xt7p2n4zkt4q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7p2n4zkt4q/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1993-11-08 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 08, 1993 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 08, 1993 1993 1993-11-08 2020 true xt7p2n4zkt4q section xt7p2n4zkt4q  




Kentucky Kern


iVQ'aXQV' ”0-52 ff?


Universe. 9fK9rjiiysk¥§iji4é¥ieston-,Kentucky. _;. -

Independent since 1971



By John R. Wicker 11
Staff Writer


Most students have probably
encountered the concepts of vir—
tual reality and artificial intelli-
gence through movies like “The
Lawnmower Man" or the works
of science fiction novelist Wil-
liam Gibson, who coined the
term cyberspace.

The basis for these seemingly
futuristic advances already is in
place at UK. and it can be ac—
cessed by any student. through

lntemet is a global network of
computers, and

tabases, programs, audio and video
files and information from various

And they may take part in discus-
sions on various topics through list-
servs, or usenets focusing on issues
ranging from business and politics
to science and hobbies.

Bryan Dumll. a computer science
sophomore, uses e-mail frequently.

“I've talked over the computer
with people on the West Coast." he

“I get a letter from them about
once a week."

Erik Berger. a business sopho-
more from Norway, uses Internet to
talk to friends at home and around
the United States.


Mary Molinaro.

brary Computing
mated it has be-
tween 10 and 15
million users there.
worldwide. How-
ever. it is impos-
sible to know
how many com-
puters sites. or

”‘6 head 0‘ Li" It’s impossible to
eSti- estimate how much
info is available out

“The person 1
do write e-mail to
is in America.
He‘s in Nashville.

My friend‘s sis-
ter has e-mail ac-

_. Mary Molinaro, cues in Norway. 1

like it because 1

Library Computing can get a fast con-

Facilities “mm“ and a

quick response.


nodes, are con-
nected, she said.

Started in 1969 as a connec-
tion between four computers in
New York. lntemet was sup-
ported by the Department of
Defense in the 1970s as a means
of communications between its
research sites.

Colleges and universities got
involved in the early '80s, and
the network‘s use has continued
to grow.

“The number of users and
systems online is growing expo-
nentially." Molinaro said.

Users of lntemet may corre-
spond with other users across
the world through electronic
mail. or e-mail.

They also may download da—


and it saves on
long distance (phone bills)."

Of interest to college students
may be the ability to browse
through the libraries of universities
and colleges across the country and
gain access materials on CD-ROM,
like magazines and professional

Molinaro said an astounding
amount of information is ayailable
through lntemet and it is getting
easier to locate.

“It’s impossible to estimate how
much info is available out there.
Tools are growing more and more

it doesn‘t really matter where the
information is found. just that you

See INTERNET, Back Page



Internet allows access
to endless information







Computer science graduate student Vinnie Doan. 25, works on a program on the Prime sys-
tem in the Margaret 1. King computer lab recently.

Students have fun, make friends

using ‘addictive ’ Prime system


By John R. Wicker ll
Staff Writer

Editor's note: All interviews for
this article were conducted using a
computerized message system.
called Phone. on UK's Prime com-
puter network. Quotes include text
as originally typed by the users,
many of whom asked that their real
names not be used.

As students traverse buildings


around campus. they often encoun-
ter entire rooms devoted to comput-
er terminals.

Many students are unaware of
what these terminals are for, and
even if they are open to all students.
However, inside those bulky green-
screened monsters lies an entire
new environment. lmovm as cyber-
space. and what many consider the
future of telecommunications.

When you turn one of them on.

you are met with a blinking cur-
sor. But with a little help. you
are soon introduced to Prime.
UK's computer system.

Any student may open 3
Prime account by taking proof
of enrollment to the Computing
Center at McVey Hall.

Through Prime. students may
send and receive electronic mail.
or e-mail. from across the world,

See PHONE, Back Page



f Remake case



By David Bauder
Associated Press


William Dees. who wrote the flir-
tatious “()h. Pretty Woman" with
the late singer Roy Orbison. detest-
ed 2 Live Crew's ribald rewrite of
the 1964 rock classic.

“it's like if someone asks you if
they could use the car," he said.
“We said no. but they take it and
paint it all different colors.“

A dispute over the rap remake
has reached the US. Supreme
Court and turned into a test of copy-


gsnmsm' w » . ‘
sun m
«Eggnog-«m so out!


OPartly cloudy and lid It OOH
tonight; low in the low“
oContinued partly entity
tomorrow; high between 50
and 55.


oTime Machine gives fans

more than two hours of
unbridled Joe. Review.

Page 5.

Garth Brooks saddles up his
hoarse and gives two sellou
Rupp Arena crowds some ‘ ;.
'kick-butt country.’ Revifi.‘ C‘

u I v 5 ./
~Re|igtous icons on “i, .» I

UK Art Museum. Stdfi‘w - ""

Page 4.


Page 4. -. fl



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. . 1"
“.mg. i ~:"W"3\M --e»¢‘ -mu~.¢ -—a-~-'


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right law‘s strength and the boun-
daries of satire.

Dolly Parton. Michael Jackson.
comedian Mark Russell and the
publishers of Mad Magazine are
among those who have filed briefs
with the court on both sides of the
case. which will be argued Nov. 9.

“There‘s plenty of money in-
volved." said lawyer Stephen Kaye,
who represents the estates of song-
writers Irving Berlin, George
Gershwin. Cole Porter and others
battling 2 Live Crew. The fight be-
gan in 1989. when the raunchy rap-
pers asked Acuff—Rose Music Inc..

the powerful Nashville music pub-
lisher that owns the copyright to
“()h, Pretty Woman.“ for permis-
sion to make changes in the song.

Straight remakes are no problem
after a song is recorded. as long as
writers and publishers are credited
and receive royalties. But rewrites
fall into murkier legal territory.

Acuff-Rose refused pennission. 2
Live Crew went ahead anyway, bor-
rowing the song's trademark guitar
riff for verses that taunt a “big hairy
woman." a “bald-headed woman"
and a “two-timin' woman."

The publishers sued. claiming


copyiight infringement.

“You're not doing anything to
harm the copyright. You're just
having fun," said Luther Campbell.
leader of 2 Live Crew. “l‘ve had it
done to myself a few times —— on
‘Saturday Night Live.‘ they imitat-
ed me and had fun with my

Legal challenges are nothing new
to 2 Live Crew. Their album “As
Nasty As They Wanna Be“ started
a public row with law officers over

See SONG, Back Page

Council meeting today
to discuss tuition rates


Staff reports


The Kentucky Council on Higher
Education meets today for a highly
anticipated discussion on tuition in-
creases for the state’s eight publicly
funded universities.

Expected to recommend an 11.2
percent tuition increase for in-state
undergraduates. the council's fi-
nance committee will finalize de-
tails of the proposal today.

The increase would raise under-
graduate tuition frorn $980 to
$1090 per semester.

The full council is expected to
propose tuition increases for out-of-
state-students as well.

The state Board of Student Body
presidents plans to attend the
CHE's 8:30 am. finance committee
meeting. where board cl'nirman and

UK Student Government Associa-
tion president Lance Dowdy will
present the group with 8,000 signa-
tures fmm UK
students op-
posed to tuition
' increases.

The presi-
dents also will
recommend that
the CHE choose
not to increase
tuition for the
. 1994-95 aca-
DOWDY demic year.

Last week. the
eight state-suptxrted universities
held rallies to protest future tuition

More than 200 people showed up
for a protest in front of UK‘s Ad-
ministration Building.

Earlier in the week. student gov-


ernment officials had predicted as
many as 1.000 students would turn
out for the rally.

The event brought out such polit-
ical figures as Secretary of State
Bob Babbage and Sen. Tom Bu-
ford. R-Nicholasville.

Both men stressed the need for a
greater state commitment to higher
education and heightened involve-
ment from university students in
the fight against tuition hikes.

The CHE is charged with setting
state tuition rates. handling univer-
sity progm requests and establish-
ing and enforcing policies for Ken-
tucky‘s state-supported schools

The council convenes trthy at
12:30 pm. at Holiday lnn North in
Lexington. following a morning fi-
nance committee meeting.

The CHE will not meet again un-

til Febmary.

5-.‘8‘4’ 8 1993


Greeks learn
to give talks
about alcohol

By Megan Fields
Contributing Writer



Members of Delta Gamma social
sorority and Pi Kappa Alpha social
fraternity are learning to help stu-
dents make educated decisions eon-
ceming alcohol.

The groups hope to identify
members who will talk to others in
the greek community. as well as to
campus organizations and area high
schools, about refraining from be-
havior that may lead to dangerous

They attended a seminar Satur—
day in which they were told to
stress responsible behavior and
making the right choices as the key
to avoid senseless accidents.

At the heart of the seminar was a
video detailing a drinking and driv-
ing accident that happened in 1988.
killing one UK student and critical-
ly injuring another.

Brad Shipman‘s decision to drive
drunk resulted in the death of pas-
senger Lisa Whalen and gave back-
seat rider Michael Swerczek severe
head injuries.

Shipman and Whalen belonged
to Pi Kappa Alpha and Delta Gam-
ma. respectively.

Julie Nichols. a biology and po-
litical science sophomore. and Greg
Streif. an undeclared sophomore.
were student coordinators for the

They quickly smted that the pur-
pose of the screening was not to
point fingers or to show blame but
to prove the disastrous results of
making bad choices.

“We want to show that this hap-
pened because they all made wrong
decisions. not just Brad." Nichols

Though he‘s not sure when the
groups will be ready to give presen-
tations. Streif said he hopes those
who hear the presentation will be-
come more aware of the conse-
quences of driving drunk and will
realize they are responsible for
their actions.

See ALCOHOL, Back Page




By Lance Wllim
News Editor




wrong about ‘ ll






m t."






. ~ ‘ .,\.,.,,.,.

2 - Kentucky Kernel, Monday, November a, 1993

K”M.Weren't»ur‘M'M’w-atvv’wwrm'vmhliv‘EWith-ha‘h-MN, wvmw‘wrhwww new-w em»: 97" l .11.. .. -. , a» , ., a. . . ,







Monday, 11/08

Exhibit: AnjxechAntiQuth;
Singletary Center for the
Arts, UK Art Museum, CALL
257-5716 (thru 12/23)
-Exhibit: W Sin-
gletary Center for the Arts,
UK Art Museum, CALL 257-
5716 (thm 12/23)

~Creative Camera Club Com-
petition and Exhibition: Stu-
dent Center, Rasdell Gallery,
CALL 257-8867 (thru 11/30)
Tuesday, 11/09

-College of Fine Arts
presents Piano Recital: Sin-
gletary Center for the Arts,
Recital Hall, 8:00 pm, FREE
Wednesday, 11/10

-SAB Movie: Sleepless in
Seam; 82, Student Center,
Worsham Theater, 7:30 pm,
CALL 257-8867

Thursday. 11/11

-SAB Movie: I lessm
mine: 82 Student Center.
Worsham Theater, 7:30 pm,
CALL 257-8867

-College of Fine Arts
presents Collegium MUSI-
cum: Singletary Center for
the Arts, Recital Hall, 8:00
pm, FREE

College of Fine Arts
presents, Signs 91 Life. by
Joan Schenkar: UK Fine Arts
Building, Guignol Theater,
8:00 pm, Tickets are $9 &
$6, CALL 257-4929 (thru 11/
13 and 11/18-11/20)

Friday, 11/12

-SAB Movie: Sleepless in
ME; 32, Student Center,
Worsham Theater, 7:30 pm.
8. 10:00 pm, CALL 257-

-Lexington Philharmonic Or-
chestra: Singletary Center for
the Arts, Concert Hall, 8:00
pm, Tickets are S20, 817.
$13, $10. 57 (free for UK stu-
dents), CALL 2574929

-Peal Gallery Series:, King Li-
brary North, 12:00 noon,

Saturday, 11/13

-SAB Movie: Sleepleee in
Seattle; 82, Student Center,
Worsham Theater, 7:30 &
10:00 pm, CALL 257-8867
-College of Fine Arts
presents Brahms-Schumann
Soiree: Singletary Center for
the Arts, ReCItaI Hall, 8:00
pm, FREE

Sunday, 11/14

-SAB Movie18leeeless in
Seattle; 82. Student Center.
Worsham Theater, 5:00 pm,
CALL 257-8867

-Central Kentucky Youth
Symphony Orchestra: Single-
tary Center for the Arts, Con-
cert Hall, 3:00 pm, FREE
-SAB Spotlight Jazz: Cassan-
dra Wilson, Memorial Hall,
8:00 pm. CALL 257-8427





RM 118 GB







Friday, 11/12

-UK Women's Volleyball at
Ole Miss TBA

Saturday, 11 I1 3

-UK Football vs East Carolina
1:00 pm.

Sunday, 11/14

-UK Women's Volleyball at


Re-Scheduled due to rain.


Register Teams
3-on-3 Basketball
2-on-2 Volleyball
3-pt. Shooting Contest
Slam-Dunl Contest
Celebrity Match-Ups

Join guest referee President Charles T. Wethington,
Jr. will toss the first ceremonial ball, and honorary
captain Coach Bernadette Locke-Mattox, for the first

Sports Spectactalar, sponsored by the UK Student
Campaign for the United Way and SGA. To register
your team, pick up applications in Room EDS-Student
Center, or Room 145- Seaton Center; phone
257-8867 for more information.


we a T-shirt,
aluable prizes,
lp your friends
or colleagues in need.
Open to UK students,
faculty and staff.






Tuesday, 11/09

-Arabic Student Union: Cate
Shabrazad (enjoy authenic
Arabian food), Student Cen-
ter, Rm. 245, 10:00 am.-
3:00 pm, CALL 269-5411
(thru 11/11)

-SAB Indoor Activities Bridge

Tournament: $1 entry fee in
Rm. 203 of the Student Cen-
ter, Tournament in Student
Center, Rm. 117, 6:00 pm,
CALL 257-8867

-SAB Indoor Activities Bil-

Iards Tournament: 81 entry
fee in Rm. 203 of Student
Center, Tournament in Stu-
dent Center, Game Rm.,
6:00 pm, CALL 257-8867
Wednesday, 11/10

-SAB Indoor Activities
Spades T0urnament: $1 en-
try fee in Rm. 203 of Stu-
dent Center, Tournament in
Student Center, Rm. 117,
6:00 pm, CALL 257-8867






Monday, 11/08

-Catholic Newman Center
Daily Mass Services: 320
Rose Lane, 12:10 pm,
CALL 255-8566

-Aikido Classes: Alumni Gym
Lott, 8:00 pm, CALL 269-

-LSA Meeting: Biology Build-
ing, Rm. 205, 7:00-8:00 pm.
Tuesday, 11/09

-A.M.A. Meeting 7:30 pm,
CALL 258-1510

—UK Sierra Club: Student
Center, Rm. 228, 7:00 pm,
CALL 278-4126
Wednesday, 11/10

-Holy Communion: St. Au-
gustine‘s Chapel, 12:00 noon
8. 5:30 pm, CALL 254-3726
-Aikido Classes: Alumni Gym
Lott, 8:00 pm, CALL 269-

SAVE/UK Forestry Lecture:
Student Center, Rm. 309,
7:00 pm, CALL 223-3487
-Fitness and Weight Training
Clinic sponsored by Campus
Recreation: Sign up Rm 145
Seaton Center, Cost is $1
cash, Seaton Center Condi-
tioning Rm, 7:30-10:00 pm,
ALL UK and LCC students,
faculty, and staff welcome.
Thursday, 11/11
-Catholic Newman Center:
Student Night (CN2); 320
Rose Lane, 7:30 pm, CALL


*"" ' " ""vw-mfl" ' '


-Christian Student Fellow-
ship: "Thursday Night
Live”, corner of Woodland
and Columbia, 7:30 pm,
CALL 233-0313

Friday, 11/12

-Co-ed Community Service
Fraternity Meeting: Stu-
dent Center, Rm. 228,
7:00 pm, CALL 257-8785

Saturday, 11/13
-Discussion on the Issues
of Cultural Diversity in the
Arts: Lexington Public Li-
brary Downtown, lower
level conference room,
1:00-4:00 pm, CALL 231 -

Sunday, 11/12
-Catholic Newman Center
Weekend Mass Services:
320 Rose Lane, 9:00 8.
11:30 am, 5:00 8. 8:30
pm, CALL 255-8566
-Holy Communion: St. Au-
gustine's Chapel, 10:30
am. 8. 5:30 pm, CALL

-Christian Student Fellow-
ship Sunday Service: on
the comer 01 Woodland
and Columbia, 11:00 am,
CALL 269-4305

-Aikido Classes: Alumni
Gym Lott, 1:00 pm, CALL


UK profs-or wins award for nutrition study

torweivethefliutecAwardforExcellencelnthesaaceofNouition. _



Hennig,whojoinedUKfacultyln l987,isafellowindieAmericmCollegeofNutrition.Healsoholds

Hennig'sprimary researchinterest involvesthe useof tissue culturemodel systems inthestudy of nutri.

Funds offered for students studying nuclear power regulation

The United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission provides funds for students interested in pursuing a
career in nuclear power regulation.

Administered by the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education. the NRC Fellowship Program pro-
vides funds for students who want to get master's degrees in areas such as health physics, nuclear engi-
neering and specialty engineering disciplines with emphasis in instrumentation and control systems, mate-

, this science, materials engineering. metallurgy and artificial intelligence and expert systems for use in
human factors. .

Fellows must work at the NRC for a minimum of nine months prior to beginning graduate school. The
fellowship program provides full payment of tuition, fees and books, as well as monthly stipends of
$1,800 and a $5,000 year cost of education allowance paid to the academic program in which the fellow is
enrolled. «

Eligible students must be US. citizens, have received a bachelor’s degree by May/June 1994 and have
completed the Graduate Records Examination.

At the time of application, applicants may not have completed more than one year of graduate education
in a discipline tint the fellowship program supports.

Selection is based on academic performance, academic and professional references, a statement of ca-
reer goals, and as appropriate, interviews with the applicants.

the deadline for fellowship applications is Jan. 21. Awards will be announced in April.

The Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education was established by the US. Department of Energy
to undertake national and international programs in science and engineering education. training and man-
agement systems. energy and environment systems, and medical sciences.

Research subjects to be topic of discussion

T A workshop on the protection of human subjects in research will be held Nov. 18 at Patterson Office

Scheduled to begin at 3 p.m~ the two-hour workshop is designed to provide faculty, staff and student in-
vestigators with basic information on Nonmdiarl Institutional Review Board regulations and review pro-
cesses. Sponsored by the Research Subjects Office, the workshop will be conducted for individuals whose
research is reviewed by the Nomedical IRB.

TheprimarygoalwillbetomaketheIRB review processaneasiaone forinvestigatorsand theirstaffs.
Topics of discussion will include “Why [RB Review is Necessary,” “Overview of Applicable Federal
Regulations" and “UK Review Process," which will include a segment dealing with common errors.

To register, call Lucinda Davis in the Research Subjects Office at 257-3138 or Norman Van Tubergen,
diairman of the Norunedicai [123.

Group collecting food for God’s Pantry

Alpha Epsilon Delta, UK‘s pie-medicine society. is holding a food drive for God's Pmtry this week.

Drop boxes for donations are located in Margaret 1. King Library, Thomas Hunt Morgan Biological Sci-
ences Building and the Medical School Librmy.

Donatiom should be non-perishable items only.





" is *FVWtiflN‘e—‘vfi; sari-we» "i “ "

srrr srcnnrnon'rl

January 3-8, l994





'l'ravel Committee





203 Student Center
Only 40 Spots available All payments due by

November 30, IBM

based on quad occupancy ocollrpiate ski parties
. 4 day lift ticket oiliscounled ski rentals
. llound trip molorcoacb ollastar Race

from trunnion olln Mountain 330
- 5 nights at The Lodge oilptional Vail Trip

1 ’ .




















No tears for dry Wildcat offense

Player hostilities after game
a positive sign, C urry says


By Brian Bennett
Senior Staff Writer


NASHVILLE, Tenn. — UK's 20-
7 loss to Vanderbilt last year could
have been termed Big Blue Sad-
ness. Fans booed and players hung
their heads. Pookie Jones even

But after Saturday‘s 12—7 debacle,
there was more seething than sor-
row in the locker room.

“There was a lot of hostility after-
wards," linebacker Many Moore

No one offered much more de-
scription than that of the scene after
the game.

Coach Bill Curry wouldn‘t pro-
vide details, calling it “family busi-
ness," but said he actually liked
what he saw.

To Curry, venom is a sign of
strength, even if you’ve just been

“I would have hated like a son of
a gun to see people hang their
heads," Curry said during yester-
day‘s media teleconference. “(But)
the players did not come in with
their heads down. They came in an-
gry and frustrated by a whole lot of
things that occurred."

Curry insisted that the matter was
not a case of players mad at one an-
other. Rather, they were all mad at

“It was not an offense/defense sit-

uation," Curry said. “It was an an-
ger/frustration situation. It was a
very positive thing. I’ve never been
on a good team where that didn't

The anger arose because the Cats
were so sure they would beat the
Commodores (3-5), who hadn’t
won a game in the Southeastern
Conference all year, so sure that
they would snap their two-game
losing streak to Vandy and wrap up
a Peach Bowl invitation to boot.

Maybe too sure.

“Too much had been said all
week about bowl games," Moore
said. “We were looking forward to
what was going to happen, making
our plans for Christmas. I kind of
saw it coming."

“I don‘t know how to explain it,"
offensive lineman Mark Askin said.
“We knew we were going to beat
them. It just sucks."

Not only did the Cats’ confi-
dence work against them, it worked
for the Commodores.

“The way they were talking all
week, this is so sweet," Vandy line-
backer Rico Francis said. “We
mined their season. Now they're
going to be sitting at home with me
at Christmas time.”

Not necessarily.

At 5-4 and 4-3 in the SEC, UK is
still very much in the postseason
picture. Five SEC teams will be se-
lected for bowls. .

The Cats currently are founh in




the league among teams that are eli-
gible for postseason. And they
should be heavily favored to beat 2-
7 East Carolina Saturday, giving
them the needed six wins to qualify
for a bowl berth.

But nothing’s guaranteed. Moore

“if we don’t start playing better,
we'll be sitting on our asses at home
on the toilet bowl," he said.

One thing that will not stop them
though, the players said, is the sting
from Vandy loss.

“It huns, but we can’t let this get
us down," Jones said. “There are
not going to be any tears coming
from my eyes this year.“


Being a UK buck linebacker this
season has been almost as hazard-
ous as being a Spinal Tap drummer.
Steve Berry and Dome Key both
went down Saturday, after Darryl
Conn and David Snardon were in-
jured against Georgia on Oct 23.

Matt Neuss, who would have
been used to back up in emergency,
also went down against Georgia.

“It‘s eerie," Curry said. “I’ve nev-
er seen anything like it in my ca-

Key sprained his ankle and is
doubtful for Saturday‘s game. Berry
bmised his knee and may play.
Snardon, who sprained a knee liga-
ment, also might return. Conn and
Neuss are out for the year.

If none are ready to go on Satur-
day, Curry said he’ll move someone
from the secondary to linebacker,
probably 6—foot-2, 205 pound cor-
nerback Steven Hall.

-Kicker Juha Leonoff missed
field goals of 31 and 38 yards Satur-


o o 7 r
transmit a 7 o 5 i2








Rushing: Lewis 2418, Dcesc
8—62, Jackson 1261, Gordon
19—41, Chalmers 9-21, Wilham
1—4, Simon 1-(-6).

Passing: Cordon 9-4—1-33.
Receiving: Simon 2-23, Lewis
1-4, Jackson 1-6.

day. For the season, the junior is 0
for 6 outside of 30 yards.

Not exactly Doug Pelfrey num-

“It’s very frustrating, and it’s
frustrating for Juha," Curry said.
“He kicks like dynamite in practice,
and in fact, last week was his best
week of practice. But he does not
do the same in a game. It's a very

U) Rushes-yards 52-251 48—183
2 Passing yards 33 47
"7, Att-Comp-lnt 9-4-1 18-7—1
= First Downs I] 14
E Total Yardage 284 230
CD Punts-avg 7-33.] 7-34]
H-I Fumbles-lost 4-3 1-0
E Penalties-yards 8-85 6—52
(.9 Time of Possession 31 :05 28:55



I Rushing; Williams 21-91, Jones
I 21—75, Browning 2-9, Hood 3—7,


Wyatt 1-1.

Passing: Jones 18-7-1 -47.
Receiving: Calvert 2—22,
Samuels 2-18, Chatmon 2-16,
Browning l-l-9).




TY HALPlN/Karnel Graphics
difficult thing to understand.”

Curry said he has contemplated a
change but will continue to award
the job to the best kicker in practice,
which consistently has been Leon-

-Senior comerbacks Don Robin-
son and Willie Cannon. injured
since the Georgia game, are expect-
ed to return Saturday.

No excuses for UK loss


By Ty Halpln
Sports Editor ,

has an artificial turf playing field.

Based on past performances, the Cats should avoid


this surface as if it were the plague. UK is now 1-18 on

Kentucky Kernel, Monday. ”events I. t.” - 3




White Team wins in Lady Kat scrimmage
JuniorgmrdStacyRccdleddteBlucTearnwichZpointsand l4



ment's fifth seed.



Sundln leads men’s tennis team in Rolex

Rolex Region III Tennis Clnrnpimships held at the Cedar Bluff Rac-
quct Club in Knoxville. Tenn. this weekend. Sundin held off Tennes-
see’s Clayton Johnson in a 6-3. 3-6, 7-6 (5) decision.

Sundin, the 15th md, advamd to the round of 16 by defeating
Southern Alabama‘sKlasPcttersson in mightsets.thcnpullingouta
3-6. 6-4. 7-6 (4) victory over Joe Simmons from Mississippi State.

Lady Kat tennis sends three to quarterfinals
UK juniors Lora Suttile, Sum Bart] and Betlumy Avington ad-
vanced to the quarterfinal round at the Southeast Region Women’s In-
door Tennis Championship held at the University of South Carolina

over Victoria Davies of mammals-2.60. Smile. fromLexing-

Kattlsh men, women fail to IU, South Carolina
both Indiana, 72-41 (men), 59-54 (women). and South Carolina 74-41
(men). 70-36 (women). at UK's Barry C. Lattester Aquatic Center on




NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Before Saturday's 12-7 loss
to Vanderbilt, the UK football team had surpassed
most expectations for the season. Bowl talk was

The only game these Wildcats were going to lose
was against Tennessee, and with a great effon, they
had a shot at the Volunteers. UK was cenain to dispose
of weak Vanderbilt and East Carolina squads, right?

Surely even the hex Vanderbilt had on the Cats the
past two years would be null and void on this day.

“Unfonunately for us it was a typical Kentucky—
Vandy game," UK coach Bill Curry said after the loss.
“It's very difficult to understand.“

Easily understandable was UK‘s lack of success in
moving the ball. The Wildcat offense was as frigid as
the 39-degree air at Vanderbilt Stadium.

“Their offense is very similar to ours. so it's easier to
prepare," Vanderbilt linebacker Rico Francis said.

“Cutbacks were full of black jerseys." UK tailback
Moe Williams said. “It was very evident what we
didn‘t do.”

Most UK players admitted the team played poorly.
Unless things change next week, linebacker Marty
Moore said, UK may be headed in a familiar direction.

“We can just piss up a rope and become the same old
Kentucky team,” he said.

Some excuses for the loss could be made, but
players and coaches would take no pan in placing
blame. One pan of UK's performance that left some-
thing to be desired was the kicking game. Juha Leonoff
missed both field goals he tried (3] and 38 yards).

“We've worked very hard on (the kicking game), but
that doesn‘t get you any points," Curry said.

“We were inside their 50-yard line and we just
couldn't come away with any points," Moore said.

The kicking game definitely contributed to the end
result, but there were other factors. Vanderbilt Stadium

artificial turf since 1985 and 0—8 under Curry. which is
puzzling because the Cats practice on artificial turf in
the Nutter Fieldhouse.

“We‘ve got a real good facility.“ Curry said. “We
just spent $8.5 million so there’s no reason for it. I
thought we'd have that taken care of by now.“

From the player’s point of view, the playing field has
no effect on performances.

“I’ll play on concrete." Moore said. “It might mm a
little more, but it doesn‘t matter. Turf doesn’t effect
how you play."

Perhaps Vanderbilt was more pumped up for this
game, quite possibly the last Southeastern Conference
contest the Commodores would have a chance to win.
Games at Tennessee and Florida loom on Vandy‘s

“They had a chance to knock off a damn good team,"
UK center Wes Jackson said.

“We were their bowl game,“ L‘K quarterback Pookie
Jones said.

The ‘Dores won their bowl game and at the same
time put UK‘s chances of going to one in jeopardy.

“Vandy wasn’t creeping up on us," Jackson said.
“We just didn't rise to the occasion today. This doesn’t
ruin our season. We just didn‘t pick it up like we
should have."

Curry said overconfidence wasn‘t a factor.

“It‘s been too evident that they whooped us to be
overconfident," he said.

Moore wasn’t happy with some of the things Vander-
bilt players said and did during the game. After the
game. Commodore players began chanting “Same old
Kentucky" as they were leaving the field.

“There were a lot of things that happened out there
that was bull," Moore said. “(Split end Kenny Simon)
took a cheap shot at somebody who didn‘t have a hel-
met on. That‘s bulls---."

Volleyball Cats finding apex near season’s base

Belanger, Robinson, Dreisbach star
during easy wins over Georgia, USC


By Steve McSorley
Assistam Sports Editor


The goal of any coach is to have
his or her team peak heading into
postseason play.

UK head volleyball coach Fran
Ralston-Flory appears to have her
thh-ranked Wildcats peaking just
at the right time.

The Cats soundly defeated both
16th-ranked Georgia 15-10. 15-5,
15-13 and South Carolina 15-4, 15-
10, 15-5 this weekend at Memorial

“We finally came out and blocked
well and played a solid match
throughout." Ralston-Flory said af-
ter the victory over Georgia.

The Wildcats (25-2, 9-2 in the
SEC) stepped onto the court Friday
night determined to stop Georgia's
powerful outside hitting combina-
tion of Priscilla Pacheco and Nikki

Both had found the holes in UK‘s
blocking defense in Georgia‘s upset
victory two weeks ago, combining
for 62 kills.

But, instead of finding those same
holes, Pacheco and Nicholson found
a stone wall that held the Bulldogs‘
stars to just 13 kills and nine kills

Ralston-Flory decided against
changing the defensive scheme she
used against the Bulldogs in their
first meeting, feeling that if the
Wildcats had executed in the first
match, they would have kept the
Bulldog duo in check.

It tumed out to be the right move.
allowing the team