xt7p5h7bt78f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7p5h7bt78f/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 1944 bulletins  English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins The Quarterly Bulletin of The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc., Vol. 20, No. 2, Autumn 1944 text The Quarterly Bulletin of The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc., Vol. 20, No. 2, Autumn 1944 1944 1944 2014 true xt7p5h7bt78f section xt7p5h7bt78f   ) )
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Fntn on Puck {
Courier Phyllis Long of Boston, Massachusetts,
Crossing the Hel1—fer-Sartain Ford of the Middle Fork
of the Kentucky River.
The cover picture is published by the Medici Society of London.
Sole Agent in the U. S. A. Erich S. Herrmann, Inc., New York.
Used with their kind permission.
Published Quarterly by the Frontier Nursing Service, Lexington, Ky.   '
Subscription Price $1.00 Per Year ( . I
Printed in conformity with Government wartime regulations for saving paper. i
"Entered as second class matter June 30, 1926, at the Post Office at Lexington, K ., ’
under Act of March 3 1879 " y
Copyright 1944 Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. '  

‘ ,  A Child Welfare Nurse and Her Horse
In the Mountains of Kentucky Clifton Rodes Breckinridge 29 ·
C A Story of Shoes 40
Beyond the Mountains 51
Christmas Baby
I (Drawings by Jane Rainey) Doris Reid 3
' Christmas Greetings (Verse) Anna Work Shawkey 2
, Clara Ford Nursing Center Caroline Williams
A (A drawing) Inside back cover
, Field Notes · V 58
' Old Courier News 42
Old Stai News 12
The Baby and the New House Anne Foo: 37
The Friendly Beasts (Christmas Carol) .
(Drawings by Rose Evans) The H. W. Gray Co. Inc. 38
The Nurse-Midwife—A Pioneer ’ American Journal of
Public Health 7
The Upper Shelf (Illustrated) Clara-Louise Shiefer 25
Tom Wallace Farm Forestry Award , 35
Buzz-Bombs The Outpost, England 36
Candle Mold, with a drawing by Vanda Summers 28
"Curses! Wrong Blood Type"
(Cartoon) Lt. Arthur D. Byrne 41
Just Jokes, Sane Contributed 70
Q ( So Neat Contributed 50
Ex"' Test for a Good Speller The Countryman 70
4   The Gay Nineties A Rose of Yesterday 70
{ Tho Grandmother (Photograph) Edith Anderson so

 _ A i
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’ l
The ligh+`s in The window, lhe wrea’rh's on lhe cloor,  
The free is a—glis’ren as always beiore; I;
Thai wrealh is our love and lhal candle our prayer;  
g Thai Tree is our loyally. sleaollasl and sure.  
Time was when lhe mislleloe hung in lhe air! _  
Time was when gay whispers and laughler were Jrherel  
O boy in The loxholel O girl on lhe sea!   _
Our message will reach you wherever you be;   T
No clime and no language bul lhere shines The Slar,  
Then PEACE lo your hearl, Dear, wherever you are!  

   FRoNTmR NURSING smavxcn W s
; DORIS REID, R.N., c.M.
  Illustrations by JANE RAINEY, R.N., C.M.
AQ  On a cold stormy day shortly before Christmas I called on
ig _ Laura, one of our prenatals, who lived on a branch off of Short
[ Creek about three miles from Hyden. Laura had four small boys
ff ·_ and was trying to get them a baby sister.
  The boys were pleasant and well mannered while I talked
  to them and asked them if I might come and stay all night
  sometime soon. They finally said they "reckoned hit" would be
  all right. I told them I would try to come soon, and maybe I
  could talk to Santa Claus and get them a baby sister.
I Now I had begged every mother—to—be that I saw to get me
  a Christmas baby, and on December twenty-third I was called
§?A out and delivered a nice baby girl; but that was beating Christ—
  mas by a little.
  Jane Rainey and I were so busy riding our faithful horses
  hither and yon I quite forgot I wanted a Christmas baby, but
  God didn’t forget, and neither did Laura.
  Christmas eve about ten-thirty I was sleeping soundly at
  the Quarters when the telephone rang. A man was at the Hos-
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pital for me to go to Laura. W She was bad off I I dashed into ?V
uniform, grabbed my ilashlightand ran to the Hospital, picked i
up my delivery bags and a baby bundle, and into the car I  Z
jumped. Too much ice in the creek for a horse, the man told Y 
me. We were to go as far as we could by car, and then on foot. g »
Up and over the hills we traveled——up the creek, over and  
through the ice. We were stuck once for a few minutes and z ,,d l
another man kindly helped us out. Then we drove to the mouth E
of the branch where Laura lived. Here my driver said: "Now  
sit a few minutes and Ewell (Laumis husband) will come  
along to carry your bags up that awful hill." But Laura hada it 
history of having her younguns in a bit of a hurry, and so I,  z
thinking perhaps Ewell was stuck in the ice, and knowing how E
fast Mr. Stork travels sometimes, decided ·to get on the move.  
I shouldered my bags, grabbed my bundle and flashlight,  
and began the long climb. It is about a mile or more g
up hill to Laura’s home, and not a nice hill for ,   
walking. The bags are heavy. You walk _ ° ‘  
until you think you can’t walk any ‘    
farther, you rest a minute,  
1911611 on you hik€_ 1 W    
a . tgt .-. .  
 E Then, when  
( _ _ ‘ again you think  
you are all done in and ,?
  can’t make it you loosen your Q
tie, admit that you have to go on, andgdo so. Simple, but none  
the less tiring!  
Q, I
? I

  I beat the Stork by about six hours, and Ewell by twenty
‘_ minutes.
i Laura greeted me with open arms. She had no one with
—  her except her four boys who were sound asleep. I made Laura
 . as comfortable as possible, and then made ready for my recep-
§ — tion of Mr. Stork’s Christmas package. When the father came,
  he woke the boys and moved them to the kitchen. They seemed
  much surprised to fmd I was there. i
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/ /   __` U·rE parture is not going to be the medi-
  I am not one to quarrel with the cal profession, greatly-as I honor it,
 e good English name of umidwifen, feS_ or the nursing profession of which I
  tened on us by centuries of venerable elm e· member- MY Pcmt df dePaY'tuI` e
 Q usage. We have allowed the calling IS the rural mcthea because ence I
 ,. to beeome degraded through igno_ was a rural mother. and I understand
 A, rance and superstition, and the name her Pesmenfthat IS Why I became a
  suffers unjustly, much as did nursing m1dW1fe· feelmg that the mldwlfe
  in the Gemp days before Florence only could reach the rural mother’s
  Nightingale. In the late 19th century deepest need-
  in England, when midwifery had sunk PLAcEN*1·A PRAEVIA cAsEs
` to as low an ebb as it is with us to- This position is not academic or
é day, a group of English gentlewomen, theoretic with those of us who live
  founded the Midwives’ Institute, and ? _
.   started the ban rqiiiag that was to aOnR$?°;i}°a€‘2i§$a§§Li¤Pi»‘“&§5i§*§L2ia?“X§é§aa??§;
_' eventuate in a national status under getg$t§",;Q}’igjX{ge7餤¤¤1 Mceung at cincinnati.
I .
ll t

N I in the heart of the country districts. OBSTET§;£$gPI<;`?qNél1{_SN?$§[·f~§§1§§ BUT A it
In July, one of our prenatals, a wom-_ _ _ I
an with en; little gene, inning on Bad thggteig hgeevtjgetgeg igljgmeley egesv   n
Creek, 32 miles of muleback travel _ _ ' ?‘
from bne nenbenn, began bleeding eeeee feel ee We ee- Og peete ef ele ; 
slightly. This was reported by the Partum Cinnolg be Hot grdt in IE 6  
nurse-midwife living in that district ru"? _m‘?t ee ers; · H _l°  ee  
to the supervisor and to me. Mean- gvalé); It ;2_€}g$r;OSE;§yWi)u};i(§n1t?;;1C;g if
while she sent a man on horseback P *1- _ I
over to Bell County for the nearest gggile gpg f§§VI`§;§att;;nOb§§€;;1°C%}  
doctor. He was away on vacation. I _ S “ EP j_
might add that the only Leslie Coun- with iupapperiect cars it fmcgiln  E
ty doctor was also away on holiday. Ymly O gurhmot €rhO°d· T GSB bl; _ '  ?
The doctor nearest in Harlan County Iigs all _t BS; ge mtg eee eee ge  
eeeehee eeye eee e-Wey> eeee eee En?5232‘n“-?n§nnn§1$A§‘e¥n§§°pn?.§l’ {Q e
come; so we tried a fourth county, _ · _ l
Perry, on the opposite end of Leslie gg}; higiagtaairngg TE;rtié1ti’O§ii‘;i;;  
from Bad Creek, and one of the Haz- _ _ _ _  
ard doctors put aside his practice to g)1a;h§(`§Eit§§;$,;§35§Q°§’] Jzgilzzijntg l
answer our call. He rode 7 hours on , _ * _ >  
horseback to reach Wendover, our ggjgtioghgg gagghtggueigithteggit    
nearest center. There we gave him a . . . Y 
fresh horse, some sandwighes and a ?h‘1d;"’“;h tltlan gee;   battlg ghet  X 
guide, and he rode through the night IS Wky two dun ri d Eusari O Q?  
3 hours longer and reached the pa- Wea QS ee moi fe (msg ess dm Y g
tient (a placenta praevia) and saved zigglepiisaggglii glvitlfotigrgglea gg;  
her life.  
Ten days later another prenatal in begvilgot the big things We are dO_  
quite another district, on Bull Creek, mc, but how many mothers We are  
. bi  ‘·
beee-¤. bleeeme- The eeeeeee eeeeee saving, that nnenene. It in as thnngb  e
this time was the one 1n Hazard, 24 in Wat, We expected ten thousand  _
mute litwaye 0% h°rs?c;a°k·h27Vh€nhW§ wounded, and arranged our resources  ¤
Senth lm Yvor twe mtg hwg it so as to give perfect care to three  
Ego ;rLp3C€n a pmivmj 6 sal _‘ thousand and no care at all to seven  L
dame Of°;hé£?}1a;g€ b€;";§€_  thousand, leaving them on the battle-  AQ T
_ _ * , _ field just as they fell, to die or  I
our direction. But this mother did t h -1 d _  T-
not hold out so well as the other. The tgiegggg Ome mum ate and unbe  g”_
loss of blood was terrific. She went ` ’i*_
to pieces, so the nurse-midwife had THE YOUNG WOMANS BATTLE  
· a neighbor give chloroform, and she Maternity is the young woman’s >’
went in and got the baby. The moth- battlefield. It is more dangerous, e
‘ er lived. The doctor wrote me later: more painful, more mutilatingl than
' "If that nurse had not had the cour- war, and as inexorable as all the laws 5.
age to plunge in and take hold, there of God. There is no escaping it. But ‘-
would have been a dead patient be- for her there will be no drums beat- ’.*
fore I got there." ing or trumpets blaring. Off on the  

_   Fnowrinn NURSING snnvicm 9
J, lonely farmstead where the true May not the conjunction be more
A heart of America is beating—for al- than haphazard? Those of us who
Y   · ways in its peasant population lies a have suported the venture of the
i' Q nation’s true heart—the young moth- Kentucky Committee stake our all on
"  , er is facing her agony and danger that throw.
6 E  that the hope of America may come
3; gc into me It is not what We are doing COMBINING NURSING AND Mmwurnny
H   in cities that counts for her, but the   Word as to Our m€th°dS· We
H A service actually available way off tluvk the Al?g1O'SaX°n plan ef 00m'
tl V there. bmmg nursmg and midwifery in
h   . country districts iits better into our
n Q livery gagl mg Htjghlj ag our Qur American tradition than the conti-
*·  < ii SI5 EWG §un§?e§°S§ua$?rEii§? new sysypm of Spgcieliggmon- It is
n ; . . . ’ economica y more easi e in rural
O g which is all the country our service Work. The famous Queerfs Nurses
_s   gsggggrsai Y6? W; live Expectant of Great Britain, under the general-
,s e Qgls emij ny Our may ized system, have year after year a
is   iggggnthi C;;;dm;I€;guVKOH;;g’ gl; maternal death rate half that of the
it . . ’ national, and one-fou th th t f
E   $l€$§g“§S€Z‘§2.?€.f.?,§;§§,€§§“5°5§f,§’gg in the United sees.? The;·;(;iid(:;lj1;
i   to the little home on the creek bed, glgysilggii a;i1r€$'N§;;.€§O1;1§n£;€i£y  
t Y  where life is struggling to enter and England alone y
tr  ;  threatening its toll of life. By the `
.   bedside of the mother who needs us HEBRIDES PLAN A Gown
ig  A —that is where our work must be We have arrived at our plan of or-
Ij g done. Only there will the death rate ganization in Eastern Kentucky after
lp   be cut down. Who is taking care of a study in the Hebrides of the plan
)_ ja  Alabam Sizemore on Hurricane Creek followed by the Scotch Highlands and
B   tonight when her baby is born? On Islands Crown Commission, of which
h  4 that answer, and only on that an- Sir Leslie McKenzie is chief.
d  if SW€I"»_ hang th? vital Statistics of Each of our nurse-midwives lives
is  rp AITIGFICH, at thelr HIOSIC vulnerable at al Center? in the heart Of her dis-
QB   Point- trict of not more than a radius of 5
H  ,N ( ‘ miles, which is about 78 square miles.
3_  ·» . STATE SUPDRVISION OF OBSTETRICS Each such district has its own local
,1,  T _ What h9·V€ those Hft€€¤ 0th€1“ Ha- district committee, with chairman
,_  ” UOHS with ivwer m&t€1"¤&l death and secretary, which meets monthly.
“  gl rates than ours in common that we ————— _
  lack? No better medical cr nursing 5,.,..5. §$§§°§..t}§§,§*.l#‘é}‘“§§Eii‘L§§’ §T‘ $"§%`?l?ci§§£$'?
gl S€¤¤<>€·S» af as s<2¤d· m the great can- e}2:1i;;"Of‘€l.e 3;;2i‘$?£sJ&‘.;F; i‘;JS§£i;‘L‘£2t€i’5.§
*S er ters of civilization! But they have Il;yR{g>g1 SFg{aérgai1`11b§i'&Z’ B·}W~,B-Ch-Oxon-.
S, l each and all one thing which we are Tlwinésé Hcsi$né1Z' 0 S Q UC piyslcmn t° St`
,p_ missing altogether, and that is skilled Ngtifglgig Reggelgsf E9 Stiate are thcgirts or Mrs.
YS g_ midwifery, trained_in the obstetrical tggkiécmotlicyrk J(·§sici1=·g§sir1;i?i§F$ge¥;°ii»ii}§rdi$§Z
It   centers and supervised by the state, £e;irg;»;ii§f1vi;€g}_ T§§¤%§2’_BI;1i§ra}§?n1;°$u£`$5i1e $1;
t- y for . each peasant mother m High- me Mrs. Mary semi?-.cl‘i1·S éS&aa“Jr"},.}E?;2E?Ei;
le 4 lands and_Alps, Tyrol and Apenmnes. fQ;,°§§,*; §}g$m§J“{{,*$3‘}]d§)§?,;$5 Trust C¤m¤¤¤yc and

I" at the center to get the nurse’s re- metropolitan physicians and sur- ,
port and advise with her. In every geons in our group, and many others ·
county, however isolated, there are beside these, have given their ser- `{ 
to be found leading citizens capable vices for special cases of all kinds  
of directing affairs. Words fail to which we have carried down to them  =
express our gratitude to those on our out of the mountains. Several doc-  V
local committees for a cooperation tors have come up to us and held ,
` which has made our work possible. clinics, again giving their services.  
The Louisville and Nashville Rail-
. cHAReEs . . . ·-
In fees we again follow the Scotch giiiiSmggil5Su;;;Sigug§daEfi;g§§§;t l
Hlellleed system ef melsee e yeeely ensss Iand nnen nurses. From the  
charge of $1.00 which covers all serv- State Board Of Health Whose Chief  _
ices _but midwifery. Where this has Arthur T Mccormacn MD nag { 
not been paid, 25 cents is charged for been Om, nig friend fmlln me `{)égm_ ‘l _
g nursing visit. Five dollars iS OUP ning We receive our licenggs to prac- .
gldwlleey fee eed Wenwlll sglee Pee; tice nnewneny nne ness kindness 9 
uce in a men, suc as ay an 3 
fodder fgr your horses, or the hus- and help than We can ever repay  2
b3.l'1d’S labor. FO]? this f8€ WG give TRAINING FOR NURSES  
prenatal care (the earliest possible), Our nurses are an required tO pass  
  §’§;V§%€’d;;g fig gegsggggsg the English, Scotch or Irish Central { 
the two placenta praevia cases, we gv/Isévxgvegiiglf P€;§;;g3;E;@ni£nt;g;g_  
ssedeled leeele eesleelzs dey esd eleld ing, te, qnsney on en staff. several  eg
ggeggmsde sgggejvgegjlsgogeeegtlgjgg American nurses nnve done this sne  fl
would glléve died. P we have also English nursdes. This  
The midwife never leaves her pa- §?1§;1;IRFtI_;?;;gSt;i£;En hlglzvsierwagé lg 
timt Once She is in labom Staying 2 provided in this country to nurses as  Ul
deys eed nights in the home if seed midwives or to midwives as such be-  
be` We think the Support and help fore the need of Alabam sizenieie is  ii .
given through the long hours of the met On every Hurricane Creek  
first stage has a bearing on -the out- _ _ '  I
come. Because we have been trained Ou? nurse? RIB QIIIIGI tmmed OI  RE
in midwifery, we are able to see the exeeeleeeed le edlelle lleellls leeleee  .
normal cases through and also to commg le RS'  I
recognize the abnormal and get medi- Af the request ef the State Beard i.
cal aid at any cost, from any dis- ef Health Wa glV€ typhoid Vaccllla ·
tance, when it must be hed, carrying and toxin-antitoxin. Such has been V l
on with eennege until it comes. the respemse thee eypheid and diph- z
· theria (that most terrible scourge of ‘
MANY GIVE THEIR SERVICES ' isolated children) have been almost
' In our general policies and finances wiped out of the districts we cover.
' we are guided by a state committee, We have given thousands of inocu- g
which is a sort of a Who’s Who in lations in the twoyears of our exist- I
Kentucky, of leaders in professional ence. In one district alone we gave j
and social and educational life. The over five hundred in a month. One ’

 _ ¥ FRONTIER NURSING snnvxcn 11
__ V nurse has given as many as 140 in mDUcA1—1oN Tnnouen THE emma
S 21 single m01‘11i11g· The Sadhu Sundar Singh tells how
n 3 BEDSIDE NURSING THE ENTREE in that Himalayas he met a man try'
ii We believe the reason our preven— Hag te bdrgvlsha COW zigd Cgi Olga: the
_   tive work has been so successfully ggelyhut , gy Wm} Hath? mvsnt;
i'   received is because we also give bed- t tm 6 me Coifingswgh 3;:1 E0
_` {~ side nursing care, with emphasis of ha 1t°,,£u;P°S€‘th 8 Ha u T rms
12 l course on its teaching values. To mg a 8 BCP SCSI usnzglli rawm
L j illustrate, nearly a year ago we $21 Ginny ht han dg Wien We
e   opened up a new area where no mod- ho OW `icw lg Wis b ml h ld ,t
Ei i  ern work had ever been done before, we ms Ore a a Ya We ° ul S
s ; not even from a mission Station. We mother forever after in the ho ow
l` A formed our district committee of ef Our hands _ _
"  .— leading citizens and planted two The ehieet ef what We ere demg re
°S `   nurse-midwives there with horses te get light- In Kebtubky W6 have 3-
 Q and saddle bags, and began. Tac'? h0I`$(*§ b&U{€d “F&_H‘ P1eyf’- That
 is   two Or three people Caine to 1S the gplrlt which W6 1I1VOk€ In those
 11 the first health clinics. _Then there Who dlffer from Us ee tb methede,
is  .1 eenne an epidenne of innnenze with e¤§1_We eek them te remember, ee
*1  i Seine pneumonia. We nursed the sick Wrlhem Jemee remmde he their rt re
l`  ;, ——only that—but it was good nursing by Our fruits W€ ere te be .ludg€d»
l`   and they all got well, even the des- end not by Our I`O0tS·
3   perately ill pneumonias. Then they Here we all are, we puny human
,   began coming to the clinics, seventy beings "with our ‘weak endeavors
LS  Q! and eighty strong. after good" rushing through space
L   All the arms in that area are shot together on this one little planet,
*8   up with vaccines; and we have our each of us with a wish to help a bit
’s   chairman making public addresses in our generation, as we can. We
?—  gl! for sanitary toilets and advising have in common all the things that
LS   hookworm treatment, and many are bigger than ourselves. The larg-
  other activities. We believe in bed- est telescopes through photographic
’I`   side nursing. We think it humane, plates, after several hours exposure,
`€  ,, and then, too, in public health it is take an impression of distances be-
 ll an open sesame. yond any the eye can reach. It is
ld Y  All summer the babies are ill with estimated that the farthest nebula
le . "summer comp1aint" from dirty in the heavens which may be photo-
n ‘ water and milk and flies and fried graphed is so distant that the light
1-   food. We nurse them; we go end- has taken a hundred and forty mil-
>f ‘ lessly to sponge them and give high lion years to reach us. We of the
at salines. Now, many homes are Kentucky Committee have hitched
r. screened, also the cribs; and wells our wagons to these stars, believing
1- i are chlorinated; and potatoes and that "whatever doth make manifest
t- be eggs are baked and boiled. is light".
l€ I

Compiled and Arranged by ?! 
From Minnie Meeke in Northern Ireland—August 13, 1944. :
I am sorry that I cannot attend the meeting of the American l
Association of Nurse-Midwives at Wendover. My re-entry per- 5
mit is in order but the barrier is this awful war. I am sincerely
hoping that next year I shall be able to attend. I hope you’ll L
have a very interesting meeting. I am sorry to miss the luncheon  
too-—the picture of the dog trot in the last Bulletin almost made ;
me hungry. How I loved those pickled peaches! · 
I am carrying on with the good work in Omagh and usher-  `
ing lots of babies into the world. Omagh is very quiet since the J 
American soldiers left. We have all great hopes that the war  Q
will end this year. Then the F. N. S. nurses will be rushing for  j
a boat to take them back to their Old Kentucky Home. · 
Wishing the Frontier Nursing Service success, Love to  j
From Catherine Uh] in Alaska-—August 27, 1944.  
In April I was asked to take the field nurse assignment at'  
the Kuskokurim River station for this winter. At that time I  
expected to come up here in late August or September but due   ·
to an emergency came up in early July. That meant in less than  
seven and a half months I had seen a large area in Alaska.  .
This country is pretty and the Eskimos are friendly and ·  
cheerful, but I would never live in this part of the country by  
choice. When I was asked to take this assignment, they said A * 
that, as I was of an adventurous nature, they thought I would  _‘*
adjust to this territory and enjoy it. It takes something like {- 
that to enjoy life here! I am beginning to have my winter cloth- 2 
ing made and am looking forward to winter’s arrival. My very A
best wishes to each of you.  
_ From Betty Lester in London—August 19, 1944.  
· I went to the Consulate yesterday and had my re-entry per- t
mit renewed again. Now it can be all signed and settled in Lon-  
g ¤
 · .

  don. Isn’t that great? I expect they are doing it because it
{L won’t take long and everything will be in order on this side if
  the great news comes soon, and we who are ready can get back
5 at once. Oh, suppose I can come back this year! !! Get my room
{ and my job and everything fixed for me, and when I am free
l I’ll send a cable. Meet me in Lexington! V
E I’m afraid I made rather a lot of fuss about our hospital
incident, especially as so much more damage has been caused
_ since by the flying bombs, but we were one of the first places
  to be hit and we knew so little about them. I saw one of them
  on the first night they really came over and thought it was a
»  plane on fire. I still cannot help quaking inwardly when they
 l are overhead. My heart just jumps, and I wait for the crash-
5  but it’s not nearly as bad as it was.
l  From Margery Tait (Madge) with the British
 ll _ Middle East Force—September 17, 1944.
  Alas! Alack! The job (with Umcra) has been cancelled, and
  we are posted here. However, we are both quite happy about it.
  Bless my Cameron (her horse), I am so glad he is still in cir-
 1 culation. ·
  Isn’t the news grand? But those laddies on the Western
  front must be having a tough time.
  · Margaret Watson and I are both well and going for leave
  shortly to Syria. Bennallack was down for this job too, but has
 , been sent back to Palestine.
·   Remember me to everyone, please. It won’t be long now!
 Q From May Green in South Devon—September 24, 1944.
 l I am sorry not to have written sooner, but life has been so
.  very difficult that it really is necessary to relax a little at times.
  I relax by knitting for the merchant navy in my spare time.
  I am in Bournemouth staying with my friends and enjoying
  _ a two weeks’ rest. Since D-Day the tension has been lessened
{ 1 and the arsenal around us removed. No doubt in the near future
{ we may return to our own hospital at Dartmouth. There has
2 been a battle training area right by us and now these villages
  are being restored where possible, and in time the people will
g ¤
 ( l

return. Two or three villages not much damaged are already
inhabited, but by us there is quite a lot of repairs necessary.
The roads are not opened yet and are still guarded. The whole  
area around us was taken over by U. S. forces and I used to l`
enjoy going to the barrier and talking to the boys. I was only { 
sorry I could not invite them to the hospital.  
I think I told you we were evacuated from Dartmouth to an ;
emergency place which was an old rectory. It does very well  
but has a good many drawbacks. The operating theatre was a F
kitchen and smaller than the theatre (operating room) at - 'Z
Hyden. I have been disappointed from a midwife’s point of view  »
as there has been only one Caesarian. The grounds around the  ~.
house are beautiful and of great help to convalescent patients. 5 
Here in Bournemouth they have the "dim out"; in and about I 
p Dartmouth the "black out".   ‘
_ I have not heard from Kelly, Betty, or Mac lately. I do  .§
hope they are all right. The flying bombs have been so terrible!  {
I’ve had to pay flying visits to Kent in the Buzz-Bomb-Alley to  I
a sick friend who has now passed on. Looking after sick ones  
in that terrible ordeal, you wished those you loved were away li 
from such terror and nightmare.  
The evacuees billeted around Dartmouth are anxious to get  j
back. The kiddies are lovely, though the farmers don’t think so  rl
when they pinch the apples and dig up their potatoes and roast  
them in the fields.  -1
I shall be thinking of you, especially at Thanksgiving time.  il
Give my love to all I know.  
From Ada Worcester '1`ubman in Sussex——September 28, 1944.  
No, the doodle bugs haven’t got us yet. Of course, like  
Batten we "died a thousand deaths", but we are still quite intact.   1
I learned to throw myself flat, without feeling t