xt7p2n4zh902 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7p2n4zh902/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1997-03-april1. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1997-03-april1. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1997-03-april1. 1997 1997-03-april1. 2011 true xt7p2n4zh902 section xt7p2n4zh902 


                                 Meeting of the Board of Trustees
                                      University of Kentucky
                                             1:00 P.M.
                                           April 1, 1997

Roll Call

Approval of Minutes


President's Report and Action Items

PR 1    President's Report to the Trustees

PR 2    Personnel Actions

PR 3    Central Administration
        A.  University Research Professorships
        B.  Honorary Degree Recipients

PR 4    Community College System
        A. Appointment to Advisory Board - Lexington Community College
        B.  Associate Degree Program in the Community College System - Jefferson Community College
        C.  Associate Degree Program in the Community College System - Prestonsburg Community College
        D.  Associate Degree Program in the Community College System

PR 5    Lexington Campus (No items to report)

PR 6    Medical Center (No items to report)

        Finance Committee

 1.    Acceptance of Interim Financial Report for the University of Kentucky for the Eight Months Ended
             February 28, 1997
 2.     Capitalization Policy Non-Expendable Moveable Equipment
 3.     Report of Lease
 4.     Approval of Leases
 5.    Alan F. & Irene Bloomfield Gift and Pledge
 6.     Incentive Retirement Program
 7.     Special Early Retirement Incentive Plan


8.     University of Kentucky Medical Benefits Plan (An Employer Self-Insured Plan)
9.     A Resolution of the Board of Trustees of University of Kentucky Authorizing the Issuance of Said
            Board's Housing and Dining System Revenue Bonds, Series Q, to be Dated the First Day of the
            Month in Which Sold; Authorizing Proper Proceedings Relative to the Public Sale of the Bonds
            and the Disposition of the Proceeds Thereof, Authorizing Execution of a Ninth Supplemental
            Trust Indenture Between the Board and Farmers Bank & Capital Trust Company,
            Frankfort, Kentucky as Trustee in Compliance with the Provisions of the Trust
            Indenture Dated June 1, 1965
10.    Patent and Copyright Assignments Report


      Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of
Kentucky, Tuesday, April 1, 1997.

      The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met at 1:00 p.m.
(Lexington time) on Tuesday, April 1, 1997 in the Board Room on the 18th floor
of Patterson Office Tower.

     A.    Meeting Opened

     Governor Edward T. Breathitt, Chairperson, called the meeting to order
at 1:07 p.m., and the invocation was pronounced by Mr. John "Jack" Guthrie.

      B.   Roll Call

      The following members of the Board of Trustees answered the call of the
roll: Mr. Alan Aja, Mr. Ted Bates, Mrs. Kay Shropshire Bell, Governor Edward
T. Breathitt (Chairperson), Mr. Paul W. Chellgren, Mr. Robert N. Clay, Mr.
Merwin Grayson, Mr. John "Jack" Guthrie, Mr. James F. Hardymon, Professor
Loys L. Mather, Dr. Robert P. Meriwether, Mr. Billy Joe Miles, Professor Jim
Miller, Dr. Elissa Plattner, Mr. Steven S. Reed, Mr. C. Frank Shoop, and Mr.
Martin Welenken. Absent from the meeting were Professor Deborah Powell,
Mrs. Lois C. Weinberg, and Mr. Billy B. Wilcoxson. The University
administration was represented by President Charles T. Wethington, Jr.;
Chancellors Ben W. Carr, James W. Holsinger, and Elisabeth Zinser; Vice
Presidents Joseph T. Burch, Fitzgerald Bramwell, Edward A. Carter, George
DeBin, and Eugene Williams; John J. Piecoro, Assistant to the President for
Administrative Affairs; Dr. Juanita Fleming, Special Assistant for Academic
Affairs; Mr. C. M. Newton, Director of Athletics, and Mr. Richard E. Plymale,
General Counsel.

     Members of the various news media were also in attendance. A quorum
being present, the Chairperson declared the meeting officially open for the
conduct of business at 1:10 p.m.

     C.    Approval of Minutes

     Governor Breathitt said that the Minutes of the Board meeting on March
4, 1997 had been distributed and asked for any additions or corrections. Mr.
Shoop moved that the Minutes be approved as distributed. Mr. Guthrie
seconded the motion, and it carried.


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      D.   Resolutions

      Professor Miller, representative of the Community College System on
the Board, said that he would like to present the following Resolution to the

WHEREAS, The Governor of Kentucky is seriously studying higher education
and recommending measures for improvement, and

WHEREAS, the General Assembly has assigned the University of Kentucky the
mission of providing Kentuckians throughout the Commonwealth with
higher education opportunities, and

WHEREAS, the University of Kentucky Community College System benefits
from its association with a nationally ranked research university, and

WHEREAS, the University has the potential of becoming one of the top 20
research universities in the nation if significant additional funding is provided
by the General Assembly, and

WHEREAS, community college students resoundingly report that they want to
continue to be UK students to reap the tangible benefit and prestige of earning
college credits and a diploma from the "University of Kentucky," and

WHEREAS, almost a half a million Kentucky citizens have attended the
community colleges associated with the University of Kentucky, and

WHEREAS, half a million Kentucky citizens annually benefit from the wide
range of community-based programs available at the community colleges, and

WHEREAS, business and government leaders in cities and towns of Kentucky
served by the community colleges recognize that the services provided by those
community colleges enhance economic development, and

WHEREAS, students from the community colleges transfer to Kentucky four-
year institutions at a rate that rivals any community college system in the
nation, and

WHEREAS, separating the community colleges from UK would create new
layers of needless bureaucracy in Frankfort, at a high cost to Kentucky taxpayers,

WHEREAS, the members of the Board and the University administration are
committed to working with the Governor and the General Assembly to achieve


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a blueprint for progress leading into the next century and providing the best
educational opportunities for Kentucky's youth, our most precious resource.


      The University of Kentucky Board of Trustees strongly opposes any
move to separate the Community College System from UK and reaffirms its
belief that the statewide land-grant mission of the University of Kentucky of
teaching, research and public service can best be accomplished through the
retention of the community colleges as an integral part of the University of

      The Board of Trustees, in furtherance of the stated ambition of the
Governor to enhance academic excellence at the University of Kentucky,
commits to establish a Fund for Excellence to provide additional scholarships,
endowed chairs, professorships, and rewards for outstanding teachers and
students, and hereby authorizes the President and the development Council to
launch a fund raising effort so that the University will be prepared to augment
the funds promised by the Governor.

      The Board of Trustees reaffirms its support for Charles T. Wethington, Jr.
for his effective leadership as President of the University of Kentucky.

      This the 1st day of April, 1997.

      Professor Miller moved that the resolution be adopted. Mr. Bates
seconded the motion, and it passed.

      Governor Breathitt said that a resolution had been prepared in honor
and support of the basketball team and asked Mr. Plymale to read the following
resolution to the Board:

WHEREAS, the 1996-97 University of Kentucky Wildcat basketball team has
brought tremendous glory to the University by winning the West Regional
Championship and making the Final Four for the second consecutive year and
three of the past five years, and playing in the national championship game,

WHEREAS, the 1996-97 University of Kentucky Wildcats again won the
Southeastern Conference tournament, and

WHEREAS, under the capable leadership of UK basketball Coach Rick Pitino
and his valued assistants, Jim O'Brien, Delray Brooks and Winston Bennett,
and the rest of the support staff, the team has solidified the support of
Kentuckians all across the state, and UK fans throughout the world, and


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WHEREAS, each member of the UK Wildcat basketball team has proved to be a
fine representative of this University and has distinguished himself as
someone who has made the most of considerable talents, and

WHEREAS, this particular group of UK athletes has proved to all who have
thrilled to their fast breaks, pressing defense and daring dunks that practice,
discipline, determination, hustle, grit, and Teamwork with a capital "T" are
ingredients that can bring maximum success, accomplishment and acclaim, and

WHEREAS, the Wildcats, through their unquestioned talent, exceptional
teamwork and unselfish play, have brought a fantastic pride and positive
national and international attention to their University.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the University of Kentucky Board of
Trustees officially gives its highest commendation and registers its great
appreciation to Coach Rick Pitino and the UK Wildcats for again representing
this University in the NCAA Final Four. This Board, and the citizens of the
Commonwealth of Kentucky, shall be forever grateful to the 1996-97 team for
its considerable national achievements and accomplishments on the hardwood.

      This the 1st day of April, 1997.

      Governor Breathitt entertained a motion to adopt the resolution. Mr.
Shoop so moved. Mrs. Bell seconded the motion, and it carried.

      E.    Student Trustee Comments

      Mr. Aja, student representative on the Board, asked to make the
following statement:

      "Ladies and Gentlemen of the Board, as the student representative on
this board I find myself with a difficult task, representing the students who
elected me on the Lexington campus, but also representing the students of the
UK community college campuses. I am the sole student member on this board,
and I believe that is not only my job to represent the opinions of those I
represent but also work and strive for what I feel is right and just for the UK
Lexington campus and community college student populations as a whole.

      My background which included my living environment, family,
education, religion and community are all factors of what I stand for and what I
strive for as an individual. I have been raised to see society from all sides and
spectrums and higher education has allowed me to question what I stand for
and where my loyalties, beliefs, values and morals remain and will lead me.


                                    - 5 -

      As a Sociology and Communications major, I see society as an arena of
conflict. Someone is always struggling to achieve certain needs and goals in
order to survive. When I see my friend in Eastern Kentucky who attends
Ashland Community College because of its affordability and direct access not
only to UK, but to the regional universities, I am pleased that he is pursuing his
right to an education. Yet, when I heard the student's parent on the phone last
week telling me that she was afraid that her son's tuition would raise if current
reform efforts were to take place, I was disappointed that she had to have that
fear in the midst of her intellect.

      As I look at the current proposal, I must admit a lot of the principles of
what I stand for as a student, a young sociologist, and as the student
representative are evident. Decentralization is always something I've stood for,
equaling out control and access. I believe such a process would bring about a
social equilibrium. However, the principles I can easily agree with, but the
notions and intention behind them in the way they are presented are not the
answer to the way higher education should be reformed in Kentucky. I read the
proposal and I believe I saw the word "student" seven times out of a fourteen
page document. As the student representative I want to know why this is so? I
also want to know what this proposal will do for the students and how it will
do it? I think that these questions are valid because neither in the proposed
Council on Postsecondary Education (CPE) nor in the Strategic Committee on
Postsecondary Education (SCOPE) proposals is there reference to or any
language leading to that there will be a student serving on these established
entities. I can't find it. Correct me if I misread. This disturbs me, why?
Because it allows me to believe that the students were not in focus here, but
rather it was the business and industrial super giants of our state that will have
stake and claim in the community colleges if they are separated from UK.
These aren't just my concerns. These are the concerns of the students across the

      If there was a balance in this proposal between the student needs, the
insights of faculty and staff, and how the universities and community colleges
should operate in relation to economic factors, I would be more than happy to
support this, but it doesn't.

      If you look at the students who attend the community colleges in terms
of socio-economic characteristics, you will notice that many of these students
are attending these schools because they either want a two-year education that
will prepare them for a regional university or UK, want an associate degree
before they enter the work force, or are basically attending them so they can
balance school, family and work in an affordable setting. UK's strong ties with
the community colleges keep the community colleges full of educational
richness, diversity, economic affordability, and a preparation for not just UK but
regional universities as well. The whole state benefits. If the community



colleges separate then I know a massive exploitation of these students, who are
barely making ends meet, will grow to a stage where we might as well say that
education, whether you believe it is a right or a privilege, is neither. Local
small and large business, industry and other forms of capitalistic enterprises
will make their mark on these colleges and the students will suffer. It happens
everywhere in society now, and I am not willing to allow this to happen
anymore. The purpose and mission of the community colleges will be

      There is another issue at hand here as well. My African-American
friends and members of various ethnic minorities across the state are
frightened. Demographically and socio-economically one can see that many
African-American and ethnic minorities across the state come from lower to
middle class backgrounds. Community colleges are important to them, as they
were to my family as middle class Latinos (Cuban-American), because they
allow access to a quality education so that they can either enter the work force
and/or transfer to a university after they were able to save up and/or receive
state and federal assistance. Prove to me that this plan will benefit not just my
African-American, Asian-American, Latinos and other under-represented
groups, but also people of all walks of life in lower and middle class status, and I
will support it. It doesn't, why? Because we live in a country where there isn't
enough funding for higher education, not enough loans, not enough grants,
plenty of scholarships but not enough access to them.

      I am willing to work for change. I have been a strong advocate for KERA
in this state. I believe in the democratic process and my liberal political views, I
believe, are of equal access for all, especially those who are under-represented.
But if you ask me, if you want to decentralize aspects of our state, you
decentralize the coal industry, decentralize government and decentralize big
business, but let higher education reform to the needs of the students, not to the
needs of those who will capitalize and gain profit; mainly business and
industry. Keep the community colleges working with UK not because they
should have the power or control over them, but because they bring about a
balance, access, and a preparation for life's many battles for the students of the
state. Students and faculty will continue to win whether they're on main
campus, or over in Ashland, Somerset or Owensboro.

      I have a suggestion: Let's make a new plan, let's call it "the students
plan." Let's see what they have to say. I know changes have to be made, but I
know that the changes proposed here are not only not what the students want,
but won't lead to the changes that the students do need.

      Imagine if we lived in a society where peoples needs are met, where
structures weren't in place that oppress people who are of different race or
ethnicity, where education was a right not a privilege, where business and



industry actually paid workers what they deserve, and where poverty, like in
Eastern Kentucky, wouldn't exist. The issue at hand is not just about the future
of higher education in Kentucky. It is about the future of our children, our
people, our state, our country, and our world. It truly is a sociological issue. UK
and the State of Kentucky can be at the helm to bringing about a truly equal
society, but we're going about it all wrong. Why? Because we are keeping this
political, listening to those who have the power and control in society and we
are ignoring the needs and concerns of the masses, and in this case the students,
the future leaders and educators of our state and our country."

      Governor Breathitt said: "We are alright if we have concerned students
like that on our campuses."

      President Wethington thanked Governor Breathitt and members of the
board for their unqualified support and for their support of what the
community college students, faculty, and staff are seeking. He said they truly
are seeking to be heard in this debate and making themselves known all across
the Commonwealth. It is very important to them that they know and
understand that the Board of Trustees, the governing body of this university,
and the president do hear them and do join them in raising their voices of
concern about an approach that would separate these community colleges from
the University of Kentucky.

      He noted that most of the community college presidents were in the
audience and said that it is good for them to be present and see the board in
action. It is good for them and other members of the University community
deans and colleagues in the audience to know the feeling of the Board and to
hear the position of the University and the board in regard to the "One
University" concept which has been supported for several years.

      President Wethington commented on the second resolution honoring
the basketball team and also mentioned that the university's rifle team was
runner up in the NCAA competition. He commended the teams and coaching
staffs for an exceptional performance.

      President Wethington said that Governor Paul Patton would be speaking
to the Board. The chairman and he had agreed to proceed with the business of
the board as outlined in the agenda and to pause when the governor arrived
and allow him to speak.


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      F.    President's Report to the Board of Trustees (PR 1)

      President Wethington called attention to the following items in PR 1:

      1. The College of Pharmacy is ranked third among all U.S. pharmacy
         schools offering graduate degrees in the "America's Best Graduate
         Schools" issue of U.S. News & World Report.

     2. The University of Kentucky community colleges have raised $36.8
        million in their statewide capital campaign. The number of alumni
        and friends who have contributed to the campaign has reached 5,592.

     3. Grants, contracts and gifts to the University of Kentucky Research
        Foundation are coming in at a record pace -- more than $91 million
        during the first eight months of the fiscal year.

     4. Research out of the University of Kentucky Sanders-Brown Center on
        Aging was presented March 11, 1997 at a national media briefing on
        Alzheimer's disease by the American Medical Association in New
        York City. The research also appeared in the March 12 issue of The
        Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA).

     5. The Maxwell H. Gluck Equine Research Center has announced the
         development of a device that measures airflow output in race horses
         and helps state racing officials detect sponges or other airway
         obstructions in horses. The Kentucky Racing Commission, which
         sponsored the research, has announced that the device will be used
         for pre-race screening of horses at Kentucky tracks.

      6. An environmental method for managing all water quantity and
         quality in the state is the goal of a study to be done by the Kentucky
         Water Resources Research Institute for the Kentucky Division of
         Water. The study is in accordance with new emphasis of the federal
         Environmental Protection Agency on watershed-based
         environmental improvement.

      7. The Carol Martin Gatton College of Business and Economics and
         Transylvania University have reached an agreement to offer an
         accelerated Master of Science degree to Transylvania accounting
         students whereby Transylvania liberal arts students can complete a
         specified program in accounting while fulfilling liberal arts
         requirements for Transylvania with a Bachelor of Arts degree.

      President Wethington asked the members to read the other items in the
report at their leisure.



      G.   Personnel Actions (PR 2)

      President Wethington recommended that approval be given to the
appointments, actions and/or other staff changes which require Board action;
and that the report relative to appointments and/or changes already approved
by the administration be accepted. Mr. Shoop moved approval. The motion,
seconded by Mr. Welenken, carried. (See PR 2 at the end of the Minutes.)

      H.   University Research Professorships (PR 3A)

      President Wethington expressed pleasure in recommending that the
Board approve the naming of Professors Dennis J. Clouthier, Department of
Chemistry, Mark P. Mattson, Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology, and
Mark W. Summers, Department of History, as University Research Professors
for 1997-98. He noted that the first research professors were named by the Board
of Trustees in 1977. He recognized Professors Mattson and Summers in the
audience and asked them to stand and be recognized, following which they
received a round of applause. Mr. Chellgren moved approval of PR 3A. His
motion, seconded by Mr. Reed, passed. (See PR 3A at the end of the Minutes.)

     I.   Honorary Degree Recipients (PR 3B)

     President Wethington recommended that approval be granted to
awarding the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws to Gerald L. Baliles, the Doctor
of Letters to Gwendolyn Brooks, the Doctor of Science to David M. Lawrence,
and the Doctor of Arts to Lucille Caudill Little. The committee on honorary
degrees has recommended these individuals to the Graduate Faculty and the
University Senate, and they have recommended that honorary degrees be
awarded to these individuals. He noted that according to policy these
individuals must be present at the 1997 Commencement to receive an honorary
degree. Mr. Miles moved approval of PR 3B. Mr. Guthrie seconded the
motion, and it carried. (See PR 3B at the end of the Minutes.)

     President Wethington said that Mr. Baliles, former Governor of Virginia,
will be the university's graduation speaker on May 10th. Governor Breathitt
pointed out that Mr. Baliles has probably made the greatest contribution to
higher education in this country of all the governors that he has served with or
observed. He is chairing the Southern Regional Education Board's commission
and has made many appearances in Kentucky in the furtherance and
improvement of higher education. Governor Breathitt said, in his opinion, it
is entirely appropriate that Mr. Baliles be awarded this degree.



      J.   Appointment to Advisory Board - Lexington Community College
(PR 4A)

      President Wethington said he was pleased to recommend that approval
be given to the reappointment of Mr. Richard E. Blanchard to the Advisory
Board of Lexington Community College for a four-year term ending June 30,
2001. The motion, made by Professor Miller and seconded by Mr. Chellgren,
passed. (See PR 4A at the end of the Minutes.)

      K.   Associate Degree Program in the Community College System -
Jefferson Community College (PR 4B)

      President Wethington recommended that the board authorize for
submission to the Council on Higher Education a new degree program,
Associate Degree in Applied Science, Industrial Plastics Technology for the
Jefferson Community College. He reminded the Board that the Council must
approve all degree programs, including associate degree programs, and
approval by the Board of Trustees is required prior to submission to the Council
for consideration. Mr. Welenken moved approval. His motion, seconded by
Mr. Grayson, passed. (See PR 4B at the end of the Minutes.)

      L.   Associate Degree Program in the Community College System -
Prestonsburg Community College (PR 4C)

     President Wethington said that PR 4C is another associate degree
program. The recommendation is that the Board authorize for submission to
the Council on Higher Education a new degree program, Associate Degree in
Applied Science, Occupational Therapist Assistant at Prestonsburg Community
College, and adopt a resolution requesting a one-year qualitative waiver of a
restriction on new degree program proposals imposed by the Council on Higher
Education under its Equal Opportunity Program. This board must approve the
submission of this new degree program for the Council's consideration and
must at the same time adopt a resolution requesting a one-year qualitative
waiver. Mr. Shoop moved approval. Mr. Chellgren seconded the motion, and
it passed. (See PR 4C at the end of the Minutes.)

      M.   Associate Degree Program in the Community College System (PR

      President Wethington said that PR 4D is the third associate degree
program. It is a new program called Associate Degree in Applied Science,
Technical Studies in the Community College System. The recommendation is
that the board approve this new degree program for submission to the Council
on Higher Education. The Technical Studies program will allow students who
have earned a diploma in a Kentucky Tech post secondary program to be


11 -

awarded credit in technical coursework upon admission to colleges in
University of Kentucky Community College System. Again, this is part of the
effort to increase and improve the programs and work with Kentucky Tech
which the University has done for several years. The motion, made by Mr.
Chellgren and seconded by Mr. Welenken, passed. (See PR 4D at the end of the

      President Wethington noted that there were no items to report from the
Lexington Campus (PR 5) and the Medical Center (PR 6).

      N.    Acceptance of Interim Financial Report for the University of
Kentucky for the Eight Months Ended February 28, 1997 (FCR 1)

      Mr. Hardymon, Chairperson of the Finance Committee, reported that the
Finance Committee met and reviewed 10 items to bring to the Board for
consideration. He said that FCR 1 is the monthly report of the financial
condition for the eight months that ended February 28, 1997. As of February 28,
the University had realized income of $840,461,000 representing 73% of the
1996-97 estimate of $1,143,495,000. Expenditures and commitments total
$753,994,000 or 66% of the approved budget of $1,143,495,000. He noted this
report is on target and is consistent with prior years. He moved approval of
FCR 1. Mr. Shoop seconded the motion, and it carried. (See FCR 1 at the end of
the Minutes.)

      0.    Capitalization Policy Non-Expendable Moveable Equipment
(FCR 2)

      Mr. Hardymon said that FCR 2 is a policy change in accounting and
comes to the Board as a result of the federal government raising the
capitalization level for dollar amounts for equipment acquired with federal
funds. The federal government has approved raising the capitalization level
from $500 to $1,000 for equipment acquired with federal funds effective July 1,
1997. This is the only change in the capitalization policy that was approved by
the Board of Trustees in June, 1993. He provided an explanation of Category I,
II, III and Fully Depreciated Equipment, and moved approval of the policy
change for the capitalization of non-expendable movable equipment effective
July 1, 1997. Mr. Welenken seconded the motion, and it passed. (See FCR 2 at
the end of the Minutes.)

      P.    Governor Paul Patton's Comments

      Governor Breathitt expressed appreciation to Governor Patton for taking
the time to appear before the Board and explain his plan for higher education.
He said that the Board was for Governor's Patton plan in principle, with the
exception of one provision and that was to permit the University of Kentucky


- 12-

to keep the Community College System. He assured Governor Patton that the
Board will continue to support his plan and to work to continue a dialogue to
find common ground that would pull the two plans together in such a way that
would serve the people of Kentucky.

      Governor Breathitt said that the Board was very appreciative of the
Governor's plan to see that the University become a major research institution
in the next 20 years.

      He informed Governor Patton that the Board had endorsed a Fund for
Excellence campaign to raise money to match and hopefully add to the money
that Governor Patton had very generously offered to all of the institutions to
advance the higher education program. He said that the Board appreciates
Governor Patton's leadership in placing higher education first on his agenda,
and he expressed hopes that in this dialogue the cause of higher education
could be advanced.

      Governor Breathitt said that the Trustees feel that they have a
responsibility to the 43,000 community college students, the nearly half million
people who have attended the University of Kentucky, and the community
leaders who have raised over $36 million to help enrich the programs in these
communities without the benefit of large foundations. The Board has the
responsibility to help them get their message out that it is in the
Commonwealth's best interest to all of the citizens that the community colleges
remain a part of the University of Kentucky system. He said that President
Wethington has assured him and the Board that he will be receptive to work in
every way to support Governor Patton's plan and to work towards the
resolution of the community college issue.

      Governor Patton thanked Governor Breathitt for his kind introduction.
He said he was there to discuss a very important topic; the future of Kentucky
and the University of Kentucky's role in that future. He indicated that he had
tried to present to the Board some information prior to the meeting and he
hoped they would review it. The information consist of two or three videos
that sort of give the tenor of the program that he is proposing, the kind of
debate that is ongoing, a copy of the plan, and certain other details that, in his
opinion, will be helpful to the Board. He said that he would not go into details
of the plan but rather summarize them and then go directly to some of the
issues that concern him very deeply and should concern the Board.

      Governor Patton said the plan re