xt7nzs2k9n4s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7nzs2k9n4s/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2008-10-06 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 06, 2008 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 06, 2008 2008 2008-10-06 2020 true xt7nzs2k9n4s section xt7nzs2k9n4s Ben Foids Milt;
Louisville Orchestra: ‘ *

Jazz performer belts
some tunes for students

9"Web . lALLtN



In fair condition,
Smith still in for

By Jennifer Graham and Jill Lester
news©kykernel com

' mg rim-:8!» At." t




Blair Smith doesn‘t remember any of the Sept. 27 as—
sault that resulted in him being taken to the hospital with
brain injuries. his father said.

Lexington Police found Smith critically injured on the
500 block of Euclid Avenue in the early moming hours of
Sept. 27 after he was struck over the head with a bottle.
Smith was taken by ambulance to the UK Hospital. As of
8 pm. Sunday. Smith was in fair condition. according to
the hospital.

Smith's recovery since the incident has been "a mira—
cle." his father. John Smith. said.

“He had tWo brain surgeries last Sunday. and he‘s al-
ready up and taking short walks.“ John Smith said Sunday
night. “He took a shower this morning. He‘s cognizant.
His motor skills are pretty much intact."

John Smith said he and his wife have been with their
son either together or in shifts nearly around the clock
since they got a call the moming their son was injured.

No date has been set for Blair Smith to leave the hospi—
tal. John Smith said. and he will not retum to school this se»
mester. Blair Smith‘s parents. Louisville residents. are look—
ing into somewhere in Lexington one of them can stay with
their son while he recovers,

“This is going to be a long road for
Blair." John Smith said. ”He‘s out of the
woods now. he‘s going to survive. but
he‘s in for a long recovery.“

A UK student was arrested Friday
and charged in connection with the as-
sault. according to Lexington Police.

Junior Kyle Andrew Almy of Hop-
kinsville. Ky.. has been arrested on first-
degree- assault charges. According to
Lexington Police. Almy .stnick l9-year-
old Blair Smith in the head with a bottle outside of 338
Aylesford Place.

Police transported Almy to the Fayette County Deten-
tion Center Friday aftemoon. As of l 1 pm. Friday. Almy
was no longer being held. according to Jail officials.

He will be arraigned at 1 pm. Monday in Fayette
County District Court.

John Smith said he has no plans on attending the
Monday arraignment.

John Smith said that while his son's accident is fresh
and painful in his mind. he lcels bad for the parents or
whoever committed the crime.

"This is so sad. This is one thoughtless. \iolent act
that created so much devastation for Blair." he said. "This
guy. I‘m sure his parents are deyristated I feel for the
pain they must be living through."

Almy could not be reached by press time tor com
ment. nor could his parents.

Anyone with information relating to this iiiycstigation
is asked by Lexington Police to call the Personal (‘rirnes
Section at (859) 3583700 or Bluegrass Crime Stoppers at
(859) 253-2020.

ame debuts to
sold-out crowd

By [aura Clark


Tom Yost saw his business reopen in a white
nearly double the si/c of its former location and
sell out Friday night in The Dame‘s much—hyped
return. '

"There's an clccti‘icity in the air." Yost said.

lnsidc people of all age groups were present.
including UK students and other Lexington rcsr
dents. Thc excitement that the crowd generated in
the newtw'o-i‘oom \enuc was contagious. Yost
said. y

The live music hall opened its doors Friday in
its new location on East Main Street with a per»
l‘ormance by The Talking Heads tribute band
Same As it Ever Was and ’80s music to fill the
last hour of The Dame’s first night.



See Dame on page 4
Jason Mills, 3 7‘ ' i *
takes a cigaret

. ,. .
in}?! ' ’



event registers
400 new voters

Vcn tie brings back familiar tribute band

By MattrJordan

lvtrtitresultvkerrm? row

iiiiyoiic who regularly licouented The
Maine. The Talking Heads coyer band
Same :\s it her \Vas played through
two sets o1 classic ”and Byrne tunes
to celebrate the \cttttt"s lll‘\l day.

olds to p.ili'oiis yt Ito would hate had
the opportunity to ilt‘dl those songs
back when The Talking Heads were
still pci'toriinizg litt'lt‘.

Curtis (ici'cii .itttml ‘s d. trtcto

,-\ltet months or llliL'tIllrii .lr The
Drum- reopened T'tiday rrzgfit with .i

By Amanda Laborio

riéwsiékykerrrel corn

About 400 people registered to vote during an around-
lhe—clock. (ill—hour LC\lllg((m cveiit met the weekend.
said an event organizer.

During Lexington Operation Voter Madness. yoltinteers
went throughout the city between l0 am. Thursday and [0
pm. Saturday to register voters for the Not. 4 election. said
Dave Newton. voter eitipowcnncnt organizer for Kentuck~
ians for the Commonwealth. the sponsor of the event.

Volunteers went to grocery stores. late—night restair
rants. a bowling alley and other locations to register peo-
ple before Monday. Kentucky 's deadline to register for the
upcoming election.

Student organi/ations used Voter Madness to register as
many people as possible. said Joe Ciallenstcin. President of
the UK College Democrats and a participant in the event.

"Students cannot make their voices heard it they do
not tote." said (iallcnstein. a history and political science
senior. "Your vote is your mice. and we have the ability to
elect candidates who care about campus issues. as well .is
other issues affecting our state."

Concen tor the Commonwealth on the Student (‘cnter
patio capped off Voter Madness

During the Saturday night concert. volunteers helped
people register to vote on the candlelit patio while listen—
ing to Lexington bands Varsovia. Devine Catarina. and
(home Manifesto.

“i think that bands were a great way to get people's at-
tention and then they were able to register." said Kelsey
Kennedy. an elementary education senior who attended
the concert. “More students should come out and support
these events which Will in ttim support our democracy "

The concert was hosted by Kentuckians tor the (‘om
monwealth. UK (ireenthumb and WRFL. liverits that raise
awareness will make a difference in an important election
year. said English education junior Matt Kramer.

celebration that was Irrithtcr :ugly t.i
miliai l cypccttwl to how to get .ic
cllsltttltt‘ti to the new \c‘llllc‘ out v uh
its repainted red. black .iznd white
walls. the new Dame felt like thc
saiiic second home that thc original

Backing up that luindmi Ending
was .i band that should be lsiiown to

Though not the biggest band The
Dame has ever had. Same .»\s it liyct
Was were arguably one ot the best
they could have picked to ring in the
new venue. Coriibine the broad up»
pcal or The Talking Heads and the
great performance of Same As it liter
Was and it‘s a crowd plcaset' tor
cycryonc. front the lrcshly Zl»year~

l).i\ id Hyi'ric lt'l tlr:- C\L‘li'l‘;‘. leadiruz
the group through two scts \t .i drs
Luicc he could be Illl‘drtl'yt‘lt tor the
low child of Hyrirc and “Hack to the
future‘s" Doc Brown, but he wasn't
picked for his look ticicit sounds so
much like Ryrnt- that it need tip the

‘1: ~ Music it" page 3


Coffee grin

8y Kenny Coiston

to uiSibliiik'yK‘leHi t‘ ‘t'

H S( ‘.\l .( )( )S.-\. .-\l.t.
yaids away.

To hear (Tls head coach Rlcii Htiioks
tell it. that's how tar his team \\.is from
llpsk‘illllg \o 3/\l.ibaina zoo ‘« ti South
easlcm ('oiilert‘iicci.

Two big plays, a 78-yard touchdown
run from minor (ilcn Coffee and .i 4 yard
fumble rccoyeiy for a touchdown by
sophomore Rolando Mct Tun. gnu what
Brooks described as the deciding points
iii the ('i'imson Tide's ITH \itioi'y oycr
llK til. H l Sift Saturday in trout ol
92d 33 fans in Bryant Denney Stadium

"We knew we were playing a good
football team and we had to play our
best game. and we didn‘t.“ Brooks said.

Light) two


ds 218 yards against UK


more av MU! man : sum
Junior running back Glen Coffee runs 78 vards to score Alabama's first touchdown during
the Crimson Tides 17-14 Victory Saturday at Bryant-Denney Stadium Coffee finished With
218 yards to the name

“The two biggest plays w ere the 78 yard
run and tMikct llanline‘s fumble. With
out those plays. we had a shot at them "

"Too often young people in this country don‘t understand
the importance of voting and the dilferencc their votes can
make politically." said Kramer. a (heenthtrmb ofliccr. "With
this year's presidential election being so tight. every vote. even
in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. will have an unmet.”


Soc Football on mac 8

MMMJWntmacm. Newsroom: 257-1915’W 257-???
‘ \







,PA_GE 2] Monday, October 6, 2008




























t l

i r.

, Horoscopes"

By Linda c. Black

To get the advantage, check the
day's rating: 10 is the easrest
day, 0 the most challenging.

Aries (March 21-April 19) ——
Today is a 7 —— Do you have a
secret dream, or a career you’d
like to pursue, but you've been
afraid to try? Set aside those
fears. Check the want ads.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) —
Today is a 7 — A friend can
help you achieve more than you
raver thought possible. Ask for
help from a person with an active
imagination, ngt unlike your own.

Gemini (May 21-June 21) — .

Today is a 7 — Everybody
seems to be asking for your
advice. Tell them what they
raced to change, to achieve their
stated goals

iiirrtitttoo‘ , ' oar

U... .1. ,

Cancer (June 22—July 22) —-
Today is a 7 — Celebrate a
recent victory by allowing an
expert to do something for you
that you've been putting off.
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) —
Today is a 7 — All of a sudden,
you're inundated with more work
than you can imagine. And that's
the way you’ll master this job.
Virgo (Aug. 23—Sept. 22) —
Today is a 7 —~ You can't do
everything you have planned if
you try to do it alone. Confide
your vision for the future with
somebody you love.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) —
Today is a 7 — An idea that
comes from home helps solve a
problem at work. The other way
around also promotes a favor-
able outcome.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) —
Today is a 7 — The more you
study, the luckier you'll get.
Well, it isn't really luck, but it
looks like that to the people you
pass on the road to success.





Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
—- Today is a 9 ~— You could
get a hefty bonus. This could be
money you had coming that
finally arrives. It could be an
inheritance, though that is less

Capricorn (Dec. ZZ-Jan. 19)
~— Today is an 8 — You're con-
fident, and well you should be.
You're practical and pragmatic
People who have trouble mak-
ing decisions, and there are
plenty, rely heavily on you.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) ——
Today is an 8 —— You have a few
projects on your “to do" list that
could be moneymakers, There's
no promise you'll make a fortune;
some will work and some won't.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) ~—
Today is a 6 — You've done
whatever you can for your
friends. Now it's payback time.
Allow them to help you solve a
problem that‘s got you annoyed.

(c) 2008 Tribune Media Services, Inc.


.Todcry' s
l Horoscope
3 Sponsored By:


8&2; 269-5701

816 Euclid Ave.



fl'le DiSII

Once asked by Playboy
magazine how he managed to
resist the throngs of adoring
female fans who tried to
tempt him away from his
wife. Joanne Woodward. Paul
Newman replied in a way
that was characteristically
both mischievous and direct:
“Why should I go out for
hamburger when I can have
steak at home?“ Woodward.
an ardent feminist, later chid-
ed her husband for his “chau—
vinist statement,“ and he
passed it off, saying it was
“the remark of a young. lusty.

That playful give-and-
take was typical of an atypi-
cal Hollywood Iove affair.
one that spanned 50 years -
and came to an end on Sept.
26 when. at the age of 83.
Paul Leonard Newman
passed away after a quiet bat-
tle‘with lung cancer at the
Westport, Conn.. home he
shared with Woodward, 78.
(Newman. 21 former heavy
smoker. reportedly quit 30
years ago.)

When the pair met in the
early I950s. they were just
two struggling actors chasing
auditions in New York City.
The ex-Georgia beauty
queen. all of 23. had been in
and out of casting calls all
day and ducked into her
agent's office to escape the
smoldering August heat. And
there he was. “this gorgeous
Arrow Collar ad in a seer—
sucker suit." she later re-
called. “He looked like he
had just been kept on ice.
And I hated him."

His looks weren‘t the

only minus. The Kenyon Col-
lege grad had recently moved
front Shaker Heights. Ohio.
with his wife. whom he mar—
ried in I949. and their tod-
dler. Scott. Newman had left
his job managing his dad’s
sporting—goods store in order
to become an actor out East.
Afraid of what they felt.
Woodward ordered Newman
to keep away. and the two
avoided each other until
I957. when they were both
cast in the drama The Long.
Hot Summer. With Newman
still married. they started qui—
etly living together. After re—
fusing to grant him a divorce.
Witte finally gave in and ob-
tained one in Mexico. Shortly
after. on Jan. 29. 1958. New-
man and Woodward made it
official. marrying at the Hotel
El Rancho in Las Vegas.
“They just totally took de-
light in one another." actor
James Naughton. one of
Newman’s best friends. tells
Us of the couple’s passionate
romance. “He made her

It was around this time
that Newman‘s career took
off. thanks to iconic roles in
I96I 's “The Hustler." I963's
“Hud” and I9o9's “Butch
Cassidy and the Sundance
Kid." Meanwhile Woodward
chose to focus her life on
their partnership in charity
and helping raise their three
daughters. Nell. 49. Lissy.
47. and Clea. 43. “Joanne re-
ally gave up her career for
me." he said of why he was
so appreciative of the
woman he loved. “To stick
by me. to make the marriage

your daily dose of entertainment, pop culture and fun Pap
9 .
Newman 3

love story

The screen legend and
Joanne Woodward stayed
passionate for 50 years


Not content with being
just a screen legend. Newman
lent his passion to everything
from race-car driving the
owned his own team and
even taught family friend
Jake Gyllenhaal — who calls
the icon “my celebrity godfa-
ther" — how to drive) to po-
litical activism (he stumped
around the country for 1968
Democratic presidential
hopeful Eugene McCarthy)
and that first informal taste-
testing of salad dressings in
Martha Stewart’s kitchen that
launched the Newman’s Own
philanthropic empire.

Besides the triumphs.
there was also heartbreak. On
Nov. 20. I978. his only son.
Scott. 28. died from an acci-
dental overdose of drugs and
alcohol. To honor him. fami-
ly friends started the Scott
Newman Center. a drug—
awareness program.

As for how Woodward is
coping. “she is doing great.“
Naughton told Us Sept. 29.

Their adopted hometown
of Westport isn't taking it as
well. “It is so sad," says a res»
ident. “Exit 17 (off [-95] was
covered in flags." Seconds
Frank DeMace. owner of
Mario's Place. where. nearly
every week for 35 years.
Newman popped in for a
hamburger and a beer: “He
did so much for our commu—
nity." Or as Brad Pitt put it
last year: “I like the way
Newman does it. He's got
such elegance and class to it

Copyright 2008 Us Weekly






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Professional Engineers, Inc. -lAESTE United States - J. M Smucker Company - Johnson & Johnson -
Kansas Department of Transportation - Kentucky Department for Environmental Protection - Kenvirons,
lnc. . Kimley-Horn - Kohrs Lonnemann Heil Engineers - Ky. Transportation Cabinet . L'Oreal USA - L-3

Communications - Lexmark International Inc. . Libsys Inc 0 Lubrizol Corporation - Marathon Oil Company

- Messer Construction . Microsoft - Mosaic Fertilizer, LLC - National Security Agency - New Dimension
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Division - PEBCO® - Progeny Systems Corporation - R.J. Griffin & Company - RW Armstrong -
Schlumberger - Schneider Electric - Skanska . Stantec ' Strand Associates, Inc. . Summit Engineering,
Inc. - TATA Consultancy Services. - Tate & Lyle Ingredients Americas, Inc . Tennessee Valley Authority -
Terex Corporation - Tetra Tech - The Babcock & Wilcox Company - The Kroger Co - Thompson & Litton
Engineering - Toyota Boshoku America (TBA) - Toyota Motor Engineering & Mfg North America - Trane
- Turner Construction Company - U. S. Navy - US. Department of Energy - UK Cooperative Education .

Ulliman Schutte Construction - University of Kentucky - MBA . US Marines Officer Selection Office -
Walbridge - Windstream ° Wright-Patterson Air Force Base


‘ \






October 6, 2008
Page 3


Kelly Wiley

Asst. Features Editor

Phone 2574915
teaturesOkykernel com


Album ‘flops'
but reminder
of hip-hop

De La Soul is as important to hip-hop as the
scratch is to a‘DJ. Aside from being incredible
stage performers and having a reputation (and
the record to prove it) of putting out consistently
dope material. they have giv-
en far more to the culture
than any other group. The
years change. but De La
Soul does not. remaining
loyal to their fomiula and
staying relevant to the new
generations at the same time.
Their fomiula. always keep-
ing their material fresh. rele—







vant and true to self. is the

ANTONET" same fomtula that has won

Kernel them Grammys. kCPl them

headlining music festivals to
this day. and earned them a
spot on the honoree‘s throne
at VHl’s Hip Hop Honors this year. The Strong
lsland crew had a milestone year in 1996. they
let go of longtime producer Prince Paul‘s hand
and began to walk the road on their own. the
product: “Stakes ls High."

“Stakes Is High“ was a commercial flop. It
received mixed revieWs and did poorly in stores.
The three singles to spawn from the album nev-
er made a mark on pop or hip—hop charts. Al—
though seen as a commercial failure. it is con-
sidered by hip—hop heads to be one of De La's
best albums to date. Flaunting production front
the late great J Dilla (then called Jay Dee) and
acting as a launch pad for the career of a young
Mos Def. “Stakes is High" is every hip-hoppers
fall back album. No matter how fed up with hip-
hop you get. “Stakes" will always be there to re—
mind you how great this culture has been to

The reason this album never quite made it
past the smart folks over at Nielsen Soundscan
could have been due to the fact that it was an al—
bum far beyond its years. Today‘s hip-hop is
caught in two phases. One. trying to retum to a
certain era of hip-hop fertility. and two. running
in place right where you are by choosing a gim—
mick that sells records and sticking with it until
fans no longer react positively to it. "Stakes is
High" looked past I996 for inspiration. De La
Soul employed more of their 0th work on this
record than we‘ve ever seen. handling much of
the production themselves so their creative vi—
sion wasn‘t stifled. The vocals are comparable
to driving a 2006 $65 Benz irt 1996 way be-
yond its time. The title track has Trugoy and
Posdnuos defending their beloved hip—hop
against the clichés that were beginning to rear
their ugly heads. Including. but not limited to:
blunts. Versace glasses. slang. half-ass award
shows. name—brand clothes. cocaine and crack.
All things we see in surplus today,

Following the witch hunt against whackness
comes the beautifully crafted. summertime fa-
vorite "Sunshine." A track that can warm the
coldest day and most definitely bring the sun
front behind that one cloud that always steals
your light on a clear day. this track really brings
the crew down to earth. lf yoti think that a mul~
ti—platinum. Grammy 'dWiil'd‘Wlllnlllg rapper is
any different frortt you when it all comes dowit
to it. this song proves that theory wrong. The
classically crafted. boom-bap beat rcllccts the
wannth of the lyrics making this one of those
tracks you can knock out to at Woodland Park
on a Sunday afternoon.

Overall. “Stakes Is High" may have failed to
hit the moon in the public eye. but it definitely
landed among so many other hipAhop classics
that make tip the surrounding stars. The trio
frotti Long island proves beyond a reasonable
doubt that no matter ltow long they are out of
the limelight they will continue to remain rele—
vant to the culture and the millions of us that
make it up. From ")6 ‘til infinity. De La Soul is

Lulu/on Airlom'm is u journalism junior mu!
1hr" production dirt't'roi'fiir WRFL. E-moilfi'rr-
HUNG! ky'ke'rnr'lr 'om

y...»...m},m.w ..._.. ...g.- g _‘



Folds ‘not the same’ but better

kwm y emu .com

In the words of the conductor he‘s “pro-
found and hilarious. sometimes at the same
time.“ ~

Saturday, Ben Folds, alongside the
Louisville Orchestra. put on a concert that
had fans going from their seats to their feet
clapping and cheering the whole time.

The audience for the evening wasn‘t
filled with your average Folds followers, see-
ing as the orchestra performed solo prior to
Folds making his way to the stage. But the
Folds/orchestra duo definitely seemed to
please the ears of the older generation portion
of the audience. I believe this concert may
have gained Folds a new group of listeners.

As Folds played his first song of the
evening. "Zak and Sara." l was a little skep—
tical because I had to strain my ears to hear
Folds above the overbearing orchestra.

But never fear, the first song was no indi-
cation of how the rest of the night would play
out. because the rest of the concert was. in
the words of Folds himself. “f—ing awesome."
with the fans screaming “I love you Ben“ off
and on throughout the entire evening.

The combination of the orchestra and
Folds' rhythmical fingers and quirky char-
acter proved to be enough to win over the
audience as he performed a number of
songs off his hit album. “Ben Folds Live."
which I have to say is one of his better al-
bums. but with the orchestra behind him. in
my view that album is now'his best album.

Songs like “The Luckiest." "One
Down." “Brick." "Fred Jones Pt. 2" and
“Narcolepsy" filled the Kentucky Center for
the Performing Arts in Louisville. which
proved to have better acoustics than the Sin—
gletary Center for the Performing Arts.

Occasionally Folds would spit out a few
tunes from back in the day when Ben Folds
Five was still alive. but other than that he
stayed mostly with songs that were released
since the band split back in 2000.

When we got to the “choir portion of
the evening" the audience seemed ready and
willing to show off their highly off pitch
voices. or maybe the people around me
were just tone deaf. In “Not the Same."
Folds would cue in the audience with his
hands while singing at the same time. creat-
ing a masterpiece like something you would
see on the Sunday moming church hour. At
one point the conductor even offered Folds


. _ _ PHOTO av wunun warms l smrr
Ben Folds rocks out With the Loursvrlle Symphonic Orchestra at the Kentucky Center for the For
forming Arts in Louisville on Saturday

the baton.

As a way of thanking the fans after sev—
eral standing ovations. Folds came back out
for the encore to perform "The Luckiest."

I have to say. after reading a few (‘0 re»
views about his new album “Way to Norv
mal." and doing some research I was itot
holding my breath for an astounding con—
cert. but who was I kiddiiig'.‘ i mean seri-
ously‘. can you remember a time when Folds
pcrfomied a bad concert?

l definitely felt like the lucky one Satur-
day. Folds was hands down on his game.
and l believe the sold-out audience would
agree Folds was "f—ing aw esoittc."




Continued from page 1


band to the point where they can
improvise a bit and still sound
like sortie lost Talking Heads

Same As It Ever Was doesn't
play their subject‘s discography
in order. but they did give it a
quick nod by bringing out the
Talking Heads' first single "Love
-> Building on Fire" fairly early
on. Even though the song never
got released on a studio album. it
was sequestered to compilations
or bonus discs. it‘s an important
part of the band's history and was
given prominence iit Same As It
Ever Was‘ set.

Same As 11 Ever Was also
backed up a long held belief of
mine. if you‘re a Talking Heads
fan. the proper way to dance to
any of their songs is however
Day id Byme does it in their con-

Lead singer Curtis Geren, left, and his band Same As It Ever Was perform ll‘vP
at the grand reopening of The Dame Friday night

cert video “Stop Making Sense."
So that means we all — band in-
cluded ~ ran in place for “Life
During Wartime" and punched
our arms and legs like windup
soldiers for "Swamp." The baitd
even added some nice synchro-
nized jumps every two measures
or so for "Burning Down the
House." That one neyer really
caught on iii the audience ~
probably bccaiise they didn‘t do
it iit "Stop Making Sense."

With dozens waiting outside
for '80s night to begin. Same As
it Ever Was took a quick encore
break before coming out to play
the only hit left: ”Once in a Life—
time." It's the soitg that the band
pulled their name front. so Same
As It [iycr Was used it as an op-
portunity to send the crowd off
into the night — or. more likely.
back into The Dame‘s lounge
area for thc first ‘80s tiiglit at the
new Dante.

It‘s nice to know that some
things ney 01‘ change.

Dim ligltt
The from

their favorite

“The first


tcriiig hole.



Building has‘old
dame-like style, new
features on the side

By Polly Redford



ing. tall boys and loud music are back. The

Dante has rc—opencd and the new location has given her pa-
trons morc rooiit to rock

Now located at 307 li. Main $1.. The Home i‘cittains one
of l.c\ingtoit\ layoritc i:ightspots as witncsscd by ilic t'll‘\\ti
of followers \\ ho slioyy ed up,

While the old location was nothing mote than a once
rooitt bar. dance floor and clcyatcd stage. the new place oi
tcrs more scaring. lounge areas and additional biii .iicas
Though the new location at Main Street l.i\c may \L‘<,‘lll till
unlikely home for this quirky bat. the omtcrs hay c managed
to keep the location .is authentically iitdic as the old spot

remit still boasts the saittc buxom NSlis pinup

posters. red accent lighting and the fun diye bai appeal oi ibc
old place. Two connected rooms oftcr three additional bars
artd a stairway takes patrons to a root dcck. which oyci‘looks
the entertainment complex

Soritc fans of the taittiliar haunt had some concerns lllal

bars‘ new location might be d change z’oi tlic

worse. biit those fears were put to TC\l .iticr ihc l-i'iday night

bar l e\ er went to was The Dante.” said .lcssic

(‘riswelL a psychology senior. “l \\c‘ltl lOl’ my _‘lst birthday.
so when the building came do“ ii I \Hls really upset. Bin tum
seeing the new place. l can't wait to hay c inorc nicmorics

It seems that most of The Dantc‘s fans were more than
willing to give the new location a try. Tickets for the opening
show. headlined by Same As [1 F.\ er Was. sold out by 11
pm. Surprising considering the new \ptii has by icc the cur
pacity of the last location.

Behind tltc bars are familiar faces iioiti the prc\ 'o'os \\.l

"lf you like the old Dame. you .\\lll like our new piacc
We are still going to have the same bands come back and
hopefully sortie bigger acts will follow said Michael Harp
er. a bartender

Twenty—two ounces ol undeniable rock and roll street cred is
back at the Dame to make the city of l.c\iitgton .i little toiigltcr

rss WEB airs res tests: as» as
re met their own as: asset.

The (ampui Calendar is produmd by the ()“iie ot Student Arriwriei, Leaderthio & involvement Registered Student Orqs and UK Dents (an sunny! r‘oir‘t‘a’inr‘ tor FREE on! ’V‘ OM WEEK PRiOP to the MLWDAV “timer on i to appear (a 2574867 ‘n' v r‘ "‘0'”: r. '

“OLive Music, 8:00
PM, Singletary
”Center .
OSolar Car Team
Meeting, 7:00 PM
DV Terrell
Building (Behind
OVOX: Voices for
Parenthood , 8:30
PM, SC 228

OUK Trap and
Skeet Practice,
7:00 PM, Bluegrass
Sportsman League


0National Student
Exchange Info
Session, 12:30 PM,
102 Miller Hall
Screening Day,
~10200 AM,‘WT

' Young Library

OUK Trap and
Skeet Practice,

. 7:00 PM, Bluegrass
_ Sportsman League

OUK Famil

OCampus Cruasde

for Christ, 7:30
PM, Center
Theatre in the
Student Center
OCats that Care
meeting, 7:00
PM, Room 249

0Comedy Caravan, 8:00
PM, UK Student Center
Cats Den
oEngineering & High
Tech Career Fair, 10:00

' AM, UK Student Center '
OUK Trap and Skeet
Practice, 7:00 PM,

Contest, 9

7:00 PM,

°Wall Painting

oUK Trap and
Skeet Practice,

y OSpeaking Engagement]
Judge Marvin S.
Arrington, Sr. 6:00 PM
lmani Missionary Baptist
Church, 1555
Georgetown Road
-UK Family Weekend
OWall Painting Contest,
9:00 AM, MLKCC


Eluegrass Sportsman Student Center Bluegrass

“9”? . oUK Tra and S ortsman

OFree Seabird Concert, SK 1: P p t'C L23 ue .UK Family Weekend

8:00PM, Memorial Hall ee rac I e, g bUK at /H .
ance U8 omecomin

Amphitheater 7:00 PM,

'UKCCO All Call, 7200 r 55
‘ PM 106 Student Center ’ g'uei'izasrian
« Olnterviewing like a Star, p0

4:00 PM, 38.: Room 248 League

OFellowship of Christian
Athletes, 8:00 PM, Room
211 of the Student


5K RunNValk For the Ki 5
3:00PM Commonwealth
Stadium-Green Lot

OWall Paintin Contest,

9:00 AM, M CC

OUK Trap and Skeet .
Practice, 7:00 PM, Bluegrassi
S ortsman League

0 exas Hold‘Em
Tournament, 1:00 PM UK
Student Center Cats en





 PAGEQ | Monday October 6, 2008


Scholar attempts to
answer 'Who is Jesus?’

B_y__ Coumioy Chatfin

news sakykernel com

Stacks of books. iiioiies and critical es»
says about Hirii exist, but who exactly is Jesus

Bert Witherington. a professor at As—
bury Theological Seminary in Wilmore.
Ky, will discuss Jesus. who Christians be—
lieve is the only Son of God, 'in a free
speech Monday. The speech. from 7 to 9
pm. will be in the auditorium of the WT.
Young Library.

During “Will the Real Jesus Please Stand
Up'.’.“ Witherington said he will discuss “who
the historical Jesus really was. and why he
has been the most important and influential
person in all of huma