xt7p8c9r3f82_9 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7p8c9r3f82/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7p8c9r3f82/data/2013ms0105.dao.xml Chambliss, William Jones 0.23 Cubic feet 1 slim box The William Jones Chambliss collection on the Bagby-Rogers-Wood-Fishback family papers (dated 1978-1998; 0.23 cubic feet; 1 slim box) comprises research notes, family cemetery locations, and item-by-item descriptions by William Chambliss, Jr., of the Bagby-Rogers-Wood-Fishback family papers. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. William Jones Chambliss collection on the Bagby-Rogers-Wood-Fishback family papers Genealogy. Calendar of John Byrd Rogers papers text Calendar of John Byrd Rogers papers 2014 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7p8c9r3f82/data/2013ms0105/2013ms0105_1/2013ms0105_1_9/0103/0103.pdf section false xt7p8c9r3f82_9 xt7p8c9r3f82 iii-IL fi ér if
14 JOHN BYRD ROGERS PAPERS X ig [ ·, iw ]S&¥?
Son of Wm. B. and Nancy E. Rogers. b. 1/2/1835 — fate
unknown. Missing at Kenesaw Mt., Georgia, June 20,
1864, while serving as major in 4th Ky. Regiment, C.S.A,
/12/23/1855 Letter from John Byrd Rogers, St. Joseph, Mo., to his
mother, Nancy E. Rogers, Barren County, Ky. Remarks on
how much more severe the winter is in Missouri from
Barren County, Ky. Mentions an uncle‘s purchase of a
farm for $1700. Another uncel's farm is worth $28(?)
or $30 per acre. Mentions that a drayman gets $2.00 per
day. On last page of letter Ed Bagby, a first cousin
of John B. Rogers, pens a note to John Byrd's mother.
V1/8/1857(?) Letter from John Byrd Rogers, North Point, Mo., to his
father [Wm. B. Rogers, Blue Spring, Barren County, Ky,].
John states that he has been teaching school since
arriving in Missouri, but is planning on forming a
partnership in the [dry] goods business. He specifies
the terms of the partnership and asks his father for a
loan of $500. Indicates that interest on loans is 10%.
.5/25/1860 Letter to J[ohn] B. Rogers from J. N. Smith, Blue Spring
Grove, Barren County, Ky. Writer indicates that in a
recent Barren County election the proposed railroad tax
was defeated by a 500 majority. Those who favored the
tax, apparently merchants and businessmen, have
threatened not to purchase any produce from the country-
sideijxretaliation for the farmers' negative vote.
Writer indicates that efforts were being made in the Blue
Spring area, Barren County, to muster soldiers [re the
secession crisis?]. Speaks of local young man traveling
extensively in Miami, Iowa, Missouri, and Illinois.
*7/M     ....€                
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7/23/1861 Letter to J. B. Rogers from J. P. Nuckols, Glasgow, Ky.
Nuckols informs J. B, Rogers that General Bickley wants
Nuckols to raise a company of soldiers [for C.S.A.].
Nuckols invited J. B. Rogers to accept rank of second
Lieutenant and mobilize some men, hopefully 20 or 30.
[Nuckols later became a colonel in the lst Ky. Brigade.]
'8/26/1861 Letter from J[ohn] B. Rogers, Camp Burnett, [Haydenville,
Ky.?], to his sister Annie B., Blue Spring, Barren County,
Ky. Indicates that in his confederate unit the officers
have been "elected" to their command. He has been
elected first lieutenant. Remainder of letter is personal.
3/9/1863 Letter from John B. Rogers, Manchester, Tenn., to his
sister Mollie, Barren County, Ky. Rogers expresses
thankfulness that his family in Barren County has not
suffered any depredations from southern or northern armed
forces. He believes that the troops on either side are
equally bad re depredations. Rogers indicates that winter
rains have made roads in his area so impassable that it
would be hard for northern military units to attack the
mountainous terrain where Rogers is encamped. Rogers only

has little news regarding the progress 0f the war and
thinks it imprudent to reveal the little he knows in
a letter to Barren County. He has heard that the
Yankee Congress has passed a conscription act, which
he thinks will only prolong the war a few months longer
and will not save the North from submitting to the type
of peace terms currently being disavowed by the North.
Rogers believes that the South still has a tower of
strength in its slave population, which will enable the
South to produce whatever is needed to continue the war
almost indefinitely. "The God of battle is on our side."
Rogers invites his sister Mollie to slip through the
lines and visit him in Tennessee, but warns her not to
bring any letters or bundles. He thinks her trip would
be safe, unless there were spies at home. Reports on
mutual friends, and he anticipates a happy reunion.
Observes that Duke's Regiment was in a recent fight,
though not consequential.
“Undated Portion of a letter during the Civil War from J[ohn] B.
Rogers, presumably toeaparent at Blue Spring, Barren
County, Ky. Rogers remarks re commendable conduct of
Kentucky soldiers under his command [as Captain?].
Indicates the number of men in his company who have been
killed by battle injuries and disease, and number of
desertions. Claims that whereas the ordinary ratio of
soldiers killed by war wounds to those killed by disease
is 1:4, the ration within his company has been just the
reverse: 5:1. He urges the receiver of the letter to
make "all the boys come South," though he advises that
a younger brother Charlie remain at home, for he has done
enough already. [Charlie was in Morgan's cavalry.]
`Feb. 1864 Letter from T. G. Yancey, Glasgow, Ky., addressed to the
Commandant of Johnson‘s Island [prisoner of war camp for
captured confederate soldiers, Lake Erie, near Sandusky].
Yancey inquires whether Major John B. Rogers, 4th Ky.
Rebel Regiment Infantry, supposedly captured by federal
forces in July near Atlanta, Georgia, and sent to Johnson‘s
Island, was actually a prisoner of war on Johnson‘s
Island. On reverse side of the inquiry, dated Feb. 19,
64(?), the official response states that Rogers is not
there. [Rogers was never located and never returned home].
[The Johnson‘s Island endorsement date is anachronistic
forRogers was not missing in action until June 20, 1864.]
'7/6/1864 John B. Rogers' certificate of commission to the rank of
major, 4th Ky. Regiment, A.C.S. as of 5/28/1864.
Undated DaguL%iég;ype of John B. Rogers;} jf’L&72k2;;;¥&9
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 454 l ` msronv or run V mnsrr Knnrccxv BRIGADE. 455
awarded to the honest yeomanry; and in his case, remarkable ‘ however, were but the outer manifestations of` the spirit——the
  energy and perseverance were directed by more than ordinarily , counterscarp to the strong citadel of passions, aspirations, and all
  · excellent sense and a sound judgment. The son was educated in  . fections. His errant life in Missouri during the two years he
  \ the Sehooie of the county, attending the winter SeSSi0¤S until he ' spent there—-into every thing that promised sport and adventure ;
  J had attained to eighteen or nineteen years of age, when he taught taking a lively part in all the frolics of` the young; attending to
  i awhile, and then, in 1856, visited Missouri, with aview to engag- i business only when business was the sole thing on hand, and
  ing in business there, and, perhaps, of making it his permanent could be made a mere pastime; roaming about among the Indians
y home, as he had a large number of relatives and acquaintances . of Kansas and Nebraska; wandering off, supplied with gun and
  , in Iiglf, County, of that State. He was Ver)’\y0i1¤g,', h0W€V€i', ’ tackle, with the ostensible design of hunting and fishing, but {oi--
  and though having inherited the firmness of will, thé i¤<2 L others by intuition; his judgment of men was as marvelous as
  of cant and affcetation, and had the effect of indicating to the   his keen sense of the ridiculous and his love of sport delight-
if ordinary observer that he was a perfect stranger to sentiment, and E, ful. Shortly after his return from Missouri, in the winter of
“ as really devoid of sensitive feeling as a mancould be. All these,   1857-8, he formed the acquaintance of a young man who, though

 ./   ·  
as Piissioimh, as ii POM, ami C,ii.,.yi,,g iihmiii with hi"] the Om In the autumn or winter of 1859, he concluded to embrace the
dreadful thorn in his side of a too strong amor mulicbries, yet long i lu“’ us u iPl`olbSSlou> uml ooool`uluglY Pl`ooul`oo· lllo Voluuloo ol
/ c,i,iCii\,Oi,(_(i to miiiiihiiii himscip ii, Society ug Oi- iiiochmiic iiiimiis  A Blackstone, and for awhile assumed the airs and habits `ofa student.
and exemplary conduct, and few (none, he really hoped) knew Ht iieeiiiiie mere Stttitd iiiiei iieeeiiveib mid ileii°ii°iiiigeiii‘iii' 'He
him, ihiiriiii thc Siiiiggh, iigiiiiish iiisiiiuiiiiiig vice mid wimmh ‘ was delighted with the great treatise on the English Constitution, A
pleasure. But, having one day nnuleseine remark based upon mid _m eemmoii low be eoiiiei iiiiwe ei ii iogieiu eoiieliisioii iis
the presumption that others were duly impressed with an idea of ` ieiiiiiiy iis {iii eiii i>¤i‘i‘iSt¤i‘· Biii iie iiiiiii iiei ieiig liiiiieiieii iiiie
his really virtuous disposition, he was rather startled to hear ai Coulee when iiuoiiiei Siiu time Ou ills ViSiOii"'i° Wis of deeds of
kind of complacent chuckle from R0§erS» and to hear him say, _" uullug uml lullluu`?’ Pl`o“'ouS· Tloublo “'uS bl`o“’lug botwoou blu?
me his cya man to pta-, with it Conscious power ef (ism- i S¤$ti¤_¤S· _The itsiiittutt Oi K¤¤t¤<>i<>’ hud rim the ii itii me
ing} into ihg very Simi Oi- the gciiiie i€Ctiii.Oi., HSM, hewn (this i militia bill, providing for the State-Guard, and his whole soul `
was before he renounced the practice of swearing), " you need n’t ‘ eeemeii to iieeeiiie iii eiiee eiigiieeeeii Ht iieiiii Beiiepiiiiie iigiiiiit
. be trying to phy Oi? your momi juggicry OD mc. In your mmmii and Roman history. He bought works on military themes and -
disposition, you ’rc one of the damncdcst mkcs that I ever saw!” iieveiiiled iiieiii‘ Ai eiie iiiiie iiie iieiiiiiiiiie eiiepeeiiieii eiiiiie iieiiii l
· And this same youth, who loved both a little quiet mischief and geiiiiig the ieeiieii eiiiiiiiil he iieii iilieii ii Iveiiiieefi iiiiei eeiieiiieieii I
an Origiimi Cimmcigig was in the habit Oi- watching his OPP0i_m_   to introduce into the county the tournanient of cl1ival;·y_ P;-0-
nity; and l>la)'in£€ off the wagiS own tricks on him, which he usu- i lilulllg blmsolf Wllb liuloo uuu l`lu€G bo ¤i<>¤¤t¤d llls lu"ol`llo Youug s i
iiiiy vowed to have Saiisihchioh ih,.) and hcvei. forgot hig ti,,,G,,_iS_ mare, and practiced thc feat that whilom won the honor of being
i one day, aaa- rr umaying or words about which were en-Ongeet   <>t¤v¤€t¤St with ii¤¤si¤=ity ‘
i and most agile (both being small mon), they were walking quietly i Ceeul oo Loom- lu u Sllolb llmoi lllo Smlo‘Guul`(l oomlluulou be  
up the highway, engaged in indifferent conversation, when, reach- giiii te bt iieiiiiieiit iiiiei iiie Gtrttiitt liiieiiiieeei iieiii guile) time
ing 3 kim] Of rising ground in ihc mild, covered with Smiiii Stones, i would certainly kill at a hundred yards, if aimed with accuracy _
Rogers stopped suddenly, and with an unmistakable twitch of i and iiiieii wiiiii Sieiiiiy iieiiVe‘ He iii eiiee Piieviiieii iiiiiieeiii with
thc mouth, that mid Oi- tmiihié to Somebody, he jerked Oui, Hardeeis latest edition, and in a week could maneuver a battalion
" Now, you slim devil, I im going to roll you on these rocks till i oli bouusi ou u bom`(l l`oPl`oSoullllg u iitid, wllll uboub us muoll Pl`o`
yoiii. hide rs as Spotted as ii Simhcrsiv And them, hy tiiciiiscivesi i cision as the renowned Georgian himself Attaching himself to a
but where PE.Oi,i€ were hhciy to catch them at their imdighiiicd , company at Hiseville, he was commissioned one of the officers,
work, they grappled, and a vigorous tripping, lifting, and tangling mi look uio lblomost Plooo lu  uuu Plovlulug
of legs ensued, each evidently feeling that the one who first struck Suliublo colors, which li¤PP€¤€d to b0, just thm, the “ St:1r·Span—
the earth would have to get some kind creature to pick gravels out   glou Buuuol`:” but Wllloll he S¤<>¤_i¤¤t¤¤ti lo-ooslllso its lllo ombliim
Og his i,iiCh_ But uoid Rhgcihrr (as he was Oiici, miied ii, the i of lawless and ruthless power. W hen Captain (afterward Colonel)
army), true to his word, threw his antagonist and ground hint   Nuoliolo imuoulloou blu ¤, Juli': 1861, te oomlooi
iiioiiiid Oi, the Stones iiii he was glad to get Cgi OD any tgyms, and   himself with the volunteers gathering on the border, and called
afterward entertained a very decided opinion against taking the   lbl` moo to ull lilo mulisi Lloulouuut Reacts with u liow oquillly
·‘ i._-rcsiicys exercise in loneiy, rough pimms.   enthusiastic young friends, left the now discordant body at Hise-

 458 HISTORY OF~TiIE V FIRST ian devolved larcel u yon him. At Shiloh, he had charge friend had but time to east a pitying, yet admiring glance upon
of it, aiid not only liiinchedl it well,. but showed an example of the fallen form ; but he had the satisfaction, about the last of May,
lofty courage. Here a disagreeable duty devolved upon him, that to have a mischievous body, dressed in a new eaptain’s uniform,
he could never afterward escape, when special dangerous service - thrust itself unexpectedly into his quarters near Corinth, and to
was to be done. Company " A " was deployed as skirmishers for t learn that the wounded arm was healed, though still useless. He
the right, and a platoon of Company "D" for the left of the now took charge of the company as its commanding officer, hav-
Fourth Rc iment. Ever soldier knows that to be a skirmish ing been promoted to the captaincy, to take rank from the 7th of
. Company, tiough L, Post of honor, is im hbuop that is dgaply Paid . April. He went with it to Vicksburg, and participated in the
for. To the new soldier it is peculiarly trying. To move for- defense of that city; then to Baton Rouge, where he fought with
` ward promptly, over brushwood and brake, through forests and i Z1 judgment and gallantry that was now considered a matter of
past ravincs, where every tree may hide a foe, and every cut and course; then to Mnrfreesboro’, where, in the thickest of the f1·ay,
every clum of bushes a band of them—where the first intimation he had the heart-rending misfortune to see another beloved
of their preienee may be a deadly fire, the blaze of the rifle almost brother, and extraordinary soldier, George lValter, fall headlong,
in his very face-is not a duty to be lightly ventured upon. But and, to find, on hurriedly turning him over, that he had received ·
Lieutenant Rogers and his men acquitted themselves too well to aball through the right side, which the sufferer himself seemed to
pass unnoticed, and many and many a time after that, when pe· · consider necessarily fatal, as he begged to be left there, to " die '
culiar danger attended " feeling the woods," the order came, on the field, as a soldier should." Speaking of this scene after-
` " Captain Rogers will deploy his company as skirmishers and ad- V ward, in answer to Some inquiries of the writer, and of his liaving
vance u on the enem*." c gone to the hospital in l\’Iurfrecsboro’, on Saturday night, just
j Earlyp in the engaigement at Shiloh, his brother, W'illiam L. before the troops began their march southward, to bid the dying S
Rogers, was shot dead while firing with a coolness and care that   boy a last farewell, the apparently impertu1·bable rand im1nobile
must have made ever bullet an effective one; and himself shortly brother could not utter half a dozen words before emotion clicked
afterward fell, severel; wounded, but not until he had assisted in [ his utterance, and tears, bitter and blinding, told of anguish which
conducting the opening skirmish skillfully, and twice charged, _ . had wounded his heart too deep for healing. On the hfississippi
like a hero, in the van of the men. About this time, the Sixth   campaign of 1863—then fighting at Chickamauga and Mission
Regiment was ordered up, to move forward with the Fourth,   Ridge; at Rocky Face, Resaca, and Dallas; in the skirmishes and
which had been twice bloodily engaged, and drive the Federals,   picket from New Hope to Kenesaw—he was always present,
if possible, from the position in front of the open ground of the 4,, _ always prompt, doing his duty bravely and ellieiently. During
second encampment, which they were holding with such despera-   this latter campaign, he was promoted to be major, to take rank
. ‘ ` i tion. A friend of his, belonging to the Sixth Regiment, passed   from the 28th of May, 1864. lVhen it was reported at head-
` forward on the right, and found him lying on his back, a little in   quarters of brigade, on the afternoon of June 20th, that the skir-
. i
, Q

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_; ·> · 460 msronr or run _,
·; ·i ` l · · ‘ ' How a man who
J. ;. , , , , ,  » _ _ · {ed a grently in VH1!}.
  · m1sh—p1ts covering the position had been assaulted by a Federal _ {bi which they hed (I > PP I J I I ll 1 Proud uqmc in the
— ·` · . • l 'S gpmrut cs W 10 11 9 ·   ·
if . force and captured, preparations were speedily made for retakmg   stood so high 11111oog u K 3 t T 1 COMBO mw WGH be
'; . . . ' - _ , · l`m5e to ut O J SUC 1 · ; —.
;· , them, which was done, with the exception of those on the extreme HY111}; <><>¤1<1 Pcrsuudc U 1 d I I fc, ll vicw Of- his Chun
3 { r _ _ _ _ ·' . ` V, . 1 gl] * :_1 Sll lC1` 1 1 `
g fj right, and Major Rogers was ordered to rcheve thc officer in   qucsf1011¢d of tuobo uho H dg; It tl. I gtmd by Om who
i   . _ · · l SO l QL] O uU( CYS i } .,
1 1 , charge, and take command of the force. He did so at once, but V , acter, but 1t W¤¤1<1¤°tb° A . 1 _ b W
T “ V I ‘ ‘ ‘ tl t beneath his ordinarv common sense exterior, it UM
g Q it was now night-fall; and not having been made perfectly ae- l~:u0W, 1o i * * 1 *, 1 Tw aq ,1 Womqlpg
` ‘ ` . . . . , — 'd·~ e-es ·in( as 501151 1 ' ~· · ‘ "
l a; quainted with the exact state of affairs, and the precise locality § 11 hem"? os Proud as tm H1 ` `° L_ It t the {Dimmu Of- his
‘ f , . . . ° ,, · _‘ _ ·v eau.-ee mwl 111`11 V ~ *
l 5 ; and bearing of the pits st1ll held by the enemy, he went toe fat- te   and that 0\ U1 mulgum} ` ° · { :I I
. *7 . . . . . . . · - · ‘ »·ess0‘;111`111·
_   q . the right wlnle examining the hne, and was either killed or eglp- ‘ deep £lil`CC1T1O1lS 11-No the ultiolu 1 ' U qtiou OF (1 comic?
l 'if‘ . . V . . ` . ' · x , · {mt in ‘1O OCC11P·t ’· * * 7
{ lj; tnred. Beyond this, notlnng is certainly known of him. · A Fed- It 15 Hccossouy te ¤<1<1 Oulu 3 _ _ I Q his qttmtion
Z   . . ` . _ . . (ix iis mint €11"¢1"‘ >
i   if ‘ €1‘¤1 0iHGl“1‘, l3l‘0l1gl1t lll 3ft€1`W£11`(l, spoke of their having eaptuyed he feund sO1IlCilJ111g \\ 01tuY to I “71’ T Dhrld dctcrmiued
( ' ‘ · ‘ · Y.
l- ; ‘ . . . _ . . _ gmllooc . 1011 19 ·
g . * a Confederate officer that night, who came up, not perceiving them and th010¤§§hl) mouoo he m 1 1 _ Q Suwcv Of thc
l I · . · . . · - aim ant COIN Dre IGHSIV . _
F > to be Federal soldiers, and ordered them to “ hold their pit to the te enter the {10111; 1¤¤f<><>1~ o C ‘ 1 I
i Vi 4 I · · ~ · · tl at must beset his path, and, apparently for t ie
Q   ` A lust 111311;,, and he gave 0. description so perfectly answering te cv1lS Qlld Climgolo 1 C1 _ t_ { _t_ 'md the nCCCS_
i     _ •   . · `° ‘·. *9d   `]l`lS     nj ‘ V
l Sgt Major Rogers, that it was long considered a matter of course that fi1‘Sl¤·11111o> Souously Cewlcl 1 f 1. .0uQ PCWO ,15 it
w li ` ‘ . . .   . . ‘ el e sure iaven 0 1`¢‘ 1"1 ·- ~ 1 > "
,;:_ he had merely been sent North as a prisoner; but time wore on, Slliy of ououug umum m I 1 N 1 b Iitimd to {glu in
 ’. . _ · · , , ‘ · '_ {hte sioun 10 G (¤‘— *
V, Lieutenant Nuekols, who had been captured when the assault was V pf0l>¢11¤t1o11 lol mcdmg hm ’ _ , 1 _ _-my Of
ZIV l I ' ° R ' b tl · and he accordinelv connected himself, in tic spri g
4. _ , made, escaped and returned; some men, made prisoners with lnm, 211 6; ¤ · I , , ,_ _
  ii l · · · · ‘ ' l R