xt7p2n4zkx5z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7p2n4zkx5z/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1967-02-27  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, February 27, 1967 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, February 27, 1967 1967 1967-02-27 2020 true xt7p2n4zkx5z section xt7p2n4zkx5z g , —‘ ——‘._——q



The University Senate met in called session at 4:00 p.m., Monday, February
27, 1967, in the Court Room of the Law Building. Chairman Diachun presided.
Members absent: A. D. Albright, Charles E. Barnhart, Barbara Bates, John R. Batt,
John J. Begin*, Harry M. Bohannan, Peter Bosomworth, Wallace Briggs, Thomas D.
Brower, Aubrey J. Brown*, William R. Brown*, Lester Bryant, David B. Clark*,
Jerome, E. Cohn, Emmett R. Costich, Glenwood L. Creech, Marcia Dake, Melvin DeFleur,
Wendell C. DeMarcus, Kurt W. Deuschle, Ben A. Eiseman, James E. Funk, Wesley P.
Garrigus, Peter Gillie, Arthur C. Glasser, John W. Greene, Jr., Robert H. Greenlaw,
Ward Griffen, Ellis F. Hartford, Almonte C. Howell, James C. Humphries, Robert D.
Jacobs, Malcolm E. Jewe11*, Raymon D. Johnson, Robert L. Johnson, Catherine Katterjohn
Robert F. Kerley, John A. Koepke, John Kuiper, Leslie L. Martin, Herbert F. Massey*,

,Marcus T. McEllistrem, LeRay McGee, James T. Moore, R. T. Muelling, Jr., Paul Oberst,

James R. Ogletree, John W. Oswald, Leonard V. Packett, Blaine F. Parker, Howard C.
Parker, Doris P. Pearce, Arlon G. Podshadley, Carson Porter, Leonard A. Ravitz,
Benjamin Rush, Ivan Russell, William A. Seay, Doris M. Seward, Roy E. Sigafus,
Wellington B. Stewart, Paul Street, Thomas B. Stroup*, William Survant, Lee H.
Townsend, William S. Ward, T. F. Whayne, Warren E. Wheeler, Robert L. White,
William R. Willard, Helen M. Wilmore, W. W. Winternitz, Kenneth Wright*, Wesley 0.
Young, Leon Zolondek.

The Chairman approved a request to permit Mr. Terence Hunt and some of his
associates from the KERNEL to sit in the meeting and to report its proceedings.

Professor Flickinger, Chairman of the Senate Advisory Committee on Student
Affairs, assumed the chair for continuation of the report of that committee. He
mesented some amendments designed to clarify those proposals of Section III of
Wm report which the Senate had questioned in unofficial dialogue on February 14th.
These amendments are as follows:

that sub~paragraph l) of the sub—head B, page 22, of the report be amended to
delete the word “formal” in line one;

that sentence two of this same paragraph be changed to read: ”Similarly any
organization whose voting membership is limited solely to students or to
students and faculty or staff must be so registered.";

that the following words be added to the end of sentence three of this
same paragraph: "and attached hereto as Appendix F.”;

that the following sentence be added to line 15, page 25, sub—paragraph 2)
following the words, ”criteria he may prescribe.": "Such criteria shall be
established and published by the Vice President and made uniform for all
similar organizations.";

that the word ”similarly" be added to line 16, page 25, between the words


”may" and "limlb ;

that the word ”associate” on page 24, lines six, eight, 18, 22, 25, 26, and in
line 10 on page 25, changed to ”representative”;

that all reference to rank of the faculty representative be removed from
sub—paragraphs 2), 5), and 4), page 24;

that the definitions of the faculty representative and the faculty consultant
on page 25 indicate faculty rank to be that . . . "A member of the tenured

faculty of the University . . . ;

*Absence Explained

V. .. __.__- _ 1:2,-































































Minutes of the University Senate, February S7, i961 (con't)

that the word ”three”

in line 15, sub—paragraph 5), page 24, be changed to

that in order further to clarify the term ”University adviser” the following
statement be added to that definition on page 85:

"However, he shall have no authority to prohibit any proposed
action by a political organization.”;

that provision be made for a due—process clause for organizations whose
registration is refused or cancelled by adding the following paragraph at
the bottom of page 25:

”4) Whenever the Vice President shall refuse or cancel registration
of an organization whose voting membership is limited to students,
faculty or staff of the University, the officers or proponeits of
such organization shall have a right of appeal to the President via
the Appeals Board. The President's decision, after receipt of the
advice of the Appeals Board, shall be final. Such appeal must be
made in writing to the President within SO days of receipt of notice
of refusal or cancellation of registration.”

Professor Flickinger asked the Senate to approve Section III of the report to
include these amendments. The motion was seconded.

Motion was then made to amend sub—paragraphs 2) and 4) of sub—paragraph A in
the description of the offenses on pages 21 and 22 of the report to remove the
word ”prolonged”. The Senate approved the motion by a vote of 52 to 58°

Motion was made to revise the parenthetical phrase at the top of page 22, lines
one through three, to remove the parenthesis and to substitute ”Any organization
intending to picket must inform the Vice President, Student Affairs, at least

24 hours in advance of the time, place and purpose.” The Senate approved this
change by a vote of 49 to 59,

A member of the Committee than introduced an amendment to revise sub—paragraph
A in the description of the offenses on page 21 to read: ”A student organiza—
tion may not retain registration or may be subject to some other punishment if
it is guilty of the following: " . . . The amendment was seconded. On agreement
the word "other” was changed to ”lesser". The amendment as changed was then
approved by the Senate.

The University Senate then voted approval of Section III, the University as
Supervisor of Student Organizations, pages 21~25 of the report, as amended by
amendments. ' '

Section III, as amended and approved, follows:

III. The University As Supervisor Of Student Organizations


A. The offenses — A student organization may not retain registration
or may be subject to some lesser punishment if it is guilty of the following:

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Minutes of the University Senate, February 27, 1967 (con't)

disorderly conduct;

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ing ;

activity on University property.

specialty organization or social misconduct by any organization;

5) discrimination against any person due to race,
1 or religious affiliation or belief except when

| and legitimate purposes of the organization require limitation

as to sex or religion.


". __.. ._\.—*.

with the Vice President for Student Affairs.
of the University and without legal status.

Operation of such organizations. These are as follows:

1) Any organization which wishes to use the U. K.

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so registered.

Affairs and attached hereto as Appendix F.

fi.—fi.—_*,4 i... A

interference with activities of the University, of

any other registered organization or, of any individual;
except that peaceful picketing will be permitted so long
as it does not directly inhibit the carrying out of any

; Any organization intending
! to picket must inform the Vice President for Student Affairs
: at least 24 hours in advance of the time, place and purpose;
? 4) poor academic performance by the membership of a social or

color, sex,
the express

Also no student organization may enroll as an official member nor
elect or retain as an officer or committee chairman any student on academic

B. The Procedures — The control over student organization shall rest
Such organizations are creatures

Accordingly, no specific procedures
for adjudicating the commission of any of the ”offenses” or for any punishment

other than refusal or cancellation of registration have been established.
There are however, certain procedures which are necessary to control the

name 01"

University property or to solicit thereon must be registered
with the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs.
Similarly any organization whose voting membership is limited
solely to students or students and faculty or staff must be

In order to register the proposed organiza—

tion must acquire and complete the registration form presently
available in the Office of the Vice President for Student
Also, each such
application must contain an affirmative statement that the

organization does not and will not discriminate against


as to sex or religion.
illegal or immoral purposes.

2) Any organization

the required application form and abides by the
a tions set forth above. Any other organization,



additional criteria he may prescribe.



any person due to race, color, sex or religious beliefs
except when their approved purpose requires limitation
No organization can be formed for

whose voting members and whose officers
( are limited to students, faculty and staff of the University

‘ is automatically entitled to registration so long as it completes
( rules and regula—
to the extent

to which it is covered by the wording of subdivision 1) in
above paragraph of this report, is required to secure the
{ necessary registration but is not automatically entitled to
Its registration is at the discretion of the
' Vice President for Student Affairs and may depend upon any

Such criteria shall be












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University Senate,

established and published by the Vice President
for all similar organizations.


o W
{>4 1 ’

1967 (cen't)

'1“ ”I - .. --

and made uniform
Furthermore, as to such organiza-

tions, the Vice President may similarly limit the registration,

with its concomitant permission, to a

fixed period of time, the

length to be determined by him in his exercise of his discretion.

Each such organization must comply with the following


The University Senate recognizes the following types of student

Social Sororities and Fraternities

Honors and Leadership Organizations and
Recognition Societies

Departmental Organizations and Professional

Political Organizations

Government Organizations

Specialty Groups (Religious, Athletic,
Military, etc.)

Each such organization must have an adviser as fellows:






Every social fraternity or sorority shall have a University
Adviser, who shall be appointed by the Office of Vice President
for Student Affairs. The organization is also required to
elect at least one faculty member to serve as a faculty

Every honors, leadership, or recognition society is
to have a faculty representative.


Every departmental organization and professional fraternity
shall have for guidance purposes a faculty consultant. If
no such faculty member is available for a departmental
organization, then upon approval of the department, the

Vice President for Student Affairs may waive this requirement
for a period not to exceed five years.
Every political organization shall have a University adviser
elected by the membership or, failing that, appointed by the
Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs as well as
a faculty representative.

Every government organization shall
appointed by the Office of the Vice
Affairs. Such organizations should
representative. '

have a University adviser
President for Student
also solicit a faculty

Every specialty organization shall have a sponsor, who must
be approved by the Office of the Vice President for Student
Affairs. Such organizations should also solicit a faculty



Minutes of the Univer-



Senate, February 27, 1967 (con't)

nese requirements for University advisers, faculty representatives,

faculty consultants, and sponsors must be complied with upon submission

of an application for University registration, or in the case of existing

organizations, within one yea after the promulgation of these rules.



The definition and scope of the various advisors required above is

as follows:

a) University adviser — a member of the staff of the Office

of the Vice President for Student Affairs or any administrative
office under his jurisdiction whose duty shall be to counsel

and advise the organization and its officers as to their powers
and responsibilities.

b) Faculty representative — a member of the tenured faculty of

However, he shall have no authority to
prohibit any proposed action by a political organization.

the University whose sole function is to make himself available

to meet with members of the crgar‘
meetings or at a special meeting called for that purpose.

t their regular


can use this opportunity to bridge the wall between faculty
and students and discuss matters of the interest in a more informal


0) Faculty consultant — a member of the tenured faculty of the

University connected with or interested in the organization who
shall offer support and advice to the officers in carrying out

the purposes of the organization.

d) Sponsor — a responsible adult interested in the purposes of

the organization who shall give guidance and counsel to the
officers in carrying out the purposes of the organization.

4 Whenever the Vice PreSident shall refuse or cancel registration of

organization whose voting membership is limited to students, faculty or

staff of the University, the officers or proponents of such organizations
shall have a right of appeal to the President via the Appeals Board.


President's decision, after receipt of the advice of the Appeals Board,

shall be final.

1) that the rules contained on pp 18—22 of the existing Rules of
the University Faculty, consisting of Articles VIII and IX (with the
exception of the rules regarding participation in intercollegiate
athletics contained on page 22) be repealed;

Recommendation to approve paragraphs 1), 5), and 6), page 26, of the
report was presented and approved by the University Senate as follows:

Such appeal must be made in writing to the President
within 30 days of receipt of notice of refusal or cancellation of registration.

5) that the Senate recommend the adoption of the said material and the

appropriate changes in the Governing Regulations by the Board of Trustees;

6) that the Senate recommend to the administration that the material
so adopted be put in printed form for distribution to all students and

student organizations.
































































(W ’,‘f‘7

, , . , I _L\
February 2:, lJUz tcon'u)

Acting Dean of the Graduate School, presented a recommendation
Faculty that honorary degrees he conferred on six persons
at the May, 1967 Commencement. These six persons were approved by the Senate
for the degree indicated for recommendation to the President and the Board
of Trustees with the request that the names be withheld until the Board has
action and the nominees have accpoted.

Dr. Cochran,
from the Graduate


The meeting adjourned at 5:00 p...

Elbert U. Cokerman



The University Senate met in regular session at 4:00 p.m., Wednesday,

March 8, 1967, in the Court Room of the Law Building. Chairman Diachun presided.
Members absent: Michael E. Adelstein, A. D. Albright, Jack N. Baldwin, Charles
E. Barnhart, Barbara Bates, John J. Begin*, Harold R. Binkley, Harry M. Bohannan,
Peter Bosomworth, Eugene B. Bradley, Thomas D. Brewer, Lester Bryant, Marion A.
Carnes, Merle Carter, David B. Clark, Jerome E. Cohn, Glenwood L. Creech, Marcia
Dake, Melvin DeFleur, Wendell C. DeMarcus, Kurt W. Deuschle, Ray Dutt, Ben A.
Eiseman, Herman A. Ellis, Thomas P. Field, Stuart Forth, James E. Funk, Peter
Gillie, Charles P. Graves, John W. Greene, Jr., Robert H. Greenlaw, Ward Griffen,
Jack Hall, Ellis F. Hartford, Hubert P. Henderson, J. W. Herron, John W. Hill,
James C. Humphries, Don Jacobson, Raymon D. Johnson, Robert L. Johnson, Bernard
D. Kern*, Robert A. Keuhne*, Robert F. Kerley, John Kuiper, R. A. Lauderdale, Jr.,
C. Oran Little, Frank A. Loeffel*, Leslie L. Martin, Herbert F. Massey, C. E.
Mitchell, Alvin L. Morris, R. T. Muelling, Jr., Vernon Musselman, James R.
Ogletree, John W. Oswald, Blaine F. Parker, J. W. Patterson, Doris P. Pearce,

N. J. Pisacano, Carson Porter, James Prestridge, Leonard A. Ravitz, Benjamin
Rush, Ivan Russell, Don Cash Seaoon*, William A. Seay, Doris M. Seward, Roy E.
Sigafus, C. Leland Smith, Dewey G. Steele, Wellington B. Stewart, Paul Street,
Thomas B. Stroup, Lee H. Townsend, Warren W. Walton*, William S. Ward, Daniel

L. Weiss, Warren E. Wheeler, Robert L. White, William R. Willard, W. W. Winternitz
Ralph F. Wiseman, Wesley 0. Young, Leon Zolondek.

Dr. George W. Schwert, Secretary, University Senate Council, recommended
approval of the Report of the University Senate Committee on the University
Calendar dated February 20, 1967 and circulated to the teaching faculty of the
University, with the following amendments:

That Memorial Day (May 50th) be added to paragraph 2.A. (5) of the
Recommendations on page 2;

that line 5, paragraph 2.0. be changed to read . . "submitting a policy
amendment to the University Senate Council for consideration and transmittal
to the University Senate for action. Such . . . “of the Recommendations

on page 2.

*Absence Explained