xt7p2n4zj79r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7p2n4zj79r/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1922 journals kaes_circulars_001_2_119 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 119 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 119 1922 1922 2014 true xt7p2n4zj79r section xt7p2n4zj79r COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE
Extension Division
THOMAS P. COOPER, Dean and Director
l. Dairy Heifer Calf Project.
ll. Dairy Cow and Calf Project.
Junior Agricultural Clubs.
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catrrittl on hy t·t»hpt·r’:ttit»ii of tht~ t‘t»1lt·;t· o1` .\;·rt·ittltttrv, Vtiivorsity
of l{t‘l1llll'li)', with tht- li, S_ l>t·]¤:tt‘\lltt·t1L of .\;i’it·tt1titrc, and dis-
tribtittd in 1`ttrtht·r;tm·t· of the wtwk ptwnxiitietl for in the Act of
} Congress of May S, 1014.

 _ Dairy Heifer Calf Project
.e Junior Agricultural Clubs
The object of this project is to get boys uml girls to raise gi
heifer calf uml to interest uml instruct them in better stock. The
project can be started with un unweaned heifer culf or an older on.·_
aml continued until the animal is mature uml bred.
' 1. Boys uml girls between the ages of ten uml eighteen may O
enter this project. h
Z3. The latest date of enrollment is May 1. hi
3. Each ineniber must own a calf or heifer of one of the dairy 1_,
breeds and care for it during the project.
4. The calf or heifer must be one to three weeks old but not
older than 6 months at the beginning of the project. nl
5, Each member must keep a complete record of the care, feed f,.
and management given the calf or heifer during the project. _
6. Each member shall exhibit his calf or heifer at the club show _
that is t0 be held at the eml of the project. *11
7. If it is impossible to hold a club show each member shall fl]
close his project, complete his record book aml liaml same to the coun·
ty agent or club leader.
S. Each member is to study instructions given him by the coun-
ty agent or club leader and the specialists of the College of Agricul·
ture, University of Kentucky.
9. The weight of the calf or heifer must be certified by two dis-
interested persons. The calf or heifer is to be weighed instead of
estimating the weight.
10. Basis of award: 4
individuality aml comlition of animal lll l)(lllll$
Daily gain or lZl`(}\\'[l1 zo points ..
; Cost of gain or growth per pound 230 points w
¤ Records aml a written report of feeding, — `
j care and management of calf or heifer 20 DOHNS l"

I. Dairy Hcifcr Calf Project.
. ` T""7
]Cz11·l1 lll<‘llllN‘l‘ SllUl1l(l ]>l‘INflll&ill_\' selewt, the heifer calf that
he is to own. lt is 1·e1·<»111111e11llll`<‘ l>1·ee1ls Illily he selected,
'I`l11·1·11lf¤l1<»11l1l he il l1i;:l1-<·l11sx i11¢lix·l1l11z1l. Sl1(>\\`l1lg` ll1C(‘li>ll{I$. She sl1<»11lve 11ll. she Nllflllltl 11<>t he l><~··l`_v. li is i111p<‘>1·t-
11111 lllill the 1-11lf ll2l\`t‘ fjllilllly us imli··z1le1l hy El soft, loose hide,
silky llilll' 11111l 1i11e hone.
1   ~ 1   M \ » E
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»__l‘· gd V "" ·'l '.‘° ' .% `1'·_ f ""*\' ·. /"`?:" {*4 ‘» *\`;{·p'\‘ `X?' jj; .'· A .. ·'
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I;»J}g:t,··.;_.;, ‘     `·*' ' _ 1 'Q. _ >*__\·;a sfgvsjf ·»   ;1 Q      
Cut Nu. 12. A Lhmll Type Ileifer.
. t V

 q A
I 4 11'<‘11l111·l1·y (ll·}'('l([llI1‘l'. A1`11-r s1-1>:11·:11i11;; lll} 11111 V
food 1110 L‘illffl1I' l\\`1‘l\'Cll1>lll'S. I1. will lll1‘ll l11¥llll|lpl'I'j' illltl will- ii
ing to 1l1·i11k 1`r1»111 il p:1il. llip tw1» 111`y1>111· 1111;:1-rs llll'} 1l11-111ilk
p:1il 2\ll(l, whih- tlu- 1·:1lf is Sllt‘lilIl{J,' llll‘lll, §;`I'il1lll2lll)' 11111141- }`1llll' I_
llillltl down i11t1> thc p:1il 1111til thc c:1lf`s lllwlllll is i11 1lu- milk. I
As $0011 :1s thc t·:1lf g1-ts il g·1»1»1l t:1s11- 1»1` llllll( ;;·1·:ul11:1l|y \\`llll1ll'il\\'
your llllg`L"l‘S. \\'i1l1 :1 I`1-w illll\lllplS 1lu- 1·:1l1` will l1-:11-11 111 111 1h1- p:1il. l·`1»r 1lu- iirst t1l11·1-1- w1-1-ks t`1-1-1l 1lu- 1·:1l1` 1l11·1··-
1 ljl1Il1‘S :1 1l:1y 1-1111:1l p<>1'il1>llS of S\\'l`1‘l 111ilk :11 l»111l_v 11-1111»1·1·:11111·1·_
The illlllllllll of 111ilk 1l1‘l11‘ll(lS 1>Il tlu- i1ulix·i1l11:1l llilll'. l1` 1lu- ('illl.
weighs 50 Pwlllltli, {1-t-1l ZS ptmiuls 1ll1>l‘lllll;.!`. lllltlll :11ul 11ig·l11; i1` it
wcigsh T5 p0111uls. f1-{-1l lll; Iltltllltli. \\’ll1‘ll 1l11- 1-:1ll` is 1`i1·1~ 111
SL‘\'L‘l1 days 0hl it will f1-ol l:llC1l1‘1‘stit111ir>11 is ]ll2l1l1‘. 'l`lu- ll(*xl T.llll1‘ s11l»sti11111- :1 pmt C
:ul11:1l mf Slillll-]11lll{. (`1>llllllll<‘ tl1is 11111il 11lll_\' skimrmilk is
f01l. A cr11111»l1-11- s11l1s1i1111i1111 1*2lll lu- 1-l`1'1-.·11-1l i11 11-11 1l:1_1s. A1 In
this time thi- 1-:1lf l'illl lu- l`1-1l 1wi<·<- 21 {lily llI$l1‘2l1111 it` ]1l<‘lll_\’ lll. llllll{ is :1v:1il:1l11-.  
this Sllflllltl hc I1-1l 11111il thc 1-:1lf is 11i111- ]llUlllllS ntl :1;-1-. .\lllll;f lr]
with thc Slillll-]lllll( El: lléI_\' :11ul gz-1·:1i11 111ix1111·1- Sll1Itll(l lu- t`1-1l. .\ T];
{2;I'2llll 111ixt11r<- 1l1111· llElN pr11x<-1l s:11isl`:11·11»r_v l.11I’ {L`l'1l\\'lll;f illll- Ii
mals is: _) _ _
.1 l1ill'lS \\lll‘2Il l)l'&lll -1
fl ]l21l'lS ;;·1·1111111l 11:1.1s {fl
$5 11:11*1s Sll(‘ll(‘1il <‘l1
1 11:1rt 11il 1111-:1l (nhl lll'Ul‘(‘S$;l lll

 ])ut`r_t; Ilzifrr Cu/f 1'rqicct 5
'l`l1t·s<·u1‘l1l4l liv u guml quulity ol` tuixvtl titm»th_v uml ('lFP\`t‘l' or
ull`ull`u. In Sl1llllllt‘l'lll(‘ vulf muy hw tut·m··l uu pusturc if it hc
uvuiluhlo. To ]¤t‘¤·v<‘ttt s<·<>ut‘s this sh<>ul·l ht- ¤l·»m* grmluully.
Tho vulf shoultl ho ltruisml lluriug thc hvztt of tho 1‘1uyuigltlsoftlto wiultuz
Ai tho ugv of six mouths the skim-milk 1llil_\'l1<"tll<1·<>lIllllllL‘tl
hut. tho gruiu t·uti·»u must he ittt·t·0ust·tl ut·t·t»t·tliug tu thc imlivi-
aluul lll‘ll`<'l`. ll` tho lu·il`t·t· is (‘1lllllQ`\\`<‘ll of <»tlu·1· l`v0tls uml got-
tiug u vuricly, iuulutliug silugo, 1‘0t>ls or otht·t· sm·l·ulcut fowl. it
will unt he upsvl hy tho t·huug<· l,l'<>lll milk to ltuy uml gruiu. lf
guml pusturv is uvuilul»l<· ilu- lu·il`0t· will mwtl lilllc or im gruiu
with gruss. hui it. is utlvisul»lt· lu fm-tl sttllw gruiu to iusurc pt·op01·
i gt·<>wt.l1 uml tlt‘\`(‘lO]>lll<‘lll'. ll' pusturc is uut u\·uilul»h· or is sltort,
lho llL‘ll`t‘l‘ slmultl t·<~<·vivt· lluily li tu lll puumls of mixtwl hu);
lhmvtlty uml t·lt»vt~t·_ uml_ il` pussihlu, S in l5 poumls ul` silugv. ur
u t·¤>1·t‘0sp<>1tlll(‘ll lu tluuu gtuttluully. l·`ot· thu first l`t·ctl· —

6 Ifcnfurlcy Circular N0. 119
` I
·i ing not over a handful should he given. This should he llll‘l`t‘tlS-
ti ed at tl1e rate of 0110 po1111d :1 day lliliil the i'ull amount is being
p fed. The heifer Sll()1lltl gain a pou11d or more :1 day, so at the
K , age of 12 months the Jeisey will weigh 500 pounds, the tluern»
i sey 550 pounds, tl1e Holstein 700 pounds, and the .\}'l`Sllll't‘ tifitl
. ` po1111ds.
’ i . l I The leguine hays, such as clover, alt`alt`a and soyheaii hay
· : are espeeially valuable because they i`urnish hoth ])i‘Uit‘lll and
i inineral matter. The heifer should have access to salt at all
I tinits. To tl1e salt may be added charcoal and bone iueai. the
, ‘ i first to aid digestion Hlltl tl1e latter for hone building. l.et the
. heifer have access to fresh water at all tinies.
During the 5111111110]} the heifer should run in :1 pasture that
T , T is provided with shade trees. lf she is confined to il dark i¤ili`ll
during the hottest part of the day she will keep ('tN>lt‘l' and he
1 away from pestering insects. A light blanket will 11l't>ll‘t‘i the
y heifer from flies a11d keep tl1e skin and hair in fine eon·liti··n.
· _ In winter tl1e calf should be given a dry, well-ventilated stall,
l bedded witl1 straw at night, Hlltl should be allowed to exeiwise in
a lot for a few hours each day.
    MQ    : »  
*1 I wi     1 ·:c    ‘ 
  és. _.‘ i ’· »;r`$i' i2°m  if ·    i ii? l °s
1  i `.`'   i 1-   Q? T kl; l1..°   . ~-., A  i i t
. * * 1 5 p   Y;   i  __j,      l
1 ·— ·. ° '   p :Y• 3 Yllvlfx.
‘ l » ~ * ’**‘·‘*‘?JL      i`l~’2"·Z?·i??·`§?Y§
— t"   1 A Q T  ‘   —— l."‘   . » ~"»¥Q%Z°§&;¢»4.—·Q-
l T 1 1 » · ’= · ·     ··¥   
3 . ‘ . . =  , _.‘_ —"·. ‘,1.,;}* gf :,!{·_·R;-i·l<¤`..i·;.· YC 
.~r`¤   `¢ -·     li.-··:1.'~’*;:‘*'¤¢’i"`P·‘T¤#*.‘?‘Y*‘ 
X °`* i`  >   ~f §{'éj$`Y  
_ Cut No. 3. A Yearling in Growing Condition.

I);.:4_     l y:_ ~ __ __y{.` ·_
  ··· ·  ’ =" F-  Mn ‘ `~·· »-   ·..*. w>i.~.·· ;·.:. ——»· ·, `=-   ’r"`~1;2··"..
€°Z?`?l·[·?:*§.’I¥;·ITT-§‘ ·=$‘i¥¤· ·   #$   `*‘°~E"·¥*?’¤*é`§>,i¤‘i·.:*i»?é1*}**-: Aki   ·
·~sai`:f¢?"T.}af‘·=*‘ §i,{P!;;i¤*?.i2;:.`* Q *“·* ‘ "$" " ~ A " `     l *
Cut No, 4. Mature lleifer in Breeding Condition.

S l{1‘11l111·/.·_1; ('1`1·1·u!111· N0. [lf!
. The l1eif1-1· sh0ul1l he 1·zu·1·1l t`01· 111111 l`1·1l the SillllL* {{l`2llll llllTi·
J ture 11s llil5 heeu used llll'll1·e1l. '.l`llQl1 the {.§'l'illll 111ixt111·1· sluiuhl he l'll2llI{_f¤'tl
t0 the f0ll0wi11g:
4 p111·ts 1·01·11 1111·11l
4 p111·ts wheat. l\l`llll
_ 2 ]_\ill'lS llllSt‘\‘•,l ]llt‘Lil
All 2ll'C 1lllX1.‘1l hy \\'t‘lg`lll`. This is ll t`h·sl1-h11il1li11;; l`t‘l‘(l. lt
1 sh0uhl he fell 11t the 1*11te 0[ 5 ptiuutls il tluy \\`lll‘lllt‘l` the l11·it`1·1·
is 011 ]_lilSl[lll'<} 01· i11 il st11ll. liesitles this, lt) t0 20 1N1lllltlS 0t` sil-
i nge 01· 1·00ts illltl illl the 111ix1·1l lllllttllly 111111 (‘l|l\'t‘I` h11y she will
e11tsl1011l1lbegiv1·11l1e1·. This §`l'2llll 111ixt111·1· sluiultl he l`1·1lu11til
10 (l2l}`S l)L‘fUl'C the l1cit`e1· l-l`t*Sl|Cll$. 11t whivh time it Slllillltl he
el11111ge1l 11g11i11. At this time 2ll`1`illlg'l‘lllL‘l1l$ sl10ul1lh1· lll<lt‘ with
the L'Olll1l}' i`tg‘C1ll to L‘lll.•21' the 2lLl\'2lllCt‘tl p1‘0_ie1·t 0f (`0w 11111l t`;1lt`.
i SL‘Ull1`$ lilily result fl`Ulll 01*1-1*-l`e1—1li11g. ll`1't‘g`lll&ll' lIt‘t‘tllll§I.
Sll(lLlOl1 L‘llilllQ'C 0f feetl, fk‘1'1l1\*lllCtl fowl. 01· usiug 1li1·ty puils.
'l`he1lise11seis111·»1·e1‘·11silyp1·eye11te1ltl1;111 t‘lll'(‘tl. l)i111·1·l1e11 1llil}'
be 21 first i111li1·11ti011 0f S(‘Olll`S. lf 1li111·1·l11·11 (IL’t'lll'$, vut the
11.111011ut 0f the {1'l`illIl `l]llXllll't‘ i11 hulf 11111l slerlize 11ll 11:1ils lllltl
feed h0x1·s witl1 seztltliug w11te1‘. ,\ Yew 0ti the lllt>l'(‘ t‘f\llllll<>ll
])1`C])2l1'illltrll$lUl1•} usetl 2lI't‘ hl001l 111<·11l, ll ll‘2lS1N>(>lll`lll 11t Gl t`1·1-tl.
\\`llllC 0f 01·11pi11t 0li lime \\'2ll(*l‘.
Rlllg'\\'Ol'lll is il aliseuse 1'l‘Slllllll{I l·l'i·t‘(1l(‘(l sp0t with ll s0l11ti011 0f OIIC p111·t 1-011l-t111· 1lisi11t`1·1·t1111t
i11 twenty ])2l1'lS 0f w11te1·. A sulye 111111le 0tT l2tl‘ll zuul 11ll the sul-
ph111·th11t C2ll1l)t} \\`(1l'l{Ctl llll(> it will t'lll`L¥ l`lllg\\`Ol`]ll, it` ;11·0111—1·ly
1‘11hhecl llllf) the sl;i11.
Lice 011 the ('2llliiS hotly 111*0 02lSll)' kilhwl hy Slll'2l}'llI{.{` 01· hztth-
i11g with 0110 ]>111·t 1lisi11l'¤~1·t1111t1 i11 twenty ]l1ll'lS of waiter euul
l{C(‘Plllg the eztlti ;;;001l Ellltl `\\`2ll`ll) 1111til il, is lll0l'(>l)' (ll'y.

Iluiry lltfftr Calf l'r0jcr·t 9 e
'1`he heil`¤·r should he hrushetl every duy und kept hlunketed
for an month before the show. lt is well to rub her vigorously
with u wooleu rug to exeite blood eireulution whieh will make
the hide pliuhle untl oily. lf she is dirty give her at good wush.
]ngr<»on1ingt1~e2t hrush insteznl ol` u eurryeonih. lf she is eov-
ered with (-oewse huir, the heil`e1· should ho elipt ull over at month
hel`o1·e the show. 'l`he horns und hoofs should be polished, first
with sui1· _ · .
  ..$"l·_; _ ‘ ·*·"  _   .—; __! .,»__ o {_
lin" \l  A ~ ( tp- ’ i A-,`··'€`1` ’° ··- ( yl
*   t   N t T *·;t¤'   t Y? i
e· i   . “ x   E} zi .1-
I `lf _ it tQ>__i_~_»\ QH; ;     , ;4·‘.`..‘ by ’ .  
L.- • ~ ‘ ’ `. ;j. $'i.$_Z_ }}._;;;:·i,-`?:éT:§-1`g::*51; T    iu     I  
° ‘ _     —··—‘. N e..·‘_ _ »‘f·£;_.:ii·»;f'fi` —.    
i ~ ~ »"}—i‘E,V`{..·~._g,—:_;.  Ji__,_n___;__ il   ‘·-’-.f:l,;
Cut No. 5. Close Coinpetititui ut the Club Show.

10 ]i'v11[1¢t·l.·y (lI~l'L‘llItlI' N0. ll!}
n ' The heifer should he tauglnt to stand 1)l'l)l1t‘l'I)' l»et`t>1·e she is
, It taken t0 the show; i11 faet, she should he ll2IlllIIt‘ll, led and posed
._ every day d111·i11g lllC p1·t>_jeet. \\'hile tl1eheit`e1· is being exhihit-
1. ed in The shew 1·i11g, tl1e Cllll) 1llQllll)C‘1` should stand on her left
side, holding the halter strap witl1 tl1e let`t hzmd, leaving the
· right Ililllkl free to keep the illlilllill ill posititm. The heit`e1·
. 1 . l ~ should stand stpiarely (lll Il(‘l' feet. witl1 head up. '1`he ]llt‘1lll>\‘l`
~ J should be 011 ti111e at the show, and care should he taken te see
4 that C\'€‘1'}'l-l1il1gllilS been properly provided. Ile Sllilllltl he Slll`t’
' he has the heifer p1‘epe1·ly 0lllt‘l'<‘t»1»l<>l<. 'l`l1G

 Ihtfry /It/ft 1* Cu/f I'rujc¢·t 11
tutmher of hours requireI‘l{ 01`tl1e<·lul> 11lk*1llltL*l't11l \\'ll21l ltcltus lt‘2l1'1lt‘tl zllltl
tlone in his ]1l'l1_lt‘t‘l. Xealness. spelling. punctuation aml com-
pleteness ot` story a1·e points that will he (‘<111$l111111’111g s1·111·c 1·:11·11 is 11$l‘11 111 $11l\l1`1l1S :11 iI11r 1 1111·1·1·-
sity of I\•:‘11111L‘1{}' 111 class 1111111. A11 1111~111111·1·s 111 11:1111 11··111·1·
p1·11_]1>1·t s111111111 *11111}- 11115 s1·111·c 1~11111.
1 SCORE CARD FOB. DAIRY COW lla"; S111·11—
A General Appearance, 1< 11111111s: Q
1·`111·111, 11111:1- s1x:1111-11 1111111 1111111, 11111 :11111 s1111-~;
S[I';11211[ 11:11·k; s1`1111111·11i1·:11 11:11:1111·111: 111 :111 11:111s 11 `
Q11:1111}1 1111·111111‘ sk111; 11i\1I` 11111-; 111·111· 1·1·1111··11; s1·1~11·—
` 111111s y1—1111w :11111 :111111111:1111 ,. ' ri
Zl`1·1111`11·1‘:11111·111, :11-1111: 111s1111si1i1111 :1-11111·; 11-:111 1-11111 11
111*115 y1~111~11· :11111 :11·111111:1111 11
B. Head and Neck, s 11111111s: ` `
)1\1ZZ1Q·*, 11111:111. 1111s1111s l:11:1~ . 1 .
1·`:11·1—, 11·:111, s11.11:111 ` 1
liyos, 1L1l`§1‘, 1111:111, 1111111 . 1
I·`111o11e:111, 11111:111, 111s111·11, 11:1111111·111: :11 11111*11 11.1s·· 1
11U1`llS, 111 11111· 1z·X1ll1`1· :11111 11111111-1 s11:111·» 1111* 111·1~111 1
]‘:1ll'$, 1111·11111111 size. \\'1'11 s1·1. 11111· 1
Neck, 11111:, 11:111, 11:111 (11'\\'1I\11 . . LI
C. Porequarters, t· 11111111s;
\\'i111c1s, 111111 :11111 11·::11, 11111 111·1111-ss··11 i111`11 1·1·1111s ` 12 '
ShOL11dl‘1`S, 11:111 :11111 1~1.li11111· 1
_ Logs, S11l)1`t, Fi1'1l1l1\[, 1111111· 1111•·, 1`1-1·1 111111 111:11111 :11111
of :111111 size :11111 1•1x11111· 2
D. Body, 211101111s: Q `
(`11cs1, 111·1·11 :11111 11·i111· 11
Buck. 101111, $[I`U11!, $11`&\12111 I 1
1411111, 11111:0 s1.:111111, 11111:111, 11:11 ,_ 1 f
Ribs, 11e1·11, 11111:111, 11’i111·s1 :11 1\¤\\`1'I` 11:111 111` 1,1:111‘1·1. ` `
f<]1I'L11`|I 11:11·1:w:1111 . ` 11 '
Flnnks, 111111, 11··1111 . , . 1 `
E. Hslndquarters, 11 11111111s ` `
Hips, 11111:111, 1··1‘1·1 111111 11:11·1< 1
111111111, 11111:, 111111z·1111:11, 11111 1111111·s 111:11 :11111 111111- L1]12\1'1 11
T:1i1, 1111111- 1111··, \\'1111 :111111 sw111·11 Q 1 `
'.1`11i:11s, [11111, 111f‘1l1`\1l1L!', 11111:. 11*1111- :111:111 . 1
L1·:s, s11111‘1, 11111·ks 11‘i111~ :111:111 :11111 $11`J11E1l1, 1111111· 111' ` `
111·11]11·1 siz··; 1`•,·1·1 11·1·11 111:11111 :1111 111` :111111 sim- :11111 `
$11:1111; , . ,. . . , ....   . ` 2 .
I'. Mammary System. TO 11111111s: ` \
L’L111(*1', f01::m: 1:11‘:·· :11111 11111:, :11t:11·111·11 111LZ11 111·1111111 `
211111 141\I` 1`11I’\\`:11`11, 111l:11‘11·1‘S \111il`111‘1I1, 11111 L:1‘1111\'1·11, ` `
11.~1·c1 :<111<;  , . . . 1 11}
1T1111e1‘, quality; 111•·111111‘ :11111 1‘121¥K1<', 111111` 11111· :11111 1
skin s111`1 ....   ., .   .   ., . .. .. .' 111 ’ 1
Tc:11s, 111 <;1»11v1·11i•·111 six1·, \\'1111* :111:111 :11111 s1111:11‘1·11‘ 1 I
111110011   .   ., .,.. .: ..., .. .. . ‘ 1 ’ -
11111; 1‘1·i11:<, l:11’:1·, 11111;.:, 11>l`11l|1\lS, 111‘:1111·11i11: ....   1 ·1 ,
Milk 11·1·11s, 1:11;;1· :11111 11111111~1·1111:< .... lj
rfiltlll 11111111s     . . .,,. . . . . .   1011 A
1 1

Junior Agricultural Clubs.  

The object ot this project is to intvrcst uml instruct club lll·‘lll- 1
bers in the cure of u breil iluiry licifcr or cow uml tho curo ot` iIn· cow \\'
and her cult until the luttcr is wcuncil. The club im·inbcr muy slurt jg
with u bretl heifer or with u brcll cow. I]
1, Boys uml girls between thc uucs oi lon uml ci;li:····n ]llitj.° I,
- enter this project. *
2. The lutest ilute of •·nrollim~nt is .l11n·.· l.
3. Euch member must own u cow or hci1`··r thut is ilu·· to 1`r»·sh··:i
preferably within u month ofthe beginning; of the projoct uml cxtro 1`•i{'
her and the cult until the cult is weum·il.
4. Euch member must keep u complete recoril ot` tho curc, tceil
and management given the cow uml cult during tho project. ·\
5. Euch member shull exhibit his cow un·l cult` ut the club show *1*
that is to be held ut the end of the project. oi
6. If it is impossible to holtl u club show ouch 1llt‘llliN·l` shull pi
close his project. complete his record book uml huml sume to the conn- HI
ty agent or club leutler. R
. . . . . · I
7. Euch member is to stmly mstrm·tions given hnn by tho coun- V
ty agent or club leualer uml the speciulisls ot the t'ollo;;·· o1` .\;ricnl- In
ture, University of Kentucky. I,]
S. The weight of the cow uml cull` must bo ('1‘l`liI`il·(i by l\\’tllll'illQ ('|ll\'$.
j To insure u gootl flow ot` milk the heit`er or eow should he
in good eondition ut treshening. A thrit`t_v heifer or eow ulso
hus less tronhle in eulving thun does one thut is in u run down
’ <·ono thut it is eomposed of:
3 purts wheut hrun
3 purts gronml outs
This is u luxutive uml eooling diet sueh us she needs ut. this time.
lt` her howels ure not moving t`reel_v give u dreneh of lipsoni
Stills. l)issol\‘e one pouinl ol` sults in il t|ll2ll'l ot? hot \\`2lle1‘ tllltl
iillow to eool. l‘ut into u II{ll'l'll\\`rlll‘t‘l(t‘tl hottle und dreneh the
heifer or eow. `

I 16 Kcrztzzclcy CI.}`Ct(l(l7' N0. 119
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1 pr _··= " T `—· -   ‘— ’-•‘ .   P i •**K$'.··"·_   _ , _ ` .1
Y i,··`·Li;;J>,_- 4.»f‘•.. ` f ·_·‘ _!’·,_· ·'A_·')%§   U, _>·\Z_; .·\ (rl
irlj.`; `   » I -·"’ i.."\$%.’tiF{—“i’?fi§’,Ei — · ·· J  . ` l11
` · Cut N0. T. Hcifcr Two Months l%ct`111·c L·1ll\`lll1lJ_ ll
· sn
‘ Place thc hcifcr er cow in a clean, C0lI1l.`0l'lill>lt‘ hex stall,
tlieroly disinfcctcd and carefully hcddcd with clean, dry straw.
Avoid drafts and dainpncss. A stall wcll lighted with sunlight
1 is much prcfcrrcd to enc sitnatcd in a dark part of thc lltll'll. In
lf cvcrytliingz is Iltll`lll2ll du nut tlistnrh the ll('ll.t‘l` 111* cow at calv- N
ing timc. ln case of difficulty i11 calving. gxivc i11 a quict. cart-- W,
ful and gentle nianncr what assistance is l`t‘l]llll't‘tl. In
  As $0011 as the calf is (ll't>])lL the inothcr usually will lick it Im
1 dry. In case she docs 110*1, dry thc calf with a clcan. s11t't Ultllll. ,1.,
In e00l wcathcr it is wcll S(1lll(’lllll(‘S 111 l1la11kct1 thc calf thc tlrst ,g1
day. Be Slll`C to prntcct, thc calf l·l't>Ill draft, and da111p1u·ss. Wi
Clean the stall and hcd it witl1 t‘lt‘2tIl, dry straw S(}t>Il al`tcr tl1<‘ ig
‘ calf is l.)Ol‘]l. A strmig, hcalthy calf will nursc t1t` its own l`rcc on
` will within an hour or so. lf tl1e call` is weak, assistaticc Sllttllltl gm
_ be given within the first three or four liours. The calf slunlltl S11,

 Dairy Ileifcr Calf Projcct 17
nurse f`i·etptentl_v t.he first day. The eolostrum, or the first milk,
is net-essary to elean the digestive tract of the young animal.
'l`he ealf should he separated fl`(>]ll the crow after two days be-
eause it is likely to snek too mueh milk, whieh will result in
geonrs or indigestion. Allow the calf to suek a reasonable
amount tln·ee times a day f`or the next. two or three days, then
teaeh it to drink front the bueket. Attention should he given
the navel so as to prevent infeetion. 'l`horoly wash the navel
eoril with a good disinfeetant. tie the eord near the body and eut
it four inehes front the body. A two to five per eent solution of
ereolin or earbolie aeid ean be used to disinfect tl1e navel cord,
or it may be painted with a. weak solution of iodine.
Allow the ealt` freedom in a well-ventilated, warm. separate
pen. at least six by ten feet in size. until it is a 1nontl1 or more
old. or until it is ready to go (lll pasture. Do 11ot turn the young
ealf out in hot or eold weather. To the wall of the pen, nail and
braee firmly a feed box at sneh a height. that the ealf ean reaeh
it without straining. Also equip the pen with a slot hay rack
so that the ealf ean reaeh the hay but eannot throw it out of the
The first day‘after ealving the eow needs little attention
provided everything has been normal. See that the eow has
plenty of water. lf the weather is eold the water should be
wamned to about Ttl degrees l·`ahrenheit. Also see that she is
proteeted front drafts while her vitality is low.
'l`he feed for the first two or th