xt7p8c9r524p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7p8c9r524p/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2012-03 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, March 2012 text GLSO News, March 2012 2012 2012-03 2019 true xt7p8c9r524p section xt7p8c9r524p fl GAY AND LESBIAN SERVICES ORGANIZATION
A Publication of the Lexington Gay and Lesbian Services Organization March 2012 Vol 34 No. 3
NOH8 (a.
Photo Shoot *7"
in Lexington! 9!.
1’ 6°
90 r:
j v Festival
, .A‘ ,' Logo
. v ~__e 4""; Chosen
‘ 41-) fr www.lexpridefest.org
Sponsored by _
GLSO Membership

 Do you have a healthy
. jealous
. callsyou‘
. flnmtemymn
. ‘keqnstradd’d‘yml
. isolatmymnfiumfimilyafiiemk
. omlmlling
. hypasasifive
. fmymimtolnvingsex
There is help.
Come to the free GLBT DV
support group.
Mondays 7pm-8pm
At the GLSO
For more information:
Call: 859-276-4457x237 or ®
Email: Sbaker.bcc@gmail.com

 Issue 3 20 12 Feature Story
NOH8 photo shoot
ICK busy in GSA Meeting
February/ March 6 Every Tuesday, 7 pm.
Pride Center
Trans Kentucky
ff¢:::ebrates Saturday, March 3, 6:30 pm.
8 Pride Center
Lexington Pride Festival Meeting
Thursday, March 8, 7 pm.
What does it mean Pride Center
to be a Christian? 9
Imperial Court of Kentucky Meeting
Sunday, March 11 & 25, 6 pm.
Pride Center
Blood Donation GLSO Board Meeting
Controversy 13 Thursday, March 1 & 15, 6:30 pm.
Pride Center
h Kentucky Bourbon Bears
Bac elor _ Board Meeting
Bachelorette Auction 14 Saturday, March 10, 9 pm.
GLSO Domestic Violence Support Group
Classifieds 16 Every Monday, 7 pm.
Pride Center

 GLSO News Issue 3 2012

_ . Aaron Baker, President
The GLSO News '5 PUP'Bhe—d Vice President, Ginger Moore-
monthly by and for the LeXIngton Minder
Gay and Lesbian Services Organi— Paul Brown, Secretary
zatlon members and community. Tommy Brodbeck, Treasurer
The mission of the Lexington Gay GLSO DIRECTORS
and Lesbian Services Organization
is to provide support and services
. Mary Crone, GSA
to the GLBTQQIA community. Jeremy Law, At Large
The vision of the Lexington Gay Don Lowe, At Large
and Lesbian Services Organiza-
tion is to empower the GLBTQQIA GLSO STAFF
community through voice.
Chad Hundley, Office Manager

The Lexington GLSO is founded
upon the core values of fun, in-
clusion, respect, integrity, dignity, EDITORIAL NOTES
sewlce and competence. The GLSO is currently looking for
GLSO Pride Center ntevaf cIciirntrtlbutotrsdand edlltorlal
389 Waller Avenue Sgt' @lr} eres e ’ e mal
Suite 100 e I or _g so.org.
Lexington, Ky. 40504 Prlde Center Hours
859.253.3233 agnd Mo3n &7TuesTH Clgsed,

e nes m- m urs m-
www.g|so.org 7pm, Fri _p Magi-5pm and pSat


"Views expressed in this newsletter are solely those of the contributor and
do not necessarily reflect the views of the GLSO."

 He has a secret...
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! twcrrflmm 63mg: or"Yitéittihrpmthreinefirogfl'imfitu‘rgtan"”Hermann ‘
E ”Tm WWW/arm» bimeh’erw "KW/me afiflmfik‘emh‘: mt obit
[ ' "My/We @427}. {if W/rVflt/rnoAW/nfitflmms}
i 317"]??? Twat“ rpn-j t: 7Q ; K: 77% 1?“; EA", “wire 1 j
; :.:.<\-i\i-.g.>ra7 :rO {Ursiié‘xfigfiflksa ELEV b.3133 .1 {sigrmrurifgiq _
333 Waller Avenue, Suite 120 V Volunteers
Lexington, KY40504 / f . .
Schedule an appointment: 0 1 unenca
(859) 254-3469 ext- 226 K E N TU c KY

 Imperial Court Show starts at 9; 30pm .but get
Busy In February/March there early to enfoya drink With
By Shot 2 us first. The fol owmg weekend
. ' on Saturday, March 10 at 6pm we
Contributor will be helping our furry friends
. . once again as we provide the en-
February was an eXCIting month tertainment for the Scott County
for the "metal Court bf Kentucky. Humane Societies annual event,
Congratulations are in order to Wags and Drags. For more infer-
several Of our members and their mation and to order your tickets
wonderful accomplishments. First go to www.imperia|courtkentucky.
we would like to congratulate our org. On Tuesday, March 20, Lex-
first King Of Drag Winner, MYSt'ka' ington Fairness will be hosting
Jackson. Next we would like to the NOH8 campaign at the Hil—
welcome our newly crowned Miss ton in downtown Lexington. We
Gay Valentine 2012, Starla Velour. encourage everyone to stop by
You are nothing short 0f amazing! the Hilton and get in line to have
Last, bUt ."Ot least, congratula— your NOH8 photo taken to show
tions to His Excellency, Wes Nel- your support. We have been ask
50”! Emperor 28 0f t e Imper'a' to host a fundraiser at Crossings
Court Of Kentucky f9". h's appomt— Lexington for Lexington Fairness
merit a? ”We Minister Of Her immediately following the photo
Majestys Parliament. shoot. Watch our Facebook page
. for more information about the
The Imperial Court of Kentucky show. Then get out our gowns
was represented .well at three out and tuxes and get reaJy for the al-
of state Coronations in February. ways fabulous Falsie Awards being
Our members were seen Ptomofi- held on Sunday, March 25 at the
ing our upcoming Coronation in Crown plaza Campbell House _
June as far north as Halifax and Bogart's Lounge. Nominations are
as far West as San Diego and posted on the Imperial Court of
San FranCIsco. In our travels we Kentucky Facebook page and vot-
get theopportunity to make new ing for Outstanding Achievement
COW friends and promote_the Im— in Hair, Outstanding Achievement
perial Court of_Kentucky mother in Make-up, and Absolut Diva of
realms :5 ‘l’ée ”"V'te 0? friertids, the Year 2012 can be done there
new an o I to our_ orona'ion as well. Just go to the appropri-
31: A Red.Car pet Affair _ A N'ght ate folder on our page and vote by
With the Silverscreen Academy on “Like”ing your favorites for each
June 3, 2012- gategory. hVoting ends oanhurs-
. ay, Marc 22 at 2pm so e sure
The Imperial Court Of Kentucky to vote for your favorite. These
w'" be experiencmg their_own votes will determine the winners
form 0f March Madness w'tb a of the two categories Outstand—
month full of eXCItihg shows lined ing Achievement in Hair and Cut-
up. Its Kentucky 5. turn to beet standing Achievement in Make-
the annual M'55 5'9 Bone be." up. The top 3 vote recipients in
pageant and we w‘” be haV'bg 't the “Absolut Diva...” folder on
on Sunday, Mareh 4. at Croesmgs Facebook will qualify to compete
Lsxmgtyn- Dont m'es the Bone for Absolut Diva of the Year 2012
Licking category; '.t '5 a definite at the Falsie Awards. The night
must see! Applications are avail— of the Falsies, each attendee with
able now by contacting Empress receive a ballot to cast with paid
30' ShotZ, at shotZWIthaz@live. admission to the event. If you
com or call/text to 859-229-2122. (see Court Page 14)
— |

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The ocodeTy cf C'OQ orTs Ea sciefices
DOOR: 7:00PM
SHOW: 8:00PM
The ccmobeH hoLJse, cr‘owre 0102c:

M'Sd 7.. , L
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raj” _ J Li; Twizfixfixmgawk !
W/ 9242/

 GSA celebrates hanging out with us. We some-
Eleventh Anniversary times refer to our youth as our
“Queerlings”, a word invented by
The GLSO Gay Straight Alliance Th'by Trent, a 'Ohg'term GSA ad'
for Youth has now been active for Viser.
eleven years! We started to have .
meetings in a half-completed It has been great to work W.'th
pride Center in February, 2001_ teens during these years. I think
We had 3 youths at two meetings that teenagers are on the cutting
in February. Then our first meet— edge 0f many Changes 'h our eel"
ing in March attracted 13 high ture. They are risk takers; Will-
school teens plus an older sister lhg to tell the truth, as they know
who wanted to be sure her broth- 'ti about who then are- They! are
er would be OK. (He now works knowledgeable, 5 aring W't ”5
for an auction house in Chicago. information to help fellow teens
doing better than OK.) " who are struggling with unsup-
portive families or with suicidal
We met in what is now the com- feelings. . . . .
puter room and, boy, it was They are also actiwsts, setting
crowded! The energy was electric. up information booths at their
There was sawing and hammer- schools, Fe'ebE?E.'“9 Ally week!
ing in the larger room but that did Day 9f Silence i .NO Name Calling
not drown out the excited con- Week i and working to stop bul-
versation. Those young people- lying. one sch90' GSA published
-and others who have spent time a magazine W'th articles about
with us--are now collegiate lead- GLBTQ 'seues- Some youth take
ers, activists, dancers, authors, a stand Simply by being flamboy-
teacihers, mgthers, actchrg, and antly themselves.
wor in a wi e variety 0 iversi- -
fied fields. Among our graduates, Calling All Volunteers!!
ii in iiinig
a writer who was nominated [for a about contacting us for volunteer-
Lambda Literary Award while still itngdfor the PrigeZestlivatl]. We have
in college. a _many in NI uas ep us in
firewohs ygears and hope that we
“ - u - . ave t e iggest turnout an re-
evhgri $55233 egg d ah)e%%n%fmr?i2 sponse ever for volunteers for the
school GSA, ordered a high school day Of and the duties leading up to
ring with the initials “GSA” on it. the FeSt'VaL pert? 3“? m‘i‘iny V0"
This is just one example of how _un eeij oppo uni ies .m a areas
many of our youth have worked including merchandismg, conces-
for and achieved a change in the Sions, first aid, serwces, actiwties,
atmosphere in local high schools. set-up and breakdown and more.
mgyigfyvgfageiglegeerncgss afiggfig All volunteers will receive a little
now gearing up for our sixth Pride something as a token Of appre-
Prom. Ciation. Take 2 hours to volunteer
and then enjoy rthe rest of the1 dlay
Straight teens share a part in the an now you a .a part 'h e p-
(hSAs, ttoo. Sometimesl they are ing to make 't pOSSIble.
t ere ecause t ey aso experi- .
ence themselves as different, in For any arid all Pride voltl‘inteer
some way, from the dominant inqumes, pease contact C ad at
culture; some have a gay person chad@lexpridefest.org or Adam at
in their family; others just enjoy adam@lexpridefest.org.

 What Does It Mean frolcln the book (if thn 15:12-13h“This
. . is y comman ; ove one anot eras
to Be A ChrISt'an? I have loved you. No one has greater
By Pastor Karen Taylor, love than this, that someone would
Contributor lay down his life for his friends.” This
Recently I took a simple survey asking command IS impossible tokeep With-
friends, co-workers, and my Facebook OUt the help 0f the HOIY Splrlt- We are
friends what they thought it meant to to thlnk more Of one another than we
be a Christian. I received a variety do ourselves. The fact that Christ was
of answers but none that surprised Wl”ln9 to suffer the torment and pain
me. My church friends answered the He dld _so that I COUId spend eternity
way I would have expected with it’s Wlth Hlm lS beyond my comprehen-
being Christ like. Others, who clas— Slon- Yet I know He dld. And that
sify themselves as Christians, gave tYPe 0f love He showed US we are to
answers like being a good person, not show one another. This love takes a
hurting people, being truthful, not lot of different forms. _It comes In the
stealing, back stabbing, that sort of form of lending a helping hand when
thing. Then a few who do not see we would rather be domg some-
themselves as a Christian gave a little thlng else. Its demonstrated when
more vague answer like who’s to say YOU reach'out to someone You know
with so many different religions. As needs {3 klnd word or a listening ear.
a minister of the gospel, 1 look to the Its glvmg up your Starbucks money
Bible for my definition of a Christian. so someone can receive a much
Even though the Bible needed meal. Many probably know of
doesn't come right out with a defini- a story where someone went to great
tion it does give us a description. Je- lengths, perhaps to the pomt of near
sus told his disciples to come follow death, to save someone else. . The
me. By that Jesus was not referring to people who call themselves Christian
just drop what you are doing and walk and spouthate and condemnation are
with Me, but learn from Me, do what not followmg Christ’s example and do
I do. One of Christ’s characteristics _Idare say they have no busmess call-
is forgiveness. The first thing I think lng themselves CthStlan- . .
of is the story of the woman who was , , Another characteristic of
caught in adultery and was about to Christ IS that-he was determined to do
be stoned to death by the crowds of only what Hrs Father In heaven told
people. When confronted about the Hlln to do. John 8228h'29 “BUt JUSt
situation Jesus simply states that the as the Father taught Me, I say these
person without sin can throw the first things. The One Who sent Me IS Wlth
stone. No one did, they all walked Me- He has not left Me alone, ,be;
away. Jesus looks at the woman and cause I always do what pleases Hlm-
says basically that no one is accusing In case YOU _need further DFOOf that
you, now go and sin no more. Je— Jesus only dld what the Father told
sus knew she was guilty but wasn’t Him you need look no further than the
there to put blame or guilt, just to Garden of Gethsemane. It was there
say yes you missed it by CQmmitting _Jesus cried out to His_Father that if
adultery but stop committing the sin it were pOSSIble for this cu? (mean-
and carry on with life. The definition ln9 HIS death on the Cross to pass
of sin is missing the mark and we all HIm by then please let It be so. Yet,
do that. The mark of course is being Jesus continues, Its not what I want
like Christ. Ephesians 1:7 “We have that matters. If_thIs Is what you want
redemption in Him through His blood, from ,me you Will have It. As I_ wnte
the forgiveness of our trespasses, thIS I m feeling over whelmed Wlth the
according to the riches of His grace” love Jesus has for us. Has God been
Redemption in Him is having been calling YOU? He COUId be calling You
bought with the price of the blood of to a heart _to heart relationship Wlth
Christ on the cross which results in to- HIm, ot calling you to mIsSIon work_ of
tal forgiveness. Then we are told to some klnd, or perhaps Hesiust calling
go and forgive as we have been for- YOLl to Stand UP for Hlm where ever
given. you go. Oh for the heart of Christ that
Jesus was all about show— longs to follow after God the Father.
ing the love of God the Father. One A characteristic that (see
of my favorite verses on love comes Christian Page 10)

 Wednesday nght they as a group (because there
Discussion Group was some who converted) would
IS Back not accept Jesus as the Messiah,
the set tol spread the hmessage t?
Wednesda ni ht Discussion t e Gent'esr t ose W 0 were no
Group is startinggback at 7PM on born JeWIsh. A read through the
Wednesday February 1 2012 and first four books of the New Testa-
every Wednesday thereafter ment Will demonstrate the resolve
' gresus had t8 fget the word ((3qu.
- - en just e ore e ascen e
ghgeDiéghsgfnggm‘J/i/Jéfield/ta]:thi: into heaven He told the disciples
a support group for newly com- that as God had sent Him, He was
ing out, newly broken up, newly sending them/us. .
widowed/widower, problems with . _Wh?at does 't mean to be
work, friends or family because of a Christian. Its not an easy an-
sexual orientation. In short, any swer_ for .a Facebook response or
problem related to being GLBT in a QUICK discusswn during a teach-
central and eastern Kentucky. .ers 20 minute lunch break. BUt 't
is gjoodI to thinkfabout who lwe are
The group is a support group, not an V‘.’ Y we re er to Curse ves as
therapy. This year, there will be a a Chrlstian from time to time, be-
topic every third Wednesday. This cause '.t5 easy to forget._ Its easy
month is “Coming Out Stories”. to fall Into that rut of Just gomg
Why don’t you come and tell your to church or saying a prayer here
unique story about coming out? and there. Tollearn more about
We all have one and we all have being a Chr'St'an .0!’ about the
that in common. ways of the Bible, Jom us for our
10:80 am Sunday goaning serVIce
If you are not out yet and are out at pen Arms 0 0 Ministry 'n
to youfrself, this is ah safe dspot to the Pride Center on Waller Ave.
come or su port. e Pri e Cen- - -
ter may looE scary the first time, Senior Socual GrouP
but I assure you that there are
welcoming and accepting people The GLSO is interested in start-
there. The group_wi|l be co-led by ing a Senior Social Group that will 3
Ginger Moore-Minder and ChrIs meet Saturday, March 17th at 7PM
Whittington. It is open to every- at the Pride Center.
Anyone 55 or over interested in
(Christian from Page 9) 10'”an your commun'tv. _to or-
ganize some soaal actiwties for
lows suit with the previous trait is GLBTQQIA seniors, please come
that Jesus was relentless in show— and bring your spouses 0" friends.
ing people the way to eternity Or come [alone and meet some-
with God. Everywhere He went one! Lets plan dinners, movnes,
and the people gathered He was sports, trips, and 09“”.95- Lets
preaching about the ways of God. get together for speCIal interests,
He desired for all to be saved, es— 'n short, any excuse to get °Ut
pecially the chosen people the Is- and have fun. . .
raelites/Jewish people. He taught The Pride Center '5 handicapped
his disciples what to say, how to friendly, 5.0 dont let that stop you
get the word out that the Messiah from coming. Call 2530061.“) let
had come and in fact was right ”5 know you are coming, 0" 'f you
in front of you. That it was by have any questions. We are hop-
faith in Him we are saved. When ing for a large crowd- Come and
10 meet some new friends! I

 Join the GLSO
Member Program

www.g|so.org/ membership

 NOH8 Campalgn Open the signature NOH8 photos.
Photo Shoot c I b 'ty Ph t h & NOH8
in x' t n!!! 66 n oograp er
B treai “gagmgack Co-Founder Adam Bouska will
y Cogtributor ’ be} working 5ar06Jrid the 1clock ta
oto ra -1 rames or eac
on Tuesday, _March 20th the NOH8 Bersor? that comes through. The
Campaign W'” set up their'mobile final selection he chooses will be
StUd'o at the “it?“ Lexington/ retouched and made available to
Downtown Hotel 'h Lexmgton! you in about 8 weeks through the
The photo shoot is scheduled website' www NOH8Campaign
to begin at 5:00PM and end at com ' ' '
8:00PM. In coordination ”with
Lexington Fairness, t i? W e Make sure to arrive between
the NOH8 Campa'gn's ”5t Ph°t° 5:00PM and 8:00PM at the Hilton
5h°°t 'h Kentucky! Lexington/Downtown Hotel (369
West Vine Street, Lexington, KY
You do not need to make reserva- 40507)_ Come camera ready wear
tions; it's first come, first served white and pose and make a’state-
— and they move quickly! When mentll
you arrive, you will receive a num- '
bered model release to fill out, Once you an—iye the NOH8 Cam—
followed by receivmg your NOH8 paign will apply the NOH8 tempo-
tattoo. Numbers Will be called rary tattoo to your face, and they
throughout the day, and your cor“ will also supply you with the silver
responding release number Will duct tape for the photo
signal your time to line up to have '
Your mom taken. If you are ilnterfeséed ihnsvolunteer-
. . . ing, e—mai in o no campaign.
The C053 OfPOS'hg for an thc'al com with your contact information
{232.8 portrait break down as f0" and make sure to note you'd like
SOLO PORTRAITS are $40.00 go‘s/grinnteer for the Lexmgton, KY
are $25-00 per person Funds raise?) by thg NOH8 Cam-
. paign wi e use to continue
The NOH8 Campaign accepts promoting and raising awareness
cash, most major credit cards, and for marriage equality and anti-
Cheek§ made em to NOH8Cam- discrimination through NOH8’s
paign. Fees cover serv1ces &_pro— interactive media campaign. This
cefismg for one retouched d'g'ta' includes bringing the campaign to
phht only (made available through other cities around the country, as
www.NQH8Campaign.com) and well as compiling the images for
do not include phy5ica| prints. a large-scale media campaign.
. . . Under consideration is the expan-
The lines moves quickly, so doni sion of the campaign to other me—
let the RSVPS ‘ht'm'date you. dia, including television and radio
The Campaign always does the" broadcast, billboards, and maga-
best to make sure t at everyone zines. Contributions are also used
‘h “he by 8'00? M has a chance to cover the daily operations and
to P959 for the” photo ' and up maintenance necessary to run this
to this pomt, they havent ever rapidly growing campaign.
had to turn anyone away! Anyone The NOH8 Campaign is an 3P'
that would. like to join the NOH8 proved 501(c)(3) donations
Campalg.“ '5 asked to wear a plain will be tax-deductihle up to the
white shirt to match the look of amount allowable bylaw.
— I

 The BIOOd Donatlon tell African Americans that they
Controversy: are permanently deferred from
IS it okay to lie? donating blood simply because
By Aaron Baker of the color of their skin. The
Contributor & GLéo statistics make clear that it isn’t
President the risk of HIV which drives the
ban, but rather a climate that
I hope everyone is enjoying makes it okay to discriminate
the new column by Cousin based on sexual orientation.
Query. I know you’re reading The counterpoint is that while
it, because I’ve heard from a blood testing procedures have
number of readers that they improved drastically since this
were appalled that Cousin rule was first enacted during
Query said he has lied in order the AIDS scare of the mid-
to donate blood. 19805, there is still a risk that
It’s certainly a sensitive topic, some HIV-infected blood will
situated at the crossroads be- make it past the testing proce-
tween legality and morality. In dures. While this is true, and
Canada, it is illegal to lie in or- there is a very real need to pre-
der to donate blood, but that’s screen blood by turning away
not the case here in Kentucky. high-risk donors, current policy
Nevertheless, some people still is throwing out the baby with
believe that it is immoral. the bath water. A better pol-
icy would involve tailoring the
My own personal view is that screening questions towards
the ban on gay men donat— high-risk behaviors, rather
ing blood is immoral, and that than excluding an entire group
in order to provide lifesav- of people regardless of how
ing blood, it is acceptable to safe an indivi ual member is.
lie when asked the question, Until the screeners begin ask-
“Have you had sex wit a man ing specific questions about
since 1977?” But there’sa ca- high risk behaviors like IV
veat: you should be sure of drug use and unprotected sex,
your status first. many of us are stuck with the
You might wonder why I’m so conundrum of how to answer
convinced that the ban on gay that pesky little question about
men donating blood is rooted whether we've had sex with a
in homophobia, rather than man since 1977. Whether to
good science. Consider these lie in order to donate blood is
statistics: in 2005, men who a question that each person
have sex with men account— must answer for himself, but
ed for 49 percent of new HIV I recommend a middle ground
cases. These men are perma- of personal responsibility. In
nently deferred as blood do- Central Kentucky, organiza-
nors if they answer the ques- tions like AVOL make it easy to
tions honestly. know your status. If you prac-
By contrast, in 2007, African tice safe sex and get regular
Americans accounted for 49 HIV tEStS to know your StatUSr
percent of new HIV cases. It I see no problem with telling a
would be utterly unthinkable to white lie to save lives.

 Stonewall totals of the paper ballots.)
One World Film Festival . .
Wrapping up March we Will be attend-
ThurSdayI MarCh 8/ 5 Pm ing the annual New York City Corona-
and 7:30 pm tiont, Night of a Thousarad Gowns. We
invi e anyone intereste in joining us
KentugKRyE-Eheater to contact the Reigning Monarchs, Em—
ggrga 31% FfreddWorlsham and Empress
. . o , or t ' .
Stonewall is a fictionalized ac- e as
count of the weeks leading up We hope to see you all soon! Remem—
to the Stonewall riots of 1969. Per t9 check our web Page at www.
imperi'a:lcoubrtkingucléyorg aBd/or flow}
Inspired by the memoir by gay us on ace _00 or etai s a out a .o
historian Martin Duberman, the gsgntgmm fundra's'ng and soc'al
film mixes historic fact with fic-
tion to explore gay life and civil Bachelor/ Bachelor-
rights actIVIties of this time pe- ette Auction planned
”00" by Chad _Hundley,
Matty Dean arrives lg NewJork Contributor '
City, become frien s wit La .
The third annual Bachelor
Meranda aréld other rlsccal drag Bachelorette Auction will be
EaflSeQS’tfig Stlcsinleavl/lgll Inunp m a held on Sunday, April 22nd at
' Blogart’s Lounge in thedCrown
- P aza Hotel. Door n ient
la-léaticgisetgtsv‘arng gill“ W'th 3?)? auction items will aope: at
or peac u 6:30pm and the show and auc—
protest. tion will start at 7:30pm.
Matty helps La Meranda deal . .
with the draft board, visits Fire Eh'sHimtt Jiofigerkéo 3&8 aergl
Island, and learns about the F' . ' . p p_
mafia's controllin - - p e up for auction, highest bid-
9 interest 'n der gets to go to dinner with
gay bars. the auctionee and dthe best Ipart
- - - is we provide the inner! A ong
Th'st '5 in enjoyable fill‘mtthat with the Bachelor/Bachelorette
aso eac es some gay '5 ory. auction there will be a silent
(Court continued from Page 6) aUCtlon W'th 'tems-
are attending Coronation as a no- Admission price is $10/$5 with
mimee, meaning YOU get in free, valid student ID. All proceeds
you may purchase one and only one benefit the services of the
all“? $1: T'Besii’Otes fngt thfi GLSO and Pride Festival Spe-
votes rom ace oo coupe wit - 3
any points'received for their perfor— Elakl drag pedrfoi‘matnhces w'll als?
mances Will determine which lady a e page urlng 9 course 0
becomes Absolut Diva of the Year the evening as well.
2012. (The girl making 'the most
tips from her number Will get 10 If you would like more info,
genteel. eeiticggttztzsczns volunteer to be auctioned or
the girl receiving the third mdst in dgfnat? an 'tem t9 be auctioned
tips will receive 8 votes added to the 8rg’ p ease email Chad@gl50-

 fl QinQ
,1 . .4;
,‘ :: '
E-Newsletter Subscription
In a mission to ”Go Green" the (1150 Newsletter is giving you the op-
tion of helping the GLSO to save some "GREEN“ by reducing our
printing oosts. We’re doing this by offering the option of receiving
your newsletter as a monthly e-blast through your email.
If you wish to receive your FREE ehlast newsletter, please send your
info including your first and last name and email address to
changlsoorg or sign up directly at glso.org/newsub.php.
Since we will still send our paper newsletter to anyone who wants it,
you may help us to cover our printing costs by making a tax-
deductible donation to the GlSO. You may send your donation to:
GlSO, 389 Waller Ave., Suite 10!}, Lexington, KY 40504.
I —E

 March 2012 Canopy Tent for Sale
Classifieds A screened tent for camp-
ing or backyard use for sale.
Asking price is $35 with the
1 BR Apartments for proceeds going to the Gay
Rent Straight Alliance for Youth.
Come by the Pride Center
North Hanover Ave, just off during normal office hours
East Main St, near Woodland to take a look!
Park. Kitchen & bath. Private
entry. $550 per mnth plus Whirlpool Washer&
electric. $250 deposit, pet Dryer Set for Sale
friendly, Section 8 Welcome.
Laundry room on site. Please Excellent condition. Hardly
call Nori at 859-230-8079. used. Asking $399, no less!
Will even help you load dur-
HIV+ Partner Support ing the week after 5pm.
Group Interest Contact the Pride Center for
pictures and more info. Seri-
There is interest in starting ous inquiries only.
a support group for partners
of HIV+ individuals. If you Fur Coat For Sale
or someone you know would
be interested in attending Gorgeous Fur Coat valued
this, please contact Rodney at $15,000. Asking only
at R.Day66@gmail.com. $3,000. Would be great for
an elegant drag performer
Library Volunteers or classy real girl. Pictures
Needed available upon request. If
interested, please contact
The GLSO Pride Center is Joyce K Cruse at 859—254-
in search of individuals who 682.
would like to help update
the Pride Center library. We For more information or
use the Library of Congress to placea FREE classified
system. All of the neces- ad please email the detailed
sary equipment & materials info to Chad at chad@glso.
are available but just need org. All classifieds should be
volunteers willing to donate directed through the Pride
some time & talent to cata— Center and should contain
log some new additions to the basic information of
our library. Please contact who, what, when, where,
the Pride Center for more in- cost, etc. Deadline is March
formation. 20, 2012.

e (I 30 fidiiiiiwr sit.
The Imperial Court of Kentucky
impclky@aol.com “'“wlmpelinlCounKcnluckyorg
GLSO News Monthly Sponsors
SisterSound 859.806.0243
Diverse Music for all Women
DJ Fix My PC! Technology Support 859.368.2734
Debra Hensley Insurance 859.276.3244
1513 Nicholasville Road
Lexington Faimess—wwvulexfainorg 859.951.8565
Unitarian Universalist Church 859.223.1448
3564 Clays Mil Road
Scott Ackerman, Keller Williams Bluegrass Reality 859.338.8483
GLSO Pride Center—wwwglsoorg 859.253.3233
Lexington Pride Festival—wwwlexpridefestorg 859.253.3233
Open Arms of God Ministry 502.545.6355
I —

 GLSO Phone Directory
A community resource page for gay and/or Sister Sound 859.806.0243
gay-friendly organizations across Kentucky. Social Services, Lexington 211
. _ Speaker’s Bureau 859.266.5904
WIDE: TransKentucky cassiemtf@
AIDS Volunteers Inc (AVOL) 859.225.3000 yahoo-com
Cumberland Region, SE Ky. 606.864.3776 United Way 859.313.5465
Health Dept., Fayette 859.288.2437 W
877-506-2437 Integrity, Ky. Diocese 859.369.9691
Health Dept., Jessamine 859.885.4149 Integrity, St. Martha’s 859.533.9851
Health Dept., Woodford 859'873'4541 Interweave, Unitarian 859.266.5904
HIV/AIDS Legal Project 502.584.1254 Lex Friends, Quakers 859.254.3319
Louisville Region 502.574.0161 Mercy Ministry Church 859.358.3357
Moveable Feast 859.252.2867 MCC Paducah 2704433339
N°rthem KY- Region 859341-4254 Open Arms of God Ministry 502.545.6355
UK Adolescent Medicine 859.323.5643
gamma-m, and Sag-a. 5mm Studentfimuns
24-Hour Crisis Line 800.928.8000 39“ C°”ege ACE 859958-3633
24—Hour Teen Crisis Line 800.999.9999 Centre College BGLA 859'238'5332
Alcoholics Anonymous 859.967.9960 Morehead State University 606.783.2294
AA/Alcoholic Teens 859.277.1877 ’f/".
Bluegrass COLTS 859.225.9169 av”
Council for Peace 8i Justice 859.225.6999 ( :
Discussion Group 859.253.3233 .5 (’0‘ {6‘8
Fairness of Louisville 502.893.0788 cOVECcoS‘l'g
Gay Straight Alliance, Teens 859.266.5904 ‘; ffio°°§te W ,
GLSO Pride Center 859.253.3233 «$89238 ,_
Imperial Court of Kentucky 859.619.7521 aoefieootg '-
International Gay Bowling 859.276.3058 E (’6 \
Kentucky Fairness 270.703.1582 ‘1‘}
Lexington Fairness 859.951-8565 ”4/
Lexington Human Rights 859.252.4931
Lexington Insight Group 859.230.2428
Lexington Pride Festival 859.253.3233 GLSO News Deadline
MACT 859.358.8335 March 20
PFLAG Lexington 859.338.7393 Send articles and ads to
PLFAG Louisville 502.329.0229 editor®glsoorg
[1— I

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