xt7p2n4zh89s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7p2n4zh89s/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1927-08-jul27-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1927-08-jul27-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1927-08-jul27-ec. 1927 1927-08-jul27-ec. 2011 true xt7p2n4zh89s section xt7p2n4zh89s 

     Minutes of the Regular Monthly Meeting of the Executive
COinmmttee of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky
for Wednesday, July 27, 1927.

     The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the
University of Kentucky met in regular monthly sesssion in the
President's office at the University of Kentucky at 11:30 a.m.,
Wednesday, July 27, 1927.  The following members were present:
McHenry Rhoads, Frank McKee and E. B. Webb (Mr. Webb is a member
of the Board but not a regular member of the Executive Committee.
He was recently designated by the Board to act ienemergencies).

     The minutes of the previous meeting of the Executive
Committee were read and ap jroved as published.

     1. Contract for the Erection of a Recitation Building.
Sealed bids for the erection of a new recitation building on the
campus of the University were opened by the Executive Committee
in the presence of a number of bidders.  Meeting with the
Committee for the opening of bids were the architects, Warner
and McCorrnack) and Mr. M. J. Crutcher, Superintendent of Buildings
and Grounds.   The bids were opened and tabulated by Dr. Crutcher
and the architects.  After full consideration of all bids the
following motions were made, seconded, and on the yea and nay votc
were unanimously adoptdd in each case.

     A motion was made by Yr. Webb and seconded by Mr. McKee that
the general contract for construction be awarded to J. F, Hardymol
CoDompany, Maysville, Kentucky, low bidder, for $199,605.

     A motion was made by Mr. Webb and seconded by Mr. McKee that
the contract for electrical work be awarded to Brock Electical
Company, Lexington, Kentucky, low bidder, at $6,685.

     A motion was made by Ur. McKee and seconded by MI. Webb that
the contract for heating, plumbing, ventilating and sewage be
awarded to J. J. Fitzgerald Company, Lexington, Kentucky, low
bidder, at $39,300

     A motion was made by Mr. Webb and seconded by MIr. McKee that
the contract for linoleum floor work be awarded to R. B. Hayes,
Lexington, Kentucky, low bidder, at $9,100.

     A motion was made, seconded and carried unanimously that a
committee consisting of the President of the University, the
architects and the Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds be
appointed to execute contracts with the bidders and to mal e such
deduction under the various options in the specifications as ilrllr
be necessary for thQ proper erection of the building.



    2. Appointments.  The following list of appointments was
recommended by President KcVey and on motion duly seconded,
approved as recommended.

    Kiss Ruth Brown as cataloger in the Library at a salary of
$2000 a year on a 12 months basis, effective September 1, 1927.

    A. E. Evans as Dean of the College of Law, at a salary of
$6,000,a year.

    Forrest R. Black as Professor of Law at a salary of $3800
a yearx

    E. S. Hill as assistant in Chremistry at the Experiment
Station at a salary of $1200 a year.

    Rodman Sullivan as assistant in Sociology at a salary of
$300 year.

     Clifton Mack as instructor in Engineering at a salary of
$2Q() -a year.

     Louise Atkins as assistant in Sociology at $500 a year.

     Charles L. Knapp as Assistant Professor in History at a
salary of $2900 a year.

     Dale Russell as Professor of Education at atesalary of $3000
a year.

     E. S. Palmer as Assistant Professor of Economics at a
salary of $3000 a year.

     R. B. McClure as assistant County Agent, Washington County,
at a salary of $100 a month.

     B. S. Dunn Jr. as assistant County Agent, Caldwell County,
at a salary of .l00 a month.

     J. R. Killinger as assistant County Agent, Bracken County,
at a salary of $100 a month.

     J. E. Wilson (Continuation of appointment), County Agent
of Grant County at a salary of $183 1/3 a month.

     Eiss Derl Cress as Assistant Home Demonstration Agent,
McCracken County, at a salary of 4l00 a month.

     Miss Mary Allen Fuller as Assistant Home Demonstration
Agent, Fayette County,.at a salary of $136 2/3 a month.

     Daisy Jordan as stenographer in the College of Education
at 1320 a year.



     D. B. Rcdm.an as Assistant Co-unty Agent, Lawrence County,
at a salary of $100 a ,month.

     1Riss Mildred Lewis to be Secretary of the S. WI. C. A. at
a salary of $1200 and living expenses.

     :_rs. 11irgr et Lewis as clerk in the Business Office at
$1000 a year.

     3. Resignations. The following list of resignations was
prcsented by Presidt.nt MoVey and on motion duly seconded and
accepted by the Comrn-rittee.

     WP. M4. Hillen, Assistant Professor in Engineering.

     L. B. Shackelford, Assistant Professor in English.
     H. J. Scarborough, Professor of Law.
     4. Changes in Salaries.   The following changes in salaries
were recormmended by President ,rcVey and oni motion, duly seconded
and approved.

     An increase in salary of $300 for Dean Edward Wiest; an
increase of $800 for Professor S. E. Leland; an increase of $4200
for R. D. McIntyre; Professor 'N. L. Roberts to be allowed $?500
for editing the Kentucky Law Journal; Professor E. F. Farquhar
to be allowed an increase in salary of $100 and also q3O0 for
editing the literary journal; A. W. Rice to be allowed an increase
of $100.

     5. Claim of J. T. Jackson Lumber Company on Kastle Hall.
A communication frome M1r. M. J. Orutcher, Superintendent of
Buildings and Grounds, was received in which Mr. Crutcher stated
that J. T. Jackson Lumber Company had filed a claim for 8S80
extra on' the foundation of Kastle Hall.  Fromn the evidence
submitted to the Executive Committee it appeared that the ol&im
which fir. Jackson has submitted is covered in the specifications
of the architect and a motion was made, seconded and carried that
the c].vi;-, be disallowed.

     6. Bill of Warner and. LcCor,-.ack, C.ro-hitects.  A bill of
O5070 was subm-;itted by i a:mncr rand IcCormack for plans and
specifications on the noe r-citation building, was presented,
and it appearing that it was in conformity with the contract,
the bill was ordered paid.

     7. Borrowing of Monoy.   A coni.lu-nication was read f7-om thel
Business Agent indioatinC, that- it is likely that it lill be  



necessary to borrow money at some time during the fiscal year to
meet the current financial demands of the University.   After
discussion, a motion was made, seconded and unanimously adopted
that the chairman of the Executive Corm-mittee and the Business
Agent be authorized to borrow from time to time during the fiscal
year 1927-1928, on a note of the University of Kentucky, from
such sources as possible, amounts of money sufficient to meet
the temporary needs of the University, when funds from sources
of income are not avbiLable, the total amount so borrowed not to
exceed at any one time the sum of $150,000.

     S. Department of Archaeologv.ArLd Anthropology.  President
McVey offered the following resolution which was approved by the

        Recognizing the importance of Kentucky as a state rich in
   archaeological materials and the duty of the University not
   only to conserve, but to explore and discover new materials,
   as well as cooperate with agencies engaged in such work both
   in &nd outside of Kentucky, be it therefore resolved, that

        There is hereby created a Department of Anthropology and
   Archaeology in the College of Arts and Sciences,    Dr. W. D.
   Funkhouser and Professor W. S. Webb are appointed professors
   in the department without salaries.

     9. Highway Experimental LLborartory.  President McVey
reported that a committed from the University had recently calleds
on the State Highway Commission asking that the laboratory on
highway construction be continued at the University of Kentucky.
He stated that the committee was informed by the commission that
they consult the engineers and take the matter under advisement.
He also stated that information had reached him indirectly that
subsequently the Highway Commission had authorized the laboratory
to be established at Frankfort.

    10. Bill of J. Pelham Johnston. A bill for $97 submitted by
J. Pelham Johnston, attorney, Lexington, Kentucky for title to
the Frantz property on Rose Street was submitted and ordered
paid.   Also a bill for $28.15 incurred in connection with the
inheritance tax law was submitted and ordered paid.

    11. Report of the Business Agent.   President McVey presented
the financial report of the Business Agent which was ordered
received and filed.   The following brief statement showing the
conditions of the general fund June 30, 1927, was ordered incor-
porated in the minutes:


                   FIZZ"iqCIAL FREPORT

                   UNIViZER3SITY OF KE:IIJUCKY

            Statemnent showing condition of the
            General Fund as at Jure 30, 1927,

Bank Overdraft
Note to Phoenix National Bank & Trust Company-
  Peaiood'r Note
Accounts Payable

26 000.00
112,7S7 ;79

Petty Cash
State Tax for June
State Warrant-Girlst Dormitory
Departmental Supplies
Insurance Paid in Advance
Nev C-ymnasium
Kentuckir Kernel
Returned Checks
Sulli van Fund
Student Officers UTniform
Rent - Alpha Gamma Epsilon
Post Off ice Boxes
Campus Book Store
         Reserve. July   , 7;7

75, 000 .00
209 0(0.00
56,21 8.47
21, 500.00
   372. 02
   465 .'00

* 1479620.41

*Surplus shown has been rcduced by
the following Capital Expenditures.
   Mulligan Property              23,206.;00
   Smith Hall                     25,120,37
   New Gymnasium                  20,000 00
   New Chemistry Building        204, 482 202
   Art Center, Music & Theatre    34,798.34
   Fugazzi Property                9,941,05
   Wallace Property                4,064.45
   Riley Property                  :4,334.72
   Weaver Property                 4 328.00
   Frantz Property                12000.Oo0
   Veach Property                  4,292.84
   Live Stock Pavilion            2'7,231.09
   Mechanical Hall Garage          1, 704.86
   Forge Shop                     23,343.,89
   Recitation Building             2 59le35
                                  397, 441 .98
     On motion the Committee adjourned.

                                       Respectfully submitted,

                                       Wellington Patrick
                                       Secretary of the 3nariT


Missing report(s)