xt7p5h7bsh40 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7p5h7bsh40/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1905-04-dec13. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1905-04-dec13. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1905-04-dec13. 1905 1905-04-dec13. 2011 true xt7p5h7bsh40 section xt7p5h7bsh40 

MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, Dec. 12, 1905 Page 60(cont'd)

     At this time Judge Stout asked the Board to decide what
fee shall be allowed Messrs. W. 0. Davis, and the firm of
McQuorow & Brown, the attorneys who represented State College
in the Court of Appeals in the matter of proceeding to compel
the Auditor of Kentucky to sign the warrant for the $15,000
appropriation made by the Legislature. Judge Stout presented
to the Board letters from various attorneys throughout the State
each of whom stated that he thought a fee of 05,000 a reason-
able compensation for the services rendered.

     After considerable discussion, President Patterson moved
that the said attorneys be paid a fee of five thousand dollars
for their services in this case. Said motion was duly seconded
by Judge Barker, and was carried by members voting as follows:

     Ayes:- Messrs. Barker, Carpenter, Ferguson, Nelson, Kin-
kead, McChord, and Patterson.    7

     Noes:- Messrs. Clay, Frazee, and Nicholhs.   3
     Not voting Judge Stout.

Upon motion duly seconded and carried the Board adjourned to
meet tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock.

     Met pursuant to adjournment at 9:45 o'clock A. M. on
Wednesday Dec. 13, 1905.

     Present:- Messrs. Frazee, Barker, Carpenter, Ferguson, Nelson,
Clay, Kinkead, Lafferty, Nicholas, and Patterson.   10

     Absent:- Messrs. Stout, 1etcalf, Hopkins, Bell, Brooks, and
McChord.   6

     A committee from the sebior class comoosed of Messrs. Scott
and Riefkin came before the Board to solicit aid in getting out a
college annual by the senior class. Action upon this matter was
podtponed until a later time.

     Judge Barker, of the Committee on Domestic Science made an
oral report of the action of that committee which is as follows:



     Your committee begs leave to report that in pursuance of
the resolution under which they were appointed they met at
Patterson Hall, examined the premises, and located the Depart-
ment of Science in the basement thereof; and, directed Prof.
Palmer and Miss Marshall to proceed with fitting the apartment
into shape for installation of the science.

     We employed Miss Isabelle Marshall as instructor in
domestic science for the balance of this'uterm at the rate of five
hundred dollars a year which she has accepted; and we appropriate
not exceeding one thousand dollars for the installation of the
plant,- the expenditures made in carrying this resolution into
effect to be made under the rules regulating expenditures in
other departments.

     Mr. Ferguson's motion that the report of the Committee be
adopted was duly seconded and carried by a unanimous vote.

     The minutes of the committee appointed to receive bids for
coal, which met October 7, 1905, were reread, and a correction
made concerning the voting of President Patterson who was
present at that the meeting; whereupon the same were accepted
as corrected.

     At this point there was presented to the Board the Treasurer's
Report which was read but referred to the committee on Treasurer's

     The report of the Business Agent was refered to the Finance
Committee unread.

                                                      Page 63
     Prof. Scovell came into Board Room, when the matter of pro-
motion in the Experiment Station as recommended bynthe Board
of Control was again taken up. Judge Lafferty then moved that
the minutes of the Board of Control be adopted, and their action
ratified and confirmed. Said motion was duly seconded put upon
its passage, and carried.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, Dec. 13. 1905 Page 63 (conttd)

     Prof. Scovell then recommended to the Board that Mr. Harper's
place which has been vacated be filled by promoting Mr.Scherf-
fins to that position.

     It was moved by Judge Barker that the recommendation of
Prof. Scovell be adonted, and that Mr. Scherffi-ts be elected to
the vacancy heretofore filled by Mr. Harper, to take effect
February 1st 1906.

     Said motion was duly seconded and carried.

     Judge Barker then stated that there was a vacancy in the
Board of Ladies who control Patterson Hall caused by the death
of Mrs. Didlake and thereupon nominated Mrs. Solomon Van Meter
to fill the vacancy. Mr. Clay seconded the nomination. It was
moved that she be elected by acclamation. Said motion was duly
seconded and carried.

     President Patterson at this point stated that Mrs. Atkins
term as a member of the Board of Control of Patterson Hall had
expired and moved that she be reelected by acclamation.

     Said motion was duly seconded & unanimously carried.

                                                       Page 64
     At this point a communication received by Prof. Scovell from
the Chairman of the Executive Committee which has charge of the
proposed bill in the House of Representatives to increase the
appropriations for the experiment station was read to the
Board, and was filed with the understanding that the members of
the Board individually do all in their cower to promote the
passage of the bill.

     The Report of the Agricultural Faculty was read to the
Board and, on motion duly recorded and carried, was received and

     The reading of the minutes of the faculties was deferred
until the next meeting of the Board.

    At this noint the summaries of the Treasurer's report were
read to the Board.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, Dec. 13, 1905 Page 64 (conttd)

      President Patterson then read a communication signed by
 Milford White, Dean of the Normal Department, and W. K. Patter-
 son, Dean of the Academy, with reference to the athletic re-
 lations of students in the Academy and sub-Freshmen. It was
 then moved by Judge Kinkead that no student in the college under
 the grade of freshman be permitted to participate in any match
 game of football or baseball. Said motion was seconded by
 President Patterson, and carried.

     At this point the report of Messrs. White and Brooks on P.65
 the relations of the Physical and Mechanical Engineering Depart-
 ments was read to the Board by the Secretary; and the letters
 of Professor Pence, Anderson and Wilson, in which they define
 their positions in the matter, were also read.

     After an informal discussion, President Patterson moved
 that all points in the controversy between Professor Anderson
 and Professor Pence in relation to their respective departments
 be remanded with a mandate that the Faculty settle it; and on
 the motion of Judge Barker that in the even t of the Faculty
 being unable to settle it, or agree, that then the President
 of the Oollege be and he is hereby invested with full power to
 settle the question himself; and that the matter be reported
 back to this Board for approval or disapproval at the next June

     Said motion was seconded by Judge Barker, and having been
put upon its passage was carried, Judge Kinkead voting "no".

     Tt was moved. by Judge Lafferty that at the next June meeting
of the Board the Secretary have upon the table an itemized
financial statement showing the receipts and disbursements for
the year in every Department, including the Experiment Station;
that five hundred copies of this statement be Drinted and a copy
mailed to each of the Board. Trustees ten days before the June
meeting; and that the Business Agent and the President be      P.66
authorized to employ such clerics l force as may be necessary
-to carry out the purposes of this motion.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, Dec. 13, 1905 Page 66 (conttd)

     Said motion was duly seconded, put upon its passage, and

     At this point the Secretary read the report of the income
and expenses of Patterson Hall.

     Mr. Ferguson moved that the salary of the matron of Patterson
Hall be fixed at $50 per month and the board of her three children.

     Motion was seconded by Judge Barker put upon its passage
and carried, the vote standing as follows: Ayes 7; Noes 2; not
voting 1.

     It was moved by Judge Kinkead that the Business Agent be
directed to employ some one to renair the stone wall in front of
Patterson Hall; and that he look after the connection of Patterson
Hall with the sewer to be constructed on South Limestone St.

     Said motion was duly seconded and carried.

     At this point President Patterson brought to the attention
of the Board the matter of giving Mr. Spillman additional compen-
sation of $25 per month for services rendered the college; where-
upon it was moved by Judge Nelson that Mr. Spillman be paid
$25 per month additional, beginning with the first of January 1906.

     Said motion was duly seconded, put upon its passage, and
carried unanimously.

     The matter of aiding the senior class in getting out a college
annual was again brought up, and Col. Nelson moved that five
hundred dollars be appropriated to aid in defraying the expenses
of getting out a College Annual by the senior class; that the
representative of the senior class be required to confer with the
Executive Committee for guidance in making such contracts for


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, Dec. 13, 1905 Page 67 (cmatld)

printing of the book as will be economical. This appropriation
is made unon conditions that the entire annual shall be sub-
mitted to Prof. James White for approval and, in the event that
anything is published in this annual which has not been sub-
mitted to Prof. White and, received his sanction, then this
anprooriation shall not be paid. It is also orovided that there
shall be nPlblished one thousand conies, and that seven hundred
and fifty of said copies delivered to the Business Agent for the
benefit of the College.

     It is directed that a certified copy of this resolution be
furnished to the person in charge of the publication of this
annual for their information.

     Said motion was duly seconded put upon its passage, and
unanimously carried.

     Judge Kinkead moved that the present Executive Committee
be reelected for the ensuing six months.

     Said motion was duly seconded and carried.

     At this point the Business Agent directedthe Board's atten-
tion to the account of Euner & Amend for $156.39, for the
supplies furnished the college; and stated that it was an account
which should have been paid out of the appropriation for last
year. Whereupon it was moved by Judge Kinkead that the bill be
naid out of the General Fund. Said motion was duly seconded,
and unanimously carried.

     President Patterson stated to the Board, at this point, that
it was desired to continue the Sumner Normal School, and moved
that the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars for meeting the


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, Dec. 13, 1905 Page 68 (cont'd)

expenses of teachers in the Sum-mer Normal School.

     Said motion was duly seconded and unanimously carried.

     President Patterson then moved that two hundred dollars be
appropriated to be placed to the credit of the Denartment of
Mechanical Engineering for advertising nurooses. The motion was
duly seconded. nut unon its passage, and. carried.

     Col. Nelson moved that as much as fifteen hundred dollars
be appropriated for the construction of a proper building in
which the telescope shall be placed. Said motion was duly seconded
put upon its passage, and carried unanimously.

     President Patterson moved the following resolution be

     Resolved, that we earnestly endorse the application which the
Legislature Committee will make to the next General Assembly for
an appropriation sufficiently large to erect and equip a building
sufficiently commodiaus for the use of the Agricultural Depart-
ment and the Denartment of Domestic Economy.

     Resolve that we earnestly approve the application which the
Legislative Committee will take to the next General Assembly for
an appropriation sufficiently large to erect and equip a suitable
building for the use of the Normal Department of the College and
that the said committee is urged to applys to the General Assembly
for an anDropriation sufficient to meet the needs of the Mechani-
cal Deoartment, and for an apnropriqtion of a sufficient amount
of money to properly install the Department of Mining Engineering.

     Said motion having been duly seconded put upon its passage,
and carried.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, Dec. 13, 1905 Page 69 (contId)

     A communication from Dr. Palmer was presented to the Board
which, upon motion duly seconded and carried, was refered to the
Executive Committee with power to act.

                                                       Page 70
     It was moved by Mr. Ferguson that the President be directed
to formulatethat portion of his report which applies to the
needed legislation, and have It printed and placed in the hands
of members of the Legislature; and that the Executive Committee
be authorized to make Provision for its publication. The motion
was duly seconded put upon its passage, and carried.

     Col. Nelson offered the following resolution:
     Resolved that it is the earnest sense of this Board that
the intervening property between the present college grounds
and Patterson Hall should be ourchase and become the property
of the College; and that the same is an absolute necessity for
the property future development of this institution; and that
the first available fund at the disposition of the College be
exoended for that purpose; and that the President be empowered
to confer with the proper parties for the purpose of securing
an option upon the property.  The motion was duly seconded and

     Upon motion, duly seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned
sine die.
                                      D. C. Frazee

                                                        Page 71
     Meeting of Board of Trustees of State A. & M. College, of
Kentucky, held in the President's room, Gymnasium Building,
Lexington, Ky., on June 5th, 1906 at 2:30 P. M.

     Present:- Messrs. D. F. Frazee, C. B. Terrell, Jas. K. Patter-
son, C. W. Metcalfe, 0. B. Nicholas, Tibbis Oarpenter, B. * Brooks,


Missing report(s)