xt7p2n4zhq41 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7p2n4zhq41/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1950-05-05  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, May  5, 1950 text The Kentucky Kernel, May  5, 1950 1950 1950-05-05 2013 true xt7p2n4zhq41 section xt7p2n4zhq41 If

The Kentucky Kernei

Safety First
In Spring Sports

Warm, Humid
Scattered Showers

High 84





Four Speakers To Be Heard
In Third Yearly Legal Forum
McCloy Named

A. B. Guthrie Awarded
Engineers Plan
Open House Day Pulitzer Fiction Prize
Is Member
Of English Faculty

Many High School Students Are Expected
To Attend To Inspect UK Engineering Plant

The second
College of Engineering open house will
be held today at Anderson Hall from 1 to 4:30 p.m. and from
7 to 9:30 p.m.!
Approximately 3000 gnests, many of whom will be high school
students from throughout the state, are expected to attend and
inspect the college's laboratories, worfcsliops, and other facilities.

students, serving as
planned tours of the Civil. Electri- cal. Mechanical, Mining, and Metal- Engineering
and the highway materials, aero- nautical and coal research la bora- Engineering
guides, will

The Lexington Yellow Cab Com- y will have a portable sending- receiving station set up at the Engi- nee!uii College with a fleet of cabs
'to transport PVPle from Anderson
yonautical La bora- Hall to the
the Eo? peering Annex ( the
Ml - ials Laboratory, and
the Coal Ttesearch
There will be no charge for the


Among the exhibitions which will
be shown are the earth heat pump,
a unique device which, when
fee ted. will serve as a source of heat
in winter and an
unit in summer. Other demons
tions will include jet aircraft en- n
gines. steam turbines.
chines, the pouring of molton Iron,
and heat treatment of steel.
Other displays presented by the
Electrical Engineering Department
large television screen, a
reversable electric food mixer
out moving parts, a cathode-ra- y
tube display to be operated by the
visitor, and a floating light display,




The annual UK Honor's Day Program, presented for the purpose of
honoring outstanding students, has
been scheduled for Wednesday at
10 a.m., in Memorial Hall, according
to Miss Maple Moores, assistant registrar, who is In charge of planning.
The presiding officer of the event
will be Dr. Leo M. Chamberlin, vice
president of the University.
All honor students will be presented to Vice President Chamberlin
by Dr. Maurice P. Seay, dean of the
The main address will be given
by Dr. Jesse Herman, pastor of the
Second Presbyterian Church of Lexington, and the student message
will be given by Ellen Drake, senior
in the College of Education.
Both the invocation and benediction will be given by Willtr.m Elliot
Jones, president of the University


In ane f the many engineering workshops to be featured in the
Engineering Day celebration today.

Awards Given In High Schools
Named For fwo UK Pioneers
Two pioneers in Journalistic education in Kentucky will be honored
during the commencement season
through presentation of service cerKentucky
tificates to
high school seniors. Dr. Neil Plum-tne- r.
head of the Department of
Journalism, announced last week.
The certificates, to be known as
the Enoch Grehan Certificate of
Newspaper Service and the Marguerite McLaughlin Certificate of
Yearbook Service, will be issued by
the Journalism department in the
name of the Kentucky High School
Press Association, which maintains
its state headquarters on the UK
campus. The awards will be on the
basis of the seniors' contributions to
Journalism in their schools.
The newspaper award honors the
late Professor Grehan, who founded
the Department of Journalism in
1914 and served as its head until his
death in 1937. Under his direction,
the department became one of the


Honor Day





A. B. Guthrie, director of a course
in narrative writing at the University, received the Pulitzer Prize
award this week for his book, "The
Way West."
Guthrie is the first novelist living
in Kentucky to receive the award.
He came to Lexington in 1926 as a
member of the Lexington Leader
staff. He was executive editor when
he retired 21 years later to devote
all of his time to fiction writing.
"The Way West" is the second
panel on the
book of a
history of the West. It had been
selected earlier by The New York
Times' Orville Prescott as one of the
best novels of 1949.
The Pulitzer Prizes, which carry
a cash award of $503, have been
awarded annually for 33 years under
the will of the late publisher, Joseph
The first of the series of Western
books, "The Big Sky," was published
in 1947, and won a $1000 literary
prize awarded by the Friends of
American Writers.
"The Big Sky" has been sold to
Winchester Pictures, a production
company for R.K.O.


nation's pioneers In the field of professional journalistic instruction.
Honored through issuance of the

Eighteen Get
Journalism State Awards
the departmental

yearbook award is Miss McLaughlin,
assistant professor of
and a member of
staff since its establishment 36 years
ago. "Miss Margie," as she is affectionately known to thousands of
current and former university students, was one of the first women
teachers of journalism In the United
Dr. Plummer,
who succeeded
Grehan as head of the Department
of Journalism, said nomination
blanks had been mailed to principals and publications advisers of
all Kentucky high schools having
newspapers and yearbooks.
Students are being nominated on
the basis of scholarship, citizenship,
and Journalistic service. The certificates will be mailed In early May
In time for formal presentation at
commencement exercises.


of the State Highway
Department scholarships to the Uni-

versity College of Engineering were
named early this week.
The scholarship winners, two from
each of Kentucky's nine highway
districts, will enter the University
under a coperative engineering educational plan that calls for alternate periods of study at UK and
employment with the Highway Department. The awards are valued
at $500 each, and are planned to
assist students through their first
year of engineering training.
Selected from approximately 150
applicants after competitive examinations and personal interviews, the
recipients are Roy Pugh and Robert
Florence, Paducah; William Bratton,
Bowling Green; Bobby Flener,


President Of
Honor Society


T. Vaughn

The annual
planning retreat will be held this
While most of us are sweating out
weekend at Camp Otonka, it was an- the hot summer months in Kentucnounced by Mrs. Margaret Durham, ky, some 35 UK students and others
Jirector of the YWCA. Although the will have eicht weeks of frosty
etreat is primarily lor cabinet mcm-er- s. nights and mild days 9000 feet up
any member of the Y may in the Colorado Rockies at the Department of Geology's summer field
The group will leave the Student camp.
The camp, located on Cement
Irion Building at 1 :30 p.m. SaturCreek in Gunnison National Forest,
day and will return to Lexington
will be conducted by Drs. A. C.
'unday afternoon. Those who plan
V. E. Nelson, and W. R.
o attend should sicn up by 5 p.m.
oday in the YWCA office, Mrs. Brown, and is scheduled for June 15
Aug. 9, the department has anDurham said.
nounced. Here young geologists begin to learn what it is all about.
The main party will leave Lexington Thursday morning, June 15,
in two
wagons for the four-da- y
trip to Colorado. Both enroute and at the
camp site the party will live in tents.
Eight students from other instiFour girls and two boys were tutions, including the Universities
elected UK cheerleaders by Suky in of Notre Dame, Wisconsin, and CinAlumni Gym before a group of stu- cinnati, and Union College of New
dents Thursday, Gene Stevens, re- York, will attend the camp. Some
tiring Suky president, has announc- will join the party at Lexington,
while others will report at Gunnied.
They are Jean Hardwick, Alpha son, Colo., June 17.
Gamma Delta; Nancy Brown, KaDpa
Is Third Year
Alpha Theta; Eleanor Gash, Alptn
Dr. McFarlan, who with Mrs.
Betty White. Kappa Alpha
Delta Pi;
and three students will make
ThnlQ. TVifia Dom Cinmo Wit 1 .1
up an advance crew leaving
hod rtiKoias, rm bigma nappa. iwo to get the camp partly set up June 5
more boys are to be elected nest
the main party arrives and to make
arrangements for the summer's
"The object in this spring elec- work, furnished the following infortion is to give the boys training in mation about the camp site and the
gymnastics, and for the group to be summer's program.
well organized for fall," Stevens said
This will mark the third consecuDuring Freshman Orientation tive year the Department has held
week in September the cheerleaders a summer session in Colorado, a
chosen by eleven other
will teach new yells to the freshmen. siaie ai

Are Selected





universities for extensive summer
field work.
Cement Creek was UK's choice
because of its position in the center
of a local area of unusually fine
geology, and one where much of the
material can be reached on foot or
by short automobile hauls.
There are drawbacks, however,
for at that altitude, and with mountains towering to over 12.000 feet on
either side, climbing and other activity is materially hampered by the
thin air. It takes about two weeks
to get acclimated. Dr. McFarlan
Cement Creek, fed by melting
snow, is the camp's source for water,
and is used for a refrigerator as
As to

the study routine, students
are divided into parties of three or
four and distributed for work by station wagon, with instructors rotating from day to day with the different parties.
Opportunity is provided for independent professional wcrk for two
days, to be followed on the third by
a check-u- p and further guidance by
an Instructor. On Wednesdays special inspection trips are made to
points within a radius of 100 miles.
These Include the Black Canyon
of the Gunnison, a good match for
Grand Canyon: the Tincup mining
district; Independence Pass with its
old gold diggings and several ghost
towns, and Schofield Park with the




Marx Brothers, W. C. Fields
In Tonight's Campus Cinema
"Duck Soup" and "The Barber
Shop," two early comedies starring
the Marx Brothers and W. C.
Fields, will be shown today in Memorial Hall at 3 p.m., 7 p.m., and
9 p.m. Admission is 30 cents.
Francis Whitehouse
Jr., and Robert Maxwell Jr., Louisville; Robert Rice, Elizabeth town;
Darrel Moore, Leitchfield; John
Walker and William Klein, Covington: Jimmy Yonkos, Lexington; Billy
McDonald, Frankfort; Jimmy Chandler, Burdine; Victor Musick,
Joe Simons, Flemingsburg;
Lemuel Worthington, Maysville:
Alva Pope, Mary Alice, and Jack
Dutton, Somerset.

available for study includes zinc,
lead, gold, silver, coal, and tungsten.
Innumebable prospect pits are In
evidence, as are active operations.
Whether the party has time for
fishing was not disclosed, but the
prospects for a good catch would
appear to be pretty good. Last year
Forest Ranger Cliff Chappell, who
Incidentally selects the camp sites,
appeared with 200 trout which he
and other friends among the local
ranchers had caught and put on
deep ireeze for a big fish fry.
Dr. McFarlan explained the necessity of extensive geological field
work in the following words:
"Picture a student of literature
confined as far as original works
are concerned to the study of Emerson, Shakespeare, Longfellow, and
Poe. Good as they are individually
the student would come up with no
concept of the ramifications of the
field of literature. The University
brings the rest of the field to the
campus by way of an extensive library."
"But you cannot bring the great

phenomena, and mineral resources
to the campus. You take the campus there."
"We have some good geology here
and we work it every Saturday, but
it is only a small part of a very
Snowmass Mountains rising above. large field. And in the field we get
Access to this park has been block- much of. the material that keeps our
ed except for foot travel by a mass- advanced laboratories busy the rest
ive snow slide for the past three of the year."
"Three masters these have been
written this year from .studies bejrun
Resource Ta Be Studied
Mineral resources of the region there last .summer."

Four speakers. Watson Clay, com
missioner of Kentucky Court of
Appeals; Donald Q. Taylor, commissioner of the Kentucky State Bar
Association: John R. Bullock. Cincinnati attorney, and A. C. Russell,
dean of the College of Law at the
University of Louisville, will participate in the Forum.


The final five In the senior division were Fred Newville; Ira
Massey, Ed Ruggles, James Shaffer,,
and Lewis Boyd.
Winers In the Junior division were
William Hopper, Kenneth Franks,
Dale Stahl, Melvin Sparks, Bruce
Cotton, Billy Ridgeway, Herbert
Brown, James Kinser, Harold Davis,
and Richard Lutes.
Those who won special prizes in
Jersey classes were, in the senior division, Jim Martin, Robert Norris,
and John Cooper. In the junior di
vision winners were Kenneth
Franks, William B. Wash, and Gentry Neeley.
Also in each division, awards were
made to high man on reasons. The
senior division contest resulted in a
tie between Robert Norris and Cecil
Burnett, each of whom received first
prize. In the junior division first
and second prize winners were William Hopper and Alan DuvalL

earth structures, stratigraphy,


Camp Retreat Geology Students Will Attend Field Camp
Planned By 'Y'lln Colorado For Eight Weeks This Summer


"Mixlernizing the Administration of Justice" is the topic of the
Logul Forum sponsored by Phi Delta Phi, international legal fraternity, this afternoon at 2 p.m. in the Law Building, Dean Elvis
J. Stahr has announced.
The purpose of the third annual Legal Forum which is an
law program sponsored in conjunction with the
College of Law, is to acquaint other students with the procedures
and problems of the modern lawyer.
extra-curricul- ar

The dairy cattle judging contest,
sponsored by the Dairy Club, was
held recently at the Stock Pavilion
with Edgar McDavitt, retiring president of the club, as superintendent.
Judges of the contest were Dr.
Dwight M. Seath, professor of dairying, and other members of the faculty of the College of Agriculture
and Home Economics.
In the senior division first prize
went to Jim Martin; second, to
Robert Norris; John Cooper, third;
Jim Johnson, fourth; and E. K.


Clay, Taylor, Bullock, Russell, To Participate;
Program Is Scheduled To Begin At 2 p.m.

tlf lClW f


Students Hold
Judging Meet




Dr. Shelby T. "McCloy of the
department was elected
president of Phi Beta Kappa, national scholastic honorary, recently.
Dr. Stephen Diachun of the Department of Agronomy was named
vice president. Elected to the
of secretary and treasurer respectively were Miss Virginia Basket,
instructor in mathematics, and Dean
Elvis J. Stahr of the College of Law.
Honor guests to the annual Phi
Beta Kappa dinner to be held on
Mav 13 are Janet Anderson. Joha
Ballantine, Jim Cherry. Rosemarf
Haley, Dorothy Ann Harrod, Eleanor
Jane Sturm, and Mary Swetnam. '


Dean A. C. Russell


r ,tTV

K. Bullock


SUhr Moderates
Dean Elvis J. Stahr Jr. of the UK
College of Law will moderate. The
discussion will be opened by John 3.
Breckinridge of Lexington, who will
read a paper on the program for
of Kentucky
cedure written by Federal Judge
Mac Swinford, of Cynthiana.
Bullock, a graduate of UK. is a
member of Phi Delta Phi and Delta
Tau Delta fraternities, and is a former president of the Kentucky
Alumni Association. A counsel for
12 cooperations In the greater Cincinnati area, he is a member of the
Taft. Stettinious. and Hollister firm
of Cincinnati.
He received his law
degree from Yale in 1930.
A graduate of the same class at
Yale. Dean Russell is the compiler
of Russell's Revision to, the Kentucky Code of Practice. He was appointed dean of the Louisville Law
College in 1948 and served as acting
dean from 1943 until then.
Taylor Is Virginia Graduate
Taylor, a member of the firm of
Doolan, Helm, Stites and Wood of
Louisville. Is a graduate of the University of Virginia. He is a member of the Louisville, and American
Bar Associations.
Commissioner Clay, a Michican,
graduate, served as the chief price
attorney in Kentucky for the OInce
of Price Administration.
He practiced law with the firm of Ogden.
Tarrant, Galphin and Street of
Louisville before becoming a mem- -:
ber of the Court of Appeals.
The forum is open to all studenU
and should be especially interesting
to pre-lastudents. Dean Stahr


Float Themes Chosen
For May Day Program
By Katheryn Wbitmer
which will take part
in the annual May Day Parade and
the themes to be used by each were
announced this week by Ryburn
Weakley, chairman of the May Day
program which Is being sponsored
by Suky. "Holidays" and "Song
Titles of the Last 50 Years" is the
general themes for the two divisions.
Suky members will lead the parade
which will be followed by Suky's
float on which the Queen and attendants will ride. The theme of
this float will be "May Day."
Sororities and one residence hall
having floats in the parade and
their themes are Alpha Delta Pi.
"Stardust"; Jewell Hall, "She's Only
a Bird in a Gilded Cage"; Tau
Alpha Phi, "Chattanooga ShoesTiine
Boy"; Chi Omega, "Blue Champagne"; Alpha Gamma Delta, "On
the Good Ship Lollipop"; and Zeta
Tau Alpha, "Cinderella".
Delta Delta Delta. "Alice Blue
Gown"; Kappa Delta, "Tangerine";
Alpha XI Delta, "Prisoner of Love";
Delta Zeta, "Oh You Beautiful Doll";
Kappa Kappa Gamma, "The Merry
Go Round Broke Down"; and Kappa
Alpha Theta, "Somewhere Over the
The holidays which the fraternities' floats will protray are
"Washington's Birthday," Sigma Phi
Epsilon; "Lincoln's Birthday," Alpha
Gamma Rho; "New Year," Alpha
Tau Omega;; "Independence Day,"
PI Kappa Alpha; "Columbus Day,"
Delta Tau Delta; and "Valentine
Day," Phi Kappa Tau.
"Labor Day," Delta Chi; "Thanksgiving," Kappa Sigma; "Robert E.
Lee," Kappa Alpha;
Day," Tau Kappa Alpha; "Lei Day,"
Sigma Alpha Epsilon; "Memorial
Day," Sigma Chi; "Election Day,"
Sigma Nu; "Derby Day," Phi Delta
Theta: "Easter," Alpha Sigma Phi;
"Mardi Gras." Phi Sigma Kappa;
and "Navy Day," Lambda Chi Alpha.
The May Day Queen will be
crowned on Stoll Field after the
parade and a dance in the Blue-graRoom of the Student Union
Building will climax the May Day


Men Inspect

ROTC Units
The annual government Inspection
of the University ROTC units was
conducted Wednesday by nine visiu
ing Army and Air Force officers. A
brigade review on the parade ground
in front of the Administration
inBuilding climaxed the
Army inMembers of the visiting
spection team were CoL Henry W.
Robinson, Eastern Pennsylvania Military District, Philadelphia; Lt. Col.
Philip W. Burges, Major Michael
Boymer, and Capt. Samuel S. Wray,
all of the Third Armored Division,
Ft. Knox, and Capt. Paul Sanders.
Second Army Headquarters, Ft.
Meade. Md.
Air Force Inspectors were Col. Rex
J. Elmore, air instructor of the
Pennsylvania Air National Guard.
Pa.; Lt. Col. S. L.
Crowthwait and Capt. John E. Bush,
Langley Air Force Base, Va.. and
Major Joseph K. McMahan, God-ma- n
Air Force Base.

Watson Clay

Art Exhibition
Opens Sunday




twenty-thir- d


tucky and Southern Indiana art exhibition will open at 2 p.m. Sunday
in the art gallery of the Fine Arts
The exhibition, which had previously been held at the J. B. Speed
museum. Louisville, will continue
here through May 21. Exhibition
hours are from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on
week-day- s,
and from 2 to S p.m.
on Saturdays and Sundays.
Featured in the show is Virgil
Espenlaub's "Romantic Landscape,"
a water color, recently purchased
by the Joseph Seagram and Sons for
the Seagram colection of Kentucky
art. Daniel Catton Rich, director of
the art institute in Chicago, Judged
the exhibition.


Loyalty Fund
Winner Named

Students To Receive Passes
For All Community Concerts

The UK Alumni Loyalty Fund
valued at S28X). has
been awarded to a woman for the
Chester C. Travelstead. president first time since it was started. The
of the combined series, said several winner. Dolly Rave Sullivent will
UK students have applied to Mrs. graduate from Henry Clay High
I. D. Best, ticket chairman for stu- School in June.
dent tickets.
Miss Sullivent was selected from
He emphasized that no
a group of 15 applicants. The
student will have to buy a ticket un- scholarship will be made available
less he wishes to sit outside the stu- io tier at uic raie 01
per year.
dent section. In which case he may She will enter the University this
(Continued to Page 3)
Nominations for the award, which
Is not restricted to Kentuckians.
were made by members of the UK
Alumni Association or by organized
alumni clubs. All entrants wen!
graded on the basis of scholastic
aptitude, character, personality, and
acparticipation in

No UK student will be requested
$4.20 students tickets being offered for the concert and lecture series in Memorial Coliseum
r.ex. year, it was announced recently.
All University of Kentucky students will be admitted on presentation of their student activity books
or identification cards, whichever is
adopted for the year.

to buy the



Dr. Irwin T. Sanders Gives
Distinguished Professor Talk

extra-curricul- ar

Distin- - v.
Dr. Irwin T. Sanders.
guished Professor of the College of '
Arts and Sciences, will give the an- nual College of Arts and Sciences '?
Trial Commissioner Lasserre lecture at 8 p.m. Thursday in the i
Bradley of the Fayette County Court Guignol Theater of the Fine Arts
addressed state and local
ment classes of the Department of Dr. Sander's lecture. "A Study of
Political Science Monday.
Social Change: The Peasant in ;
Commissioner Bradley spoke on Eastern Europe." will be the open- the functions of Kentucky's county ing program of the Foreign Lan- courts with emphasis on their juris- guage Conference to be held May
diction in jvenile cases.
Inaugurated in 1944 as a means
of recognizing "outstanding accomplishment in a chosen neld." selection of a Distinguished Professor of
the Year is made annually in the
fall by secret vote of the Arts and
Sciences faculty. The award is the s
Today is the last day for seniors highest honor for scholarly achieveand graduate students, wha are ment the faculty can give its memexpecting to complete their requirements for graduation in June, bers.
Is Department Head
to apply for degrees, Lee Sprowles,
Head of the Department of Soregistrar, has announced.
ciology since 1945. Dr. Sanders joinThese applications
should be ed the University faculty in September, 1940.
Dr. Irwin Sanders
made in Room 16 of the AdminBefore coming to UK he taught
istration Building by all students
guished Professorship
award are
who have not filed one previously. in the Balkans for six years prior to Prof- - Grant C. Knight of the
the war. From 1929-3- 2 he was an
English. 1944-4Dr.
in English and Latin at Partment of
Candidates for the bachelor's degree will be charged a graduation
the American College in Sofia. Bui- - Amry Vandenbosch of the Depart-gari- a.
of Political Science. 194o-4fee of nine dollars. This will cover
He served as dean of the mnt
the rental of cap and gown, College and taught sociology there Dr. Thomas p. Clark of the Depart-fro- Dr. Wilment of History. 1946-41934-3diploma fee. The Kentuckian, and
Since joining the University fac- - llar" s- Webb of tne Departments of
other necessary expenses. Candidates for advanced degrees, other ulty. Dr. Sanders has served as a Physics and Anthropology. 1947-4- De-than a doctorate, will be charged social science analyst for the Bureau 8nd Pro- - Jonn Kuiper of the
a fee of $20. This fee will rover
Agricultural Economics and sen- - Partment of Philosophy. 1948-4Members of the selection
ior social scientist in the Office or
the above Items, with the exception of The Kentuckian, and in
Agricultural Relations. Dur- - mittee are Prof. John Kuiper, chairaddition, it covers the cost of the ing 1945-4while on leave from the man: Pro'- - Le13 Cochran,
hood to be presented to the candihe served as agricultural ant professor of physics: Dr. James
attache of the U. S. embassy at F- - Hopkins, assistant professor of
history; Prof. Margaret
Belgrade Yugoslavia.
The fee for candidates far the
His most recent book. "Balkan assistant professor of romance
doctorate is $25. Graduation fees
was published last year by guages. and Dr. M. M. White, dean
are payable not later thaa Monthe College of Arts and Sciences.
the University of Kentucky Press.
day, May 29.
Ushers for the program are mem- Other Recipient Listed
Previous recipients of the Distin- - bers of Phi Beta Kappa.

Commissioner Heard

- V.V.v

By Government Class






Today Is Deadline
For Senior Applicants














Jeanne Harrell
Wins National
Speech Honor
Miss Jeanne Harrell. a senior tit
radio arts, became the first Kentuckian to win the women's divis on
of a national oratorical contest when
she took first place in the women's
an- division of the seventy-sixt- h
nual Inter-Stat- e
Oratorical met,
held last meek at Northwescern Uni-- l

versity, Evanston. 111.
Miss Harrell. who was coached for
the meet by Dr. J. Reid Sterrett. a3- sociate professor of speech, is a
member of Chi Omega sorority, Phi
Beta speech and music society, and
has been active in campus radio and
theatrical work.

ltedw hie Talks
At Law Meet
Marcus Redwine. president of the
Kentucky State Bar Association,
spoke at the College of Law convoca-- I
tion Tuesday. His topic was "Proposed Legal Apprenticeship Program
of the State Bar Association."
By the adoption of this program
law students would spend part of
their summer vacation working in
the law offices of practising attor-nithroughout the state. Each law
student who so desires would be
given the opportunity to spend from
two to six week in the office of a
lawyer In the community selected


the student.

� Fare



The Kentucky Kernel

UK Absence Rule

In Need Of Uniformity


George Reynolds







Asking a few questions among students, we have found:
1. The system is a lenient one in spirit, but is abused too often.
2. Variations
different professors is often so marked
as to make the rule seem ridiculous.
3. The provision for undergraduates with a standing of 2.4 or
better to Ie exempt from absentee penalties simply is not observed
by some professors.
There has been at least one case in which a student scheduled
to take a comprehensive examination in his major course has been
At least one instructor has stated to his class that even a broken
leg would not prevent absentee penalties. The ironv of it was
that a student in the class did suffer a broken leg and was failed
in that subject (but in no others) because of the time missed. The
student had a very high standing during four years here.
In several instances, instructors who are devout champions of
the European system of instruction forget such philosophy insofar
as cuts are concerned and penalize heavier than their fellows.
We believe that a more uniform, yet lenient, svstem could lie
worked out at the University. Until that time, students will
necessarily learn the hard way whether or not they can miss a
class now and then.
threatened with a penalty for cutting another class during that


5. 10"0




Are Said In Pineville
Miss Sandra Asher. daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Asher of Pine-v.l!- e.
and Ben WilUams. Jr.. son of
Mr. and Mr3. Ben Williams of
N. Y.. were married Saturdav,
April 29 at Miss Asher 's home in
Sandra was graduated from the
University in 1948 and is a member
of Delta Delta Delta social sorority.
Williams is a senior in Journalism
and has served as photographer on
the stall of the Kentucky Kernel.
He is a member of the Sigma Alpha
Epsilon fraternity.
Among those who attended the
wedding were Bob Cox. managing
erlitor of the Kernel. Ken Kuhn.
Universi'.y sports publicity director.
and Mr. and Mrs. John Ed Pearce.
Pearce is editorial writer on the
Louisville Courier-Journa- l.

RATES $1.00 per semester

Editor Herbert Allen Moore, Gene Phillips

Managing Editor
News Editor
Sports Editor
Tom Ditkin
Business Manager
Harold Fleenor
Society Editor
Betty Bopgess
Asst. Society Editor
Clara Early
Holton Mastin....Head Feature Writer
Wilfred Lot.t. Advertising Manager
Dick Macke, Joe Lee, Janet Anderson
Copy Desk
Joan Cook, Bruce Dunlap
Advertising Staff
Rosemary Hilling and Bill Mansfield
Assistant News Editors
"No report of absences shall be required for graduate students. Any
Holllngsworth, Bob
undergraduate student who(se) standing on the work of the previous Earl Conn, KentAsst. 6ports Editors
upon application to the Registrar, shall be exsemester is 2.4 or better,
tended the same privilege relative to absences as graduate students."
Bob Cox
Nell Blair



All signed articles and columns are to be
writers Kentucky Intercollegiate Press Association
themselves, and rfo not necessarily reflect
Lexington Bnard of Commerce
Kentucky Press Association
the opinion of The Kernel.
National Editorial Association
National AdvertisingSenriceFlnc
CtUf PatUstsn ketrnenttln
Jntrred at th Post Office at Lexington,
Niw York. N. Y.
Kentucky, as second class matter under 41 O Madison Ave.
esToa Los Ascitis gas Mascisc
Uie Act of March 3, 1879.

eontiierei the opinions of the

last week's letter
We have received no opinions
from the editor of the University of Virginia's "Cavalier Daily"
concerning student acceptance of the UK ahsences rule.
of those who do not know exactly how
The rule, for the
it is stated, is as follows (taken from the new University catalog,
just off the Kernel presses):
"Absences shall be counted beginning with the first day of recitations.
"The instructor .shall keep a record of absences for each student.
When, in his opinion, the number of absences for any student becomes
excessive or appears to be unjustified, he shall report such student to the
dean concerned. A student may be dropped from a course for excessive
absences by the Registrar upon recommendation of the dean and the
Instructor. When a student is so dropped, the instructor shall report the
prade the student is making at the time he is dropped.
"Any student absent from class on the day Immediately preceding or
following a holiday shall have a penalty of. one credit and one quality
point added to his requirements for graduation.
"Absences due to officially authorized trips, such as those of athletic
teams; musical, oratorical and dramatic organizations: and University
classes, shall be considered as being excused absences. The faculty member in charge of an authorized trip shall give to each student concerned
a statement to present to his teachers certifying that the absence is



Bob Fain, Katheryn Whitmer
News Desk
Ben Williams.- Circulation Mgr.
Dorothy Allen
Irwin Higgs
Simpson Tomkies, Bob Fain,
Shirley Porter. W. J. Boutrhey,
Linda Patteson, Frances West,
Joe Coyle, Julie Blumenthal, Lewis
Donohew, Janet Anderson, Katheryn Whitmer, Jacqualine Day,
Wes Bird, Jack Suttles, Shirley
Leathers, and Betty compton, J. T.
Vaughn, and Don Rogers



pass plav recorded


the annual Orange Bowl game for
actual distance In the air was the

toss of Boyd Brumbaugh of
Duquesne to teammate Ernie Hef-- !
ferle in the 1937 game against Miss- -!
issippi State. Duquesne won the

13-1- 2.

The Pulitzer Prize:
Mr. Guthrie's Gift To UK

Ford ham University
School of Law

iLhhititi .iLY

editorial pages
Guthrie's name lias made the rounds
since it was announced this week that he had received the coveted
A. B.
