xt7p8c9r3z9x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7p8c9r3z9x/data/mets.xml  University of Kentucky 1918 bulletins  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Press Bulletins The University of Kentucky Press Bulletin, Vol. I No. 13, July 15, 1918 text The University of Kentucky Press Bulletin, Vol. I No. 13, July 15, 1918 1918 1918 2015 true xt7p8c9r3z9x section xt7p8c9r3z9x To Editors: The
news ln this Burman THE UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY E¤f¤··¢¤ ¤• ¤¤¤¤¤¤
Is prepared for the class matter at the
press and is released post offlce at L•»-
for publication on _ Insta"' Ky.
ul 15 1918 ‘ LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY Vol. I. N0. 13
y 7 .
Captain H, N. Royden, Command- Questions are frequently addressed The second University of Kentucky Of the·400 Tennesseeans enlisted The Summer School of the Univer-
ant ot cadets University or Ken- to President Frank L. McVey, Uni- T”‘“““lg D€m°hm°“’* °f the Namml f°"_t€°l{“*°‘“ tmmng m the mst sity of Kentucky will complete its
b' t d St t versit Of Kentucky in mga d to the Army will be established the third U111V€rS1ty of Kentucky Training De- prescribed course and close July 27
t“ckY» has een appom 9 a 6 °X' y ’ Y week of July t·he first quota. arriv- tachment of the National Army, l0- ' °
niainer ot candidates tram Kentucky induction of drafted or registered men ing July 15_` Registration for sight cated at Camp Buell, since May 7, The 160 enrolled Students have €¤·
for the Central Officers, Hamm? into war industry services. In order weeks’ intensive training in techni- 343 have finished their intensive train- joyed exceptional opportunities in a
;$;0¤·Sl¤iv Of arrived at the University of Kemr
Tflllbt,_lll‘jl(l(lltl0ll`t0 the above, possess Uniyersrty of Kentucky, for the pill`- Company A, Cumg B_ Walters, den- the U_ S, Employment 'S61'Vi€€ and stucky, coming from the University of
linblililbglltyehoiil?1(;i2tI?:x;1et?cm€ilii·;iiigvotgiif DOSE of taking a two Weeks, course in tal surgeon-, Second Lieutanants Wil- the U. S. Public Service Reserves WEB North Dakota, where he was head
clude quadratic equati0ns,i aud, plane tmmmg m farm mgtlwds and have pam ]3_ Mrrrxoot adjntant, and Lyle discussed at length in a general Way athletic cgach from 1914 to 1917,
geometry. H knowledge, of mg,mmm€_ already started the course w1th·a few K' Bmlmd Ou duty with Company ·· and developed the fact that the Pub- Mr- Gill qeamcd the gamg," foot
try and the use of logmimlms ig desirm practical lessons m. hay makmg at When the men left Camp Buell lic Service Reserve is a division of bal], baseball, and basket bal], while
mei Men lmvlim had R Previous ia·ii··· me Experlmmt Station farm , they were given overseas outfits and the Employment Service, John B. a Student at Indiana University, His
iii? Zig iriiiiiwieiiiiiiiii;]°l°p§YSi'ip.ii`§£{`§ . T“"’.°°"'S"’.°‘?“““? °f,‘“'° “`?f’kS the uniforms they had used while nensmm-Q, Dn»ectm— General U. s. Em- foot ball work was directed by i.J,m_
time educated and t.·tn..eLi is e.·.{l_ 1119- “:°"“S"’°f ft"““‘“? km HT; ‘i;;°‘§i in Camp were returned and win be ployment Service. heme m {merge rnie" sne1¤1On,0ne0r_tue shining nghts
dmnicnh clccmmll mining or m_cm_ piases 0 arm wor W 1 `V f Cleaned and repaired for further use and William E. Hall, National D11`f>0i0l' in foot ball at Chicago UIl1V€I'S1tY-
tectural ensineerinsp milllg hihg boysb forualgy mtangh O  ...;. U. S. Public Service Reserve, bis Of- Mr, Gill was captain of his foot ball
Civilians: Civilians possessing the re- W0l”€ i BY HWY B ca 9 on 0 O on {join] Subordinate, t€`alm in 1g11_ Hg wént from Indiana
( *i·i       ~·       M     of   courii AGR‘°¥£"Ii’§$t Stéiitiiistr       R eeerre   an t., Lim rerr   to creer   rrrr -
character, and nliysimieywho desire to for the present group another of the _ employment Office in Helds not cov. 1913; to Albion College 19134914 and
    Same number Wm be Smrtedend SO The College oi Agriculture Univer- Bred by the U· S- Employment Service then to North Dakota. He will call
blank fOl`n"I$ to til? l\l`lT'ty ()i`fi(E€‘l' (jhitilllty 9]] untill th€_ ClOs€_0F the Vaca/tlon pg]?.   Of Iigntucky is preparing- an and in rural. communities, also il} mat' the Wildcats t'(]g€thB]` about OHS week
tics at the educational institution near- ‘V‘Ol`k i“’° ia}; ug $130}* Og gh? dg qhowu at the State Fai,. this yeau positions. lookimgtorward to a successful year.
cat tl1€¤`<’SiSt;·ili¤ali<>¤ and avc¤mnanvin¤· na- t r th esent short- , - . · t‘ . Tl t r 9 m S
]l€l`S \\'lll [HGH bl? f()l'\V;'tl‘(l@(] [0 fhg Of'- ggelalggrlqgoie genvde \vl$iC§;r boys could Clubs are plannlug unusually intel"     Ivgosg   (jgued upO]] thé Universities of  
llcer of the army on duty as professor I _ K, ` . . · · €Stll'lg shows. , A i { . ' y   country tio send to the summer li1'3i!l·
vduczntionzul institution nearest tho rpg- The C0\1¤€1l of D9 WSG is Paying the State are interested in the Club son, F. E. Merriman, J. T. Wyatt. and J I 8 f ult member for
irlvnce of the applicant, Upon rrr-,_.ipt the railroad fare of the boys to the exhibits and they will be represented Dean Thomas P_ COOPER gggl, tudsimtzs Oglfe tg; u;’iv€Tsity· one
of ill€ 5lDIlllC1`lil0l'l1ll`Illll€U€SF:\l‘y p;ip(¤i·s_ University and thi; U’I1lV€I‘Slty DHYS _ t . Tkhg agents revjeyved thg yvgrk gf S u ¤
Tiiuih illllllicillli `Viu hi"! llllilnfll to 1i])l')(’:`tl` them for their labor sufficient to de-     Giiggecgggggtlgl the past month, vvhich mainly \vaS   St,l'}`(§€Ht fOr €¥€ryt§3 Stliillauti-?£1·verSity
lll l‘r0l‘S0n nt his own expmise, at nn ;p- _ { · - _ * _ ’ . · ·| 1B reques GH 1 GS G I
r»¤mn~.a time, ies,.-E Wi. ,..·0r..m,,. `Or my ibm b°““““g BXDQSGS . iieretotore, has been the mst prize   E1*;;ulil;°’aI$$*€§;‘°;‘;ngag; Ofxgmuckyw four faculty men and 20
military sci<·m.·e and tne1it·s_ [ur r pr - winner of the club and Tllé S&m€ _ . . . l, t l f ll t f t dents
liminury exn¤nin:nion_ r·e,er.-ligne nie ns- COURSE IN DRAFTING T method Wm, doubtless, be used this tion of ltotureb wlorli, vihichdwilg ran- igalldiigs E; éggt lgecigilzea gu Srgen in
-.1     _. { _ _ . · , n siep _ _
Z%'ii£2‘$5 ·EI—2?li€ZL-"é‘i»'?.?n‘° ""`""   MAY BE°°...ME PERMANEN   0**8 thmgml ,°‘°;‘a‘S ‘“‘.‘ be E}ES"alL.ZZ?§... “i.iIZ`.$ie? campaign the University of   age we
. J ‘ _‘ e m · · .