xt7p8c9r518g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7p8c9r518g/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 1914-02-19 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 6, No. 21, February 19, 1914 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 6, No. 21, February 19, 1914 1914 1914-02-19 2015 true xt7p8c9r518g section xt7p8c9r518g s P
1 ' l l`
U ° i f K
HIVBFS ty O €l'1tL1Cky
‘ F' I W k B ' 6IVEllAlPIlUGBAM UF I
l ma ee rmgs G ee Club Concert
' [ d Cl T ll SKETUHES ANU MUSIC · · ·
ea ers cse oget er ,_ F rlled W wth F rohc
Miss Bell Continues to Lead—Miss Geisel by Consist- IIIIIIS lllll Bllllll Walls All Opera House Filled With Highly Pleased Townsmen and
_ ent Game Steps Into Second Place mlstlc allll E l mllllll Students—Best Amateur Perform-
m the Final Drlve. ll a !· l ance Wltnessed.
*1 9 1 1
MONDAY LAST DAY OF GREAT CONTEST wlll lll lm ll mlml that gm LLEOPATRA S ASP__l’lltJl7 {TFL 0 MY HEART.
C|’lt€¥'(BlI`lm¢‘Tll, SDRDDY, (‘l¢’8l’l Hlld NP
Fquowigg |g [hg Official gtgndlng of   fl-ell-llngl has 8 plupc ln the llycellm_ Bgforg ;l tllgrgllgllly nccelltgblg  
  conlesmm lll ll pl ml Tuesday. WILDC TS Sw and that [ll0llB8¥'ldS want just such a eudleneel llle glee Club pu; llle pres- PROBE CGMMITTEE
THE SERIES WITH ¤’°$’°'“-E"**° "°l’·°“¤ ¤°'€° LY°““'“ lll ll ul l·lll l ql m l ll rlleq-
Miss Jeanette sen .................................,..,.. 15,260 C08Cl`l elle elllerlelllel, [llRI’l¥l€d mls ° “’ “ ‘° "’ ° ‘ ‘“ " *" ‘ MAKE REPORT QN
Mlg, l.~,,,,c,, G,,,,el____ _____'______________________ 12,810 UNIV. TENNESSEE eemplllly, plllllllg Glenn \Vells, the der ¤lsh¢.-’l¤e¤ll¤el>eel>le eftllelewll _ _ _ _
, Mlll. Ruby Julo Tllc“l._____ ______ ml ____ ullzo -——· lxelllglll |l¤8€l'. Dl¤lll¤@ lllld RCW?. lll and a large representation from the      
M". Ptuuue   wlmmlluwlllmnlkllll     c°|\[||f| F||f EXhlbHl°f\| qf He in Assisted   · quartet of beau-lbory of B[Ud€n(S heard l,ll€lI` lll`l€0ll - -
Ml", Lll. E,t,,_____ ____ _m _______ _ ____ _ __________ _ ____ 2,940 Ba•k•t Ball, Wlth Just Enough tltnl talented young women, all or charming and varied numbers. Finds That Discipline and Professors
Ml" Ellnlwlll llllodcllmlmmwi 2'020 wlldul pep", on Hand to xlllltlllu ellavelgnnad sell?-llral learn 0fnL};; The rendition or 0l!enbach`s "Ileau- Do Teo Llttle—Urging Teaching
Ml R Pull the Deelelon Home. pe ce' ey. crm a rs' tious Night" was a good starter. No Force Deereaged.
ss ebecca Smith .... e ............ - .... H .... - .... 1,340 class singing quartet and wlll do l
Mill Ruby Barnett ..... . ......... -...,,,..,.,,,,,,.. 1,300 ··—· some instrumental work gg well_ less delightful were numbers two, -—-
ull. Florence llllelle...t..-.- ................... 1,010 ¤-Aer GAME <=L<>e=- S°°” "“'* • °“°"°° °' "°“’°° '°' lluee wld leur- brlrelne lll "**°¤e>’ Alter Slew l·¤~¤·¤l¤*·r me ·*i· ··
wlll] the ·¤n°u¤c°me¤t that Tues- . .   Ql/l ;0\lvll,"n"'I’llle Lost Clllxlrd" glllilr if llootlilnstelr l(~nl1ll>lll·tl·d thru rl·l».llrll· ln
’ ’·—··—··r- I' H1. COIII POS 0ll 0 l . . l€ 9 IS ll` 0 ll.‘ lll\‘M% l': ltll
day would be me ll", llly to volvo on The Wildcats whirlwind offense was   ll S er; l le Selnlor chemist was mm 5; rail e ull ls l ll all ll
4.*  . €ll'Hl8Il, it ' l · Q P 8. (‘0ll( lllls ll lll l il 4*
old lulllcrlllllollll Young was llellvlel good for both games with University U   l ll:  V 1: U U
lull week mm ll hu been llllrlllg my ot Tennessee, on the Auditorium floor _l,__·l _v__l_    Q egljj ~$ l enjoyed by all. Botll of his pieces, llnlverslty, the llrllhn r·tllll»lllltl·l·_ wlll.
· week or llle eelllell lllll contrary to lm Wm- “’¤°¤°=°·y ¤l¤¤l¤¤ Km   ...       "”‘*"“°"°“ °’ K- S· ‘ '·'' ““" "*‘°"‘ l’°“°*‘ °‘ S‘““““"“ "'“"""` "· *'"“· "·
l me lllullcllllll ol llllllll, tml ll would tucky won easily by 21 to 14, and   i f "      tucky’s Evening Song," were cheered ll. Knight, W. W. llooles, ll. ll, <>l·.·l-.
dcwlmlnc the wlllllor ll only served Thursday's game went to the Blue and     ’  ‘  _       gladsomely. street and G. (‘. Spears cllllell Mr,
· to dl", lllll lllllll,. clollol, mgelllell White by the close count of 20 to 18.         ”" l Mr, Bmulngl llle eelllst, with Mlselllylvell lllavies. buslness nulent or llle
The llllll result ls as much llllcemllll Both games were the best exhibitions i==la;:=f‘-ya gl ‘§g§;gg;gel ;;j;;=-g3==· =._l§;·  l;;;l,l ¤* __= Frances Gelsel, accompanist, was en- ( llll'€l`SllY· Judge “· T· l·lll`l*‘l`lY· U<‘llll
¤·l*‘*‘·`·2 ’ ‘¥:?‘¥: #.7: *'1E‘·‘  _,;f  Flr ·‘-?i*¤E??}`E'Y   v v •· · l · ,
l all owl, md wlll "llllllll llc lllllll the staged this season on the home court-       i l cored when he gave "Klrmes" with hlslgl lllellgllv iv0l:<‘8<‘·-sw ll; (llllltz  
• -·x;»¥EZ;E"€§· " _ raf 0 0 Il \'€‘l'9l Y. . '. ru lflll.
poll. an closed at 6 ll mn Monday. Wedneedaya Game. _ . ,» 6),% ,, bow and tlddle. The work of Tylerl l l
Fllollllll ol me llllw lenders lll,6 llll The Kentucky tlve were winners   -— e ~ ' - watts and Mlee Gelgell wlllle preeerlplconlmandant of cadets. and ll. >. l.llr-
l cl-{ming victory and   put forth from the urs" Whistler and Outpluyed         lng HTll8lS" 8[ld the "Ellgllsll Dances"|k€l`. [}r€Sld€nl. of lll€ ['lllV*‘l`Sll}', illlll
r well, allan to wlll the coveted llllze the Tennesseeans at every angle. The accompaniment will be a novel tea- was or el eharacter no less than lllgh. luueetlehed them iu rel-rerll lu the eru-
ture. Readings by Eileen 0'Shaugh· l. . ·· . ·- l l l r tl ‘ , ···, · ·;1 l· lm.
fer lhelr eendldele. whlle rumere ere mt °°°r W°rk °f M°rg°:;°;1;"?w`;" nessy 8.Dd Peggy oweul are other ITM Juét Sm°E°h€SZ.  rmllgll ""*~f§f§`,,,f°“‘“C 0 mr mm HM
afloat that a "long shot" will win out groomed b°°k°t °y° m° ° ° ee V c` favorite teatures. llou L°‘ able Lh"€· ‘°“ reaml " _ _ l _ _
lll the lllllll dlll,8 Tllls ls by lm tory possible. Scott held his forward A group of costume gouge, in wlllell lol Old lgrlny and me long as tllel ln l1l]dlll0ll to questions lll l`t*§Lll`ll to
' . . the whole company appears. will be , . l l. l ·· » · ll tl   lt' el ltte li ·~ l` >lll·
menus lmpollslllle all ll ls only ll mlm down ln great style, and besides man very amacllve. Song! wlll be sung glldmm. ll ( mm ( reell, llere Illdr ed le r+l,ls rnllon an l lll lllil lll U
ter of al few new subscrlpucns be aged to l‘0ll [OUT b€Bl1IB lIl[0 [ll€ l10D· ln Scotch Chlnese and Colonlal cosl by ygllgated alllllausg l lll lll.- l!l·
Molllllll, and llle lllllll Outcome wlll be fast going of Klein, und the good foul wlm," wlll be llggd mls season, It ls lllll,_ ..wllllll Jlllllls (·ll,,wl._·· The Skit \*‘$ll¥.llll0ll»
determlned by the number of new sub‘|llll00tlllg of Regller wllre *l‘(,,llll(lSS(l€’S     \2Q;ll\'(·`*!`y fllfllly Rnd tllé Avons hall ll llllge of yellow ,l.llllll_ lll lls Slutc_ [,l(*ll[(‘ll1llll lllllllllll \\`LlS il.Sl·Z•'ll Allllllll
scrlptlons secured for The lDEA..mgh cards' Glenn Wells has been with lQ{],tlll]_; lilless and dignity. Henry Morrison mp _*l***‘*l·‘l*l*·‘ "' H"` ""l*`l" M"!. MV
Frlends of the candldatea   make a The gumnlgry; lllyceuln attructlons for ave years, th, lllllys llllllsllr as llc alollc clllll Nh,. l)1l\'IPS t’X[llillllt*ll llll‘ ll;l)lllt·lll Ul lll•‘
last three seasons with the Schubert;. , , _ . .. .·llllri  in tl · illstilllti lll llnll il: ll·l·sr
personal canvass or the entlre student K°"°“°ky‘ whale he scoled ll success well, \\ uller as Llelvatra, Queen el the Nlle. " _" A “ _ _ ` ` ’
M and C_ zerfoss ___________________________4______ F ' _ _ » N _ _ .· · PIl[ lIllilll(‘Iill l‘llll(llll(lll.
body during the next [aw days to B6. Organ ` ¤]gh[_ Hig plgno monolggueg gra \\8b 8. lltlgé lllt. bll€ dfallk el. ¤\\lg ull Tl l ll ll ll ll X ll Ul") I lr l
cum new subscriptions.   you have Pl'B8[0l1 ....,,.....4............,.,., . ............. . ........,..,.........,4......... UL mggt Original and €n[€rtaln[¤g_ \vl[ll Barbarrosa and Swoolled llllo tllllt llll_ lt, 0 O\\ lll}., l`£]>0l`l ln ,,l lll ll tl
I Scott Tuttle (C), and Schl·a€d€l·___ _4__»V Q [D6 RBBl8t3.l1C9 of {OUT such {B.l€lllBll . . _l I Cl ll__ , sk d l ll. l'()l` lllt~ lI(‘ll(·‘lll of zllllllllll, \\'llO. lllll lll
been readlng your room-mates paper T Mu". yollllg women. ll glut program may llII€l`llll[t(‘l·ll s eep le~.lr as el lt X UW slum him) ml rmllml WDM Ul
all the year, sign up a dollar ot that ° ‘h _ eenndenuv be expected, why she lhll it and she replied that h•. A   ll _ ll lll ll ll it
' deposlt B9Bld8B llelplllg some yellllg K‘°*“ (U “‘“’ R°°‘*°' ···a··   ·r········»»········· ~*‘ The Students wlll have the pleasure ('1\llS€|.l ll. "(VLIBSLIT fell ell his sword? l’*‘l"'* “ lll l l’“ ’ ‘* l*‘ _ j V _
lady wlll the contest, your name on GI’06¤W00d ........... . .......   ........ . ...,.. . ........4.4.....,....... Clog llearlllg this delightful colllllally Tllllll Mark Alllcllyl lllllycd by Leo lllu I`(‘l>t)l`l (lll the lIlI\t’l'Sll} llll-
our subscrlpuou llst will enable us to Jacobs, Hardlson, l\lICSDl°Bdd€H .... · ..». - ---·- Gl next, \V9d[19Bd3Y [light. It Wlll be Sulldlllalll Saw [llc [wo l)lllg (léad lll lowsi l l U l
mike The lDEA the paper that lt Field g0&lB——M0l‘g&n 5, Scott 4, unlque ln [lla llfe of our L)·ceum lllc lllrllllll HQ lllllld llol llelll. lll SU; \\ 0 llnlo (‘\2\llllll¢‘(l llllll lll(‘ ;lll;lll>
should bel Klein 2, R6€d€I‘ I, Jacobs I. loom-se to have Such al l)€l.l·0l.lllac€_lllC Sllol llllllsell, wllll ll bllllllllllllllsl lorf [llc l l'lll‘el‘slll‘ ns ;ll·l‘t·l'lllll ;l~ tllll
Foul gOBlS*PI`€StOH 2, ZGTIOSB 1, No less unubual than the Huzzurs who The lllllllllllce llowlell lls dlll lllll llllll_ llllll(t‘tl [lllltf \\t)llltl [ll*lllll[. \\l*‘ ;l'!l*
BAT1_ALl°N SOCML Reeder 6 came here to seasons ago wlll be the lllllplg or llle ~·sel~ell llills" \\'llt’ll the """""’*“'*' ""‘l""`*_"" l‘*"" th" 'l‘ `A""
'_ Referee Bhd U¤lDl¤‘e··KlllS· L€¤lllg· engagement next Wednesday. Profes- ()f`lglll;_ll Jlllllle wll-rtl lll\‘lll Wllll his lm" "f 'l"` I """"‘"’ "` "‘“`l" tl"` I"`
ton Y· M' C' A' SOP Spilllf llHS been V9l‘y €l1€l‘g9[l(; and \·ll.l0l.ll,S_ _ lllll \\`<‘ 1ll't‘ ulzlll to >;l) lll;ll lll wlll
" "~ — ~· · `l~:‘ll··!‘l
Frlday, February 20th, at 8 P- rll- Thur•day’• Game- slll-eesstnl this year ln the course illld --l·llll ly lll- llelll·l" wlls l't*llll•~‘l`¤‘ ll·
Thg second annual \va§hi[mt,()|]B dll0lll€l' nlinutc of play mlbllt hd`L  _ 3ll.S5l·S_ Alorrlgolll [{ll_\g·kl_)u|`[\l ll()lllll;; L lil itu lll l l0“ (ll lll lnllulll
· ‘L1;" ‘,` lll ‘(‘;lllllS,;lll l· l·l
l Blrllldlly Mlllmry Soclall Elven by the made a difference in the complexion UTHE HIGHER EDUCATION,. uml llllymlsl MBS llelvll llubuw lll llll lll ~l Hlll l lll ll
_ r- . . l. · l · ; s l l * ll lllu~.
Christian Associations in honor of the ef me $*0*** “h°°t· llle wud“““ '*‘“ llllllll lll, wlll of l»,.l:_ uml llllll ll-,.lll   _" "’ _` W l` In l" _ I V It M
esmuon. wlll he Ewell al the sym- ull ll <‘°*“*°"¤‘·l° '°**·’ l" *'*° ml "**“'· —-me- Sulltll.t)l'd ill his uslltll llllldlllll- ""‘ """"‘“*` ""` """"" ` ""  
V l I _ l _ ..· ~ ·l s _ ·· l ` _ ‘i .`   *1 4
uaslum l•`]•iday eyeulllg of ml, wwe; and played rlnl.,s kll0Ull(l their l.,uests. llle llll,ller lndutntloll, to be llrt way, Mull; SllWl_lll solos llllll Holm lltlnllll lll\ l   lll I 4 I nl
A feature of the evening wlll be the Ullllllg llle Sllclllld hull S°lll¤***l*>l' wlll helltell by the Plllleellplllllll Lllepery lull llllllo \\~· =¤¤•· ul the lll*lllll‘ll llhll l·l·‘ lu-llr
H » ,. ° L ` . lssl llzlll·*`· "·l a'·*
concert of {he mllltlry band under the lll, &Il(l[ll€‘[l(lf:)[\1l'llt·!ll. lllti l\t‘!ll.l1kk) Sllcltllyl lnllbruury 26, lllll, at lluell Mr- lllluu and Mr. llulllnl-l url) lll wlllll-l:lll\ l ltsllll l ull llltlllllllllt\lllllllllll
, , . Y . ll l l ;ll'_' Fil ll ly, it 1 lil ll} s l l
l*>¤¢l¤l‘¤llll> ef Prof- H°l`¤l¤ll '*`l'°¤‘· All nw hewn t" °°m"m °`°" Mts that Al-lllllry. Adllllssion 23 cents. he lll=lllk*‘*l ’*"` *‘“"‘ “ l"“"'."""‘“"°"‘ I .ll · .· l . -. ·—·l ll ll ·- l· llll
mlttance wlll be by unlrorm and all *°°l“’d m“’ wuls *° “*’f°"°° K°m‘· Sellll ull wlll lll llllslllesll llllllllls. ll xxlls ll (‘l`(‘(lll lll lllo l`lll\'•'l`$ll) alllll `ll_" _ mu" N WIHHH ( R" l
lmllllbelll ol me lllllllllloll are leqlnasb and the steady nerves or Reeder made ‘ ‘ t (lll,. ‘*"'ll>· l U
ed to escort the yollllll llldles lut6nll_ good protlt ln bulk line shots. It was UmU‘~‘· ` __._“__—_ `l'l`ll\’ Ul lll\l‘l`T-ll) lllllsllll )llllll.;; lllll_\
lng [lla Ulllv6l·slty_ as tile latter argl lllll and tuck duwll the strclcll, and Mukc u date with her nuwl Slle`Il ` " ' ‘ llllllll, lll l.t‘\lllgl¤ll¤¤¤d from l’¤K•¤ Oriel   1
re·»———— BEN ALI. ...1.....
M • T RCtUT`H GIYHC   Cardinal Gif".   ... —  
Be Played on the F u not v. ti us. " " ""“"‘ ‘ "" ""` "“‘ " '*’ “" F h y   d  
    Guy Floor I · ' U ew finish winner. The classy nrtlclc of E    
° 9 ° ` _ l ll t h- T 1, l I ll
  S   -—-—- keith vnudcvillc at the Den Alt xnuxs; “T;:;_k in Rggigr f::(,|_(_:‘;:_Q_:_(_ Matinee Wednesday
_ _ STATE'8 LINE-UP CHANGED. this week ls the best all round show " --__
The Bull This Week Pre8eM8 were tho l`e·3tttres_
——-—— seen here this season. With it Keith Tl H Arthur Hammerstein Present;
BEN ALISCOPE Frltlay the Kvtttucky co-mls will bill for the entire week lnsteatl ut H Sumnmry
Plrasmg Photoplay. _ _ _ Ken(ucky_
phi) the return lii\Ill(‘ with thc I nt- tlirec dnys cvs-ry one will llntl an nft<·r—
MAURICE BERRY. _ . , . . ,. . , . Morgan _ _ .... l·` Q
_ _ \•·rslt} ol Lotllsxlllo on tho hitters llootl or (‘\t‘hilll: (‘(lIl\(‘lII(‘Il( to nttmld
Mamma"' floor. The State girls have been The lien Allscope shows a new photo- iwhrs um: ihrimhir O " '  
$'DNEV AND TOKVNLEYO working for thc past three weeks with play nt every performance. Maurice Joiton nm ur L   `   (_ IN A NEW COMEDY OPERA  
In Songs and Dances II Our wn R changed Hm__up' and under the new I,Pr(_)_· magician, gives a pleasing mm. :r' MUN"' O"°'”i"9· defeating the present claimants of have a singing and dancing skit that KI i ) Tuna"` F e   y
BMV °A"'S S‘“"“ """"""°""""" " '*""""" "‘""“'·" “'*"" ““" ”‘°""" u;»;..,(C ``V`     '“``` O E`t”’“`*`   l`““ O " ,.|¤¤¤·· =···¤ tyre- by om H.....,.,..c,,_
Btaektaee Comedian. ln shiftlnl: the Ilnc—up, Coach Tlgert son present a pleasing mnslcnl com- (_ I "` ` " i`   `‘``" " `"   (_ Mueic by Rudolpr Frlml
MERMMDA has changed Miss l\1c(`hesney from edy Offering and llllly Davis, the mono- ;rpp;“(m( V `   H  " `V`‘   (Q DIRECT FROM ITS REc0RD'BREAK'
And Her Four Diving Mermaids Lruurd to center. and Miss Heller from lozlst, is a scream. A feature never `am R ' ‘ ‘   ‘’""°‘"°   `‘‘"` ‘   ` i' ING SUCCESS AT THE CASINO
, l\icSpadden and Hardlson. .....,... . ...,..,. . ...... G THEATFlE· NEW YORK CITY
center to guard. 'llils has resulted ln seen here before is Mermalda and her EN EM
BURNS AND K'sSEN• Field goals—Morgan 3 Zerfoss 3 S BLE OF 60
A songwriting comedian. the team developing a stronger of— divine mermaids, an act that has met pr t 1 T ttl 2 K1, '1 R d 2' AUGMENTED ORCHESTRA 20
MAREENA AND DELTON fense, while the defense has suffered with instant success. Burns and Kts- M 8; 0;d` gl Q ° 9 n ' ee er ' _..L.j...__
BROTHERS no loss. The Kentucky five that will Sen are good and Mareena and the A LDH Bn ` P D0!-I IR SAFETY R lz
I" a $"'” °f A°"°b**'° S"“p""°°‘ face the Cardinal quintet Friday even— Delton brothers spring a number of R0? gOal;—‘ lresfgnl 2' Rider 2` 0RS° ·
Price;-Night and Matinee, Lower ing will be Misses McChesney and acrobatic surprises, UQ Mee- ath clmon ` Ender, Keen Cutter,
§;‘;‘;';;d5gaT§g'|:;;1g°:§g;':• 25 °°""; Taul, forwards; Miss Hughes, center; _____ mpir€_Kmg’ Lexington Y` M' C` and Ever Ready
400 GOOD SEATS ALWAYS AT 10 and Misses Heller and Wood, guards, The uFir,"y_» A' JUST WHAT YOU NEED.  
c. 1.;.....
__L._.._.4..- _..T Edith Thayer ln the record-breaking   &   t
Telephone 638 PROBE COMMITTEE MAKE (`aslno Theater success, "The Firefly" DANCE OF THE cuM`  
nzvonr on umvsnsrrv will be presented by ltlr. Arthur num. °ERLAN° M°UNTA°NS DRUGGISTS Q
      I --—— lnerstein at the Bel All Theater, Feb· ""'_” MAIN STREET AND BROADWAY
° (Continued from Page One.) ruary 25 and 26. with Wednesday Next Saturday ¤fter¤¤<>¤ the M°“¤' Le C C
 ·- tain Club will give its annual dance to i t ° .
·roBAcc0s, Pipes, mc "‘“"""*· X ll! 0ll 1!¤l’ vlllllllly
° thirty-five lectures per year of one UThe Firefly., tells the Stor the student body. invitations have
y of an
Pipes Repairedo h0ur's length each a salary or $1,000. Eastside Street singer, Miss Thayen been sent 011t and the 0¢0¤Sl0¤ Dl‘0m· M2,$,(;;g2,::::d of .
LEXINGTON KFNTUCKY Recently ”· bwkkeeper was hired and who through peculiar circumstances is {ses t° be pleasmt and r°m°kmg‘    
’ ` ° ’ paid at tlte rate of almost $3 per hour   -——·-———-——-——-·  
  for 600 hours, a total or $l,(;tm_ (C<>¤tl¤¤ed <>¤ Page Three) patronlz, ou,. Adv,m,,,.,_ 133 WEST MMM 3·rn55·r . U
UNIVERSH Y LUNCH STAND "'I`hese and other items are not very  
Cstzrn e;clu|:v;;ytt0U|il·ld¤r1Q: important in themselves, except in so  
an aeu y o a e mverst y far as they indicate a     811 IN
general system  
A. B.   ef extravagance. STATIONERY
con, s. umasrons Amo COLFAX "we think the average hours or in- The best is none too good, when it comes to a ·       Pans
struction given ny teachers and profes- Photograph? It’s either a map of your face or p .
  sors in much too low; that they could lt’8 8 W0l‘k of Aft. B6 on the safe side and see •
W. are stm Pressing; Suit. mr $1.20 ind!. sliiiinld bs required to devote much     S         cul
__at_ H0 e nge of trstriict ons, andldtllat p g wM_ E_ STAGG, 8ucc",°r_  
• • • 19 llum r ‘ · •
Billy Ba1ley’s Pressing Club _ ° ° M r“°°°'S °°“ be 311 W. Mam Street 309 WEST MAIN STREET  
AND DRY CLEANING WORKS thus materially decreased, and much     d ’ .,_ .
15g South Limestone phone 6217 money thereby saved without injury to e u ents   ;
  the <·l`iiclellcy of the institution. ‘|’•°°°°°°°°°‘°°•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I. D.     A
C   "|·ligltty-sevell itlstrttctorg in the  ";`“"_" (lnwwomed)
, , J I llI\1*lSll) proper, with salaries aggw-     DODD SHOES
Where you wm find everything I LL&llillLZ $l2!•.1•12.¤H, devote on an aver-      
Shtgglttgphfxe tocrlugrcsgrgltidil   li;itrtl;·c;> hoursiantd txgelve nan-   to   ,
cs ne a' 0 lis l‘uC Otis. 8
Mmm AND wAt.Nu1· smears. . RALSTON HEALTH SHOES l
think it would not be nureasonable to ' 1
, require these instructors to double C l Q t h I H FOR MEN
    CQ. their hours of instruction. This, we ‘4°00 to $5°00 {
  and   lllillk, \\'0l1ld I`€Sl1lt in 3 Sa\'i[lg suf- F h   i .
  ticient to wipe out the indebtedness of or t c   •
. , he l'niverslty in a very short time. C    
Lexington, - kentucky t 0 We 0yS mo W »
"A very bad practice prevails of al- ._ ~
  lowing one person to draw several   L qc   C   ,
W S     salaries, and a much worse practice c ewln *831. 0* 3
is also in vogue, of allowing persons         opp' N"' Ph°°"|x T
The Sdnltary Grocer employed by the University to be en- ___ _ _ _ -+1- =
PHONE 720 suited and draw substantial salaries     I LEXUNGTON 7
Cor S Lime and Virginia Ave outside the l'niversity, and even in ` ` O       .
. , , *
........._..—.._... ‘°'“" "‘“‘“"‘“"“ "" “_"°"`“‘“ ""“°"“  —""-————.---_"——————_ Takes less Shortening 4
S h y d   him ut;1dl¤: of the institution are mt pace of me for the mmunder Binds; oxttertrto ut;-eut1;?:t;i);t;ni: B _
a•·°°*•”°° °'“’° "°'““°"" “°"° "‘ “‘ " ° “°° or the ym will be 0.. Rose som, ° ° ° ‘“‘°° “‘ CCI'! QIVCII
versity to call the attention of each 0116 of these Dl‘0Vid6¤ f0l' giving Ml- In commodkms and tanned quarter. her rescue by promising to be respon-
"“""‘“‘ ""‘ ‘°""""` “ “°°“ `   Z,‘;‘.Z2Z’..§°    me- ~=·           3?‘i.£°Z.§§‘ .?,2$".§‘?".E.‘i to Cut Price
University to certain matters, v Y den Is Itght and um. you Buy], D . .
concerning the University, that have I»h0\lB8·¤d ($500,000) d0ll$1'I for the Mm h III t Im tm not before she has discovered her in-
· n ehing of the pres- erection and equipment of buildings Ou! B Damn B ow no ng fatuatlon for a young man of the        
come up mma t G Op the State to a the interest and rc; of the Muir umu after the mul UI don art who it at that time betrother P
ent session of the Legislature. D Y D wu uttered, and the Imdds parents D Y.
To be brief, there are actions for Vide it BI¤kI¤¢ fund t0 wipe out the were Ignomut of It also the young to an heiress. He has also fallen ln
* d btl thirt . ’ 1 ith th littl ltali tr t ln-
I and against the institutions that need BAD 11 b;'uY0&l‘¤Id f d I I and ardent admuer managed to put ove w e e an s ee s I
I your immediate attention. For ex- other prov es or a m ss on the don Ov". He wm be It memo- ger,
  ample, one bill has been introduced to of all qualitled students thus allowing can and ms friends and psmntmnt Three years later, having become a
I out down State appropriations to the ¤10l‘B thtlll 0116 appointee per year Iaw wm have some day 3 sumcient great prlma donna, she again meets
Y University proper, to little more than from 3 county. cmu to be wonder of mm than now. her old admlrer under most dramatic
half their present amount. Another A third blll asks for an additional circumstances at a reception given I
I hm mcrcdhccd gc intended to cnt the annual appropriation of tlfty ($50,000) *1;**** htm in honor of his approaching mar-
S Experiment Station appropriation dollars to the University. AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. riage. Then is discovered a curious
, from ilfty thousand to twenty-tlve A fourth bill is for the purpose of ...... mistake, the little slnger had made
thousand dollars. The University au- providing sufficient funds to meet the The Ag;-tcnltnml gccicty hcld while a page at the home of the
thorlties are putting the authors gf Lever bill, now assured of passage in enothcr nr {tn interesting mccungc on heiress ln Bermuda. Then the heiress
· ,1 il Congress. The Lever bill provides Mgudgy night, {ccc Mr. Burg], dg,. realizes that her betrothed does not
for the annual appropriation of Fed- cugggd [hg {mpc;-mhcc of thc crghhg. love her, but the little Italian street
. eral funds to the seversl States. be zatlon or me farmers m me dmoreut ¤i¤s¤r. ¤<>w ¤ prime ¤¤¤¤¤ 'i`¤I¤
‘ ginning with ten; thousand dollars cgunuggt not cnty for mdgygdnu hchc. gives the heiress the liberty of accept-
YJ   ($10,000) to each state and increasing nt, but also m crdcy tc obtsju the lug a proposal from another whom she
I  \     ' the total by three hundred thousand prqpgr lcgmnucn that the rumen uc really does love.
_   I   I ($300,000) dollars annually until lt mnch in uggd of nt present, ————-——-—-—·
@ / `I   ·. amounts to six million dollars annual- Thc pyccgdcht than tcm c {cnc]- "A girl who took flrst prize at the Mako your cctcccgcn gcdcyt flrgt
F; _ I5, ' F if ly, to be prorated among the states ac- from Mh w_ 5_ Taylor. h former pm,. State Fair for sewing and baking has picking I, alwayc hug, we
I `   E j`   cordlng to the proportion of the rural [dent of thc Agyicultural Society, cch. received twenty-six offers of marriage. guarantee ych latlgfgctign or
' ,/ \\ •ya•"    p0pI1l&u0l.1 of {blt, l!,8.l',6 to U18 total grgtulgtmg [hg Sgcigty gn [hg rgpid FlDO, lSD’t nw, mgngy refunded.
  ( Qt l     rural population of the United States. progress it gc making gud wgchmg for "Yes. I see that chorus girl who
. , * / This money is given to those States thc crghnizhuch even srchhcr chcccch shot a Broadway rounder in the leg
I that provide a like sum from State ju thc rntn;·c_ ' got 400 offers."    
¤l>Dt‘0D¤'I¤tI0¤- TIN ¤10¤6Y IB to U6 After an open discussion of ways in -1-****** ,
N  a spent ln agricultural extension work which [hg scctcty might accomplish Williams (in his hydroplane)-
or, in other words, farm demonstra- cvch mcyc than it ic, at thc present “Don't talk to me, l'm up in the alr."   P 
I    arch tI0¤¤» 0I-¢· time, the motion was made for ad- ,•, .., .·, .•, .., •,-q, .|, ff;  4. 4.
l mY°`L°°Z °“S2yFS°°..l`°'Z °${,i°“l i° ‘ °“'“ “‘°“" + WANT commu + ·~c¤···~¤~¤=¤
l "“;“;h°“d“ 'a;gi°’· ;I’“‘ ————————— 4»•·•»•·•·••·|··•··•··•··•··•·•··I··••
sage v rs l tl m t
O' `D°” Y°“' Old ° ° “ ° ° °" °“ °“ PMI-¤¤¤¤H·A~   egcucgc Fellow’s shop"
I W h N d means ruln to the institution. The LITERARY SQCIETY dt tm rt HIV cents
1 , an " passage of favorable legislation means b° charge °r u B a' 8 0 e
. . "'_ per line.
• Rcpatnngf . that u;8t0l(:hUmve;::ty Yat Tfidly The Philosophlan Literary Society  
t t t °°m° ¤ ° 9 P°¤ °¤ 0 ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ present HTM Hmm, Education;. at wANTE.D—Every student to read the
· w° are m a P°"tt°" t° ”"° that aha ta att'tVtaK ta attain- Buell Armoryt FebI,II"y 26 1914_ Saturday Evening Post. Terms
I Y°“‘"°""°' °“°· M 0* ··· WM M mw ·*¤·*¤¤¤· A....l........ 25 .,....... ¤...-,.0., ....... easy- Mk W. Me. Aw. 125 State
are jealous for the welfare of the E Mg_xwg|| gh Lexington Ky,
Th t l f ll : · · '
  U“*"°"““" “"“ ’°’ “‘° °°"‘°° mt M.-; c,::1et;t1¤: Bznzzlrnc Dn;·ne1|_ —-—-——-—-—-——-— University
with proper support she can give the MIB Dum F t UM LO ,, ROOM AND BOARD"G°°d r°°m°
”°I’°I'°|"a °t n°°°°"°M° ‘m°°° F" State. It is therefore the speeitle duty Mtchoi 3 ms- uy u with excellent table board. Mrs.  
Im umu ud amrm of each ot us to get busy. Wlll you Mu); Alm_H6I8¤ Do Bow Ul>l>I¤8¥¤¤· 120 East Maawatt
1. immediately resort to such means as Mr. Bwgs_T0m H8dd6u"    
you can command to bring proper in- ° I _ _ _
duence to bear upon your Repregenta- Mr M6mdnh—H°m`y M°ms°°` Offers free tmtnon m all depart-
  tivo and Senator A“t°t“°"C°m“ m“g°·   J T   ments except Law to graduates
————— - . · ° of Kentucky High Scl’t00l| Wl\0
O jgwg|g·• Very truly yours, ., .d
  lll.       Jt I-             c IIC prepared to enter the F'°•h'
A¢I|•|n|nq In All Th••tr• pt-ecgcenh I-ITERARY SOCIETY Hours 8 A. M. to 8 P. M. PHONE 864-X ¤¤¤¤ Cla"-
-   STORM IN THE UNIQN The Horace Mann Literary Society F·*°h °°“my In th° Stan  
LITERARY SOCIETY will hold its regular meetlng Thursday   entntled to taendt FREE o tm-
  S mgm, February 19. at the Education hen, matneulatnon. laboratory
Building. A good time, as usual, ls nd °th°r fu" °n° °r mt"'
      Last Saturday night was one of the auttctputod l cppcjmcc,
·—- biggest ln the history of the Union Llt· The pmstam Is as t0II0Wt_ lf;-2,5'
Save ¤l0¤¢Y by orderins Bmw Society' President J‘ H' nvonn "Mgrg the Abgdg of Mw ·t Lcc Tn;-. N°c¢“aYY °¥P°“'°' m°d"‘t°‘
from us Payne was scarcely able to keep his not '   · K A Zy-
  aaat while dabata wd dI¤¢<>¤¤‘¤¤ ..Subm“m0 In wu,. MI, wmct ew For full information regard-
Mlchler Brothers shot Bd me pulp"' he Occupied The "l·‘urm Extensions," Dr. Fred Match-   ml aPP°I¤t¢°•· °°“"°• °t at“dY•
I MAX LL members have managed to malntaln IM cent of board, etc., apply to
‘1T IAST wt their splrlt throughout the year. H, S, BARKER,
Q Everybody Welcome.
l V_ A, BABBAQE Every one ls invited to the meetings cum P I I · at “ I President,
· x. s. u.u.