xt7p8c9r3f82_11 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7p8c9r3f82/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7p8c9r3f82/data/2013ms0105.dao.xml Chambliss, William Jones 0.23 Cubic feet 1 slim box The William Jones Chambliss collection on the Bagby-Rogers-Wood-Fishback family papers (dated 1978-1998; 0.23 cubic feet; 1 slim box) comprises research notes, family cemetery locations, and item-by-item descriptions by William Chambliss, Jr., of the Bagby-Rogers-Wood-Fishback family papers. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. William Jones Chambliss collection on the Bagby-Rogers-Wood-Fishback family papers Genealogy. Calendar of Mary (Mollie) H.M. Wood papers text Calendar of Mary (Mollie) H.M. Wood papers 2014 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7p8c9r3f82/data/2013ms0105/2013ms0105_1/2013ms0105_1_11/0118/0118.pdf section false xt7p8c9r3f82_11 xt7p8c9r3f82 /`/}QLL{E WQQD   §iLJLJ€n<3/umd
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Mollie (l8I 6—l9l4) was the daughter of Wm. B. and
Nancy E. Rogers. Mollie was first married to John
Barrick Wood. Following his death, Mollie married
. his brother, Robert F. Wood, whose first wife died
12/23/1865. Mollie lived in the Blue Spring Grove
area in Barren County, about eight miles north of
. Glas ow K . .... ., . , . . V
/»yI_/n¢N.Qj»/‘,?/ Vamp rg as  —» ‘·  4"wq-; act; i' *‘_*_; [Q5 C/{XC`? *'° LS") `_     —` $°`°F€"‘F‘r";, ‘
Q b l I @5)* £{€vE>+9‘·)Y>¤.L·*< {D L5 prpud he qiwe iw g Kgs ¥C‘·"“ihE· K-·£f¥{j€€i?{`@"? ¤2€._ 2;   cn; M6 {Sas A8 gg,
__ "i—*f¤cc>]nit& " C0,]Z~a:";; ¤_,·.»!v{i~` her ti>f£*‘_w¤ ’/‘?’>·’$· _
'l0/27/1864 Letter presumably to Mollie from Gray, a friend at
Pleasant Retreat, Ky. Personal letter re mutual
friends. Writer expresses hope that Mollie's brother,
J.B. [Major John Bird Rogers, 4th Ky. Rebel Regiment]
has been captured rather than killed.
*11/I?l864 Letter from Thomas Grayson Yancey, Glasgow, Ky. to Mrs.
Mollie Wood. Personal matters, and presumably indica-
tive of how a person in Glasgow could get a supply of
pork from the countryside.
Undated Note (Possibly 1864) from T. G. Yancey to Mollie — personal.
l2/3/64 Letter from T. G. Yancey, Glasgow, Ky. to Mollie [Wood],
personal matter.
5/13/1865 Letter to Mollie H. Wood from T. G. Yancey, off the
coast of Costa Rica. Writer spent 3 weeks in getting
from home [Glasgow, Ky.] to Costa Rica via New York.
Describes sea sickness of passengers and mentions
passage route through the West Indies, etc. Caribbean
Sea was rougher than the Atlantic. Discusses his stay
in Aspinwall and compares the Jamaica negroes with those
in Kentucky. Observed funny looking houses and luxuriant
vegetation and fruit. Regards local people as lazy and
indolent. Mentions 5—hour trip from Aspinwall to City
of Panama.
»/ . . . · .   J
5/22/186q Letter from unidentified woman, Coral Hill, Ky., to
(?{aé;¤qOm¥Cy Cousin Mollie H. Wood [same author of 4/18/69 letter,
j;fQQ{yac¢ ; q.v.]. Personal matters and boy friends.
5/30/1865 [continuation of above letter, on same stationery].
Aw¤&H;mwq%M@5§ Observes that he arrived in San Francisco exactly one
month after leaving Barren County. Remarks about his
loneliness among strangers in California. Mentions
that he is staying briefly with an aunt [near Sutter

7/9/1865 Letter from T. G. Yancey, San Joaquin Valley, Calif.,
to Mollie H. Wood. Mentions local use of "chinaman"
as cook, though most women in California cook while
the men milk cows, which apparently seems strange to
Yancey. Longs for mail from Barren County. Customs
in California are entirely different than in Kentucky.
Men far outnumber the women in Calif., a state full of
old bachelors. All languages from Chinese to Choctaw
are spoken in Calif. Mountains are full of gold, silver,
copper, quicksilver. Californians are the most spend-
thrift people in the world; never make change with a
smaller coin than a dime. Girls marry when they are
13 or 14 yrs. old. Requests his mail to be sent to
Sutter Creek.
ll/5/1865 Letter to Mollie H. Wood from T. G. Yancey from Buena
Vista, Calif. [Amador County]. Personal comments re
mutual friends. Advises that a young doctor in Barren
County should set up practice in Calif. Favors warm
Calif. climate to Kentucky's cold winters. Cites his
pay as school teacher in Jackson Valley, one of wealth-
iest farming valleys in Calif.
12/13/65 Letter to Mollie H. Wood from T. G. Yancey from Buena
Vista, Amador County, Calif. Remarks on mutual friends
and his social life in Calif. Advises Mollie to come to
Calif. and remarry [her husband is dead]. The writer
never plans to return to Ky.
(l866?) Revenue tax receipt for 1865.
~1/27/1866 Letter to Mollie H. Wood from T. G. Yancey, Sutter
Creek, Calif. Remarks re his teaching, ill health, and
slow mail. Comments on his social life and Xmas presents.
Advises Mollie to come to Calif. to a better climate and
`4/4/1866 Letter to Mollie H. Wood from T. G. Yancey, Buena Vista,
Calif. Remarks re the month required for mail to reach
Calif. from Barren County. Raves about springtime in
Calif. Dislikes California's "mongrel mixed population."
Yancey volunteers to find Molly a husband in Calif. if
she will describe her preferences.
Z/13/1866 Letter to Mollie H. Wood from T. G. Yancey, Buena Vista,
Calif. Remarks re his changeable feelings toward life
in Calif. and briefly comments re social life.
6/3/1866 Letter to Mollie H. Wood from T. G. Yancey, Jackson
Valley, Calif. Remarks re his desire to escape the
dignified deportment required of a school teacher. Is
satisfied with $70 per month teacher's salary and his
35 students. Advises Mollie to sell her property, come
to Calif. and remarry.

W/4/1866 Letter to Mollie H. Wood from T. G. Yancey, Ione
Valley, Calif. Remarks re slow mail service from Ky.
and again offers services as matrimonial go—between.
Remarks re mutual friends in Barren County.
“é/6/1866 Letter to Mollie Wood from T. G. Yancey, at Mr.
Prouty's, Ione Valley, Calif. Remarks re mail delivery
from Kentucky requiring slightly more than 2 months.
States that strawberries in Calif. are bigger than hen
eggs. Teaching contract renewed at $75.00 per month
for fall semester. Personal remarks re social life.
8/l2/l866 Letter to Mollie Wood from T. G. Yaney, "at Home,"
‘ Calif. Personal remarks re Barren County friends;
satisfaction with teaching his students. Remarks that
Californians will travel 20 and 30 miles to attend a
dance. Camp meetings are as much a vogue in Calif. as
r they were 40 years ago in Ky.
Aw;. cf $¢p'*· Z2'4?&{}
Undated Part of a letter apparently to Mollie Wood from T. G.
Yancey, Stockton, Calif. Primarily remarks re Yancey's
social life.
’9/l6/1866 Pm%a€Letter to Mollie Wood from T. G. Yancey, Stockton, Calif.
Yancey has changed his vocation from teaching to salesman
and clerk for "Gray and Hickman," a fashionable clothing
and drygoods store. Owing to large female clientele at
store, Yancey believes that this part of Calif. is not
as lacking in women as the countryside. Humorous remarks
re the various devices sold in the store to enable women
to have attractive forms. Remarks re social life and
about his residence at the "Weber House," most fashionable
hotel in Stockton. Expresses dissatisfaction with
’i¤¤/*m;E!:_=.T, ` " "
1/3/1890 W. S. Bagby leases the Wm. Rogers Farm from Mollie Wood
for $150. for one year. Terms of lease are specified.
l2/4/1891 Letter presumably from Mollie Wood to her daughter,
Margaret Yancey Baird (1870-1957). Remarks re worsening
condition of Aunt Ginnie. Remarks about Janie [Fishback]
moving to Texas. ‘
1/28/1894 Letter to Mollie from Mrs. A. E. Thompson, Seymore
(Hart County), Ky. Writer reports that her horse almost
ran off with her on the way back to Hart County. Personal
l/20/1897 V Mollie Wood‘s receipt for processed grain. _
1/20/1904 Mollie Wood‘s receipt for an I;0.U. 1 J €g“”1“y*

ll/15/1905 Letter to Mrs. Maggie Yancey Baird, Mollie Wood‘s
daughter,from T. G. Yancey, Newman, Calif. Acknowledge-
ment of Maggie‘s letter of condolence re death of Yancey's
brother who has kept Yancey posted by letter over the
past 40 years of events in Barren County.
L2/21/1908 Letter to Mollie Rogers Wood from T. G. Yancey, Newman,
Calif. Personal letter, but the letterhead reveals
that T. G. Yancey is president of the Yancey Lumber Co.,
‘ which was established in 1892. J. H. Yancey, presumably
T. G.'s son is Secretary. Letter reveals continuing
interest in many Kentucky relatives despite long sojourn
in Calif.
2/2/1910 Letter to Mollie Rogers Wood, EIIIIIII Y from T. G.
Yancey ·,i;yy.*—~¢: ·J»¢7a;_Y-—`»;. Personal letter re
mutual acquaintances and kinfolk in Ky. Writer states
that his brother wrote to him about once a week for 35
years to keep him informed of his Ky. kinfolk.
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