xt7p2n4zkp6p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7p2n4zkp6p/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 2000 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals Saluting the Winners, 2000 Advertising Contest text Saluting the Winners, 2000 Advertising Contest 2000 2000 2019 true xt7p2n4zkp6p section xt7p2n4zkp6p MAY 2800
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 Page 2 - 2000 KPA Ad Contest MAY 2000
—_"—“—_ __ . Second Place ~ FULTON LEADER, Category l3-SPECIAL SECTIONS tion were eye catching. Outstanding
Weekly Leigh Ann Moore/Tom Sullivan First Place - FULTON LEADER, use of color.
Good use of photos. Attractive lay- Rita Mitchell/Leigh Ann Moore Second Place - (‘AMPBELL (‘OI’N-
-‘ _ ‘ out. Good entry. Ads followed theme. TY RECORDER, Staff
‘ ( la” 1 ‘ Design and balance stood out. Not your typical football section.
i ”I ., .-L__.._----,_.__-_-i Category 6 -FOOD/DRUG/ Second Place - FULTON LEADER. Good use of color and placement of
Category 1 _ DEPARTMENT, {SIQUOR ‘ I , Rita h’IltC‘Il't’llmt‘lgI] Ann Moore u(is_
DISCOUNT/JEWELRY STORES ‘lrst Place - BEREA (/ITIZEN, Lea Ad layout and content very good. ‘
First Place _ BEREA CITIZEN Schultz . ‘ ~ . Third Place - FLLTON LEADER. Category 19 - BEST USE
Scott Messer ‘ (JOOLI use 0; color. fiood use of white ’Irtfia Mitchelll/lLeigh A311 [htl‘oorf 1 f ()F COLOR
\ <\ - , . l § 1 ‘ ‘ y _ -_ S‘pllCC. OO( pr()IiI()Yl()n. Y ‘ (‘IIII‘ (‘Xt't‘ (‘II “'1 I l U S y I‘ O FII‘SI I)ILIC(’ - I3EAT1‘\V\'IIJIII«:
iilzitiiinilotf 333:1?“ - P IN, Hmd U’mb' Second Place - P‘LrLTOiN LEADER. today. ENTERPRISE, Deborah
Rita Mitchell/Al Shannon . Collins/Bobbi Lovins
. Category 2 - AUTOMOTIVE Ad WUUId have been lumVL‘d With Category 14 - GROUP Great ad. Super color. obviously best
First Place - FULTON LEADER. ”mm“ “"W ”m" REOMOTI‘ONS ‘ in the bunch.
Leigh Ann lVIoore/William Mitchell (”LRTIF‘IC’AT‘EY 9F MhRIT ' Second Place - FULTON LEADER.
(‘reative for the season. Shows the Qafegorx 7 ' FURNITURE. BEREA ('ITIZLP' Scott MOSS” Leigh Ann Moore/Tom Sullivan
customer lot filled with cars. (”1ij PIP“('A,T.LY .OP M hRIT _ ‘ Effective use ofspot color.
Second Place — FULTON LEADER. BEREA “TM”, 5““ M955” $3133??ng $811191“ Third Place - FULTON LEADER.
Lei Ih Ann Moore/\Villiam Mitchell ' ‘ ‘ ‘ I ' - . " 'g I ' - -
(‘i'iiitiv'ti for season. again shows Category 8_' REAL ESTATE First Place ' FIILTON LEADER‘ it:1:12:31:115:11,]:lhlfllpylfiijjflfigray
“volume" “{er NO ENTRIES Rita Mitchell/Al Shannon ‘ ' l ‘ ' '
Third Place _ FULTON LEADER, Nice design. crisp reproduction. v . _ C s A S
Rita Mitchell/William Mitchell 2‘ “91301? 9 ' CLOTHING Good vyv flow fiffififié‘; BEST AD SFRIES
Like prices and car graphics. RTORES , ‘ SUPODd Place ‘ FULTON LEADER
NU ENTRIES Leigh Ann Moore/Al‘bhanno‘n . . Category 21 _ GENERAL
Category 3 - HARDWARE/ , What was open house hours? Lots of MISCELLANEOUS
APPLIANCE STORES Category 10 - MULTIPLE photos but easily designed. F ‘ ) . 1 f . , - V .
First Place ~ BEATTYVILLE Category 16 - AGRICULTURE/ 53‘1”!” .
Category 4 _ FINANCIAL ENTERPRISE, Deborah LAWN AND GARDEN V‘Vho, what, when. where and why,
First Place - BEREA CITIZEN, Staff Collins/Bobbi Levies First Place - SPENCER MAGNET. 9m” “‘1‘ A. , i .
Distinctive ad. good use of white Good “redo" of tried and true idea. Ethel McCarty Second Place ’ ‘51 ENCER MA("
space. COIN adds everything. Good emphasis on new hours. PET‘ Ethel McCarty
Second Place _ FULTON LEADER, Second Place _ SPENCER MAG- Artwork makes on think “garden." (iood ad to bring customers by?
Leigh Ann Moore/Tom Sullivan NET. Ethel McCarty Second Place — BEREA CITIZEN.
Good ideal Use of typography could Eye catching headline. Good use of Marc Reyes Category 22 - SPORTING
be a bit better. COIW- Makes one want to go buy a “chick.” GOODS/ATHLETICS
Category 5 - PROFESSIONAL 8C0“ MOSS” Rita Mitchell/William Mitchell
SERVICES Something with each ad attracts Great promotion to bring fOIkS in! Category 23 - SPECIAL EVENTS
First Place - TIE — FULTON reader’s eye. First Place - SPENCER MAGNET,
LEADER. Leigh Ann Moore/Tom Category 17 - CLASSIFIED Ethel McCarty
Sullivan Category 11 -CREATIVE USE PAGE/SECTION Good use of white space. It. was
Both ads excellent use of white OF THE NEWSPAPER CERTIFICATE OF MERIT - FUL- divine.
space. appealing to potential CERTIFICATE OF MERIT — TON LEADER, Leigh Ann Moore SGCOUd Place - BEREA CITIZEN,
patients. BEREA CITIZEN, Staff Scott Messer/Nlarc Reyes
First Place ' TIE ' FULTON Category 18 - SPECIAL We would have been there!
LEADER. Leigh Ann Moore/William Category 12 - ENTERTAINMENT] PUBLICATIONS
Mitchvll DINING 7 First Place — CAMPBELL COUNTY Category 25 . BEST
Ad shows good use of white space/ CERTIFICATE OF MERIT — RECORDER, Staff NEWSPAPER PROMOTION
Potential patient appeal BEREA CITIZEN, Lea Schultz Super theme! Ads throughout sec- NO ENTRIES
WM con ratulates
First Place — ANDERSON NEWS, Rusty Kiser/Tina Albright
Great looking publication. Like the use of self promotion yellow 0
sheet, services directory. t e Wlnners
Second Place - LEBANON ENTERPRISE, Staff
Good mix ofadvert ising. spot color, nice classified grouping.
Third Place — HENRY COUNTY LOCAL, Staff
Like the idea ofsome editorial content. Good layout, design. Of the 2 O O 0
First Place - HENDERSON GLEANER. Staff . .
Nice color. great photographs, caters to everyone. Ver 18111
Great photographs. good production ads, good classified sec-
Third Place — MESSENGER INQUIRER. Staff '
Youth orientated. good ad layout. lots of entertainment on es .

 5 ‘ ~ 2000 KPA Ad Contest - Page 3
HFY [finer ~- uemuous
A 9 L o . ‘7 A
As you're heading back to school this year, ° ° ‘. BAPTIST
7': _I “ check out these safety tips .. .. .‘I
.-. -_;.9‘“---. from a variety of sponsors. Milli“ CHURCH
:31. ..- 1? "f1 . In They are sure to help you flag
a., _9_, l and your parents have a '--'"‘ lst ANNUAL
FJ' " _ I . great school year! . .
a - F33 .59.th 2:911..."- :22..- Nights of Revnval
. ~ 1 ....... ..,.......
mm ..... November 10-1 3
‘swuw Erin“...
Ifizf... gfimm " ”in." ‘ Find-Good 7
rulu‘ cod-~54 ‘ #33:“ m; ‘ :33" whit-x p . m .
‘ WI- “ :5: ‘1‘:- Iw'
. "P “4.401 , .\_;., ;- If." .v' .‘
‘ $320th. ‘ I Hand-lAr-rm lfyourtlocl... HP} -
Inn-unmana- ‘1» :Irkmgm‘mh‘“ :‘1-‘FIISXWNI‘W ' . i'wLIl 5:7. ll .‘.
, (3700:." Z‘ w ‘ '1 {, “NM": Min-«d u... '
I‘d—25“ : I I \. WJ'IJ WL‘I
’«v‘ w' ‘ -
Just my N0! KR? my from looselunflng Merl-aorta . . ':-i,
may” we , 2323......“ Stream: .-
. ital-v1- 51%1161‘" JFW-lfihi::‘(ml :ZVJ“ 4‘ \ e‘ . 23%;.
{1‘ $9 “I " I
7"». Is":- ...... mm“ F” n 9 j' 5 Fat
mu?“ "m Efi‘lfi? Ann 5%...“ u. in... IIIII I“ I «1-. III I II
I \ I' .' 1:57:75; mi? «444/. Stiff; \ " ' I
f ivy E ‘ KJ\ \Y‘ I l‘ I I I”; i ' i
I m 1 ii ‘ . * gag": -. , Silt?” i'llIL‘fT'IIL.W Pastor & Mrs. Nix .y
II / WI”. . .u. M. 333;...W L $11,? .,-Z...9u. with their son, Austin “
y. . - _ m: mist" “ ‘“ ‘
I L‘ l I lfln’nndlu . .
I} ‘ '1' A~\‘\ . .
_ - 9 . Valuable friends . . ‘ . Q
' ‘ .0“... mum”, I’M“ a Top left. The Beattyville Enterprise captured
mitt": 33:333-333. saga: . first place in the Multiple Advertiser/ Sig
“"11. 753;; ' f Page category with this entry in the Weekly 1
._~. A?» division. Above: The Spencer Magnet was the
l“"‘-" 7»x~m....mm 7121:2151... II I * —: top winner in the Special Events’ category.
2:15.25: 2.22%}? . T~::i.i.,...... k» - ‘ - ‘ Bottom left: The Berea Citizen won the first
«um ”'0‘ " :mfnh‘np Jul . _
‘ 72‘s.», 1"\~l\ place award in the General Miscellaneous cate—
" ~ . J ‘ l
V .’::?3'.‘£.."..‘:‘.'§’..1 HAVE A SAFE ‘ 0/ . c . ,lI' gory. The award helped the newspaper garner
J ””ng SCHOOL YEARl pd‘“ second place in the General Excellence compe-
tition. Below: The Spencer Magnet was the top
winner in the Agriculture/ Lawn / Garden cate-
gory with this entry.
Fx——————“'"""R . l Lawn and Garden Center
5" - 5* 85] Taylorsvllle Road
. c77/o/10/ay (350(1) 99
'0 , . 6- Attention: NEW SUMMER HOURS
December 4 & S, 10 a.m. until 5 p.m. : Tues. - Sat. 9 am, - 5 pm,
i! ..‘ Jefflinge . Sarah (Lulbreth ; Sun. 12 noon - 5 p.m. Closed on Monday
c . ° Tater Knob Pottery & Farm 3 502-477-0792
:3 ,‘ 200 Wolf Gap Road 0 Berea 4‘ ! IIIr “" “9 II x
it . . . ...._. 9 LAM (lineman-N , 18h WWW-rams
0 I. {—2 9‘ . t, M'"'""' a t 1 A”) u Mai z
II -.._ 9 -~ ,. A II . .- .4: 1?:Whycm La" . This wu($24..95
“+1.... ' " "“0” ‘ l :42' ‘ 0"."11w4 tl‘l '
O t i M st: no. sm ' ' t . .
;' é I 'i' : I m IQ 1.’ I 1:13.:Irggfiig75u‘ Dayhltes
. i - . 31...: ”it 5-5: ...~_:‘v. “"3 ' ;-- ~
0 I an ‘ i} 3’5—“23. O ,-xg3§f'-~'. .rIffi whats; .‘ iii. We Have: 52.95
T i , ' i' 'r {'2 Iii-Irv} "“" ‘. (lift? -' ButterflyB h ' ‘ .-
Q 6. GMT-3 :9"- W 0 thjjfiz -.I flit.“ vaminggsblrduggshes 3?; .‘IIIIIAIf‘ ' y I
" ‘ ' ' . ’ ' a- .1 as: W: l mu weet 're . - . . ‘
0 ’ I; a. ,___ 0 ‘F’, M35: 51" M Pam: 213.5“. l
” fr it ; , oowmowu ' ’“f‘inizzt mwwmwn? ' “t ‘L ’3 “I“ l
? I. ' as?” 9 l “ “(it"s/39": ; 0"": l I" Perennials W»): .. 1:: I t; b
.._ ' c M ‘ 1- .-
l, r ’ O , tf'ISII-TI’I‘I!":="; .1 H13}: ;' Mcugmynrlacs I' ' ’§Q\$4
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‘f ,flf.".‘,'.',’./:',', ’ " Neg;"3:55;...r‘3: Wm WM *"t W a;
e e
‘ ' “ - o .

 Page 4 - 2000 KPA Ad Contest MAY 2000
l. A V ' W 7 i 7 PATHS NEWSTeresa Revlett/Angie Gilbert ALD, Carrie Bennett/Patti Clark NEWSStatT
“709le Good use of white space and clip art. Great original idea to tap a new market. Great idea for new revenue',
’ '/ .. Spot color really brings ad out. Every judge was going to give this a Third Place - MCLEAN (‘0’ 'NTY
“ - . .' Third Place - MCLEAN COUNTY shot. NI‘:\VS.TUTUSL1RPVIOIL‘AIIg’lwiilllwn
‘ [lass 2 NEWS Teresa Revlett/Angie Gilbert Second Place — LARIIE COUN'I‘Y HER- Good publication. Sure your t‘tvlllllllllHIIV
' Super art? Great theme with pizza, real— ALD NEWS. Stat‘l‘ appreciates?
ly eye catching. Well done piece. eII'ective ads
. ' ‘ ’ " W " Third Place - OWENTON NEWS HER- Category 19 - BEST USE
category 1 -DEPARTMENT/ . Category7- FURNITURE ALDStaiI~ OF COLOR
DISCOUNT/”WHIP? STORES . , First Place . FLEMINGSBL’RG Not qUIte clear on the theme, chock tull First Place - SPRINGFIELD SI'N. I
[UNI P13“: ' 5,1,)th (’FIE’LD 510‘ ‘ GAZETTE, Debbie Fitch/Tisha Harmon ofet’lective ads Shorty Lilssiter/Kim Hupmilii
Shorty Lasslter/Ixim IIupman _ Not too cluttered. Excellent job of transmitting this much I
("00d use 0‘ [-V'IX’grEIph-Vflnfl 1"? ”l unity. Second Place - OWENTON NEWS Category 14 - GROUP intiiriiiation. Color BCCUHIDllslit'tl this” l
”Fm“ P13” ' ‘ LA‘ ‘ 1“ TIMES» IIERALD, Can’ieBennett PROMOTIONS Second Place — IARUE COUNTY IlER. !
Liam““WV/AlannuAld’f‘dh’“ Nice layout.Try less reverse First Place - MCLEAN COUNTY ALD NEWS, Jennifer calm, Lidia
[“20 the (‘ITOL‘UVOHUSS ”I gray screens Third Place - (‘ITIZEN VOICE & NEWS, Teresa Revlett/Janice Stokes Leasor 3
an . reverses. , , , , , , TIBIES, Missy Tipton/Earline Arvin Miller/Angie Gilbert Great use of color.
'Ijhlrd Place _ (LAX ('I.T\ TIME‘S‘ White space is good eye catcher Very clever idea. good art Third Place - (‘ARROLLTON NEWS 2
‘ ‘1?““3‘g5b-‘"/Al“¥““‘“dud,“ . Second Place - MCLEAN (‘OI'NTY DEMO(_:RAT. Rebecca Reynolds ‘
‘4’“ "1 mfnrmmn» W ‘t 5 d‘spl‘w‘“ Category 8 - REAL ESTATE NEWS, Teresa Revlett/Janlce Stokes Interesting use al'c-alei- 3
“”01."- Ad ‘5 “mam“ 3“" Stands "Ut- First Place - T(.)MPKINSVILI.E NEws Miller/Angie Gilbert .
, . Sona (.‘arrow Nice community involvement. Category 20 - BEST AI) SERIES i
‘,’a‘eg°ry2"‘,U:IRMOTIVE , Nich- art. Third Place — SPRINGFIELD SI'N, CERTIFIcATE OF MERIT — OWEN- §
” P ”5‘ ”“3"" ' HENRI ('01le LOCAL Second Place - RUSSELL SPRINGS Shorty Lassiter/Kim Hupmnn TON NEWS HERALD. (‘arrie Bennett 4
:ItIanytléIirIk .. ‘(1 II It Iw II '1.. . TIMES JOURNAL. Stephanie Good use ot'color, eye catching.
48:11.1;3” M Nu ‘ m m car K (a m George/Susan Holmes I 7 Category 21 - GENERAL
\IIIIIIII‘III. ‘Phce _ (‘I I“, (‘ITY TIMFS Informative. Category 15. HOLIDAY MISCELLANEOUS; . . . .
L ‘ll‘I'lt‘ RIgSLV/TXI'IIUI’; Aldridge A J. ‘ Third Place - CITIZEN \V()I(7E 6; (IRI‘JEJTIN(X Al)? I . , . . I‘lI‘SI PIGCLT - O“rEI\ ii )\ NEVXS TIER l
()LK so Wt; llkt’ liun‘ti‘ng in I ouisi'ina TIMES kljssyijton/Earhnp ATV") First IPlIlIC'.‘ - I. ITIZJILN \ OICIL & ALD Carrie Bennett . . 3
(mod mm about the vehicles J ‘ L ‘ Photos of nice Size. TUVIES Missy Tipton/Earllne Anni Eye catching. Good use oi ivtiite space I
Third Plhce - MCLEAN COUNTY Good seasonal feeling. . I Second Place - SPRING} IELD SI, N, I
\‘Fws Team Rm'lett/Angie Gilbert Category 9- CLOTHING STORES second Place - MCLEAN COUNT) Shorty LaSSIter/Kim HupmaIIi ;
GoOd clean (III‘W, Attractive layout First Place - RUSSELL SPRINGS NEWS, Janice Stokes Miller/Angie Attention getter! Good use of type fonts =
‘ ' Iv - ‘ TIMES JOURNAL, Stephanie Gilben and styles. .
, George/Susan Holmes Artcorresponds to product. Third Place - RUSSELL SPRINGS .
gfimihwgggm Nice balance, Third Place — MCLEAN COUNTY TIMES JOURNAL, Stephanie I
First Place _ HENRY COUNTY LOCAL Second Place - OWE NTON NEWS NEWS, Teresa Revlett/Angie Gilbert George/Susan Holmes . . . I
Tiffany Clark ’ :EIERALD’CMP' Bennett Nice seasonal ad. Ad caatlclhes the eye. Lots of Information i
, i - _ x ows variety. in sm space. .
302531133.efiairidagfié’flifinrffrfii‘é- Third Place -.CITIZEN VOICE & Categm ”AGRICULTURE
ed into design. Super layout. TIMES, Missy 'I‘iptIon/Earline Amn LAWN AND GARDEN Category 22 - SPORTING
LOCAL, Ti ffany Clark Shorty LaSSILer/Kim Hupman FIrst Place - HENRY COUNTY LOCAL,
Good design and use of clip art. Category IO'MULTIPLE Gooduse ofoolor, good concept. Tiffany Clark .
Typography compliments design. ADVERTISER/“SIG” PAGE Second Place - CARROLLTON NEWS Ad catches your eye...lIt also grabs your
Third Place _ SPRINGFIELD SUN, First Place - LARUE COUNTY HER- DEMOCRAT, Staff attention and holds it. Really, really
Shorty Lassiter/Kim Hupman ALD NEWS’ Staff , GOOd graphics. good deSIgn.
Ad SOCCGSSfUlly grabs your attention. Great communlty sponsorshlp and Thlrd Place ‘ S'PRINGFIELD SUN, second Place - SPRINGFIELD SUN,
White space and reverse make the ad news. Shorty LaSSlter/hlm Hupman Shorty LaSSlter/Klm Hqua.“
catch your eye. Second Place - SPRINGFIELD SUN, Goodartwork, good ad layout. Ad has lots of text, but its not lost
Shorty Lassiter/Kim Hupman thanks to effective use of screens, revers-
Category 4 _ FINANCIAL Idea is a good one for getting customers Category 17 - CLASSIFIED es and boxes. Clip art, starbursts and
Firs t Place _ LARUE COUNTY HER- in the stores_ PAGE/SECTION reverses make this ad effective.
ALD NEWS, Jennifer Cobb/Lydia Third Place - CARROLLTON NEWS First Place - TIE - TOMPKINSVILLIE Third Place - HENRY COUNTY l
Leasor DEMOCRAT, Rebecca Reynolds NEWS, Teresa Scott/Carol Depta/Sonja LOCAL, 'Ififfany Clark ,
No doubt as to the event! Safety features of ad is great way to edu- Carr 0W . I Nice design. White space and SPOt COIOT l
Second Place _ LARUE COUNTY HER- cate public with sponsors. Photos With house ads made this a win- combine well to grab the reader. .
ALDNEWS Stafl' ner. Judges were impressed with the ‘
Clean! Whatlabout adding an oak tree? Category 11 ' CREATIVE USE eitcellent content. Category 23 ' SPECIAL EVENTS
ALD, Carrie Bennett First Place - OWENTON NEws HER- LOCAL, Staff . TIMES, Staff
To the point. Separate copy blocks to ALD, Carrie Bennett Healthy, healthyIsection. I Good selection ofads.
make more reader friendly. Simple, clean and direct. Second Place - (,ARROLLTON NEWS First Place — TIE - MCLEAN COUNTY
‘ Second Place - SPRINGFIELD SUN. DEMOCRAT Lucille NEWS, Staff
(73“.ng 5 _ PROFESSIONAL Kim Hupman Schmucker/Rebeca‘l Reynolds Nice selection promoting special event.
SERVICES Great idea for Involvement. Graphics Shows good selling “enterprise". Second Place - SPRINGFIELIIl SUN,
I ..\I E‘. I,,_ ,, I\l1‘l.l‘l;\.\' H, ,1 'y'}"\ great. Shorty Insmter/Kim Iiunniar
me .-~ -. . he. int/Alp, ,,, Third Plat-e . HENRY (‘()1’I\"1‘\' Cau‘sorv INSPEFIAI/ Pin-“Hem w- Hf :_ .- m-
, .. . 1. ;- .. . , .. l.(1(‘:\l,.Tittany (‘lark I’I'BIJFA'I‘WNS we: ‘
‘ ,_ '- , 2'?‘ »~.-\ ’ n. . flutstalidingm'aplil. ‘ tlil_-i,,.1mI.Ir~.-.l;,¢ I‘lrs: IE. (‘ \li‘It’HLIfl‘t ;\ y. .
\.. . . .' - N, “If.“ ’ “LXI SM? (an-gory L1.) - HES? ,"s 9‘} ‘2,
_.. , \‘Iim . :‘ ' W E‘ i, -' ii ' l’ROMU'l It)“
. w.» a,.ItNI‘I-Lii'ulx'viiw s -. _ . w ~z. ,. .
,, , _. , " N’Iflht“ ”my: i .r
.. ,.i ,,.. ~ »*\l:ll ..\ . .
- ~ ~ 1 : tor Hie iota! i
c .itqzoryti-FOOD/DRUG/ljut on .. — ’l‘t‘ ilxll’KEX: 7h , _ n _
I Inc HENRY :ir" >1'.\"I‘*:; = NIH :~ a, . j, OUIIIIEIEI' LOIIVCII ii; iii
l '.‘i.'. \ sire: --’» .i.. . .l‘. ix
"rerlletialous all, Good (‘leail cot: . 11:1 lI ~ '- 6 . K 4-.
21.1: IIII , twliite space and bold 1}: Category 13 - SI’ECLAI. SECTIONS ll Jurle 1 j - 1 111 owe} RS b()r0! l
Second Place — MCLEAN (‘()I'\'TY First Place — OWENTON NEVIS IIER- ll___ I l

 Mn . A r 2000 KPA Ad Contest - Page 5
As You Be in Your v' ° ' » — ‘ ‘ ‘
g « mu A Dr. mm mam
e ‘4 ’3 \‘ ‘ ‘ .z‘.
L1 6 T0 ether :— . Eye Dortor ....
l g ' ' ' our g § 1303 N. Main St. ’ ;
' " " ' Be D ' i
i Highlight the commitment r t” ,. ’\ BOOth , ‘ 5()2a.’_2’7’4_;;(-_’):’;’4 / y
i with a symbol that grows a. ’ ‘ _ \M M MWWWMe
more precious with each year. F V/ g \ ‘12:.-
. Engagement Rings ’1: ib‘ § “5%
4 ' Wedding Rings
3 . o . Lg" - ~
7 Bridal Gifts . ' . ,Q
i ' Attendant Gifts _ .f , mg
5 ° Anniversaryjewelry ’H ' ' ‘3' -_+—____—“
., ,- ,.- nBES I 3
Remember - - , < Wm“
; . ’ - ‘ ~‘ . Jeep —-EMI~ENCE. KY—
”‘“”“’"d“"'9 f? " HUNTING i
= . 3 . - ~ ~ ~w‘e 1
Forever! $341! w ‘ ' ' " ~- 4»?
: . . - .- for a deal? is
; HARDINS J LRY f: Don'tGo Anywhere Else WithoutSeeing Us First!
“13:4 w.m -_T(éos)i§3s-9425f " i“ Springfield, Ky. } , chasing; .. ,i' J, , “522‘,“ i
l “ ' ‘ ' " ' “ miss; - “ r
‘ . . . x. . .. huh I” * $l ’ " ~\~,; ’
Above: In the Weekly 2 dLULSLOn, The Springfield i§ e/’ f J13 ‘
Sun was the top prize winner in the L _, ‘ . 94:; ” ' _ Lgfgii!
Department/ Discount/ Jewelry Stores’ category. Top . - ‘~ ‘ " ‘ 4 "
right: The McLean County News won first place in the .‘ -‘ ‘ if; "
Professional Services’ category - an award that helped 5 -
. ee our tnendl s l !
them capture first place in the General Excellence com- y ' a “people ’0 ’9‘" BEST deal today,
petition. Right: The Henry County Local’ 3 entry in the ‘ f. ' ‘ 315‘ ’
Automotive category was the judges’ favorite. Below: m " $1 ‘ -,'
The judges went ‘hog wild’ over this ad from the (41$, 9” - h r, s"! ‘ fl
Carrollton News Democrat. The entry won first place 0 MW" BF'gm 3 ansJohsm 3 SM.“ W45 562
, . .. pen: on.- n.- - an a.- - - - 5
in the Entertal’nment / D lnl’ng category Located on Hwy. 22, Eminence (across from Th:iss Furniture)
/ Quality...is all...zve have to offer
0 513 Main Cross 0 Ghent, Ky. 0 502-347-5313
\ Dine In / Carry Out
Hours: Monday — Thursday: 11 am — 8 pm
\\ , Friday 8: Saturday: 11 am — 9 pm 0 Sunday: 10 am - 5 pm
Ribs 0 Tenderloin 0 Hot Dogs 0 Chicken Breast
\~: ! OEening Soon! 7

 MAY 2053'
Page 6 - 2000 KPA Ad Contest
N — I V i __ "MW ' M ,__. —_ Category 6 - FOOD/DRUG/LIQUOR Third Place - JESSAMINE JOURNAL, Peggy Adkins
“'eekl ‘7 First Place - JESSAMINE JOURNAL, Dave Eldridge Heart to heart reader appeal. Headline
' 3 DeAnna Works Good ad. Establishes your paper as a pro? compels you to take action. Ad copy tells
-‘ - Well rounded design, not cluttered. Honorable Mention - BENTON TRI- you how and where.
‘ lass 3 Second Place -ANDERSON NEWS, Rita BUNE COURIER, Jason Dick Second Place - BENTON TRIBUNE
. Adams Good ad, but typeface and size too much COURIER. Joyce Schoening/Vicky
‘ ' Great graphics. Jumps out at reader. alike throughout ad. Penney
Category 1 ' DEPARTMENT/ Appealing to the eye. Store hours clearlv defined. Sale items
DISCOUNT/JEWELRY STORES Third Place _ BENTON TRIBUNE Category 12- ENTERTAINMENT/ easv to read. Perhaps a large clock face
Fir St Place ' WAYNE C(HYNTY ()UT' COURIER. GEU'V Stockhaus/I‘wila Hurst DINING art-at top would have broken monotony.
L()()K. Staff (RXXI USO ()I-Lfl‘abllle‘. Fll’St PlilCt‘ - INION COLINVI'Y AI)\Y(,)- Third Place _ ANDERSON INTEV‘YS, RLISIV -
Clean. crisp all store info on ad. straight RL C ATE, Lisa Turner Kiser '
to the point. Category 7 ~ F URNIIU I Aaaaeeee—wst bonYl Good use of art ele— , ' , . , - . . . , ,-
Second Place - WAYNE (‘OI’N'I‘Y OIT First Place - MT. STERLING ADvO- ments, good balancc between copy and fig;:,::gi§}iflfgf “1,131,??ng
LOOK, Staff CATE. Lisa McNay white space, needs hours. MESSENGER Staff
Good balance, to the pOlnt. Probably Clean, bright ad. Good use of clip art and Second Place - LEBANON ENTER— Trv not to use ‘same tvpeface on ad copy
would not have used all caps on copy white space. PRISE, Mary Ann Blair/Mary May and name ofbusiness ‘ "
however. Second Place - BENTON TRIBUNE Nice layout containing great info and ‘
Third Place - JESSAMINE JOURNAL. COURIER, Terri NoleS/Vicky Penney store hours. Category 17 . CLASSIFIED PAGE]
Peggy Adkins Good use of red color with black outline. Third Place - JESSAMINE JOURNAL, SECTION
Store info complete, info included with Good bold graphic. Suggest interesting Peggy Adkins First Place _ JESSAMINE JOURNAL,
most items. Ad was a little busy. headline not name of business. Nice layout. store info included, nice to Linda Wiley
Third Place ‘ WAYNE COUNTY OUT' 509 people in pics. Informative class header. Nice ou in .
Category 2 - AUTOMOTIVE LOOK, Staff Honorable Mention - MEADE COUNTY Clean reader tvpe a little small 3nd fighi
FlrSt Place ' JESSAMINE JOURNAL Could use more white space and benefit MESSENGER, Anne Mullenix good dining guide generally easy to find
DeAnna Works headline. Store hours? Days? my W3V around Categorize sen-{09 direc-
Good use of color, clean, crisp and to the Category 13 - SPECIAL SECTIONS tory gOod headlines '
point, excellent layout, descriptions of Category 8 - REAL ESTATE First Place - JESSAMINE JOURNAL, Secdnd Place _ CADIZ RECORD Staff
vehicles a major plus, First Place - WAYNE COUNTY OUT- Stair Good header ’
Catchy layout with store info included. Second Place - MT. STERLING ADVO‘ photo on Bluegrass Energy ad. Copy idea Great d al dir ’ -
. yar s e ectory. Good serVIce
Good use of white space. CATE, JOADD Halsey for local ads. directo but needs u - under (ate-
Third Place - UNION COUNTY ADVO- Third Place — JESSAMINE JOURNAL, Second place - CADIz RECORD, Stag fies riiy u . g’l‘i’k 5:153 for reader
CATE, Lisa 'I‘umer PeggyAdkins Super editorial and advertising effort. inveniencegm ping
Catchy headline. Nice layout, needs more Ad clean, no abbreviations, leading DOt Ads clean, complete. Watch headline Hon orabl 'M nt' _ BENTON TRI
white space between pics, need to add too tight. GOOdll COUld use good benefit fonts in ads (Bank of Cadiz' ) should have BUNE COeI lRlEe RlSI’gafi‘ -
hours. headline, repeat name of realtors at bot- bold “interest” hmdlines.
Honorable Mention - BENTON TRI- tom. Third Place - FRANKLIN FAVORITE, Category lS-SPECIAL
BUNE COURIER, Tim Hurst/Twila Honorable Mention - WAYNE COUNTY Staff PUBLICATIONS
Hurst WK, Staff Great ad count. Ads need bold interest First Place - CADIZ RECORD, Stafi‘
J° - headlinesi more white space. Ads full 0f Most ads have good use of white space.
Category 3 - HARDWARE! - - - - a ,, .
APPLIANCE STORES Category 9 - CLOTHING stEs flfififimfim‘igfi 392:?“ 3:? Cl“ “1P5 obi? as mpyrrgfi‘ W f°r
First Place - BENTON TRIBUNE First Place ' JESSAMINE JOURNAL, Honorable Mention - BENTON TRI- 5,003,313,389 WA bEMOC
TCgUBfliJgffioSChimflidHfim mxcgkssmuldn’t mix line art and BUNE COURIER, Terri Noles/Joyce RAT, Jennie Derrick/Suzie Fryman
s 1 w s . 1 ea. , - ' ,
Good ad info. p pe photos though. W HurSl/VleY Penney Every ad person 3 dream.
Second Place - UNION COUNTY ADVO- Second Place - MT. STERLING ADvo- ' W “a“? ' UNION COUNTY ADVO'
CATE, Barbara Starkey CATE, Ann Roundtree Category 14 - GROUP CATE, Stag . .
Third Place — UNION COUNTY ADVO~ Good small ad. Complete info. PROMOTIONS Umque pummmn' 501d.ph9‘05‘ Page
CATE, Barbara Starkey Third Place - MT. STERLING ADVO- First Place — PULASKI NEWS JOUR- in” Should be 18‘7“! 1“ “”0“ “0t ad‘
Good open ad, slant gives interest; ad CATEiJOAnn Halsey NAL, Brenda Sexton b dips gmt (glood m‘;d3.ll\/Iost ads need
peaks interest, gives info to build deal. Photos and headline garner attention. Ad just jumps ofi” of page and sticks to ene It ea me. atc screens and
Add city to ad. BUti fall fashions and holiday fashions ‘00 you! Great use of graphics and color” reverses
Honorable Mention - UNION COUNTY large and bold for location in ad. Could Second Place — MT. STERLING ADVO-
ADVOCATE, Lisa 'I\imer use more COPY about merchandise. U59 CATE JoAnn Halsey/Lisa McNav/Ann Category 19 - BEST USE OF COLOR
. store hours and days. Roundtjree . . SE81: 12:28 ABSTLEI: COUNTY BAN—
Category 4 - FINANCIAL w - . an a 11109“
First mace - PULASKI NEWS JOUR- Category 10-MUL'I‘IPLE 53:55: Fri-:21CITfitIirtidergfluggflfdagrl: Great use of subtle color?!
N AL, Brenda Sexton ADVERTISER/“SIG” PAGE groat") ' Second Place - WAYNE COUNTY OUT-
Great reader a eal and 00d layout. I FlTSt Place ' BENTON TRIBUNE ' . H _ 7 - LOOK Staff
would have movié’bg, andidm‘m bot- COURIER, Vicky Penney/Terri gfigbimngptpmm SUN’ Mmg‘e Good balance of color and good use of
tom right comer of ad. Noles/Joyoe Schoening Good clean use of color and hics Not unusual colors, not seen a lot in paper.
Second Place _ CYNTHIAN A DEMOC- Good layout, balance, editorial content, hard to read grap ' Third Place - CYNTHIANA DEMOC-
RAT, Beverly Urfidue ad count and ad frames. Honorable. Mention - JESSAMINE RAT, Jennie Derrick/Suzie Fryman
Ad directly addresses a need. Good flow Second Place -. CYNTHIANA DEMOC- JOURNAL DeAnna Works/Patan Scott Very effective use of spot color. Eye catch-
throughout. Artwork a little “old" fashioned. RAT, Stafl78uzxe Fryman Attractive and Mbmqtive mg. Not overkillexl with color.
Third Place - BENTON TRIBUNE My choice! Unique ad design, good ser— ‘ '
COURIER Terri Nolos/Vicky Penney woo to parents. Category 15 - HOLIDAY GREETING Category 20 ' BEST AD SERIES
Effective use of white space. Good follow Thlrd Place ' PULASKI NEWS JOUR' ADS First'Place LCYNTI-HANA DEMOCRAT’
thru. NAL, Staff First Place - WAYNE COUNTY OUT- Jennie Deka/S‘me Fm?”
Honorable Mention _ TIE - ANDERSON Clean layout, uncluttered, good use of LOOK, Stafl' Dig: clons1stentt, next time try for com
NEWS, RustyKiser color. Great service to basketball fans. d ' ‘ 515 n P acemen -
Goodphotcs. Honorable Mention - MT. STERLING madgfinagnpgmfiegoéfingZEw’ easy Second Place ' BENTON TRIBUNE
Honorable Mention — TIE - BUTLER ADVOCATE, JoArm Halsey/Ann Second Place - WAYNE COUNTY OUT- COURIER, Joyce SChOemng/V‘Cky
COUNTY BANNER Amanda Vincent Roundtree/Insa McNay LOOK, Staff Penney ,
Good use of white space. Love the holly border! Great use of photo. Typeface and style ShOUId r em?“ COR-
Category 11 .CREATIVE USE Third Place _ JESS AMINE JOURNAL stant. Outline type over photos ImpOSSI-
Category 5 - PROFESSIONAL OF THE NEWSPAPER Peggy Adkins ’ ble to read.
SERVICES First Place - BENTON TRIBUNE Great graphics, good use of spot color. ThiI'd Plaoe- CADIZ RECORD, Staff
First Place - MT. STERLING ADV O- COURIER, 'IVvila Hurst/Irish Thrush White dots in “Christmas Delivery" good Fontsi art and l3.V0Ut ShOUld be more con-
CATE, Lisa McNay Obvious effort, obvious winner! eye catcher. Blends ad together from top SlStent.
Good small ad. Second Place - PULASKI NEWS JOUR— down to white dots at bottom ofad. Good Honorable Mention - ANDERSON
Second Place - JESSAMINE JOURNAL, NAL, Brenda Sexton designll NEWS, Rusty Kiser
Peggy Adkins/DeAnna Works High reader interest, why not continue Last ad changed in series. Why? Other
Third Place - BENTON TRIBUNE selling yourself with address, phone num- Category 16 - AGRICULTURE/ than that everything is fine.
COURIER, Joyce Schoening/Vicky ber, etc. Never miss an opportunity to LAWN ANDGARDEN
Penney promote paper. First Place - JESSAMINE JOURNAL, See WEEKLY 3, page 12

 MAY 2000
2000 KPA Ad Contest - Page 7
Nicholas ville
ER 1ft/7141W1 F7 F ‘ J E J 111
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’1»? $1,) . . 2;};— gill: 9.00 \ ,, $.20. .1
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our regular price IS : f W17: \
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CONVER 0 Off V .ng T 1 d F b 16
>1 ox? .. ues a e rua
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0 A ' A‘ °BUiledCr1w Fish ’
W DzflNE DINGO {a g) Lt” ' g, OGrilled Shrimp on a Stick or '1
e carry POST / 1;; E0319 “5 OAII—You-Can Eat Cajun
11—11; - 11E _. r———_“—*—"—*—m—‘
II . HUSH PUPPIES _ (M I. 1456.190 Plus with each
a malar HIKING BOOTS \E/ 31.1 mm] PUI‘W‘1 9* 1
J ‘ ‘1?“ 33¢ receive a :’Il‘4;{?§.it'1'i@ifi‘\\ i
III I . 6" (“z-‘3' - cm EEEE PIECE OF . r3111.» J
at 9 IC ‘46 ixfi‘ 1"? 1.4. . 0 KING CAKE 3 A: 3' .9 «
V ' ." . c l 5 f. (I, .g.‘ a
“ ' ' // ‘ : . .. \hrdifirasliavors ~. - \Q‘WEZ’ ~$\ ’3
ran 5 \ d‘. " "/1 ’ 9@- will also be given away V D r G is
\\-_- _ ' “ a - “‘"‘“—*“"“**“"““““_fi—“-*—
- \:::*'—-*‘:././ . ‘ . .
209 Ea“ Oak S" . 885 2826 ‘ "“3” " “ is Valentine Specml Saturday, February 13
,1 ' .0- ill-You-Can-Eat Crab Legs or
1 .' .f- - , Prime Rib Dinner
W . '1' . 1° '

--. - - mu:
.. _- , ”’“\x ‘ 1b“. * RESTAURAN I .
{1/1 ‘2131 if E§~K ii (um ~ w 1- 1' 1 \I r -H i
1" “E BUCK-BucK.Buc %\o \f}. ) L “(in .lur} k 1 ”lf‘m H ( ii
9‘ WHEN IT COMES TO Dunn (imprrs, % Luv. ' .‘°L. ' (>02i38‘)-04)47 .__.—‘—‘”———‘ __1__11,,,J

WE'RE N01 ('Hirxm!

1 w w c F 1 .
1»: CAME“) A“ ARPEI'JPEIOLSTFRY Top left: The Jessamine Journal was the,

1 7 W1 . 1 1. 19,00 511i1wu~r~7lrr1 . :jbw first place finisher in the Clothing Stores

QZJEZSITCQ '. I"i‘.""'1;3138 :fJ-i"?ir~ii1,,%m ‘ category with this ad-_ The win helped the
'v-n w; wnmrx mniiio ) WV“ 1 H *““'“- 1 2 - . .

Jilin-'1,[113.111.1111Linux“, r (m: wwwuw h General Excellence competition. Bottom left:

W1. Dow-m R; _ d!) ‘ The Mt. Sterling Advocate won first place ’

a E m, ”Q n I in the Professional Services’ category.

i N 14$? %3 . 4%? Above: The Union County Advocate gar-

"‘* x 1,..le M11331"; ‘fl $1,"; nered a first place award in the

\ "; (‘1‘, ‘3‘ - ’ l E . t/D. . ‘t

ntertainmen ining ca egory.
3 745-2608 31mm 745—2608 3:,
I. ‘ Tough On Dirt. GentleOn Carpet ‘é ,

MAY (000
Page 8 - 2000 KPA Ad Contest
‘ ' . " ' " Headline was catchy. Honorable Mention - TIE - NEWS EXPRESS, Staff
Multl- : Second Place — PRINCETON TIMES APPALACHIAN NEWS EXPRESS, Easy to read, larger type.
. LEADER, Ellen Franklin Terry May Third Place - CENTRAL KEN-
; Nice use of color, good human inter- TUCKY NEWS JOURNAL, Tracy
Weekly l est. Category 12-ENTERTAINMENT/ parking/Wilma Abe“
I l Third Place - APPALACHIAN DINING Organized, easy to search.
Category 1 - DEPARTMENT/ Branham/Terry May