xt7p2n4zkm4d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7p2n4zkm4d/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 1914-01-29 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 6, No. 18, January 29, 1914 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 6, No. 18, January 29, 1914 1914 1914-01-29 2015 true xt7p2n4zkm4d section xt7p2n4zkm4d  -
~ e M · :4; : -v- » <~¤—5&-;—r—·-—:=:%i—.:;¥§   
_» H pf I, ° M k iS'I`A'I`E GIRLS ;|·'|N/\I. (Z.\S'I` IS QVARSITY MEETS
. fav} 0 lng ur 5 g msn-; mm (GAME g mm: von Tm; , vm; l·{ElI)El.Bl·lR(}
X     Of     I 'I`() L()UISVIl.LE "(}()Ll,I•J(}E WlI)()W"j TEAM SATURDAY
l 1 r = t to u   ) e be be t —»——»———
In Best Game or Season. the Falls, Stage Manager Sandman Has Selected I New Audimrmm F|°°r to be Scene _°'
.1-_'- _ City Five Defeat: the Blue and a Well Balanced com an to * Fuwre Baku BIH Game. on
’ More Than Ten Thousand Votes Cast 'l`uesday.——Plcnty wh. . " ’ · sow. smdun.
, ate Qunntet 23 to 12. .
p of Time to Enter Your Frncnds and · "'°"“°° "*"‘°"• °'*’ *°° ————-
Win the Box. » MISS (@'sTAR8_ I <>¤m¤¤y· coco cAMes'coM•~c.
MISS JEANETTE BELL LEADS THIS WEEK . v_ _   _ 7 __ _· REHEARSALS SNA,,,,Y_ { ·¤·¤.·~ vmny live pnuyt nw next
 j_j | lhe gms mum lrom the- l nm:-rsltyl mmm Saturday Mvnlng WMU Hwy
wonnowsng ln me orncm standing   0* ··<····~v***·* ····*¤·*=·>‘···* ¤··· •<*········*<>’ H _ ’ " ’,,,,.,,t ,,1,. ,m,n,,., mm, ,{,,,,,,.,,,,.,,; 0,,
· ¤-ar to ti lr. m. '|`¤<*¤d¤¥¢ PATTERSON MEN nw hm Prmuy °"'°`"h"* ""'I "Q""   lu"` Im"' mm mr "TI°° (`UHU;:4£Illl'Ilt’\\'I}'l)llll[ill1(ll(()l‘llllll Moor, 'l`In•·
_ Miss Jeanette Bell ...... H  ....,,......,..., 5,400       to I2- `Tlw "“|"“"" lm"] *‘|""’U'l1—€ ‘*' ‘ \\'lr|<>\~" has b•*·¢-n ;.;iv<»n out hy smgoi Mlm uml “.hm_ mum has H hmm,
• MIIB   JBD8 Tucker ............ . .... 3,950 ` NHHS ('ough lundml H". lhlllisinu f0r*Ml1lllU-{(‘¥` Sllllillllllll. 'I`ll$‘ (‘()hl|l|*[l[l()ll.g(·||(•(\"|p ypl U) l)\gy_ and {hp rpyq ()|'
Miss Pauline Hm"` ‘‘‘‘‘’ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ’‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘’’‘’ ""l'500I     tht) Fans (`ny gmx in the tryouts was keen, {unl as u nhltlw svrnps will he held in tho- \\'ooal-
Mns mn lanes ,........   ,.......,,.... . ............ 1,360 ————— FM ~’*~*¢<>¤— ¤*~¤·*¤v§·* ¤¤~· ·*~·¤¤Imt_ me mt is i_M_m_ huh_m___d· ,8,H, ,.8,k A,,d,t,,,,,,,,,_
_ Miss Rebecca Smith A ,..,.,. . _,__   ,,__ 1,210 Trophy Given by Judge Barker Goes Work in l>¤H=·4|¤1¤.¤1¤¤d uuw Miss <·ou¤l¤| Tl ` In H ul r Y · In Helilelbem me Vm_Sm_ Pxlwpig
       H                 phancps for §h()[§_     l( 0 O"     Illuld         Of an easy    
Mm, Frances Game, _ V___VV _ __,,eV______   ____ mm, mg with Mermd Vmom sand, also, mat Miss Hough gl‘i\('P·!i" the pr<·s•·nnnlon or mp play, nnnpssp mp regular Hnmm wm K0 in whim mp
Mh"' m°r°“°° Hughes ······· · ·············· 1-010 _______ muy accepted most of the prmwrmll in any cusp an mzdprsmdy Sl'°“v* °x`!;.1unw is valleel at eight. The auditor-
Mlsn Elizabeth Rhodes ...... . ..... V. 850 (`h“""°"· U"°"°°"“d°"°*” 'l"° [0 pus'|('PllIl()Il1ll ublllty, lmm ut the img.-g€(·;;0n of [Hgh and
Mlm! MIH6 Stamper .» .......».....». . .......   820 TWO UNION MEN ON TEAM. victories Over the (`"mmm wm"' lm, The Cal!. Kentucky Avenue. has been internally
( The above standing speaks for lt·| `;“ 'l‘*` K**"¤¤°k>’ ‘l"'““’t mm H"` *“"i*`"’““I llilly llolton, at hnlf-l»nck——~ll, Mnr·‘ ppmodeuéd mw (mp uf [pp fastest
self, Voting has began ln earnest unda (Ylllllfmtlll (`ll|*‘Y mF\'|¤¢·l FHS! 'l`|\\|¥"'· *°""°" of ll"' l’l“yhm their usuul “"°""Y|l‘l>u»t1, lend; J. ('ulhoun, tnnulvrstmly. lr|0m·g {n me Sm(p_ wig]; umplo 4·nm·
I Illh0\I§h B0 HIP D0 OHS CMI lJl‘€dl(‘l day night dropped the gavel at X'gamP‘ ln their Imsslnm they Hpmnmli |’+*U*l‘ \\vl[llt*l`S|lt)()Il, l‘r•·el€¤¢Y of €Vm€‘¤\€9 of society debate ln mldst of an lnfvrnullhy the l‘°"h"vm*` m°· uml "S “ "`S"" llur¤1s. !m.“· ;|,,.,,— \vp(|m.Nduy arm,·m,,,"_ um;
who wlll be the strongest contenelers din. The l’utt+·rsun mon nvhme wlrh|""° Y"'“'“""" gm ""“' """" _“"‘”"· l Hiram Holton. un Alumnus of Illini-tl'ouml nw lnylnn e·ntir•·ly l-o»n|n··m·
I · ut the fllllsh. cow bells, rusp handles, steam clmxtsl wmml it was the In-mmlst play"] lmm UW- WHKPF. '|`- H¢‘¢l¢|<·ll. to fast work.
p The past week was marked by un- und other symbols or nnvageryitnwlle game Of the “"“ """· “"‘l U"' "‘"""""` Nutty Mviiowun. za truln•·r—Il. Mil- ·r|.(~ sl~1n·nn14· for un- rest or the
i \lB\ll\||)' h6•lVY voting Bhd d90ld6d attempt to lntoxlvute the Jrtiolul ear ion of mp Fore board wm Om? wml IPT, L- M<‘(`|0Hkv.Y· season is a string of good dates. All
' ¤hI¤80¤ in thi! Silndllllt of thi! COD- so that argument could not abide. to make the mmm mum at l‘°wSvm°‘ HON- Hliilll Hivkw. Stutv S+·uutor|ure· oortain e·x¢·•·pt the \’unel¢·rbllt eu-
! t¢lt»•¤!I· The Unlon supporters became ulmont Feb"""y 20* S°m° """`° gam°‘ ¥`¤`0¤¤ $¤l\wl¤t=tmvl||<· -- W. (Toss. n|.!gugnnwnto whlvh are expevtetl to be '
? MNB B0}! Bild MISS Tucker ISS! week rlotous and contlnued the thunderlnx The mst half was u period of hm firuhurn. Imrtlheql wlthln the next few clays.
were tled for last place and thls week bemqm umn the hnmnng, ulthqmgh l"“Y‘“¤ mm the "m“"`“ ""ij:‘i"‘l wm; Hub llivks, his son U. \\’lll·—tt, t‘,!·r|,(. pmgy-um ;·u||0ws; ,
UIFY ITG llllr BHG H10}! for HTR! lll¤0<‘· bullt on the rocks, <·hull•·nged the old u bum lend Of two p°‘mS’ ‘ SS Tu" W'¥`l¤|lf1¥`¥- At Auditorium.
'I`hv standing ofthe other contestants Hiblksul pnrnhlo wnh |nmmp•·rnu· ’"`°"*"l u'"`° (Hmm"! Shms mr tl"` Jawk |·um|»<‘¢*. foot bull ¤·o:u·h-—(‘. Jun, ::l~}leh|4·lherg, t‘olle·go.
is practically the same with the ex- gpguym Smw ""°· uml m""‘ H"g'“"" *I""`“'|\\'illinn1s. J. <‘nlhonn, |.·,.p,_ g.;;i.v,,m|m·pm {mm-.-Si;y_
ceptlon ofa great lncrease ln the nun1· The nrllpmmivp was roprpsmntgul hy '“'° f"“|”· m"" (:""“l' "I'“‘k"'| "" l`op+·r‘ni<·u¤ 'I`nll»ott. tnto rm llilly l~`•·h_ 4 Alnmllull 1‘o1h·;.;n,
· her vt vom. AH nearly one thousumi Mr. wnm. m. won umn Mr. ~i·~m»¤- "’“ *"""‘“ ’""” ""' ‘*"‘"‘ “l"" """"N. M \\'il|i¤¤¤¤¤><. J. rt M¤¤·¤¤·. »··.-».. 7 ¤·..¤»·l·mn· nr ¤lo.»:~»~a¤¤··.
¢'¤l‘¤|¤ have UH"! ldV€|\ 0Ui U WH €Vl· son, who argued that tho I’re·sid•·nt "°°ulR‘ $i|•·¤¤f N|\ll‘|»|¤>’. ¢·•·Ht•·¤‘ ll. 'l`:u·k··tt. l·‘.·h_ ll-li.! l'nlv•·rslty ot"|‘•·nm·=,
Umu NTB IBN d¤)'· Howewer. vctee for a term of six yearn and he lm-li nm brpuk up H". mmm nom- wmlk mul Nlulrhy 'l`ul|m1•<|»:¤·, ··n•·r;z»-ti¤· rutu |-‘..p, fl |‘;.i\.·|·Ni;y or (‘|miym3tl_
glblé to I`P·Pl(·’(‘[lOll. \l(·*blHl"%. l’3\'IIt·*,!thP‘r 0p|NH“\“IS' and lhpir Ii".-““rd" lh"}! ll Hi||"?'.Uli¤ll<‘l¥. .\l;n‘¢h lz! Aln~¤kie·`nm t'oll•·s·_•·.
—__-__` w_—vi—_——_ Hpguuve I9"a‘_i0uHI`,. llllulllti t‘lll\lt’ lll llll`tl\\ll ltllllfl IDX .\Il?¢¥•'¢· Tuul Iymlrgnnl lv" 'nvkh, J. (·UI,H. uuHl·h_ .`l_~_ \‘_| Ut hp ’2(4lH_d‘lhll| with
  'l‘h•· judge-s voted [un tn ono for |‘|m;hFS and [hull" Mpunwhihl MH`; '|` H¤‘•|¤|¢*ll. l'_ or |,_ null l',n|‘ ('., on tht- l.uui>will•·
.».-..-...-.M (lm negative, 'l`hesv jutlgos voting |'ur!"0ugh Iwguumml mm- mlm wmlx uml Ulliv N|ll<‘ll¢‘ll. it >\lll¤l¢*Ill J. (`itl- null (‘i|h·ih11;ui lluors, l‘•·>|>e·•·ll\‘•·l)’.
mpg; wml vmaqrbm Unlvqrgiiy, the merns or the urgument www l*ro-l"'"“" """l:* “"" Mm M"(`""“'" ‘I""`“A |¤<>¤¤¤¤. (F. *|¤¤¤!•·tt. I ,..._-e{»e~---.---
-—-— lessor Miller, Professor Jumslon unt! un Open smh ’ Uivk Nl<·Al|ist•·r, u stu¢I•·nt—r.l_ ` ` `
State University has arranged for Reverend (`uN“,€ll. of the First Hap'! 'rllté \\'()I‘k of RUSS (}()\I§ll, \\`]l();)hu.sh‘ J. §Il,(¤("ul(_ll.  
• a debate with Vanderbilt University tlst (`lulrcll.   zgf (iiufhgujli; l)(:;:::§’d:El;i$:i;l ·Hlll>:)` l}lo|>}>e·l‘. at stud+·nt I-]. lhth- X ‘   WAY
to be held in Lexington on Friday The judges upon the merits of the · e ‘ mgv. . me.
evenlng, Aprll 17th. The subject for lndlvlduul men were Professor (llIlis,'“""`k 0*. m“ M'°(`“"u"' was '""i"*"i llzunivl 'l`ibb¢·tt, town nmrshnll-—-ll. This Announcement coma Wim
mtg debate lg, "nesolveu, That the Ur. Terrell. Ur. Muxfmll- Ill'- **0>‘<\ MM! ably gow" It “uS_ uw lmsshm umHs°"""""‘· "· M"(""""“H· Hearty W¢ICOm¢.—S(Ud¢NtS Wait
President of the Unlted States Should Professor l·‘urquhur. ,"“l’m "°‘"· work M §H“" M"°`l"`*"‘°* { Janne- \\‘itln·rspoon, the (‘ull4~g;4· mg to See what me smgcrs
be   by Direct vote Of the Peo. yrhe rea"] [INA), Selevtpd out of tho: [II(ll:[uil.\\'(‘II Illt‘ SHIIU l|\'t‘ I-l'(lIll ll \\‘(l|‘S•* \\·i(lUw Missvs Spuilhll and Mi[(_lu_H·l Have in Store.
plg_" nix was lloemer, llrxt pluve, Puynv ` .0 ‘ l |¥<‘S#i•‘ '|`1U\\\•‘l`. the Hl\|ll•*li<‘ Mil'! _   __
va|]dQ|'b"[ hgg ('h()B6n [hQ nQg8,[lV(! BBCOHG, und Mr. Julius Wolf, thh`d·| ’ rrhv Nlinullnryj   lxlixsus   and huliS` I Hpu]*k(\|]_ tw l()\'(*l‘s (HA }.\(\tNl lllllNlt‘4
side of this question. The llebatlng 'l`heee· three men will compose tln•~‘zTi°H“l3‘ ll NHNM fiom? (TI" liloru \\§lg;:ins, · n 1‘nshionnhl•· uml mw mn an W Mm uw muhul
Committee of State Unlverslty has ar- Varslty team which meets tho l'nlv•·r-|‘ ”"*°"H ""* "°"‘   ”“ ‘ '°“*· ‘U ‘ \\'l\lH'\’i·‘¤`l¤
University are ellglble to try for a leagues do the- Maryland twist on the- I‘°"i“m‘° ‘°°· m`·23· · { liorllun 'l`x—=on Xlissos lmrnnll n¤n|.Hou;`_ ’
place on thla debating team. We now vuuul tolls question. ln the spring. PWM Kuulsi `Mlis Tu"] ;=‘ MISS K|`l|\‘Ul<‘|`- I lmlllmlu wmuwm is l___mm___lI in
have nnlterlll UH UNH H\IbjB('t.   \VIl8Il the H0\\'Hllg (]l'Pt-lu Xi(*s5(*||- uutlgll E"   §|(.( ullunl l' U I (`tll'll JPIIKN Ml$$t‘$ |.)'l|t‘ lllltl!L.UIHH.llAiUH “nh the ulllhnllluvlllvlll ul
ntudenls who desire to try for a place ger Ptilllli out last Mouduy its heaul mm'.? mfm mul fuss .H"“I'°" "· ' .\livl1ot. Mm mm_M_l TU mow Mm |_Mm_mlN_I_
uu the team wlll report wltlnln tho was ¢·ov•·red with the- •·ml»luzone·d •·¢»p,;—IMh*S.l.""l   Misi ('°"’i°l' 'L t   Snllio t‘n»n•·¤·on \Ii»~···< \\'i4-l;lir|‘t·lhN >"_m__S www"` NWN mp |_m_k___l
next wee} to [|w1·umn\Ill0t•. See nw uonwu of Josvpln |io•·¤u•·r‘. u¤ Nw |€°"°·I°·° (_`?"m.`°{|' mv l`UuNI¥l`.` """ WH"- .-;.;,,...4 pon.; l1..· nn-t;··»¤ nndi··¤n·•· ··~··•·
an noon un possible ¢·uu¢·¢·rnlng um- tclnumplon hnrd·h•·ud of thu llnlvorslty `"°l’h'°` mlm °°' l‘°`\.'"‘°""' \· X" lluth .·\ik•·n \|i»~·¤~~ l·Isl·-s und MN_mhh_d lH_l_`_ mr smh ml M,__Hl> H
terlal and alde of the subject. debating vlrcles und we udd lwre our (" A' »\|¤·¤‘r‘ilt- MH [W _m.m_i_lm m my mm Um
.1. ’l‘. 4*. NUl·}, own sanction to '|‘ln· l\1•·¤¤engo¤·‘n nnm- 'H'"""“ .u““""'“’“"`_“"" |”"“"‘· j 4|o~··n·l¤i¤¤<· !¤=¤rkl··>‘ \|i»~··~ Smith \,__m_,_ lwgmm MH ml. ‘_(_hlm_ its Im,
Vhalrman of the Uommlttee. num- und nay thu! Joe is the umn of '|`h"°° UI Iwrlods l" Hmmhls MMI \\'***’*|· lh_‘____sm,' hom in mmuu mm m,.h.U
"*"— W i HAN in V V i i the hour whpn [he wolves ure in plogp -- J TUV |'•'|l•‘il|'*i|l> l|i|\*‘ h¤‘•‘l| \||\\|*\|i\H}` Th? ` lmrus Ul l“`_m\, muh hm}
The path of duty lu the long puth pursuit, as on lust 'l`lnur»·u|uy evvnlug. A prolly ulrl vnu mnko n ~oun;|~¤¤¤¤l·1·\ MMI l¤¤<|l·¤¤ll¤>¤¤> ·¤¤`·‘ UM! "'|`l¤•‘ mi____> mh ___|__._l__d umu HH. |M.,_,l
that leads to the most beautiful var- A ¤·uu·¢·ensfuI •·v•·ultu; from tlw Unlon rnnn do most nnythlnt; nnl•·<>: —ln· h.•p I*`<·||··=‘·· \\`i•|<·\\" MU '¤·‘ \l¤·‘ '¤‘*l I**`¤*
° dem-1 ot roses. l ·ltanelpolnt. May more vouw like lt Ienn no no one or 1ln· I;t||lll\. ·|¤¤· ¤i··¤· ··\··¤‘ ·¤=¤=‘·•l l·~ i|¤·· $\¤‘¤·l|·‘*`>» "`*"*‘*"""' "" *°·‘¥" H"’

 O •
2 T H E I D E A I
‘i;'...*‘ if  ;;.;....;...;;;.;.;"x:.-~"”1-—-—‘.i;.-Eg;;_=a,t__·-—··—;_ii_:‘j€·=£é‘€%?*’- ire s;?—i;—-.=-=-—,e-.+—;e;§Z—-;¤=——" " 1 "..——·~·-—-—-———._."...." ".T;;‘, - ~;--;;,;;j-·-—i;;re- »   T; · A 1T ti--;  
Mm I H E ORPH EU M I H EA I R """"“"""‘ ""`
ME AT (`hildrcn 5c
FIR|T·CLA88 IN EVERY APPOINTMENT. J. H. 81'AMPER, Jr., Owner and Manager. OPEN 10 A. M. TO 11 P. M.
_...._,_________   W::.·—r7r: r~_i;.—1-. _ · —·-V *— 1- · · ht  
B/\(`K HOME `·*   E    
    .lu~: _xe~~•·rilu5 l lvussvd her on the wut
-—,-~·-· Aml ~h·· thu! knew me not. wulked eulmlp paw! L(Xmgl0n'$ Ngw vaudfvnk
THURSDAY-FRlDAY—SATURDAV Eastern Trip Finished With a .500 Ile: 1·r··tlA ¤·li<~•·lt> uhloom with l1•\ultll'el‘ l··uI` I llllulll t• in womnnlp i•·>ert•· --———
l · niuht from their ensteru trip with u Ami ureeted me. `Tie hurd to keep u love ) 1 {s • I ·
The BIH Th', week preach`, r4x(·m·(] of (tx;) games \t(m_ {wg lus\_ l¤o·4·|vllltl¤l4·Il lll lllv ll(‘l\l`I l`l`(»lll (lu} lil (lll)` 1  
pgwrrr yOUNg AND $|5TER_ uml one eum—elled. llesplte the two .t\ml 1'•~·-I it prow still greuttr hour hy hour 1 0* 209 30s  
c°"’9e B°Y Juggler- ¢lt·l`¢·ut< the Illue und \\'hite live mude l'ntil il teurs the very soul upurt. '_"
HERBERT M|TCHE[_|_ il mood >howiu;·, und eertulnly learned ilu! soeiul htws lorhidr lltll >o with (§od`s— ’
Hum°"l“· the ueuk points ln their style of pluy, Thu! we should tell the seerets of our heart 5      
RILDA THOMAS ANQ LOU HA|_L_ 'l’u¢·>¤lu}‘ (‘\`l‘lllll§Z they took the re- To those to \\llUllI we have not ilrst ohtulued I `H Humg mn"'
In HTM S‘·'b’l't“t°·' turn uuim- from Ashluml Y, M. (`, A., .\ lormul introduction >um-tinned hy
GRACE DE MAR 30 to lil. T. Zerfoss and Preston A spying ¢·huperom· or guardian. DOLLAR SAFETY RAZORS
$'”9'”9 C°'“°d'°"""· ~e·~i···tl l1i·:\\‘l•·St, uml the whole tount Loves humls ure bouml; he, ouee so wild und free, Elldéf, KCC!] Cllttéf,
Inwé   3·r_S_;kAIwEg`.$hCO£ApANg_ N ,tlutt·tl the {loot- in great style, Goes beughu: ll0\\’ for 0l·lN>FilH1li>‘· and Ever Ready I
° ° Y ° ° ' ° °m° "‘ \\'eduesduy evening, the Varsity So lllllhll he live within his nurrow spuee JUST WHAT yOU NEED_ I
STEWART & DONOHUE. overwheltned the Marshall (‘olle;;e Like tame eunuries in an iron cage, .
Eccentric Singing and Dancing. , _ _ _ _ _ 5
quintet. nt Huntington. \\. Va., in u \\h1Ie lur uwuy on every hand stretch out t
DUpRg$cy%Ii3:pREE' hi to ii game. The Kentueky live The happy fields where he onee loved to play.   Q' ·
_____ ,_,, A |•l:tyed u whirlwlml game throughout. ls mun so bust- or womun so unchaste MAIN STREET AND BROADWAY t
Prices—Night and Matinee, Lower Thursday evening, they lost to l'ni- '1`hat we must l`em·e their path with rule uml Iuw, I
glzzlxdsgaaggai/" %a::::t;" 25 cents; xnrslty of \’ir;;i]]l3_ 23 (0 39_ 'I`]](¤ Vit'- Vvll Q£1(‘ll l'illI` l'&l<'(‘ li)? l*‘lU` ll l)*‘ 3(lmlYf‘(l,       ,
400 GOOD SEATS ALWAYS AT 10c uiniuns outelussed the Illue uml \\'hite Nor dure to trust them iu unzuurded ways?
  quintet. but the Wildcats gave 'em all lloes virtue. honor und ull traits we love { Incorporated
I Manufacturet of
      Ilia?   lIl`he game was rough und no see in} womun und in iIobl¢Iimen     I
u 0 .   i ·z · ·>.* ·‘ ‘· ·
I H lou ng · ' · escru tit num unit   Int) xeuml dwell   I
        lhe gume scheduled with \\ ilSll1ll}2,· ht hearts noi llllllllil by i€u!‘ 0I` F('0\?ll laws? 136 WEST MAIN STREET
ton and Lee, Friday, was cancelled, How runny lwurts live out their little duy I
w°g(?;§);v;;”12;'ieOl“ASI;hMg:·6é5 owing to States refusal to play in puin uml seuliiess for no other euuse     d   ·'
  against st \\’ and I,. man alleged to be Than this, that love must patient wait an  
Telephone 838 ineligible under S. I. A, A, rules, `Till elique-tte`:— stern law is first obeyed.   and   `
Saturday they lost to Virginia Mill- The busy bee knows not the boundary  
'° I
Th I t . I C tary Institute, 32 to IR. The poor That marks his owners and his uelghbofs furm, . ( ·
c "‘ u   0* Showing was due largely to the whole Hut sins the honey where lt may be found.      
` teum heinl: worn out with three games Not soeiul luws but honor virtue guards. "
      in four days, and the general sucrltice Love whom we know ‘? Then God must love hut few;       I
. . . . , . . I
Plpes Rep8lr€d· of energy in the Virginia game, And tls but tolly to suppose that fate *
Those who made the trip were Mor- Has plueed the heurt uttuned unto our own         I
LEXINGTON ' ` KENTUCKY l-Hill. 'l`. Zerfoss, Preston, Scott. Tuttle In that small eircle that we cull our friends.   y
  tel. Park, Sehraeder, (`. Zerfoss, · No love is wider. deeper than the sea; D P   i, E
UNIVERSITY LUNCH STAND <‘ou<·h lirummuge and Trainer Moore, Nor is his kingdom bounded by this sphere ' •  
.:;*;*:3;;*;:¤:1jV;I;’t;¤U¤:I¤\?:z§: i-;-;-—— lint fur und high us ever soul gun ily (¤¤¤<>n><>r¤t¤·1)
r i
A B       llis kingdom ;—trett·hes till it doth include   SHOES
·t . . . . , . O EN ·
• •     lhe boumlh·>» uml uumeueured universe.
COR. S. LIMESTONE AND COLFAX -— Ho seek thv love! Somewhere it waits for thee   to   §
. ~ , .
  C0-Eds Go Into the Heart of the Hills Nor unit thy que>t until thy soul hath seurehetl RALSTON HEALTH SHOES
YES Friday, to Engage the Hard Play- I·Zurth`s >e<·ret pluves und the Realm Divine. FOR MEN I
W. are Sm, pragma; Suits for $1.20 ing High School Five. (iod guve u> lteut‘l:t uml put u longing there   to   ~
-ag..   Aml do not doubt though great thut yearning he   l
  Bai|€y’S Pressing   L|NE.Up cHANGED_ Ile mude enough of love- to sntiute. For the  
AND DRY CLEAMNG WORKS _ _ \\‘ithout >orrow there is never a joy Love comes om·e uml never le- we
169 South Limestone Phone 621-y l"|`l(l1l)' evening the ;:irls' five play I I , In . .t d M A 0         I
o tupp1ite>s. te one in-n o _
 [ll4* !‘1·{ll[‘Il gillllv \\`ll.ll (`2lll€l[HbUY`g     _
Illiuh Sehool on the lzxtter's floor l · •
C A   I `   The Lewin Cigar CO• I
* • I Press notiees from the scene of the l 'I 0
pp. New Phoenix
Where you will find everything ; I<‘¢>¤l1i¥1£ amine iudiezue excitement and I  
¤h€$’t'Zt"°h$l'? ‘?§Z°€,f;.T2S£. I ‘·‘·*   ""··· "*·***·****~~ qulnm 1,Ex•No’roN • •
MAIN AND WALNUT STREETS. huxe been working hnrd for the past · I
It`•··tv weeks uml huve grown used to the ’ I   M  
  |"*}@l`l~` llules Nlotlilied," us pluyed by 1 n II Takes Less Sh0I't€IIiIIg
' Stute. The gume hus been widely ad- l , rrrr M“d° by"` _
        HOURS.I\¢·l‘li>•·tl und most of the eouuty will I I Ilexlngtunl Rulltiri   C0°’
tlvttrl 0l‘.A et
na l·•· ih¤·l`~· |`ut·le John, Aunt Kutie und I "'iZ"’°`”"‘°‘TT'”"""'
G- _ · Chapman tt., tttttt .~t»   ttm tt tut ut, tt, tt., I JOE BBNCKAR *· *’r<>v’r
559 s' Lune Opp' Agrq Bldg· zukeu with the l1•l4> eensus us u basis.     B b  
  ih·· lwultiiu; uveruge of lloyd county I g      
• \\l»llltl lw _{l•}" qi lgqst A   P  
C — — · - - I 107 South Llmastcnc Si., opp. Phoenix llohl
AK¤¤k¢¤<1 Cval _<>·   .l.ui. . ,l.t , .t,llt   ,,.l   ,,.t.t I ( ».,t . .t,. B RGMNS 'N E RY DE ARTMENT   ct.st   Gt.R.ttEtl
      _ Vrigprt has rpcusl ih? {Paul in I W I I A I. I 7 I   ‘ I
LQ . t   I·-tt·t—t~ H¤¤ >l•M•· during the pust week. ,
Cor. S. Lime and Vit-giniu Ave, -o.-,_?_.. -i___ _ __ __ _ ____T :___o__:;_oo   o__ _ S“°°;5f;'\;Q ;;Rf“SS"; °°·
  w`_'wI ' . ill!]
  GOOD SCH '. ‘ °
S h , c . °°L'"° ]•`Il\ ]·] 'l`AI],()l{IN(} nas? s0¤A Fouunun in mg
C 3ngB S andy Kltchml |_ —— cirv. rms cmtiuiss.
,,9 `SOUTIH UPPER ST. U 1Ill*.‘.|·I> l ··•·1· haw l·»¤ ¤m¤<·h #|<···i·. I Lgmgy wgrk 3 $p|(;|3|{y Club R|[|$--5 $||l{$ $[50 ""
Fresh Lundles `Made Daily. I, "'|""‘I"_‘$·‘l"" """`“""_*"**“* Dr- l- Edward  
Pop Lurn hitters. ·‘_‘_'l_l"  ‘I' **‘— ··*·*' ‘·*‘l" *‘·* ····‘ ’···*··•‘· ALTERIIIB 451 SOUTH LIME lEP|||||||Q pENTIS·[·
, _ -un e n ev r e  
“°x'"°T°"• “"""'·’°“Y ° y “"° City nm. umu um,. • •

 I 4 I
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••·••••••••••••••• FIRST RECITAL BV pup"-S wHO.g WHO AT STATE STATE FORESTER TO LECTURE
cAlUm¤1 Scctton         .,.I   .. .I I ,¢I. . ..     ....._  
""""'”" .`IllUIll' the r•·tio¤\n•·¢I ol `\\'ho`— I_ kr l _|ll l Il l_ l_l
. ‘I`II ’4>I‘ , "l w ' I I s <•·`l•·>·< U •·¢
•-••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• To be Held wcd"e·day' Februmy dn" \\‘|1y, pg syulrf jg je \,.y··_ pu ;y |,, e,.|,.4·r l M l ll l L . l` I It I I
at 8 Ov lock. l 4 1|t’• — nt *|I· •~|| .*•·•· '< ;tLL|`|I*I| ll';]
· • NOTICE. hlm entirely enlglhlv- for •·urolIm•·nt C l *""*' I""""*` “l"’ l**"" *""'*' *' ~"""" ,llll__lll_ »rlllll._lllll._ 'rllllllllll 2,,, lll ll
. . · . ·. I"·I:I' al; :I I ‘k·I"
W I TT l I I Inl ltlsc Ancltnt tsraltr ol thi Inimrl TIN. Hmslp mllmrhmlm nl lh" lvm ;’IH.llLl;l‘Y:llrl1tlll:l'"lll|ullllllllllqlDrlllllllltllllglr Ulllmk lm lh'. wmwl HUM Ul HW Aurll
e tnve rece vet a numn-r 0 n· w I ct you suggest . V l l l l V l l A ' - " ' - * ’ lllllllllll lllllllllllul
qnlrlea from Alumni regnrtllng the V•‘t`Y tt't|lY Y0*t*`*'· ;l'I_H‘_T “;HlfilW thihl Hr" luljjlt L;] Pnuliml Hank \lr Izorvon': —-nl»j»~e·t Yl>l|Ill` ><>*‘t*·t* lm; ll l_,m_l_M llnllw mr llllm|H_k`__,
lllllll wm moor wml lwrwrlll rllvrlr wml pm-ml,.m_   H H ‘ “(_mmL; ll'm(°l`H ll mlmmm Latter In her r-;ir•~¤·r she was made n _lil_lA____lW lll_____‘
.1ss.nrm en. _ _ . _. _ .,_ _
nn Alumni, It will help us now, the Mr. Thomas had many friends lll lll T r r ‘“‘"'*"' "' 'l*‘ **"‘*‘**' '*"""**""'*' I;.-I liner gttttl vote than;-,
.s=,;tnne. . . . . ,.
_ I 'III I‘* ttl n tI * .t I t. t I I' · lt_· ;tl *t>InnIItt•·•·. *.t¤·¤·»I»t·»·IsllI:IlI¢*F or- ¢·h;rr»;.~•| gor nt the rn»·· nl IiI·» t•’llI»
[,•I9r,tr.|r, (vo to accept a berth wltll lllr, polls, [tht] fr()m [harp ho wgg gout tr) wl \l ll lll I III llIt'II` \\;l_\ Il}‘ HVIIIIQ :1; lun \|4·1· llpr ]jHp_
‘ ’ ’ ‘ " . ss . ur lll It*1|l, .
. , · l\It. (‘ tl, lll., I · t I' III I’*"“*‘*"**l· ·"*‘* K ~"—‘ rn *"‘"·· ·"*·*"··
5 hmmm (Umm Sm mxnnm (Om- lealtlmclai in anim; QLZOTI:   rk """“i""""""*“‘*‘" "*‘***** ·xn»n»n¤n no n....» l—·i< I ,l». ll   """“ ·“" ""**"" "‘ ’‘’‘ ‘ '° ‘’‘’ "‘*
. * s ( et e , s o ·   *
•l • pany, of Sherman, 'I`eX&FI, {IH II|*’It‘ I I ) 0 H `I \ylr_.lllllwgkl___··Mllzllrklr- {HMI “_'l ll lll I _ _ I 4, _ _ l with ¢*\(‘¢‘ll$‘llI table hoard. Mrs.
I ··t··*w*·**<* ¤***¢*·***¤y ¤***<*****€* ““" ""“'“ ‘° "‘“ "°'“" "‘ *“'"""""· nr eh I- ` ' ` "" """"""" """""“ ¤·n,n..nnn rn. rel tt.¤n··n
, 4* ’ ‘ . . . (IIPY ·r•·entnn. , ,, _ . ' · - ‘·*—` - *· ‘ -
V _ , V Ky__ wllere he passed away last wr,Qk_ she h.te~ not .tlI0w•·<·ruti<· spirit. ---—;-.—-—--—·---
r or Kentucky. Dan reports mood hunt- ` L ` mee xeghervn Mitchell First Qoprwttnl ·
{ lng In the western Kentuckv mmm. meeting WIIIPII the Society has ex- ln" “l i ‘l\ ` ” ‘ `I ` ‘ Iltave won tor her mum- mm msmlg t t
· , . ss . nn e ’raemer, St-cont Soprano [ lllplllll all], l_ lllll_ lll. l4l_l,l ll lll, Wlllllll S 8 8 »
llllllll_ perlenced this year was held In me _ V _ _ __ { · -·~· - *
g We learn that Shelbv Shgnklln ’1o_ *‘*0€I€U’ *18**- WIlI<‘Il IIHS been the S(‘<‘ne ul Mi:l( ir0llHlH('(m' THQ Alltil l-·‘* **I****l' **‘•‘l ‘**>t'tIIl' <>t` their nttnost • _
. . of so many oratorlcnl struggles. Great ` SH ' www Hm" `Pmm m' I "’******"**"" ****** **`***"·  
ll has violated an Ironbound custom by llrlpg ___,l,0 lll? qm_l"Ll,, lll_uml,Um_ I l
‘ rlllcollllllll more Ol. logs ellgrllled lr, ll were the rejolclngs, great were the ‘ l ` I I·nt she takes :r¤·ut·-st Ilehnht lll
~ slclenecteday N Y girl \Vp eng ('€*€b*`¤iI0¤¤ I1€€tl

’*°· ***° “· *‘· ·'*‘““‘“' ’“‘ ‘ rtlnmeqesnn (‘ona srrn no <...n·· . .. . . .. ··* K¤¤*¤¤**= whe ‘ ‘ ` ’ ‘ miss her tt I"` and other fees, one el- more V to assistant engineer of the Ultesu- Skm um] with u YH"` O" Um 0* g"'"! Y U l appointees. · entre & onto Railway with ertteee ut ***1****** *** **********‘** ****0***** ********‘ *‘*· . . . . or ··counss.·· • . p It · tellent men to help carrv on the work Fmal Decmons m Hands of Dearm t ***°**"*°****- "**· '**° *“"**“°*‘y “***'“ ‘ *rtn· I··..-.nn· n.-In ·. .n .·.· nn- rnn-.» b~‘·‘¤¤=**v ·‘**r···*¤•‘— ***¤<*··*¤*· , . · ¤ _ , l ol