xt7p5h7bsg9c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7p5h7bsg9c/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1969-06-may6. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1969-06-may6. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1969-06-may6. 1969 1969-06-may6. 2011 true xt7p5h7bsg9c section xt7p5h7bsg9c 

      Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of
Kentucky, Tuesday, May 6, 1969

      The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in a statutory
regular session at 2:00 p. m. , Eastern Daylight Time, May 6, 1969, in the
Board Room of the Administration Building. The following members of the
Board were present: Governor Louie B. Nunn, Mr. William R. Black, Mrs.
Rexford S. Blazer, Mr. Wendell P. Butler, Mr. A. B. Chandler, Mr. Albert
G. Clay, Mr. Richard E. Cooper, Dr. Harry Denham, Mr. George W. Griffin,
Mr. Robert H. Hillenmeyer, Mr. B. Hudson Milner, Dr. N. N. Nicholas, Mr.
James H. Pence, Mr. Floyd H. Wright, non-voting faculty member Professor
Paul Oberst and non-voting student member Tim Futrell. Absent from the
meeting were Mr. J, Robert Miller and non-voting faculty member Professor
Robert W. Rudd. Acting President A. D. Kirwan and Vice Presidents A. D.
Albright, Robert F. Kerley, Glenwood L. Creech, Lewis W. Cochran, Stuart
Forth, William R. Willard and Assistant Vice President Alvin L. Morris
represented the administration. Members of the various news media were also

      A. Meeting Opened

      Governor Nunn called the meeting to order at 2:05 p. m. Following the
invocation Lucile T. Blazer, the Secretary, reported a quorum present and the
meeting was declared officially open for the conduct of business.

      B. Oath of Office Administered to Non-Voting Student Member

      Governor Nunn administered the oath of office to the non-voting student
member, Mr. Tim Futrell, the duly elected and qualified President of Student
Government. It was noted that Mr. Futrell was the third student to serve on the
Board of Trustees.

      C. Minutes Approved

      On motion by Governor Chandler, seconded by Mr. Wright, and passed
without dissent, the reading of the Minutes of the April 1 meeting, which was
recessed to April 8 because of the lack of a quorum, and the April 8 recessed
Minutes of the Board of Trustees, was dispensed with and the Minutes of the two
meetings were approved as published.

      D. President's Report to the Trustees

      Dr. Kirwan called attention to certain items of interest to the Trustees
which appeared in PR 1, President's Report to the Trustees, calling particular



attention to Item 20 which noted that Mr. Albert G. Clay had been named on
April 29 "Man of the Year in Kentucky Agriculture" by the Farm Press and
Radio Association of Kentucky.

       Governor Nunn thanked Dr. Kirwan for hit informative presentation
and, without dissent, ordered the report accepted and filed.

       E. Recommendations of the President (PR 2)

       Dr. Kirwan indicated that PR 2, as usual, contained items of importance
but of a routine nature. Contained in the report were the names of the approxi-
mately 1, 000 persons receiving degrees and certificates from the community
colleges which required approval by the Board of Trustees before the degrees or
certificates might be awarded. In addition, he called particular attention to the
department chairmen being named, the list of promotions recommended and the
list of persons recommended for tenure, all of which required Board approval.

       On motion by Governor Chandler, seconded by Mr. Clay, and passed
without dissent, PR 2 was approved as a whole and ordered made an official part
of the Minutes of the May 6 meeting of the Board of Trustees. (See PR 2 at the
end of the Minutes. )

       F. Approval of Candidates for Degrees (PR 4)

       Dr. Kirwan reminded the Board that under the statutes the meeting in
May is set for the Tuesday preceding commencement in order that approval may
be given to candidates for degrees from the University of Kentucky. He then
called attention to the list of persons recommended, pointing out that a total of
2, 165 individuals would be granted degrees of which 369 were graduate degrees,
265 prefessional degrees, and 1, 531 undergraduate degrees.

     On motion duly made, seconded, and passed, the President was author-
ized to confer upon each individual whose name appeared on the list presented
the degree to which he is entitled upon certification by the Dean of Admissions
and Registrar that said individual has satisfactorily completed all requirements
for the degree for which he has made application and been approved by the
University Senate. (See PR 4 at the end of the Minutes. )

       G. Budget Revisions for 1968-69 Approved (PR 5)

       Without discussion, on motion duly made, seconded, and carried, the re-
visions in the 1968-69 budget as set forth in PR 5 were authorized and approved.
(See PR 5 at the end of the Minutes. )



       H. Dean of College of Agriculture and Director of the Cooperative
Extension Service Named (PR 6A)

       Dr. Kirwan said it gave him much pleasure to recommend to the Board
of Trustees the appointment of Dr. Charles E. Barnhart to succeed Dr. William
A. Seay as Dean of the College of Agriculture and Director of the Cooperative
Extension Service. He indicated that the nomination of Dr. Barnhart was made
upon the recommendation of a search committee which had been appointed to
seek a Dean of the College of Agriculture. After screening both on-campus and
off-campus candidates, the committee came to the conclusion that both from
qualifications and from availability Dr. Barnhart was the best possible person
to succeed Dr. Seay.

       Members of the Board of Trustees indicated wholehearted enthusiasm
of the recommendation and on motion by Mr. Clay, seconded by Governor
Chandler, and approved unanimously, Dr. Charles E. Barnhart, presently
Associate Dean of the College of Agriculture and Director of the Agricultural
Experiment Station, was appointed Dean of the College of Agriculture and
Director of the Cooperative Extension Service, effective immediately. Dr.
Barnhart is to continue as Director of the Agricultural Experiment Station. (See
PR 6A at the end of the Minutes. )

       I. Dean of College of Arts and Sciences Named (PR 6B)

       Following the same procedure used in selecting the Dean of the College
of Agriculture, a screening committee was appointed to seek a replacement for
Dr. Paul C. Nagel who resigned as Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences,
effective July 1, 1969. This committee also set up qualifications and interviewed
candidates from both off-campus and on-campus and Dr. Kirwan reported that it
was the unanimous recommendation of this committee that Dr. Wimberly C.
Royster, currently Associate Dean of Arts and Sciences and Director of the School
of Mathematical Sciences, be named Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences.
Dr. Kirwan said he concurred wholeheartedly in the nomination of Dr. Royster
and recommended that he be named Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences to
succeed Dean Nagel.

      Again the Board of Trustees expressed its enthusiasm of the recommen-
dation and on motion by Governor Chandler, seconded by Dr. Denham, and passed
unanimously, Dr. Wimberly C. Royster was named Dean of the College of Arts
and Sciences. effective July 1, 1969. (See PR 6B at the end of the Minutes.

      J. Engineering Facilities Named (PR 7A)

      Dr. Kirwan said that he had received a recommendation from the faculty
of the College of Engineering, conveyed to him through Dean Drake and endorsed



by the Building and Campus Development Committee, that two former deans of the
College of Engineering be honored through the naming of two of the engineering
facilities for them. He, therefore, recommended to the Board that the Civil Engi-
neering Materials Laboratory be named the Daniel V. Terrell Civil Engineering
Materials Laboratory, and that the library of the College of Engineering be named
the Robert E. Shaver Library of Engineering.

       Noting that both of these men deserved such recognition for the contributions
they made to the College of Engineering and the University during their respective
tenures as dean, Governor Chandler moved, seconded by Mr. Butler, and passed
that Dr. Kirwan's recommendation relative to the naming of the two engineering
facilities be approved. (See PR 7A at the end of the Minutes. )

       K. Agricultural Sciences Center Auditorium Named (PR 7B)

       With the unanimous concurrence of students, faculty; and administration,
Dr. Kirwan presented a recommendation made to him by the Building and Campus
Development Committee that the auditorium element of the Agricultural Sciences
Center be named the William A. Seay Auditorium.

       On motion by Mr. Clay, seconded by Mrs. Blazer, and unanimously
passed, Dr. Kirwan's recommendation was approved. (See PR 7B at the end of
the Minutes. )

       L. Committee Appointed to Study Senate Recommendation to Change
Student Code (PR 8)

       Dr. Kirwan indicated that each member of the Board had before him a
copy of a letter he had received from Dr. Elbert Ockerman, Secretary of the
University Senate, transmitting to the Board of Trustees, through the Presideat,
certain changes in the Student Code approved by the University Senate at a
meeting on April 28, 1969.

       Governor Chandler moved that the Board of Trustees receive the change
in the Student Code approved by the University Senate at its meeting on April 28,
1969, and that a committee be appointed to study the proposed change and report
its findings and recommendations to the Board of Trustees prior to the opening of
the Fall Semester in August 1969. The motion was seconded by Mr. Wright and
passed without dissent. (See PR 8 at the end of the Minutes. )

       Governor Nunn appointed the following committee to study the changes
and report its findings and recommendations to the Board of Trustees: Mr. Albert
G. Clay, Chairman, Mr. Richard E. Cooper, Dr. N. N. Nicholas, Dr. Robert W.
Rudd and Mr. Tim Futrell. In his charge to the committee, Governor Nunn said
they should spend as much time as needed reviewing all the rules and regulations



and should report back as promptly as possible so the Board might act on the
committee's recommendations before the beginning of the Fall Semester so that
the students entering the University may know whether they want to attend this
University or some other university.

       M. Financial Report Accepted (FCR 1)

       Mr. Kerley reported that realized income was as expected and expendi-
tures were as estimated. The Board members, having had the opportunity to
study the report in advance of the meeting, indicated they had no questions and
on motion duly made, seconded, and carried, the two financial reports covering
the periods ending February 28, 1969 and March 31, 1969 were accepted and
ordered filed. (See FCR 1 at the end of the Minutes. )

       N. Community Colleges Financing, Bond Anticipation Notes

       Governor Nunn thereupon requested the Finance Committee to make its
report with reference to Community College Financing and Bond Anticipation
Notes. The Finance Committee in turn requested Mr. Kerley to make the presen-
tation.. Mr. Kerley stated that in connection with the authorization of revenue
bonds to finance capital improvements for the Community Colleges it had become
necessary to escrow sufficient moneys to retire the outstanding Community
Colleges Educational Buildings Revenue Bonds, Series A, dated May 1, 1964, and
Community Colleges Educational Buildings Revenue Bonds, Series B, dated May 1,
1964, at the first respective dates May 1, 1973, and May 1, 1974, when such bonds
will be subject to prior redemption in order to release the property being used at
Covington, Kentucky, in the operation of the Community College there. It is de-
sired to transfer such facilities at Covington, Kentucky, to the Board of Regents of
Northern Kentucky State College. He further stated that in order to accomplish
the foregoing it was considered advisable for an Escrow Agreement to be entered
into between the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky, First Security
National Bank and Trust Company of Lexington, Kentucky, Trustee as to such out-
standing bonds, the Board of Regents of Northern Kentucky State College and the
State Property and Buildings Commission of the Commonwealth of Kentucky and
that it was in order for a resolution to be adopted authorizing the execution of such
Escrow Agreement,

       Thereupon, a motion was made by Dr. Denham, which was seconded by
Dr. Nicholas, that the following resolution be adopted:

       BE IT RESOLVED, that the Chairman of the Board of Trustees and
    the Secretary are hereby authorized and directed to execute upon behalf
    of the Board of Trustees the Escrow Agreement between the Board of
    Trustees, First Security National. Bank & Trust Company, Lexington,
    Kentucky, the Board of Regents of Northern Kentucky State College and
    the State Property and Buildings Commission of the Commonwealth of
    Kentucky, with reference to the retirement of the outstanding Community



    Colleges Educational Bu-ldings Revenue Bonds, Series A, dated
    May 1, 1963, and the Community Colleges Educational Buildings
    Revenue Bonds, Series B, dated May 1, 1964, the transfer of
    certain properties by the Board of Trustees of the University of
    Kentucky to Northern Kentucky State College and other matters,
    a true copy of which instrument was presented to the meeting at
    which this resolution was proposed.

       BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that such officials of the Board
    of Trustees are authorized and directed to take such further action
    as may be necessary to accomplish the intent of such Escrow

       The Chairman of the Board of Trustees put the question, and the following
voted AYE: Governor Louie B. Nunn, Mr. William R. Black, Mrs. Rexford S.
Blazer, Mr. Wendell P. Butler, Mr. A. B. Chandler, Mr. Albert G. Clay, Mr.
Richard E, Cooper, Dr. Harry Denham, Mr. George W. Griffin, Mr. Robert H.
Hillenmeyer, Mr. B. Hudson Milner, Dr. N. N. Nicholas, Mr. James H. Pence
and Mr. Floyd H. Wright. NA.Y: None.

       Thereupon, the Chairman of the Board of Trustees declared that such
resolution had been duly adopted.

       Thereupon, Mr. Kerley stated that it was considered desirable to author-
ize new Community Colleges Educational Buildings Revenue Bonds, Series A,
dated May 1, 1969, in the amount of $12, 200, 000, which it is contemplated will
be sold to the public; and new Community Colleges Educational Buildings Revenue
Bonds, Series B, dated May 1, 1969, in the amount of $4, 489, 000, with respect
to which the University has Loan Agreements with the United States Department
of Health, Education, and Welfare of the Office of Education. However, in order
to do this it is necessary that the new basic resolution to be adopted authorize
generally new Community Colleges Educational Buildings Revenue Bonds and then
adopt a Series A and Series B bond resolution setting out the specific details con-
cerning such two bond issues, and that it was in order for someone to make a
motion to adopt such basic resolution.

       Thereupon, it was moved by Dr. Denham, which motion was seconded by
Mr. Clay, that there be adopted a resolution entitled

    "A RESOLUTION creating and establishing a Community Colleges
    Educational Bu ldi.mgs Project of the University of Kentucky;
    creating and cstabli~sh4ng a new issue of Community Colleges
    Educational Bu.ildings Revenue Bonds of the Board of Trustees of
    the Universitv of Kentucky; providing for the issuance from time
    to time of said bonds; providing for the payment of the principal
    of and interest on said bonds and repealing all resolutions or parts
    of resolutions in conflict with this resolution, "



a true copy of which was presented to the meeting at which such resolution was
proposed, and a true copy of which is attached to these Minutes. Upon the
Chairman putting the question, the following voted AYE: Governor Louie B.
Nunn, Mr. William R. Black, Mrs. Rexford S. Blazer, Mr. Wendell P. Butler,
Mr. A. B. Chandler, Mr. Albert G. Clay, Mr. Richard E. CooDer, Dr. Harry
Denham, Mr. George W. Griffin, Mr. Robert H. Hillenmeyer, Mr. B. Hudson
Milner, Dr. N. N. Nicholas, Mr. James H. Pence and Mr. Floyd H. Wright.
NAY: None.

      Thereupon, the Chairman declared that such resolution had been adopted.

      Then. Mr. Kerley stated that it was in order for someone to make a motion
to adopt the resolution authorizing such Series A and such Series B bonds. There-
upon, a motion was made by Dr. Denhamr, which was seconded by Mr. Clay, that
the resolution entitled


be adopted, a true copy of which was presented to the meeting at which such reso-
lution was proposed and a true copy of which is attached to these Minutes. The
Chairman put the question and the following voted AYE: Governor Louie B. Nunn,
Mr. William R. Black, Mrs. Rexford S. Blazer, Mr. Wendell P. Butler, Mr.
A. B. Chandler, Mr, Albert G. Clay, Mr. Richard E. Cooper, Dr. Harry Denham,
Mr. George W. Griffin, Mr. Robert H. Hillenmeyer, Mr. B. Hudson Milner, Dr.
N. N. Nicholas, Mr. James H. Pence and Mr. Floyd H. Wright. NAY: None.

Thereupon, the Chairman declared that such resolution had been adopted.



       Then Mr. Kerley stated that due to the high interest rates at the present
time it would be preferable to authorize Notes pursuant to Kentucky Statutes
which would have a maturity date of April 14, 1970, in an amount not exceeding
$16, 300, 000, and which would be sold to financial institutions awaiting a more
opportune time during which to sell such bonds. The proceeds of such bonds
would be used to retire such Notes. He stated that it would be in order for a reso-
lution to be adopted approving the use of a form of Invitation to Submit Proposal
and Official Statements with reference to such bonds and such Notes, the forms
to be used in connection with soliciting proposals to purchase such Notes to be
substantially in the forms which were presented to the meeting.

       Thereupon, Dr. Denham moved, which was seconded by Mr. Black, that
the following resolution be adopted:

       BE IT RESOLVED, that the form of Invitation to Submit Proposal and
    the forms of the Official Statements with reference to $12, 200, 000 of
    Community Colleges Educational Buildings Revenue Bonds, Series A,
    dated May 1, 1969, and $4, 489, 000 of Community Colleges Educational
    Buildings Revenue Bonds, Series B, dated May 1, 1969, and Notes to not
    exceed $16, 300, 000 are hereby approved on the basis that the forms of
    such instruments used in soliciting bids for such Notes and in authorizing
    and selling such bonds will be substantially in the forms presented at the
    meeting at which this resolution was proposed.

       Upon the Chairman putting the question, the following voted AYE: Gover-
nor Louie B. Nunn, Mr. Wrilliam R. Black, Mrs. Rexford S. Blazer, Mr. Wendell
P. Butler, Mr. A. B. Chandler, Mr. Albert G. Clay, Mr. Richard E. Cooper,
Dr. Harry Denham, Mr. George W. Griffin, Mr. Robert H. Hillenmeyer, Mr. B.
Hudson Milner, Dr. N. N. Nicholas, Mr. James H. Pence and Mr. Floyd H.
Wright. NAY: None.

       Thereupon, the Chairman declared that such resolution had been adopted.

       0. Appropriation From Auxiliary Enterprise Account (FCR 3)

       Having already considered the recommendation relative to the appropriation
of $75, 000 from fund balances in the Auxiliary Enterprise Account for the reno-
vation of Housing and Dining facilities from materials sent them in advance of the
meeting and there being no questions, on motion by M\Ir. Milner, seconded by Mr.
Cooper, the recommendation for the appropriation as contained in FCR 3 was
approved. (See FCR 3 at the end of the Minutes. )

       P. Appropriation From General Obligation Bonds of 1965 (FCR 4)

       The Board being familiar with the recommendation that the sum of
$2, 300, 000 from the General Obligation Bonds allotted to the University be
appropriated for the purpose of campus development from a preliminary mailing



on the matter, on motion by Dr. Denham, seconded by Mr. Milner, and passed,
approval was given to the appropriation as recommended in FCR 4. (See FCR 4
at the end of the Minutes. )

       Q. Medical Center Committee Report

       Governor Chandler, Chairman of the Medical Center Committee, reported
that the committee had met on the morning of May 7, prior to the meeting of the
Board of Trustees. He said that the committee reviewed the whole Medical Center
program and indicated to Governor Nunn that the committee might want some
financial help from him. He commended Dr. Willard and his staff for the many
"missions of mercy which are performed by this great institution.

       R. Draft Copy of Governing Regulations Distributed

       Professor Oberst, Chairman of the Joint Faculty-Board Committee to codify
the Governing Regulations, called attention to the copy of the proposed revision of
the Governing Regulations which was included in each member's folder. He asked
the Board members to review this proposed revision and to raise any questionsthey
might have with the committee. No action was requested at this time.

       S. Appointments Made to the Board of Directors of the University
of Kentucky Research Foundation

       Dr. Kirwan stated that three vacancies existed on the Board of Directors
of the University of Kentucky Research Foundation which must be approved by the
Board of Trustees. The slate recommended included Professor Roger Eichorn,
faculty member; Mr. Edward S. Dabney, citizen member; and Mr. Floyd Wright,
Trustee member. On motion by Mr. Milner, duly seconded, and approved, the
slate was approved by acclamation.

       T. Meeting Adjourned

       The Governor, having first determined there was no further business to
come before the meeting, called for a motion for adjournment which was made,
seconded, and passed, and the meeting adjourned at 2:25 p. m.

                                      Respectfully submitted,

                                      Lucile T. Blazer, Secretary
                                      Board of Trustees

(PR's 2, 4, 5, 6A, 6B, 7A, 7B, 8, FCR's 1, 3 and 4 which follow are officialparts
of the Minutes of the May 6, 1969 meeting of the Board of Trustees. Copies of the
Escrow Agreement, two Bond Resolutions and the Invitation to Bid are in the
official files of the Board of Trustees. )



                      May 6, 1969

       The annual Munich Memorial Lecture and awards program,
conducted on April 25 at the Medical Center, featured as
speaker Dr. Edmund D. Pellegrino, founding chairman of the
Department of Medicine of the College of Medicine. Dr.
Pellegrino now is vice president for Health Sciences, dean
of the College of Medicine and director of the Center Health
Sciences Center, State University of New York at Stony Brook.
He cautioned his colleagues and the graduating medical students
to be on guard against dangers to competence in medicine. He
urged more absolute communication between the doctor physician
and his patient. In the future it will be desirable to have
physicians regularly take refresher courses, Dr. Pellegrino
       .The essence of the professional aspect of medicine is
the declaration of profession, of a special knowledge. This
'profession' is open to special dangers today and may deteri-
orate into pretension if not carefully nurtured. In medical
schools we must concentrate on education for competence in
specific fields of medical practice. This competence must be
sustained by a process of recertification via continuing edu-
cation and reinforced daily by institutionalization of the
quality controls for medical care," he asserted.

      A $1 million animal diagnostic laboratory will be built
on a 14-acre site on Coldstream Farm. The governor announced
last week that the lab, as a service facility for Kentucky's
farmers, will have a meat-quality control testing section and
a complete toxicology section to determine the presence of
poison in animals as well as feeds. The facility is being de-
signed by Chrisman and Miller, Lexington architects, and con-
struction will begin this year.


- 2 -


      Counseling for college freshmen is getting increased attention
these days from many persons in higher education although most agree
that counseling lags behind other phases of the educational experi-
ence for new students in a college or university. Dr. Stanley Wall,
associate dean of the Community College System, believes counseling
will be emphasized more and more in the years ahead. Dr. Wall says
one of the problems is being able to provide an effective program
of counseling and guidance in relation to budget limitations. Coun-
seling in the community colleges is varied. It ranges from one
faculty member or advisor in the individual college serving as part-
time counselor to as many as two full-time counselors in the larger
colleges. Admittance to the community colleges presently is standard,
primarily begun by the student taking the American College Scoring
Tests during the senior high school year. This is followed by guidance
and counseling, which is left to the community college faculty members
who regularly perform that function. Some counselors make use of
occupational inventories to determine where the student's interests lie.

      Dr. Wall believes the best means of finding out what a student
wants to do in life is "to sit down and talk with him." Tests some-
times show one's interest to be in a given area, when the truth is that
the student may not really be interested. One case recalled by Dr.
Wall dealt with a student who scored high in a given field which would
indicate his aptitude for it. The fact was that the student was not
interested. He was knowledgeable only because his father was a special-
ist in the field. Thus, testing exclusively on areas in which a student
shows a knowledge can be misleading, Dr. Wall notes. "Sometimes a
student's desire may far outreach his ability," he continues.    "It is
not unusual for a student to decide he wants to be an engineer solely
because he has made good grades in algebra, or because he thinks the
salary will be good. When it becomes obvious the student is not suffi-
ciently trained, or that his scholastic ability is limited, it then be-
comes the counselor's job to advise the student that he may be better
suited to some other vocation. In some instances this choice may require
something less than the baccalaureate degree as an educational objective."

      A seminar in career education was conducted last summer in the
community college at Somerset, he stated. The training was designed for
community college, vocational school, and secondary school counselors
of education opportunities in careers provided by the Somerset vocational
school and by the Somerset Community College. At Henderson Community
College, counselors are finding that some incoming students aredt aware
of the functions of the institution, according to Robert Parks, counselor
at Henderson. Basic programs and the requirements of each sometimes must
be explained, he said. Dan Tudor, coordinator of student affairs for
the Community College System, shares the concern of counselors. He
points out that a survey taken by the American College Testing program
employees showed that about 75 per cent of students enrolling in commu-
nity colleges intend to transfer to a four-year college and get a
baccalaureate degree.  The same report, however, shows that 25 per cent
of that same group do not achieve an overall grade standing of C.



      The School of Library Science will sponsor a three-week in-
stitute for 30 school librarians, financed by the U.S. Office of
Education, June 23-July 11. Dr. Nancy B. Pillon, assistant pro-
fessor of library science, director of the institute, said "it is
hoped this institute will prepare the librarians--selected on the
basis of leadership potential--to act as catalysts in diffusing and
bringing about understanding of the new media." Applicants must be
practicing school librarians during the 1969-70 school year, with at
least 18 hours of completed work in library science. They will be
selected from throughout the state. Kentucky librarians will be
given priority, although non-Kentucky applications also will be con-
sidered. Participants will receive a stipend of $75 a week plus
$15 a week for each dependent. They must pay for their own textbook,
travel costs, and living expenses during the workshop. Three hours
of graduate credit may be earned by those who meet the requirements
for admission to the Graduate School and who desire such credit.


      A student in the College of Law is completing his first year
of study with the assistance of a program funded by the U.S. Office
of Economic Opportunity and the Ford Foundation. Jesse Crenshaw,
who grew up in Glasgow and graduated from Kentucky State College be-
for entering the law school, says the Council on Legal Education
Opportunity (CLEO) program has been particularly significant in locating
prospective law students.  Crenshaw, 22, is a graduate of Ralph Bunche
High School, Glasgow. He earned a BA degree in political science and
history in 1968. Last summer he attended a special eight-week in-
stitute designed to help prospective law students among minority groups,
held at Emory University in Atlanta.

     At the end of his first semester at the University his standing
was 54th, in a class of 170.  The significance of that fact is that he
performed much better than his Law School Admission Test (LSAT) score
would have predicted. Based on his score, the prediction would have
been a 62.0 standing. He said educators found that those who scored
the lowest on LSAT exams were: 1) from the Southern region of the U.S.,
2) from a rural area, and 3) were Negroes. People from the East and
Mid-west scored consistently higher than those from the South.


     A student-faculty committee in the College of Law is seeking to
establish a scholarship in memory of the late William Edward Mills.
Mills, a law student, died recently. The student-faculty committee
has set a goal of $10,000 for the scholars