xt7p2n4zkn16 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7p2n4zkn16/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1991-02 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, February 1991 text GLSO News, February 1991 1991 1991-02 2019 true xt7p2n4zkn16 section xt7p2n4zkn16 NEWS I 991 I L5 @
5 Free at Selected Business Locations
Home Delivery at $5 per year
from GLSO News staff
February promises to be an active month for Quilt. On February ii and T2 the quilt will be
NAMES Project Kentucky. Besides their on display at the Berea College Library. On
regularly scheduled general meeting on the February I4 and T5 Eastern Kentuck
T th and their pane making workshop on the University's Campbell Arts Building Lobby will
14th, a celebrijtry auction and cocktail party will host the quilt display.
be held on Fri ay, February 2, at 7 m at the Kentucky State University's Jackson Hall
old Acaiou Restaurant, corner of Third and Gallery hosts the uilt on February 22 and 23.
Limestone. The event will be hosted by Anita The quilt display Elose with presentations at the
Madden with a small admission fee accepted at University at Kentucky Student Center, held in
the door. conjunction with UK's AIDS Symposium, on Feb.
Several locations will have dis la of 32 28 and March I. There is no admission tee
sections of the International AIDS KAemorial charged for any at the quilt displays.
from KGLEC
One of the newest fields at research amon As part of this continuing process, David
historians in the last iiiteen years is gay ang Williams, Director at the Kentuck Gay and
lesbian history. Beiore T975, most ay and Lesbian Educational Center (KGLECi: is seeking
lesbian history consisted oi eni matic reTerences. interviews with lesbian and gay individuals in
The homosexuality of even The most famous Kentucky who are familiar with gay lite from the
gays and lesbians, such as Walt Whitman, was 1920's and I930's onward. Williams is
glossed over, disguised, or simply ignored by particularly interested in hearing from people
professional historians, even when their sexual amiliar with the gay bar scene, as well as early
orientation was central to the understanding of gay rights ioneers from the 60's and 70's.
their character. The last decade has witnessed For Further information, write to Williams at
an explosion of research into the lesbian and PO Box 4264, Louisville, Kentucky 40204; or
gay past, and much at the work has yet to be call him at $502) 636-0935. Confidentiality is
started. assured tor t ose who request it.
from Laura, Linda, & Phyllis
Athena Productions will be brin ing Holl Holly. Those at us at Rhythm Fest '90 were
Near to Lexington on Saturday nigfit, March lucky enough to experience this very talented
30th, 8 pm, at the Singletary Center for the African American couple. You are in for quite
Arts, University Oi Kentucky. Tickets are $T2 in a s ecial evening!
advance and may be purchased at the Q’Ve are very excited about roducing Holly
Sin leta Center box oiiice (phone number Near in the main auditorium oi) the Singletary
2523-4932?) or $14 at the door. Center for the Arts; which, seats T,45O people.
This is still in the works but it looks like Joyce We need each of you to come to the concert,
& Jacque from Atlanta will be warm up ior bring friends, and help us promote this concert!

 [ ] Please send me information on GLSO.
[ ] I'd like to become a votin Member of
GLSO, includin home defive of the _————_'_
GLSO NEWS and discounts at ZLSO Dear Aunt Mary,
functions. Membership of $lO/yr.
individual, $l5/yr. couple, is enclosed. I'm a 40 year old gay man and still don't
know what i want to be when i grow up. By
[ ] I don't wish to become a Member but the way, I'm referring to my career and not my
please send me the GLSO NEWS each sexual identity. Is this unusual?
month. I enclose the $5 annual fee.
Perpetual adolescent
Name: Dear Perp,
Welcome to the crowd! According to 0
Address: recent "scientific" article, gay men express the
greatest uncertainty and the least satisfaction
City, St, Zip: with their careers. Lesbians, on the other hand,
seem to be the most satisfied and the least
Mail to: Newsletter, PO. Box 11471 uncertain about their career choices along with
Lexington, KY40575 (of all groups) heterosexual males. Apparently
gay men and heterosexual women have the
——_——_—'— reatest difficulties with their career choices.
anfortunately, the article did not attempt to
explain this phenomenon. Of course, Aunt
GLSO News is published monthly by the Ma has plenty of theories as to why this may
Lexington Gay Services Organization, lnc. be,r)but, for now, she'll spare ou the agony of
(Lexin ton Ga /Lesbian Services Or anization), her pontifications and hope that knowing you
P.O. Box 114%, Lexington, KY 40595. are not alone suffices.
It should also be noted that these results are
Craig Clere, Managing Editor generalizations and cannot be applied to any
Esmerelda Collective, Esmerelda Parlour one individual. As a result, there are probably
Aunt Mary, Advice Columnist a host of lesbians out there who are uncertain
and dissatisfied with their work just as there are
Additional Contributors: Crai , GLSO, Laura, gay men who are happ with their career
Heartland, Windy City "lgimes, Kay, The choices. A great deaf, of information is
Advocate; Typist: Craig; Equipment: Dave; Layout: available for anyone experiencing career
Craig, Steve; Mailing: Bill; Courier: Craig; Folding indecision — Robert Bolles' "What Color is Your
&Stuffing: Steve, Mark. Parachute" is the most popular career guidance
book and is available at most bookstores. in
addition, Peter Drucker (a well-known
Views or opinions expressed in GLSO News are those of the mana ement consultant) has suggested that one
authors and do not necessarily represent those of the GLSO shoulf not make a career choice until age 35,
Board of Directors. Submissions are welcome. All submissions and even then one should probably change
become the property of GLSO and must indicate the full name three or four"times after that. So you're in
and address of the author. Anonymous submissions are not there Witt] the rest of USl
accepted. The editorial staff reserves the right to alter
submissions (including ads) to meet publishing requirements, as Aunt Mary
well as the right to reiect any submission it deems offensive or
discriminatory. Placement of advertising in GLSO News does Letters to Aunt Ma are always welcome. Send
not denote a person’s sexual orientation nor a business's your letter to GLSg, PO BOX 1147l, Lex., KY,
Customer Preference. 40575.
2 Feb GLSO

from Craig CIere
After sewing as the ”temporary" editor for The newsletter's puinshin system has been
GLSO News for six months, followed by a year thoroughly modernized over fite past four years.
as ”permanent" editor, I'm resigning effective We now are almost completely computerized,
with the June issue. Between Steve Savage, my from editing and page layout to subscriber
partner and former GLSO News editor and renewals. It's an easy system to learn and now
myself, our family has been responsible for the seems to be the time for someone new to learn
newsletter for nearly four years. We both it.
agree -- that's long enough! If you're interested in discussing the ins and
GLSO News needs someone who has the outs of being editor, lease give me a call at
enthusiasm and energy which Steve and I both 266-8887 and we'll) discuss it. Ideally,
had and, eventually, lost. Alas, the dreaded someone should be in place by April so we can
burn-out strikes again! work together for a few months. Any takers?
The GLSO Board of Directors welcomed from KGLEC
Mary Crone to the combined November/
December meeting of the board. Crone was
elected by the board to replace Kenneth Kentucky experienced a shar increase in
Sanders, who resigned from the board due to new cases of infectious sy hifis in I990,
scheduling conflicts. Crone's election to the according to an annual report fiom the Kentucky
board places more women on the board than Department for Health Services, but most of
at any other time in recent memory. There are these cases occurred among heterosexuals. The
now six women on the ten member board and statistics represent a sharp contrast to the early
two women, Debbie Curry and Teresa Reynolds, I980's, when homosexual and bisexual
serve as officers of the organization. individuals were most commonl infected.
Much of the increase can be attributed to a
AVOL SUPPORT GROUP STARTS 400% rise in Lexin ton-Fayette Countyl. 6T
from GLSO News staff new cases -- more ffton one-third of t e state
totaI -- were recorded here in I990, including
AIDS Volunteers of Lexington (AVOL) has an outbreak of 15 cases in August alone.
started a Bereavement Support Group for those Louisville experienced a slight decline.
persons who have lost someone to AIDS. The ”You'd think, with AIDS bein around, they
roup will be meeting at the Unitarian would be more careful," said Roberta Doyle,
Dniversalist Church's Fellowship House, 3564 coordinator of Fayette County's sexually
CIa 5 Mill Road, on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays transmitted diseases program, "but it doesnt
of the month, from 7:30 to 9:00 pm. seem to hit home." Doyle felt that, because
Kentuckians mistakenI perceive AIDS and other
BALLROOM DANCING CLASSES START sexually transmitted diseases as less of a threat
from GLSO News staff than in other states, the are not taking proper
precautions, such as the use of condoms or
Leann's Body Shop, I830 East Picadome maintainin monogamous relationships.
Park, will offer ballroom dancing classes for Until 1890, Kentucky had been witnessing a
lesbians and gay men beginning Feb. 2. yearI decline in the number of new cases of
Participants may pay by the class at $4 per syphilis. During the I982-I983 fiscal reporting
person. For information call 276-282]. year, a high 0 463 was recorded.
Feb GLSO 3

Irom GLSO News stall

Kentucky has expanded its AIDS drug Until now, the state health de rtment paid
assistance ro ram and will pay for medication only tor AZT in the treatment oImHIV-inlected
to help HIG-irilected persons at greatest risk of Kentuckians. Finger estimates that
developing Pneumocystis carinii, a deadly type approximately 50 patients will be added to the
ol pneumonia. The Kentucky Department or drug assistance program, which currently serves
Health Services will now reimburse eIi ible about 100 Kentuckians.

Kentuckians tor the cost of tour drugs thatqhelp The addition at the tour drugs (Pentamidine,
prevent the pneumonia. Bactrim, Septra DS and Dapsone) by the

Re inald Finger, M.D., state epidemiologist, Department for Health Services was lunde by a
says gneumocystis carinii pneumonia has been $100,000 appropriation by Gov. Wilkinson
the primary diagnosis in 5T percent of all AIDS and the I990 General Assembly for the drug
cases reported In Kentucky. "Patients who will assistance program.
receive one at the newly-added drugs are those Besides meeting medical eligibility’eguidelines,
whose immune s stems have been significantly those entering the program cannot Medicaid
weakened by thie HIV virus and who are eli ible or have rivate health insurance that
potential candidates Ior pneumocystis wifi pay tor the (Iiugs. Kentuckians who want
pneumonia," he said. "We are hoping to more information about applyin for assistance
prevent, or at least delay, the development at with AIDS-related dru s shoulg contact their
this neumonia in Kentucky patients, thereby private ph sician or tfie AIDS coordinator at
lengthening their lives." their local health department.

from David Williams

A Kentucky state police oilicer was Martin has tailed a lie detector test and
suspended in November tor alleged homosexual Ray's lie detector test roved inconclusive.
acts while on duty. Kentucky State Police allege Martin's lawyer, Earl NILIIins, entered a
that Jerome Martin, the only African-American not—guilty plea on December I8. During an
trooper at the Pikeville, Kentucky station, had administrative hearing three days later, Mullins
sex with Tim Branham, a former high school noted that state police mi ht have an "attitude
principal, in his patrol car at a cemetery near oi predisposition' about glartin because he is

ikevile in May. Branham, who is said to be "not a favorite at the st."

gay, is also one at Martin's best Iriends. On January II ti: trial reconvened with
Martin states that he was simply urinating, but Branham’s testimon . Martin was convicted of
Doris Ray, mother at another state trooper, says the charges and subsequently fired by the state
she saw Martin in the car with his pants down oIice. Within a week at the hearing,
in Branham's presence. Martin claims he was Fourth-degree sodomy charges were filed against
responding to reports at a bur Iary at both Martin and Branham by the Pike County
Branham;s home and was takin (gown the Attorney's office. The penalty for fourth—degree
report in his car when he had to reTieve himself. sodomy (consensual sex between two adults at
At that point Ray and her husband drove past the same gender) is a maximum of one year in
Martin's car. iail and a $500 line.

4 Feb GLSO

MARCH 30, 1991
Feb GLSO 5

 Don’t just worry about HIV.
Do something about it.
If you think you are at risk for
HIV infection, now is the time
to consider HIV counseling
and testing.
The test is FREE and ANONYMOUS.
Call your local Health Department,
or, the Kentucky AIDS Hotline at
HIV is the virus that causes AIDS.
6 Feb GLSO

from GLSO News staff
The Sixth annual conference of the Women's regularly do workshops on sexism, racism,
History Coalition of Kentucky will look at race, homophobia, and adolescent sexual}?
class and gender; the history and the current Other presenters include: Gina inchlow, on
reality in Kentucky and nationally. The Red Cross hospitals and the Colored Nurse
conference title is "Fostering Change - A Training School; Lauretta Byars and Karen Tice,
Celebration of Women's History." speaking on the relationship between
Keynote speaker will be the eloquent Patricia African-American and white social reformers;
Hill Collins, associate professor of Lu Freibert, on the history of women’s studies;
African-American Studies and Sociology at the Kacthi Kern, on racism in the women's suffrage
University of Cincinnati. Collins, who defines movement' and Fran Zaniello, on
herself as an African-American working-class mother—daughter relationshi sin fiction.
woman, will talk about "Black Feminist Thought In addition to the spealfers, two AIDS videos
and the Search for Meanin ful Feminist Theory." will be shown. "Diana's Hair Ego: AIDS Info
"Working together for Tlhange" will feature Up Front", a video by Ellen Splro, documents
two interracial teams of women employed in the growth of the South Carolina AIDS
social change activities. On a very personal Education Network. Belinda Mason 0 Kentucky
level, they will talk about racism as it affects native and former member of the National
their work together. Ellie Dilapi and Gloria Gay Commission on AIDS, and a founder of the
run the University of Pennsylvania Women's Kentuckiana People With AIDS Coalition, will be
Center. Gerry Gordon-Brown and Pam featured in an Appalshop video.
McMichael serve on the steering committee of The conference is at the Midway College
the Alliance Against Women's Oppression, a Student Center, Saturda , March 2, 9 am - 4
multiracial organization of lesbians and straight pm. The cost is $20, gt 2, $5 (includes lunch)
women that seeks to organize around women's sliding scale, it you pre-re ister by February 26.
issues from an antiracist and working-class On-site registration is avaigfable for $20. Child
perspective. care is available if informed by Februa 26.
Later, Dilapi and Gay will do Racism For a brochure, or more information, call] Kate
Awareness Training. These two social workers Black, 257-8634.
from GLSO News staff
Firemen's Insurance Corn an of ro rty together. Automatic covera e 0 lies
Washington, D.C., one of AmericIZI's )OIdest gftefie an insured has establishef SUEDE a
business firms, has become the first insurance relationship and lived with their domestic partner
company in the nation to file a Homeowners Continuously for at least 6 months."
olicy c ange that recognizes domestic partners. Fireman's new president, Dick Andrews,
fie redefining who Is insured, the new stated, "We will have the first Homeowners
endorsement extends to domestic partners the policy in the insurance industry that will serve
automatic covera e rights enio ed by spouses the diverse and changing lifestyles of today's
and relatives of Figomeowners poIicyhoIders. society without sacrificing the privacy needs of
Firemen's Offers Homeowners coverage to the individual."
apartment renters and the owners of dwellings Firemen's, unlike other insurance companies,
and condos in D.C. and the states of Maryland will no longer require that the name of an
and Virginia. insured's domestic partner be disclosed and
Accordin to Carl Blundell, CPCU, 0 appear on the Homeowners policy in order for
company ungerwriting manager who created the the partner to be included for coverage.
new endorsement, "this Homeowners policy "Because our new endorsement eliminates te
change will extend automatic coverage to need for such notification, unmarried insureds
anyone with whom an insured has a close, and their domestic partners will have the privacy
committed personal relationship that involves choices and coverage rights enjoyed by married
sharing household responsibilities and owning couples."
Feb GLSO 7

 connected to the environmental agenda.
Irene Diamond rolessor ol political science
~ at the University ol Sregon, views the reshaping
° ol the woman/nature connection as part ol 0
more general shilt among leminist to "dillerence
1d , P leminism" or "cultural leminism."
smere a 5 81'10 1" Ecoleminism simultaneously celebrates
interconnectedness and diversity. Lile is a web,
not a hierarch ; within it diversity is essential.
5 We are all dillerent, but no one's dillerence is
‘ more important than another’s. Since our very
m /' dillerences are valuable, all lorms of domination
are unhealthy.
On a poitical level this stand can be linked
Ecoleminism is a new "ism" lor me and one to the recognition ol the intrinsic worth of
that alter reading a couple ol articles on it, | non—human Iile (hence animal rights), ol
really like. So I thought I would share this new indigenous peoples (cultural survival), and ol the
perspective with you. Maybe it's new lor you integrity ol minority cultures.
and maybe not . . . e celebration ol dillerences may explain
Ecoleminism is rooted e ually in the why more women ol color are to be lound in
environmentalism and women's fleration -- two the ranks ol the ecoleminists than among the
powerlul movements that llowered in the traditional leminist.
1970's. Combining the leminist and ecological ll you are lamiliar with the Green philosophy
perspectives, ecoleminism makes the -— a movement within the environmentalist -— it is
woman/nature connection: The domination, said that leminist and Green philosophers meet
exploitation, and lear ol both women and in ecoleminism, especially in its locus on ”the
nature are characteristic ol patriarchal thinking. value and integrity of not only women, but all
In other words, pollution ol the planet and creatures with whom we share the earth" says
oppression ol women are caused by the same Irene Diamond. The ecoleminist celebration of
set ol attitudes. diversity and sense ol place is shared by
"Nature-hating and women-hating are Greens.
particularly related and associated,": says I leel an ally to ecoleminism, but I leel I
nestra King, ”and are mutually reinlorcin ." need to address some ol the criticism ol the
Kin has become the major spokesperson gar movement as well. The identilication ol women
ecoTeminism throu h her activism, writing, and with nature reinlorces the Earth Mother
teachin over the Tast lilteen years. stereotype, sa leminists and revives the
EcoPeminism links liberation and respect lor romaticization oi, women they have fought so
non-human nature, explains King. Ecology is hard to discredit. They leel this stereotype puts
incomplete without leminism, she so 5, because women back in the role ol nurturer, and her
it does not reco nize the necessj? ol/ ending the role being delined by her relationship to males.
oppression of; women; an leminism is Reromanticizing women does carry risks,
disembodied without the ecological pers ective, including the tential lor ima es of "the good
which "asserts the interdependence ol3 living leminist' (EartEOMother) and "The bad leminist"
things." (militant), says Ynestra King. But she argues
'Ecoleminism is a holistic way ol thinking," that all leminists, and indeed, everyone, should
says King, ”a way ol continuously connecting uestion the "ideal ol human lreedom and
issues Ii e violence against women, military liberation over and against the natural and
violence, degradation ol the planet. You can biological." King continues "everyone needs to
take any issue and see how these relationships recover some awareness ol the earthiness, the
work together." Everythin on the leminist lleshiness ol human Iile."
agenda -- equal rights, qucfiity ol work, child To conclude this article I give ou a piece
care, reproductive choice, gay/ lesbian equal given to me by a coworker, thanks §olly.
rights, and domestic violence -- is In sisterhood,
interconnected, just as the leminist agenda is Laura Drew
8 Feb GLSO

__——_— lrom Kay
Let My People In: A Lesbian Minister
Tells of Her Stru gles to Live Openly and
ECHO ECOFEMINISM Maintain Her Ministry, by Rose Mary
by k. minott Denman. New York, William Morrow and
Company, Inc., 1990. $18.95.
T e irst hall ol this book is a chronolog ol
woman the author's early experiences. Alter her
marriage ended in divorce, she returned to
college and subse uently entered the seminary
reclaims her heart strings to prepare lor ordination as a minister in the
and unravels the noose United Methodist Church (UMC). She was
that chokes the earth ordained in i981, and served as minister in
with her steadlast and loving hands several churches during the next lew years.
Winnie was a minister's wile and
sell-confessed lesbian who was ending her own
woman marriage. She was also preparing to enter the
same seminary the lollowing lal. Winnie
moved in with Rose Mary and her son for the
makes a quilt lor the bed summer in 1984. The author writes, "My
that humankind has made theological and spiritual journey had resulted in
and must now lie in my being both biblically and theolo ically
she stitches together conservative . . . Winnie was a clear ant? close
reverence, hope, lriend, yet because she was a lesbian, I could
and the labric ol her very soul not support her decision to seek ordination.
Somehow I was able to accept a layperson
bein a homosexual, but not a minister. I told
woman her finat il she completed the seminary and at
to the point ol ordination I would stand in ller
way." The UMC prohibits any "sell-avowed,
counts sheep as they are set lree practicing homosexual” being accepted as a
and dreams about wind, animals,. candidate, ordained into ministry, or appointed
ecology, . by the Church as a minister to a congregation.
Over the next lew months, Rose Mary linds
her lriendship lor Winnie growin into a deep
and rain love. Rose Ma '5 growing selgdiscovery that
drumming against the window she, too, is a legbian is sensitivel portrayed as
as she awakens to ive birth she struggles with her love lor Mnnie, and the
to a sacred way ol Tiving obvious impact that a lesbian sexual relationship
on the earth would have on her minist in the UMC. She
resolves this conllict b applying lor a transler ol
her ministerial credentials to the Unitarian
woman Universalist Association. When the UMC reluses
to lacilitate the transler ol her credentials, Rose
Mary lorces the UMC to place her on
knows there is only one web, ecclesiastical trial.
one string, This is a story ol love, laith, and courage. It
one echo to ring is a laithlul depiction ol the struggle and
down the canyons ol eternity sacrilice that today's generation 0 women
experience seek ordination to the ministry. It is
a coming-out story that has a spiritual dimension
that is missing in most ol those currently
Feb GLSO 9

California State Assembly Bill IOI, The Chicago Hate Crimes Ordinance has
amending the state’s Equal Employment and passed the City Council by a vote at 43-0.
Housing Act by banning discrimination against Chicago is believed to be the first city or state
lesbians and go men in labs and housing, was to pass a gay-inclusive hate-crimes aw by 0
submitted on gecember 3. ABIOI carries unanimous vote. ”I hope that this ordinance
essentially the same language as earlier serves to underscore the message that the
legislation authored by then-Assembl member violation at human rights and crimes based on
Art Agnos oi San Francisco, now San Francisco hatred will not be tolerated " stated Mayor
mayor, and vetoed by Governor George Richard Dailey alter passage oi the bill.
Deukmeiian each time it was submitted.
Deukmeiian was replaced by former US. NEW YORK CITY, NY
Senator Pete Wilson, also a Republican, in
January. The United Nations will hear the
International Lesbian and Gay Association's
application tor Non—Governmental Organization
SAN FRANCISCO, CA status in January. Activists are concerned that
the UN committee that will consider the
The Board a Supervisors has become the first application includes representatives from Cuba,
governmental body in the US. to call tor the the USSR, Chile, Bulgaria and Iraq, nations
egalization oI gay marriages. In a resolution, which are opposed to gay liberation.
the board stated, "There is a growing
movement in the United States and around the AUSTIN, TX
world to end discriminatory practices a ainst
lesbians and gay men in all spheres olglite." A Texas law rohibitin homosexual conduct
Denmark is currently the only country to allow is unconstitutional? according to a state court
gays marriages, but at least one member at the decision in late December. Texas' anti-gay
couple must be a Danish citizen living in statute is the third this year to be struck down
Denmark. Gay marria e is ex ected soon, by a state court judge, marking the most
however, in the Netheglands, lilorway and impressive string of court victories ever by
Sweden. anti-sodomy Iaw activists. Laws in Michigan and
Kentucky were struck down last summer. The
state attorne general is expected to appeal the
WASHINGTON, DC ruling to a higher court. Texas overnor Ann
Richards has spoken in Favor 0? attempts to
The sale at "poppers" will become iIIe al have the sodomy Iaw overturned.
February 27. Lan uage banning sale at fine
compounds was incTuded in the Crime Control MILWAUKEE, WI
Act of I990 si ned by President Bush on
November 29, 1890. Some AIDS activists had Gay and lesbian graduate students will have
argued the substance contributed to the a unique opportunity to bring sexuality issues
development at Kaposi's Sarcoma among HIV into the spotlight of academic debate at a
patients and/or damage the immune system in ground-breakin gay studies conference being
general. Authored by congressman Henry Ianned by are University of Wisconsin -
Waxman (D-CA), the Ian uage was hidden in liltilwaukee. Slated tor April 18-20, the First
the act by a Waxman aidg, who’s being called National Graduate Student Conierence on
"overzealous" and "misinformed" by Great Lesbian and Gay Studies will be entirely
Lake Products, Inc. which manuIactures leading devoted to papers dealing with homosexuality
brands "Rush" and "Hardware." written by graduate students.

—————— GLSO GayIine 231-0335
The Bar Complex, 224 East Main, 255-1551. GLSO Board caII Craig, 266—8887
The restaurant, Cafe Montparnasse, open from GLSO News caIICrai , 266-8887
6 - 11 pm, Saturday 6 pm — 3 am. Also GLSO Speakers Bureau..caTI Bill, .. 266-9175
features Johnny Angel Disco, Gilded Gage GLSO Comin OutGroup
Cabaret, and the Living Room Lounge. callgan, 253-2414
Afterhours Saturday night from 1:30 - 3:30 am. orTeresa, 231—0205
GLSO Coffeehouse & Dance
Crossings, 117 North Limestone, 233-7266. calIEsmereIda, 255-3851
Lexington’s mens' bar. Cowboy night Ist GLSO Rainbow Bowling League
Saturday Leather night 3rd Saturday. Operates callTeri, 268-4789
The Rock, a leather shop, open Friday and GLSO Cards&Games
Saturday, 10 pm to 1 am. caIIThom, 266-3208
NAMES Proiect Kentucky
The Metro, 156 West Main, 254-9881. Shows caII Katie 223-3855
every weekend. Afterhours Friday and Lesbian Potluck
Saturday, 1:30 - 4 am. caIIEsmereIda, 271-6131
Esmerelda’s Parlour
——"'——'—— call Laura, 276—2685
Bluegrass Human Rights Advocates
callKate/Amy, 272-4519
callSteve, 231-8485
Roommate needed to share expenses on a 3 Gay/LesbianAA
bedroom house off Richmond Rd. Must be caIIDave, 277-9522
honest and mature. $240/month, included Gay/LesbianAI-Anon
utilities. No deposit. Serious inquires caII call Robert 293-0516
266-5890 or 271-1692. Imperial Court of the Bluegrass
Empire.. callTerry, 266-8715
Roommate wanted to share 2-bedrm, 2—1/2 Dignity/Lexington
bath home in Versailles. AII modern call Keith, 263-5940
appliances. Gas heat/central air. Comfortable Integrity
and spacious. 2 car garage. Appx. 20 minutes caII Kay, 277-4364
to Lex. Female non-smoker preferred. I have a Interweave call Craig, 266—8887
do but other pets are welcome if (Unitarian Universalistgays, Iesbiansand friends.)
wefi—behaved. Rent $250/month & phone. AVOL 276-AVOL
Call 873—0254 and leave a message. (AIDS support and education)
ACT-Lexington 281-5151
(AIDS education and referral)
—————-— HIV+, ARC, AIDS Support Group
Lexingon-Fayette Co. Health Department
(800) 767-4297 AI STestIng 288—AIDS
(For anonymous counselin and testing)
———"—'—"——"— Madison County Healtthepartment
AlDSTesting 623-7312
NATIONAL HATE CRIMES HOTLINE (Foranonymous counseling and testing, call the
above number and ask for an AIDS Counselor.)
(800) 347-4283 Louisville Crisis Hotline (502) 454—6699
_—____———— ___—__———
Feb GLSO n

Contact names and numbers for all events listed
can be found in the Directory on the previous SUN 3 Working Class Kitchen - PoetrE/ &
pa e. The Camp Care Center is located at Performance Art, 6 pm, a la ucie's
20% Mechanic Street, Lexington.
THU 7 GLSO Coming Out Support Group,
7:30 pm, Central Library Suite B
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SM’Y‘WTF’S Pony, 7 pm, former Acoiou Rest,-
1 2 GLSO Cards & Games, 8 pm
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 SUN 10 GLEO Nev|vs kDeadline;A 0
Les ian Potuc , 2 m; V L,
10 H 12 13 14 15 16 5:30 p