3 f th t? 2 h . is amt: M. Templin. Bill was the pub- thattime he had had something f By the way’lfadles’wehaven t
. rom e 1me e 101ne e .' ‘ ~‘ . . - ~ . . or otten ou or aminut . On
. 22..., United Press (noWUnited Press lisher of. the Clay City Times todo with Virtuallymevery CIVIC Frigday moaning you’re in Store
at ‘ 2 - . ’ and a past president of the Ken- im rovernent ro'e t ' L - 5
2:. International) after his grad- ' p ' ‘ .p. J “C m ex. for a real t t" t f th
- ’ 2 tucky Press Association'while ' ' ‘ ‘ ' ‘ rea a our 0 e
7 . . 9 ington. Ed had been the I'eClpl- -
, . nation from college in 1929. 2 . . '2 ~ “ - model kitchens at the General
22¢- . , Ed was promotion director of ent-‘Of’ the ANPA B " “ ‘f Ad-
, HIS marked aptitude for re-- ‘ 2 * 2‘ ureauo Electric A liance P k L t
. - . . the Lexington Herald-Leader vertisin Distin ished 'Serv- pp ar ' a er
* porting then won him a place on 2 2 2 - g gu on there Will be a bI‘ld e art ‘
. n 2 , and would have become the ice A ' g p y
the New York sports staff two xt . . , ward, the NNPA Silver under the very able. direction .
g 1 t ne pres1dent of KPA. Both Shoval Award, and the KPA
,1, 7 years a er. mo 1 f 2 _ of Mrs. Ben E. Boone, III. 2
Except for interludes as bu- -.n were rare/examp es 0 Outstanding Member Award. A run-down of the pro ram
. . reau manager in Buffalo in 1933 devoted newspapermen and It is with a great deal of sad- looks like this g
g. ’.7', . ‘ . I " ‘ ‘ .
_ . . . . served their communities lon “ n
. and in Philadelphia, in 1938, and tirelessly g tlfsfhetshjttwve 5:3; éarewell On Thursday we have an Ex-
- afld a year and a half 0f ser‘ Bill had worked on the Win- 1311 c (21011 S an mg mén' ecutive committee meeting at
2 Vices during the war as over- ‘ 1 aywoo and Ed Templin. (Please Turn To Page 4)
22;: . . . . Chester Sun for more than 25 ____.__________—_.__—_—__—-
g ‘_ night news editor in New York, years when he decided to ac- ..
2 ,— Petersen has written and edited . . . .
.- » . cept a pos1tion Wlth the Unl- es‘W‘sx ‘
~ ‘ Sports news alm°st entlrely versit of Ke tu k _ he
. ‘- ever since. His appointment as . . Y .n C V as super a ._ ;,
, :;s:- .2 . . Visor of publications, Bill re- e?‘ ‘ '
than,“ head of his staff came in 1942. . 2 - - ‘2‘. s 2 I-. '
, . . mained Wlth the UnlverSIty for 2 a 1 -.
._Partlcularly of note among \
h' t h' t h only a Year before the urge to
.. 2 IS 1‘99“. .3.“ ievemen S .ave publish a weekly overtook him.‘ 2» e '
en ' been his initiation of the first 2 nexghixpfiignn \ 5
’ all- sports news 2-wire in the The Clay City Times became §% s§\\ 9 t K .
- -, prss association field, the as- the target of his attentions as enj§2§ege$fi 9&3 \ .‘
a 2 Signnient of diViSional sports he converted that paper from a n;\‘§§“s{ss \r'iét‘ 2 ' §
3. . editors throughout the United four page newspaper to one Of 2" . he??? . 2 ._ .
g States, and the organization of Sixteen pages. H15 editorial \ » ’ ‘ , . 2, n: : -,...
2 the foreign sports division of mlght was known throughout 2 . V n - j - '
g 1;]; Unitd Press International. the Commonwealth. p ,y f . . ~ .2 > 2
* 3 g Creed C. Black was born in Ed Templin was a graduate ' _ ” I 1 3 l- t 2- _. 1‘3“:
Harlan. Kentucky in 1925. He of the University of Kentucky. . “ .» ’
“Rafi; - was educated in the Paducah where he studied journalism “ . . - -‘ p , $5 f
' 232 " public schoOl system and then and law. He had been associat- " ' ‘ f 2 f , L' 2‘
.1 received a B.S. in journalism ed with the Lexington news- - . . " ' . it; , ,
p ‘ from the Medill School of Jour- papers since 1930 and had ‘ ‘ ' ~ '=‘ . -‘ ~ ' - 2
22:3»: ,:;_;:§:.-I. . . 2 . . . - ,
t; , nalism. at Northwestern- Um- served}, as State Editor Ni ht EDWARDS M- TEMPL'N 3'” CAYW°°° .-_
#33:” . p , .. . . . . , s .
new: . ~ . " ' "‘
. AEoé‘E‘k” . ‘ " .. 7: §_i,...--...,..._ ‘ ' ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ t?

1i tion ’ . we
Kentuckgfg’cri‘gilsigisggiation, Inc. Kentucky Press salemn Trlbute BY MAURICE HENRY ' . i
exn on. Y. 4 , J ._
A- J- View“, Jr" Edit“ ~ The New Year opened for mor, his gentleness and the by the loss of Mrs. Grace , ‘5 .
' Kentucky Chi/Irtfbrgi‘engommerce Kentucky newspaper people with famous Templin smile. There Stephenson Lenney Hutton, pub-
Newspaper Managers Association the sudden loss by death of two is today areal emptiness among lisher of the Harrodsburg Her- ; 75-
National NewspaperAssociafi.” of its best-known and active Kentucky newspaper folks with aid. The Hutton family and Har-
National Niggoaigatiro: rometm members, KPA President-elect the loss of Ed'Templin, and for rodsburg are one because this w ,
Better Business Bureau Ed Templin, Pmmotion Mana— his family, friends, and journa- family has contributed so much _ _ 3,2;
Kentucky Emggéiafion Inc ger, Lexington Herald-Leader; lism associates. to the community over a great _ _ ‘ ii
A Larry Stone, president ' " and former KPA President Bill Just twenty-four hours after span of years. . 5-3:
Central City Publishing Company Caywood, owner ofthe Clay City the first shock to Kentucky _. . . / , ‘
Edwards, M- Templin: Vice Presment Times. newspaper people the word was Alongside publishing a top
. A. JI:evtiggtrggn?e.l?.l,d-sl7eifiigry.Manager. President - elect Ed Tem- flashed across the Common- knotch weekly, Mrs. Hutton will 7 %
Treasurer, Lexington. plin was well known not only in wealth, _BillCaywood has passed be remembered by future gen- 1
Florida R. Garrison, Asst- Treasurer Kentucky but across the nation away. erations for her DAR work, ;
Cfffl'fifiwffflwgg‘aimm in business and newspaper cir- Only last January former act1v1ties in the Harrodsburg - _
Favorite (Fourth) First, William T. Da. cles. During the past twenty KPA President Bill_zcaywood Historical Scolety, and as a . h _
vis, Eddyville; Secrtll‘ifithezrg; 1:013:11:- four months he had been the 1stood before the EPA Itg/Itld.W1n(; 5‘22:an jugglcrltfgmcgfr itglleAI::135 .
son’ Hardmsmrgi. - ’ ' ' " “ backbone of Kentucky Press As- er mee ing in exin on an u y 1 n -
gihgforsdt; githfiego’chifaflalh gaichiifl: sociation official family. Liv- _ made the formal presentation ciation which restored Fort %
fort}, Seventh: warren, R- Fisher Jrn ing and working in Lexington to the 1966 Kentuckian of the Harrod and turned it over to _ .f
Eaflfifig. Eiii‘fih’hfni‘fisT ”$0,335?“ the past two KPA Presidents Year. This was a shining hour the Commonwealth for a state \ , gt
"" Aghlland; 'Tenth,’ R. Springer Hoskins: had depended upon the quiet, for Bill Caywood as he ac- park. Hers was a rich heri- ,
Harlan; At Large: James 14- me‘f’rd? efficient and very effective cepted the chore with all the tage for family, newspaper, e”:
" At Large Donald 8' Tomes’ Louisvme‘ Templin to backstop official charm and poise that he had church, and community. 4”
At Large, Ben E. Boone IV, Elkton. . _ ' 7:;
__._._;_..._; KPA programs and policies. brought to so many KPA meet- As the Kentucky Press mem- J ‘
The Pl‘ESIden'I'IS This KPA tempo had increased lugs. b er 5 meet for their Mi d-Win- x
I measurely during 1966 and our In recent years as owner of t er meeting in Louisville the 7 _’ _
CO um" President-elect Templin was the Clay City Times he un- loss of these three KPA mem- / _ 2 o
By LARRY S'FONE. President. carrying the ball. leashed all of his many talents here will be felt. Wonderful ”
Kentucky Press Association The KPA «work was justone in news writing, editorial pro- memories for their family pro-
As this is being written on of the many ,and varied pro- duction, advertising ideas, and fessional and civic activities
Friday, Jan. 5 the hearts 0f ~fessional:zvactivities in which bonafide circulation promo will be easy to recount. . i .
Kentucky newspapermen are Ed Templinn~:participated. .He tions. A real newspaper new's- W , v ' :
saddened by the untimely deaths was an idea man who could im- paperman pro, his ready wit, With ,bowed heads the Ken 1
0f KPA Vice-President Edwards plement action programs and charm and easy manner was be- ,tucky_ePress peoplesalute and i »
Templin 0f the Lexington Hel“ efforts. During all these busy fitting this Kentuckygentleman. render homage to our three sf, ,
ald—Leader and Past President efforts he always‘ had a. Calm- A few hours after the Cay- departed associates- Edwards .:,:
Bill Caywood 0f the Clay City ing effect on his friends and wood news Kentucky newspa- M. Templin, William C. Cay- _ i! a-
Times. associates for his sense of hu- per people were saddened again wood, and Mrs. Grace Hutton. . ,
S. C. Van Curon has a spe- -———-—-——————————————————————————————_—____. , f ,,
cial story about their deaths GUEST EDITORIAL “ , — '..,.;;..,; - p , &
, elsewhere in this issue. ’ ' ‘ “ - " ‘ / - a - - > ’ . I;
. Congratulations to VanCuron Blll cayw00d Had Found What He leed . g , .
on the new format and content 7 .. ' ' f d h' if d _ d s- 3 . ‘
of The Kentucky press. This By s. C. VAN CURON dant and rewarolmg life- ,Oun . lmse t ”is $303511 ut , 4
is something Van has been ad- If service to his fellow man But it was. in thenlast two lng hlS talfn Sk 0 . eh' 62.: _ > .
vocating for years and the ex- and his community is the great- years Of hls hie that B111 realrz- He . was 0“ SP0 en mditlis e If; - ‘7',
. ecutive committee finally got est award this life gives, wn- ed the true fulfilment of hlS torts-ls - and not an e ctr;1 ot
tired of him griping and turned liam C. Caywood, editor and ability and des1res when he hlSépol‘peI‘ went t9 press W1 out v r ,
it over to him to edit. We publisher of. the Clay City bought the weekly Clay City ~h1s_forthrightv1ews or;1i curren. a,
think you will like the change. Times, reached this goal before Times and turned his talents events pertamlngkto 8 com { _ _-"’-
Right now I’m mad. the Great Editor wrote thirty to r_ema}k1ng a .sleepmg oorn- mmlty and Kentuo y. fh. _
For more than a quarter of a to his career Wednesday. munity into a Vibrant force in It WOUId beremisso 18130111 3. -
century I’ve been working for Bill, as he was affectionate- the economy of. Kentucky. In munity and fellow Keiltuc fans - 35$
. the Internal Revenue Service. 1y known to his fellow word- fact, his editorial veice was not to give him credit or bring- _ t .
With yesterday’s mailing of smiths, devoted a lifetime of the spokesman for .a large mg an industry to this one-time a
' our paper we took over rais- “leading” the citizens of the length of ' the Mountain Park- sleepy town along a highnarlay. 1:5, _
ing another federal bureau - Winchester area through the way, and particularly Clay City He spurred the people to l” e; g:
the Uni S. Post Office Depart- printed word to a more abun- andt Stanton, twin Cities on the gig: ting-3:21 3533:3522: a:
ment. —_‘-"‘~—‘————— rou e. . 1;
With the new changes which figlingijfguin $212: $22: He left the editorial desk of soil} grey field for years Without i“
went into effect Jan. 1 about cents. the Winchester Sun after serv- POI? 1flg‘lt'si of faith in his is
handling second class mail Other problems facing news- 1ng more than _25 years in that is 1 s gn. t ak 1 his
blishers are now - - - capa01ty to satisfy a latent de- ad0pted commumty was om e \_ _ .fi _
newspapers pl} . papers include an increasmg, , t t h 1e d i‘ a 001- a large investment in a new %
domg everything connectedvnth ever-increasing control of all Sire o eac or a a. n d r ress and rintin ma- ,
mail subscriptions except deliv- news media. Each individual lege. He. served one year at the mo e n p p g 7%?
' h - to . , UniverSity of Kentucky where chinery to produce the klnd 0f .3
er mg the papers from case newspaper can fightthe problem , d bli t‘ but newspaper that unmistakably as
house. in its own city hall and court- he super V159 pu ca ions, . 1.1%
. _ . . . the roar of the press and the bore the Blll Caywood brand. «am
TWO extra mailroomemploy house but it takes assoc1atlons f“ 11 dh' b k to It was here that he was un- kg
-- ees have had to be added to our such as the Kentucky Press smell 0 ink ca e C'tm ac th inhibited b the natural re- jg,
publication just to handle the Association and the National serv1ce and Clay 1 y was e . y .‘ . _
r _ _ . benefactor of this urge. straint of pi otectmg the invest ._
extra WOI‘h caused by the new Newspaper Assomation to fight ment of another This was his ,4 .
P051531 rules. Considering the our battles against press cen- He took a small weekly news- and his opportunity to bloom in 7 .
extra mailing costs, the min- sorship on a state and national paper and convertedit from four full flower This he did. i e -
imum federal wage 13‘” $91113 level. and eight pages to 16 pages to Bill was. a gifted wordsmith .' g
into effect on Feb- 1 and the See you Thursday, Jan. 19 in tell the story of the Powell and who let words flow from his 1
' recent $3.00 per ton increase Louisville at the convention. adjacent area on the Parkway typewriter with the precision 7:71
in newsprint it is high time Don’t forget to bring a prize to the rest of Kentucky and the of a well-traine d army and the . 7:”:
that Kentucky publishers ser- for the Monte Carlo party. Pref- world in words and pictures. beaut “of unmoleste d desert
iOUSIy COHSideI‘ raising both erably something made in your Success of his efforts can be floweZs He was not reluctant ~ :33 _
advertising and circulation home county. I’m bringing sev- found from the people who re- to tell the bold truth and to be 2
. . . _ aw
rates. eral walking canes With five spected the veice of Caywood constructively critical when the -2
._ We know of one weekly news- vials holding Bourbon. Made in in the Times. _ occasion demanded or to pass ,3.
paper that sells classified ad- Central City. The canes,thatis. It was in Clay City that Bill (mm T... T, em 4, r ,

§ - The Caywood Story....
The Clay City (Ky.) Times, around 1,500, giving the paper pletely rebuilt 1937-model A is very likely that any new
‘ ' , for 71 years Powell County’s Ia twin-town rating of about 2,- Duplex; we order a half-car- equipment will be installed
legal paper, has spent twoyears 500. The plant headQuarters is load of newsprint at a time— there. Also, we are contemplat-
_' upgrading itself in size and qual- in Clay City. always 8-page rolls; we keep ing editions of the paper in two
, V , ity. It has gone from a 4-page “As Lower Appalachia’s lar- on hand, ready for use at all other counties. ,
tabloid to never-less-than 16 gest and most widely 'readnews- times nearly 10,000 pounds of Although the name of the
' pages standard. paper, we feel our plan is llnotype pigs for our Margach paper Will not be changed for
f Publisher of the paper, WuC. meeting with some degree of feeders. Other than-the casting reasons known to all newspap-
;‘ (Bill) Caywood Jr., attributes success,” Caywood said. “Two boxes, everything is electric- ermen, it is today recognized
_ ‘ the advance to self-analysis, years ago, The Times had a powered, even our s1x type- out of Kentucky as the Moun-
. . self-criticism, and the willing- sworn circulation of some 1’- writers and all adding _ ma- taln Parkwaynewspaper, and we
; ness to change with the times. 400; today it is well above 3,- chines, and other office ma— are frank to admit that the pro-
' “For all practical purposes, 000 at twice the annual rate, chinery, even pencil sharpen- gress of The Times is due in
- ' the paper is operated by atop which is now $4 in Kentucky, ers. a great measure to the de-
newspaperwoman, Barbara W. $5 outside,” . “We maintain an ‘accommo- velopment of this rather fan-
7 ‘ Scott, ex-city editor of the Win- Thei‘old "weekly has a rather dation pr1nt1ng department’, all- tastlc superhighway.

. chester (Ky'.) daily, and Joe phenomenal circulation at the new offset and photocopy ma— Summarlly, Caywood, a 35- ‘
Williams, ex-pressman of the t'natio‘nal level. There are paid chines; by ‘accommodation,’ we year newspaper editor who re— .
same paper,” Caywood said. readers in 38 states, due in a: mean that we do not feel lob sides .at Winchester, credits

, “They are ably assisted by part to the fact that job com- pr1nt1ng is a profitable ven- The Times growth to a youth-
~Gene Hickman, formerly with muters to other states have con- ture for a weekly newspaper ful staff (excluding himself, the .
the Maysville Public Ledger, tinued to subscribe to the Pow-r such as ours. . . . median age 15 25) and the w111- r»
and Norman Watson of Stanton, ell County paper. “We satu— The Times 18 unique in one ingness of all, staffers to get
‘ in the composing room; in ad- rate Clay City— our home base feature—it must travel 15 to out of a fut quickly and to
' dition, we have five highly com- _ yet we have more readers ’23 miles in :11 directions f2; ieéllfgdslzieahy change for qual- .
et nt oun women, andvan el- - - n - a VGI' Slng, ecause a coun -

' 3,31%, 30m? who was withthe m..%‘;°’aum$a§3§°§w§x§iigfii§: of 7,000 in Appalachia can- Caywood. a Centre graduate.

01d Times crew.” ’ tion annually; we have no free “Ot support any kind of:news- headed the Kentucky Press AS. '
Mrs. SCOtt’ as“ editor and Papers to kinfolk or officehold- paper“ in 1956Hence,The SOCIZtIOVn'lzsséAfiexgtO yeais
V , general manager, hires and ers; we have only 10 exchanges, Times has become what we call as _ mcl'es er :digr. de
fires (there has been none of and ofcourse advertising check- g“ area newspaper .' beaming taught lourna lsmKah 96831‘24'
: the latter, because She goes ing copies,” The Times owner ”is product ‘to’ QPQWH and “.5 uate work at_ U m 1 . ' ’
, , over applicants with; a‘xcry said. “This is not a matter SlX- adlomlngvcountles: Menl- PrlOI‘ to buying The Times. .
‘ fine-toothed Comb), thefjfiub- of. economics, but more a ques- fee, Montgomery, Clark, Estill, d. , — I. _1 _t — _ I ,
lisher said, He rates" hef 35 tion of: Where does apaperdraw Lee, and Wolfe. . (:1 ltolrtst noted—t asf Juneth fetceigelcll ,
~ ' v . _ . — “ Ian 6 31151011 at IS e er an sory rom . e as 1
hard, .tough, and competent. (In the line on placmg friends on Soon, we p xp . Caywood. I think It appropriate to print
_ high school, she swept in all 'of the mailing list? ‘ Stanton, the county seat, and 119 it in its entirety here.) i
‘ * e the Sigma Delta Chi awards.) “we were the first paper cf * 12 1966 ,
' _ a .— b By iillf'critifféismitkety mom}; the size in the U.S. to become Dear Jack: June ’ "
7 ' ‘ ers 0 e S a 'nee a er eac fully zipcoded, and signs may . - N . q .
, " , . weekly edition is Published: a he nonpad an over the mailing , - annififigolfini‘i‘y‘i‘; tetaifl‘il‘y‘itlfifii‘liftftélieiit‘iii‘ét’ »
COPY 0f page 1 is thumb‘teeked Wfifate-makmgarea ‘Never , k, k . ‘ d d ‘ ‘i
to the wall, and a no-holds- failtoi‘u‘s‘e the zipcode: weasel:rainszazsipatenant: ,
barred session is on. .Writers “Another first for anon-ABC «of challenge. Isuppose, after a rather long newspaper career.
are criticized, as W611 as the paper Of our category’ SO we At any rate Inoted vour recent memo soliciting ideas
StereOtyperS, linotypel- Opera' have been tOId by many press et al, for The lgew Ken‘tuchy f’ress. [supposelstyle mryself‘
tors, .compositors, andp;pijess associations, is the annual pub- as‘some kind 0 a teac er -- lence, Ilotted down somet oug is
crew. Backshop peoplesaneigiV: lication: of a printed brochure ~ Xé‘éiha‘iiififge 1p2§Z§.beii‘e’§§i‘§: 153$sz iiiiésci‘élfliuagile ‘
en every right to £90111? out of our circulation With a tow-n- _HI,iwillmgfifvredptiilfilgshetij‘ls;of; 01;? emailpapersdsonieqideaf.h1?ntl .
t Shortcomings on_ proofreading, by-town,‘ State'by‘State break" t 16:29:12lizelogiqugii-tyinsjand tienEthfigixpgr titliillsototafiva‘lluge
time losses or unnecessary down. This is available to .all to melanin goingrt‘ovhaveahard row to hoe. .
Changgs in news Stories and ad- advertiSing agenCieS‘ We have . . -’="7MBest o[;luck;to-you, and iflcan be of any help, please
' vertislng. By then-same token— suffered some by Simon-pure Max:545 ieeififno galloponlngfi: . ,
, l and without any authority be- circulation records since it is , ” _; Sincere“, 'ourc
- ' ‘ing exercised — the front of- traditional that many small pa- ” j _.¥;,,,;;J,-,-;i‘
fice people have their say-1 pers are inclined to be a bit ‘ vgufiiQCaywoo/éfir—53
While all of this is going on, liberal in calculating their mail- (“/“m/ /
' someone with afeltpenis mark- ing lists. At our request, our
in the a er on the wall in local postmaster checks our .
’ life withlthgoriticism. One on records and routings. Seven Students Get Scholarships
tire room in The Times build- “Our format is new to Ken- Six students at the University advisor, guidance counselor or
7 ing is always papered with cur- tucky, but hundreds of years of Kentucky in Lexington and principal. Applications for the
, rent issues 0f the publication. 01d by the British standard. one at the Ashland Community fall semester are received in
, The pages carry such notations A11. heads. are centered With College have receivedKentucky the Kentucky press Associa-
7 as: “fair, but not good,” “lousy plenty 0f:-~v.Wh1te space; 1h fact, Press Association scholarships tion central office no later than ‘
pix,” “short on ink?” “all Where ithere 15 an option on this year. The scholarships July 1 and applications for the R
heads, no news,” “typey,” “no any llnegof type m the paper, which pay $100- per semester second semester are received .
. good,” “sloppy,” “why?” that line is centered. Ironi- are made available each year no later than Oct. 1. The
“CUtes bUt very trite,” and SO cally, we are being COPied by by the Louisville Courier Jour- scholarship committee of the -. l
on. The markings are in red Papers who feel we have some- nal and Times, The Lexington Kentucky press Association
- and green and thus are constant thing new. . . Herald-Leader and the Ken— and the University of Kentucky 3
. reminders to any staffer walk- “We publish large plctures, tucky Press Association School Department of Journalism se- .
, ing into the room. seldom under 3 00111111118 Wlde. of Journalism Foundation, Inc. lect the recipients for the
' Of course, as the publisher and more generally 5 columns. The requirements for a stu- scholarships.
1.. explained, there is nothing new Mechanically, The Times is a dent applying for the scholar- .______—._____.__
i ‘ or novel about this sort of thing self - sustaining operation, ships are that he maintain a
; in the daily newspaper field. equipped with teletypesetter satisfactory average in his STAMPS - CONHAIM 5
, but “we think it is unusual for equipment, an engraving plant, scholastic work, be of good NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING SERVICE
If a weekly published in a town of linecaster, 2 castingboxes,new character and demonstrate an 555 Nu. Lama - Lnslngeles, taliimma some .
5. less than 1,000 population.” Ludlow, and all kinds of mod- interest in Journalism as a 5 Charles H. Lovene
; The general offices of the plant ern saws, routers, and auxi- career. A formal letter of ap- ‘ ‘31::Undwr cit-““8
7 i are in its neighbor town of Stan- liary hot-metal,letterpress ma- plication is submitted with an (2:9) :;;:,79r;5iuno
' ton, where the population is chines. Our press is a com- endorsement by a Journalism §
. ‘ . < . , if?

BILL CAYWOOD HAD FOUND Top Speakers Attract KPA Convention Goers For ‘67 _ > 7 ii - . 2
(Continued From Page 2) (Continued From Page I) _ Today, he devotes most ofhis Ryan’s travels in the past - is .' . . ‘
out words of commendation Mr. Black began his news~ attention to the affairs of Red decade have taken him into »
when it suited the situation. paper career with the Paducah China and the U. S. S. R... more than 80 countries and he :ii ' 7.
He was a graduate of Centre Sun-Democrat as a reporter carefully watchingtheprogress’ has interviewed most of the “ ' "
College and began his news— while he was still inhigh school. Of a Split he foresaw a dozen outstanding figures 0f the day. § » ~
paper career on the old Louis- While in college he edited a years ago. . W i . . I _
ville Herald Post but transfer- college daily and was a part- He attended NeW York Uhi‘ Clrculating With Bi" . if???“
red his ability to Winchester time copy editor for the Chi- versity and Columbia. gradua' av BILL cIBsoN ~ '
- as editor of the Sun where he cago Herald - American. He ted from the American $011001 postal regulations now re- ”' ’ _.
"It ‘ filled the editorial chair for worked on the Stars & Stripes of Banking. but began his ca- quire that an annual verificgi- > V - ,
more than 25 years. after the war and then became reer by working a short period tion of the records of all 530- . ., , ' '
Writing was almost a natural an editorial writer for the Nash- on the old New York World. 0nd.oiass publications tornado, i
talent with Bill, but he de- ville Tennessean, executive edi- He became a sports editor for Postmasters or their repre-. I '
veloped and polished it through tor of the Savannah Morning the Macy-Westchester papers sentatives. by joint review of
the years by sheer effort and News and Savannah Evening and later moved to the news Form 3542, for a selected is- "i .
determination. This ability is to Press, and vice president and side by covering politics in his sue of each publication with the , . “ . . ,.
be found in some books that he executive editor of the Wilming- home state 0f Connecticut... publisher, including a review A: ,
has WTiiieh- Probably one this ton Morning News and Evening Ryan joined The {Associated of the publisher’s records,
best efforts in this field is Journal. He has been manag- Press in New York in 1943and shall determine that. ’ ..
titled “Kentucky Mayor”, the ing editor of the Chicago Daily {rapidly earned a reputation for (a) Copies reported as sub- ’ , _
story of a man who held this News ince 1964. his ability to handle the big scribers copies, are in sub-i I L
post in Winchester for several Donald B. Towles has been stories. He was transferred to stantial agreement with pub? 3’ ' i"
years. appointed by KPA president AP’s Foreign News Desk during lisherts mail circulation rec-“ ,
The highest praise Bill would Larry Stone to succeed War- the war and me first assign- ords. , , i ' e
35k Of his contemporaries ren Abrams on the executive ment abroad came in 1946 when (b) Nonsubscribers copies, ”,7 V
would be to Class him as a committee of the Association. 32 Cardinals were elevated in other than those mailed at the "
‘good newspaperman.” He was ‘Mr. Towles is the new direc- Iiome. He .15 an expert on Va- transient 2nd class rate, are 'i .
that. L ' tor of public service and pro- tlcan affairs and frequently declared as samples but do not ”
" — "' " " " motion for the Louisville Cour- draws ass1gnment there for out- exceed the amount allowable. . "3
‘ 1967 CONVENTION tor-Journal“ and Times, a po- standing happenings. _ (continued on page five) r -
(Continued From Page I) - sition formerly. .held ,hyi’Mr. ' , ’ '
4:00 p.m., followed by regis- Abrams. Mrg'jl’o‘imes, 39, has - 1-1%: - Ag a.
tration, a buffet dinner, and been W1th1.filie'néwspaper Since