xt7p2n4zkt2j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7p2n4zkt2j/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1991-12-06 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 06, 1991 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 06, 1991 1991 1991-12-06 2020 true xt7p2n4zkt2j section xt7p2n4zkt2j  



Vol. XCIV, No. 235

Established 1894

University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky

Independent since 1971

F'iday. December 6 1.9912


Suit filed to take Wilkinson off UK board

Associate Editor

State Attomey General Fred
Cowan filed suit in Franklin Circuit
Court yesterday to prevent Gov.
Wallace Wilkinson from serving on
the UK Board of Trustees.

Cowan also filed a motion re»
questing a restraining order to pre-
vent Wilkinson l'rom bemg swom in
as a trustee. The board meets Tues-
day at 9 am.

Special Judge Reed Rhorer set a 4
pm. hearing today to decide on the
restraining order.

The suit accuses Wilkinson of
“attempting to or has usurped" a
seat on the board. It states that his
appointment violates public policy

contrary to law and, therefore, is

lt asserts that Wilkinson's ap—
pointing himsell to the board and
serving on it while governor is a
conflict of interest.

The suit asks the court to oust
Wilkinson as a trustee and declare
his seat vacant.

“In an age 0i declining faith in
government the del‘endant's maneu-
ver —— which may be characterized
as nothing less than a ploy to ex-
tend his iniluence beyond his allot-
ted term oi‘ years « . oiiends the
dignity that ought to clothe the
state's highest office.“ Cowan said
in a briel‘ filed with the lawsuu.

The suit cites other cases involv-
ing local goveminents. in which

sell-aprxiintments by government
Oil—ICIHIS were struck down by the

One was a fiscal court's appoint~
ment of one of its members as dog
warden in (‘asey County, Wilkiit
son‘s home.

“There certainly is some irony in
that.“ Cowan said at a press ctiIIit‘r»
ence in Franklort, Ky.

Wilkinson as a trustee. ('owan
said. "Will continue to exercise
power and iniliience that he got
at his own hands as governor."

Wilkinson got word oi the stiit
during an appearance at a ”(‘Hllltt'
(ireen teleVision station.

The establishment that ioiighi the



C(Pirioo'fr; Wort,

Michelle Kaiiat/‘ar. a l.c\ing—
ton (‘oniinunity L'ollcec student.
has organi/erl 'a petition to re-
llIt)\L' (iox Wallace Wilkinson
ironi his \c‘llilppililllc'tl position
to the LR Board oi li‘tistces.

“He took Itioitc\ nan.» truth the


school,~ said Kanat/a: :'-
education ll's‘millli'tll: ll
money that Was \til‘iptist .i - .
C(lllt‘tlllt‘i‘ it *. ‘z r: i.!

She said

ever \Illu‘ hk‘ 'Atts it ~'i



His lailtiic to cart. ii ,» i'

L'lit'.t3l i\ " ~1' .ii,





umwmn OI "mum!

Ian (M



Dance Ensemble

Students circulating petition
to block self—appointment

presents fall concert


'IL...¢.(.,‘. 1”

\l‘i‘c 1‘:
Va": lira.
,..il_‘ .i' .
\ineri. i"

Vs tv'g’ ;)Y‘\‘l"i_

Yearbook so as;



Richard Domek. dean oi UK's College ot Fine Arts SiflCC 1981

is steppirv‘, down 90 return to his ‘19! tow

’iFJFGFilNQ -.. n

vuq(r.ln_n LVN" Hp 7"\V"y{\f\

to become a full professor someday In addition to teaching me wet continue to play in 0ng wrih rciéeaoues

Domek resigning as dean of Fine

Statt Writer

In Witt. Richard l)omek ptit his
academic plans on the back burner
and became dean oi the LR (‘ol-
lcge oi Fine Arts

This year. Domek WI” step
down lroin his post and return to
tiK‘s School of Music as a lull-
time iaculty member.

“I want to be a lull prolessor
some day," Domek said. “Over the
last Iii years. being dean has put
the brakes on the kinds oi things
that a person vsould do to achiese
that “

To some oi his colleagues. l)o~
nick's resignation is a natural trait

"He‘s a real sensitive musician."
said music proiessor Miles ()5.


land. "and can play a mile range
oi. styles."

In addition to plating gigs :snii
(island turd other t K tactiltt
members, Dorriek plays in ‘si'll'lt‘tls
local “big band" and tau groups

Born in Chicago. l)ontek «as
introduced to music in (litholic
school One day. in the second
grade, a nun asked ior a soiiinteei
to learn piano.

“i thought. ‘that sounds like a
good idea' and l inst took to it.
he said.

Doinek went on to play in the
high school orchestra and ran
band bciore entering Indiana l'ni
versit}. on a music scholarship He
carncd his niastcis iioiii iiidiaiia
in 1970. then scrscd in \‘ictnaiii
the I‘ollovsing )car.

He returned to work on his doc

ironi .ndmna
trim“ and

him in

ii i“ 3

:orate ill
nixxarded ‘,\
..iine to i is

liiinicdiatcl). tie .soikcd to tl[‘*
ilatc and retine the
ciiri'icizltiiii .tiih

‘iiiir iiiiisit theors program .‘..ts
really behind the |Iillt‘_\_ ‘ he said.

in the iirst iise s ears. the iniisn
program restructured .iiid
.oniptiter's sscre introduced.

'He s helped nurture the use i'i
tcchnoioes lIl i.‘tlI programs] said
i hock lord. .i proicssor i‘i iniisit
iitcor). He s ainsass liccii iorssaiii

Sinte Hornek became i-inc \rts

school's iiltlslc

i\'lh\‘r ‘Jt ill“

\\ ;l\


.icaii ill vsi

:iionj. to his approving the toilcgc

itc‘tc‘ I‘ tiiiit‘ic

llI sc\cl.tl areas
In the last me sears, the t"


it .{c' i*l l trip \I‘
Z‘s‘rtt'Itl : fllx‘illfit‘lil 1‘,
”ii percent : ti xi“

Iii i'lt‘ cwilx‘tt'

‘lit‘iici ‘si'ilstlll'i'i . ~-
ii‘t'it‘ \tlliln‘llwl
rate assured
l-\er\ s.iii.
this to ‘v.l\t‘ sonic -. it

1i “it
tiicasiiic t.p to the titiaiit\ :l'ia‘i orii

"i iroiii the uitsiiie.

,loii i ~t. wet
'I protrants r‘aii;
t ‘shiit ‘iiizds

'icllt‘, In} Milt}

‘viilc‘ 'i\tti '

iii-inc». .iiincimi .:

‘iiitl tatsir‘i: .lioit in. siai
i‘ilili. t»

iiiliiiiti‘ct .

ttt'riclit {it-t

\ or: DOMEK




h i gh est A C;

,s an.»



E‘ttt i‘itiki ' _~
i‘Ti'i‘i .1“wtii
.is‘ktllilsd ti»‘ili'..i. s
"\N'Ks H. La' t it.
‘iil‘llz: ~‘..li.
'ii'tillfi i’c' _:. uticii

Walk 1 is'iiiiti
‘l'tissll‘iic‘ . |-L‘ =~~
lit». ql‘i Unit} . ..t...t
‘r'iti twitchl i'tlti

s rim-ts Viis.’

‘I\ ‘l‘kkidi.

Ii‘l l‘i sillt‘i

Navratilova downs Capriati in straight sets at Colisc

Stait Writer

Martina Nasratilova deicatcd
Jenniier (‘apriati (i t. (id last night
at Memorial (‘oliseuni It was that

Although Navratilosa and ('aprir
ati entered the altered coliseuni h)
spotlight introduction. the inatth.
billed as the past tennis glory oi
Navratilova \s the itittire oi tennis

hope III (‘apriatt “as as brilliant as
lirevtork's in the daytime

\aHatilova. who has sson a
record IV? totimainents. dottiinated
the match by getting to the net iiisi
and hitting precise \ollcxs and pots-
criiil oicrheatls. \Miile (‘apiian
looked as ii she were itist playing
another match on the c.\hihition
tour. Navratilova began looking as
ii she were read) to out her liitli
\\ inihledoit cross it

-\iiei t‘apiiaii tied the match .ii
i l ill the iiist \‘thluilltiMl
reeled oil iise stiaight games.


Mixing 2 l. \asratilosa began
to displas the grace and ll\)\\t‘r that
enabled her to become the maid s
\o I ranked \somcn‘s tennis
ill.l_\c‘l ior ll\t' \tlsst‘\‘sl\t‘ \cars in
that game. \asratilosa retrieved a
top»; in lob. worked her ssas liatk
Ililtl the net and pushed a drop \ol
iix about thict inches met the int

i‘«‘\s:t ' iti ails .iisiiiiii
ilwtiii‘. 'i’i« i .' i3 ‘ li‘ ic‘i i‘ii
othti .it t» . . w \.i.r.it.; ma
“.ipiiaii isti wiiiiiiig itaiti llltl
\.i\iiit it

hail its A :aoilit 'il

~t| I'lt'ti.cticii ii‘ llkt iilt
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iiiiti \il'~I.li|w‘
Iit‘ .‘iiilsii iii in‘
Ht)“ iii [t
tail to drink .i
\\itti. \a.i.i .
litililctiti; ‘
shed t';ipri.i'
' using '
t.it;io\.t ‘s 1'.

.'.tlli\ \ in as“. . ..











Wildcats face Hoosiers on the road without
Jeff Brassow. Story, Page 6.


“Income and Assets of Older Women‘ will

be presented at noon at the Sanders-Brown

Center on Aging.


US. Government
may have tricked
Oswald, Ruby.

Column. Page 2.


INDEPS:'--—rf ---



 2 — Kentucky Kernel, Friday. December 6, 1991







Editor's Note Due to an editorial
error in the Nov. 2.‘ installment of
”The JFK Ais‘iiyi‘intttton' A (‘ontin—
uing Conspiracy" it mo \ttttt'd that
organized crime in. umuluteil "it"('
than $1 million annually trum gitiriA
hling. proitnutr n and times in Hit
tuna, (‘Itihtd' [he flew: \lu 141.1 ‘tiot‘
been 5.” '1 ":1”: "i

When i‘ri side'it John l1 Kennedy
was assassinated on Nov 22. 1003.
the shock of this sudden. horrifying
event reverberated throughout the
world as niiiiions of people sat by
their radios or
stunned disbelief

With the .id\ent of modern lele
communications. which Kennedy
himself had so brilliantly UllIl/Ctl.
Llie world was able to siiiitiluincous—
I) follow the news reports about the
assassination from Dallas as events
rapidly unfolded

Lee Harvey Oswald. who had ini-
tially’ been brought to police head»
quarters on suspicion of killing po-
lice officer J. I). Tippitt, was now
thought to be Kennedy's murderer
as well less than 4‘5 hours after his
arrest. Oswald was gunned down
while ”I police custody by jack
Rub}. a Dallas nightclub owner He
claimed to have acted on I'iipulsm ie
slax Oswald to save Iatgtiefine Ron
nedy tri‘irii the agony of having to
appear III trui.

It is new ,1 known fact that Rub)
had numerous connccirons to orga»
iii/ed crime and had at \arn‘us
times been an informant to the FBI.
Oswald l\ dIsk‘ known to have had
connections with the FBI as well as
the Central Intelligence Agency Lls
early as W57. In the months prior to
Kennedy ‘s assassination. Oswald
appears to have been maneuvered
by these two goxemmcnt agencies
into becoming one of the biggest
scapegoats of all time.

In October W56. Oswald jOlnCd
the I'nited States Marine Corps and
after eight months of training in the
L'nitcd States. was sent to the naval
air station near -\t.sugi. Japan, where
he worked as a radar operator at Io-
cations that served as bases for su-
per-secret reconnaissance missions
by American I'? spy DILlIlt‘s

In September NW Oswald th'
qiiircd an early discharge from the
Marines. claiming he was needed at
home to take care of his ailing
mother in Fort “crib. fe\as. (N
wald then went to New Orleans and
front there headed east bv a slow
steamer to France. England. Finland
and finally to the Soviet Ll‘ilOl‘. It

ic‘c\ isiitti scls ltl

Warhol’s brothers bring wrongful

Assomated P's-s3

NEW YORK Andy Warhol's
death was sudden and \-\III from a
heart ailment that claims Jilliotiti
Americans annually. killing bin. il\

—NonrH PARK-
-_§9_OJ:J_EW grim—E 93. 233-449?

Smut v susiiitss tor; « C

.srAn mu VI ivr, [XI
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guvlhintir’o {XI

.ron-rui‘aovsm ac
INE JADDAnsrAmiv .pt. i. [X]
Akitg‘h‘cizit‘i “

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“scum PAR

3229 Nicwoi Ayn/mtg RD 372—6817

'Nl rm IN on MOON ‘Pf. ii 00

our cintivo IIC
. i'

we ADC-ms rwm m4 (I) C‘tmv Sol we. no

CAPE ‘f‘flta‘ [XI
‘ If, 4 fl’. "‘

Act lwANIv "O; -HPIS'MAS J

,. run. v :(t or,

[RNES' 3t, ARU} SIoPIL F70

2 4 ‘

Ruby may have been tricked by CIA, FBI

The J FK Assassination:
-\ Continuing Conspiracy

was there he rejected his US. citi<
xenship and announced his inten—
uon to offer the Soviets all his
knowledge of US. military affairs

including the topvsecret ['1 rt“
connaissance flights.

It is now known that the US.
goveninient was. at this time. iii-
volved in an intelligence program
that developed "double agents" to
be sent to the Soviet Union. This
may explain why Oswald was able
to reiuni, in 1962, to the L'nited
States at a time when any traveler
from behind the iron curtain was
questioned. Prior to his retuni. Os—
wald had publicly threatened to
give away military secrets to the
Soviets at the time of his earlier

Once back iii the States. Oswald
became assoc1ated with the Cuban
Retolutionary Council. a group
created by the CIA‘s E. Howard
Hunt. This CIA-backed creation
was also involved in the coordina-
tion of the fateful Bay of Pigs inva-
sion. Hunt was later arrested for his
involvement in the 1072 Watergate
break-in and burglary. which even»
tually led to the resignation of Pres—
ident Nixon in N74. He also
helped oversee the CIA/Mafia
“shooter teams" that had planned to
assassinate Fidel Castro and. later.
President Kennedy

Oswald soon became friends
with George DeMohrenschidt. a
wealthy Texas oil geologist who
also had associauons with the intel‘
ligence community. It was DcMoh-
rcnschidt who helped Oswald ob;
tain work in the Dallas-Fort Worth
area. as well as his Job at the Texas
School Book Depository lost two
weeks before the Kennedy assassi—
nation. It is now abundantly clear
that ()swald was being manipulated
by the CIA. via DeMohrenschidt
and Hunt. innocently believing that
he is working as an intelligence op~
crativc for the LS govemment,

In the late '70s. former (‘IA fi-
nance officer James Wilcott testi-

he slept in a hospital bed, law yers
lighting a wrongful death suit
argued yesterday

The whitc»wigged pop artist‘s se-
rious condition before his death
Feb. 23. NM. partially was caused
by his opposition to have his gall


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DO 3 f"“’“""‘lf‘t7i/7 00%.





It's Nothing



tied before the House Select Com-
mittee on Assassinations that Os-
wald had, at some time, been paid
by the CIA. It has also been re-
vealed. through documents obtained
through the Freedom of lnfonnation
Act, that Oswald was being paid
$200 per month as FBI infomiant S-
172 or 5-179.

In the months prior to the assassi-
nation. Oswald was constantly in
contact with people connected with
US. intelligence and was likely fol-
lowing orders from persons be con-
sidered to be his official superiors,
secure in the belief that he was,
tnost likely through the FBI, report-
ing on a plot against Kennedy.
Through this manipulation by these
govemmcnt agencies, many of Os-
wald‘s activities in the weeks prior
to the assassination were carefully
calculated to both incriminate him
and link him with foreign govcm-

The Warren Commission. before
it had even begun its inquiry, was
misled and lied to by the CIA, who
informed the Commission that Os—
wald had probably been working on
behalf of the Cuban government
and the Russian KGB, and that if
this knowledge ever became public
it could possibly lead to a nuclear
confrontation with the SOvict Un-
ion. President Johnson told Earl
Warren that ”This was an occasion
on which actual conditions had to
override general principles."

Ultimately, the CIA used its allc-
gations about Oswald to terrorize
the Warren Commission into issu-
ing a false report. This would per-
haps explain why well-intentional
members of the FBI (the govem-
mental agency in charge of gather-
ing evidence and acquiring tcstimo~
ny from witnesses for the
commission), in concern for what
they may have been told was a mat-
ter of “national security,” sought to
suppress leads and investigations
that might have uncovered a con

Three days after the assassination,
President Johnson’s Deputy Attor-
ney General. Nicholas Katzenbach,
wrote presidential press secretary
Bill Moyers on behalf of Johnson,
stating that “the public must he sat—
isfied that Oswald was the assassin;
that he did not have confodcrates
who are still at large; and that the
evidence was such that he would
have been conVictod at trial."

The most glaring example of Os~
wald's innocence in the assassina—
tion is the incredible accuracy at-

bladder removed earlier, lawyer
Glenn Dopf said in his opening ar»

“Mr. Warhol refused surgery over
and over and over again. You‘ll
learn this refusal made the whole
surgery more dangerous, much

, more difficult. Now we were deal-

ing with an infected gall bladder
that is gangrenous,“ Dopf said.

Warhol died the day after under-
going routine surgery at New York

Dopf, who represents Warhol‘s
physician, Dr. Dcnton Cox, color-
fully rcbutted charges made by
Warhol‘s estate that the artist was
drowned by a flood of intravenous
finids which fillcd his lungs and
stopped his heart.

“The cvidcncc in this case WIII
show there was never, never, never
any flutd overload. It's bunk, balo—
ney and a fantasy," said Dopf, who
also represents surgeon Bjorn
Thorbjamarson. “It‘s like saying
cows have wings and fly."

Attomeys for Warhol‘s family
argued Wednesday that the artist‘s
condition was never monitored by
his doctors or the hospital staff, who
allowed him to drown in his bed.
The suit seeks unspecified millions
of dollars for Warhol's two broth-

WMOMWM 77‘- ‘" ‘Igno‘fl‘lldtmndm

tributed to the rifle Oswald suppos-
edly used to shoot the president.
The Warren Commission report
states that Oswald fired three shots
at the motorcade in the elapsed
time of 5.6 seconds. Even if it
could be proven that only three
shots were fired, it takes 2.3 scc~
onds to reload and aim the ancient.
bolt-action Mannlichcr-Carcano ri-
fle found on the sixth floor of the
Texas School Book Depository.

An article in a 1964 issue of
Mechanix Illustrated magazine on
the best way to find bargains in
purchasing surplus military wcap—
ons, dismissed the Mannlicher-
Carcano as being “crudely made,
poorly designed, dangerous, inac-
curate and unreliable on repeat
shots." At the time of his arrest, Os»
wald was described to the media as
having been an “expert marksman"
in the Marines. This was disputed
by every one of Oswald’s Marine
colleagues who, when interviewed,
consistently stated that his marks-
manship was very poor and that he
could hardly qualify on the shoot-
ing range.

Shortly before leaving the Ma—
rines Oswald was tested on the fir-
ing range and scored only one point
over the lowest possible level of
qualification. The fact remains to
this day that during every re-
enactment of the assassination
shooting, no expert marksman has
ever been able to duplicate Os-
wald‘s alleged skill.

Nevertheless, Warren Commis
sion counsel Wesley J. Licbler stat-
cd in September 1964 that “the best
evidence that Oswald could fire his
rifle as fast as he did and hit the tar—
get is the fact that he did so."

The Warren Commission also
cited the presence of Oswald’s
palm print on the Mannlichcr-
Carcano as evidence linking him to
what is considered the assassination
rifle. In the early hours of Nov. 23,
1963, the rifle was turned over to
the FBI laboratory in Washington
where it was closely examined for
prints. but none were found.

Later that morning, Dallas Police
Chief Jesse Curry told an NBC rc-
portcr that the partial fingerprints
found on the rifle could not be
identified with Oswald's. The next
day, Nov. 24. and FBI agent re—
turned thc rifle to the Dallas Police
Department. On that same day. Os—
wald was murdered by Jack Ruby
in the basement of the Police and
Couns Building while being trans-
ferred to the Dallas County Jail.

death suit

ers, John and Paul Warhola.

The two doctors, the hospital. a
private duty nurse and several hos-
pital doctors and nurses are named
in the suit.

Hospital attomey Bruce Habian
contradicted claims that Warhol
died unattended in his bed after
thrashing about in a final fight for

“Andy Warhol was dead for a pe~
rind of Umc. He passed silently and
quietly in his sleep frotn a cardiac
arrhythmia that did not give any—
body any signs or symptoms it was
coming down the road," said Habi~

But Habian did acknowledge the
one hospital record which would
indicate Warhol was not ovcrhy-
dratcd had been botched by an in-
competent staller. A bedside work-
shcct where fluid intake and output
is totaled was never filled in, he

“They didn‘t do it in the Warhol
case. We had, apparently, a dopey
clerk," said Habian.

Warhol, 58. offiCially died of a
heart attack of unspecified origin.

Dopf told the state Supreme
Coun Jury that 4(X).(X)() Americans
die every year from the same prob—

HJVQaIfl‘IIIinii )4 ,. u, A‘)\) ii, I.”

nicnivrouo MALL e
[unruly-ha Hm." MI



IN All Aiioimmiius

After an autopsy, Oswald’s body
was taken to a local funeral home in
Fort Worth to be prepared for burial.
Years later the funeral director, Paul
Groody, recalled in an interview
that FBI agents had appeared at the
funeral home with a crime lab kit
shortly after the body had arrived.
Groody stated that he “had to clean
up his (Oswald’s) fingers after they
got through fingerprinting him...it
was a complete mess of his entire
hand, which would lead me to be-
lieve that they did take prints of his

In Dallas that same night, District
Attorney chry Wade made the
startling announcement that Os-
wald’s print actually was found on
the Mannlicher-Carcano. Of course,
the presence of Oswald’s print on
the rifle was instrumental in
strengthening the case against him.
During his 48 hours in police custo-
dy, Oswald continually and emphat-
ically denied shooting the president,
as well as a Dallas police officer. He
proclaimed to reporters at a press
conference on the night of the assas-
sination: “I didn't shoot anybody,
no sir I'm just a patsy."

Jack Ruby, who gunned down Os-
wald on live television just two days
after the assassination, told mem-
bers of the Warren Commission in
his Dallas County Jail ccll, “I want
to tell the truth, and I can‘t tell It
hcrc. A whole new government
is going to take over the country
my life is in danger here." Ruby
also confided to psychiatrist Wemcr
Tcutcr that he “knew who had Presi-
dent Kcnncdy killed," adding that “I
am doomed. I do not want to die.”

In a letter smuggled out of his
jail cell, Ruby wrote of a shadowy
group that “found some very clever
means and ways to trick me and
which will be used later as evi-
dence to show the American people
that I was part of a conspiracy in
the assassination of the President,
and l was used to silence Oswald."
Ruby also told a visitor to his jail
cell that “They're going to find out
about the guns, about New Or-
leans, about everything."

In an interview crudely filmed
by a local Dallas reporter shortly
before his death from lung cancer
in January 1967, Ruby also re-
vcalcd that “Everything pertaining
to what’s happening have never
come to the surface. The world will
never know the true facts of what
occurred, my motives. In other
words, I’m the only person in the
background that knows the truth
pertaining to everything relating to
my testimony. Unfortunately, the
people that have so much to gain
and have such an ulterior motive,
who put me in the position I'm in,
will never let the true facts come
above board to the world."

At this point, Ruby was asked by
the reporter conducting the inter-
view if these people were in very
high positions, to which he re-

Next Week: Covcr~up and lies:
From JFK to Watergate to George

John Crow is aformer UK stu»
dent and a longtime Kennedy rc-


Staff Critic

Sensual overload is what will
occur tonight in UK’s Reynolds
Building. If you‘ve never cxpcri»
enced the unique atmosphere
that exists at the converted ware-
house, located at Scott Street and
South Broadway, this would be
the best time.

Currently displayed at the
building, which houses artists‘
studios and classes, are works by
the Art Studio graduate students
that represent a culmination of at
least two years of intense cxplo~
rauon in varying fields of art stu-

In addition to graduate works
by the graduate students, the fa-

Reynolds Building holds
open house tonight

culty and undergraduates also
will display their endeavors.
There also will be dcmonstra»
tions of the varying techniques
used by the artists. Since not all
artists paint, draw or throw clay
on the wheel, some of the dcm~
onstrations may prove to be sur-
prising to the people who are
largely unfamiliar with various
artistic styles and techniques.
Along with the visual experi-
ence, participants will be treated
to an aural one as well with live
music by such local bands as
Black Cat Bone and IO Ft. Pole.

'I'he Reynolds Building open
house will be held tonight from
0-9. Admisston is free and open
to the general public.



The followmg are the most
popular videos as they appear in
next week‘s issue of Billboard


I.“Fantasia" (Disney)

2.“Robin Hood: Prmce of
Thieves" (Wanier)

3.“Ghost" (Paramount)

4.“Thc Rescuers Down Un»
der" (Disney)

5.”Homc Alone" (Fox)

o.“Thc Jungle Book" (Disney)

7.“The Simpsons Christmas
Special“ (Fox)

8.“The Terminator"

9.“Thc Little Mermaid" (Dis~

li).“CitiI.cn Kane: 50th Anni.
versary Edition" (Turner)

ll.“l992 Playboy Video Play-
mate (‘alendar" (Playboy)

12.“llow the Grinch
Christmas" (MGM-UA)



Top 20




2.“Thc Silence of the Lambs“

3.“Robin Hood: Prince of
Thieves" (Warner)

4.“What About
(Touchstone )

5.“Monal Thoughts" (Colum-

6.“Class Action" (Fox)

7.“Fantasia" (Disney)

8.“Dances With Wolves"

9.“V.l. WarshaWski” (Holly-

l(l.“Thc Godfather Part III"

ll.“One Good Cop" (Holly-

l2.“Madonna: Truth or Dare"

l3.“0ut for Justice" (Warner)

l4.“Sw1tch" (HBO)

15.”Guilty By


Bob? "



l3.“Tlic Hunt for Red Octo
bet" (Paramount)


l5.“Penthousc1 l‘)‘)l Pet of
the Year Playoff“ (Penthouse)

lo.“Three Tenors in Concert"

l7.“F.ric Clapton: 24 Nights"

18.“Penthouse Passport to Par~
adisc~llawaii" (Penthouse)

l‘).“Janc Fonda's lower Body
Solution" (Warner)

2(l.“(iarth Brooks" (Capitol)

16.”Hudson Hawk" (Colum-
bia Tri-Star)

l7.“Dcfending Your

lR.“Stone Cold" (Columbia)

l‘).“The Hard Way“ (MCA~

2(l.“Thc Doors" (Live)

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Kentucky Kernel, Friday, December 6, 1991 - 3






Continued from page 1

"because thes were afraid of loe
int: their robs '
Kauai/tits mother. \lary an
cltincntttr; education freshman
at LC‘C. and Steve, (toxic, an
LCC engineering freshman. are
helping her circulate the petition.

lhey set up two petition posts
testerdttv one lrxated in front ot
the Student (totemment Associ-
ation office tn the Student (en-
ter. and the other at LCC East


Adam Hall, 20, an education sophomore. signs a petition Circu~
lated by student Michelle Kanatzer

GREG EANS We" 0 5‘3“

Ginger Clark an engineering
Junior stopped to stun saxing
”W ilkinson has been igainst the
lnitersity all along. and obtt
ously appointing himself to the
board is his chance to traintain
some kind of position "

Kantitlar said she is plannintcv
to hold a rally Tuesday in the
Free Speech Area during the
board meeting. calling.v for Wit
kinson to step down from the

if he resigns before Tuesday.
she said supporters may hold ti
party instead.


Continued from page 1

refonn of elementary and secondary
education now wants to preserve
higher education’s status quo Wit
kinson told WBKO- TV.

State Sen. David Karem (I)-
Louisville) had requested an Attor
ney General‘ 5 opinion which does
not carry the force of law earlier
this week Karem questioned the le
gality of Wilkinson's action

“They‘ ve answered my question
— they filed the lawsuit." Karem
said “Now it' s in the matter of liti
gation, and I normally don‘ t cont
ment on that."

UK President Charles Wcthington
said the University was aware of the

“The University will, of course,
abide by any orders of the court."
Wethington said.

The student LrUStec said the suit
shows that Wilkinson's appoint-
ment is not simply just another tip~

“l‘he filing of the suit indicates
that there is a question there and a
question that needs to he an-
swered," said Scott Crosbie, presi-
dent of the Student Government As-
sociation. We're asking for some
sort of response. as well as the rest
of the Commonwealth,"







Continued from page i

Hayes \\.t\ tltc benefits ltrst pet
former. followed in later years by
Roberta l’eters. Hen \ereen. Doc
Setcrtnsett and ileum Mancini

“It‘s made ntonet lot us. which
we‘ve .lone good things
vvith " Domek said

'lhc benefits collectively
raised more than \lsitotxl

'lhc money is used for \tlltllill'r
ships. internships special protects
for students and etiutptttcttt.

'lht itne '\l'l\ lteitetit program
has paid off iii other mats,

‘ ll \
lflt‘lttl\ lot it»
the arts

“.\on the. know a
more about shat we do' he 'ulltl 'l
call ll
fund t.tistttt:'

As .i bi nti trottint:
top Cllltlltll‘tsls to ptiloritt it l K
has mint d Int t it u tuc ediittttio til

‘ “(it litiil .sltitlciii lilti'ttps [K‘l


liif lht‘

tictitt'tl a whole group of

who are tlllt‘l't‘sletl ttl
ttholc lot
as lltllsll .is

‘tricnd ttttstiii“

it‘ sititltllls

Southland Lanes
Eastland Lanes

form Willi them." he said. "With
lien \erccn the members of the
t K Jan. [Ensemble played backup
for him. When llenrx \iancint was
here. he actuallx conducted the or

"\lttneini brought the tnustt with
him. unpacked ti and said Here i:
is.. “ Domek said. "He did it ltl\l
the way it professional would.”

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Two of the faculty trustees on the
board reacted favorably to the fil-
ing of the suit.

“I think that we need this lawsuit
in order to determine the legality of
the govemor' s action " said trustee
Carolyn Bratt a law professor.‘
it takes this out of this nebulous
area that we re in right now."

“i think any constructive action
that will resolves this problem is in
the best interest of the University
and higher education is cenainly
most welcome." said trustee Ray-
mond Betts. a history professor.

“The self-appointment is very in-
appropriate. may well be divisive
and clearly shows the need for re—
form of the method of appoint-
ment." he said.

The liniversity Senate meets
Monday. Chairman Marcus McEl-
listrem said the faculty body Will
consider a threefold resolution to
be drafted today by the Senate

McEllisuein said the resolution
will affirm the missions of the Uni-
versity. say that they are intertwtned
and call for reform of the trustee se-
lection an‘C‘ss

He said he has heard suggestions
of ano