xt7p2n4zkm50 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7p2n4zkm50/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 1914-10-15 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 7, No. 5, October 15, 1914 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 7, No. 5, October 15, 1914 1914 1914-10-15 2015 true xt7p2n4zkm50 section xt7p2n4zkm50 , tl
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° U i ersity of Kentucky
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——— · 1 ul t n ·h " — _  
’ The mtent addlttmu ma P 0 t• Imuch Imerut shown in Mlkmg mnt some student, utter writing u letter Tho Depmmmxnt of Mmmry Science
Thi! HFS! of K **6****** of m°°u"g” University library ure; Victor Hugosy _ to 8 lady [Mend faued to address ·
H°P E”J°Y*b‘° A"""· ’ in the I'ntvm·sity of Kentucky in one
" held under the auspices of the Y. M. works In eleven volumes; M(,Caul€y.s mm? and it was returned to the Y' I I .
C, A. of the llniversity was   last History Of Plurope In Hyg volun-les; ' N   (V A nf the   dgpartments In the (Int
. ¢ "h" UK WK dance will be given in ` ` ' ° versity It not only is a way to create
Sunday ""°"’"8• Ocwbe" 10* "°m 6'l'° M¥¤b°' °* the students who use me ttbmry daily and *·‘°•*—; MISSISSIPPI A & M who play football are excused from
» ? Student body, were added to the pr0_ requests it announced on behalf of me       R N drill until the football season is over,
* gram. Mr. CM'! L· B€¥'¤h¤"t °°“°°m' new students that the library will be           O then thvy are required to take up me
Gd to BC! BB officinl Piano player f°r‘ open from 7 to 9:30 in the evening.  —— work'
the following meetings, It, has been} . Drag Sophomore, Imc Clifton pond Strong Southern Aggregation to be THB Suits have been ordemd for the
planned that a schedule shall be Bf-`CITY     pretty clothe- and All- i Entertalned at St¤|| Ft¢|d ¤¤ "**d"t*‘ and a"` °"p€ct€d *0 arrive
ranged sometime in the near future:       I Next 8aturdly· "‘°°"·
for every meeting, including that ___ l FIRST ..FREsH» y|cT0Ry_ t __ { —-•.•...;..
speaker and his 8¤bJ€Ct» as W°u ui Leximzton has come to the S¤t>D0¥‘¢I —; I F|R$T REAL OPPONENT        
any new ¤ttr¤¢¤0¤ ¢h¤¢ ¤¤¤ be added- of me University Wildcats- M¤y¤r» The stwond annual putttest betweenl 3
whirh wi1¤b¤<>f.i¤*¤¤‘¤¤*· Cassidy. MR J0¥1€¤» of the Young the yearlings and two·yea.r-olds atl Qu next Saturday the wudcats will}      
_.._,,.._,_ §Man’s Business Club and S€<*¤‘9¤¤‘Y Clifton pond, Tuesday afternoon atlget busy any g gw0·week¤ lay-oi! undl ————
    {Cramer of the Commercial Club. have 2:30, resulted in the yearlings winning | tack|g a mah -·sur9.nug·· rombgnl Patterson and Union Men o' War
taken a hand in the K€¤¢11¢kY U¤iV9¥'· in the- stretch, and consequently thctteum from Mississippi A, & M, The] Manuvumg for sam,
·     VICT0RY!sity football same tv bf! DI¤Y€d here mo-year-olds had their spirits con-,Su-gngm of the S0uth€t‘¤€¥‘S is mk} 18
U "_`°_ |S““*'d“"· A hm *‘°""°’ “'"‘ be °"‘, —’ <1¤¤¤t>¤¤¤¤¤S weret nmnng victorious in Saturday`s con-!¤>¤t¤ ever held ut the Universitr The
*““dd'"“ 1**8* Saturday whm they d€`l¤iti¤€¤S 0f L€Xi¤8¢0¤ as ¤m0¤8 thatdug, hands taped. and "bung!" that MCL Isubject, "Resolved, that the Monks
Y`€¤¥€d the eleven from L°“iSvm€| students 0f th6 U¤iV€¥‘¤iiY- Thisl starter's pistol rang out.     Doctrine should be abundoned," is one
Manual Training High S°h°°l by me; 8l1S¤l‘B well Y0? by Such 3 f6€U¤8 0Yt At first. neither side seemed to have         got vital interest now to the American
¤<`0¥'€ Of 7 t° 0· `sympathy is established between CRY { an advantage. but in a. few moments:       people. The three men from each so—
The whole gmne was played in 8 Bea] and UHIVBPBHY- { the foremost of the "S0phs" were seen   ciety who will compose the team will
l of mud with a hard rain falling hnost, ;._..,.,___ jgmduauy to giye “.ay_ The ..pmSh_  clan Orat°r' ——A“mam Editor and be Chosen by process-of elimination in
°' me "‘“"’- ‘““"‘“‘ "‘° "““ "“"’ ‘° PROHIBITION CLUB **€¤·" ******5 mr °**‘°’° g“’°· S°€"°""r A..t.....t vmny »=¤¤•¤n· man- """"'“""“’" °°"“"" "“'°" W"' °° md
|¤¤¤<"€ and mussmg the players up Ivi-torv, and threw all their hopes ini wepurately, Patterson Society October
. bl r T0 ELECT OFFICERS ‘ · { aw chow-.   _
, ¤¤i¤¤r¤ Y· 5 Itheir hands _and their footholds, tmd· ·-4. and [¤i0!1 }8·t€¤‘-
The Louisville b0yS W€¤‘€ ¤*`!€€¢€d The Pmmbmtm Club ofthe Ul1iV8l`·I[hg crowd saw and <‘h€€¥'9d—U*" b"‘€ The Junior clay; met ut noon !"¤`i·: Three years ago President Barker
more by the WGBUWF €0¤dm°“s than sity will meet Friday evening, Octo-Ltttning or me em], i day, October 9, in brofessor Uanmefsl gave to each socinty $25, to be invest-
the *""€¤hm*’“• **8 mei" best plays ber 16th, at TIUU 0'¢'l0Ck. ifi Ute YN Only a few of the "S0phs" went intor , _ , ed as it saw flt tor prizes. lt was
_ gruotn to dispose ut business left mer}
W€¤`€ from Open f°"m*’·ti0“S and r“` M. (`. A. room l0 elect officers for U16 I the water, however, while the major- { from the previous meeting agreed by both societies to invest the
quired fast pl”·y· while the Slam ye"` collegiate >'9¤¥`· The club was °"K**“‘ ity, all bvdévkéd in their <‘0l0t‘S Of` , . ‘ ` V  ttt0ttey vollectively in a loving cup and
_ f hurl Zertoss, 0t' Ashland, winner of V _
UHKS relied m0¥`€ on line plunging to ized m the spring of last year. b\tt·b1n(-k and gum, balked at the tinisn, , _ _ _ _ _ _ tdubatv tor possession ofthe cup. 'lhis
I tlw l mon Ltterary aoctety gold medal _
giiill U1€i¥‘ S¥`0\md· failvcl to be represented in the inter-, not wishing to soak their ngmguarun- ` for Ommrv in his Freshman year was I has been done for two years. In 1912
The 8¤¤¤€ Swrwd with M¤¤¤¤1 "" collegiate prohibition orutoriral con-{ttm!-to-be-rust colors, The "Freshies," ` __, ,, ’, _ ¥l’atters0n Society won the cup and
_ elevted class uratur, and blim helix,] _
cetving the ki¤k·<>*'Y· *******9 mcked *° test held at Winchester lust year. 'ufter their victory, fen mm marchtng 0t_ Hartford WM elecwd cms vu lkvvt tt at year. Last year. 1913. the
` » - J ' -
· Manuul's thirty-five yard line fwd the The club will hold regular tneetingsiordel- and flgunting their blue and leader trophy passed into the Unt0¤'s hands
Same was °“· The Reds failed to this year and discuss lhé D¤`0hibiU0¤1tguld insignia, pulled the spoils of wart l__Ull;myi"g me Custom of electing by a two to one decision. The society
kwin and Adams ki"k"d· The mm got question. which has 0f HWS b€<’¤¤1€ tthv vublet through the city to Sayre} . _ , which wins this year's debate will be
_ _ -t1n·¤·t· nsststant managers tor the Var-
by Rodes and went to the nw yard one of lhv must DOWN! ¥¤<‘\0¥`>¤ in Truttsylvautia and Hamilton (V0lleges,";iU_ football team one of whom is ullowvd to keep the cup permanently.
U¤°· but S""“"` kicked out of d““g‘°”`· pclitirs. szivinx triumphant yells. t` ` ` I The Patterson Society has all or ns
_ . tchoaen as manager next year, Julius
’“‘“' ""“ "‘“ """ "““"“’° “" “"°   1 A '*"¤*‘ "'°“"’· ““"°“* ‘° *8** won of An.t,...d F t> ·t·0»t·m .»s!'““‘ Y"' ‘°“'"· “‘"‘°““" " '“ "°“"““'
d0W¤ the ¤*¤|d» b€i¤8 in M“"“**l'“ tm" ••K” Tags at Buginessldt-tmmstrutiuns of the latest "swh11s,"]“ di. I in ld ii I; H;)M_ of Eiim wlwtltvr all these ttwn will try this
it t ftl time and ut the und _ , . _ Y   V.   u ”°“ *'·‘*   f H t L
      (,.1...., Rm   A¤°"*’S °“‘°°· ‘ $"‘“""‘   ‘'‘‘                 ···~ ¤¤~·*··~··— `VIS `T   °§“ F '1 , . .1 in . .
e ·s ’—     ·># t t . ·.· rs
° °`° W . ;‘*•**—— "‘  "‘*” “"“'·“‘* """“’**" ··"’ °” “‘°"’t ttutm tm.t.t...., ot mnkrtm, was ‘“ ‘ °" °°"’ °` “ ° ““
U' YH"} litw in $****98 i·‘0“€““l°"·     l·‘msl1tt1ett and za somewhat smaller I t d 5 i wm editor of me __Kt_u yvur tvuttt. which was composed en-
t» et- e u ·¤ H t ·
The 0"W touchdown uf the game       nutnbt~·t· of "S0pln·s"—and were disap-lmckiuni umd wm bv (_dn0r_m·chh_f tirely of Sentors. However, strong re-
was made early ht the second quarter I,0;,m.d_ y(¤u_ qgttupputuwq because; [ I P F (mum mn eluted vruits have Joined both societies this
_‘* ttex yvu‘. t. .. ' . ‘
when, d".8l‘ several HDB bucks by '|`hp list uf g[ud(¤n[ adytigurg f()|‘ [he {hy)-   "0[ gpg un uulagxup Anugngg l i`t un bu`iu€`% luunugur ur )'t*ill` Wiul the UIIBIIUQII of Illlkulg the
R SS I 1 .` , . . . .
5 U¤`i¤0¤» R¤<1¤¤ und U*¤b*’*>*d<*'· the 1*** l`olle1;u of Arts and Scietxce. with the Kellerman. ;(_mhum INS had wwrul wars of ev truths. About ten men will enter the
l8r WVHS puulled ever for u t0u(.lld0wnv uuulys of [he 5[[|d(;)u[§ u5§lg||(*d to 'l`l\(} Iareshuluu class of lust year" lN.l·it;u(·t¤ in j()[||'|\illi*i[il° \4urk and   lyultersun   contest.  
['!‘()lll \\'hi(5h }{Ud8S kil'k€d guul. Thr (»u(·|| p]'()]’(»¤§5()l‘, {S [)t)S[t*d OH the bul|<+- WIN) Hr? now S0pho"*HreS· found lustglu (nt j` I Hp()|[g [‘ 9]) Th; He Hill] “hUlu “   be l`. P. Nk.h0lm"'   C.
rest of the ¢t¤¤rl**¤‘ WM ¤l¤*¤t in 5*******1 tin bnnru in the hull of the Atttnlnls- ttm- tu tnnir ttisvtnntnrt that tlw tng—t HH \\ USUN- *¢>¤¤¤!*¤· (mid!. H¤¤‘¤¢>‘ Mid
s i . __ `
NWN “""u"d um new- “” Very “p*""|!l‘¤U01t |*¤Udi!lH· ut'-wur was exactly what it wut; repre-I N W !\\tHe·tt, and several l·re·shtnan.
tuculur [NAYS UQNIS llllide by ¢*iUN‘*i`t Thy ;g5gign|ug|;[5 have been made ug sented (U [N- the wp[[p;;[ und must}   I }"Ull|' Illvll S0 YH? BIB W0l`kHlg for U18
‘ • ' » - ·` ¤
Hide- EN"' M ii WHS l¤U¤Hib|¢‘ to UW l>|‘0Y68· tlisxtgrveuble ntvthutl ever devised fort ` . ` _ §lttlr» ut¤•*¤¤‘·

 2 T H E I D E A
Symphonic Orchestra Exclusive Mutual and Universal Program of Moving Pictures Go Where the G0’s G0.
”°°‘ IHE ORPHEUM IHEA I RE °"""'°"5° l
Mc At Admission l0c
F|R8‘|’·CI.A88 IN EVERY APPOINTMENT J. H. BTAMPER, Jr., 0wn•r and Mana •r. OPIN 10 A. M. to 11 P. M. A
•} ·|• O ¢ •¥ •I• ·I· + O O O O O O O O O "\ '.'' l·`or fourteen years he has st hool ln w hl<·h eighteen young men ···· »'·'|l.L GIVE AN ADDRESS AT THE ~
L ` p•—ri•·n¤·e it is rendlly seen that he is l*ro|l .l. l·`. Ilruner and Miss Ella Phil- fore the Ashland lllslrlvt l·Itlll<‘nllolln| Y. M. C. A. MEETING, SUNDAY
*'•' *‘• '• * **   +°'° ++ + + lh every way qualified to traln the alps and Miss Vlrglnln Tlngle have Assoelntlon, nt Pnrls, Ky. lt ls prob- NIGHT AT SIX 0'cL0cK, sun.
’|`h•· reading room or the Y. M. l`. A. m•·n harm- of the work. able that Prof. (`. ll. Melclner, the rv- JECT, "THE FRESHMAN TEAMN <'
ls better equipped this year than ever · .—*.. . eently appolnted dean of men, wlll ALL YOUNG MEN STUDENTQ m. ll
b { rp the Hteram") being domuul bv The inter-frat basket ball series that ‘| he I.oulsvlll•· t'lnh, one of the lwmmpnm, mm ./,,.ED TO BE PRESENT “
e 0 .. ‘ . , _ . .. _
me from me (ih It ih nm (mw is being promoted at present ls an-~ trgest of the l'nlverslty clubs, held ,|
  · ·'_ ‘ _ .l;_ ·  
p _ I wm other entlrely new feature and lsY..s first meeting Thursday, October , ,,
lnterestlmz but edntntlcnn M l · ` \ _ A _"_ |·r,.,,·d,.m H,.m·y gr |;u,·k,.,· wm gu  
_ _ mm hoped to be a great success. »..l, and elected the lollowlnpt of ters. ` 5 r
n*’*n$ ‘°n'P°"‘*‘d of uw b' ’" ""mu ‘ _ _ , I, 4 __m' Ht IPO I q_mdm8m‘_ `,i(_P_ to South Park, Jefferson (onmk, Ky., l
l"b"°h°d in me °°`mmV' as wu as "" "* "“"`”“ ""“ ""°""""" "" ""`» »l·e~la»m’ yum ev,. H t;,,,m,,,,. <*<·t<>l><·r 25th. to m·u»··»r an ¤a.n.»,.,. ... , "‘
’*°v"nI duly p°p°”· ` Law School do not take muvh interest    uhuum Maury (,I_m(_h€r' and w(_I;(__ the openlng of the annual cI1autan<|u.l 5 U
m. E, 1.. mm ts in recelpt or a let- °" °"""'*“‘“ """ °°°"y d°"°'°“""°"t" my, Mm Marie 1.. Mlchot. ""“"’· · H
wr from the Imemauonal Y “ (, A ,thelr training helm: entirely mental., ___ _ -- »» —••-•— — — l A U
_ N _ Y k H 4 H io instill vigor and strength into thenej .\ buleltln has just been heued by i _, r'
‘¤¤*m*“*“*‘¤* °“ °’ ‘*·°°"“" _ ___ _ ... . . ,, _ . ·•··•»·•·•••·•••·•··•··•··•··t··:··c- e n
mpntmg the lmiversitv hand book men n g)II1 (lass has ht-·Pll started lor, ne I•.xp<·r|ment bln. on con (·‘f`lllllR
. · • ` . I
Ming (hm it g., the bpqt [hey hay, new l>·‘n¢*ll¢» U" *“l*"n T“*‘**d¤Y lmdl Zn· presahl si:a.atlon wl;h reference 4     '•° A .   v { °
B ` a t _ ` ' {
mn published in the vnmd Sum ·r»...mny, from 2;:40 .0 zum. mn class} _Q W ....,,€.-.._ The m,.,,.»r is .,rg.»d * * * * * ‘* * * * * "' * "‘ "‘ " "‘l T
0*Pn S me wu then editor and pm_ meets. About thirty men have en- \ zo avoid the many "l°ake" cures of this .1.*. 1  
mcter 0} this book and much (nam is rolled and it ls hoped that this num- | disease which are being widely advey-- The law students held a meetlng ln, CI.UBTTP£ABODYO¤).TRO¥N.!  
due Mm for mn ablmy as wen as his ber wlll he lnereased at each meeting. l tlsed, and to depend more upon sam- the Natural Science Bulldlng Monday I ; J
Z 1
we wow- V . — . , 3 _ ·
ummus energy in placing in the A biological sodew has been formed l ta.y tondltlons. The laxperlment Sta at noon and elected amuel Monarch A n
, ‘ · on supplies literature on this subject subsrrlptlon manager of the Kentuckyl   J D  
hands of every student such a valu- , . , , , · · .
u` uw { mWrS“)’ Open [0 students Offand hog cholera serum the only cure Law Journal. The journal, of which - a
nble "u°l°· all departments ln the llnlverslty Mr V ’ ` . EYE' EAR• NOSE nnd THRQAT
‘ ` ' ` of the disease, ls manufactured there l. M. Nlekell ln edlwl'. will be the Ol- SPECIALIST b
·—··*""’_‘ * ) ' .
Dr. W. L. And€l‘B0n. l<·‘n¢‘hP¥` of 11llYS· b' I` xmmg has been elected pres. land sold at cost of production. .flcla| publication of the (‘0llege of} Gai"! GV¤¤¤¢| N Ol‘d8l‘· *
mu training is giving dancing lesmm dent. All students ln the University. Lila".- l McClelland Bulldlng. ll
to his classés in me gym This is interested in thls Held are requestedi Virgil L. llownlng, who graduatedl romu Pn°n° 932* n“|d°n°° 739* ` V
"   ..,l·`ld‘   : s - .-2 T
something entirely new and hemtoforel o Joln M the next meeting r use from the \lethanlc¤l hngineerlng De r The hm gtudgntg 0; the umvkr,,,ty4
unknown in the Un“_m_s“v· D0(_tm__nlgl1t. Doctor Anderson wlll ¤dd¥'e¤=·; partment ln the class of 1911. lmslassembled Monday evening in the ‘ L
,t..dm.,,. ..,1 --l hope bv this mem ·*¤~· ¤¤·<*€¤*~· Subject- "H···¤¤·· E¤· ben ¤¤ ¤·¤»¤¤s¤<>¤ vrsmng his r¤¤¤·e··.lt-mm mom of the Law Department as A D A M E A DE . ; l
m develop cordmauon and gmcemp genlesf l\\'. l·`. Downing. Mr. Dogvrxng ls I0-la legislative body. B. T. Roundtree,   1
_ -··· ·· cated wlth the Thos. B. e ery (Tom- \-|0 w mb r { U K [ k·1
nm ·¤ me mn- ¤¤ ¤ -¤¤*¤ ¤¤¤¤r Se 'I`he Mme-f.¤u¤.l students expressed _ I " “" “ "‘° ° ° ‘° °“ “° ’ l $\|P[|]|()|] yA|,||)[y||_L[ ·,
ful man than a man of great mn), manufacturers of automobiles, Legislature durlng the mm Spsgqoml <,
B gr-ce an UPM deal of mgmt at the loss of ard has been successful ln this workl rt-sided as B gakgr Sgvgyu] gm Ort l fl?
““`°“g"‘· T"° '°"“" ' °““ "°""°" Prof. S ¤·1- J<>¤e¤- whe M8 ¤°°°¤“*° “ sh,.9 graduation ight laws “erepul¤cu· ed mom; tl) m} l E
_ ., · . * · , ss , a ne ‘ ,
'““"h qukke" un"' me l“n°r· lucrative posltlon at Purdue. Profes-‘ • · E 2       _ ; l
J h t I t U h 1 h re I -——-———i \ l the blll to prevent hazing ln State Unl-x ‘ {
"—"""—" . scs e · ·· ‘ , _ [
Preparations are being made for u qorthonisi as iiugl som p y [ r u ansxer to me quest O"' \huz€(:l verslty. Thls blll was one aetuallyl 3 '     ' 3 ¤ t
·, n s coun su ·,   ,-
truck meet to be new vn October 31. *“ ° “ '°“ ’ “ Y ,""‘"°' W Z “ '“°°“ ““ ‘"°"°“""° llntroduced an the Kentucky- Leglsnu., <·
for any and every man in me Umvmn veys, upon whleh he compiled Clféfllliby the Lexington Leader, Professor, ture , - r
sity "ho has not won u   It is statlstles, has been a Contrlblltlvn i0lH. H. Downing, astronomer and, l       ` 5
hoped that bv this means more Inter- the K°"t“°ky f"m°"‘ `“`““"“‘““°'°“· SWB me ““"'° “'” AW Now, DAD. '
wt wm be ggwu to [rack mmeucs —·*————-- [nothing the matter with the moon on!       ,. t
Much in the Dust has been snowed to The Kentucky Miners Society °f|·he night ln question, except that lt "Your mother-in-law ls mighty tall."     ` l
Ftaze University, have elected the fol-‘ . . ; .. · . , ,| -‘ ‘ .
8*... Om of the 1500 Students I U1 fn r Lwas ln its third quarter, that ls, lt, Xes, but I dont think shell stay: Und". Emmy Mw ”.M"m•M   1
Flush material Should be found to °“ ng ° °°"“· lwas stopping at every cafe on the road long." . f 1
p;_‘__ Kmuckv in me from at any v··<·s¤——·¤. w. Noe. ~,, an ,,,,0,, .0 ,,9, fu,. and ,..,,9,, ,,8%     .
uupk men mlm country vi°°`Pr°Bm°"t· S‘ ‘I‘ C°udm‘ [was only three-quarters full. lt may '
· w , , ¤ s * ‘ 4
-—-*7 beeretary and Treasurer, W. L. lnyl., M., that me embryo astronomers who   AM |     I ; 1
lloetor Anderson was a member of After the business was attended uwllook such particular pains to find To ? . `
the Yale track team and there won his “"`i“[y indulged in r°mimB°°"s° mr R freckles and Swiss cheese holes on Q I
  —— — »·————~»--- -A-We —V·»- "k`°““m h°“r·   Nllss l.una’s face dld not lack as much I • D { ` n
L,xi, ton Ci 3, CO so -         exmgnm mg 0mD3nY — i
• g tg ’ 'l he lixerutlve Committee of they ` . *
Inu ra ' ·**’*`—*··~ ~ ·
Muwhgzjrcn of .‘ss0<‘lullUll Ul' Kt‘lllU(‘k)’ (`0ll€l;€S. met Th`, hm.m.(, Mmm Society of Sm",   ’
      in culled session Monday afternoonp l·nh,emm, wm meet Thumday Mew we A_—"""`_"“""`""`""'” '"' "”’*' ""`“_"" """‘"‘*T*‘—i   -
EXCLUSIVELY ""°""“' ‘“"‘· “‘ "‘° """"*""*‘ "'“'**¤··¤. <>·-one ln. l.. l·¤ud¤.m,.. mln. E   J
over the llen All Theatre. 'I`hose`i , 4 · 1 `
AIN naar - "g· C C C   W y & C p y
· ---·--———136 wFiL-L——§V-—-e-» M.-- present were; President A. M. Millery , { • ° a 0 a     ·
University Lunch Stand of state Vniversity, who presided: The Vanterbury Club met 'Fllursduy `\   l l
Secretary F`- H Rnlnlél', of (`€|lU`¤l evening, October Sth ln the offlce of · 1
1 l t t st u t ' l
Cay': U: u·fv;ty‘ °Unl:I“;r;t· Vnlversity: Xl. ll. Adams, presldent 0f |¤y·0|‘_ _|_ '|‘_ (‘_ Ngg ` I         l
an aw y 0 I Q   U¢*¢>¤‘svtun‘¤¤ Vollesez 'I`. B. McCartney.   l~~»——       and Gymnasium Supplies
A.       T of Trarxsylvania, and Professor M. ld. Nuns are being worked out ln the l   I d R _ , l
con. s. Lnmasrouz Ann c0LFAx Marsh, or sem college. ~Hu»i¤··~¤=· Ast-Ms erm-e or State vm- { myc es an €nnn:S• Pennants and P°$t€i'$» .
  llatlirul amendments to the consti-L versity Y0? li ('Ullll)l8\€ l'€p0l'l of the 1    
'< ` tutlon relative to the admlsslon ofldulll and ¤ll0¤¤Ull>' €XD€l\dllU!`€B of , · · . . . { I
. lDkC3d LOB} CO. ' l l S ccal Pnce• on G mnanum an Eu dn
_ _ other colleges and a standard of qnall· l State Hall. the d0¥`l1\ll0¥'Y <‘0|!\¤10|\¤ Y0? C P .:d Su lifq {giant, tm·n  
Anthracnte and Bltumlnous flcatlon for membership were con—iSl¤d¢*¤¤iS of UW ln¤lltull0n.   PP O y . ,
  sldered. A committee was appointedl ll is YUOUSIII Ulu! UNH will l·i!‘€¤i|)' § I46_‘48 WEST   ST   KY
_ to consider l.ouisvllle's quallflcatlonlilnl UW ¢*"l€l¢*¤l¢‘>' of H10 Undvrlnklllg. l ` n
Lexington; ' Kentucky for membership in the association. i'U¤*‘ <'0lU¤¤l0|lS WHS bull! 011 llw ldeu lm i____ ___n__ _ V _
1 A;   lol furnishing food for the students ati ·L··—·*";‘·—·——*—···;——·~—·~--·~——————~——··———r——~——~- f
W S       '|`ll£* Rlllluul t*Xecull\'e lnééllflg of \ll**l its at-tual (·oht_ and in order to do   in
• O ,
Kentuvky Intercollegiate Assvvlnlluilltlnis lt is planned that financial effl-`     &    
The Samtary Gl'0C¢l' ans held Monday evening. Ovtnber 12. t·’ent-y hast be the basis on which the,  
    lll runs upon the ellglblllly of U18 (‘()|ll||l()[|§ must be (·()ndu(·[9d_   l Ile
com 8- Umntcm lad Vlrgmia AVL ·‘·»oxhnl| players whieh wlll represent The flrst monthly report has not,    
_ the four instltutlons of the assovla- heen made out yay, bun M, far, [hel ,
[JO!). There Wei`? ])!`(*H€Il[ (llllilfllllill \||](l•·|‘[gki||g hgh; bggn guypgssfulb audl lncorporutda »
Cleaning Prntlnq, Miiflfll 'l`. ll. Nle(‘artney, dean of 'l`run¤ylV¤· as the students realize the eonven-{ n
REPAIRING ‘ "¤ I nl\‘··l'Sll>’1 >•··<‘F•*l¤¤‘>` J0hl\ |·-,n*nc•· and the help lt is to them they; ‘
lllll. dean of lleorsetown l`¢¤||•+H*‘1‘I¤·ml their patronage and lts permav     h     I ~
|'l'Ul'k*>·HUl` I" I. Hulllv)', ol (`PllU`l.\l nent 5t|q·(-pgp; hq aSsur(a(| t   •
tcvcnson » . tv
• • l'H‘\·(,l·Sit)·; lbrofessur JI   ||(.;\`·l(.•ll' _ _Y_ __ `   ·) h
Ladies’ Work 8 of K+·nln¤·ky \\'esleyan College, andl |°F<‘¤ld*‘Hl UNH`} S. Harker has been, _ lr ml
  Prufessm. M_ I.; Marsh of H`.,-ea (‘0l.\V`l'(|l1<*S[(‘d by the Young 1\len's (`hrls- _•  
leg, vlan Assoclatlon, of Stone, Ky., to de-     A     gl}
Club Rates, 5 Sult,8   ’lyer sn address before a meeting of " 
_ Morton High School, nf Lexingt I, bl ·t K ·k’ l · . · · • ' ` K
°°l •- l-'m• "*‘°*‘• **7** _ ` °‘ ‘f" "’"‘ °"‘“° ’ "‘ ““'*’ “‘ "‘°“*· 124-128 North Lnmestone Lexmgton, Ky. ns .=
has sut·c•·ssful|y llluugufuled at night h‘s week. President Harker has at·— • H  
·‘ P
. »;v
. . I

 T v ` M ` VA ” M " ` ` "“` ‘h•·fnr¤·. I';IIf,h\IF\1KHIYl run high mul ihv   rhimm, y 0 Q 4 Q Q 4 Q ¤|• Q Q { Q Q 4 Q Q Q
• { puhllv tnnk n gr•·n.t•·r inte-ro-xt, in the- Alias Maury I·`lsh•-r has rvturnml tn *       *
W 1
J J   J J gmuv. All ¢·aIu<·nt|nnal institutlmm In \ ¤|¤·- Hull after n. plvmmnt visit. to h4·r + • • +* *+•* *;'+ *+ ’• •
th•· Statv put out hnnkvt. hull tvmns, rnmtlwr in Ilanvllle.
M" · V K V Uanal, with only one or two ¢‘X(YP|l¥|()¥lH. Miss I·`mmI•» Hum-mrk, of Paris, was “;""" ""
l \VAN'l`F`l)-»—F`v•=·ry ntudnnt l th U i
      shlvs gum! records ln eu-hon] (hay have I *‘\`*’¥`Y ¥v*'*\¤1 had fl 800d i¤fP¥‘•‘¢¤|l+·L:¥nI¢# th•· guvst, nf Mins Helen lwsha., this ' ' ‘ ’ ’ n 9 n
  _ _ _ _ _ I _` k d versity to read the Saturday Even-
    hnd <·0nsl< playod was u wlnnvr do-t<·rmln•·
¤ on. ns eau nm u ·e · - , . »
Barker emphasized the importance ot which is to be held for a week in Chi- I ""I M MM l'°m° in *°'r|S‘ i   I T  
nvuts playml in the Southern lnt<·rc0\· \H“ yqmw, \y,,,,d wa., HN, gum'; ° · •
the farmer to the community, and the cage), beginning October 22. Previous I i { MH ti A 1 ti n _, ‘ " ‘ ‘ ‘ ' I 127 Ch .d
~*;s+ v,· SSOCRO. · · - w. ·. .·_,
necessity of scientific training for to this time may will also attend a big WA! 1 I I fbtl qt t U iwrsm Ul Mm" Mum l’°m”° m(`hm’ “*d"°°   gaps, e
, M- ure o ne . an l' ‘ .   , . ,
every one engaged in agricultural pur- sue or Holstein cattle at Sterling, Ill. { I P t (_ H L am Fast dd) nm"` f HOUVS ’* ¤·m· **> `* 9-"*· [ h·‘¤** ****4*
· ,.eor•+own oeee ,J ·     - .. ` .,
I suits. H0 presented Judge Lyman Of these four men, Professor Hooper mmx T t d E th 1 Hugh? M‘*“ ‘l‘”“i‘ H‘""""* *l’°“° tm; +• A  W-....
x A (         Q V ) Y A _ I i ` l · 1 , \ $2 $i-tt!
Chalklcy, who gave an entertaining wm elect mree as a regular team, the Im ) A i tl b k Tl 8 ust of “° *k""l M hp" hmm m ( ’mmMm‘ { 0
,+'II'|8))Pl` ll IG 00. I   ·· . * . »‘ ‘ » ~
 — talk on the subject, "Diogenes vn. remaining man to go as an alternate. a H B M"” °'°""‘* Pwd MH M tm guwt DQ Y Ou Know
. cmfilcluls approve:] by thH l`l1I€s COHI- U'- yu" `Iary Loulq,. Allchot tonight, i
· Socrates? The main Idea. that the The Kentucky boys will compete with m { , H f H Mug K muck ‘ " ‘ " ‘   Th be _ d
r cw un ams ne u o' 0 -   ·· · · · ..,
judge wished to bring out was the fifteen or more State Universities and l H l )t_ J J Ti en gmt? Fm M"” Hem Ml°d‘ Ot I’°"mm°' “‘°" he _" I. none t°° :°°
·m4; ’r0. . . ,.·. .»-1..,.   · · A -
¤€¢¤6¤|tY for the student to aim at Colleges, rmm an Over me Unngd d it ' f R bt jg Hinton ('eorge ~·¤ »,u+>t in the my thm week end. W era}; ccgneg [4; gu? of:
v·rs ·; ’ru. 0 . . , · - 4 . · ;
A accurate thinking. States, for four cups, (one for each ( y(_ H H my Shankun Ash ; MBS Marie Beckw and (umn gtzp e (mt e e “ e
emu ,0 e e; e , -, . r · _ ·_ ·· ,
» A delightful vocal solo was given breed of cattle to be judgedb, and l( d Y “ gv A nd Prof A Keith [mmm wem `mmm m l°m`mH° an lee
Il . . . . ., B . . . *
bY MISS HGIOH B\1hkh0ld€l‘, uccompa- various individual prizes, ad P f B H rn rd of me Euqt€rn1bunda·Y· `
n ro. en a u , . · V .
* — med by Miss Frances Gelsal, after while away on this trip, Kentucky‘s 1 I 1 mss Eva me A**€¤d··r Mu Spmd      
. wma. . ·
. which refreshments were served. team wm pay visits to Ames, l0wa.| ( lu" mgm with Miss Mary Louise 311 W Main Street
e  , -————-•••———-— . `· ` iday night. ° `
The joint meetings ot the two socie- and Madison, Wxsconsin, where the \ \h°h°t M
;. . |·I·+·l·|·•|••I•·I•·|•4•·O·|·•I·b·|·•I·••* ’
  ties wlll be held regularly the second two state universities of these state-wl + + + + + I, + + + + + + + + + 4. +  The student · Photogrlpher
· ` "' A _     * ·|• See the committee on the Hal- ·I·;
,_ Monday in each month. are located. l* + * + + + * * * + + + + + 4. +   __ _  _ __  r   _ _, _ _ _w_
`T ·I· l()\\'|·+`€ll contest and give the •I· 3 k g ‘_ p g h p · (
. `  .;.....•.. . V I { I { cn ar 0 sc , roprne ora
 . I ·—— “·•·¤*·¤·1bn¤r· M
. FAT STOCK JUDGING me orrncmp c0u.a¤•A1·s mw Um , , | ¤¤~~+r¤t> we we 0 wur  
· . ·. y Parra spent Saturday in x E I B b  
»  + dramatic ability. ·•·  ag € ar 2f op
(     BASE BALL GUIDE Ni I I ul · »
  -———— ¤ -— $.Z° ‘"lLf Burrier vm. wm, M + + * + * * * * * · * * * * * * *L *°’ °···**· :*"···*°··· *·"··*
· . ss . · ·
w Preparation for the fat stock judg· ·· - 1 y Mrs. \\'. (‘. Lutkemeier, Hary Lutkew Oppnin tm humx H°t°| Block
  1 t h bm ht t d [he otficiul collegiate DBBB bal auves in the county this week- _ 1 “ d VI H d Mr Lexington, Ky.
  ng ""` °° ug °° ° g°° ¤“‘d°· °°'““‘“‘“g “‘° °'"°*“' ’“‘°“ ““‘ mss qwwodossa xvxcmnrre, ¤r Bards- me °r‘ ‘ ”‘ “" ‘ rs" °wS°r an S"r=ms·r-cuss wonx GUARANTEED
f· bunch of contestants this tullaud from prescribed by the colleggam basket t f Hy Student of the Um Salender were the guests of Miss· ,#_____________ _
. .—  own, orme a ·
·  th°* th°*`° Wm b° °h°°°“ ”· team that ball rules committee, has just. been is- versity is vhmng at me Han Carolyn Lutkemeier, Sunday. [ Meet Mc Aflef the Game it
* ·¤h0\lld bi! able to b|'|¤8 bfwk 8 good Sued from me pmss and wm soon be “HS;)S Annie Hodges and Annabel Miss June Dickey visited Miss Jus-I M  
` U. sh°r° °f th° prius {mm the I“t°"““·‘I ready for distribution. The book con- Grainger wwe me guests of Miss Map   tinc Stricker, Monday evening. C
  u°““l Fat Smck Sh°W at Chicamlater mins pictures of all the leading col- thu vuey in Georgetown Sunday I Miss Annie Louise Dean was the when dl il wen md GOOD-
  zhis tall. The students have already lege teams of the country, also rgggrdg W