xt7p2n4zkn2s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7p2n4zkn2s/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1988-08 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, August 1988 text GLSO News, August 1988 1988 1988-08 2019 true xt7p2n4zkn2s section xt7p2n4zkn2s Free at Selected Business Locations
Home Delivery at $5 per year
You saw it here first during May and lesbians live here too! Probably some gays
June! Then another 100,000 people saw it in and lesbians living in rural areas will hear of
the Lexington Herald-Leader during Gay and GLSO for the first time and realize there is a
Lesbian Pride Week. Now Kentucky will keep place where they can turn for support.
seeing it time and time again for the next The Chicago Resource Center funded a
year! No, this is not a late April fool joke. similar GLSO project during 1985-1986. You
What we are referring to is our ad, "Are You may remember seeing billboards around
Abusing Your Child Without Knowing It?" Lexington which read, "Someone You Know is
The Chicago Resource Center has Gay... Maybe Someone You Love." Although
awarded $7,500 to GLSO for a Community restricted to Lexington, that project increased
Outreach Project. The project will include a the visibility of local gays and lesbians. The
monthly advertisement in the Herald-Leader new project is even more ambitious since the
similar to the one you've already seen. We Herald-Leader is read all over central and
plan to develop other ads for the eastern Kentucky. And if we can place ads in »
Herald-Leader which follow the same format, rural weekly papers, we'll be touching an even
and will also run them in the Kentucky Kernel larger audience. Watch the newspaper, and
and selected small town newspapers. During remember GLSO is trying to help Kentucky
the next year Kentuckians will learn gays and overcome some of its homophobia.
Several local members of Adult Children planned simply as a supplement for those '
of Alcoholics (ACA) will be startin a new members who want to discuss aspects of their
support group for gays and lesgians in lesbian or gay lives without being concerned
Lexington if at least eight people express about possible homophobic reactions. Of
interest. ACA provides a safe, comfortable course, people not wishing to take part in any
place for you to talk about the pain and fear other sessions may attend only these Gay ACA
that resulted from growing up with an meetings. As with all these programs,
alcoholic in the family. Often, people who anonymity it assured and attendees take part
have no history of family alcoholism benefit in meetings only to the degree with which they
from these sessions because their families were feel comfortable.
unable to express affection or respect to each Meetings are tentatively scheduled for
other. If you had an uncomfortable childhood Saturday afternoons at St. Joseph Office Park.
or a potentially dangerous one, you will find Anyone requesting more information may call
others at ACA who can understand because Karen at 259-3292. If the answering machine
they have been there, too. answers .please leave a message including your
Four ACA meetings already occur at St. first name and phone number so she can
Joseph Office Park. This new group is not return the call.
meant to replace those meetings. Instead it is

D Please send me a free introductory
issue of GLSO News and information In keeping with the spirit of a summer
on GLSO. filled with movie sequels, we've decided to
have a sequel of our own for the GLSO
El I'd like to become a voting Member Coffeehouse 8 Dance on Friday, August 19.
of GLSO, including home delivery So watch for "Mingle With the Arts II" at your
of the GLSO News and discounts local Unitarian Universalist Church turing
at GLSO functions. My Membership some of your favorite artists. ty of
fee of $10/year is enclosed. art forms will be reer ‘30 ding
singing, dancing, and "i Cf), ,‘ for
E] I don't wish to become a Member but a nice healthy dose g“ P‘“ eh ..ure
please send me the GLSO News each and a whole Ic' 60 o C’ e“ .«Ill open
month. I enclose the $5 annual fee. at 9 pm, ' C i, "“ oeginning at
9:30, 51 O? ours of dancing.
Name: The 00 “Se per person, and it's
BYO. 9.0 gel"
6 ergy" will again be at the
Address: monthi , L) to sell T-shirts and other items
with o .ginal artwork by Delight Voignier.
Ten percent of all sales will be contributed to
City, St, Zip: GLSO, so please take the time to check out
their artwork. If you have a particular
Mail to: Newsletter, P.O. Box 111471 message or design in mind, "Pure Energy" can
Lexington, KY 110575 custom make what you need. For special
orders you can also call (606) 272-5189.
Hope to see you at the C 8 D!
GLSO ”"5 '5 PUb"Shed "‘°“""Y by the —
Lexington Gay Services Organization, Inc.
(d.b.a. Lexington Gay/Lesbian Services
Organization). Box 111171, Lexington, KY I40575 ANNUAL WOODLAND PARK CLEAN-UP
Steve Savage, Editor
Craig Clere, Asst Editor, Events Calendar Every summer when the weather turns
Debbie 8 Teresa, Asst Editors for Esmerelda hot so do the men, and some go "on a cruise"
Aunt Mary, Advice Columnist to cool off. Most can't afford the QE II, so
Additional Contributors: AVOL, The Advocate, Woodland Park is an inexpensive alternative.
NGLTF, Karen, MOHR, GLDA, RWAC, Phys If ygg feel the urge to go "on a cruise,"
Wash News, Keith; Typists: Dave, Craig; beware! As in years past, the man behind
Equipment: Dave, Karen; Typesetting: Matt; the bushes in Woodland Park may be a police
Layout: Gerry; Mailing: Dave; Courier: officer.
Barry,- Folding 8 Stuffing: Mark, Steve, The Lexington Police don't generally
Dave, Gerry, Jim. hassle gays and lesbians, but if you're
inclined to make "woopie" in public (not
Views or opinions expressed in GLSO News are Whoopie Goldberg) you're asking to spend the
those of the authors and do not necessarily night in the Detention Center. That's
represent those of the Board of Directors. inconvenient and embarrassing. Last summer
Submissions are welcome. All submissions we heard about 50 guys in that predicament,
become the property of GLSO and must include but if we had counted the names in the
the full name and address of the author. "Herald-Leader" we'd have found more. We
Anonymous submissions are not accepted. The know of several arrests in Woodland Park so
editorial staff reserves the right to alter any far this summer, and assume the police also
submissions (including advertising) to meet watch other parks, rest stops, and other
publishing requirements. public areas. Be smart, and play safe.
The placement of advertising in GLSO News
does not denote a person's sexual orientation —
nor a business's customer preference.
2 GLSO August _

SEX LAWS CHALLENGED IN MICHIGAN the states are now equally divided, half of the
states have repealed these types of laws and

The Michigan Organization for Human half have not yet done so."

Rights IMOHR) and 12 individuals filed suit on The individual plaintiffs are lead by a
June 29 challenging the constitutionality of 75-year-old lesbian, Lucille Portwood, Ph.D.,
Michigan's laws which outlaw private, of Okemos. Michigan. Ms. Portwood is a
consensual, adult sexual behavior. Relying on retired microbiologist who served 38 years with
the Michigan Constitution, the lawsuit asserts the Michigan Department of Public Health.
these laws, which carry penalties of up to She has participated in numerous civic,
fifteen years in prison, violate every Michigan cultural and professional activities. Ms.
citizen's rights of privacy and equal treatment PortWood states, "These laws invade my
under the law. privacy. Though I cherish my privacy, I

The suit was filed in Wayne County on voluntarily surrender it to speak out against

the eve of the second anniversary of the them."
United States Supreme Court decision in Another plaintiff, Verna Spayth, a
"Bowers v. Hardwick," decided June 30, 1986. heterosexual woman with a physical disability.
In that case the Supreme Court, in a 5-11 represents the unique impact the statutes have
decision, refused to extend the right of on those who are physically challenged.
privacy under the United States Constitution "Michigan law denies any sexual expression at
to gay sexual conduct. all to people who are physically unable to have

Michigan sodomy and gross indecency intercourse. I fear most that these laws will
laws are written to subject all persons in be used against my brothers and sisters who
Michigan to criminal prosecution on he basis of are locked up in nursing homes and other
antiquated notions of human sexuality - institutions across the state," she said.
whether they are gay or straight, single or Likewise, the lesbian and gay plaintiffs
married. are precluded from any sexual expression

Lead attorney David Piontkowsky said, under Michigan Iaw. Additionally, they are
"Use of force or sex with someone underage or more likely to be prosecuted.
incompetent is the proper concern of Fear of prosecution is not the only
government and the criminal sexual conduct consequence of these laws. Gay men and _
statute covers those situations. The laws lesbians often suffer collateral consequences
challenged here go beyond that to regulate the such as discrimination in housing, employment,
sexual behavior of adults in the privacy of custody, and other areas, and experience
their bedrooms. which is not the business of harassment and violence based on their sexual
the State.” orientation. "These laws give the State seal

In addition to Piontkowsky, the Plaintiffs of approval to discrimination and harassment,"
are represented by attorney Paula Ettelbrick Piontkowsky noted.
from Lambda Legal Defense and Education Greenspon summed up, ”There is no
Fund in New York and Eileen Scheef and place in a democratic society for laws which
Donald Greenspon, volunteer attorneys for the authorize the government to police purely
American Civil Liberties Union Fund of private sexual acts between consenting adults.
Michigan. There is no place in a democratic society for a

"The purpose of this lawsuit is to have constitutional interpretation which allows the
the statutes declared unconstitutional and government to deny lesbians and gay men, or
unenforceable as applied to private sexual acts any other group of people, the same privacy
between consenting adults. The issue is and sexual freedom it permits straight people.II
whether all people, not just certain people,
have the right to choose what sexual acts they THE PHILIPPINES ADOPTS HIV POLICY
will or will not engage in," Scheff said.

Ettelbrick, explaining Lambda's The Philippine government has decided
involvement, states, "This case has national to require an HIV blood test certificate from
significance in light of the Supreme Court's all foreigners who plan to reside in the
Hardwick decision which said criminal laws for country for six months or longer. This will
consensual sexual behavior will be up to the include about l10,000 US service personnel and
states. We believe Michigan can be an example dependents. No information was available on
for the nation in striking down tljese laws. possible actions to be taken by the Philippine
Michigan has the opportunity to tip the government in cases of positive HIV test
balance in favor of individual freedom because results.

GLSO August 3

Over 250 attended AVOL's Summer
Benefit on July 10. Held at ArtsPlace, the The owner of the Dayton Daily News
event raised about $5,000 to house people with fired the newspaper's publisher after gay
AIDS (PWAs) who are unable to support activists protested the publisher's rejection of
themselves because of their illness. Food, classified ads submitted by two gay groups.
friendship and beverages were available in the David Easterly, president of Atlanta -
ArtsPlace Gallery, while New York performers based Cox Newspapers which owns ,the Daily
Bryan Murphy and Ron Bailey entertained in News, dismissed publisher Dennis Shere on
the adjoining Performance Hall. The human June 8 after Shere refused to resign or
tragedy of AIDS was underscored when a local change his position on rejecting the ads. In a
PWA addressed the crowd later in the evening, statement, Shere said his "Christian
publicly disclosing his illness for the first convictions" led him to believe publishing the
time. ads would give the appearance the newspaper
Those who missed the Benefit can still was “promoting unacceptable behavior."
contribute to AVOL's housing project. Make Easterly was quoted in the Daily News
your check payable to AVOL and mail it to as saying, "Personal feelings, religious or
P.O. Box 1131, Lexington, uosss. Donations otherwise, cannot be allowed to override our
are tax deductible and will be used to provide obligation to treat people fairly As
housing for local AIDS patients. newspaper people, it's our job to defend
AVOL thanks all who made the evening a freedom of expression for all people, even
success, both those who attended a well as when we do not condone their life-style or
those behind the scenes who did the llanning, philosophy."
preparation and clean-up. A special thanks to Easterly's statement was followed quickly
AVOL's friends in the business community who by the newspaper's acceptance of the ads.
donated the excellent food and refreshments. Five hundred religious fundamentalists then
rallied in front of the paper's offices, canceled
AVOL REPRESENTED AT STATE CONFERENCE hundreds of subscriptions and threatened a
two week boycott. Easterly and J. Bradford
On July 15, Chuck Conn and three other Tillson, the new publisher, stood by the
AVOL members attended an all-day conference decision to publish the ad.
in Frankfort sponsored by the Kentucky AIDS
Education Project. The conference was held
for AIDS Coordinators from local and district AMTRAK OFFERS REDUCED RATES
health departments within the state. About 25 TO GAY AND LESBIAN COUPLES
of the 90 trained Coordinators attended.
Besides AVOL, AIDS Southern Kentucky Same-sex couples and gay/lesbian
(ASK) of Bowling Green was the only other families are eligible for reduced fares under
community based AIDS service organization Amtrak's Family Plan, according to a new
which participated. clarification of National Railroad Passenger
The session offered information on Corporation's director of Community Affairs
current state health department activities, and John Jacobsen. This application of the policy
Dr. Reginald Finger from the Department of was announced after Walter Wheeler, president
Epidemiology reported his experiences at the of Couples, Inc., a national organization
recent International Conference on AIDS in serving needs of gay and lesbian couples, was
Stockholm. A Department of Education refused a reduced fare Family Plan ticket for
representative discussed their efforts to himself and his male partner.
introduce AIDS education into the Kentucky Anyone can obtain a Family Plan ticket,
public schools. Jacobsen said, by presenting herself or
’ AVOL was well received by the Health himself as the head of a household and others
Department Coordinators. Those from rural as members of the family. The couple must be
areas serviced by Lexington's hospitals learned willing to say they are married to obtain the
of AVOL's services, and special interest was reduced rates, which are full fare for the
expressed in the housing project. AVOL's head of the household, half fare for the other
participation gave the organization higher adult member, and quarter fare for children
visibility outside Lexington and may result in between the ages of 2 and 11.
the referral of more rural PWAs needing help.
u CLSO August

from The Sentinel
As a result of constituent lobbying by Executive Director of NGLTF. "Until this kind
5 the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force of legislation is enacted, discrimination against
’ members, and efforts by the Human Rights lesbian and gay people in employment, housing
f Campaign Fund, John Chaffee (R-RI) became and other areas will continue with
the tenth Senator to sign onto the Senate governmental approval. Senator Chaffee's
' version of the federal lesbian and gay civil co—sponsorship acknowledges that the federal
' rights bill. Senator Chaffee stated, "I believe government does have a duty to protect
3 that equal opportunity must be guaranteed for lesbian and gay people from fundamental
all Americans. To discriminate against violations of our civil rights and that it is a
' individuals because of race, sex, age, or bipartisan issue."
' sexual orientation is to deny them their civil NGLTF Lobbyist Peri Jude Radecic
5 rights. Based on this conviction I am proud credited the co-sponsorship in large part to
to give my strong support to S. lwit." . constituent lobbying by NCLTF members in
_ S. 1:611 amends the 1961! Civil Rights Act Rhode Island. “We started lobbying Senator
f to include non-discrimination based on sexual Chaffee back in December of 1987,“ said
‘ or affectional orientation. Other Senate Radecic. “Our strategy was to build upon the
cosponsors include: Alan Cranston (D-CA), work of activists during the March on
Lowell Weicker (R-CT), Daniel lnoyue (D-Hl), Washington Lobby Days.“
Paul Simon (D-IL), Edward Kennedy [D-MA), According to Levi, NGLTF members and
John Kerry (D-MA), Barbara Mikulski lD-MD), activist organizations in Rhode Island
Daniel Moynihan (D~NY), and Brock Adams participated in a letter writing campaign. "We
(D-WA). were pleased to see our members respond and
"Senator Chaffee's willingness to stand even more pleased to see that work pay off in
up for the civil rights of all Americans, the form of another cosponsor to S. 14614," said
including lesbian and gay Americans, is a Levi.
victory for us all,“ said Jeffrey Levi,
Presbyterians for Lesbian] Gay Concerns
working for support, equality and justice——
in our church, in our community, in our world.
interest in a local group? -
Jim Oxyer
P.O. Box 7692
Louisville, KY 40207
CLSO August 5

j The following selection is the first
, winner of Esmerelda's Write-Off. We hope that
A! smerelaa 5 Par] you all enjoy it as much as we did, and that
" O r you will feel inspired to send in some of your
5“. work. Each winner will have her work
Q7 : published in Esmerelda's Parlour, and will also
.4 receive two free passes to the GLSO
M Coffeehouse and Dance. And now, our first
~ winning selection . . .
"Too Hot To Handle'I
— .
"Lordy, lordy, I don't thmk I can stand
, much more of this hot weather," I said out
It's hot - what more can we say? Our loud to myself. This is a common complaint
plants are wilting, and so are we. Yet this summer in Lexington, especially among
somehow we've found the energy to get excited those of us who work outdoors. I work at a
about the month ahead. August, traditionally racetrack, and it has been brutal. Seems like
one of the most insufferable months of the the only thing I really look forward to is
year, is a wonderful month for lesbians! For, coming home to the air conditioning. l drag
among other things, it gives us the Womyn's my poor, hot, sweaty, sticky body home to
Music Festival in Michigan, an event many the luxury of a nice cool shower. After I
lesbians literally plan their year around. catch my breath and cool down a bit, I head
While to be best of my knowledge no one in for the ice-box and an ice-filled tumbler of
our little household will be venturing up north Bartle 8 Jaymes. Still naked from my shower,
this year, our thoughts will be with those of I relax in front of the fan with my drink.
you who do. What a wonderful experience you Pretty soon Jo comes home, much in the same
have ahead of you. And what wonderful shape as I. After a similar, quick
stories we have to look forward to! metamorphosis, she is ready to join me on the
Also in August, fall league softball will couch.
get underway, and what a great way to see "Wouldn't it be cooler in the bedroom?"
and/or meet a whole slew of women. Whether she asked pensively. "On the waterbed -
as a spectator or a participant, you'll be wouldn't it be cooler, Jan?"
enjoying a favorite lesbian pastime. If. on the I think to myself: What could she be up
other hand, you are more of the indoor type to? Maybe she just wants to take a nap, so I
check out the lesbian potluck or tile lesbian innocently follow her into the quiet, dark, cool
passion discussion group. They off r a nice, solitude of the bedroom. Gentle fingers
low-key way to meet other lesbians. Or if delicately caress the tension from my rigid and
you're just one more party animal looking for tense muscles. Beginning at my throat and
someplace other than a bar to cut loose, come moving leisurely downward, these wandering
to the GLSO Coffeehouse and Dance on Friday, messengers of relief and pleasure find my most
August 19. Opportunities abound for minglin' sensitive areas and arouse them slowly but
and dancin', whichever suits your fancy. surely to shimmering and delightful
By the way, a little bird tells us that commitment. There was no turning back now
there is a new group in town called OWL as I quickly and gratefully returned these
(Older and Wiser Lesbians.) Formerly called ministrations to Jo. Suddenly, there was new
the SOL group (Slightly Older Lesbians), the relief to be found in these long, hot summer
group changed its name for reasons that afternoons.
should be obvious, and they're on their way Jan Windsong
again. We hope those of you who have been
in search of such a group will check it out.
Until next month,
Debbie 8 Teresa
I GLSO August

 THE PASSION GROUP through all that we go through. We put up
with a lot of homophobia in this culture, and '
We have nothing but good things to in ourselves. We do it because we know the
report about the Lesbian Passion Discussion magic of lesbian love."
Group. Our first actual discussion took place from Lesbian Passion
on Sunday, June 19. The chapter we
discussed was "Healing the Childl Within" WOMYN'S MUSIC FESTIVAL OPENS AUGUST 10
(where better to begin?), and the discussion
was such a good one that we decided to carry The annual Michigan Womyn's Festival is
the topic over for our July meetings. That coming around again. Beginning Wednesday
topic alone seems to have limitless potential for morning, August 10, thousands of women will
discussion. But we will be moving on. gather together for five days to celebrate
After considerable thought and womynhood/sisterhood and to share our
negotiation, we've come up with a schedule for experience through music, dance, and a
our discussions that should meet almost variety of workshops focused on women's
everyone's needs. We will meet on the first issues. The workshops will all take place on
Thursday, at 7:30 pm, and the third Sunday, Wednesday and offer a range of topics from
at 1 pm, of each month. Feel free to attend "Women in Resistance“ to "Applied Healing with
either one or both, for although the same Sight and Sound.“ And, yes, JoAnn Loulan
chapter will be discussed at each, chances are will do a workshop on “Lesbian Passion."
that the discussions will be very different. There are 21 additional workshops and if space
"Lesbian Self-Esteem" will be the chapter permitted, I would love to list them all. After
covered at the August 11 and August 21 the workshops on Wednesday, the remainder of
meetings. We hope to see lots of you there! the festival will be devoted to music, music.
And now, JoAnn Loulan on "the magic of music. Deidre McCalIa, Teresa Trull, Alix
lesbian love": Dobkin and Edwina Lee Tyler 8 A Piece of the
World will be among the many artists
"I've found that the more I show people participating in this year's festival. In
that being a lesbian is a positive, loving thing addition, the festival presents a huge open-air
to do, the more they are willing to believe womyn's craft bazaar, and women come from all
that lesbianism can be popular, that it can be over the country to present their art, crafts,
wonderful. After all, lesbianism is magical. wares and services. For tickets and/or
That's why I'm a lesbian. I am not a woman additional information, send a large
of little brain. I would never pick a weirdo, self-addressed, stamped envelope to WWTMC,
terrible sexual orientation. I am just not that Box 22, Walhalla, Michigan, #9168. Hope to
dumb. For me, being a lesbian is magical. see you there!
It's just fabulous.
Remember the first time? Not
necessarily your first sexual experience, but —
the first time you felt that flush of love for a
woman. For me, it was for Mrs. McAndrews
in second grade. I would just sit and stare Books. music and gifts by, for. '
for hours. She was tall, with slightly curled and about women. Non-sexist
grey hair, and beautiful smooth skin. I was children's books. New age
in heaven. That's lesbian magic. Remember MUSIC-5'3“ “men's“lemmc-
that feeling? I remember when Mary Simmer Labia" and BflYlileralU‘e- '
whistled at me in fourth grade and I thought I Mail Oldrrx. Special 0,4,”,
would faint. I came out of the house dressed ' 5;], cmkficmu.
in white shorts and a white top with red trim, The , . .
and Mary Simmer, my girlfriend from down the _ d. “k “mm" SMIM‘S UR"
street, was standing in front of my house, C’n‘yLa les
and she whistled at me. I nearly fell over. I Bookstore
d'dnlt know what the few“?! “’35- I didn't 4|l2llamillonAve. Clnrinnull.0ll45213 (511)541-0"
know anythlng about sexuality. I didn't know
who Sappho was. I was only in fourth grade.
But I still remember that feeling. It's one of —
my favorite feelings.
That feeling is one of the reasons we go -
GLSO August 7

On October 11, hundreds of thousands and to act as a clearinghouse for the hundreds
of gay men and lesbians will participate in a of innovative ideas this campaign will
bold, new national campaign, “National Coming engender."
Out Day '88: Take Your Next Step." Although details of the National Coming
"This is a grass roots project designed Out Day campaign will evolve further as the
to include everyone in our community. broader community gets involved, three basic
National Coming Out Day will build individual steps have been outlined:
self-esteem and commitment, energize our local 1. People will be encouraged to fill out a
communities, and increase our national commitment card affirming their decision to
visibility and strength," announced Jean "take the next step" on Oct. 11.
O'Leary, executive director of the National 2. People will participate on Coming Out
Gay Rights Advocates. NGRA will co-sponsor Day in "whatever way you choose - telling a
the event with the Experience Weekend. friend, going to your first gay political
National Coming Out Day '88 is jointly meeting, putting a photo of your lover up at
sponsored by NGRA, NGLTF and other work - whatever is your next step.“
national gay organizations and will enlist the 3. People will be encouraged to attend
active support of more than 8,000 local and a Coming Out Day party the evening of Oct.
state gay/lesbian groups across the country, 11 to share with others "your coming Out Day
as well as the community's local and national story - whether at an intimate dinner party,
media. rap group, or a large community
"A National Coming Out Day is an idea town-hall-type meeting.II
whose time has come," declared Rob NGRA will track the development of
Eichenberg, founder and key spokesperson many of these Coming Out Day stories and
for the Experience Weekend. "As last year's plans to collate them into a commemorative
March on Washington showed, this is a book and video about this important day.
community that is growing and thriving. we National Coming Out Day emerged as one
are determined to bring that spirit home - to of four consensus projects from the "War
show our strength, out rich cultural diversity, Conference," a gathering of 200 gay and
and our boundless creativity and vitality - lesbian leaders in Virginia in late February.
even in the face of the AIDS epidemic." Each project will be supported by all
As last October's March also proved, the organizations, with key sponsorship by one or
full force of the nation's gay and lesbian two groups.
community is prepared to take a stand for its Other projects are the formation of a
rights. If each of last year's 600,000 national emergency response network to link
marchers come out to just one more non-gay all organizations and provide the means to
person as a result of National Coming Out pressure elected officials; a national voter
Day, another 600,000 people will have the registration drive; a national media and public
opportunity to realize they know someone gay relations campaign to promote our visibility as
or lesbian, and will have the chance to learn a multicultural, diverse community; and an
the old prejudices are not justified. As annual conference of gay and lesbian activists
evidence shows, heterosexuals who know open to all.
someone openly gay are much more likely to In order to help facilitate National
hold gay-positive attitudes than those who Coming Out Day, NGRA and the Experience
believe they know no one gay. Weekend will provide several organizing tools
"Everyone can participate," NGRA's to local groups and individuals, including:
O'Leary explained. "One lesbian might find A basic coming out kit;
the courage this Oct. 11 to come out to her A list of resources to help plan local
son's‘ PTA. A gay man might choose to campaigns:
,engage in civil disobedience for the first time. A list of national slogans, old and new,
A teenager might finally be able to admit to such as “We Are Everywhere!" and
herself she's gay." "Silence=Death;"
"There are countless ways to be Commitment cards and certificates of
Involved," continued O'Leary. "Our job as participation:
campaign coordinators will be to encourage Buttons, bumper stickers, T-shirts, etc.
widespread participation from every corner of In addition, NGRA will act as a national
our community and our organized movement clearinghouse soliciting ideas for slogans, a
I GDOAugust

 I —
National Coming Out Day song, Coming Out RAINBOW BOWLING SEASON BEGINNING
day party ideas, etc.

. As part of Campaign Countdown to Oct. GLSO's Rainbow Bowling League will
11, NGRA will seek endorsements from begin its 1988-89 season with a pre-season
celebrities, civil rights, professional and party at Chuck and Keith's house, August 23
educational organizations, as well as religious, at 8 pm. Call Chuck (268-8511) or Keith

. business, and political leaders. The support (269-81417) for directions. Last year le

. and active participation of families and friends bowlers participated every Tuesday evening at
of gays and lesbians will be encouraged Joyland Lanes on Paris Pike, just north of
through a parallel media campaign to reach the New Circle Road. This year there is room for
heterosexual community. even more people, so all you closet bowlers

Essential to the fullest participation of looking for a good time should call for
the gay and lesbian community will be the information, or simply come enjoy the party
involvement of the gay media and all the 8,000 and join the league. Don't worry, you don't
groups across the country. GLSO will, of have to be a "professional quality" bowler to
course, lend its full support to this national join! In fact, if you average over 100 you'll
campaign. be eligible for our "hall of fame."


GLSO recently donated two subjscriptions 1981, the publication made an obvious effort to
of GLSO News to the M.I. King Library at the provide more community information and
University of Kentucky. One subscription is support than previous issues.