xt7p8c9r3f82_10 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7p8c9r3f82/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7p8c9r3f82/data/2013ms0105.dao.xml Chambliss, William Jones 0.23 Cubic feet 1 slim box The William Jones Chambliss collection on the Bagby-Rogers-Wood-Fishback family papers (dated 1978-1998; 0.23 cubic feet; 1 slim box) comprises research notes, family cemetery locations, and item-by-item descriptions by William Chambliss, Jr., of the Bagby-Rogers-Wood-Fishback family papers. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. William Jones Chambliss collection on the Bagby-Rogers-Wood-Fishback family papers Genealogy. Calendar of George W. Rogers papers text Calendar of George W. Rogers papers 2014 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7p8c9r3f82/data/2013ms0105/2013ms0105_1/2013ms0105_1_10/0116/0116.pdf section false xt7p8c9r3f82_10 xt7p8c9r3f82   ii .1 C`r`  
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31 €iEQB<§§.-.l7r·_..ROGER$. EBPERS l \   1 "‘
Son of Wm. B. and Nancy E. Rogers, b. 8/1/1842 -
d. 1/5/1863. Fatally wounded at Murfreesboro, Tenn.,
while in Confederate Infantry.
/l l
[til/8/1862 Letter from George W. Rogers to his father, Wm. B.
j lj*Ey¤¢»1» Rogers, Barren County, Ky. Personal letter requesting
E Q ff'·=y*f¢ news from home. No part of the south he has seen
j ;,gQp*V · compares to Kentucky. Wants clothes from home. Rogers
{ ’ opposes cavalry raids in border states unless cavalry
f units plan to secure areas raided. Expresses dim
g view of so many Kentucky recruits joining horse mounted
* "Partisan Ranger" companies.
§ ./
§ `5/26/1862 A note by George W. Rogers, Camp Corinth [Mississippi?],
{ to "friend" directing him to send a package according
; to the directions on the back of the package in case
Rogers should fall in the coming battle.
FB/31/1862 A note by George W. Rogers, Tuscumbia Swamps,
[Alabama?], recording his battle fatigue and a dream
, he had during a short nap.
"  u   (·¤';Qi~‘r "·. or. :~ ik if     , ;— I 7 '`A_   / ,{ _ i ‘ W1 p »
{hg iY;reri’ V';. rj.-  Q-j. iey;_. . · t < ,Bar·e C gf'. .. ·
ALFRED ·MARR, Glasgow, Ky., died of diease at Bowling Green, 00rporal, April, 1862. Fought upIS}l;;]0(i,uIi,tyy,·;;i{;,bl;,i? npgxgmcd L
, ]36l_ _ '1[touge, and Murl`rcesboro’. _ Was inortally woiinded at lliuiggcsbgggil
• XVII. J. NABORS, Glasgow, Ky., fought at Murfreeshoro’, Jack- fg;-**UT*;5’ 2d, and died January 5, 1863. Was awarded medal oflrnno;
V son, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face, Resaca, and *’°i {mt and m°"t°*'*0**S 00**d¤0¤.
` Dallas, from Dallas to Atlanta, at Peachtree Creek, Intrcnchmcnt - SAMUEL T. SPENCER, Barren County Ky_ {0,,p,M at S, -1 , i
Creek, Utoy Creek, at Jonesboro, both days, and in most of the _ , W**01‘€ he was wounded and C.,pt,m,d. i d°. , ° “ 0*,
***00***00 *“f““*"Y 0“€='"=%'°m°“°S· D `°**““£—’0» -*****0 30.1863,on account ofhis wotinlliigutfdrlaligscll adm EXC
, · b U , · · » *U IS C , i,€1)tQm-
;IAMES F. NUCKOLS, Glasgow, KY., fought at Shiloh, where he t;;,;5’ *86,;*~··¤¤<* Smled d“*`***S the ¤`0m¤1¤der of the wm with F, dc_
was disabled by wound, and on the 15th—of September, 1862, was ( mu O SCOutS‘
discharged-. . ' E J,)OS.~hN`?E1RS, Barren County§ Ky., fought at Shiloh, Murfrees-
9 F WV. OYVEN, Barren County, Ky., fought at Shiloh, where he was Rosle mc, Dae sou, C$1lCk&mi*~**gi*a M*S$*0** R***S0> R00kY Fam 0***1*
• Wounded mma 0,,.,,,,, Same day, at Murfmcsbomx Jackson,   a, an allas. Was captured at Kenesaw Mountain, June 20,
Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face, Resaca, and Dallas, from ' Y
Dallas to Atlanta, at 1’caehtrec Crock, and at Intrcnchment Creek, .BAYARD T. SMITH, Barren County, Ky.,was elected second lie 4
where he was wounded and captured. Returned before the close of _ tenant, January 10, 1863. ]·‘U,,u|,L M M,,,.[·,.,,C()ly|*m{,_ |;,,,-,·u,, (],,,n,1,y, Ky., was killed in battle at Shi- 3, ( O ']‘I\Yq] FY , r
J 10h,Ap,.,l7,1g(,2_ ‘, O. B,l,J,c;_v   Ummu (’°""l‘.Y» hy-, Wim U'JlllSll.E1'l'l!ll to t‘obh's
, )[_ H_ PERRY, Hart County, Ky., fought at M¤!`i1`€€Sl>0T0’, Jack' ` 1D_ \V_,y[iT B. .
  Son, Chickamauga, Rocky Face, Resaea, and Dallas; in the skir- ih R011**e Blu,-{;;;;;0rCpun;Y: KY., fought at Shiloh, at Baton
mish engagements between Dallas and Kencsuw Mountain, at which Died 0,. ,,,5,;,wd in Gcwlgglj  ryjusiéyjrginded; and at Jackson.