xt7p5h7bt81w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7p5h7bt81w/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1987-02-13 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, February 13, 1987, no. 497 text The Green Bean, February 13, 1987, no. 497 1987 1987-02-13 2014 true xt7p5h7bt81w section xt7p5h7bt81w 'IE G   EEN BEAN
Number 497 G3   df February 13, 1987
February 13 Gallery Series: Dr. W.Y. Adams, Dept. of
Anthropology "Nubia: Corridor to Africa"
February 13 First American magazine published on this date in
1741 by Andrew Bradford, entitled "The American
February 14 St. Valentine's Day
February 19 Nicolaus Copernicus, 1473- 1543. Polish
astronomer who believed that the Earth revolves
around the Sun. .
February 20 Gallery Series: Dr. Laurence Prescott, Dept. of
Spanish and Italian——"The African Presence in
Spanish America"
February 21 "New Yorker Magazine" published for the first time
in 1925.
· February 22 George washington, 1732 — 1799. First US
President. _
February 23 George Frederick Handel, 1685 — 1759.
February 23 W.E.B. DuBois, 1868 — 1963. Leader of the
movement for Black quality.
February 25 Pierre August Renoir, 1841 — 1919. French artist.
February 27 Gallery Series: Clay Maupin, UK Office of
Financia Counseling——"Information on Tax Law
Changes for 1987"
February 27 Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, 1807 - 1882. American
Next issue: Friday, February 27, 1987
Deadline for inclusion: Friday, February 20, 1987
Production Staff: Editor, Kerry Kresse; Tyijft, Scott Lutz;
. t , c M ° °
P“““ ER. Newsletter of the mversnty
L of Kentucky Lnbrarnes

 FROM THE EDITOR’s husk will be an average of foun\\\\)
_~*_”“M-N_"*““m~"~“ >``' '»'` wt `'AA people ix; a terminal, please
I hope xunua or you are pre~register by calling Joanne V
suspicious, as this is Dmiday Goode at Z5? ·V-- 0365 or Kerry
the 13th. Im; an. attempt to Kresse at 257~5954.
ward off any evil spirits, l'll If yon wonld like a copy
wish you all Happy Valentine's of the handout for either
Day. session, call Bonnie Cox at
People have ashes me many 257~5895 for the Intermediate
times how tx> get information session, or Teri Keller at 257-
published in the GB. It's 2643 for the Beginning session. t
pretty simple, reallyl ron can 5
send your oontrihulion to me, g
Kerry Kresse, Chemistry/Physics PC[QQ§AQ@AQ§@Q§ g_J
L 1 b r a ry , 1 5 0 Chem 1. s 4; r- y   P hy   :1. rz s   gg_;»_l- ogg @1 rites
Building, 0055. Kn; _wmi can `—* NM wm_
place your item ill the Green On Wednesday, rebruary IB,
Bean folder, normally reptmon at 3:00 iri the imwl Library,
Carol's desk in the nlreotor's Gary Stottlemyer will present a
Office, and I’ll iw; sure to session on "Batoh Files". Gary
find it. Please sign yoor name wrote the following summary of
so that I can give you nredit what the session will cover:
as a `cub reporter‘ for the GB.
Pretty easy. lf yon hone any Are you tired of
~ questions, you can also mall me going through several steps to
at 257—5954° I can always use load Wordstar or Lotus? would
the help, and it's hard to keep you prefer to simply put your `
up with everything: program in the drive,‘tnrn on
The 500th editwon of lhe the machine and }nnM> it boot
QB looms on the hn;lzon, with your software automatically?
March 27 as the anti ipat·d »_,¢ what you need is a hatch file!
date of publioaliwnl One A batch file is simply a
person is preparing a brief textfile which uonsists of file
history of the GB, and if any names and DUE commands that are
of you wish to add something to processed anixnuatioally in
this special lssue, or wonld sequence. They are useful for
like to see something specific setting up repetitive tasks to
in it, please let mn knowl prepare your syxdwmn for a
HBPPY f€¤di0Q~ particular applloatlnnl You
»KK may have already v~vd them and
not known it ~?n~ woot familiar
~—— is AUTOmXBX,HxVQ Yon can also
Y// PC/DOS LEARNERS GMOUP learn to wri,u yoma own to set
; -_”_——W“wM*W”mwMWMdmN l`'' up oustnmimed goftwqrel TAKE
i Back kn! populart den ndii CONTROL! Learn about hatch
{ Tari Keller will repeat her files at the =.‘ next PC Dearner’s
\ beginning DOB session on Grmmusesshnn
TuesdayJ _§ebrwalymMlf, on ‘hhe V
l I thlEd—floor#of King heath at The sessi>n ·.l. will he held
f 3:00. She will tmznramwj the in the loom near the mira desk
5 M300 terminals. To keep the in the Lam llY;xry» Again, to `
i class manageable and so there keep ol»ss siaw nahrgeahle we
L 2

 have to limit the session to library staff does all the
15. Please call Joanne Goode time--but sometimes the tiniest
at 257-8365 or Kerry Kresse at things are so important.
257-5954 to reserve a spot.
(Submitted by Joanne Goode,) Sincerely yours,
Dr. Paul Corio,
Department of Chemistry
Mr. Willis received the >> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>
following thank-you letters:
Jan. 1987
February 3, 1987
Dear Mr. Willis, Dear Sir [William Marshall]
I wish to express my Many thanks for the
appreciation for the help the Zumwalt deeds and iiformation.
library staff has been during I always appreciate the good
my tenure at the University of services II get when ii order
Kentucky. It is not, I think, information from your library.
too great a generalization to It's the best in [thé] nation.
include the entire staff, as I
make frequent use of the Sincerely,
libraries in Mathematics, Mrs. Dora L. Duggins
Music, Engineering, Chemistry Jacksonville, Ill.
and Physics, as well as the
`" King Library. There are, of
course, any number of ways by EDUCATION LIBRARY ACQUIRES °
which library services could be CD-ROM MATERIALS
improved, but I cannot fault
the librarians and support The Education Library has
staff who have repeatedly cmma now acquired the ERIC system
to my rescue, often suggesting [an index for materials in
useful ideas, further education] on compact disc (CD-
information, or additional ROM). Currently, this system
services. For instance, just covers only materials published
the other day I needed some from 1983 - 1986, but two more
geographical information and discs, which will cover the
called the Map Department. period from 1966 - 1982, are
Within fifteen xninutes II had expected to arrive sometime
all the required information. during the next few weeks.
A few minutes later, Mr. Calvin Anyone who is interested in
Gross called back to say he had seeing a demonstration of this
discovered additional items of system should contact Mary Vass
interest and would put them on at the Education Library at
reserve for me. A little 257-1351. or 257·—797 7.
thing, of course, a tiny thing, Organized demonstrations will
the sort of thingilinmgine our be scheduled for the week of
February 16-20 and Feb 23-27.
If you'd like to drop by and
. look over the system on your
own, it is quite user-friendly
and will be available anytime

 check to The Kentucky ApuU.17,19B7.
Historical Society, Old State
House, P.O. Box H, Frankfort, Central Reference Librarian.
KY. 40602—2108. University of Arizona. Salary:
V $18,500 minimum. Deadline:
April 17, 1987.
AMDAMHUMS Manuscripts Librarian.
University of Arizona. Salary:
The ACTS Orientatimui $18,500 ndnimum. Deadline:
Committee is sponsoring the April 17, 1987.
first in a series of group
tours of the various library Head of the Loan. Department.
departments, branches, and University of Arizona. Salary:
associate libraries. we will $28,000-$42,000. Deadline:
sponsor these tours from four April 17, 1987.
to six times throughout the
year. All interested library CALIFORNIA `
staff and faculty are welcome
to attend. Head, Engineering and Math
The first tours in this Library. University of
series are in Special California, Los Angeles.
Collections and Archives. Iwjl Salary: $34,452—$42,264.
Marshall, Head of Special Deadline: April 1, 1987.
, Collections and Archives, will
lead the tours on Tuesday, GEORGIA
February 17 and Thursday,
February 19. Both tours last Curriculum Materials Librarian.
fron1 2:30 —— 4:00. Space is University of Georgia. Salary:
limited to l2 people per group, 17,200 minimum. Deadline:
and reservations will be on a March 20, 1987.
first—come, first-served basis.
Please call Dan Hodge at the Serials Cataloger. University
Architecture Library at 257- of Georgia. Salary: $17,200
1533 to reserve a place. minimum. Deadline: March 20,
PROFESSIONAL OPPORTUNITIES Assistant Head of Circulation.
_ University of Georgia. Salary:
ALABAMA $17,200 minimum. Deadline:
March 20, 1987.
Reference/Music Librarian.
University of Alabama. Salary: KANSAS
$16,000 minimum. Deadline:
March Assistant Government Documents
1, 1987. and Maps Librarian. University
of Kansas. Salary: $18,000-
ARIZONA $24,000. Deadline: March 6,
Science—Engineering Librarian.
University of Arizona. Salary: MASSACHUSETTS
$18,500 minimum. Deadline:

 during the L1brary's regular Kerry Kresse, Chemistry/Physics
hours. (Submitted by Mary L1—brary, 150 Chemistry/Physics
Vass) Building, 0055. (Submitted by
Julie Stone)
Staff members who go above FOR UK PERSONNEL
and beyond the call of duty in
their work often receive little The Gaines Center for the
or no recognition for their Humanities announces its third
efforts. The activity of annual Scholarship in the
faculty members is mentioned in Humanities, available to any
the Staff Activities column of full-time, non-faculty
the Q2. THIS coIumn will now university employee. You need
be expanded to include all not have a college degree, or
members of the Library staff. be enrolled in a degree program
Suggested criteria for to be eligible. The`
recognition ln a work-related scholarship is good for one
activity includes: academic year, and allows the
. recipient to attend any course
>>New ideas or innovations in English, philosophy,
that improve work performance history, the classics, and
>>New skills certain classes ln foreign
>>Comm1ttee involvement languages, anthropology,
>>Ass1st1ng other sociology, psychology,
departments, Library or political science, the fine
otherwise arts and architecture: A copy
>>work1ng in areas outside of the application instructions
your job description is available from the Gaines
Center, 232 East Maxwell St.,
Both supervisors and staff Campus, 0344, or call Kerry
may submit recommendations, but Kresse at 257-5954.
supervisor approval should be
obtained first. A staff member
may submit his/her own KENTUCKY HISTORICAL SOCIET'1;
recommendation. Remember, this MEMBERSHIP DRIVE
newsletter represents the
Library system to the entire. The Kentucky Historical
University community, and to Society invites you to become a
libraries outside UK as well, member. The Society collects
so we need to let everyone know and preserves authentic
what we accomplish. information, facts and relics
Please keep activity connected with the history of
summaries short, two or three the Commonwealth. Membership _
sentences usually does it, includes a year's subscription
though longer contributions to the Reglster, a quarterly
will be accepted. All publica lon, and the
contributions are subject to newsletter. Membership dues
‘ editorial `fine-tuning'. are: Annual--$18.00, Student-- (
Send recommendations for S 1 2 . 5 0 , L 1 f e - - $ 3 0 0 ,
the Staff Activities column to Benefactor—-$1,000. Send your

 Head, Acquisitions Department.
Massachusetts Institute of
. Technology. Salary: $35,000
minimum. Deadline: March 9,
1987. _ . V
A Assistant Director for
Collection Management.
University of Michigan.
Salary: $45,000 minimum.
Deadline: February 15, 1987.
I Head, Document Delivery and _
Facilities. SUNY, Buffalo.
Salary: $23,000—$25,000.
Deadline: none given.
Assistant Librarian,
Cataloging. SUNY, Buffalo.
Salary: $18,000 minimum.
_ Deadline: none given.
Reference Librarian.
University of Oregon. Salary:
$18,500—$21,500. Deadline:
April 15, 1987.
University Archivist. virginia
Polytechnic Institute and State
University. Salary: $18,700
minimum. Deadline: March 10, .
Microforms Librarian. virginia
Polytechnic Institute and State
University. Salary: $18,700
minimum. Deadline: March 10,

 ___ . V rr· V 7 V V V V   ' ' " `gé