xt7p2n4zh87m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7p2n4zh87m/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1941-07-jun5. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1941-07-jun5. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1941-07-jun5. 1941 1941-07-jun5. 2011 true xt7p2n4zh87m section xt7p2n4zh87m 

     Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees, Uni-
versity of Kentucky, June 5, 1941.

     The regular June meeting of the Board of Trustees, University
of Kentucky, was held in the President's Office, Thursday, June 5,
1941, 10:00 a.m.  The members of the Board present were Governor
Keen Johnson; Judge Richard C. Stoll; Harper Gatton; H. S. Cleveland;
Louis Hillenmeyer; Robert P. Hobson; W. H. May; and Marshall Barnes.
President Cooper and Secretary D. H. Peak were present.  President-
elect,Dr. H. L. Donovan, attended the meeting.

     1. Approval of Minutes.

     The minutes of the meeting of the Board of Trustees, April 1,
1941, and the minutes of the interim meeting of the Executive Com-
mittee, April 22, 1941, and the meeting May 16, 1941, were approved
as published.

     2. Financial Report.

     The Business Agent submitted following report:

          Owing to the early date of this meeting, I am unable
     to make the usual financial statement for the preceding
     month.   However, there has been little change in the
     financial situation and our expenditures are running con-
     sistently with the original budget appropriations.

     3. President's -quarterly Report.

     a. President Cooper presented and read the quarterly report
of the President on the State of the University,   On motion, second.
ed and carried, the report was received and ordered published in the
minutes,   It is copied as follows:

                     QUARTERLY REPORT OF THE

                          June 5, 1941

          Since the Board last met, April 1, the Executive Com-
     mittee of that body has met twice and given consideration
     to the affairs of the University.   I think it may be said
     that despite the defense program and industry's added needs,
     some changes in personnel, and somewhat limited funds,
     things are going along quite well,   Now that we can get a
     better picture of the situation, we find the loss in enroll-
     ment during the past year is not as great as had been feared.



     The enrollment for the first semester was 3703 on October
15, a drop of 29 f rom the figure reached at the completion of
registration in the fall.   The enrollment at the close of
registration in February was 3505, and this figure has dropped
to 3447, as of May 15.   This is a loss of only 62, which
would indicate that service in the National Defense had
made itself felt at the end of the first semester, and es-.
pecially during the registration period of the fall before.
Enrollment at thu present time is distributed as follows:

      College               MI en   Women      Total

   Graduate School           213      132       345
   Arts and Sciences         733      612      1345
   Agriculture               380      236       616
   Engineering               389        1       390
   Law                        89        4        93
   Education                  68      146       214
   Commerce                  345       99       444
        Total               2217     1230      3447

     The candidates for degrees number 450, probably the
largest number to be graduated at a single commencement
of the University of Kentucky.   They are distributed among
the colleges as follows:

          Arts and Sciences    149
          Agriculture           74
          Engineering           44
          Law                   17
          Education             58
          Commerce              55
          Graduate School       53

     It is my understanding that the members of the graduat-
ing classes will have little, if any, difficulty in being
placed in positions in their chosen fields after their grad-
uation,   Rather the demand for those prepared to do
specialized work in the scientific professions, in Engineer-
ing, in defense industries, and in the va.rious branches of
the national armed service, will exceed the number available.

     in the last few wreeks there have been further rulinpgs
made by the selective draft service and the matter of de-
ferment in the case of University students has been given
special consideration.   This consideration included staff
members as well as students, who rmight be considered
"necessary men."   Cert in information concerning their
privileges and duties Was furnished those concerned in
the three following classes:




     First, those who have already received their question-
naires from their local board, and having already been de-
ferred to July 1, will then be subject to reclassification.

     Second, those who may be called and receive questionnaires
between July 1 and September 15, the opening date of the Uni-

     Third, those who, not having received a questionnaire
by September 15, desire to enter the University and continue
their education.

     Students have been urged to continue their educational
plans as far as it is possible for them to do so, or until
called into service for the nation.   This is not only in
the interest of the student, but is also to the advantage
of the country.   This is especially true of the student
who is erg-aged in certain professional studies leading to
acquired skills, now much needed in the Government defense

      Retirement Plans for Extension Workers

      I am sure the Board feels especially gratified over
the arrangements that have been made under the "Retirement
Plan for Agricultural Extension Employees" with the Teachers
Insurance and Annuity Awsociation of America.    This propos-
al was approved by the Board at its last meeting.    Later
it was found that increased rates caused by lowered inter-
est would be put into effect as of July 1, so it was neces-
sary that the agreement go into effect immediately if
the present county extension staff were to secure the bene-
fits of the present rates.   Therefore, the Executive Coam
mittee authorized the contract to be made as of May 1,
and I wish to report that the members of the staff responded
whole.heartedly, though there are yet many details to be
worked out.

               Needs of the University

     Customarily it would be appropriate to ref er to the
needs of the University.   However, since this is the last
meeting of the Board for this year, and my term of office
expires this month, I feel it is desirable that this matter
be left to President Donovan.    I do feel, though, there
is one urgent need of which I should speak -- the need for
additional funds to care for and maintain the faculty,
and to provide for the necessary repairs to buildings#



maintenance of the grounds, and also for the support of
the summer school.

     The University undoubtedly will be faced with increas-
ing costs and rising prices.   These things mean that the
present income will buy less in the way of additions and
betterments to the physical plant, as well as the necessa-
ry supplies for its operation; they will also mean higher
costs of living,   This in turn will mean a reduced standard
of living for those working for small salaries, increased
difficulties in securing new men for places on the Uni-
vers4 ty faculty, and less opportunity to make provision
for the future.

      University Representation and Memberships

      The matter of faculty representation at meetings out of
the State, the expense of which should be borne in large
part by the University, and the matter of University mem-
bership in national and rcgional associations of which it
is a member, remain unsettled.   The Board is aware of the
position in which the University is placed because of this
situation, and I am sure will attempt to find a remedy,
if one exists.

         Improvements to Buildings and Grounds

     During the past few months, the Department of Buildings
and Grounds has done considerable painting, both inside and
outside several large buildings.   Repairs and the redecora-
tion of Maxwell Place have been under way for the past
month, and are progressing in a most satisfactory way.
The grounds are being put in order, and everything should
be in excellent condition by the last of June and ready for
occupancy by President and Mrs. Donovan.

     Some walks have been laid and roads built where most
needed, both according to plans worked out by the Campus
Committee,   Arong the 16ings done and long needed is the
cyclone fence placed around the Elementary School playground.


     I should be glad to put into words, if that were pos-
sible, my deep appreciation of the honor the Board of
Trustees has bestowed upon me,   It has been a privilege
to work with you and to come to know you as we have worked
to,:ether.  You have given me the support, counsel and
encouragement that has helped so largely to carry me



      through the year.  I have made rmay new and delightful
      contacts, and have enjoyed my work as Acting President.
      I have found the University staff and student body to be
      cooperative, many more than willing to assist me in every
      way.   I appreciate their kindness and the associations
      of the year,  which I shall always remember with pleasure.

      b. On motion of Mr. Gatton, duly seconded and carried by unan-
imous vote1 it was ordered that a resolution of appreciation of
President Cooperls services to the Board of Trustees and University
of Kentucky be prepared and spread upon the minutes.   It was
further ordered that the resolution properly engrossed be signed
by the members of the Board of Trustees, framed, and presented to
retiring Acting President Cooper.   The Chairman appointed Mr.
Gatton to prepare the resolution.


                  A Statement of Appreciation

        Successful, useful men hesitate to accent new responsi-
   bilities which leave little tine for the worik in which their
   minds and hearts are centered. Yet Dr. Thomas P. Cooper
   made this sacrifice when he undertook the duties of Acting
   President of the Univarsity of Kentucky.

         At the earnest and unanimous appeal of the Board of
   Trustees, Dr. Cooper agreed to serve for a time in the place
   left vacant when President Frank L. McoVey reached the age
   of seventy years and was assigned to other duties.   At this
   crucial period in the life of the University and of the nation,
   he has -met the responsibilities of his office with rare skill,
   thorough understanding and acceptable leadership.   It was
   hoped that he would continue, but the appeal of his life work
   was too strongr, and at his request he will be free on July
   first to devote his time and recognized ability to the Col-
   lege of Agriculture where he will continue as Dean.   Dean
   Cooper is a national leader in the many organizations through
   which he serves,

        The Board of Trustees extends to hin its appreciation
   of the service he has rendered and the sacrifice he has
   made. It is proud of the ty in which he has carried on the
   work of the University duriI.  the past year, and looks form
   ward confidently to the continuance of his work for Kentucky,
   its agriculture, and the place he has made for his state and
   his university in the field to which he has devoted his life,

                                       Board of Trustees
                                       University of Kentucky



    4. Savings Accounts--Secured Federal Deposit Insurance Corpora-

     It appears from the report of the Custodians of Securities made
at the meeting of the Executive Committee, May 16, 1941, that the
University of Kentucky has on d'eposit accounts in Federal Savings
and Loan Associations, opened on the assumption (by secretaries of
the Associations and Business Agent) that each account is secured
up to $5,000 by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.   The
correctness of this assumption being in doubt by members of the
Executive Committee, Mr. Hobson and the Business Agent were asked
to investigate the question of the insurance coverage,

     Mr, Hobson presented the following letter:


                                            May 22, 1941

     R. P. Hobson, Esquire
     Woodward, Dawson & Hobson
     Kentucky Home Life Building
     Louisville, Kentucky

     Dear Sir:

                    Acknowledgment is made of your letter of
     May 17th in which you state that the University of Kentucky
     maintains several deposits in banks and building and loan
     associations at Lexington, Kentucky, and you ask "whether
     each separate deposit is an entity or whether it would be
     considered that all of the deposits belonging to the Uni-
     versity would he classified as one."

                    This Corporation insures deposits only in
     banking institutions.   Its insurance does not apply to
     building and loan associations.   You should communicate
     with the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporations
     Washington, with reference to such insurance.

                    Relative to the insurance of deposits in
     banking institutions subsection (c) (13) of Section 12B of
     the Federal Reserve Act as amended (12 U.S.C.A. Sec. 264)
     is pertinent,   It reads as follows:



          "The term .Insured deposits means the net
     amount due to any depositor for deposits in an
     insured bank (after deducting offsets) less any
     part thereof which is in excess of $5,000. t-*o
     and in determining the amount due to any depositor
     there shall be added together all deposits in the
     bank maintained in the same capacity and the same
     right for his benefit either in his own name or
     in the names of others, except trust funds which
     shall be insured as provided in paragraph (t) of
     subsection (h) of this section."

               It will be seen from said section that all
deposits maintained in the same capacity and the same right
for the benefit of a depositor, either in his own name or
in the names of others, must be added together in determin-
ing the amount due such cbpositor and that the maximum of
insurance for all such deposits is the sum of $5,000, For
the sake of bookkeeping convenience or for administrative
or other purposes deposits though beneficially owned by
one depositor are sometimes carried. in separate accounts.
However, if all of them are actually and beneficially owned
by the same depositor and maintained by this depositor
in the same capacity and the same right, they would all
be added together in determining the amount due to this
depositor sand the insurance for the total would be limited
to the maximum of $5,000 in the event the bank should close
on account of inability to pay its depositors.

               You state in your letter w,.iith reference to
the deposits asked about chat:

               "These deposits run in the name of
          several separate accounts, but each of
          them actually belongs to the University."

               If the University of Kentucky as a legal
entity actually and beneficially owns and maintains these
deposits in the same capacity and the same right, the
maximum limit of deposit insurance for all of them would
be, as stated, the sum of $5,000.

                            Yours very truly,

                            (Signed) James E. Markham



    The Business Agent Presented the following letter:


                       Cincinnati, Ohio

                         May 27, 1941

    D. H. Peak, Esq., Business Agent
    University of Kentucky
    Lexington, Kentucky

    Dear Mr. Peak:

    I have your letter of Mlay 21 asking about insurance in
    the Lexington Federal Savings and Loan Association of
    several special accounts held by your University.

    Mly impression is that each of these is insured. However,
    this Bank is not the final authority, and accordingly I
    sin sending a copy of your letter to the Federal Savings
    and Loan Insurance Corporation in Washington for an

    I shall informr you of its conclusion as soon as I have
    word from Washington.

                                 Very sincerely yours,

                               (Signed) Robert L. Strong

     On motion of Mr. Hobson, seconded by Judge Stoll, the Business
Agent was directed to reduce accounts carried in any one Federal
Saving and Loan Association to an amount not to exceed $5000.00,
by July 1, 1941,



     5, Madisonville Street Improvenent Bond -- Principal Collected,

     The Business Agent reported that the Custodians of Securities,
through the services of the Collection Department of the First Na-
tional Bank and Trust Company of Lexington, Ky., collected the
principal, $500.00 of the Madisonville Street Improvement Bond,
held as an investment of part of the Brent Fund.    The payment was
accepted in full payment of the principal and interest due from
,iugust 1, 1937, to date of payment.   The. $500.00 collected was
placed in a savings deposit in First National Bank and Trust Com-
pany.   The principal, $1000.00, of the Brent Fund is now intact,
being in savings deposit in the First National Bank and Trust

     On motion, seconded and carried, the actions of the Custodians
of Securities in accepting settlement of the Madisonville Street
Improvement Bond in amount of principal $500.00, exclusive of in-
terest due thereto from February 1, 1937, and placing the amount
collected in savings deposit in the First National Bank and Trust
Company, Lexington, Ky., were approved.    Following copied letter
gives the facts connected wraith the collection of the bond:

                      FARHOERS NATIONAL BANK

                           IMay 16, 1941

     First National Bank & Trust Co.,
     Lexington, Kentucky

     Attention Mr. J. Donathan,
     Collection Department.
                                 Re:Bond Series I, East Arch St.,
                                    Madisonville (Ky.) Street
                                       Improvement Bond-
                                       Asphalt Streets.


          We have your letter  f the 14th inst. having reference
     to payment of the above bond held by us for collection as
     your Collection No. 27385 as the property of the University
     of Kentucky.

          Under the terms of settlement for all of the outstanding
     bonds of this issue negotiated by us with, the City of MIadison-
     Ville, the holders of the bonds Waived all unpaid interest -
     in tcis case from Aug. 1, 1957, and agreed to accept either
     in cash or uncollected assessments assigned the unpaid
     principal on the bonds,



         In the case of' this particular bond no uncollected
    assessments are outstanding, and this bond is payable in
    its principal sum.

         The deficits in the Sinking Funds created for the pay-
    rment of the bonds have been supplemented by appropriation
    by the City Council from the General Fund.

         The ordinance authorizing payment of this bond directs
    that upon surrender of the bond to the City Treasurer for
    cancellation that there be paid to the owner $500.00 in
    full satisfaction of the bond.

          Therefore, we have surrendered the bond to the City
    Treasurer and collected from him $500.00, and the bond has
    been cancelled,

         We held about $2,500.00 of these bonds and settled
    on the same basis, and deem ourselves fortunate in par-
    ticirjating in the settlement which was consummated after
    a complete audit of the entire bond account which required
    18 months of my spare time.

          We enclose our Louisville Exchange drawn in your
    favor on First National Bank, Louisville, for $500.00
    in payment of the collection, and trust that our actions
    in the matter will have the approval of the Ky, University.

                                       Yours truly,

                                     (Signed) D. W. Gatlin$

     6, Hagigin Fund Report,

     President Cooper presented a financial statement of the condi-
tion of the Haggin Fund income account.   After comments on the
Haggin endowment in general and the f'inancial statement in particu-
lar, the report was ordered copied in the minutes.




                    HAGGIN TRUST FUND

         From December 31, 1938 to May 31, 1941


Receipts to June 29, 1940
September 30, 1940 - Cash
December 1940      - Cash
March 1941         - Cash


Radio Room and Equipment
Graduate School
Law Annotations
Educational Conference

   .300. 00



Total Receipts
Total Expenditures
Balance May 31, 1941



7. Princeton University Press -- Apreement to Manufacture Books.

President Cooper presented the following:




         Proposed agreermnt between Princeton University
         Press and the University of Kentucky for the
         manufacture and sale of books.

1. Princeton University Press will manufacture books for the Uni-
  versity of Kentucky on a cost basis plus a profit of 10%. Es-
  timates of cost will be furnished by Princeton University Press
  before work is started, and such estimates will be based on
  printing from type.

2. Princeton University Press will bill the University of Kentucky
   for one-half the estimated price when the galley proofs are
   submitted and for the balance upon delivery of finished copies.
   Payments are to be made within 30 days, net.

3. Princeton University Press will agree to free storage of type
   for a period of 60 days.   Should the type be kept standing be-
   yond this period, there will be a charge of 1.02 per page per
   month which shall be charged for on the first day of February
   and the first day of August of each year.

4. Storage of books shall be on an annual rental basis, the storage
   for the first six months free, thereafter payable annually on
   the basis of $12.50 for each 500 copies on hand at the close of
   each year,

5. Princeton University Press agrees to act as sales agent for each
   book manufactured on the following basis:

       a. Princeton University Press will treat the marketing
          of each title with the same care and consideration
          as though its own imprint appeared on the books, offer
          marketing suggestions without charge, distribute
          review and other free copies designed to further sales,
          arrange for foreign outlets, and preserve standard
          discount arrangements.

       b, Princeton University Press will list all books manu-
          factured for the UnIvrersity of Kentucky in its catalog
          of publications, without charge.

       c, Princeton University Press will prepare without cost
          copy for circulars and advertising matter (unless
          such matter be handled by an advertising agency repre-
          senting the UniverEity of Kentucky) and after approval
          by the University of Kentucky, will print and mail
          such promotional matter at the expense of the Uni-
          versity of Kentucky, billing said University of
          Kentuc)y on the first of the month following for such



   d. On copies sold, Princeton University Press shall
      receive a commission of 20% on the list price of
      such title, except such copies as are sold by the
      University of Kentucky in the state of Kentucky,
      shall not carry a commission; and said University
      of Kentucky shall pay for the postage and wrapping
      of all review and free copies, on which there is
      no income to either party;

   e, Princeton University Press will render a statement
       of sales and subrmit an inventory of copies on hand
       on the first of February and the first of August
       of each year, and pay the amount dve the University
       of Kentucky which agrees to pay all bills submitted
       by Princeton University Press as hereinbefore pro-
       vided, within 30 days from the submitting of such
       bills; and it is further agreed that the University
       of Kentucky may, on written notice, inspect the
       books of Princeton University Press, in so far
       as they relate to the title, or titles, of the
       University of Kentucky, through any qualified
       accountant at their expense.

     f  The life of this agreement as to naming Princeton
     University Press sales agent for the University
       of Kentucky is for three years from the date of
       publication of the first book, and may be renewed
       or cancelled on written notice of 60 days by either

    In consideration of the r.iutuality of this agreement, the
aforesaid parties agree to all its provisions, and in testimony
thereof affix their signatures and seals.

(Signed) Richard C. Stoll
        Witness to the signature of

                                    (Signed) Keen Johnson (L.S.)
                                            Chairman of Board of
                                            Trustees of Universit.
                                            of Kentucky.

I(L. S.,'

Princeton University Press

Witness to the signature of



     On motion seconded and carried, the proposal of the Princeton
University Press to manufacture books for the University of Kentucky
as copied above was approved and the Chairman of the Board of
Trustees was authorized to execute the agreement.   Thereupon the
Chairman signed the agreement in triplicate, his signature being
attested by Richard C, Stoll,

     8. el.brshi s in Organizations and Out-of-State Travel,

     The President reported that the Attorney General has refused
to approve payment of membership dues of organizations and societies
to which the University belongs.   Memberships in many organizations
dealing with education in general and college and university affairs
in particular are vital to the existence of the University of Ken-
tucky, and as well the attendance of representatives of the Uni-
versity at the meetings of such organizations.   Judge Stoll sugr
gested that there should be legislative action inthe way of appro-
priation for the purpose of payment of membership dues to asso-
ciations and for the payment of necessary travel expense of reprew
sentatives of the University incurred in attendance of the meetings
of the Associations.

     9, State Highway Building.

     President Cooper presented the following communication from
Dean Grahan:

                                     June 4, 1941

     President Thomas Cooper
     University of Kentucky

     My dear President Cooper:

          I furnish you herewith a set of detailed plans
     of the proposed Highway Materials Research Laboratory,
     These plans have been prepared in accord with the
     wishes and needs of the State Highway Department,
     The building is designed to be constructed upon Uni-
     versity property on Graham Avenue directly opposite
     the Home Economics Building and you will note that
     this location provides for driveway for rear delivery
     of materials and for parling space for approximately
     twenty cars, thus leaving the avenue free for traffic.



         In order that this matter may be carried to a
    prompt conclusion, I suggest the following procedure
    for presentation to the Board of Trustees in meeting
    on June 5, 1941.

          1. That the site and plans be approved provision-
    ally, and

          2. That the Officers of the University be authorized
    and instructed to negotiate promptly a lend-lease-main-
    tenance-operation contract covering this laboratory with
    the Commissioner of Highways and the Office of the At-
    torney General, and

          3. That Judge Richard C, Stoll be authorized and
     directed, by and upon the approval of the Executive
     Committee of the Board of Trustees, to execute the afore-
     stated contract on behalf of the University.

                               Yours truly,

                                     (Signed) James H. Graham

     On motion of 1lr. Hillonmayer, duly seconded and carried, the
following resolution was pas:-:d:

          Resolved that site and plans of the proposed high-
     way materials research laboratory be approved provision-
     ally, that is, the plans filed with the letter of Dean
     Graham, copied above, and the site noted in that letter:

          That the Officers of the University be authorized
     and instructed to negotiate promptly a lend-lease-main-
     tenance-operation contract covering this laboratory with
     the Commissioner of Highways and the Office of the
     Attorney General; and

          That Judge Richmord C. Stoll be authorized and di-
     rected, by and upon the approval of the Executive Com-
     mittee of the Board of Trustees, to execute the afore-
     stated contract onbehalf of the University,

     10. Students Subj1ect to Draft.

     The effect of the Selective Draft on the attendance at the
University was considered.   It was stated that deferment of
draftees was entirely in the hands of local draft boards, The
Chairman discussed the situation and suggested that in certain in.
s tances it may be desirable to communicate with certain draft



    11. Report on Assigned Work.

    The following report on assigned work of staff members over
seventy years of age, filed by President Cooper, was received and
ordered made a part of the minutes:

                      REPORT ON ASSIGNED WORK



Work Done

Professor Mc- Original Assign- Too ill to make report.
Henry Rhoads ment completed

J. W. Pryor

Profes sor
Harrison Gar-

Dean C, R.

J. T. C. Noe

A. 12. Peter

Research in the
Ossification of
Bones (continued

Insects of Ken-
tucky (contin-

Alumni of Ken-
tucky (con-

Anthology of Ken-
tucky Literature
(Has collected
books for several
divisions of Ky,

Editorial Worl,
Publications of
the Experiment
Station and Agri-
cultural Exten.d
sion Division

Last papers dealt with genetic fac-
tors in the ossification of quad-
ruplete. Work being continued with
other instances and more proof.

Illness prevents any report being
made at this time.

Continues to assist in the work
of tGhe alumni office.

The past year has been spent in
collecting for and preparing an
anthology of Kentucky fiction. In
1940 "In Kentucky" was published,

Has assisted in editing 22 Station
Bulletins, 33 Extension publications,
and 26 Journal papers, requiring
the inspection of some 1900 manu-
script pages, Has also assisted in
the preparation of some manuscripts
and helped in proofreading and in
preparing engraver's copy,


W. S. An-

Ezra L

Editorial Work in
connection with the
Experiment Station
and Extension Pub.

Bureau of Source
Materials in
Higher Education

Professor F.E, Continuation of
Tuttle        Work on Guaiol
