xt7p8c9r2r7x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7p8c9r2r7x/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1929-09-20  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, September 20, 1929 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 20, 1929 1929 1929-09-20 2012 true xt7p8c9r2r7x section xt7p8c9r2r7x Best Copy Available




PP" SF"'


Constitution Appears on
Page 1, Section 3

To He Held Tonight in
IT. K. Armory






Varsity Forensic Squad Will
lie Selected at McVey



All Students With Ability Are
Urged to Compete
in Tests


Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock
in lecture room 111 of McVey Hall
n debate tryout will be held from
which will be selected nil the stu
dents qualified to represent the Uni
versity in its debates with other in
stitutions during the year.
Special preparation Is not neccs
sary for the student to participate
in the tryout. When he arrives at
McVey Hall he will be given a type
written page of some controversial
topic which he will be allowed thirty minutes to read. The faculty
judges will then select a subject for
debate. The students are then allowed fifteen minutes to prepare a
constructive speech, which they
must deliver in four . minutes, i
rebuttal by each par
ticipant closes the tryouts.
Those selected will be allowed to
participate in a series of fifty de
bates held by the University this
fall. These debates will be held
with Cambridge University. Yale,
Princeton, Swarthmore, Loyola of
Chicago, Northwestern, University
or Florida, University of Tennes
see, Berea and Centre College. Sub
jects already selected for these intercollegiate debates Include, "Can
the single enterpriser survive In
competition with chain stores?"
"Do newspapers do more harm than
good?" "Can wars be prevented by
western civilization progressed?" "As
now organized can the typical
it is
American Liberal Arts College educate?" and "Should the United
States government own apd oper
ate nyaro-eiectr- ic
According to Mr. Sutherland, Uni
yerslty debate coach, the most im
portant and perhaps the most in
teresting of these debates is the
one concerning the Liberal Arts
College. This debate will be held
during thf,,s$cond week of January
awhllthe-:KitHck- y
,- -,i
Association oi
in Lexlnetoiw
iVKft IWJsgfcW


three studentOoUnerlca. this fall
and the University has a debate
With this team the latter part of
November. The subject discussed
with the English students will be
"Has western civilization progress- -


The present debating team is composed of Clifford Amyx, Scott Keyes,
William Pearce, Richard Weaver,
Kermit Pack, Alfred Naff, James
porter, Sydney Shell and Pat Rankin. At the tryout these men will
also speak and the judges will make
their decisions of the new members
by comparison with the seasoned
?,Mr. Sutherland urges everyone
having forensic ability to participate in the tryout, for an indefinite
number of debaters will be chosen.

Orchestra Concert
pe Held Sunday

r 4 to

Prof. Carl A. Lampert Will
Direct Musicians in
Initial Program



University Philharmonic
under the direction of Prof.
u. a. iampert, will give the first of
a series of orchestra concerts at
,.3:30 o'clock Sunday afternon In the
'j auditorium of the new Memorial
building. Dr. Prank L. McVey will



Although the exact program can
not be announced, it will be of the
same character as those that were
'' given on Sunday afternoon last
year in the Men's gymnasium. The
programs ior mis year win oe variea
and offer many new selections as
well as old classical favorites.
,.The vesper service offers an op
. ..portunity for students to hear the
new organ that has recently been
installed in Memorial nan. it is a
punner organ and has the highest
reputation of present day lnstru- -'
meats of its type. It is of the three-manudesign and is the best obtainable. The Skinner organ is used
. at. Yaie, Princeton
and other out'
standing colleges.
professor Lampert wishes to an
nounce that the Philharmonic or
chestra will hold Its first rehearsal
at 7:30 o'clock Tuesday night, Sept.
24, ut the Art Building which will
be open to .all studentss. Try-ou- ts
win pe held on the same evening.

University authorities have been
striving during the past week to
work a plan ior the parking of au
tomobiles on the camnus. Atroroxl
matcly 400 cars' arc driven onto the
campus each day by students and
faculty owners. The parking space

President McVey


Dr. Prank LeRond McVey, pictur
ed above, has led the destiny of the
University since 1917. During this
time, largely through his efforts,
the institution has enjoyed an era
of progress unprecedented in the
history of the school.



Organization for jpurpose o(
Studying Foreign Rela- tiff H8 .rHOtlltCtfflr



student organlza
tlon on the campus for the purpose
of stimulating interest In foreign
relations, nas chosen as subjects
ior discussion during the year, "The
British Commonwealth," and "Can
Two special convocations will be
dates being tentatively set for No
vember, at which time "Great
amain a commonwealth Nation.
will be lectured upon. The month, of
March wilK.be devoted to the dls
cusslon of "Canada." Plans Have
been made whereby the oreaniza
tion will secure prominent men from
England and Canada to deliver lec
tures at convocation.
In addition to convocation 'tiro
grams, various departments In the
university intend to present phases
of the subjects in the class room in
order that a complete treatment of
international relations may be offered. There also will be during
me momns oi wovemoer and March
special exnioits and recitals in con
nection with, .the subjects for discussion.
The personnel of
now bejng selected. The executive
committee is composed of Nicholas
W. Williams, chairman;
M. Templln, vice
chairman, and
upautuuiB, eetiemry. troiessor.
rarqunar, of the English deDart
ment, is the faculty advisor of the
organization. The subcommittee for
the various departments will be an.
uuuncea at a later date.

Dr. T. D. Rhodes Is
Granted Leave by
Board of Trustees


has become limited due to the In
crease of buildings and some logical
plan must be adopted for the benefit
of the students and the University.
Mr. Maury crutcner. sunerlnten
dent of buildings arid grounds, has
been placed in charge of the solving of the parking problem by University authorities. At tho opening
of registration Mr. Crutcher circulated a questionnaire to all students
entering the University. The Infor
matlon gained from
answers to
these questions has been Journalized
will be used to reach a defiand it
nite conclusion in regard to parked
Mr. Crutcher believes, "That all
students will strive to cooperate
with officials when they realize tho
task which faces those endeavoring
to serve ootn tne student body and
the University. The University of
Wisconsin does not allow parking
on their campus, but It is not the
aim of University officials here to
exclude the automobile from this
It may be necessary in the near
future to assign definite narklne
space to every car which Is driven
onto the campus regularly. Some
space In front of the administration
building must be reserved for he- hides brought to the campus by
visitors ana ousmess men.
Members of the faculty use their
cars also as a means to reach their
work and they likewise must have
a convenient parking sriace. "Stu
dents living in Lexington should not
oring their cars to the camDus un
less it is unavoidable. All students
should be observant of the rules
which are laid down by the officials
In charge," says Mr. Crutcher.
Signs are belnc made which will
Inform the students in regard to
the system they must observe when
parking on the campus. A regular
deputized officer will be employed
by the University in the near future
to enforce the regulations that will
oe adopted.
Below IsHhe questionnaire which
every registering student was asked to fill out in detail:
Student Auto Users and Owners
Parent or Guardian- - L



jects for Year"




City Address'
. J. .
Kind of Car
License No
Is car necessary to reach, University



A. G. E. Local Fraternity
mitted to Lambda Chi
pha When Petition Is
cepted by Convention.



Dr. Wellington Patrick Is Promoted to Full Professorship in Education


At a recent meeting of the board

of trustees of the university several

changes were made In the personel
of the faculty, resignations of some
being accepted, and promotion ap
pointment of others being made.
Because of an Increase in attend
ance each semester, the enlargement
of some of tho departments and the
retirement of several of the faculty
members, approximately thirty-fiv- e
additions have been made to the
faculty since the close of school in
John Kulper will be an associate
professor of philosophy In the philosophy department, which lost Dr.
Olanvllle Terrell by retirement.
Dr. R. S. Allen, of the depaitment
of anatomy and physiology will replace Dr. Joseph Pryor ashead of
the same department. Dr. Allen's
position will be taken by A. M.
Lands, as slnstructor of anatomy
and physiology.
Miss Lenore Wilson will assist
Prof. Carl Lampert and Prof. Elmer
Sulzer, an Instructor of music.
In the English department two
new faculty members, Mrs. George
Smith and Robert Shannon, have
been announced.
Miss Sallle Pence arid Wayne
Garnett have been added to the
staff of the mathematics department.
New political-scienc- e
are Charles Shull and Paul Walp.
Jarvis Todd and Bertram Ramsey
have been placed on the faculty of
the physics department.
Miss Rebecca Averlll will be the
new physical education instructor.
(Continued on page 8)

Group Makes
Best Mark With Average
Standing of 1.363

Loving Cups Are Awarded to
Alpha Gamma Rho, Al-

pha Delta Thcta
men and women
made higher grades than fraternity
members last semester, and the Al
pha Gamma Rho and Alpha Delta
Theta groups won the loving cups
offered by the Young Men's Chrisic
tian Association and Women's
Council respectively to the
making the highest
standings, according
to reports
from the offices of the deans of
men and women.
Alpha Gamma Rho fraternity
made a standing of 1,685, and Alpha
Delta Theta made 1.8. The Kappa
Deltas making 1.73 and the Delta
Tau Deltas, making 1.639, were second to the two groups named above.
That women students made higher standings than men was shown
whenMt was reported that the
average was 1.453 and the
all-maverage 1.361. The fraternity
men had a standing of 1.358 and
group, 1.363.
Bart Peak, secretary of the Y. M.
C. A., presented the lovine cud
given by that association to the
Alpha Gamma Rhos, and the cup
wnicn the Alpha Delta Thetas won
will be presented at the. annual
The fraternities and their stand
ings follow:
Alpha Gamma Rho. 1.C85: Delta
Tau,Delta, 1.639; Alpha Gemma Ep- snop, i.ow; tt.appa, H.'gu.a, I.bih;



"Miracle" Shoe Saves


Employe From Injury
Orientation Period for First
Year Men Precedes the

John Farrls, an employe of the
Bltterftian Roofing Company, sustained slight injuries of the hip,
wnsi ana neaa when he fell from
the roof of the Armory Tuesday
afternoon. Ho was taken to the
university dispensary and given
first-ai- d
by Doctor Penny.
Farrls fall was broken when
his shoe caught In the rain
spouting on the roof. He hune
m mm-a- ir
until the weight of
his body pulled his foot from the
snoe. Farrls would have fallen
head-fir- st
about 20 feet, but he
hung in the air long enough to
regain his balance and fall upon
his arm and one side.
Lady luck was with him when
his shoe caught in the rain
spouting, for without such good
fortune Farrls would have probably sustained serious injuries.
The "miracle" shoe still remain's
in the rain spouting on the roof
of the Armory, waiting in vain
for someone with enough daring
to rescue it.

School Opening

Students Hear Lectures on
Subjects Connected With
Campus Ltfe



When the registration division of the University for
this semester closed for the
day at 4 o'clock yesterday af
ternoon, it was found that a
total oil 2,623 students had
matriculated. This number
represents the largest enroll
ment ever recorded at Ke- tucky and a marked increase
over that of last year at a corresponding time. It is expected that many more will regis-

ter during the next eight days
which remain for enrollment.

Last year at this time, the
number of students registered
totaled 2.37G, a number which had
broken all previous records. This
year's mark exceeds that high
mark by 247 enrollments and is
Each Unit in New Dorm Is expected to reach a total of 500
more than the number registerFurnished and Equipped
ing last fall. Officials vesfenlav
With Conveniences
estimated that the number of stu
For Boys
dents attending the University
this term would exceed former
totals by approximately 29 per
cent, thus showing the rapid expansion of the institution in all
Breckinridge Hall, dedicated, to departments.
Di.Chiijl.MPrii K&k-raus- .
the rienicr ofSV.- P. Biec!:ir.rid)re. "Freshman Wc'ftV s he)a '
Mt9; Sigma Nu.,,1.422; ,Alpha Tail ana Kinkeftd Hay have fcen- - pffi; the;third time 'ln tho history 6t 'the
mgma'Beta xi, 1.374; cially opened to,
Program; 'Mary; Mary, umega,
.mejvcjri' rhe! University; taking place over.a.pe3
Sigma Chi, 1.293; Alpha Sigma Phi, campus who; care thelive i& dormi riod extending through September-td
Quite Contrary" Is Slat- ,
1.2151; Phi Delta Theta, 1.207; Kapv-wr.u wxucij nme a smauer num-- ?l
ttie-weed First Production
pa Alpha. 1.121; Phi Sigma Kappa, tories. ofBreckinridge Hall,
the' ney.' dormitories fe in- .hex 'of Freshmen registered thaw
was anticipated bv Univprsitv
1.120; Triangle, 1.192; PI Kappa
deed a"beautif ul; cpaimemoratioil to
TRYOUTS WILL BE TODAY Alpha, 1.148; Sigma Alpha Epsilon, the memory of Mr.,. Breckinridge:. thorities.
The Freshmen assembled at Mem- attractivenfcs.'.'and"'
sozy orial Hall Thursday
Following are the sorority grades:
morning to be- - t
rooms have been isb, very skillfully'
The Gudgnol Players, under the Alpha Delta Theta, .1.8; Kappa Del- planned that any man would still gin a week of orientation before
starting class work. Immediately
ta, 1.73; Beta Sigma Omicron. 1.70:
direction of Prof. Prank C. Fowler,
have that "home-like- "
feeling. Each upon assembly, they were divided
will make1 their second debut on the Zeta Tau' Alpha, 1.59; Kappa Kap- room is approximately twenty
feet into sections of 40 each and regiscampus this year with the presen pa Gamma 1.52; Alpha Gamma square. The walls and celling are
of tration was under way.
Delta, 1.458; Delta Delta Delta,
tation of five 'excellent plays at the 1.451;
New students first reported to
Chlt Omega, T.39; Delta Zeta, white calcimine with woodwork of
Gulgnol Theater. The first performdark mahogany.
headquarters in McVey Hall, where ,s
1.37; Alpha XI Delta, 1.36.
ance, which ,1s a delightful rollicking
Each room is equipped with two they filled out freshman week eri- - ?
pen of St. John
comedy from!-'thsteel lockers, a large mahogany
(continued on page 3)
"Mary, Mary,
dresser, and a large table that will
Quite Contrary," has been definite1
accommodate two. There are two
ly set for the week of October 28.
large single beds that almost rival
All persons desslreas of play- -.
the old fashioned feather bed.
Society Officers
Ing roles In the initial prodac-tto- n
Kinkead Hall, the south wing,
or Interested la affiliating
presents the atmossphere of an old
with the biMlness or technical
Colonial mansion. There are ten Dicker Hall Renovated Durdepartments of the organization
ing Summer Vacation by
Annual Event Sponsored By huge white plllarss that support the
are requested to report at the
Y. M. and Y. W. Orgamza porch. The entrance portrays the
Anderson's Crew
business office of the Galgno!
old Kentucky mansion.
tions Will Be Held at 8:00
Theater this afternoon between
The rooms in this hall are con'
At their first regular meeting held
o'Clock This Evening.
the hoars of 3 and' 5 for tryouts
structed and furnished in the same in Dicker Hall last Wednesday
and Interviews.
comfortable and home-lik- e
manner morning at 10 o'clock the Dicker
Other attractions "'for the season
Annual college night, to which all as those of Breckinridge Hall. Both Engineering Society, an organization
will be "The Second Mrs. Tanque- - the students of the University
fire-proare dormitories are
and de- of Freshmen engineers, elected ofDecember 9th; "East Lynne," Febru- Invited, and which is sponsored by signed in the
Mest styles of archi ficers for the year. The following
ary 10th and Henrick Ibsen's "Peer the university Y. M. C. A. and Y.
were elected: Evans Tracy, presiGynt," on March 5th. This program W. C. A., will be held
dent; Jerome Alexander, vice presirepresents the elite, of dramatic pro- at 8 ociock, in Aulmnlthis
dent; and Miss Carol Yoter, secreductions. The playrights were securThe event this year will take the
Glee Club
tary and treasurer.
Prof. John
ed after much effort and expense.
Dicker was in charge of the meetThe, title of the fifth play, for the form of a county fair. Tho first.
second ana third floors will be
ing until the new officers were electweek of May 5th, will be announced
gayly decorated and arranged with
ed and Installed.
With the revival of !East Lynne," tne various booths and side shows of
Dicker Hall has been completely-renovatea fair. Among the shows whichare
which Is to be done in the manner
since the close of school
The University Men's Glee Club, last June. The auditorium has been
of Its opening In New York 30 years oeing prepared are a five-adevllle, a slelght-of-hanact. a one under the direction of Prof. Carl decorated as a hunting lodge.
ago. local theater-goer- s
have a real act comedy and d a
chamber of hor A. Lampert. will hold its first re one side of the room
treat In store for them.. Hoop-skirt- s,
there is a
corsets, bustles, villians with long rors. The woman's Club will nre- - hearsal Mohday night. Several va large stone fireplace and directly
cancles have occurred In the organ! opposite a large stone fountain has
moustaches and a heroine who has siae at iisn pond.
Admission to the shows and zatlon due to the fact that some of been placed.
never seen the inside of a Ford
coupe will be some of the historic booths, as well as for refreshments, the members dl4 not return this
Tables made of slabs sawed from
antiquities that will confront a win oe oy tickets, which are to be year.
the historic old Henry Clay sycagiven to the guests as needed. Tills
All men Interested In singing in
modernistic audience. The success
more tree fitted with iron legs made
carries out
of such an undertaking is made evi- Mass games the Idea of the fair. the musicare requested to report at in the University forge shon also
building at 7:30 Monday
dent by the tremendous applause woman s gym.will be played In the the,
adorn the room. A great amount of
nignt ior Drier try-ou- ts
and inter painstaking
accorded Christopher Morley for his
work was required to
Arrangements for this affair are views.
under the direction of the social
The Glee Club Is a popular extra fit these tables up in such a man
curricular activity on the campus ner. Dean Anderson wants the encommittees of the Y. M. C. A. and
the Y. W. C. A., which are composed ana nas acquired much prominence gineers to frequent Dicker Hall as a
in- - of James
Boucher and Albert Kiker throughout the state. An excellent study and recreation hall.
(Continued on page S)
A piano and radio all serv tn'
for tho Y. M. and Christine Blake-ma- n itinerary Is being prepared that is
for the Y. W. The cabinets of expected to take the organization moke this engineers' "den" nn'p
tne two societies will assist with the tnrougn west Kentucky. SDecIal of the most attractive places for
concert trips covering much terri
on the campus.
entertainment of the guests.
O. Boxes
tory are also belnc arrnnced. Thn
radio broadcasting station of the
university will be employed to reWILL HOLD CONVENTION lease many of the musical proProf. Elmer G. Sulzer. director n'r
He Distributed
Kernel Will
the University band, announce!.
Through Postoffice
It has been announced that th yesterday that try-ouAlpha Delta Sigma, national profor assistant
As Usual
fessional advertising fraternity will club contemplates participating in drum major of the band will be held
the national
mpn's tonight at 7 o'clock at the band
hold Its national convention at the glee
club contest which will bo held room in the Art Center. Anvonn
The Kentucky Kernel will bo University October
at a
delivered this year through the
The number of chapters through-- ! some well known eastern university with tlft exception of seniors is elitime during the year.
gible to try for this position.
out the United States Is 20 and the
University post office. Every FriKentucky chapter Is named Desha
day morning the students will
i no fortunate candidate will ha
Brecklnridgo as every chapter is
placed under the tutelage of, the
find the papers In their respecpresent drum major. Wallace Hoenamed after some individual promitive boxes.
nent in the newspaper world. -ing, and
the near future will lead
The K Book for freshmen will
Prof, and Mrs. R. D. Haun. who the bandin In military
Members of tho active Kentucky
be placed in tho post office
were married June 11, have return- Anyone who has
ehnntpr nr! W T. Vnlnln
had any experiboxes on Wednesday according
Joe Ruttencutter,
secretary and ed here after an extended tour of ence whatever alonir these lines la
to an announcement by Malcolm treasurer,
Gene Royce, chairman of the South this summer. Prof. Haun, urged to come to the try out
"the social committee, Philip Glenn, who is head of the University Ac
A rew positions in tho University
All students are urged to get James Shropshire. Virgil Couch, counting Department, attended
the band still -- emaln open. Anyone in
their post office boxes and numand George HUlen. Faculty members International
Commerce and Ac- the University who can play an inbers assigned at the earliest pos
are: Gerald Grlffen, Enoch Grehan, counting Convention, held at New strument
should see Mr. Sulzer at
sible, date.
R. D. Mclntyre, J. B. Miner and York City, September 9 to 14 as a once at
his office in tho Music
delegate from the University;





Engineers Select


Alpha Gamma Epsilon fraternity

da Chi Alpha, one of the largest
social fraternities In the country, at
the recent convention of Lambda
Chi Alpha in New York state.
Alpha Gamma Epsilon was estab
lished at the University in 1922 by
four' men.' Since the date of its
founding lthas been active in cam
pus activities.
Lambda Chi Alpha was establish
ed at Boston, Mass., In 1902, and
now has 80 chapters in the United
States and Canada.
Last year when national officers
of Lambda Chi Alpha visited the
local group they were favorably im
pressed and told delegates at the
convention of the local's work. This,
together with a formal petition from
the local organization and the work
of Damon M. Sergener, of Louisville, past president of the Univer
sity of Alabama chapter of Lambda
Chi Alpha won for the local group
the charter. .
this week installation of Alpha
Gamma EpsUon will probably bo in
February, with representatives of
Lambda Chi Alpha from CInclnna-- .
ti, Tennessee, and other nearby fra- - J
terhltles present.
In petitioning Lambda Ohl Alpha,
the local chapter presented recommendations from W. J. Fields, for- -'
mer governor of Kentucky, Dr.
Frank L. McVey. president of the
University of Kentucky, O. R. Mel- -'
cher, dean of men: Dr. Frank T,
McFarland, head of the department
of botany'; C. L. Miller, prominent I
eastern Kentucky attorney; tho University
council, differ
ent national fraternities at the Uni-- !
versity, and prominent business men
of Lexington.
Officers of Alpha Gamma Epsilon
fraternity are Preston W. Berry,
president; J. O. Flndley, secretary,'
and 'Forrest Dalton, treasurer.

Dr. T. D, Rhodes, associate nro
fessor of hygiene and public health,
has been, granted a sabbatical
leave by tho University Board of
Trustees for the year
will take a
course at
the University of Pennsylvania
School of Medicine.
Dr. Rhodes was graduated from
tne university of Indiana with an
A. B. and M. D. degree. After serving a year's internship
at the
Louisville City Hospital, he came
to the University. He has remained
on the faculty here for the past
three years.
Mrs. a Rhodes will accompany her
hueband to Philadelphia, where hie
1 Three
hundred and fifty Freshmen were entertained last Saturday will take courses in Dermatology
evening at the Men's gymnasium and Syphllology. Dr. Rhodes is a
under the auspices of the Y. M. C. member of the Delta Tau Delta soA. and Y. W. C, A. organizations.
cial fraternity, and the Nu Sigma
The feature of the evening was Nu medical fraternity.
the entertainment provided by Fred
Bassett, traveling salesman for the SIGMA DELTA CHI TO MEET
W. T. Stetrunk
Company, which
Sigma Delta Chi. International
consisted of songs, selections on the
negro band. Mass honbr'ary Journalistic fraternity, will
harmonica and a
gajpes were played that the Fresh- hold its first meeting of the school
men might become better ac- year at 3 o'clock Thursday afterThe Ag Society will hold its first
noon in the journalism room of Mc meeting of the year at 7:3Q Monday
After the entertainment, refresh Vey hall. The meeting s impor nlnVif In wutm OAK In V.o
by. the Y. M. I tant and all members am uraori in I
mmte wwre swvd
luk .rw.
be pTMtnt,
Cooper) as the. pripoHalTgpafcw?.



Largest U. K. Enrollment
In History Recorded as
2,623 Sign for Courses



at the University, oldest local organization on the campus, was
granted a charter as a zeta of Lamb

of Trustees Mnkcs
Changes in Personnel of
Many Departments





SEPTEMBER 20, 1020


Officials May Ban Autos
On Campus Unless Traffic
Congestion Is Solved Soon




Hold Initial
Practice Monday




and K
Are Ready




� Best


Friday. Sept. 20 College
Everybody Invited.



Alpha Gamma Epsllon Fraternity
wishes to announce the pledging of
the following men: Ralph Vannoy
of Mndtsonvlllc. Burton Aldrlch of
Denton, Earl Sergcncr of Harlan,
William Luther of Harlan, Aubrey
"Wells of Ashland, Joe Gattln of Ashland, Elwood Barber of Ashland,
Ocorgc Farrls of Irvine, J. C.
Thompson of Lexington. Stewart
Barney of Lexington. W. T. Bond of
Cancysville and James Buttcrmore
of Harlan.
PI Kappa Alpha Fraternity


to announce the pledging of the
mpiv Nnrmnn Tate of Som
erset, Albert Kopcnhocfcr of Som- crsc, David Tlbuais 01 somerset,
John C. Bclotc of May field, Wayne
Clark of Mayflcld, Julian Maddox
of Mayfleld, Marlon Longmcycr of
Frankfort, James jonnsion 01
James Shaw of Cartcrsvlllc,
Ga., George Hawkins David Mulligan of Paducah, Richard Nclscr of
Newport, Harry Walt of Burnslde,
James McRoberts of East St. Louis,
Illinois, John Ewlng, Jr., of Prospect, Harry Bush of Great Onxy
Cave, William Core, Jr., of Nashville Tennessee, James Frankcl of
Lexington. Frank Goggln of Danville, John Penn of Georgetown,

Clyde Miller of Vine Grove and
Clarence Yeagcr of Miacusooro,
niirmn Ainim Ensllon fraternity
fraternity wishes to announce the
pledging of the follwlng men; Malcolm Roysc of Winchester, William
number or Henderson, jbck wnnn
nf Pf.. Tlimnns. Charles Russell of
Ashland. Jack Strothcr of Grayson,
Horace Helm of Henderson, iiaroia
Martin of Harlcn, Bcntly Sampson
of Harlan, Charles Mason, of Lexington, James Lyno of Russcllvllle,
Thomas Warren or Russcuvnc, sum-u- cl
Parrent of Frankfort, and Rucl
Laymorc of Ellzabethdown.
Kappa Sigma wishes to announce
the pledging of the following men:
James Regan, Jean Hlnman, John
Fryc, Leo Rosa, Michael Murphy,
of Louisville; William Austin of
Ashland; H. H. Morris of Carroll-toCharlton Wallace of Long Island, New York; Mclvln Moore of
Evansvlllc, Ind.; Gllllsplc Harnell of
Racine, Wisconsin; Robert Ship of
Phlllpsburg, New Jersey; George
Cess and James Salyers of Lexington.
Plil Delta Thcta wishes to an- iiniinrf thn nlodclnc of the follow
ing men: Jim Cromwell of Cynthl- ana, Ed McDowell or New Yorn
City, Leo Brocckncr of Louisville,
nillv Huhble of Carml. Illinois. Al
bert Jones of Ashland, Jim Murray
of Huntington, west Virginia, joe
Ferguson or wayne, west Virginia,
Sauferly Hughes of Lancaster, Jack
Winfrey of Hopkinsville, Wlnfred
Ardery of Paris and Robert Phillipl
of Burnslde.

St. Marie Millinery is glad to have you

with us again.
Hats from $6 to $25, in all
head sizes.
Opposite Kentucky Theater





Welcome Students

Shoes for college
men and any occasion for which you
need snappy

Priced mostly




For Gdftgfe1 Girls


beautiful styles in















Magazines In retrospect
Forum, although continuing to
print high class material, is paying
the piper, paying the price for its
hundred thousasnd circulation; and,
In a lesser degree, so is the Golden
But I like the renovated
North American Review a little better. Scrlbncrs Impresses me as being
the high brow's Liberty; and Plain
Talk gets the froth and foam of
Harper's, though, prints
solid stuff. And so do the old stand-Iby- s,
the Nation nnd the New Re
public. Even they splash nrouna
quite a bit, and get taken In
as, for Instance, the
New Rcpubllc'ss recent article on
Rudy aVllec. (By the way, what has
become of him?) They shauld both
dig in on this Shearer question,
though, and because of recent occurrences, they should have something to say about these Southern
textile mills. I wonder what their
rmlnlnns nn 'Rrlfmd'S United StatCS
of Europe plan will be; and I should
like to compare it witn tne opinion
of these the Army and Navy Journal, a good magazine, the Rotarian,
and the official organ of the American Legion.
A most significant and satisfying
move is that of Century rather
than pay the price of competition,
If you please, the price of Simon
and Schusterism, it has become a
quarterly. This is most commendable, as was that magazine before it
rfprlrfprf siinh a st,rn was necessarv.
Here is something highly pleasing
a magazine, wnicn nas receaea
somewhat into the shadows to maintain a standard of being, rather
than to emerge into the open with
a system of appearance. Speaking of
fiioso shadows;
the Dial has been
absorbed into them. And despite the

Miss Diana Brownfleld, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Brownfleld,
of Covington, and Leroy Smith, of
Lexington, were married Wednesday,
September 11, at the First Presbyterian church. Dr. H. H. Pltzer officiated.
The bride was a Freshman in the
College of Arts and Sciences at the
University last year and has many
Mr. Smith
friends in Lexington.
Smith's orchestra furnished the
was a Sophomore in the College of music for the occasion, and at inEngineering.
termission delicious refreshments
The couple will make their home were served.
in Lexington.
The chaperones were: Mrs. R. L.
Dr. and Mrs.
Slade, house-mothe- r,
E. Cronley Elliott and Miss Marjorle
guests were
Over seventy-fiv- e
Mr. Gordon Bayless, of Miami,
Fla., is visiting at the Sigma Alpha present.
Epsllon house.
Mr. Donald McWaln, of the Courier-Journal,
is a visitor at the Delta ROOM: next to bath, furnace heat,
private home, meals if desired. 211
Tau Delta house.