xt7p5h7bsx8z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7p5h7bsx8z/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1944-01-07  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, January  7, 1944 text The Kentucky Kernel, January  7, 1944 1944 1944-01-07 2013 true xt7p5h7bsx8z section xt7p5h7bsx8z mvaiiauic



On Page Four- 'Cats Take Three
During Holidays



Trustees Approve Plan
For Budget By Donovan

Browsing Room
Frank Fowler, director of the
Guignol Theater, will open the third
Invitation to Reading series sponsored by the University library staff
3 p.m. Thursday in the Browsing
room of the library. He will read
i"The Silence of the Sea," a dra- matic short story written by an an- onymous French author about the
'German occupation of. France and
recently published in Life maga


Kentucky's cagers will meet the
Netre Dame Irish at 8 p.m. tomorrow In the Armory at Louisville In
Approval has been made by the
what promises to be "a toss-u- p
game," according to Bernie Shively, Board of Trustees of the request of
assistant basketball coach.
Dr. Herman L. Donovan to ask the
iim 15 nlnvprs on the team.
ap- Sio are all in good condition, will Kentucky General Assembly to
nuke the trip to Louisville. They propriate $3,551500 for the Unlver- Brannum, Tingle, Whitehead. s.ty for the next two-yeperiod.
A resolution 01 appreciation ior
uis, Demoisey, Johnson. Motley.$1,775750 the services of Keen Johnson was zIi
fund wiU
book reviews and
Parkinson. Yesson, Gorham. Schu.
yearly, $232,250 more than the ap- - passed by the University Board of
and Vullch
talks scheduled for January through
last propriation for the current fUcal Trustees at its last
Victorious over the
April, will be held in the Browsing'
The resolution reads
year, the "Cats, according to their year.
IrA t Vio momhorc rf Ye TtAorl
roum a n burnt umc, uuiran uur
. asKinc ior uie ,
hi, v.., m
Tn.duc rf the University of erwise
aim m uc
amount. Dr. Donovan explained Kentucky, in meeting assembled on
Sherwood Eddy, author of more
- volumes on alternation,
Lineup Altered
tnat tne next two years may bring December 14, 1943, desire to express to both students and townspeople, j
Changing his suiting Uneup for great expansion for the University, our appreciation of the Honorable
On the following Thursday "Lib- - economtef
and reUgious ques- file first time
ince the second pians now under consideration for Keen Johnson, who for four years eral Education" by Mark Van Doren
make two speeches on
UonSi wi
rame of the season. Coach Adolph tne education of returning veterans as Governor of Kentucky has serv
will be reviewed by W. T. Rowland, i the campus WednesdaVi January U,
Hupp has been putting the boys provide for a minimum of one ed as Chairman of this Board.
superintendent o the Lexington
vrough rigorous practice this week, year s training at government cx- tli
...riM. ,
We wish to thank him for the
Although Rupp could not be reach- - pense for any soldier who may wish regularity with which he
.... HUVOJL VI I LUC fnnrmva attended
id. Shively stated that he believed to return to school, he pointed out. the meetings of the Board, the dig
Dr. J. Huntley Dupre, professor
Farmg ExpameiA at
a. m.f
that the changed Uneup will be and jt has been estimated that at nity and fairness with which he of history, will discuss John RoyjMonday m room 300, Frazee hall.
used in the game.
percent oi men
least iu
presided, the enthusiasm and in
Cover" on Thurs- - The Meaning of the World Crisis
The shift has been made at for- - service will take advantage of the terest which he manifested in the Carlson's "Under
will be his subject for a talk at a
day, February 3.
ward. Schu. sophomore from Ver- - plan.
University, and his understanding
Klub at 6:15
"Dime Novels" will be the sub- meeting of the Koffee
sallies, replacing Whitehead, fresh- ,f , percent of the 225,000 Ken-ma- n and support which he gave the
p. m. in the Music room of the
Schu tucky men ln
from EvansvUle. Ind.
ject of a talk on Thursday, Febru- - Union buUding.
xr!ix should return
opened the season on the starting tQ
nools and C0neBDS. the enroll-fiv- e
"In testimony of our high esteem ary 10, by Henry Hornsby, literary
All history, political science, and
against Fort Knox but lost his menU would constitute a larger for him. we have caused this doc- editor of the Lexington Herald-umesociology classes will be dismissed
regular uenn w migie .iue re- than has ever attended the
to be prepared, and we here- - Leader.
at 11 a. m. Wednesday so that stucuperating from an injured ankle. colleges and universities in Ken by attach our signatures."
"Black. Lamb and Grey Falcon," dents can hear Eddy.
Rupp tucky at one time, he asserted.
Early this week,
The resolution is signed by Sim- - by Rebecca West, wiU be reviewed
A world traveler, Eddy was pres
believed that "Schu looks Uke he
Illustrating the growth of the eon Willis, chairman of the Board, by Mrs. Lawrence Crump, Miss ent at the capture of Mukden in
- and Shively
feels like playing bah.C. Stoll, chairman of the
University, Dr. Donovan pointed Richard
Ruth Mathews of the Henry Clay Manchuria by the Japanese in 1931
placed him on the probable start
out that during the two years he executive committee. Mrs. Paul G. high school English department,
beginning of the present
ing Uneup.
VaneVa TTn 4rt?4 fr Blazer, Robert P. Hobson, Horace S.
Kaah nmcirlAnt
Miss Grace Snodgrass of the crisis For 20 years he annually
Tle remainder of the starting
Cleveland, Marshall Barnes. Lee and
Station- library on conducted a traveling seminar of
five are the same that Rupp has
Klrkpa trick, James Park, Robert
ijsed In chalking up seven vlctorie degrees as it did during the entire Tway, Harper G atton, John W. Thursday, February 17.
educators to study conditions in
4m AirrVit
triafi Thau o w TfnfrlA at 42 years that James K. Patterson
Vt'. L. L. Quill, head of the chem- - Russia, Poland, Germany, France,
Brook er, H. D. Palm ore. and Wilpresident.
istry department, will discuss Great Britain, and other countries
the other forward post, Brannum TOd 85
With the exception of request liam H. May.
"Chemistry Today" on the pro-- 1 in Europe.
at center, and Moscley and Johnson
work, nursery Infor horticulture
gram of Thursday, February 24.
at guards.
j. MteT J5 years work among stu- spection work, tobacco research
Studied Plays
On Thursday, March 2, Dr. Mar- - dents of India, he became Secretary
Although practice has been hin work, and strawberry
garet Ratliff, assistant professor of for Asia for the YMCA.
labelling, which are the same
dered this week by registration, the
psychology, ' will .review. Katharine
He Is lecturing and speaking conas Ior lne Present nscai year, eacn
Angelo EaTon, instructor in Eng- Hathaway's "The Little Locksmith." stantly in the camps and before
Wildcats have been drilled against
itcm ia Uie budget represents an lish, resigned yesterday to accept a
Notre Dame plays, described by As- "Pitcairn Island" will be the sub- many types' of audiences in all sec
10 pef approximately
ststant Coach Harry Lancaster,
position in Washington as a
ject of an illustrated talk by Rug us tions of the country. He has spoken
rmuted the Irish when they de- - cent. Dr. Donovan
announced Dr. L. L. Dantz-le- r; Southworth, Berea author and lec in several hundred colleges in all
" i parts or
ffcated Purdue Monday night.
The president stated that.. "the
bead of . the .English depart: turer, on Thursday, March 9.
the united states, Europe.
.Rupp, never very optimistic. University of Kentucky is not yet ment.'
and,has aressed count- Mrs. John Jacob Niles. author of fnd
depression," and pointed
thought his boys looked only fair out of the
Eagon came to the campus in
year sought September to replace Clarence
hut Schu. Moseley, and Parkinson out that the $1,170,950 a
have been shooting particularly for the next two years for main-wtl- l. Gciger as technical director of Profiles, has chosen to discuss "Profiles" on the program of Thursday,
tenance and operation alone was Guignol theatre. He also taught
March 30.
$19,512 less than was allowed for history of the theatre.
Lojack Fast
reported that the Irish these purposes in 1930-3A3, at Marshall "The Apostle," by Solem Asch,
He received his
Priorities on Parade, starring Jerhave a very aggressive team and: in his biennial
to the college, W. Va., and his Master's will be reviewed by Dr. Robert W.
described Lujack. Irish guard, as Board. Dr. Donovan once more degree at the University of West Miles, pastor of the First Presby- ry Colonna, Ann Miller, and Betty
wery fast and a good
urged the erection of a commodious Virginia. He is from Hunting'ton, terian church, on Thursday, April Rhodes, will be shown at 5:45 p.m.,
Monday, in the Bluegrass room of
Lord, forward and one of the few auditorium-fiel- d
W. Va.
house as an
on the Notre Dame squad, propriate memorial . . . that would
An accomplished concert pianist, Concluding the series of programs the Union.
ts a crack shot from the floor al- - be a constant reminder to the Eagon studied music at the Cincin will be the April 13 talk on "Best
Admission to this first movie of
ibough only S feet, 10 inches tall.
youth of the commonwealth that nati conservatory, Cincinnati Col- - Sellers" by Richard H. Logsdon. the year will be 10 cents, Mrs. Doroffense of the brave men died in the defense of lege of Music, and at the Juilliurd head of the library science depart- - othy Hillenmeyer, Union social diThe
rector, has announced.
Irish is built around Leo Klier,
freedom that they might enjoy the foundation. New York City.
foot, 2 inch Navy trainee from liberties guaranteed by a
Ind.. who is UsteJ'as racy."
a guard but plays in the pivot po- buildlngi according to Dr.
afeion. He has averaged 20 points a Donovan, would be erected on prop-Sm- e,
most of his shots, in- - t erty aready obtained by the Unlwith
oading his free throws,
versity on tne north
ai-avenue facing Stoll field. He term
ed the razing of 78 small rent
houses which stood on this property as one of the most constructive
measures taken in the past two
Relatives of Lieut. William F.
Mitchell, 25. bombardier with the Continuing with the building proUnited States Army Air force?, gram. Dr. Donovan emphasized the
need for two new dormitories, one
fcave been notified by the War department that he has been reported for men and the other for women.
as missing in action over Gcrnumy. The University, he stated. Is now
Lieutenant Mitchell was a senior nimble to provide adequate housing
M the University when he enlisted facilities for its students, and the
In May. 1942. and as a student was need will become greater with the
anticipated expansion.
active ln many campus affairs.

Board Passes


llf llOl"
















Eagon Resigns
To Accept Position







Movie Slated







one-han- d-



Lieut, Mitchell
Reported Missing




Garnett Gayle, who was selected
editor of The Kernel at the
' end of
the fall quarter, has become
wves- meet at noon Wednes- - a m'mbeT of
club will
Sworn ln at
ey at the Maxwell Street Presby- - ' lie 'ul report Cincinnati this week,
to Hunter college at
texian church.
the end of this month for the first
groups will Phase of her training,
. .. . for' all
Miss Gayle. who was a junior in
be held at 6:15 p.m., Tuesday, in
tne Journalism department, trans- Union building.
fc11 w tne University this fall
Sweater Swing

college. She
will be held a't 6 p.m. today m from
was a pledge of Chl Omega sorority
Union! and a
of K,deU WAJ
lhe Kernei staff. Sne nves m Lex- Danclng
... . class will be held at 6:15 p.m.
Wednesday in the Bluegrass room pi










Miss Jinkins has served as a mem- -













l.caC fe rtusuiw



Prof. Edward W. Rannells, head
of the art department, has return- to the University after being
a leave of absence for fur- thcr study at the University or
Chicago. Prof. Rannells, who has
been away since last spring, took
three semesters of study ln educa- Uon while at Chicago.
Durhig his allsence his classes
were conducted by Prof. Raymond
Barnhart and Miss Anne Callihan
of the art department.



peared in Guignol productions.
Miss Weatherspcon ta news e(U.
tor of The Kernel and journal cor- respondent and scholarship cahir-e- d
man of Alpha Xi Delta, social
rority. She Is historian of Mortar




By Shirley Meister


Question: Why aren't
aoara. secreiary 01 ineia o.gma
Phi and Chi Delta Phi. She was a tiong?
number of b club Alpha Lambda
the Kentuckian staff, the
Union forum committee, and the
SGA Constitutional and Victory
Ruth Ballard.
committees. She received the Mor- -;
.j,h...,.re: I
tar Board freshman scholarship cup resolved to study hard
land the Theta Sigma Phi award to
Ruihie Dimttk, AAS. souho- the highest standing freshman wo- -,
man in journalism. Her name was more: I resolved to stop cutting
placed on the Mortar Board plaque classes but circumstances
for sophomore women. She is a interfere.
member of the Assembly of the
Trt. Phillip Stanley t'aiin,
Government association inridge hall: I decided to give up
and of Who's Who Among Students Knturkv women but I know I
The offices of the deans of Uie m American Universities and Col- - can t resist them
engineering, commerce, and agri- - leges.
RjKtv Millv 4Jk
' frnhnun- T
culture colleges have announced; ... ,,,
..&... w Cwens, and Al- - ,end ILU tJUW W 5 resist him.
following students made 3.
that the
pha Gamma Delta,
but I can t
standings last quarter:
pha Lambda Delta. She was awardJeanne Newman, As, freshman:
College of agriculture: Mary Jo
Mortar Board scholarship I resolved to lead a calmer life but
Whltehouse, junior, Lexington, and ed the
cup for the freshman woman with my roomie has a different idea
Marjorie Wilson, senior, Branden- the highest standing.
Jimmy Morreaux. trig- -, sophoGuile tt is no longer a student at
College of commerce:
more: I broke them before I made
Lipscomb, senior, Lexington; Janet the
Helsel, Junior, Altoona, Pa.; William
Ana frank, ad., senior: I resolvOnOlSOn IS
W. Hummel, senior, Jeffersontown, j
ed not to lose my temper but so
much makes me mad that it's no





Three Colleges
Announce Perfect




Quarter Standings



1VJ1 1 4V.
















n 1 1" Wi
were made in the
college of law and the standings in
vva- - atituvi 1
3. standings




Sweater Swing






Dr. W. D. Funkhouser, head of
nAp ..ni ... v,r...u iiui
wu.a vwA.vguo iiftic .....
the deDartnient of Brmlncrv has
4 p.m. Monday in5een elected a
councilor to the
tfce Union building.
American Association for the Ad- ' vancement of
Fhl Alpha Theta
. . . will meet at 5 p.m. Monday in
Dr. Funkhouser is a fellow of the
The Kampus Kats will furnish the
REuisiuAiioN used
Cie Union building.
way back in "the good old days," In case some of you new students have been woiiUerinj. Then the music for the first Sweater Swing
Association and past president of
the Entomological Society of Amer- - basement of Alumni gymnasium was packed with mobs of slicving men and a few won ten. all f whom set of the winter quarter to be held
nightmare. Nothing like Wednesday's
. . . will meet Monday in the gym ica and dean of the graduate aside an entire day for the registration-classificatirush at 6 pjn. today in the Bluegrass
through the small crowd of
room of the Union building
t 5 o'clock

Chi Delta Phi . .
. . . will meet at

Miss Harrkcu is
membership and social chairman of
tne ywCA. For two years she has
secretary and treasurer of the
of the
Pitkin club and
Outing club. She has been a mem-10:ber of the WAA council since her
sophomore year and has been its
treasurer for two years. She is now
chairman of the forum committee
of the Union board and a member
of the Student Union house committee. She is ako treasurer of the
Union board. During her Junior
year, she was a member of
She is a member of Mortar Board,
Cwens, and Alpha Lambda Delta.
She received the Phi Beta Kappa
award for her freshman standing,
the Mortar Board scholarship cup
for freshmen, and the Alpha Gam-- I
ma Delta cup for the most out- standing freshman woman. She was
selected by Who's Who Among Stu-- I
dents in American Universities and


unkhouser amed
As Councilor To
Science Group

sing will be held at 6:30 p.m.
Thursday in the Bluegrass room of
Uie Union building.







In Art

the Bluegrass room of the

of the union
All --Cain m

award to the freshman student
making the highest scholastic





lature and Assembly of the Student
m Arm.
Government association, and the
xucu win v.
lru-c- u
YWCA. She te a member of Alpha ,
Delta Pi, social sorority. She is a mer. Lieutenant Erickson revealed
former president of Cwens and a that the military department has
member of Alpha Lambda Delta, received a letter regarding that
During her freshman year, she re- matter from the war department.
To Be
ceived the Mortar Board scholarship The letter states
that the War decup. Last year she was named by partment
has no intention of abanWho's Who Among Students in doning
the program. It will inVacation paintings of six student American Universities and Colleges. crease or
decrease the number of
arus will DC on exiuoiu- o- m
nrpsiripnt of tr-Ss.linri.rs is
art department gallery during Jan- -- -.n VUllUUtUb ,k
d vice.Dresident of Albha Chi!n
' Sigma and the Student AffiUate of program
so long as the need for
the American Chemical society. He5Uch specuUists is felt.
Beatrice Morettt, Peggy Hartman, te
member of Slema AlDha Ecsi- ilzaoeui rwiuu ier, ana oeuueLic Ion, social f rater nity, the Rifle team, j 1
Householder are the students whose
ymca. 1 u ft M.t ffC?
work is being shown.
Saunders is a representative to the
Sixteen former University KCT1C
Tne exnioiuon, wnicn coniams a ' Axspmhiv of th S5tu,rnt Govern- studies, consists
few careful studio
tor tne most pan 01 ou saetcnes-- f
wll0 Among students in gram after completing basic trainrepresenting a few hours work.
Universities and Colleges. ing have received orders to officers'
Tne paintings next none uuru
Miss stem h
nemor of Mor.
for Naming
the vacation months last summer tar Board 0
, and Ajp
Lb-m. tne iree ume 01 eacn stuutuu.
Sne wa3 cnosen last year
as the honorary regimental colonel
' the KOTO and was presented as
. -- .
the queen of the Scabbard and
Blade MUitary balL She has ap- -




All persons who were chosen
to have their names appear in
Who's Who Among Students in
American Universities and Colleges, and who have not yet
paid 90 cents for the Who's
Who page in the Kentuckian
are requested to do so by January 15, Micki Bogan, business
manager, announced today.



Mary Norma Weatherspoon, Fulton,
Anna Mary wagntj",
Groves, Mo., has been named to
ceive tne organization s annual



Waves This Month




Kyian Requests

Garnett Gayle
Begins Training In




By January 13, the last day on
which a student may enter an or- stuganized class, several
dents will have registered, it was
believed, but the total will probably
not reach that of the previous
Since no distinction between
classes was made during the registration process, it was impossible
for tabulations to be made on the
number enrolled in the different
classes and colleges. No figures
were available concerning the number of men and women students.
The number of soldiers on the
campus shows a slight decrease as
Lieut Arthur A. Erickson estimated that there are now approximately 1.100 military men at the
However, even with
thi number, the men on the cam-p- is
slightly outnumber the women.
A decrease in Army trainees has
been foreseen, however, since the
quota of Army men allotted to the
University will be reduced to 875
at the end of the present term.
January 29, Dr. Leo M. Chamberlain, dean and registrar, revealed.
This will be the number of soldiers
trained at the University during
the following term of three months.
"This does not represent such a
great reduction as it might seem.''
Lieutenant Erickson explained.
"Most of the men eliminated would
have been lost naturally by failures and by Air Corps transfers.
Very few men will be culled out"'

Ralph Lowell Gulett; Helen Lou- Frances
ise Harrison, Lexington:
Louise Jinkins, Nashville, Ttnn.;
James Henry Saunders,
ville; Adalin Stern, Lexington; and

up ior tne special course iw
visors. This should be done by call- ing Miss Katherine Johnstone or
berore Mon- Mrs. Galtsklll, 4o0a-day.
The course will be given between
ajn. and 3 p.m., Tuesday, at
the Lexington YWCA.
Persons taking the supervisors
course should wear a wash dress or
a uniform, it was explained. Stu- dents who cannot be present dur- ing the morning session should re- port at noon. A light lunch will be
served and work will continue
through the afternoon.




A surgical dressings room will be
opened in the Home Economics
building this month, it has bean
Sponsored by the Home
Economics club and the active and
alumnae chapters of Phi Upstlon
Omicron, this room will be used by
making surgical dressings.
Students in the home economics
department and member of the




Course Is Given
To Supervisors ,

Sherwood Eddy
To Speak Twice


A total of 1.195 students, a large
majority of whom are women, had
Four Women,
registered for the winter quarter at
noon yesterday, the second day of
Two Men Make
registration, according to the reg-- !
istrar's office. This is 286 less than
the final 1,431 who registered for
Alpha of Kentucky of Phi Beta j the fall quarter.
Kappa, learned society, announces ( of the total enrollment, approxi
the election of the following new mately 52 are new students, it was

Home Ec Club
To Open Room

On Campus


Jan. 13 Set .
As Last Day
To Enter Class

Phi Beta Kappa Announces
Election Of Six As Members




1,195 Civilians Register For
Winter Quarter As Military
Enrollment Placed At 1,100

Women interested in Joining
sororities may sign up for rushing at the office of the dean of
women, it has been announced.
This should be done as soon as
soon as possible.
Those who signed cards in
September but who are not as
yet affiliated with a sorority
are still 011 the active rush list.
No formal rushing will be
held this quarter, Miss Jane
Haselden, assistant dean of
women, stated.
Final rush lists will be given
to sororities on January 10, and
bid day will be January 15.

3 p. m.

Of Team Set
To Make Trip



ow!f i,eus
Wildcats Scheduled To Meet KMiflmr Soiipfi
Notre Dame Lrish At Armory On Thursds
In Louisville Saturday Nigit MectingSetIn

We'll Make Them.
You Break Them










like this


Killed In Plane
Crash Recently


Capt. Edward L. Gholsou, 25,
was killed, along with four
other airmen, in the crash of a
bomber from the
Air Base, Roswell, N. M., on
December 23, according to information received recently.
Captain Gholson was formerly an
end on the Wildcat football team,
He was a senior at the University!
when he entered the Army as an
nvialon cadet in October, 19).
four-engi- ne



Micki Bogan, AaS. senior: Because I made them all in a weak
Pvt. Jack .srnonofsk;. Kinkaid
hall: I swore off drinking and
things like that but due to female
influence I had to break it.
Ann Caroline Smith, Com-- , sopho-mo- r:
I resolved to go ou a diet
but I like to eat.
Perry Leve.i.tein. Bvyd hall,
I think it's more fun to break theta
'than keep theta.


� oesi copy Avanaoie
pcui.ishto WHW.T durhco
bchooIj tsar
Cfii PiFnFRM sn





Entered at the Post Office at Lexington, Kentucky.
clan matter tinder the Act of March I. UTS.





Kentucky Interrogate "Frew Aastxlatlon
Lexinjrton Board of Commerce
KemuckT Pre. Association

t.oi. ov.t..i. .



20 mdiom

l it




One Quarter

vomk. N.

o Features


Folks in Uniform

Ad Ubbstmej

Fryman. Mary Jane Oallahcr. Garnett
Gayle. Catherine Coman, Luck Ann Hawkins, Bernice Herman,
Carolyn Hill. Frances Jenkins. Eleanor Keeti. Prances Keller.
Mlldrd Long. Ehlrlrr Meister. Ruth Pertmutter. Pat Pollack.
Martha Pruitt. Dons Singleton. Wanda Lee
8eara. Bill Sprasens Betty Tevia. Gene Whicker.

rf(rlei mrti column are to be considered file
All ttcned
Had lo not aece.rll
Cf)fn.on. o the
relied the opinion o The Kernel.

servation and Encouragement
of Barber Shop Ouartettcs in
incori atcd). Me
understand that there are :X
such chapters in ibis country
and we think thai as additional
chapter should Ik-- established
on this campus. Me cannot imagine an organization whose preservation is more iial io the
welfare of this country al ihis
lime and iion whose continued
existence the future of this
world depends.

Wc Make 'Em, You Break 'Em
We are making no New Year's resolutions
ourselves this scar because we have no illusions
alieiut our ability to keep them. Rut. faking
of the college newspaper editor's assumed prerogative of solving; the problems of
the world, we offer herewith a set of resolutions
.for other people to make, which, if kept, would
add considerably to our love of life.
'American libor: We resolve to keep our no
strike pledge, and to remember that a strike by
anv other name is still a strike.
We resolve to place
the winning of the war- before the playing of
politics, and to weigh controversial legislation
on the scales of wartime necessity rather than
those of vote production.
Governmental brass hats: We resolve to use
even method known to man for the cutting of
red tape and to have pity on the poor business
man. snowed under with unintelligible dhec-live- s
from governmental agencies.
We resolve to
C.hiselrrs and complainers:
abide bv all rationing regulations and to remember that one small infraction multiplied by
120 million would result in a serious blow to
the war effort. We will use our surplus energy-ilworking rather than complaining.
American families: We resolve to quit complaining about the rigors of training through




which our loved ones in the armed forces are
put. remembering that the hardships which thev
endure now are insurance for their safe return
from battle.
Wc resolve to broadXews commentators:
cast more news and less confusing editorial comment, remembering that there is a diflerencc
interpretation and opinion. Wc will
refrain from predictions of things 10 come which
will create onlv false optimism or unfounded
fears in the minds of the people.
American press: We resolve to maintain a
balanced presentation of the news so thai readers will gain a correct impression of the inqior-tanc- c
of military victories and defeats.
And on the lighter side.
Our dear professors: We resolve to do away
with all term pajx'rs for the duration, in view
of the paper shortage. We will also remember
that high grades play an important part in keeping up civilian morale.
Our military men: Wc resolve i have a
daie every Saturday night.
Our women: We resolve to abstain from
wearing Armv shoulder patches, medals, oversize wings, and all other military paraphernalia.
Our readers: We resolve to take an active
interest in campus affairs, read every word in
The Kernel, and write letters to the editor.

We File It In The Trash Can
We ojiened up our office last Monday morning and began 10 disixise of our mail three big
boxes of it. For years. Kernel editors, just as
editors of all newspaijers. have disposed of a
great hulk of their mail by a simple process
known as "filing it in the
we finished our liling of the mail we had a stack
of material aliout two inches high on our desk,
and two trash tans full of waste paiK-rWe've never minded gelling mail before, li
used to make us feel important thai the railroads, the utility companies, and lite politicians
sought our ear with their press releases. And
the lovelv thick slick pa per magazines, marked

to sell at a high price bin supplied to us gratis,
were a hcautv to behold. The informal ion services of Britain, Free France. India, Poland.
Belgium, the Netherlands, and other countries
furnish a weeklv supply of
but, tec don't need it.
And we don't need the Illinois Tech
and Alumnus, or The Fort can Society
Magazine, or dozens of mats from radio stations.
Frankly, we get disgusted looking at our
high class wastepaper and thinking of the ions
of material which is filed in the waste baskets of
newspapers in this country every week and sigh
at the thought of the paper shortage.

What Goes On There . .
coach had been wounded and had
come back to the states to recover.
After recoVering and receiving a
medical discharge, he resumed his
coaChing job. Only two weeks ago
tne cigarettes arrived at the college,
hafj been to the Pacific and



KintU Old, Ain't It?
Acting on a tip from state high- way department engineers,
Texas Memorial museum on the
University of Texas Campus has
dug up the remains of a prehistoric
elephant In Atascosa county. This
specimen, which probably stood 14
feet high at the shoulder, will be
added to the museum's already ex- tensive elephant collection.
Can You Blame Him?
The officer in charge of one of
the military training classes at Au- burn explained the assignments for
the rest of the term and then com-pleted the lesson for the day. At
the end of the class period the
structor called on the section
marcher to explain the assignments
in order to be sure that the section
understood them.
The section marcher explained
the assignment for one week and
then stopped. The officer asked
him to continue, but the section
marcher said that he had forgotten
the rest. "Why?" asked the officer,
The section marcher replied, "Be-Tcause after next week I won't be
the section marcher."

Woods, of American University,
paid $20 in traffic court for driving
fast. He said he had to speed
to get to class on time because his
students wouldn't wait for him.
You never can tell . . .
Marine took
A Durham-boun- d
his accustomed hitchhiking stance
displayed his thumb
at the
prominently, and waited for a ride
to town. A sleek, black limousine,
cruising down the campus drive,
came to a stop. A finger beckoned.
surprised Marine looked twice
and then climbed in with the Brit- ish Ambassador. Lord H ilifax, '.vho xice Fellow!
was attached to the finger, certainly
ne f the most considerate of
did a good job of cementing rela- tions with the Duke Campus and Wayne's professors is Dr. William
Bossenbrook of the history depart
the Marine.
ment, according to some of his stuOrganize
dents. The fact that he alwavs
Indiana U. has probably the first WTites nis examinations on the
and only F club in the country.
Three charter members have drawn ;
up a constitution that says that all
members must be
and must be
voted into the organization.
The perennial freshman blunThey Got Around
der was made again this week
Mead Coach Frank Howard of
when one of the new girls was
carton of ciparetti's
overheard at registration askClemot"
ing Ts that the biological garto the former assistant coach. .ho
dens next to the Armory?"
had been inducted into the Army.
Calling Freud!
At that time the former coach was
on Guadalcanal fighting the Japs.
Before the cigarettes got there, the '

bus-sto- p,



Repeat Blunder


Betty Tevis
Betty Lee Fleishman

aides had been called iimii lo
Mu just heard lhai there is like lo lie president.
lie has Imc n a student of the le