xt7p8c9r3f82_4 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7p8c9r3f82/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7p8c9r3f82/data/2013ms0105.dao.xml Chambliss, William Jones 0.23 Cubic feet 1 slim box The William Jones Chambliss collection on the Bagby-Rogers-Wood-Fishback family papers (dated 1978-1998; 0.23 cubic feet; 1 slim box) comprises research notes, family cemetery locations, and item-by-item descriptions by William Chambliss, Jr., of the Bagby-Rogers-Wood-Fishback family papers. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. William Jones Chambliss collection on the Bagby-Rogers-Wood-Fishback family papers Genealogy. Calendar of John and Matilda Bagby papers text Calendar of John and Matilda Bagby papers 2014 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7p8c9r3f82/data/2013ms0105/2013ms0105_1/2013ms0105_1_4/0049/0049.pdf section false xt7p8c9r3f82_4 xt7p8c9r3f82   I
5 .  
ggHM_AND MATILDA BAGB¥_PAPERS j ’g6t}r )<§;>3
After serving in the army during the American revoluntion,
John settled in Kentucky as a farmer and apparently
became a captain in the Kentucky militia. John Bagby
owned some slaves.
1805- Itemized list of court fees, apparently.
7/3/1817 Part of a letter to Capt. John Bagby from an unknown
party [?W.P. Tebbs?], Mt. Retreat [?] concerns survey
of land purchased by Bagby and then sold to another party.
10/9/1817 Promissory note, presumably by John Bagby, to pay $55.
to James Greenlee.
10/10/1817 John Bagby instructs James Greenlee to collect $116. and
pay it to Samuel Houston. The sum was revised to
8/11/1818 James Greenlee's receipt for paying the above $113.70,
to Samuel Houston.
$1/25/1819 John Bagby appoints Rodrick [sic], presumably his son,
Roderick Bagby, as his power of attorney to get a bond
at the county court of Louisa given to John Bagby by
George Richardson and Joel Dickinson.
”4/15/1819 Two receipts for George Morris: 1) $15 saddle;
2) $3 blanket.
“4/22/1819 Receipt received by Roderick Bagby [presumably son of
John Bagby] for paying George Morris, Jr. $18.00 for a
saddle, etc. for Moses Savage.
i3? `5/3/1819 Itemized account of John Bagby with Paul Shirley and Co.,
Glasgow, Ky. for drygoods, hardware, and food.
2/§é§71820 A receipt for Landon Bagby [presumably a son of John
Bagby] for $140. for land sold to Landon by Nelson Hill.
4/13/1820 Itemized account of John Bagby for drygoods and coffee
purchased at Paul Shirley and Co.
#4/15-21/1820 John Bagby's bill for medical examinations [?] and
‘Jan-Nov.l820 Apparently fees paid to a clerk for recording a deed, etc.
`Undated A contract by Bird [?Byrd] Rogers [?father of Wm. B.
Rogers 1/16/1804-] to rent a 15 acre field and give
1/3 the corn crop as rent to the owner William Savage.
John Bagby witnesses the contract.

Undated Document heading with "Moses Savage." Itemized
account for cost of sorrel mare, saddle, blanket, food
and lodging at various taverns, tolls paid at various
. rivers, and at the "Aleyganey" Mts.
V7/2/1820 Robt. Field requests John Bagby for a "turn" of wheat.
ll/25/1820 Presumably John Bagby's promissory note to pay B 2.16
and sevenpence to Jameson & Lambert.
May-Aug.l821 Itemized account of sale and shipment of five hogsheads
of tobacco for John Bagby by E. Hall.
6/ll/1821 John Bagby's receipt for $1.00 to [?] Wilson Ritter,
7/6/1821 John Bagby's receipt for $5.00 payment [? of fee to
Barren County court?].
“7/30/1821 John Bagby's itemized account of dry goods, hardware,
and food purchased from Paul Shirley and Co., Glasgow, _
Ky. between 2/14/1820 and 7/26/1821.
8/14/1821 Summons from the Barren County Circuit Couft for John
Bagby to appear on 9/3/1821 as defendant in a complaint
lodged by John T. Farris.
*9/26/1821 Notice from Greensburg Branch Bank that John Bagby's
note for $192. would be due on 1/23/1822. ‘
°May 1822 . Partial document bearing names of John Bagby and Elisons
[Ellison?]. Concerns accounts.
10/6/1823 Promissory note, presumably by John Bagby, to pay
Elisha DeWeese [?] $53.72.5 by August 1824.
*11/10/1824 John Bagby's promissory note to pay Sarah Field $19.50
by ll/10/1825.
/0;QQ{1825 John Dennison‘s oath to the Barren County justice of the
{¥K59n¤;e¤w& peace, W. J. Garrett, that John Bagby has spotted sow
fr dV¤W”QW9‘ that belongs to Samuel [?] Dennison.
{ g.1C Z— ` ={· r`, ly
( *5/18/1825 A request by H. Miller, Jr. for Mr. Bagbg to let Mr.
\_w> Humphreys have a wagon load of corn for iller.
1826-1827 Itemized account of John Bagby at Trabue and Bagby for
hardware, whiskey, drygoods, and food purchased from
August 1826 to July 1827.
`l0/16/1827 ‘“ii John Bagby's promissory note to pay Mary Duweese $50.

 · `*\
13/17/1828 $2.50 account for two horse collars.
'5/1/1828 John Bagby's promissory note to pay $219.24 to S. M.
Bagby or dder by 5/1/1830.
1828 (l829?) A marriage license issued apparently by the Barren County
,»,-_ lea Court. The license was never filled out. _ »
' ;/~ /' ·Q 9 [I"er ·`‘' .’  ‘g;i#—-· ·. 4 5* ___;]~     vn ~y~{ "izj _‘  , LVM? N/Z2'»“` ,1 ?.:` · r " y
"9/20/1829 Letter written by unidentified [?young] woman [Mildred?]
with a little daughter. The letter is addressed to her
mother who apparently lives in another state [probably
Virginia]. The writer mentions that it has taken her
26 days for a return trip to her home in Kentucky, which
is about 100 miles from Lexington. Nine of the 26-day
trip was spent waiting for a foundered mare to get well.
It was finally traded for a horse. The man who was
accompanying her home returned too late to "make a crop."
The writer is favorably impressed with the education of
children in her new homeland. She mentions a man who
wanted to return to Prince William or Stafford County
[Va?] to get a wife but could not get there; so he
married a cousin. The writer is much impressed with the
state of Kentucky, for it produces every kind of vege-
tation in great abundance, and one man can support a
large family without assistance. Only because of the
abundance is Kentucky favorable for women. Wages for
men and women ($70—$80; $40—$5O respectively) are much
better than her former home state. To help a woman
cousin decide whether to move to Kentucky, the writer
stresses that Kentucky is a "plentiful country for man
and beast." Kentuckians "make everything and sell nothing
for money except tobacco." Tea and coffee can be secured
by bartering lard at New Orleans. She advises her cousin
to "bring all the silver you can," and "don't part with
old Beck [?slave or horse?], she would be of great
service to you here."
'6/21/1830 Fragment of letter addressed to Capt. Bagbee [sic] from
Samuel Andersson, Commandant of the 45th Regiment,
Ky. Militia.
`12/31/1830 Bill of sale in which John Bagby sells a negro man to
Walter (alias Wat) Bagby for $500. [Is this "Walter"
Bagby a brother or son of John Bagby or only distantly
kin, or no kin at all?]
1831 An itemized account of John Bagby for goods and services
provided by Wat Bagby from January to December 1830.
.1831 Itemized account of John Bagby for goods and services
provided by Wm. Porter, May 1830 to March 1831.

/8/2/1831 Itemized account of John Bagby for hardware, drygoods,
and food purchased from Crump, Curd, and Trigg January-
April 1830.
`4/15/1833 Receipt paid by Capt. John Bagby and Landon Bagby.
“l834—l835 Itemized account of Matilda Bagby for items purchased
at Trabue and Terry._
V8/9/1834 John Bagby's promissory note to pay $5.18 to Alexander
1835 Personal account book with blue paper covers.
V7/7/1838 Itemized receipt for Matilda Bagby's purchases at Yancey
and Wood's store, Horse Well, Ky.
8/12/1839 Matilda Bagby's receipt for paid account at Murrell and
V7/3/1844 Medical bill for Matilda Bagby.
2/20/1845 Letter to grandmother [presumably Matilda Bagby] from
Ann E. Bagby [granddaughter, daughter of Walter Bagby].
Personal letter re granddaughter's schoolwork.
féept. 1847 Barren Circuit Court order for Roderick Bagby [presumably
son of John Bagby] to pay Wm. B. Rogers $1.00 for service
as witness.
»/•"" ` 4 \ Z!.-\
[ 1/18/1845&2K\,Gertdfigat/ ofyxidowlg pensionq($l20. per year for
( w  r\/ i.. */Matilda'Ba;byf hose! egeased’husba§d,(John .»l‘' Ba by) had
lm; W V?j"# served as a sergeant in the Revolutionary War.*/ \`
@850 Matilda Bagby's receipt for $17.46 paid as county levy
and revenue tax.
V12/12/1854 Matilda Bagby's bill of sale for 3 marble grave stones.
Jan. 1855 Form letter from L. Blanchard True, attorney, presumably
to Matilda Bagby advising her that she is probably
entitled to a larger pension [for her deceased husband
as a former Revolutionary War veteran.]
Miscellaneous$uhdated documents:
'Agreement by John Bagby [probably prior to 1830] to let
Walter Bagby [his son?] manage John's plantation until
Christmas. Possibly a year's lease?
7/24/1828 Note to collect $42. in silver from Peter
Rogers in Alabama.

Shipment of eight hogsheads of tobacco by John Bagby.
JWm. Beaird [Baird?] requests a turn of corn from Bagby.
3 Fragmentgrelating to sale of the estate of John Read Qnm?·.
indicating the value of negro slaves.
»Another—fragmentWconcerning money»received~for i..< negro
Directions for Roderick [Bagby? son of John Bagby?] in
collecting money.
`7/l2/1850 memorial poem for deceased person named John.
A fragment of a document providing an incomplete account
of the fatal sickness of Susannah, and the Baptist funeral
sermon delivered by her physician, Peter Bainbridge.
WA chart showing the distance in miles from Philadelphia
to various towns and cites. Also distances from Baltimore,
Alexandria, Va., Fredericksburgh, and Richmond, to
various places.
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