xt7p5h7bvz7z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7p5h7bvz7z/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-12-12 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 12, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 12, 1979 1979 1979-12-12 2020 true xt7p5h7bvz7z section xt7p5h7bvz7z , m
. ~ ‘. 4 . . . . t - ’- a . . - . i - v O r J ‘l “ e 2 . - - r i‘ ‘ n . . i , , 4
Vol. LXXII, No. 82 K2 I 21 University at Kandy
- Wednesd- . December 12. I979 Leah on. Km
y In Independent Itudent newspaper ' U y
3 B r own beco m 98 state's 55th QOVGI’n OI’
C er em on 44 W _ _ 22 4 _ By MARK GREEN ‘
'22. 4. 44% ' . . ' " 5,144,444.44 44 4;22;.: Assocrate Hum
44 4 , .. ..44-4225. . .. 2.4 .- 446,33 4 44 .4 4? 4 44-44-44-212 .44. Z..4: 444 #4 '9’ ‘:
4 8 es p ace . 4/ ...... .. .2444 :4: .. ,. _.:4 1.444 44 4 44 *4 f2. 323 44,4 4 “$55.2 4444. ,44444 44444 entire llfe is being IlVC d in one day.”
'3 "' ""2'29‘12 '2 . l“.- 5'2' :12? 2‘ "=12 7 -"2..’=":55 Irfitlzss“ ’2' £1, f '-..2;.-. 7-}? ‘ d C J it Y
"‘ I 4. " '-,. fl“; w .../"33:32- ._ 1:1' ' » 3.444334, Sal 0V. 0 n ' Brown Jr‘ as he
. 4 '4» 4;...4... 4, 4 2 .4 _ ._-;‘ " .. ‘5‘ stepped up to the podium to begin his
. m1... --r 2 - 2r :2;.'--2 5% . .::2-' . ~
In Fra nkfort 3 k 3% 2 ‘ . "~ inaugural speech yesterday at the
. g gig/4 44 55., 1% " ' 44___4._.4‘-__ Capitol.
By MARK GREEN 4 _ 4 4 ,4 2444;: 3.24. 4.4:.4.44_.;./ 4.444% ‘2. 44444 W4 - " . as the 55th governor of the Common-
Assocrate Editor I, g i 1; i / ‘ ”.155 / .. “ I V ':. . wealth 0f KenIUCky shortly at)" mid-
.4 W ‘ 4g- . '24 , 4. night yesterday by Chcif Justice John
. FRANKFOR'I The grounds of 44 ‘2 4. .22 d _ a ' ' 5' :2. ., , g5” 2 Palm” 0‘ ll“: "e'gugkl’ sup?”
the (‘apitol looked like the circus was . i 4_ £4 4” __ " ' ‘5 ' a 2- .4% 5“ V ' 5 L0“? ‘4.“ eoah was a ministere ina
in I own 1 here were “mu. concession .. 444444 41/ 4 4 3‘44 2 . 44$ 4 M .‘2- 4 44 ___4‘.‘-’ gr 9-.” 2‘ 034145444340: ":81 fence. d [h 4 4
stands. balloons and lots of children. . sé ,2 .' .1 " 3’ 351% swearin 33:5;me elczremofrtua 7
2 - ‘2 /2: a . .. ' " 2 *"t; _ . 4' a 1‘ 4,;4.:Z4' '2 «fie-35%.: ' - -
Bl“ when 3'0“ 53“ all Of‘hC suits and ':2 Q 22 2/ 2 a" .1 .. .. ; 'iri‘ ’ .. .. .:;.-:% noon ngalso 4444:4414)? CS d ihay fl" e'rl
"85- [he mmks and 53bl€5~ lhs‘ suntans . ‘5‘ 4 . ‘5 .. '2 i5 ‘5“ :2 1 2. :. '1: g I m co ”m
2. $511 Q4 . . M - 2 .. -~ .2 22 oath to It Gov Martha La ne 2
d d‘, d ‘ . ' be mC . , _ ?4- '25.:444 2/4/4” "2:32“ ‘v44_44.4-4444, .93 .4444; :3,” 4.4 g 322-“ .1.24 1} 44 4:54: 4 4 ' ' 54%“ 4 ‘ ' ‘ y
an iamon rings. it ca appdr ,4 J .4. 4 . 4 ,, i» _. . 4% Collins
entthatthe crowd was hereto see more . ’5" " m “5 '5 mc 45“..” 2" - ' - -
than Bo/o . ”9M .- ' 2' The 03‘“ °f°m°° “”5 f°r°m°'a'5
The\ were he re 44) sec un cwm an ’ . . 4 4 4 4. _4 44351 .t, .-; 4 44444.. 444 .. W. 44 4 4 3444 .. 4 4 0 swear to uphold the constitution 0 f
» :5?“ 2 ‘ ‘* .. W; '2 -;e.'2::-..:j:2.=.:::,;, ' .. 4-:§-..-‘g . n
. 4 _ 4 41.; .. 3 . . .-_2 .: 2 2_ 2 3.... 2 .. veg-.... . 2 2.2.. the nation n fth st e v
Old. Ifiidllmmle‘tfm for ”If people 0‘ .255? ' 2 ‘ 2 '1 2 " 35': " I ‘ 2 notfou htaa dtfelwieth SitaZl‘dvi/Zahgn:
Kemucky the inauguration Of a :3. ' 4.41:2 . t , _. 4 v 4 4 4 444 4444444 4 {.44 . fl 4 g y p
gmcmor 4 - $9,! 4,, 2 . . .sent or acceptedachallengeto fight
-4 4 4 4 3:; . ~ ’ 4 4 4. E352“, ‘ *4 -. , 252:? a duel with deadl wea ons. nor . . .
2 But while \esterdavs inauguration 5’, .. 5 . 4 . . 4 4,444,445.; 4 . y p
2 . . 2 2 . . =4 = . .~ . .1 acted as second m carrymgacharrenge
marked the beginning oi a new term. it ‘2 ' 4_ 259/ .. ..
also marked the end ol‘a long era for 4 , 2 2”" as... . . . 1' "4‘5 ' ' ' ' ' . .
2' t... . 1.52 :2. ’411’2’2
Kentucky Politics have changed dras- . with . - - . .. '52. 2/ i . ' 5: These words. Brown pornted out m
4 - 2 2 * 44/4 , .§;f=' ' 2’ . . 2 ”IQ, his address come from Kentucky‘s
“03“} ”‘th PM)?” When“Happy“ 5 .. i . 2 . ‘55?“ history “We were the first state ‘to
(h‘mdl‘ ”m" “mp“s'd‘tmek he 2* ‘ .. ‘ . 2 . , » ' . row i allow duels. he sard- We areafrsht- 2
made the obsenation that he was ' ' ‘ ' . .- " - 2 ” ‘5’ 522 ing People "
4 4 4, . . .- . ,. . ., - m- :;:-: .2 v as." . , = 22. 1.1-3.2, 1.:.2:-- . 2,2::.’;.=2,.-;r:- .
gomgfi to hate to learn politics all “4,44 . _ . . ogfies4§§ofii§fifi Brown called for solidarity among
OWL 50 are lots 05 others. ”5‘55 ‘ E. 1955.5555543!» “is: 3s; ’ .../“3“;X/4jr5‘rf’f" 3‘2 the state‘s populace saying it Will be
- .. . ' ‘ ., *2 47: ,5 ””ééiiif’3i...‘ ..2'=“’9:1§?'5¥? ,’*»g.4g.,’9/’ .. ‘ . ‘
2'0“" ““5 3'0“" 2'“ “mm“ m“ . ?2 gfi5‘sge‘”?‘2 .-2' needed rn order to meet the state‘s
551h governor 0i Kentucky yesterday, 4 5 . 4 4_- '. Jag/«54%? .. 1,; 134 €4,534 if? 5 ,x’czrf'g‘tiw 3 7 problems W problems which he said '
lizrciiicti‘riiisgni 2644514:{9654:}4:e;:;;lgpolllital 3'7 ' I. 2 .32.. ' “éfitx‘aeg’ég‘? figs-"25.332. 3“,???” 2:27 3552 he ‘5 well aware °f2 "We face perhaps
. _ . : . 2- "“6 rats?- -. :4 -2"2. w””””/”;. “5 our "‘0“ “hell" {manual "mes-
Exactly tw 0 months bei 0 re the May 4/ 4. . 4 4 . . 4 4. z“€‘§jmfiffi?~t5§%ve'v§~é, 4’fl4s4%,%}4¢ 4 4 He said that despite problems of fig.
gubernatorial primary. 0“ March 29- , ‘ .. ..i...¢. '-,......,2 .. ‘ -2 . s 2 ”fiscaeég‘ffi" $35532 d"1/ ' 4"; ing inflation and an energy crunch “I
JOhn Y~ {intend Kentucky POIIUCS. ”6 % :4 _ . . __ ,. .3 4 . .. . 4 g. "5‘ . 25,2.- . 452’? will attempt to be a governor of fiscal
won the primary riser former Lours- , j Mayrvmbt-flaiii: seer“: ' 22 wt"? flew-.4...- t-i'r4t2t2wérg‘22» we :MMttt-Ifiat 1:2; wst‘cfi-«Y‘ restraint ..
a . . s . . _ . ;_ ‘1;.24__2,.2_.4325945552145. .- 2.; 4. .. .. 4 , 2-} -2 . __lé.- ,,;;?;_ "1.1".‘H‘: " ,g-f; 2‘ . 252 *~ ’ J- vv/;1;375:2:2-’:1:5.;2-.25=:3”i”‘ 22,7552“"22=::-,22. - 2 2 -
“I" Mort ”5““ 5'9” dndi‘ 0”. ‘2' ~ g. ‘2 - . . . - “2., ‘ 'n a Speech "1““ “”1“ m ”‘° W
m C 'C C 0 m m ' 5* I 0 “C r _e I r.‘ i 1.1....» 2. - 2 ‘2’“ . . 2-24’51e’5 gram. the now former-Gov. Julian
MCBIHMDI'. among others. after it 44:,,:;.2-2g.42--5:’v*~m*>", , .. _.,§:;,-J;:.,:2. “(but I ’2». :2"_ .4 4,1d§5_54.,.:-,€:o;%4..4-..;.2-’2:;-::2’<" ' Carroll said “i leave knowing Ken-
whirlwind campaign. A campaignthat P ' h t H‘ 5' ‘R‘ ' “NR“ kernel 5”” tuckv isin good hands "
went “to the people" through the artlng S o 8 Meanwhile Brown continuing on '
media. . . . . . - ~ ‘ l ' l ' ' '
Bloane Con ressman Carroll Hub Outgoing (.m. .Iulian ( arroll plants a kiss on Phyllis (reorge Brown 5 check shattt- ( arroll s hand. ( arroll said that the state will he in good hands under the fiscal restraint theme. said that big
hard and cspgcialli McBrdscr h d yesterday while husband. incoming (ios. John Y. Brown. reaches out to the Brown administration. government is not necessarily better.
" ‘s'me a ‘ “A2 -
4 _ . 4 . 4 government big enou hto we ou
4 grassroot campaign organr/ationsand lhc Pl'llllilH \ictor jt \lllliilil\ t'.lll‘:l1iill_'ll\ lllltlL'l his bclt 41%” .2: r.» .2! ls. .' .:i h. rm» hi2. i. tics != not .i political star. he could prob- everything you want is gig engough ‘0 2
4 the political support oi the state's assured him ol \ retort in \oicrrrber. \s he was rnlrotlrttrrrg his son til lll‘s' crib-3d ... l2n22rr.2 fir-q il ...: llrt\\t‘lll! go :ihEs .r tilt: it as an entertainment star. take.e\’cr\‘thing VOU haw: “
Power merchants that should hau- sincc Kentuckt's registered l)cnio- inauguration. .lolllr \ \r rclritctl ilr; 'l'u'l .r- I 2t inr. h: 2. Us l ..2rt2 wrc lotsoi “names" on the dias Explaining [hé manner in which he '
’ been winner4s4 crats outnumber Republicans b4\ it two story oi how. .is ii bot oi tire to .t one organization «it tlrg stiilt‘s gm :i .i,rlll:_' with senators. gmernors and hopes to conduct his administration 2
Brown. a phenomonally successful to one margin In itict. he w on o\er his roonr school house. he was told that merit lint liiowrr iciriscd to throw hrs congressmen. Muhammad Ali and Brown said “I want to be a salesman .
. businessman. was critici/ed for his Republican opponent l oirie \tinn b} "little-John here might grow uprind be weight around when the sttitc lL'iliNlrl- iiiie sat alongside Colonel Harlan for Kentucky inthe marketplace 4 ..to '-
.- campaign. Hi5 Opponcnts stressed one oi the largest margins inthe state's gmcrnoi'" by one oi his teachers. turc picked its Home and Senate lciid- Sanders and his wife. Andy Williams managethe state governmentinabusi-
4 theirtieswith the peopletheir years of history 4 4 "I made hall oi that come true." the ers lrist nioiitlr iii lst2tirir.k4s Dillll State was the grand marshall of the inaugu- ness and professional manner." - _
‘ service in government. their down- “John \. Brown Means Business." cider Brown qtrrppcd."|grew up 'Ihit l’iir'k rtil parade Brown said in order to meet his
. _ homeyness. Meanwhile. Brown the campaign slogan said. it w as eiident he was ten protrd to lliis is the lust lllllt' that the goicr- Brown has made it apparent that he goals. he mustalsochallenge Kentuck-
. 4- ilaunted his wealth and his Miss 4Hrs Opponents iotind outvthat he introduce his son to the crowd nor has not hand-picked the leader- has lots oi irrends and contacts, but ians. He said he wants businessmento -
America wiie Phyllis (reorge. He said did. It was contrast by John V. Brown gathered on the steps and lawn oi the ship oi the legislature. Brown is many of them are irom outsrde the show faith in Kentucky by investingin
2 42 that he would apply his business tal- 5L. hisiather. who had not leitagood ( apitol. 4 _ 44 already beingdescrrbed asa rising pol- state at this time. In four years he the state. “I challenge the young. 4 4 to _
4 cnts to Kentucky s old iashroned track record for lirsson. He had six. I;\en beiore taking oifrce. Brown lilCill star. maybe oi national propor— hopes to hate the people of Kentucky set high goals for themselves" and to
government, yes six. unsuccessiul gubernatorial has been an unusual gowrnor. lhe trons. b4\ political .inalyists in his corner. too. prepare themselves wellforthe world.
2 oda -
* t nation ‘
., -’ 2
4 Neona a, care l'.S. ATTORNEY GENERAL Benjamin Civiletti told .
l, inside the International Court ofJustice on Monday that 50Amer— .
icans being held hostage in Iran were “in peril of their lives." 3
1.‘ Sin let n ' d I f I f AN IRANIAN STI'IHENT goes his new oi the hostage xl‘hlnbhzuts‘onl‘glkons heard one Of the hostages declare. ‘
4-4 I y I \l t situation in Iran. See a e 7. ..very 0 y s ' . u
' g a 3 ”ounces Increase se Ices or 'n an S p g Iranian militants have from the start sought to use televr- 4
' 4 _ _ sion coverage of the crisis to further their cause. and the
2' By DEBBIE MCDANIEL known 35 the Appalachian I2ducation (‘ouncil on Higher Education for campus "WWW Wi‘h Marine CPL William Gallegos. broadcast by '3
”no, Satellite program h expanding both 44444440444]. NBC under admittedly controlled conditions. lifted the con- i
4 4 its sending range and operating hours. The projects and their method'of DR.WILI.IAM Y. ADAMS. Distinqurshcd Professor. ”mm” “’43 "‘34“ level. 4
4 2 When the 3| beds in the Albert 8. Formerly coniined to Appalachian funding are; will give the Distinguished Proicssor lecture “You're For'l‘ef'rsl “me-lhc‘hr“ “1310'. "cl‘worksymé‘odds ' ‘ ,
.- ,(handler Medical Center's neonatal HYCHS- ”10 renamed Appalachian (.0m_ Replacing two elevators in the (“me A l ""3 Way. Bdh‘mnn Rmcc‘mnwmhe Milho" on a POW ofiournalism NBC claiming the lntemew had i
intensrve care trnit are full.criticall)’-ill mllnill' SCHICL‘ Network “in beam Medical (‘enler‘s dental wing which 0g) “f [2"‘llmmn “will" 5“ ‘30” PM '" the w‘”‘""‘ A2 perY'dCd new knowledgeand understanding ofthecrisis. ‘ .
.' newborn infants can be transported to programs nationwide as well as to 45 are still working but should be 5““ AUdlmr'um‘ Agricultural 5mm“ (““6" ‘ :85 :nd 4CBC Ta'iitamlgf- the” ”val should "m have ‘ ‘
5, Cllher Louisville. Cincinnati or West sites in APPa'aChla‘ from “5 antenna replaced because oitheirage Physical 0litc adilnigncafhgrsbrcooatdchiinssummoncd criticism from ‘1
' Vir ini 2 2 r A .' ‘- " .. -- 2 22 2 2 ' ’ - - ' 2 2
, 8 34 neonatal centers. L K Presi on l K s ( oldstrcam Idrm. _ Plant [)ivrsron iunds will be used to State Capitol Hill. House Speaker Thomas P. O'Neill said that ‘
dent Otisbrngletary said yesterday. lhe expansion is funded by twoied— replace the elevators at a cost oi both he and President Carter felt the interview was a boost :-
, And. Singletary said. the chances of emigrants. One fmm the Department $|50.0()(). Al.l?MlNl?M WIRE I.lKElhat used in the Heterly l‘llll\ for the Iranian propaganda effort. 2'
, babiesdying because [BCFCIS "40 Splice 0i 5'1“?th “9 V9 FCCCNI). installed 3 Constructing an orchestra pit Slipper (‘lub is a necessity in modern construction. not a I ' 2’ ~4
2 in the mtensrye care unit will diminish new R( A set-com l (satellrte)." (‘och- “lift"in [r K‘s (‘cnter for the Arts huild- “time bomb" set to start tires as characterilcd earlier said an worId '
. when l4 additional beds are added to ran said. "I got to 21“ and see a launch- ing The “lift" was deleted from initial “"0"“? dcicndmsa W" “must" by WNW“ 0' ”‘0er JAPANrsE OFFICIAI s AND NEWSPAPERS com- "
. the neonatal unit in the next l8 In ofaset-com} butl ust ot word ~ ' . - ‘ ‘ d‘t‘d ”I a blaze in UN" ‘0" “I“ Will” it . . ’ ‘ ‘ '
4 th “F g 4 4 ,l 34 44 construction because oi low tundS. l) 4 4 g - 4 g pldincd today the United Statesdid not understand Japans 4 .
. mot;c s. .ight beds are. on schedule lhlfi} morning ”13} ”W." "C '05“ IL 4 Bond sales will fund the estimated 4 d4“ 40?: 534mm) (harles an“? “H ‘T‘U'T‘hf‘t noted "c" economic needs when it accused the government of lack of 2~
‘ 4 to completed by springtime. he [be current iiic-day-a-week. iour $094200 lilt tor the approximately I l- “was 14:" d llmln4u4thI4rlng " ems used m “mm“ “m support in the US. confrontation with Iran. 44,41
said. and one-hall hour braodcasts‘ will loot deep pit. "CH4 u' mg “'0‘” c “mm” Prime Minister Masayoshi Ohirii told reporters Japan i':
_ . .-' Singletary told the Board of Trus- eXpand to 35 hours a week includin R . . ' . x. . . " “m‘homh “."alw had bu" pr‘i‘ml‘d m ”W‘ml‘ "might consider“ ftSlriCiinE 0“ imports from Iran 'if "K
. . . . . g annmg ”‘5 ”Helm" Hall statements by plaintiffs' attorne\ \‘tdtilcs ('hcslu who 2 2 2 " ' ~
ices yesterday morning that neonatal weekend§4 ( ochran Silld. BV mid-year d l. _. _ 4 B 4 H , , ‘ . . 2 . situation worsens In the CI‘ISIS stemming from the OCCUPI- .er
_ 4 4 4 4 4 . . ~ ormrtor) ire escape. a oyd all claims dcfmencies in the wiring lt‘tl to ll’tC iiic - 2 2 ’-‘2
4 444 um“ at Norton ( hildrcn‘s Hospital in the program M“ “has! how.to PH“ 4444444440“ and placing sprinklers fire 4444444 tion of the US. Embassy in Tehran and the 50 American ,v
l.oursvrlle. Cincinnati Children‘s Hos- grams and classes for college credit . . 2 .2 . . . - hostages held there since Nov. 4. 3,;
. 2 I ~ - . alarms. CK" .srgnsand emergency lights But at resent “Japan must make every effort to secure ‘2
.' pita and (ahcll-Htrntington Hospital WW" d8)" a “89k lmm 7 1' m. 10 I in Scosell Hall Ihe ro’ccts‘S’Ol 000 p i ' - -- - 2 -- - 3-"
. : in West Virginia havea reed 404 m . 4 . p i , 4 . A pROSH-i TOR SAYS he 4, mm" the man 4,4,,“ the oil importsthatit needs. Ohrrasaid. The United States of
. ,-. . . g 4 rans- P. 4' 0““ “I” h“ iundcd irom the Mill“ “I“ shot to death Saturday in Illinois w is th- k H ‘ i K ‘ hi” taken a “5‘": stand toward Iran beau“ 0f the hon.“ 3‘
4, port and care for infants primarily ( OChfaMifld W‘s‘mls‘flhls‘wmpan- rind tornado t'und because mm are “iii“ dim. "in, . ’ i t I u n J in. issue Hutrhccrisisbetwcenlranand the UnitedStatesisine It?
i from central and eastern Kentucky ies in ('alil'ornia Minnesota 'and . . . ' ' ' . p” . ' ' . a - .'-'
' referr d t h 4 . . , , 2 ‘ . ‘ Mist) |mPr0\€msnls. \e’lsni‘i (oimii (omnionweiilrl‘ \ - r14 2 , i s proper sense notan oil problem. Japan is totally dependent Hg
4. C l0 l cm by UK S lelSlon of Baton ROUgC. I it. are interested In illt' ()ther itcrlistiisctrssetl.it the meeting litiilow \illd two wrtricsst's h l‘\ " I 2o it i l\tll‘ on ‘mlmns k" "s on needs' 3‘3:
4 4 / neglnalo ogy. 4 expansion and the programs included the board's approval oi Loill l)’¢lnlt‘l (irahiiiii J.‘ ..i l in? :‘u-i“ . 2. tor. l< :ri sort-J .l 2‘52 ‘
. . 4 nthe last fourmonths.fiveinfants Four capital construction proiccis l'K graduate and undergraduate man weather “‘4 '4
‘ i were transported through this arran- Imohrng cletators. an orclmmi pit Deccmcmbcrdegrces dcpcirdinuon trr..~ \tlllicss wall'ii n-siri. r rod-....» 1. .i r. i... i ..4 n ‘
4 4 ._ gement. Singletary said. lift. a lire escape antistarrwell renosu- certification m ”w 444.444444444444 ‘44441 'm.b.: lktlli'tl .i lll.i'l :rn do 2 u _n....riii.~ti ii iii,” Il(.lll RAIN DEVELOPING today and continuing E
2 l Vice President for Academic Affairs lion received the board‘s approval to registrar‘s ”hm. hm r 22 ....r i :2. Hr ’l-"ll‘u I . ..- ..i..:. within-v "'tr... '2‘thle «ml “WM“.V HithlOdlyvil‘ "R "PPfl50'l LO“ '
. 4 Lewis Cochran told the board that the tune of $460,200 lhe lt‘comnien— According 444 44444 “4wmnmmmun 4 its .i .1 ll. .2 it ll n ...4 rib}. m.- u ... t tonight 1‘ to 40 Highs tomorrow in the 40!. 4 4
'4 h “K 5 satellite educational program dation for the protects goes to im- ( ontiriued "n page o l __44 ___4 _ 4 4 4_ ,_,__4“ "
B..’“’4’ 44 .....,,2..,.‘,,_:-....‘,..... ... ,-.,..-,..4W,Mdm~0r ~444un up-r»...-. .OPN-a - pas-.... n,u4v shoeg. ... - a.- . . s. .- . ... ..,4._._4 4. .‘é.
v ' A ' 4 4 _ . ' ; 3. " ‘— ._ R ._ _. - 5;" ‘ "‘” 'm‘“ ' ' ""‘ - A
’ ‘4 4 4 4 1 . 3' ' ‘ l ' ‘s 5 4 5 i i 3
~ - ~. . _ BEST COPY AVAILABLE . .- . .

 _ , -. w .-. V”... WV WiffiMfiW—Wfl
Dcth McDaniel MIrIi (.uen t
Editor in ('Im'l 4\.\'Ilt‘l(llt’ Mum J" rm Thom-s (‘luli John (‘lny Guy Linden t
I’Iul Mlllll Entertainment lc'iluiir Spam hliliir l)I'PK'I(II of Pholugmphi' r“
(‘nry Willis LII: Domurd Richard McDonald .
.Iluriuttmx Editor Mlilona/ Editor “I“! MCCN ('ynlhII DcMIrcus Brim Rich", 0"“ Mlynlrtl i
Kirby Stephens Aim/am Anilimm S/mm' Editor Elana Manager 5
' . ‘ ' , If ' Ed ‘
d .t . I ts Steve Mu“, tum/1h“... ‘ ‘ ( opt hm, n merminmi nI itur t
e l orla s & comm” (um/mt Editor . [tetra .tlmiim hlilor
I , / .
AHCI a SHVIOI‘ CHI I IE to save all men l‘l ll” '
I i t 9
i‘ I
i l ‘ '
- I ' » l l COMPRQW8€ 0N - t
» Ut e spo e In no one S e a . ll l
* ‘ i t RQI URNINEI i
at ‘i tile 8th l
V ladies and gentlemen. we have a savior. than an official can do nothing. as in the case of ‘ \\I no- /
lhere is now someone headed toward Iran who can Rep. George Hansen. R-Idaho. ," \o / /
- . . . . ~ ‘ , . 4 . . . ‘ ' \ /'
solve the nation s problem. John I. Smiley. along But the real problem. more grave in Smileys case . . \\ 7 4 .
th h \\II‘I )UI‘ ~ - -- . ' I '*\ ‘5 ’ \‘ ’
“l l‘ L ‘ 5" because of his lack of political or diplomatic knowl- ‘. ' “1" ‘. ’
i s . I . . . . .
HJH‘lu-“h' . ‘ . edge. is the danger of misrepresenting the feelings of \k “v" x. i ’
Isn't that peachy"? Ihe 68—year-old Mount Sterling Americans More specifically he might even with \ .lll
. . ' ' s v \ b
resident apparently believes he can solve an interna- good intentions.arriveinTehrantelling everyone how \ : “\fi‘ ,
tionalertsisthat has been going onfor nearlya month much we all hate the shah and President Carter . \ 1Qt\\\\‘ /;~/‘\/ _ «o
““d a half 9"“ _ . .. (because that‘s what Smiley has said). and approve of . X‘s: / fi‘vt} {31‘ - ‘ '
In all seriousness. it is perhaps a valiant effort. A Khomeini‘s actions. { ’ _ ,I» “’ t\ “O“le .
retired bail bondsman from West Virginia. Smiley . . . . . . . .- .. ' \ i e ALLSTUN . x
y y , . Soon. if Smiley did receive Significant recognition _ E
was the outspoken man who posted SI -5.000 in bond . . . . . . t t
_ . . . . in Iran. fanatical Khomeini followers might begin . —.—— . . Wm
money for the eight Iranians and one American . . . . . . .
' 7 . . , interpreting his statements as symbolic of typical r. ’\ SHARP I
arrested in April I‘) 8 for disrupting the I K appear- . . . . t, . 1
_ . . . _. , . American sentiment. and wondering why we wont rv. / t
anee of t IA director Stansficld Iurner. . . . i ' , t9 m . s ,_ ‘.-
. . - ~ . send back the deposed ruler for a trial that Smiley . I \
It s true that bail was set too litgli forthe protesters. claims need not even be fair . \
and Smiley is to be commended forthatgood Samari- , _ ‘ . . ' . , fl \
tan action. few others would have the courageforthe I he WSW 3‘ hand here '5 "9‘ whether ”I? shah ‘5 % if" '
tunds) to pay such astronomical sums ofmoney for a gUIlty f’l murderous crimes against Iran..He 15 ”{de . , s _
, group “I. protesting foreigner-‘- a criminal. and he should be tried (byan international (and ' A? ’\
Smiley is undoubtedly on good grounds with the tribunal "0‘ b." some rowdy mob 0f death- 1 tit \‘
Iranians. I'hat would. supposedly. be a mark in his mongers.) . .
favor in any negotiatons. l hat is. it there could possi- But it is debatable whetherJohn Smiley can do little W O
bly be any negotiations. besides get in the way. despite any good intentions he ,WW
We have already seen it hata \isit by someone other may have for the hostage situation.
_ |
lhe “season"is here Again. t‘hrist- crowded malls to “get someting“ for Christmas sales are necessary fortheir may be a flitting memory or two of this'.’ Kings. yet. Wise Men. someone haps in America. we have used the
mas is an odd paradox. stuffed as it is (fill in the blank withyourown names) survival. Members of Christian Christmas carols that murmured and told you. From the East (always capi‘ holiday to remind ourselves that. in
with the deep nuances of history and at Christmas? Why not buy her that denominations will give an easy resoundcd ina huge(tothe child.any- tali7ed). (iifts. Gold. frankincense. spite of our transience from here to .
religion. and tinseled beyond hope by ring in August? Or March‘.’ Why par- answer: Christmas means celebration. way) cathedral that somehow had and myrrh. The Child‘s Ear heard there and back again. we all have con- 5'
our enterprising merehantsof seasonal ticularly for 25 December? that lump-in-the-throat happiness given birth to thousand of candles. these exotic names. knew (maybe) nections to a place. Some place. Usu- j]
semi-garbage lt‘\ er wonder who buys lnstantanswers occur.otcourse. It‘s which comes only once a year. asso- They wink in the memory. Or maybe about gold. but merely loved the ally where there are people we love
those kitchen gadgets advertised orily tradition. The Christmas seasonis hal- ciated with the misty beauty of great the sermons at this time of year repeated sound of “frtinkincense and without thinking about it. So offwe go 5
. M— . . . . . u - ~ . . '
in late \oi ember and December?) 1- . , , musw and the occastonalpoetry ofthe becamea bit softer. l\o hollering now. myrrh from wherever in the East. again, Working hard.veryhard.to ‘
Ihe "lil"r"~"'“( WNW“ '-‘ d ”“9“" In Miente ag’tare Christmas story in the New Testa- Just a kind of effusive happiness that Later you might have learned that the enjoy the holiday. Driving and flying. l
“mlmdlslmm- “”h many anl'ClPiil' _ ment. Yet Christian and non-Christian seemed to seep into even the crotchety gold was the least valuable ofthe gifts buying and giving. perhaps enacting ’
ing the holidays with pleasure. while by [0/7” scarbomugh alike are caught up in the paradox of old biddy who usually glared at you as in the story. But children don‘t worry an annual ritual that says we must
01h?" “1”“1’“) dread 11- lhl‘ 1‘ lht’ ____—__ frenzyand commercialhypocrisy'. hur- you squirmed in your pew. Or maybe about that. Somehow they understand hope in toworrow, and that also says .
time when many youngtaniiliesmakc lowed by almost two millennia of ly-burly and Madison Avenue‘s psy— the Child‘s Eye saw the images of the message.whateverit is.Adiilts like the Child's Eye saw quite clearly what ‘
whataniountstoapilgrtmage'home." Christian celeration. Or you may chological pounding. and the tug of Mary and Joseph. trudging toward to talk about the symbols of Christ- Christmas is all about. Paradox or
”1 tht’ “0N Pthblt‘ dm'tng condi- growl that Christmas gives us all a something far beneath allofthis yearly Bethlehem. and the absolutely crystal mas. but the Child‘s Eye never had any not. Christmas is an essential pan of '
tions and constricted by itgid limita- glimpse of something a little better Night Before Christmas. stars as they had to be on such a night symbols. The Star simply was. the our national fiber. It may tell us what '
tions on their time. \et each year. that our normal. humdrum lives. a Images. Forthose of us from north- ina place so far way. Only later would Palestine of the story was easiy seen. has made us a great people all along; a ‘.
“home is where they head. and each glance fora little while at an Ideal. a ern climes. there may be treasured you learn that the Romans. who and it was all very direct. It was never phenomenal energy coupled with a
W” tlk‘ ds‘ttth \tdtlttih mount In the” hope that somehow glistcns through memories of snow and farms. snugly merely were in the story to take some- very pushy. either. Just an incredibly sense of wonder. In spite ofthe tacky .
horrible numbers “estieritice money. all the tawdry schlock and the yawn- nestled inavalley somewhere. merging thing called a “census" were the real beautiful story that somehow touched exteriors. we really know what it's all '
’ “m5- s‘nt‘Tt-‘N and \i‘mt‘ttmt“ our liws producing TV specials. Or there may in the Mind‘s Eye with a Currier and power in that world of far away and us inside. perhaps warmed us a bit about and so do the merchants. .
m ”1“ annual pilgrimage. grimly be a powerful undercurrent of some- lies~ stereotypical Christmas dinner. long ago. Maybe you found the enor- even in the coldest winters. After all. Scrooge learned too. ~
delclmlnt’dlt‘wll.‘ [httttlghtlht‘tttltui thing we think important to keep piled high with six courses and at least mous reservoir of great art that also (iifts. 'I‘hcy‘ve gotten out of hand. .
mi” “ ”l“ “ms‘tts‘dn (‘htt‘tmus- “6 (‘hristmas going. year after year. even five cousins. Others may recall limned celebrated this season. Your Child‘s But no matter. What seems to survive. Merry Christmas!
work my hard to enioy the holiday. though it becomes increasingly awash mindpictures from somewhere in the Eye caressed the soft Christ wrapped year after year. is a weird renewal. A .
\el.‘ hd'd “C but and \WEIW- “’h)? in oceans of bourbon. The crafty south and may refeelthe childhoodjoy sometimes in the swaddling you carol “fitting in from somewhere. John Scarborough teaches history
Do we make something with our own Serooges among us may insist that in having Mom and Dad in one place recalled from the story.and your open between a couple ofthose hammering and the classics. His column on books. .
hands. and then proudly bestow it'.’ ('hristmas is good forallofus. because at one time. feasting againinthe com~ heart understood somehow the anim- commercials in thetedious AM radio. teaching. the bureaucracy. questions i
“ h) tii‘t’ “hi is there this numbing it stimulates business meaning the pany ofall our kin. Ifreligion played a als milling about the standard manger a bit of lilting about bells. or Christ- of‘ teaching and the like appears every .
pressure to Illsl‘l out to the ever- retail merchants who state openly how role in the Christmas Past. then there in most of the paintings and what's mas WIndOWS. or bCing Home Per- Wednesday. .
I I I I 1;:
— _t
I ."i
By ('IIRIS “ESTIH ER and try‘s wrongs with memories ofthe six interests and their role in the current within Israel‘s I948 borders have been repressive no matter what (ioldstein for Jonas Savimbi. South Africa‘s "
I.ARR\ SIMPSON million. and accusations of anti- trouble with the shah. Most of Gold- permitted to vote. It has also been doc- says. chief agent in Angola. .
semitism against all who condemn her stein‘s letter brought in superfluous umented that the I948 war was fought As to the question of whether Israel Goldstein cites the disagreements ‘
In writing our letter of \ov lo we crimes. We emphatically denyand re5- elements intended to associate us with on a meticulously detailed plan is an agent of American corporate betweenthe Carteradministrationand .
had not intended to engage in an ongo— ent this charge. We resent his attempts attitudes and individuals not ever intended to drive out the majority of interests. we think that there is ample Israel in the recent West Bank negotia- .
mt: ds'butt‘ Howeier. Steie (iold- ‘—‘——‘——— mentioned in our letter. for example. Arabs. leaving a poitically impotent evidence forthataccusation.'l'hecom- tions. Wethink this only bears outour
stein‘s accusations ot “blantant anti— , , Cuba. Hitler. and Khomeini‘s real or group of native Palestinians to occupy plcx relationship of Israel to South point that American foreign policy is ‘
temmtms and "outright hm“ call t-m 0 Inlon imagined crimes. Khomeini is not our the lower strata ofthe work force. It is Africa and the deposed shah's regime dictated from elsewhere than the Oval i
some sort of rt‘spitnse We consider the responsibility. The shah was and is to now clear that even the Labor Zionists is well documentcd. We would like to Office. Israel‘s friends in thecorporatc I
charge of anti-semitism irresponsible. the extent that we put him in power. never had any intention of sharing mention specifically the flow of Iran~ boardrooms of America will continue t
“mt“? dnd totulb lashing in substan- —_"_——_‘— and supponed his regime with eco- power with the Arab population. and ian oil to Israel and South Africa, the to assure her sources of arms and t
tiating eiedenee We also take Issue to link us with Hitler’s contemptible nomic. political and military aid. that the concept ofa Jewish state prc- Israeli arms shipment to the other two money. and she inturn willcontinuc to t
with the headline which the [\t‘rm‘f murders and the other anti-semitic In attacking our statement charac- cluded any peacefulco—existence with countries, the gift to South Africa of support many of the most bestial I
used. as it seems to give support to horrors mentioned in his letter. teri'ling Israel as repressive. Goldstein the Arabs. They now seem to be oper~ an atomic bomb by the Begin govern- regimes in Latin America; regimes .
(ioldstcin‘s dCL‘lisiIIttms Ihe main point of our letter was to respondsthat it is“the only trucdemo- ating on much the same principles in ment. the importance of South Afri- which the Caner administration has i
It is amazing that apologists for call attention to the manipulation of cracy in the Middle East.” It is true their occupation‘of Gaza and West can uncut diamonds to the Israeli refuscd to SUpply. or just as she has I
Israelsllllattempttiidt‘lcndlhaICtmn» our foreign policy by certain vested that those Arabs allowed to remain Bank. We COHSIdCI' such behavior market. and the refuge that South helped install. atthe behest ofthe Uni- .
Alma Ptmtded ‘0 the “hall‘s lath" tcd States, such butchersas Mobutu of '
--._,-.- “' " _..____.-_..- — —-- ~ - ———————-———— whcn he was exiled. In addition tothis 7 ' '
‘ ‘ ~ aim and Amin of Uganda. to the .
BUR 8‘”le HEV BUZZ! LET'S in Q HMM... THATS FUNNYv- A” a - ‘l “ggwqtlhft[he‘dfpofcdnhah-gavi benefit of multinational mining con-
.-.- ' — a . re incr o eWieo ~ _
' :0MPARE ANSWERS 93": 5 smug AwswERs th GUESS . I'LL FoRoET 1 Jacob Javits infinity“ supporter “"15and‘lMdgtrgm‘monheWOFr‘;
3N THAT 7557 W: V”; ELY DiffERENT' T 1’ TI , “ ~ . . nate peope o t ose countries. c .
HAD TODAV' . (LO/‘12LET MINE ABOU M 55 . I inthe U.S.Senateandtheimportancc Israelis simply know who to deal with v
._ .«u k r 0M ' l 0f SQUIh “flea", SUbS'd'aneS ‘9 in America. and it is not the elected .
. (:3 gang, 0 '/' Om ll i American corporattionsfand finanCital government. I
’ ‘ h ” I institutions. One inal act we wou d ,
— nQiU ' . . . . .
. 9| "CID/‘9 0 / Q - , h i like to mention regarding the schial th I: conciilSiizjn‘bthi‘rizutiuliikzrtigim
. I . . ,
' - t if our“ relationshi between South Africa. a we . . .
, \l ’ ~ Fl ’33“ ”ff " l |~ I | p . statements. It Is unfortunate that it is
. ~ - , , V ,- p A h I , . srae. ran and American corporate , , . . . .
' \I / » . " . Q . ' \(I l ' t t ~ h K' - h f still imposSiblctomaIte legitimatccrtt-
. ,7 V, Cr ', ‘ ‘ ‘ . _ o t] g . in e