xt7p8c9r526v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7p8c9r526v/data/mets.xml  University of Kentucky 1976 2013ua031 booklets  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Fact Books University of Kentucky Facts, 1976 text University of Kentucky Facts, 1976 1976 1976 2019 true xt7p8c9r526v section xt7p8c9r526v ;__»_ 7- ,” .. “J 'safienoo Auunuuwoo >m u; 599130;) amposso 'seomos 'SJBGA 0L 152d OLll U! BullanP UBLH
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’y . You are cordially invized to visit the Univer- I)" :>_ L”, . - x 3.: - " : ":fil .
‘ siiy of Kentucky campus. Here are some special _- ,.. V _- , -1 1 ' '> ”l Afiijh‘
. , ” , , campus attractions and information on how to J 1,; , . ~ - . :3; _—‘ ., My? l
I 1': . take a free campus tour: « fig: ’" 1;: .— __ '. :_ . fl ;,:1~ : ~t>lJIlijL1 “Quill/:3 '
, I . .‘ . 3 JoENlC VIEW . . .See Lexmgton and parts i . _ _, .. . I, UJrqle/(waw . , , 1.4334
. ' " . .: ”477,?" ‘ of Fayette County from the 18th floor lounge : ‘1 ' ’ ix” l 1.,,/.l ll, /‘:5L (0 l—A/ 7
_'1 l l of the Patterson Office Tower. Visiting hours ~ - . . 5 , /” I r L40 3/, IL- _ , 0 1
, '1 ' - ' " . , l are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. 4/" ‘5‘." ‘ 5 j”, [if ‘ ff]? {KGéJWllflUCél‘Ki—gfl '
; ~ - ' . ‘ " . .. .. ’. l Closed on july 5. - .1 ' f ._ 0' /' ~9 .~--;9‘—~¥9:4
, . . :l 7 . » . « Iv‘.l‘\!’l‘l'lROPOLOGY MUSEUM . .. rhls cam~ l . - «a 0 , ' “I" ‘ —T, 4 \ l; _ l :123 \ :
. ' a ‘_ . .. . pus attraoiron is Soon from 85am. “to 5 p.m., l _ , ' ,_ , ,,. / xiii” 3}. ‘ ‘ Z. [3* \\\¥j/:’ l \\\_%/ , .
'{l ‘fi: . , Monday Lnrougn rnday m Laflerly l-lall. A cul- 5/ _ _ ‘ /_ j 7.-.; , 7 ‘
, ' rural history of Kentucky is the featured exhib- i‘ , 3 :1 ' . g , " _ l l _‘
1‘ " [L' l 1/}: [1/1, E432: , a ' 123:" 9‘? _ , . :
f “/3 / , / g f. j) . . 3"
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Found in 1865 under the PfOVISlODS 0f the There are more than 20,000 students on the The University employs about 8,800 people, The University of Kentucky is the leading
Morrill Land-Grant A“; the UWVETS’W 0f Ken- Lexington campus and 17,000 students In the including faculty and staff, on the Lexington institution in the state by far in terms of avail-
tUCkY began With a modest 90“)”th 0f about 13 community colleges across the state oper- campus and in the community college system. able research dollars and ranks among the top »
200 and a Staff 0f 11. ated by the University of Kentucky. There are about 1.600 faculty on the Lexington 50 higher education research institutions in the

For the first 40 ears enrollment remained Kentucky residents represent 85 percent of . _ ._ G nation. in fiscal year 1975”” the Universit/

Y . M campus and 500 in the community colleges. 3
small and the liberal arts studies attracted more the enrollment on the Lexmgton campus. there The gross monthly payroll on the Lexington attracted $39 million in research funding, a sol-
L ~- 4- 'C ' A. 4,’ ‘ 4 I. L 4. ' . 4. l 1.!
students than the offerings in engineering and also are seine 500 Students fiom abom SO dii- campus alone is about $8 million. id tesumonial LO the OUtSLEli'idlng faculty at me
agriculture. ferent foreign countries each year on campus. University.
. . ’l ‘\ . i, E, r," g F: c. a
By the turn of the century, the UniverSIty "flag: Cfii‘fiPU‘: 5‘7 ACADLWH‘V CO‘LLl—GES (“"ch / l0 (252/ i 1W.
~ .i ..- .. .- -_ ‘ "" " “‘ V _ _ loll“ to 4‘. w bl’L-l ’- i:
was becoming one Of Lhe [TlOSL important ms“ The central campus, near downtown Lexing- the University of Kentucky has a Graduate The Univergiw receivoc' l A .21 0 .. -:;- ..
tutions in the Commonwealth. the Kentucky . .- . ,. cf . - - - . L” ' ”1 an.o.sL ‘? " ”HMO"
_ . ton, compiises about 625 acres of land on ..zthOi and 17 academic colleges,including. in mvye "ift .5 d “War d‘ .-,G ,,I l07’ 76
Agricultural Experiment Station focal pomt of , ~ ., . . .. _, .. . - .- i ..A. r? - « .~ ,. . _. - 5 “L ‘7 S “‘1‘ Dim” "Hm‘a ”6 ’ 3”
i which theie are incie than 200 ourloings and /.its and JCIBHCCS . . . Agiicultwe . . . Engi- .c- — : . -, i - . -
the Universit ’s continuing commitment to . . _ .— _ iiscal year. the University 5 alumni annual giv—
y other structures, walks, malls, gardens, playing neering . . . Busmess and economics . . . Educa- ~ 01: d h r b . , -~ ‘b‘ "l p -[ r ..
agricultural research began in the late 'i8805. m , . . .- . - i' i: - ' - . . r > ml” U” 33 een [“05me y "16"‘OUHC‘ ’0‘
J ”Bldg, [ecieauon space and pal king, LlOl‘i . . . nome -conomics . . . lelaly JCiences .1 , /., l 1. C! r . .r F ;,, 2.; ,_
Between 1900 and 1920 several reorganiza— _ . ., _ . . ' C 5 . , 5 . , . tie acvancement an I JUDIJOIL Oi WGuCflUOn as
’ b :he UniverSity also has 6,/50 acres in agri- . . . socral Piofessmns . . . ArchitectUie . . . one of the top sustaininc '3l‘O"l'“"iC of it H r.
_. . . . ,7 _ _ . > I l an.) 5 .(ii;
tions lald down the basrc outline Of the “beds cultural research farms and 4—H Club centers in Communications . . . Fine Arts . . . Law . . . in the nation D D
. V. ‘ . . ' . .. . . . . . C '
and 00110205 Wthh GAIS’C 10 this daY- various parts of the state and 14,495 acres In its Mememe . . . Dentistry . . . Nursmg . . .Alliea
. _ Robinson Forest in Eastern Kentucky. Health Professions . . - Pharmacy.

UK took Its present name in i9i6 and at m (“0‘ W. A publication of University Information 361‘"
the same time assumed the responsibility of BUDGET U‘E5-35"~E513 vices. Data current as of October 1976 but.
be" , .. P e’ ,. . . 5.; . _ _ _ A ,, g A _ . .« subject to change thereafter. Copies avaflable
in mime tat 3 p”_n_C[pal instituuon for teach The UniverSity operates on a current budget in the 1975-76 SChOOl yeai, the UmVCISltY from Room 101, Mathews Building.

g” 5‘33” an 55“”59- of $186,809,300, about half from state appro— conferred a total of 5,804 degrees — 2,753 Phone: 257—2808.

From its modest beginnings more than a priations and the remainder from student fees, bachelors, 827 masters, 153 doctoral, 3 special-
century ago the University in modern times has federal and county appropriations’ endow- ist in education, 322 first professional (medi~ U'S SP 162 IR 0 A b '1976
grown at a rapid rate With enrollment more ments, gifts, and grants and miscellaneous Cine, iaw, dentistry and pharmacy) and L746 1 ‘ ev') CLO el ‘
than doubling in the past 10 years. sources. associate degrees in UK community colleges. ~ ,, i >7 - "T


The University Of Kentucky has 13 commun- Kentucky residents normally are admitted as beginning freshmen if they graduate from an \/The College Of Dentistry and the College
itY colleges scattered across the state as Ashland accredited high school and submit the results of the American College Test (ACT). However, 0t Pharmacy were ranked by deans 0t profes-
- - - Henderson - - - Cumberland (SOUtheaSt) . - - there are selective admission requirements for freshmen entering the Colleges of Architecture sional 55h00'5 across the country 35 among the
Elizabethtown - - - Prestonsburg - - - HOPk'hS' and Allied Health. Non-residents of the state whose records indicate a reasonable probability of top five SChOOIS 0t their kind I” the nation.
ville . . . Somerset . . . Louisville (Jeffer- academic success at the University also are admitted. x/The UK Air Force ROTC was ranked in
son) . . . Paducah . . . Hazard ...Maysvi‘lle . .. Deadlines for applying for admission to the University are: Fall term __ June 1; Spring 1975 as one of the top two programs in the
Madisonville . . . and LeXington (Lexmgton semester _ Oct 15, Summer school _ April 1 nation.

. . ‘ I ’ . .

Technical Institute). Information for students on admission to the University may be obtained from 8 am. to 5 ‘/Th: Univesrgity _°f litml-Jcth/ now tranks

Whirligig““3:12;:gOILageesfii::e:;?dyeena:t2: p.m., Monday through Friday in Room 203 of the Administration Annex, or by writing ferrsfzflgchtdiltIZEsreceiriiiz‘dem '85 m e 00”” ry m
Re istrar Universit of Kentuck Lexin ton KY 40506 or tele honin 257-1606 . ' .

their undergraduate work at home or working ( g ’ y y, g ’ ) p g( ) x/The Tobacco and Health Research Insti-

toward an associate degree in a two-year techni- TUITION tute at UK is a world-wide leader in the amount

cal-vocational program to qualify them for 10b Tuition for full-time (12 hours or more of classwork per semester) undergraduate students 0f research on the problems 0f tobacco and

opportunities. The colleges also sponsor numer- who are residents of Kentucky is $240 per semester; for graduate school, $265; Law, $240; health.

ous continumg education and adult education Medicine and Dentistry $910 per year. x/The College of Engineering ranks 50th

programs to meet the educational needs 0f the” Non-resident tuition for full-time undergraduate students is $605 per semester; graduate among the engineering SChOOIS in the country in

communities. _ _ school $630; Law, $605; and Medicine and Dentistry $1,805 per year. research dollars received.

Current enrollment in the community col- \/The UK Debate Team consistently ranks
leges is about 17,000, and the colleges granted a RESIDENCE HALLS among the best college teams in the country in
total of 1,746 degrees in the 1975-76 school The University has 18 undergraduate residence halls which can accommodate 4,735 students national competition.
year. Enrollment in the community Colleges has on campus. In addition, the 22 fraternities and 15 sororities house another 1,432 students. \/The American Council on Education ranks
more than tripled in the past 10 years. Apartment buildings on campus can accommodate 506 single graduate students. There are also the UK Department of Political Science among

Tuition for residents 0f Kentucky at the 386 units for married students. the top 25 in the nation. And a 1973 survey
community colleges is $195 per semester. d th t UK It I ' t' t k d -

ROOM AND BOARD RATES revgale a pal iczl1 seien ll: 5 racn e sech
f der raduate students range from $1 130 to $1 410 per year on m the country In t e num er 0 researc
MEDICAL CENTER Room and board rates or un g . . , , , articles published.

The Albert B. Chandler Medical Center, depending on the meal plan selected. There is a ch0ice of four meal plans. \/The UK Library system’s total holdings
through its Wide range 0t programs in educa- EVENING CLASS PROGRAM ’ are about 1.6 million volumes, and the UK Li~
tion,‘patient care and research, '5 committed to This program includes credit and non-credit classes in the evening. Tuition is $20 per credit brary is recognized 35 one Of the finest univer-
meet'ng the health needs of'Kentuckians. hour. For information on current class schedule and registration call 257-2659 or write Evening SitY libraries in the Southeast. The Library also

There are five colleges In the Medical Cen- Class Program, 112 Frazee Hall. ranks ninth nationally in its microform holdings
ter — Medicine, Dentistry, Nursing, Pharmacy which total more than 1.4 million units.
and Allied Health — with more than 1,900 stu— INDEPENDENT STUDY PROGRAM
cl t II d. ' ' ‘ '

en 5 enro .8 . . This program offers morethan 150 UniyerSity courses for credit by correspondence. The NICKNAME: “WILDCATS”

The University Hospital serves some 16,000 program also offers non-credit courses deSigned to meet speCific vocational needs and 40
patients annually and accommodates more than courses at the high school level. For information on program offerings and registration call ”Wildcats,” a name
35,000 emergency room visits. Outpatient visits 257-2966 or write Independent Study Program, 1 Frazee Hall. that has become synon- a.“ 2.”
total more than 231,000 annually. ymous with national 54> 'A 3

OFF'CAMPUS PROGRAM champions, is one of the l—% , PM.
The University offers a number of courses each year at various locations throughout the oldest traditions at the ‘3 art-.3
DR. OTIS A. SINGLETARY state based on the educational needs of the local communities. Tuition for these extension University.The name was V L
. ' programs is $20 per undergraduate credit hour and $30 per graduate credit hour. There is also 3 attached to the University of Kentucky athletic

Dr. Otis Singletary 1",. - $2 service fee for each course. For information on class offerings call 257-2877 or write teams in 1909 when the head of the military
was dnamedf tlhe Ueighth . . ~ Off-Campus Class Program, 114 Frazee Hall. department commented, ”They fought like
presi ent o t e niver- % ties - n - _ -
sit in 1969 A histor ., ,3“- : CONTINUING EDUCATION Wildcats, In reference to a 6 2 Win over the

Y ' _ Y ,.?_ A: .§'l Univer5ity of Illin0is.
scholar, and a nationally 'y‘ “g, _ One of the fastest growing services of the University, continuing education programs are
recognized university ad- 1- ‘ j". designed to bring people up to date with the latest techniques and information in their fields of COLORS: BLUE AND WHITE
Shiifsgfiofixha: V3221: ho TM work. Numerouscolleges of the‘University — including medicine, dentistry, nursing, law, busi- Blue and white are the colors of the Univer-
. r . e ,,-,.. ness and economics and engineering — now sponsor a year-long series of programs. sity of Kentucky. A group of Kentucky foot-
served as Executive Vice / .« ball stalwarts who met to choose their colors in
Chancellor for Academic Affairs of the Univer- DONOVAN PROGRAM the 1890’s were responsible for the famed blue
sity Of Texas System- Under his leadorShiP tJK Named in honor of the fourth president of the University, the Herman L. Donovan Senior and white of the University. Someone suggested
has made tremendous progress In improvmg Citizens Fellowship program provides an opportunity for any person 65 years of age or older, blue and white __ “blue like Dick Stoll’s neck-
the. quality Of the educational programs Of the regardless of whether they are a resident of the state, to enroll in University courses tuition- tie.” Judge Richard c_ Stoll later became a
Un'VerSItY and Its 13 Community Colleges and free. The program graduated its first Ph.D. in 1975, Dr. Alfred David Arthurs of Montreal, prominent alumnus and trustee of the Univer-
Medlea' Center. Canada. Some 275 senior citizens participate in this unique program annually. sity,