xt7p8c9r3f82_8 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7p8c9r3f82/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7p8c9r3f82/data/2013ms0105.dao.xml Chambliss, William Jones 0.23 Cubic feet 1 slim box The William Jones Chambliss collection on the Bagby-Rogers-Wood-Fishback family papers (dated 1978-1998; 0.23 cubic feet; 1 slim box) comprises research notes, family cemetery locations, and item-by-item descriptions by William Chambliss, Jr., of the Bagby-Rogers-Wood-Fishback family papers. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. William Jones Chambliss collection on the Bagby-Rogers-Wood-Fishback family papers Genealogy. Calendar of Nancy E. Rogers papers text Calendar of Nancy E. Rogers papers 2014 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7p8c9r3f82/data/2013ms0105/2013ms0105_1/2013ms0105_1_8/0100/0100.pdf section false xt7p8c9r3f82_8 xt7p8c9r3f82 /\/2‘¥YVCEy   IQOQEQ3 FP/9"i°Ef’§ (@0/0/Endum)
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13 NANCY E. ROGERS PAPERS ]g5 ft i%"7“? ’'S’
(wife of William B. Rogers
l/8/1857 Letter from Isaac Newland, Barren County, to Cousin
Nancy [? presumably Nancy E. Rogers]. Newland reports
sale of former property of Nancy's deceased father
[presumably John Bagby] and the hiring out of the
father's former slaves. The money received for hiring
out their services is specified. The court ordered the
slaves to be appraised.
2/5/1863 Letter from Matilda I. Young, Missouri, to Aunt Nancy
[Rogers]. Message of condolence to Aunt Nancy concerning
the death of two of her sons in the war [fighting for
confederacy]. Matilda states that her uncle's oxen were
taken from him by [Union] soldiers in 1862 because he
said he did not want nor expect protection from the
government. The soldiers threatened to hang him if he
didn't quit criticizing Lincoln. Matilda remarks that
the negroes have nearly all departed from the county
[presumably Holt County], but that her family still keeps
a woman slave. She intimates the ex—confederate soldiers
are treated badly in Missouri.
‘6/21/1863 Letter from Matilda I. Young, Missouri, to her aunt
6/24/1863 [presumably Nancy E. Rogers]. Men have left for Pike's
Peak and Salmon River [for gold?]. Local militia
captured the leader of some bushwhackers. Twenty new
church members in response to 8-day church meeting.
Soldiers try to disrupt church meeting. Men from 18-45
years old forced to enroll in the militia and pay $30.
Remarkes re $1.00 per day wages in Nebraska City.
l0/ll/1874 Letter from Sallie M. Bagby, Mound City, Mo., to Aunt
Nancy Rodgers [Rogers] to report the death of Uncle
Landon [?Bagby, presumably Aunt Nancy's brother].
2/23/1878 Letter from Jennie Bagby, Mound City, Mo., reporting to
(79?) Nancy Rogers the death of another brother, Richard Bagby,
from typhoid fever.

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