xt7p5h7bw46n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7p5h7bw46n/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1975-02-10  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, February 10, 1975 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, February 10, 1975 1975 1975-02-10 2020 true xt7p5h7bw46n section xt7p5h7bw46n   

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The University Senate met in regular session at 3:00 p.m., Monday,
February 10, 1975, in the Court Room of the Law Building. Chairman
Krislov presided. Members absent: Lawrence A. Allen, John G. Banwell*,
Charles E. Barnhart, Jackie Barry, Robert P. Belin*, Robert S. Benton,
Harold Binkley*, A. Edward Blackhurst*, Peter P. Bosomworth*, Robert N.
Bostrom*, Garnett L. Bradford*, Sam Brown*, Herbert Bruce*, James D. Buckholtz,
Joseph T. Burch, H. Stuart Burness*, Jean D. Charron, Michael C1awson*,
Lewis W. Cochran, Anthony Colson, Frank Colton*, Bruce Combest*, Ronda S.
Connaway*, Foy Cox*, M. Ward Crowe*, Tim Cunningham, Vincent Davis*, John
A. Deacon, Patrick P. DeLuca*, George W. Denemark*, Bette J. Dollase*, Herbert
Drennon, Anthony Eardley, Michael Etzel, Doane Fischer, Lawrence E. Forgy*,
James E. Funk, R. Fletcher Gabbard, Art Gallaher*, Jess L. Gardner*, Ward
0. Griffen, Elaine Grubbs, Merlin Hackbart, Joseph Hamburg, Holman Hamilton*,
George W. Hardy*, Allan G. Hauth, Charles F. Haywood*, Richard Hayes, Virgil
W. Hays*, Dallas M. High, Elizabeth E. Howard*, Raymond R. Hornback, Eugene
Huff*, Charles Hughes, Hope Hughes, Roy K. Jarecky, Raymon D. Johnson*,
Joseph R. Jones*, John J. Just, Gregory Kendrick, William Kennedy, James
B. Kincheloe*, A. Virginia Lane*, David L. Larimore, Sara H. Leech, Gordon
Liddle*, Charles Ludwig, Donald Madden*, James R. Marsden*, Levis D. McCullers*,
Susan McEvoy*, Marion E. McKenna*, E. Gregory McNulty, William C. Miles*,
George E. Mitchell*, William G. Moody*, Joe Moore*, Brian Motley*, David
Mucci, Elbert W. Ockerman*, Harold F. Parks*, Bobby C. Pass*, David Peck,
Arthur Peter, Jean Pival, Jeanne Rachford*, John A. Rea, Barbara Reed,
Daniel R. Reedy*, Frank J. Rizzo*, Kenneth A. Schiano, Rudolph Schrils,
Paul G. Sears*, D. Milton Shuffett, Pam Sievers, Gerard Silberstein*, Otis
A. Singletary*, A. H. Peter Skelland*, J. Truman Stevens*, Marjorie S. Stewart,
William Stober*, Joseph V. Swintosky*, William C. Templeton*, Harold H.
Traurig*, M. Stanley Wall, Daniel L. Weiss, Rebecca Westerfield, Miroslava
B. Winer*, William W. Winternitz, Judith Worell, Randy Wynkoop, Ernest A.
Yanarella, Fred Zechman.

The order of business was rearranged to accommodate some Senators who
needed to leave early.

On behalf of the Honorary Degrees Committee, Dr. Wimberly C. Royster,
Dean of the Graduate School, presented the proposed candidates for honorary
degrees at the May 1975 Commencement. Dr. Royster presented six candidates
with the request that the names be withheld until the Board of Trustees
has taken action and the nominees have accepted. Following his presentation
Chairman Krislov asked for a division of the question. Each name was pre—
sented and the Senate voted approval of each of the six candidates for
recommendation to the President and the Board of Trustees.

Professor Sedler stated that he thought the University should reconsider
the manner in which it is awarding honorary degrees; that the manner in
which they are awarded cheapens the original intent of the award.

The Chair recognized Professor Roger Eichhorn, Secretary of the Senate
Council, who recommended approval of changes in Section V, 2.12, 2.15, and
4.1, Rules 2: the University Senate, as circulated to the faculty under date
of November 6, 1974, subject to editorial changes by the Rules Committee.

He recommended further that the Senate approve the proposed addition to the
end of 4.1, as recommended by the Undergraduate Council in its memorandum
dated January 3, 1975, and circulated to the faculty by the Senate Council
under date of January 21, 1975, which reads as follows:

*Absence explained

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Minutes of the University Senate, February 10, 1975 — cont

i None of the 30 credits referred to in this section may be
earned through correspondence courses.

6&5» He further recommended that all of these changes become effective immediately.

He reported that the Senate would not be voting on all the verbiage contained
in the proposed change of 4.1; that presumably the Rules Committee will
incorporate it into the Rules as it sees fit.

Chairman Krislov recognized Dr. James Knoblett, Chairman of the Joint
Task Force which had been appointed to review the changes that would need
to be made in the Rules, the Graduate School, and the various colleges, i
in order to comply with Standard Nine. Dr. Knoblett reported that Standard , ‘;
Nine dealt with the special activities of two groups: those activities 1 b
; outside the normal process of classes and students —- night classes, extension § 13
classes, correspondence classes —- for which credit is awarded; and those
activities that the University is involved in of a non—credit nature ——
workshops, institutes, gt cetera. He stated that Standard Nine stipulated
‘ that a university providing these former functions must provide the same quality ‘ ,y
15. of work as the regular university curriculum; and that if it was of a non-credit s j ".X
r nature, to be offered as a community—service project or a continuing education ”
‘ type of thing, the university should measure, report and make it a part of p ,
the budgetary process so that the financial resources can be made available. } fl 5M


Chairman Krislov recognized Dean John Stephenson, Chairman of the Under» : j ; ‘1
graduate Council, to review the actions of the Undergraduate Council. ‘ i ‘ ‘

He stated that the Undergraduate Council's task had been to suggest
changes in the Rules in accordance with what the Knoblett Committee had pro—
posed —— to delete from the Rules those references to extension which would
distinguish extension credit from the other college courses. He stated that
these recommended Rules changes were presented to the Senate at its November
11, 1974 meeting but that in debate from the floor Professor Weil had pointed
out that under the proposed change in 4.1 of the Rules it would be possible
for a student to take 30 of the last 36 credits presented for the degree by

correspondence. Therefore, the Senate had directed that the proposed Rules
flak changes be returned to Committee (in this case the Undergraduate Council)
with the expression of its concern about this particular rule.




' He reported that he had also had a letter from Dr. Stephen Langston,
\ Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs, in which he had expressed
the same kind of concern about correspondence credit and ordinary University
course credit. Therefore, the Undergraduate Council had presented two
\ recommendations in its letter to the Senate Council dated January 3, 1975, ‘ 1%
namely, that a Senate Committee on Special Teaching Programs be charged ' 5 j fig
. to review and recommend on continuation of distinction between credit earned
» by correspondence and that earned by other college courses, such committee
to report to all three Councils of the Senate, after the fashion of the
Knoblett Committee, for their action as appropriate; and that the status 329
a be maintained with regard to our operating policy on correspondence credit
but that an additional sentence be added to the end of that Rule that ”None
6g; of the 30 credits referred to in this section may be earned through correspon—
5“ dence courses.”



Chairman Krislov stated that the Senate Council had already directed the
3 Senate Committee on Special Teaching Programs, headed by Professor Jones, to
review and recommend on the former recommendation.

 4:30 .a.m-vu=s:‘.‘\v.\1w.1:v_‘:::2'


3971 Minutes of the University Senate, February 10, 1975 — cont

i In discussion which followed it was pointed out by Dr. Stephenson that there

—Ta. ’ was a further place in the Rules that would need correction —— Section ,\
\ v, 4.2 Commencement Honors, subparagraphs a. and b.——which provide that 4%”

‘ students graduating "With High Distinction" or "With Distinction" may not 54’

have work completed by correspondence and extension included in the grade

point average. Chairman Krislov stated that with the Parliamentarian's

permission he would rule that as an editorial amendment and instruct the

Rules Committee to make the needed changes.

r-.r,-i.. «Hr—«3::- <

The Senate then approved the motion on the floor that Section V, 2.12, 2.15, I
and 4.1 of the Rules Q: the University Senate be changed to read as follows;
, : that the additional sentence be added to the end of 4.1 as recommended by the
3'3 1 Undergraduate Council; that these changes become effective immediately; and
. b‘h that these Rules changes be corrected editorially by the Rules Committee for
. Q Hi ; codification into the Rules of the University Senate. ‘



v l , v
:‘E.' E 2.12 Credit for Work Done by_Correspondence:
‘3? : Not more than thirty (30) credit hours of the total required for f“
, an undergraduate degree may be gained by correspondence. No £§*

more than one—third of the requirements for a major may be 1
gained by correspondence.

No credit will be given in the Graduate School or in the profess—
ional colleges for courses done by correspondence.

2.15 Other
No more than half of the credit toward an undergraduate degree '
may be earned by any combination of special examinations, College
Board Advanced Placement Examinations, the College Level Examination
Program, and correspondence courses. (The maximum that may be
earned by correspondence is 30 hours.) (See 2.12, this Section.)



4.1 Residence Requirements:
‘5? ‘ Having a University of Kentucky baccalaureate degree means, among

‘ other things, that a certain amount of academic work has actually r
been completed under the auspices of the University and not some #5»
other institution. It is especially important that a substantial \\3
portion of work in the field of concentration be taken from the 1
University if a UK degree is to be claimed. Moreover, a student
K ‘ should not be allowed to take the bulk of his academic work from
> another institution, transfer to UK for the last few credit hours ‘
only and claim a UK degree. '


For these reasons, for an undergraduate degree, a minimum of thirty
(30) of the last thirty—six (36) credits presented for the degree \
must be taken from the University, but not necessarily on the
main campus. i


‘ Any request for waiver by veterans or other students must be
;:1_ presented for approval to the dean of the student's college.

None of the 30 credits referred to in this section may be earned _M
through correspondence courses. V

f; The Senate approved the minutes of the special meeting of January 27,
Va - 1975, as circulated.



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Minutes of the University Senate, February 10, 1975 — cont 3972

Chairman Krislov reported on the following information items:

I actually have four information items. The first is the appoint—
ment of an Academic Programs Task Force which may be a strange title
but that seemed to be the appropriate desingation. There are two
reports regarding definitions of terms involving academic programs.
One is a Senate Committee Report headed by Professor Robe and sent to
the Senate Council in June, 1974. The second group, an administrative
group, headed by Professor Sears, reported in July, 1974. There
appear to be some differences between these two reports and there is
some desire to reconcile these differences. There will be a joint admin—
istrative and Senate task force to work on this. The Senate members
will be the Secretary of the Senate Council, Professor Eichhorn; a
representative of the Academic Programs Committee, Professor Robe; and
a representative of the Rules Committee, Professor Eakin. That Task Force
will work on this problem and deliver its report to the Administration
and to the Senate Council. Any changes in the Rules will be brought
to the Senate for consideration.

The second item refers to the Department of Laboratory Medicine
which is of concern to the Medical School. The hearings tentatively
set for last week were cancelled at the request of the new Dean. Dean
Clawson called Professor Criswell and indicated that he wanted to take
a second look at the proposal. He indicated that he would be on campus
in a few weeks, that there would be further consideration within the unit
and that it was hoped the proposal would be brought before the Senate
by the end of the academic year. Naturally, the Committee Chairmen
acceded to the Dean's request and the Committee hearing has been postponed.

I am happy to announce the appointment of Professor Jaros of the
Political Science Department as the Chairman of the Research Committee.
The former Chairman resigned because of the press of some other duties.
Professor Jaros has been on the Committee and has assumed the Chairmanship.

I want to announce that the Council met with the Committee Chairmen
at a luncheon meeting Friday. This is the first meeting of the Council
with the Chairmen. We uncovered some problems and some difficulties.

We think that there will be future meetings of this kind and future
discussions, and we will try to solve some of these problems. There
appears to be some difficulty with the size of committees and the
difficulty of finding a meeting date. The Council will work at solving
these problems for the Committees so that the work of the Committees will
move forward.

The Senate adjourned at 3:45 p.m.

Kathryne W. Shelburne
Recording Secretary








February 26, 1975

The University Senate will meet in regular session at 3:00 p.m.,
Monday, March 10, 1975, in the Court Room of the Law Building.
Items on the agenda are:
Approval of minutes of the regular meeting of February 10, 1975
Resolution on the death of Professor W. D. Valleau
Information items:
(a)State of the Committees
(b)Circulation of New Programs
(c)Facu1ty Recognition Dinner -
Action on proposed addition to the Rules, Section IV—9, 2.4

Unclassified Graduate Student (circulated to the faculty under
date of February 26, 1975)


Action on proposed change in the Rules, Section IV-2, 2.12
Admission to Advanced Standing; and Section V—4, 2.11 Credit
for Work Done at University g§_Kentucky Community Colleges

(circulated to the faculty under date of February 25, 1975)



Action on proposed change in the Rules, Section V—5, 2.13,
Credit by Special Examination, paragraph (2) d. (circulated
to the faculty under date of February 24, 1975)


Discussion and action on recommendation from the Senate to the
President concerning the confidentiality of student records
(circulated to the faculty under date of February 21, 1975)

'5/ {fly/J» 71’}: 0614/44/46“

{Elbert W. Ockerman
Secretary, University Senate



Lawrence A. Allen
John G. Banwell*
Charles E. Barnhart
Jackie Barry

Robert P. Belin*
Robert S. Benton
Harold Binkley*

A. Edward Blackhurst*
Peter P. Bosomworth*
Robert N. Bostrom*
Garnett L. Bradford*
Sam Brown*

Herbert Bruce*
James D. Buckholtz
Joseph T. Burch

H. Stuart Burness*
Jean D. Charron
Michael Clawson*
Lewis W. Cochran
Anthony Colson
Frank Colton*

Bruce Combest*
Ronda S. Connaway*
Foy Cox*

M. Ward Crowe*

Tim Cunningham
Vincent Davis*

John A. Deacon
Patrick F. DeLuca*
George W. Denemark*

Bette J. Dollase*

Herbert Drennon

for the Meeting of February 10,

Anthony Eardley
Michael Etzel
Doane Fischer
Lawrence E. Forgy*

James E. Funk

R. Fletcher Gabbard

Art Gallaher*

Jess L. Gardner*
Ward 0. Griffen
Elaine Grubbs
Merlin Hackbart
Joseph Hamburg
Holman Hamilton*
George W. Hardy’c
Allan C. Hauth
Charles F. Haywood*
Richard Hayes
Virgil W. Hays*
Dallas M. High
Elizabeth B. Howard*
Raymond R. Hornback
Eugene Huff*
Charles Hughes

Hope Hughes

Roy K. Jarecky
Raymon D. Johnson*
Joseph R. Jones*
John J. Just
Gregory Kendrick
William Kennedy
James B. Kincheloe*
A. Virginia Lane*

David L. Larimore

Sara H. Leech
Gordon Liddle
Charles Ludwig
Donald Madden*
James R. Marsden*
Levis D. McCullers*
Susan A. McEvoy*
Marion E. McKenna*
E. Gregory McNulty
William C. Miles*
George E. Mitchell*
William G. Moody*
Joe Moore*

Brian Motley*

David Mucci

Elbert W. Ockerman*
Harold F. Parks*
Bobby C. Pass*
David Peck

Arthur Peter
Jean Pival

Jeanne Rachford*
John A. Rea
Barbara Reed
Daniel R. Reedy*
Frank J. Rizzo*
Kenneth A. Schiano
Rudolph Schrils
Paul G. Sears*

D. Milton Shuffett

Pam Sievers

Gerard Silberstein*


 Absences from Meeting of February 10, 1975

.1 )

Otis A. Singletary*
A. H. Peter Skelland*
J. Truman Stevens
Marjorie S. Stewart
William Stober*
Joseph V. Swintosky*
William C. Templeton*
Harold H. Traurig*

M. Stanley Wall
Daniel L. Weiss
Rebecca Westerfield
Miroslava B. Winer*
William W. Winternitz

Judith Worell

Randy Wynkoop
Ernest Yanarella
Fred Zechman


Absent *



Student not replaced

. 1


February 10, 1975















February 10, 1975

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February 10,, 1975







February lO, 1975


TO: Members of the University Senate and the Academic List
of the Senate

FROM: Marjorie S. Stewart, Dean
College of Home Economics

The faculty of the College of Home Economics recommends approval of
the following changes in existing courses and new courses proposed:



TC 227 Principles of Clothing Construction and Selection

A study of the basic principles of clothing construction and
seleCtion as applied to individual needs. Opportunity is
provided in laboratory for creative application through the
modification of commercial patterns. Lecture, 1 hr; lab. A hrs.
Prereq: HID 102

*TC l30 Principles of Clothing Construction and Selection

A study of the basic principles of clothing construction and
selection as applied to individual needs. Lecture, 1 hr;
lab. h hrs.


TC 327 Family Apparel

Budgeting and related problems of clothing consumption
experienced during the various stages of the family life cycle.


*TC 327 Clothing Awareness and Selection for the Consumer

Clothing awareness and selection for the consumer which
satisfy clothing needs of all individuals at all stages of
life cycle and the handicapped.



From: TC 529 The Child and His Clothing (3)

A detailed study of the selection, cost,and care of the pre—
school child's clothing in relation to his needs. Lecture
and occasional field trips. Prereq: HF 255

*TC M29 The Child and His Clothing

A detailed study of the selection, costaand care of
children's clothing in relation to his needs. Lecture and
occasional field trip. Prereq: HF 255

*TC 532 Retail Job Analysis

Supervised experience in merchandising procedures through
a cooperative program with a retail establishment.

(One half semester of eight hour a day weeks.)

Prereq: TC M22, TC 523, BA 330.

*TC 590 Merchandising III — Internship (6)

320 hours of practical merchandising experience; formal
instruction and supervision by the employer and by the
University. (Student applicants planning to enroll for summer
of fall terms must make arrangements with the instructor
before March 1. Students taking this course must have a
cumulative G.P.A. of 2.50 or better, must not be on academic
probation, and have consent of the instructor of the course.
Prereq: TC hl2 and TC hlh. Offered Fall and Summer.

Limited enrollment.)

*TC 230 Intermediate Apparel Construction

Application of advanced construction techniques.

Emphasis on pattern alteration and fitting adjustments.
Laboratory application through the modification of commercial
patterns. Lec. 1 hr, Lab. A hrs. Prereq: TC 130 and

TC 120.

*TC 310 Fashion Analysis

Survey of fashion designers, fashion trends and how these
affect l) merchandise quality evaluation, 2) apparel
manufacturing processes, and 3) fashion merchandise
terminology. Field trips. Lecture 3 hrs.

LOglcal identification of subject area of TCM courses: 10's merchandising courses;
20's -textile courses; and 30's clothing courses


 HID Department:
HID 230 Interior Design II (3)

Study of forms, materials, basic design principles as they
relate to interior environments of an intimate scale: THE HOME.
ractical, aesthetic, and functional aspects of the individual

shelter. Lecture l hr; studio 5 hrs.

HID 203 Interior Design Studio I

Study of form, material, and basic design principles as they
relate to interior environments of micro scale. Emphasis on
aesthetic, functional, and pragmatic aspects of individual
shelter. Studio 6 hrs. Prereq: ACH lhh; HID 102 for majors,
Consent of instructor for non—majors.

HID 332 Interior Design III (3)

Analysis and organization of components, materials, and space

relative to human scale and habitability. Influence factors of
architecture, function, and economics on the design of interior
environments for the family and the public. Lec. l hr; Studio 5 hrs.


HID 305 Interior Design Studio III: Design and the Macro Space/
Macro Function (3)

Analysis, organization and development of the macro environment
relative to the human scale and habitability as an extended study
of man's intermediate environment beyond the intimate shelter.
Studio experiences include related readings, critiques, and

field trips. Studio 6 hrs. Prereq: HID 20M or consent of


HID 339 Interior Design IV (3)

Creative aspects of interior design as they relate to

pragmatic problem solving experiences of a general public nature
other than the family. Emphasis is placed on data gathering
techniques of the designer. Lec. 1 hr; studio 5 hrs.



HID 306 Interior Design Studio UV, Design and the Maxi Space/
Maxi Function (3)

Analysis, organization and development of maxi interior spaces,
multi-function, as related to creative aspects of components,
materials and resources. Emphasis is placed on establishing
design priorities evolving from data gathering and problem
solving techniques. Studio experiences includes related readings,
critiques and field trips. Studio 6 hrs. Prereq: HID 305


HID 530 Interior Design V

Advanced studio experience in any aspect of the interior
environment. Emphasis is placed on client contact, field
experience, and professional ethics of the design trade.

Lec. 1 hr; Studio 5 hrs.


HID 507 Interior Design Studio V: Total Design/Total Function (3)

A study of specific human and physical needs encountered in the total
design of interiors: field measurements, component mathematics, lighting,
acoustical materials, shop drawings, models, and supportive business
procedures, readings, critiques,and field trips. Studio 6 hrs.

Prereq: HID 306






TO: Deans, Department Chairmen, Members of the University Senate,
and Non—Faculty Group of the Senate

FROM: W. W. Ecton, Associate Dean

The Faculty of the College of Business and Economics proposes the
following course change:

£392; ACC 301, Intermediate Accounting. 3 credits. An in depth study
of valuation theory for balance sheet accounts and the related effect on
income determination. Prerequisite: ACC 201 and consent of instructor.

22; ACC 301, Intermediate Accounting. 5 credits. An in depth study of
valuation theory for balance sheet accounts and the related effect on
income determination. Other topics included are price level accounting,

fixed asset revaluation, and ratios and financial statement analysis.
Prereq: ACC 202.
