xt7p5h7bsx56 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7p5h7bsx56/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1945-01-19  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, January 19, 1945 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 19, 1945 1945 1945-01-19 2013 true xt7p5h7bsx56 section xt7p5h7bsx56 Best Copy Available

The Kentucky Kernel

New Sports Editor
Introduces Column


Tri Delts Lead
On Campus

Tennessee Holds
Impressive Record
With Eight Wins

WLW Commentators
Discuss World Events

Meeting their toughest competition in the S.E.C. will require every
bit of the skill the Wildcats possess
when they tangle with the Tennessee
Volunteers in Knoxville tomorrow

News Panel
Informally discussing the background of the day's events, radio
station WLW's "World Front" panel
of news commentators was presented
to students and townspeople Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. in Memorial hall
by the Student Government Associa-

31-3- 3,


Business Staff
To Meet Monday
All members of The Kernel
business staff are asked to meet
at 3 p.m. in the office of the
manager, Margaret

Julia Wharton.

Appear On Panel
The panel, brought to Lexington
by SGA's convocation committee
headed by Charlcen Burris, was
composed of Major General James
E. Edmonds, Robert Parker, Jack
Bcall and Moderator Howard Chamwomen,
The names of twenty-foberlain. Each of the three news
analysts presents a nightly radio five men, and 5 part-tim- e
program over the Cincinnati station, with standings of 3.0 for the fall
and all three appear together on the quarter
have been announced by
"World Front" panel Sunday mornthe offices of the Dean of Women
ing at 11.
and the Dean of Men.
I'naware of rower

34 Attain
3 Standing


a light drill in the afternoon.

Capitol Ky. Society
To Give Dance
Honoring: UK, Alums

With sales totaling approximately
the University more than
tripled its sales goal in the recent
War Fund drive. Frank D. Peterson, while giving these approximate
figures, said that the University
was "more than pleased" with the
results of the campaign.
Student Sales
Sarah Dee Ralney, chairman of
the student victory committee of

SGA Sponsors

Impressive Record
has an impressive
record, rolling up eight victories in
nine attempts, losing only to Temple
a team Kentucky nosed out
Both teams hold victories
over Ohio U, the Wildcats by 13
points, Tennessee by only four.
The contest should prove valuable
in deciding the holder of the 1945
conference title. The records prove
Kentucky the stronger, but Coach
Rupp has lost the service of Groza,
who averaged 16.5 point a game
whereas the Vols have Improved
greatly since their eastern trip. The
Volunteers have defeated two conference rivals this season; Alabama
and Mississippi State. .
Starting Lineup
Coach Mauer will probably use
Dob Kemper and Paul Walters, forwards; Dan Thomas, center; Joe
Gasparovlc and "Mules" O'Shiclds,
guards. The starting lineup of the
Wildcats will be the same used in
the Michigan State game. Tingle
and Schu, forwards: Campbell, center; Parkinson and Strough, guards.
The team will leave tonight aftei


Discussion for
covered aspects of American distrust of Russia. Argentina's neutrality, and the value of Nazi
general Von Rundstedt's attack in
Belgium. The experts agreed that
the United States was unaware of
its power in the world and could
exert more strength in Argentina
or stay completely, out of the South
American republic. Agreed upon also
was the principle that as military
expert Edmonds phrased it, "Mill-- I
tary power is the headiest of wines,"
nd the United States should never
allow a military clique to gain control of the country under the guise
of maintaining adequate post-wmilitary preparedness.
Desire For Peace
Possibilities for post-winterna
tional agreements include a political
council of the Allies, frequent meet
ings of national foreign ministers,
control commistlon in
all territories of Europe. All analysts,
while disagreeing in method, agreed
that the world of nations must be
motivated by a "desire for peace"
or an attempts would fall.

Honoring the University and its
alumni, the Kentucky State society
of Washington will entertain with
a dance from 9 to 1 on January 28
in the new WiUard hotel, Washington, D. C.
Over 200 former students, congressmen, and alumni living in
Washington have been invited by
Clyde D. Harrison, chairman of the
arranged the
dance. Staff members from the University have also been Invited but
none will be able to attend.
The principal speaker will be
former .governor and University
graduate Keen Johnson. Decorations of the ballroom will be Ken- duced discussions of the American- tucky banners and colors, and the British relationship and of the posiorchestra w?H play University songs. tion 6f Poland in regard to Russia.
Commentator Parker concluded the
discussion of Britain by declaring
that he trusted a nation whose Interests were similar to the United
States interests. Mr. Beall had
youth, who con- stated earlier that England resented
fessed that he had fired shots any growing power near or within
through the windows of the Chi her 1de sphere of influence.
Omega sorority house at 319 LexDiscission was closed by narrator
ington avenue, was feleased on $100 Chamberlain at 9:15 to allow time
bond, and placed in the custody oi for the commentators to make their
his guardian city police court yester- evening broadcasts from Lexington
station WLAP.
"I was only firing at the lights,'
said the youth, who was apprehended by city police at his residence in
the immediate neighborhood, early
Pre-Me- d
Thursday morning. Outside of this
one statement, no other explanation
A. E. Baxter, doctor of dental surwas given.
gery, will address the Pryor
The first two shots, fired Saturday
society at 7:30 p.m. Tuespierced a skylight about 2 p.m.. and day in Room 313 of the Biological
a dining room window about 7 pjn. Scineces building.
Police were summoned, but were unDr. Baxter mill illustrate his lec
able to trace the direction of the ture with wax models. Following the
lecture a short business meeting will
At 9 o'clock Wednesday night, an be held and refreshments will be
other shot shattered a window of a served.
third floor bath. Police immediately
began to check the vicinity for fire
arms and made their arrest jester
day morning.
Prof. N. R. Elliott, pressor of
landscape architecture and floriculture at the University, will speak
today at Ohio Slate university to
the Ohio State Nurserymen's asso
ciation on the topic, "Some Plants
That Have Been Neglected in


The list of women includes:
Bcrnice B. Browning, Kate Coil,
Mildred J. Cooper, Mary J. Famer,
Phyllis R. Freed, Janet Helsel, Mar,
garet A.
Judith K. Johnson, Nancy L. Lockery, Carolyn C.
McMeckin, Lucy O. Meyer, Isabel F.
Mlchelson, Floye A. Mulllnaux, Mar
garet I. Newell. Elizabeth Noble,
Donnle F. OTXmnell, Martha E.
Pruitt, Virginia A,Ttay, Margaret L.
Skinner, Anna L! Stephenson, Alice
Jane Street, Elizabeth A. Thomas,
Nancy F. Toll, and Mary J. White-hous-

the Student Government association, reported sales of only (7,325
for University students.
The seventh grade of the University training school led the drive
with sales totaling $60,240. The staff
and faculty of the University accounted for the remaining sales.
Tri Delts Lead
According to fraternities, sororities, and residence halls the sales
were led by Delta Delta Delta with
$5,250. and Chi Omega with $370.00.
War fund officials reported that
one sorority
purchased several
thousand dollars In bonds downtown and so received no credit
from the University.

Presidents' Council
Announces Rules
For UK Women

The House Presidents' council lias
requested that the following rules
be published for the benefit of all
University women living in residence halls and sorority houses on
the campus.
Any University woman living in
a residence unit, auxiliary unit, or
sorority house is permitted to stay
overnight at any house mentioned
above and still retain the privilege
of her two special
Men students include: Richard missions a month. However, this
week-en- d
D. Baker, John J. Hopkins, Charles applies only to
and the coed is still expected to
B. Woolridge, and John H. Young.
maintain all University regulations
Part-tim- e
3.0 standing students regarding hours and conduct.
Quiet hour in the dormitories and
are: James E. Edwards, Edward E.
GoUierman, Jerry B. Kelley, Forest residence units is observed from
7:30 to 10:30 pjn, with the free
T. Mullikln.
period from 10:30 to 11:00 pjn.





Youth Admits Firing;

On Chio Omega House

Dr. Baxter To Speak

Elliott Speaks


Sweater swinf
from 6:30 U
8:30 pjn. Saturday in the Bluegrass
room of the Union building.
Dutch Lunch club . . . will meet
at noon today in the Y lounge of
the Union building. Miss Dorothy
Collins, new YWCA secretary, will
speak on "Vocations for Women."
Newman Hub . . . will entertain
witli a eliill supper from 3:30 to
6:30 p.m. Sunday at St. Paul's
school, 500 W. Short street. The
price will be 30 cents. University
students and soldiers are invited.
Philosophy club
meeting will be
held at 7:30 p.m. Monday hi room
105 of Frazee hall. Virginia Walton
will speak on "The Opera Faust."
Phi L'psilon Omicron . . . luncheon
at 12:30 Saturday in the Home Eco
nomics building.
UedertaTel . . . will meet at 4 p.m.
Wednesday on the third floor of
Miller liall. Prof. Blaine W. Schick
of the Roluance Languages depart-ni- n
r ill


Johnny Long To Tlay
For Military Ball



UK Triples
'Cats To Meet Volunteers
Sales Goal
Tomorrow Night In Knoxville In War Drive
Battling Toughest Quintet




Professor Elliott will speak Jan
uary 29 in Louisville on the same
subject to the Kentucky Nursery
men's association.

U.S. District Court

Dismisses Suit
The suit 'Bled iif October, "1941 by
Charles Lamont Eu banks, Negro, of
Louisville in an effort to gain admittance to the University as a
civil engineering student, has been
dismissed in United States District
Judge H. Church Ford removed
the suit from the docket under a
rule of court procedure that provides for dismissal of a case which
has been on docket for two consecutive terms of court without
prosecution. Col. fatmuel M. Wilson,
member of University counsel, said
Eubanks' attorneys had taken no
steps in the case in the last two

terms of court.




Johnny Long Slated To Play
From Council For Formal Military
Alternative Plans
Wednesday Night In Union
Dancing Ban
Students Ask


Offered By SGA

almost 2,000 Univer-

sity students, a committee of six
Student Government Association
members presented a petition to the
city council last night asking that
the ban on dancing in Lexington
restaurants be lifted.
Petition Presented
The petition was first presented at
the Monday, January 15 meeting of
the SGA by John Hopkins. An open
discussion was held in this meeting
and several solutions to the problem were suggested by the legislators. It mas the general opinion of
the Assembly that the city ordinance which prohibits dancing in
places in Lexington where food and
drink are sold will only result In a
general trend on the part of the
students toward delinquency and
undesirable amusements. The committee is composed of Bill Embry,
Betty Ann Ginnochio, Betty Tevrls,
Jolin Hopkins. Marybclle Calvert,
and Marjean Wenstrup.
As this was the first SGA meeting
of the winter quarter, several other
committees were appointed to investigate projects which have been
suggested to the assembly. The discipline problem was discussed and

Company A


Will Choose

Military Queen

Kuhlman To Sing
Sunday At 4 p.m.

Robert Kuhlman, baritone and
at the University
will present the first Sunday afternoon musicale of the winter quarter
Sunday at 4 p.m. in Memorial hall.
Miss Jean Marie McConnell, a
graduate of the University Music
department, will be his accompanist.
Summer In New York
Since his concert last year, Mr.
Kuhlman spent the summer in New
York City. During the recent holiday season he sang numerous oraand recitals
torio performances
throughout Ohio and in St. Louis.
Miss McConnell. of Danville, who
will play a Brahms group, is currently supervisor of music in the
Fayette county schools.
The program will open with
"Spirate pur," by Donaudy, written
a committee of William Buckler, in the style of the sixteenth century.
chairman, John Robblns, Owen and will be followed by "Silent WorPace, and John Hopkins was chosen ship" and the popular "Where'er
to list the advantages and disadvan- You Walk," by Handel.
tages of giving SGA more disciplinGerman Granp
ary power over the University stuThe German group will include
"Ich Llebe Dich (I Love Thee), by
Student Activity File
Grieg; and "Allcrseeicn" and "Zuet-gnunby Richard Strauss.
The proposal of an activities
file to be kept by the assembly was
Miss McCouncll will play two Indiscussed and a committee composed termezzo. Opus 118 No. 2 and Opus
of Betty Fraysure, chairman; Jack 119 No. 3, and the Rhapsodic Opus
Banahan, Phyllis Watkins, Marjean HI No. 4, all by Brahms.
Wenstrup, and Dr. W. S. Ward as
For his fourth group, Mr. Kuhl
faculty advisor is to investigate the man has chosen the highly dramatic
matter. The activities file would Lord Randal," aranged by Cyril
contain a list of every student's Scott; "Song of the Palanquin
activities and would be available for Bearers," by Shaw, and the rousing
reference. A point system declaring drinking ballad, "Captain Stratum's
the maximum activities in which a Fancy," by Deems Taylor.
student would be allowed to particiFinal Group
pate also will be investigated by this
The final group of songs will open
It was suggested that weekly war with "My Lady Walks m Loveliness."
maps be placed in the Union build by Charles. Mr. Kuhlman will main
ing and Betty Harris, chairman; tain his custom of Including one
popular ballad by singing "Strange
Marjorie Smith, and Richard
Music" from the Broadway hit.
were appointed to investi
Song of Norway. The program will
gate this project.
Close with "Among the Living." by
Dickerson To Speak
and "High Flight," by
Merl Baker gave a report to the Sacco.
assembly from the committee which
has been working with other campus
organizations o nthe problem of
voice instructor


He reMr. Roy Dickerson of
Cincinnati will be on the campus
next week and suggested that SGA
sponsor his program scheduled for
4 p.m., Monday, January 22, and assist In paying the expenses. This
report was accepted by the legislature.
Reginal Bowen, Arts and Sciences
Junior from Hillcrest, was elected
by the 'assembly to succeed Fred
Hill of Lexington as upperclass man
representative from the Arts and
Sciences college.
The next SGA meeting will be
held at 5 p.m., Monday, January 29,
in the Union building.
men-wom- en



Ky. Law Journal

Staff Appointed

By May Louise Palton



sold, which the ordinance prohib
ited, is that the drinks are usually
intoxicating and dancing and drinking of this sort do not make a whole
some combination. Few will dispute
that this leads only to delinquency.
But no substitute means of past-tim- e
has been offered. Outside of
Uie movies and no one wants to
go to a theater every time he has a
date and a very few other places,
Uie bars alone remain open.

I K Should Provide
on the campus reveals that while students apHie discussions all seemed to lead
preciate the effort of the board of to the discussion that the Universicommissioners to work constructive- ty could in some way provide for
ly for their benefit, they feel that recreation where it Is now lacking.
tills ordinance only limits further
One group of freslunan students
the already limited means of recreasuggested that there should be an
tion in Lexington.
extra sweater swing held on MonThe major argument against day nights, and held for a longer
where drinks and food ex? period cf time than froci 6 to 7:2?.
danclr-A survey of opinion



-- v




By Long"










Johnny Long

Dr. C.E. Snow
To Leave UK
Will Do Research

For Government
Dr. Charles E. Snow, assistant
professor of anthropology and archaeology, will leave Uie staff of
the University on January 22 to
accept a temporary position at technical consultant to the Quartermaster Corps. He Is to report to
Boston, Mass and expects to be
sent to Maine.
Dr. Snow, a native of Colorado,
received his A.B. degree in 1932 from
the University of Colorado, his AM.
and Ph.D. degrees from Harvard
University in 1935 and 1938. He
came to the University in April 1942
from the archaeological laboratory
of the Alabama museum, W.PA, in
Birmingham, Ala., where he was engaged as a physical anthropologist.
Dr. Snow is a member of the
Ameican Association of Physical
Anthropology.' Society of American
Archaeologists, A.A.A.S., Kentucky
Archaeological society, Sigma XI,
and Phi Beta Kappa.
Mrs. Snow and their four daughters will, remain, in Lexington at
their residence. 211 Stale street

New York's Copacabana, was recently chosen "The Beauty Ziegfeld
Would Most Like to Glorify": Tommy was with the Casa Loma orchestra and with the "Modernaires"
before he Joined Long.
The main event of the ball will
be the crowning of a queen, who will
be chosen by tne votes of the men
of Company A. She will also become official sponsor of Company A.
Candidates are asked to come in
formats to the Union ballroom at
6:30 tonight. Judges also will select
two attendants to the queen at that
Candidates Chosen
The following coeds have been
nominated: Maxine Rogers, Alpha
Delta Pi: Betty Haynes. Alpha
Oamma Delta; Maureen Rose, Alpha XI Delta; Doris Smith. Chi
Omega: Mary Fox Clarke, Delta
Delta Delta: Mary McDonald. Kappa Delta; Nancy
"Rear, Kappa
Kappa Gamma: and Maureen Taylor. Zeta Tau Alpha. Eva Singleton.
Mary Frances Helmick Sue Ann
Bradford, and Virginia Barnard are
the Independent candidates.
have been selected as
follows: "Smoke Gets In Your Eyes."
"You Grow Sweeter." "Dancing in the
Dark." "Moonlight Serenade." "Stardust" (ASTP SpecialT. "Till Then."
"Always," and "I Dream of You."
Chaperons will be President ano
Mrs. H. L. Donovan. Dr. and Mrs.
Leo Chamberlain. Dr. and Mrs. M.
M. White. Mrs. Sarah B. Holmes.
Miss Jane Haselden, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Peterson. Dr. and Mrs. T. T.
Jones. Col. and Mrs. B. E. Brewer,
and C6L and Mrs. Guy Chipman.

Board To Meet
Regular quarterly meeting of th
University Board of Trustees will
be held today at 10 a.m. in the
director's room of the Union

By Tommy Gish

The library staff this week is busy
arranging and cataloging the 2,000
books of the Pickett collection given
the University by Mrs. Elizabeth
Pickett Chevalier. Although the Job
is Just begun several interesting
rare books have been discovered.
The books in the library range from
the early sixteenth to the late nineteenth centuries, comprising one of
the largest and most interesting and
most valuable gifts that the library
has so far received. There is an
amazing variety of countries, printers and subject represented in the

Dance In Union

Some soldiers here on the campus
agreed with the idea above and
thought that they should receive
three nights out during the week,
or else that their study hall should
be held on Saturday afternoons instead of Sunday nights thereby permitting them to have an extra night


Johnny Long and his Long fellows
bring Mary Lou Wilson and Tommy
Morgan to give "Songs by Long."
Mary Lou. a former "Samba Siren"

Donation Of Pickett Boolis
Starts Library Collection

Given To Library
The books were grven to the UniShelby Hurst of Lexington and versity by Mrs. Chevalier honoring
Durward Wcldon of Georgetown, her father and her grandfather Jofirst year law students, have been seph D. Pickett, whdwas the second
appointed apprentice members of president of the University.
the staff of the Kentucky Law Jour books came from the library of the
Pickett estate near Maysville. Mrs.
Publication of the January Ken- Chevalier is the author of the best
tucky Law Journal has teen an- seller "Drivin Woman."
nounced by the office of Dr. Alvin E.
Books printed by Elxevir. Plantin,
Evans, dean of the Law college.
Martius, Gryphlus and other great
The edition contains, in addition names in the printing profession are
to regular features, articles by Dr. found in the collection. One of the
Evans, Reynolds C. Seltz, Scott best of the books Is one printed by
Reed, and Ira G. Stephenson.
Daniel Elxevir in Amsterdam in

Another suggestion offered by'a
group of students, eager to have
action taken immediately, was that
the Union should be kept open every
night except Sunday, and a victrola
should be placed In the Card room
for all those wishing to dance. One
anxious young man suggested that
this be run somewhat Uke a youtli
canteen and that the Grill be kept
open at night as it had been hi prewar days.

Johnny Long and his orchestra
who first reached national populari-town- ."
"When I Grow Too Old To
ty for their Jive scorings of "Shanty-Dream- ,"
and "Blue Skies." will play
for the Military Ball to be given by
the 1548th Service Unit Wednesday.
The formal ball will be held from
8:30 to 12:30 in the Bluegrass room
of the Union Building.


Students Discuss Recreational Activities

The subject of much of the loud
chatter heard in the bok store, the
Clyde Lipton was elected president Union building, an din the halls beof Kentucky Alpha of Sigma Phi tween classes for the past week Is
Epsilon fraternity at their weekly the Lexington city ordinance which
meeting at 6 p.m. Tuesday.
has prohibited dancing hi popular
Other officers chosen were: Cor- student hangouts. The discussions,
nell Clarke,
Harri- however, are not just so much idle
son Bailey, Comptroller;
Clinton remarks but are intelligent and sensWells, historian; and Ralph Taylor, ible1 aguments both pro and con.

Chi Delta Phi. national honorary literary fraternity, will accept contributions from women
interested in membership until
February 9. Manuscripts must
be submitted to the club's sponsor. Miss Jane Haselden, before
that date.

FeaWlng''Unlverslty' graduate and
AP correspondent Don Whitehead
who will speak on "Covering the
midWar Front," the seventy-sixt- h
winter meeting of the Kentucky
Press Association begins today at
the Brown hotel in Louisville.
Representing the University will
be KPA executive secretary Victor
Portmann, associate professor of
Journalism; Miss Margie McLaughlin, associate professor of Journalism ;and Miss Helen King and Mr.
Elmer Sulzer, of the University public relations department.
The KPA meeting will include
talks by correspondents just returned from the front as well as
discussions by representatives.

Eubanks asked a permanent Injunction restraining the University
from refusing admittance to quali- Band Issues
fied Negroes, claiming that he had
been denied admission because of
his race or color in violation of the
We need a cymbalist! The eternal
cry of the band is the same this
quarter, yet with one plea added.
Dr. Alexander A. Capurso, head of
the University Music department
and director of the University band.
Time Changed
again announces the need for mu
Campus Kernels, University radio slcians who play the trumpet, the
studios variety show broadcast trombone or the baritone. He also
through the facilities of WLAP each sends an urgent call for a cymbalist.
The "Best Band in Dixie" apWednesday, will be heard at a new
time hereafter, Mrs. Lolo Robinson, peared at the Michigan State basprogram director of the University ketball game, and is planning to
radio studios, announced today. appear at all the rest of the home
The show, formerly heard at 7:30 games.
Any student wishing to Join the
p.m.. will now be broadcast from
band should apply at Dr. Capurso's
10:15 until 10:30 p.m. each Wednesoffice in the Art center.

Lipton Elected

Submit Manuscripts

KPA Meeting
Convenes Today


19, 1945

Pore haste Club

Perhaps the best idea was that

the University should purchase a
building near the campus where
students might come and dance. It
was agreed in this group that this
should be open only to University
students and that there sliould be
some type of membership card issued to students by which they
could gain admittance.
The place could be called "The
Wildcat." and be decorated with
University colors and pictues. Closing time could be the hours at which
Univesity women must sign in at the
houses, and the whole thing could
be supervised by University officials.
It could be made into a real "hangout" with no possible grounds for
Comptroller Frank D. Peterson Is
reported to be Investigating



containing his famous print

er's mark.

Printed In Antwerp
There are two books representing
the Planthi press in the collection.
One, printed in 1596, contains a good
example of Plantufs "Compass'
press mark; the other, printed in
1851. has a title page illustrated by
Christopher Plantin. Both of the
books were printed In Antwerp.
Paul Mantius. a son of Aldus
Mantius, printed one of the books
in Venice in 1554. The book contains
a perfect example of the "Dolphin
and Anchor" device of press marking. The Mantius family was 'one
of the greatest ot printing families.
Their printing establishment was in
the family for over 100 years.
Moetjrns Represented
Moetjens, the famous Paris printer, is represented in the collection
with a book containing a good example of his presd mark. "At the
Sign of the Fountain." Franciscus
and Scbastionus Gryphlus printed
one of the books published hi 1531.
The books are in surprisingly well


By Shirley Meister
Question: Are yon in favor of a
national labor draft? Why?
A AS, junior:
they should draft men and nurses
because they are essential to the war
effort and they won't get them
through the volunteer system.
Aagastine Deering, ASTR: No, it
would take people off the farms
and I don't approve of that.
Nancy Ellen Taylor. A AS, junior:
I most certainly am because it will
shorten Uie war and thereby save
lives. Too many manpower hours
are being wasted by people too lazy
to get hi the swine of things.
Dale Local. ASTR: No. I don't
think it could be handled fairly by
the politicians now in office.
Amelia Mason, Ag.. junior: Yes.
preserved condition, considering age.
opRanging hi size from small pocket-size- d because Uie labor union heads
pose It.
editions of approximately two
Emily Frank, AAS. sophomore:
by three inches to huge ledger-lik- e
Yes, it will give everyone an opporvolumes two feet by three feet in
tunity to do his part to hasten final
size the books are often very beau- victory.
tifully bound. The majority of the
Ralph Cridrr. Aj, freshman: It
books are leather bound, and many
would be a good thing because there
have very intricate and unique de- is too
much absenteeism and this
signs worked into the leather.
would keep workers on the Job.
The bindiiu; of one of the books
Alice Freeman, Ac junior: Yes.
is cardboard, block printed in brown I'm
in favor of anything that would
and yellow mingling in a stylized get Uie war over with sooner.
floral design. A few of the books
Marshall Hahn, A AS. senior: Nahave a binding of vellum, dome turally. It will get rid of all
the Fs
have stippled leather coverings with hanging around.
tree-lik- e
designs; others have a
A. B. Duncan, A AS. senior: Yes.
marble process binding.
because it would prevent strikes and
Many of Uie books have illustrat- increase war production.
ed title pages, initials, and head
Gwen Petrey. AAS. sophomore:
and tail pieces. Some of them are Yes. because some people aren't
block printed. The
of doing anything to further the war
many contain interesting floral de- effort.
signs. The collection contains many
Pal Burnett. A AS. freshman: Yes.
books that are characteristic of cer- it's the only system they haven't
tain periods in printing in Germany, tried in order to get more volunFrance and Italy.
teers, so in order to win the war I
Rare Book ColleeUoa
suggest they try it.
The collection will be ued priBob McGehee. A AS. freshman:
marily as a basis for
No, it's too much Uke a dictatorcollection for Uie library. Because of ship and if you're not fit to fight,
its wide variety In subject matter you're not fit to work uiid-- r gov- Ca-to-


end-pape- rs




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Post Offir

st t!i


at iy,T,(?tnn, Kent

minor undrr the


Act of MukU
Intercollegiate Pr.s$ Ass,,,

lexiiifton Board

of Coinin


National FMitori:)








Oi.e Quarter


W'c forgot to meet a
at the station last week-cud- .


Oik- -

It's Their School Now
iiinil ihe fall quaiicr mvuiiv nun. who
enrolled in i he
werein Army ramis all over ihe United
Si.iks mimic receiving miliiaiv training in the
irv itiul oihrrs sjcni)iii' two. uuvhr ihrce,
.us in ov risras duty.


.He iiuu





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ait- -

inn an

group voiking siiinlv as an
tniil apail from other Miultnis vj the
u .i is.
I'nde-ihctr T.I Kill .l R itlii
Itdtial yivcinmcni dors provide them uilioii.



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indi-nln.- il


l'k lees,
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inoiiililv, liul


iluse privileges tin- ii mined service
in. in is jtisi another student.
II; Imvs ok.es in the IxHiksimr. lie ells at
the li.iskeihall grimes, lie wears sniped socks.
iiil lie probably even "t ins' I ig i l.iss when
Indoesn't have the assignment.
N.uiii.illy the idjuslineni is a liule haul at
f.isl. II he has returned to the same- campus
iianv of the familiar lares are gone and if he
!i. is itgisicrcd as a new suidenl ihe icgtilatioiis
;.iul ml lege tradilions arc all sd.ingc.
A ling as official receiving enier loi veierans,
ihe Personnel offue guides litem in choosing the




curricula which will most beneficially fit inio
the background they have already had, and
through their own organisation on the campus
ihe attempt to familiarise themselves with general college modes has been made. As the first
step this orientation plan is good, but the task
of making the men feel a genuine interest in
siudent affairs comes under the heading of each
student's own responsibility.

By A dele Den man


A majority of the men are young and all seem
to have definite college objectives. The importance rf discipline under all circumstances is
recognized wholeheartedly,
Perhaps this is due to a strict Army
routine or xrhaps it is the realisation of a
chance io pick up the loose ends that were
dropjied when continuance of a college career
was threatened.

'Someone called her for a caf

Whichever it is, ihe veterans are welcome to
participate in cvcrvihing on the campus in
meetings of the S.iident Covernmen. Assembly.
iiiiMtnauiiii.i, in ant Mitu ii jnviui nm in nv.
in elections to the Student Union Board, in
stiorls. or in otieii hikiises
It's their school too now.



President McVey Sounds Keynote
of Chanel Session in Ringing
Snewh to Crowded C'haprl
We are entering upon a year
fraught with the greatest impor-t.iiisince it is the first year since
il.r declaration of peace," declared
tit McVey at the opening ex- -i
of the University Wednesday
m chapel.
I jr. Mt Vey 's talk was on
the sub
ject of University problems in their
relation to national life. He stated





that the opening of the college year
is always of great moment to the
student because the inspiration and
hope which impels him at that time
must carry him through if he is to
have a successful coll