xt7p2n4zhj71 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7p2n4zhj71/data/mets.xml Historical Records Survey (Ky.) United States. Work Projects Administration. Kentucky 1942 "There are 120 counties in Kentucky and it is expected that a guide will be issued for each county."--Letter from Work projects administration of Kentucky dated Sept. 8, 1942. books This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Kentucky Works Progress Administration Publications Associations, institutions, etc.--Kentucky--Logan County--Directories Kentucky--Logan County--Civil defense Guide to civilian organizations. Logan County, Kentucky text Guide to civilian organizations. Logan County, Kentucky 1942 1942 2012 true xt7p2n4zhj71 section xt7p2n4zhj71   If I cmms TO
I   Compiled for It I
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    wom pnomcrs ADMINISTRATION  
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 _(_}_§JIl>E TO
  A 1 UBRPAHY.    
l,§€1?ifV?¥§?SiIV  KENTUCKY   i
 » I I · · t n
fil - By The -
l ‘ _1Wor Services. Sccizion . I
  " ·- `Sorvicc Dixvisiiozi.   . A
O Wg- Worlr Projects A.Cl1l`Ll1’lllSJE31;&l;ZlOIl'I‘fwV’._f I
A   · Louisville, Lliemizuclcy Q
  October 1942

 e e B. ei o 4, q  
jxxa E5 g
L a¢· rdls E Q @
The Logan County Defense Council is Affiliated _ Q
with the Kentucky Defense Council Q
Frankfort, Kentucky E
Honorable Keen Johnson, Governor of Kentucky §
Chairman g
John_J. Greenleaf, State Director of ’ 2
Civilian Defense Q
§ne.=~.¤. .¤..¤.¤.¤;¤.M PE.f2YiS.2e.99P;l€ll—. i 
RMS =1¢.Es;ill€   it
E. J, Felts, Chairman Emerson Beauchamp, Co~ordinator A
Mayer George L. Briggs, Ce-Chairman
Buford Williams M. M. Barclay A
John A. Whitaker T. A, Noe
Homer B, Dorris Dr. E. M. Thompson
Frank Powell Dr. Logan Felts
Themes S. Rhea Miss Margaret Felker  
O. H. MeE¤dy€@ Guy HcMillen j
Roy Larmon Homer Owen Q
Milton Riley Leslie Varble l`
Ce—Chairren Q
Sterling Escue, Auburn g
Charles Baird, Adairville {
H. C, Franklin, Lewisburg ll
Robert Piper, Jr., Olmstead I
This guide is prepared for the official A
use of the Defense Council of Logan County`  
and other agencies engaged in defense work. [
lt should not be made available for commer- A
cial use. Additional copies can be obtain~
ed only at the office of the Logan County
Defense Council. ~ L-

I _ ., l- .I N   .` n   ii; N? . . Y l _ 3 _
  AFTERMATH: ACLIFB. OF RUSSELLVILLE `{Federated Aftermath Clubs)-, cyo Mrs. S i <_
  Ui11iamA. Dunsan, Main Street, Russellville. Founded 1896. President,
  Mrs. WilliamA. Dunsan; Term indefinite. ,;_·f$ec·retary, Mrs. John Nesser. _
i Term expires September, 1945. _ .
l Memp;_y_;_ni_pj_ 50. Qua1ifications,,rmu·sft ibe— sponsored by a member and
elected by a two—third majority,
i I . -.   b__,   __ F
  Cornm_it;t_e_e1sj_ None reported. V ,,Q’ r . N .
  -1;-`L)i‘;lQS`G·2» To further.- literary appreciation and self-improvement.
  Normal_Civi_c_j\ctivitie_s_: Cooperating with Cancer Control program,
  Community Chest and Crippleid Childrenls Commission. V»
_Qe__i;e_nse_eA_g:_t_i_vjL_’ei;cE: , ·IntereLs_t_ed_ in Nwospital and Clinical Assistance, Q_  `
Sewing and Preparation of Surgical Dressings, Ried Gross Assistance:} · ,
Preparation and Serving of Food, Library Service, Collect-ing Books, W
Discussion Leaders, Consumer Protection Activities., » V _
I-.9.2e.L.F;¤P.1_$;$=re;¤.%¤2.$,; New- - ~ » ¤   » * .
ALTAR ‘SOC1QETY., ,SACRJ3D _IiEART_ CHURCH, ’c/o Nell O"Bryan,j Main iiotel, V
Russellville,. Founded 1951. President, lips. =Brents_l‘hur-mend, Fourth
Street,=Russe11vil1e. ,T_e1e·phone GQ, _,Secretary,[ Nell O'Bryan. ·Tcrms
expire'},-lay, 1945. Executive;Secretar;r, iReverend·John.-C. Hallahan, 1.’\[inte·r
Street, Russellville. Term indefinite. ‘ 4
  50. Open to residents of  parish whovare practical
catheiies. 1 ’ 5
_CLommitt_e_e_s_E_ None reported. l _
Purposci To. care for the interior of   church.   ‘
Normal  ivit_io·sj‘ Cooperates with any worthwhile project.
Defense A,E:tivitie,s: .1ntere_s_t_e_d'E1_ Seiiringjnd Preparation of Surgical
Dres—sing•s»,_-Ne’dmC_r-o-ss YYss_is·té.nce,—First Aid, Preparation and Serving of
Food, Operation of Canteens, Child Care, Ealntortginmcnt, Collecting Books,
Consumer Protection Activities.
@2%}...P12?>.l.i¤.%;ii;>s3¤_= New-   A ’i—-   t

AMERICAN LEGION RUSSELLVILLE POST #29 (American Legion‘De‘partment of   ‘é*
Kentucky; National American`Legion), c/0 Vernon Miller, Clarksville Road,  
Russellville, Founded 1925. Commander, J. L. Orange, R. F. D. Oakville. ‘ »   ‘
Adjutant, Vernon Miller. Telephone 54-Y. Terms expired June, 1942. _,   M
Membership: 60. Qualifications, service in World War AI.   honorable _ . T  Q
`cTTs`ehar'g`ei therefrom. · · - , —   R
Committees: Child Welfare, Wilbur Bilyen`, Russellville. · , _   E
Purpose: To defend Americanism; promote peace and preserve the memories and    
`incideants of association in World War I. ,. - I   I   I
Normal Civic_Acti_vi_ti_e_s:_-V-`Cooperates with`any social service organization y  T T
ar-Pdmcontributes to any worthwhile project. ' ```‘   '
Delf`_e_n_se_:Aic;t_ivitie_s_r Training- for Auxiliary Police, Public Speaking. 'A   ;
I-n_t<§·p‘sted   Air Raid Warden S ervice, Civilian Aircraft Warning Service,  
`Auxiliary Fire Protection,;Salvage Demolition Serfvice, Emergency Repair ‘  
Service,·Ambulance Service, Red Cross.Assistanc·e, Radio Operation Repair, r PL
Collection of Scrap Metals-and Other Meta-ls, Signal Services, Consumer _ A
Protection Activities. = l » { " r . V ‘ ; y
Local Publications: None. . · j -  
. . ;
BAPTIST YOUNG PEOPLES UNION·(`State and National B. Y. P. U.),_ c/o E. _ . ·
Nourse, Ninth Street, Russellvilley Founded 1931. President,,W0odford _
Mosley, Russellville. Term- indefinite,. T Secretary, Thad. Flowers, Russelle r
ville. Telephone 195. ·Term‘expires;January, 1945. . · · - `
Memb_e_r_s_h_i_p:_ 27. Qualifications, must be over 12 years of age and a E1wr¤n`  
member. A ‘ ‘ _ ° _: * —   my
_C_cn_imi_tte_e_sV:· None reported. l I I _
Piriposel To promote Christian principles among young people}.;   ` _}
_1E>_r;ma‘l_ _C_ivic_  :_ Missionary work and social service work.  
Defe;1_s_e;A~cthiy_itie_si Intyerested  Sewing and Preparation ofMSurg-ical i  
4 Dressings, Red Cross Assistance, Entertainment, Collecting Books-.  
£2ail.i#2bli¤.¤f¤i_<;¤5; ·- Nm- in T T I     ri N   r
BOOKER T. Y-UTSHINGTON CLUB, COLORED (State Booker fj. Washington Clubs.), c/0  
e Johnella Dickison, Fourth and Sumner Streets, Russellville. Founded l925. T
President, Johnella Dickison. Secretary, Juran Green, SOO Fifth Street,
Russellville. Terms expire December, 1942.

 —' ‘écoker T, Washington Club, Colored (Continued) · v ·
A Memoership; 15. Open to Negroes of good character.
Ccnmitteeszl Sick, Rebecca Bibb; Entertainment, Fanny Bell Young, beth of
A Russellville, _ ·`"
. Purpose; Humanitarian work among the·Negro race. ;
Normal Civiq}Mqcivities:_ None reported,
Degense Aetivitiesi lnterestgd`in Auxiliary Fire Protection, Hospital and _
Clinical Assistance, Sewingxa nd Preparation_of Surgical Dressings, Red · `
Cross-Assistance, Child Care, Collecting Books, Consumer Protection Activities,
Local Puelicatiens: None.
( BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA, TROOP #241 (National Council, Boy Scouts of `
America),_c/o Boy Scout Quarters, Armstrong Street, Russellville. Founded
1942. Sceutmaster, Hugh Barclay, Russellville. Term indefinite.
Memeership: 20. Qualifications, boys not younger than l2 years of age,
able to pass Scout Tests. _ . S
, Committees: Executive, G. B. Williams; Training, N. C. Hancock, both of
Q Russellville. `
Purpose: To develop boys physically, mentally and morally. To aid in
I public service. . A
( Normal Civic,Aotivities: Preewar not reperted.· New cooperating with
  Defense Agencies in di,r¤s to collect metal, paper, ate,
3 Defense Activities: Engaged in Collyctior if Scrap Metals and Other kbtals,
A Collecting Books. Training For First Aid. .
A local Puplications: None.
( _ ,
, Society; National Beard c" Kissions Frceogterian Church, U. S. A.), c/0
f Mrs. J. W2 Griffin, 55°`J st Fourth Streetp Russellville. Founded 1957. .
, President, Hrs. J.`IL Criffin. Teleg[on~ Zll-R. ,Secretary, Mrs. George
A Page,'Rhea Boulevard, husrellville. Telcjhone 345»L. Terms expired
A March, l9a2. __
§@§®ership: 25. Open to women church membtrs.

-4-  , 
‘ ‘ 1. 1 • " 
Business Women's Circle, First Presbyterian Church (Continued) é
. . A I.  
Committees: None reported. Q
Purpose; To support financially and otherwise the missionary enterprises “° E
of the church. _ _ ag
Normal Civic Activities: Cooperates with the local P. T. A. g `
’ Defense Activities: Interested in Hospital and Clinical Assistance, Sewing _Q
and Preparation of Surgical Dressings, Red Cross Assistance, First Aid, E
Preparation and'Serving of Food, Collection of Scrap'Metals and Otber Metals, ;£’
Library Service, Discussion Leaders, Public Speaking, Teaching Americanization QA
Classes for Aliens and Others, Typing and Other Clerical Assistance, Interv1ew~ jg
ing, Consumer Protection Activities. , · f
c Local Publications: None. ; ,
. . i . D g I H _ {  
Founded 1950. President, Nan Richardson, Russellville. Secretary, Mary T
Ann Shelton, Russellville. jTerms indefinite. L» _ ,  
. i‘ i
Membership; 25. Open to all young people interested in spreading the Gospel. i
Committees: None reported. , ` V _,
Purpose: To promote Christian principlep~among young people.
I Normal Civic.Activities; None.
Defense Activities: Interested in Red Cross Assistrnce, Child Care,
Entertainment, Recreation, lollccting Hooks, Typini aid Othnz Clerical .
Assistance. ·
Local Publications: None. A .
» and Natienal`Society D. A. L.l_ c’o lks.`Georwe Rvar, west Sixth Street ‘
I e I / _ t. ` . _ J
Russel1ville._Founded 192i Jog rt, lbs, htihz rwrrcs Ying, 235 Breathitt
Street, Russe1lville._TelonLonc ·"rA» We-Fg Cevrent, Post ' ?
Office Building, Rusiellvylt;. *rund.` Open tc nny wenan desiring to acquire t
{ further·Vnewledge of heme *t».lss, ·*.‘ l ""
» £T§jOGE_l@dd0f§ ii Feods_ Y¥etTi,;, lnndse¤,i¢‘,C[om. furnishings, Citizenship, V
_ Recreation. ?
A Yurpesoi Education in hwme economies. ‘
C C %
ga __ ___ _ I; Pr  

  I -7-
 ·_ Homemakers Clubs, Logan County Council of (Continued)   it
p Normal Civic¥Activities: Cooperating with County Nutrition program for
5 home defense, Logan County Health Unit, Red Cross, U. S. O. and all civic
y organizations.
{ lt\n,Russellville; Tebaeei, G. B. Rice, Adairville; Q
S als aid Creps, J. I. Hrster, Hwmerg "Live at Heme,“E. S. Natsei, Star Haute, l
y Aueurn; eern, L. L. Bredie, R;ute ye, Russellville.
` NOI‘K`.0.l__C_§;ie_ A et   s : C ci ep; rate s with Farm Se cur ity Adinini strat isn, Farm *
Credit Ad inistratiin ard Predueti¢n Credit Asseeiati#n I
 ` ..·—7•—-—...—A- Y ... - » A lr .-••u1;v;.,...,_,__4...._,._.._.,....- A-, ` " ~ '— ”

 t ` -9;
A Logan County Extension Planning Committee (Continued)
é Purpose: Planning extension actiyities with County Agriculture Agent.
i .
I Defense Activities: Interested in Auxiliary Police, Air Raid`Uarden '
t Service, Civilian Aircraft Warning Service, Auxiliary Fire Protection,
g Sewing and Preparation of Surgical Dressings, Red Cross Assistance, First.
Q Aid Collection of Scrap Nbtals and Other Metals Public S cakin» Consumer
 _ 3 1. 9 ,
s, Protection Activities. . c
L Local Publications: None. .
j LOGAN COUNTY FARM BUREAU (Kentucky Farm Bureau Federation; American Farm
’ * Bureau Federation), c/o John R. Watlington, County Agricultural Agent,
Q Russellville. Founded 1925. President, J.Q, Diddlc, Adairville. Telephone
* Adairville`Exchan e. Vice~President Paul Younv Olmstead. Secretari John
_ a , ul` ` S _
_ `W. Stovall, Oakville. Telephone Adairville Exchange. Terms expire April,
j_ 1945} Advisor, John R. Watlington, Russellville. Term.indcfinite. .
‘ Membership: SOO. Open to men and-women interested in agricultural pursuits.
Committees: None. · I“* *"
N -—·-—·•—~··•·—-—··—···· .
A Purpose: Promotion of agricultural interests of the county.
_ Normal Civic Activities: Cooperating with 4—H Clubs by sponsoring their
activities. e A · I
Defense Activities: Engaged in Collectienlof Scrap Metals and Other lbtals.
i Local Publications: None.fY » -
LOGAN county %—H CLUB`CCUICIL (National Ceuncilsff %—H Clubs), c/o Nildred
Markham, Russellville, Founded IQBG. P:c/O i
Lilburn Gorrell, Russellville. Founded 1957. President, Lilburn Gorrell.“ . i
Tclcphong 5004_ $Gcygt&yy,`MjsS E, L, Milliken, Russellville. Telephone 555. Q
Terms expire November, 1942. _ {
· - ·· 51
Membership: 75. Open to male adults interested in hunting and fishing.  
commit-tees; Finance, H. M. Watkins, Auburn. V ` ‘·  
. Purpose: Conservation of wild life. §
.1-v--•·•--•-· ` Ay .. V ·,  _
Normal Civic Activities: None. T
Defense Activities: Interested in Auxiliary Police, Civilian Aircraft ` f
`Narning’Service. · · . Y·-·V Y - `I {
Local Publications: None. =·` ~· A _ Q
LOGAN COUNTY"l@DICAL SOCIETY (Kentucky State Medical Society), c/o Dr. E. M. ' Q
Thompson, Russellville. President, Dr. L. E. Johnson, Adairville. Secretary, 1
Dr. E. N. Thompson. Telephone 152. Terms expire Lnrch, 1945. N
Membership; 15. Open to graduates of an accredited medical school and holding ·
H€E§?e`6 `6r"1>Oe·ee1~ er neiieime. - `
Committees: None reported. J · ` `, I
Purpose: Advancement of medical knowledge and ethical practices. ¥
` Normal Civic Activities: None. _ 5
Defense Activities: Engaged in First Aid, Child Cane. Trainin; for t
Hospital and Clinical Assistance. Interested in Awsulanee Serv ce. A
A Local Publications: None. · A Q
. . , _ Q
1940. President, J. N. Hester. Secretary, ”arren Taylor, Russellville. Terms Q
` expired July, l9i2. §
, llmiyrshipz BG. Open te {ll sheep raisers. _ I
Committees: None reported, t
Purpose: To promote better sheep manaqement and marketin&."To safeguard l 5
` sheep from does. _
Horma1¤Civie Activities: Cooperating with University of Kentucky Agricultural
Extension Service. V e `·J i
V Defense Activities: Interested in.Auxiliar Police Air Raid Warden Service A
KT.1,.i--..,i, ,.},, _.--_, ,-,,_ Y s :
· xuxiliary Tire iioteetion, ned eioss Assistance, First Aid,·Censumer
. Protection activities. ,
·e lmpal Publications: None. {

  John R. Watlington, County`Agricultural Agent, Russellville. Founded 1956.
Q; President, Herman Cooté, R. R. #1, Russellville. Secretary, John R. Watling--
  ton. Terms indefinite. _
  1*/E>mb_er;s_ni_pi 16. Qualifications, farmers willing to conduct farm demonstrations
 - Rrith phosphate and lime. O _ _
  Corjmittorls: None reported.     _
 A Purpose: To conduct demonstrations in basic soil treatment.
  }[<3{IfgQl_ _C_i${i_G_ Q—_q’G_ijit_i_