xt7nzs2k9n2m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7nzs2k9n2m/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2007-04-13 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 13, 2007 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 13, 2007 2007 2007-04-13 2020 true xt7nzs2k9n2m section xt7nzs2k9n2m ONE LOVE FOR ANOTHER




APRIL 13,3007

Assistant volleyball coach to leave the team to
be with her military fiance SEE SCORE PAGE 3





VP candidate wants to bring his research to UK

By Jill Luster
,Iastenflkykernel corn

The third candidate for vice presi-
dent for research to visit campus said
yesterday that he vv ants to bring re»
search from his Texas lab to Ken-

”I‘m not going to spend a whole
lot of time trying to grovv tmy re-
search). but I‘m going to try and
maintain that because I believe it can
be beneficial." said James R. Halpert
of the University of Texas Medical
Branch at Galveston.

Halpert said seeing firsthand hovv
research operates at [K vyill give him

insight on hovv to grovv and improve
research here.

When he met vvith Provost Kum-
ble Subbasvv'ainy Monday
night as part of the intervievv
process. they agreed Halpert‘s
research vvould continue only
if time allowed. Halpert said.

“We agreed that if the
time came vvhen that was no
longer the case. I‘d know
what to do." Halpert said.

Another vvay to fix prob—
lems in the research program
is to find out vv hat faculty and
staff have to say. Halpert said. Hovy—
ev'er. he also said he believes in the


benefits of formality and using meet.


"I do not have an open door pt‘lle
cy because I feel that fritters
avyay time." Halpert said.
"Of course. if there is an
emergency. you can get in
touch vyith me."

Personal accountability
is a better vvay to try to
solve problems. Halpert

"I don't believe in luck."
Halpert said. "I don‘t be-
lieve in good luck. I don‘t

believe iii bad luck."

“I believe you take responsibility

for vvhat happens." he said.

Another of the issues raised at the
open forum \v as vs hether the arts and
sciences vvould receive the same
amount of funding as scientific re

“I almost becatne a professor of

Scandinavian language and literature
because I vvas so interested in the liti-
manities." Halpert said.

Halpert received his bachelor's
degree in Scandinavian Languages
after studying abroad in vaeden as
an undergraduate. He vvent on to earn
a PhD. in biochemistry in vaeden in
1077. His experience in different
fields \vould help him as vice presi~

dent for research. he said

“I guess I feel I do vsalk the walk
and talk the talk." Halpert said

Funding for researchers in the arts
and humanities vvill come in large
part frorii small graiits although the
prospects for grants are different than
he thought troin online research. he

“Despite the fact that on paper
there's a substantial amount of small
graiits available. many are signifi-
cantly under funded." Halpert said.
“We need to grovv the pie."

Some DI the money to increase

See Vl’ o'1 page 5


install Wind

turbine at

Arboretum ‘

Bi Keflniwsto"
kcolston@kykernel com

Students set up a symbolic statement of al~
ternative energy a small homemade vyind
turbine at L'K‘s Arboretum yesterday as part
of Earthdays in the Bluegrass.

“Symbolically. it shovvs that \ve are going to
have to change our energy economy." said
Shane Tedder. a student affairs officer for Resi—
dence Life.

Biology and chemistry senior Andrevs
Hitron pitched the idea of a mud turbine during
brainstorming meetings for Earthday's in the

“I says a design for
it and thought it yvas a
fun thitig to do." Hitron

The turbine vvill
charge a battery bank
and light a poster disv
playing the effects and
benefits of vv ind energy.
With a 35 mile per hour

l‘llTRON vvind. the turbine cart
:1 vii-m my generate tip to seven
rt ems“. sen J amps. Hitron said.
W. . The turbine wasn't
pm a cool idea for al~
temative energy. he said

"It‘s more than alternative energy.‘~ Hitron
said. "It's green liv ing.”

The turbine creates energy vv hen vyind hits
the propellers. ttiniing a treadmill motor that is
attached to the batteries.

“It has a cool factor to it." Tedder said. ”It‘s
going to be a cool display of \y ind povver."

Tedder vv asn‘t sure if another turbine vvould
be set up at the Arboretum anytime soon

"It vvoiild have to be a Joint decision be-
tvyeen different groups." Tedder said. "Maybe
vve‘ll stick vvith iust one."

Arboretum director Marcia Farris. \veIA
coined the turbine

“We me happy to have it here." I‘arris said.

See Turbine on page 5

"It's more
than alternative
energy. It's
green living."


to present work

By rKristinWSrligrrard

news©kykernel com

A nationally-known photographer Will be
on campus tonight to present some of his own
work and to speak to students interested in

Bill Frakes. Sports Illustrated staff photog-
rapher and former Nevv spaper Photographer of
the Year. will be speaking at 6 pm. in Room
I03 of the White Hall Classroom Building.
The event is sponsored by ['K Photojournal-

UK Photojournalism. originally called The
Dirty Dozen. was created three years ago by
Dave LaBeIIe. the Kentucky Kernel‘s current
photojournalism adviser. At that time. many
students were interested in photography. but
were unable to take photo classes because of
time conflicts. said Ed Matthews. the group's

See Photo on page 5

first Tum mo. Subsequent luau 25 com.


ow. swab?“




A'igie Ortega, a inasac :iertorma'ire 'na;or, prepares: oat‘kstage ‘vestevaa. rie‘iire “er ‘o'wir recta? The Centre Twas,» ‘ S' . :w f as "7*.”

Angela ()rtcga. a musical
pcitormancc major. held her
junior recital at the ( Icntcr
'l‘hcatcr in the Student
(Icntcr last night. ()itcga
shovv'cascd her talent as a
singer and an alto saxophone
player. The recital also fea-
tured 'l‘cdrin Blair I .indscy
on piano and ( Ihris Strange
on tenor saxophone.

Angie Ortega, left, and Chris: Strange warnn up before Orteoa s 'ec tal yeste'dav i" the CNS“ ..
Ortega and Strange Wtz'e rier‘ormi'ig ”Honeysuckle Rose ' A'tt iv Ram‘ a'i’l T"."*rii ya m :t .'

ttwr war'ri ill)

Musicians bring “magical mystciy’ to I,.exington

By Meghan Cain

mcainftkykernel com

Several years ago. a “spontaneous compo-
sition" happened in a hotel room in Kansas

Tvv'o musicians fused their unusual musical
tastes and talents to create a sound that com»
bines traditional Irish folk vvitli Appalachian

Roger Landes and (‘hipper Thompson used
their ability to play the bou/ouki. a pear
shaped. long-neck. fretted instrument. to birth
“Janissary Biomp." a predominantly IIT\lrtl~
mental (‘1) influenced by vyorltl music such as
African and Arabic sounds.

The tvvo vvill share their unique sound vvith
I‘K today at noon and 7 pm in the Viles
(iallery and vsith the rest of Lexington on Sat
urday at Joseph-Beth Booksellers at 2 pm. and
Natasha's (‘afé at 9 pm

“Our music is an invitation to get your feet
vvet Wllh beautiful music from around the
vsorld that you don't get to hear everyday."

l.aiidcs said "It is a magical mystery musical
tour that Is intense. Inn and not. like anything
else you are liable to hear ”

They have been \sorking on ".lanissary
Stomp" sIIILL‘ lltllll but didn't release it nation
ally until November The shovvs in I.e\ington
are the first in a tvvorvveek road tour

"We reali/cd ysc might as yyell treat this
like a nevv recording." I andes said “After sev
cral years. vve are novv trying to get out and do
a little more yvith the music to see \vhat people
think of it "

l.aiidcs and Thompson met about ti\c years
ago through Stephen ()vvsley Smith. the man
vv ho built both of their boii/oukis They mime
diately liked each other‘s inusit and vvanted to
play together, but their musical paths did not
align at the time. Iandes said

"It took quite a “hllC for us to actually do
anything together because vie couldn‘t think ot
any nevy music to compose so vve could play
together." Landes said

Eventually. they vvrote a swampy-blues
like song together This song channeled a

shared :iisti’tiiiicntal conccp' and opened the
door for them to create more musii together

"Bevaiise vie had “HITCH one song togetb
er. it gave Us a hint of \shat the record tould be
about.” lendes said -\ lot ot the music vve
liked vye had in common. like (‘ellie ‘\T.ihl(
and Turkish intisic "

They began to throvv notes out to one an
other and eventually treated chord progres—
sioris that turned into melodic fragments and
finally songs. I endes said

"\Iost of the IIIlI\IL tame trom rust sitting
dovvn vyith our instruments and playing our
ideas. and then the other vsoiild immediately
react and this “wild prompt another reaction.
and ii \\l‘llltl “itlsl keep going.” l CITLlL“ said

Once the songs vsere vyritten. lendes and
Thompson thought some of them had a narrav
me that merit along “lllT the \ ibe of the music
Novs they tell these stories during their live
performani'cs as background on the song

“We \yould have people some up to us af»
ter shovvs and ask it the story vsas on the CD."

sop Bouzoulti on page 5

Newsroom: 25.74915. Advertising: 257-2872


 PAGE 21 Friday, April 13, 2007

your daily dose of entertainment pop culture and fun Kernel ‘ a.





















@ Horoscopes"

By Linda C Black

70 get the advantage, check the
day's rating. 70 is the easrest day, 0
the most cha/leng/ng

Aries (March 21 — April 19)
Today lS a 6 he hard for you not
to worry when you dont know
which direction to go Hide out and
set priorities now, take action on

Taurus (April 20-May 20) To»
day is a7 Conditions for celebra-
tion look good With one minor limi-
tation it you spend recklessly, you'll
hate yourself in the morning
Gemini (May 21-June 21) To
day is a 7 Talking with friends,
you realize the most rnterestrng
ones are passronate about their oh
iectryes Don't let the naysayers
stop you

Cancer (June 22-July 22) . To-
day rs a 7 - Postpone that trip out
of town until tomorrow at the least
Avoid complications that could arise
by Simple procrastination

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) Today lS
a 6 — Not a good time to gamble,
or even to do much shopping
Things you buy Vylll be the wrong
srze, color, style or configuration
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) ~ Today
IS a 6 W You're wise to work With a
partner who has a bold decisrye
manner Rather than arguing, let this
person represent your interests Let
him or her argue for you

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) . Today
is a 7 The good news is that
theres plenty of work The trad
news however is that you wont
have much time left for fun Can you
manage to enjoy your yob7

Scorpio (Oct. 23—Nov. 21) To»
day is a 6 You are sorely tempt
ed to buy toys and lottery tickets
Yuri want to Shower your sweet
hr art yrtlr gift s and really CllJUV


your wealth, None of these are
good ideas, and you know why
Sagittarius (Nov. 22—Dec. 21)
Today is a 6 You might decrde
you‘d rather hang out at home than
go racrng about If you do go out,
take care, guard against a chill
Wear lots of layers

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
Today is a 7 . You're not as careful
as you were, as you begin to find
discrepancies Your expectations are
not exactly matching your results
Don't give up, do have a decaf latte
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) w To-
day rs a 7 A generous gift helps
you Stretch your resources Luckily
you will suryiye Now, put asrde
enough to get you through the next
lean phase

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) , To-
day is a 7 Stand up for your
rights Don't let anyone talk you out
of them it Will he perfectly OK to
prtrh a fit, if you most

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I‘I'Ie Di$H

Kate 8: Owen:
Nothing to Hide

"I love Ktitc litidsoiil‘ [fukc
Wilson tclls l's ot his brother
Owen Wilson‘s girltriciid. "She s
a very nice girl." ()vycn clc.rrl_\
agrees. Attcr rekiridling his ro-
mance with the actress. 37. ii
February (follosting ti tytrr
month split). the star. 38. has not
been shy about sharing his t’ccl-
tugs. During a dinner dritc at
Santa Monica. California's l\'_\
on the Shore March 30. thc)
smooched outside on the patio
for all to see. "They were coir
staintly touching. kissing rind
whispering." sags ii rcsttiurunt -
staffer. Adds one close friend ot
Hudson: "They'rc rcull) happy."
Must be. Thrcc days earlier. tlic
couple were spotted sharing it
drive togethcr in Malibu. (‘tllla
forms. and that night. s;i_\s ti
source. ()vr en slept at her house.

Jennifer 8r Marc:
Making Sweet Music

At Llll NYC listening part)
for her now (‘1). Como Aiiiti
Una Muicr (How it Woman
Lows). .lcnnitcr Lopc/ showed
tans cxuctl) that while scrcritrd
iiig liubb) Marc Anthony " l‘hc)
kcpt looking at cacli other." an
oiilookcr Lll thc singer's March
27 Spotlight Liic gig tclls l s.
"Marc “its dancing and singing.
Hc mouthcd along to mcri
song " .\l one poiiil. Anthon).
38. \xho \H‘tilt’ sonic turics on
tlic ‘dlhlllll. )orncd lopcl. 17. iii
a duct. With their heads rust
inches apart. the Witness s.i}s.
"tlic_\ song into t rch otlicr's

tacos and “CR rc ill_\ into c icli

other.‘ When the song cndcd.
Anthony gloc Lopc-I ii kiss on
lllt‘ lltllk‘llt'tltl tllttl sht‘ prtv
clriiriicd. "Hints [1]} bob)?" 'l‘hc
duos sciitiiiicntalit) docsnt stir-
pi‘isc oiic sourcc. “ho s.t)‘s that
during rchctirsul. the couple
\iould lock c)cs us the) wing.
"It “as rcull) intense." s'.i_\s thc
iiisrdcr 'I tell likc l “as intrud-

The Hunk from 'Ugly Betty'

"ll someone told me I was
going to lllllrl') soniconc from
high school. 1 uould'vc told
them they‘re out ol' their minds?"
l'gl} lit-it) star Eric Mabius
tells l's. Yet that's exactly what
hc did. 1) ing the knot a year ago
to l\\ Slicriii in (they “CFC once
in tlic s imc sax cd clltss). Thcst
tl.i)s. tltc duo are busy lctiming
about their lll-niontli-old son.
Max, "Wc just “cut to tlic
lllt)\‘lC\ tor tlic tirst time since
bct'orc he was born.” slr}s thc
star. 35 "We says 1100‘ A light.
i'oiiiiuitic comedy! No. but it
was grczit."

Heder's Real-lite Partner!

ls .ltin lit‘tlc‘i"s “tic oi. i‘l\t‘
_\c;irs. ls'rrstcii . \sho's duc to
dcli\cr‘ their lirst bub) an)
riiinirtc tipptrllcd b) thc \Pttll-
gliiig outrtits lic sports in Blades
ot' ( ilon ’ ' \o shc lowd ill" tltc
ticxtor J). tclls L s. We got phoa
tos ot thcm lust and she clicckcd
IllL‘lll oil and stud. "l‘htit onc's
()K I‘liis onc s got to go'” The
roiitiric isn't 11C“. hc sti_\s: "l 'dl-
mos gct the mic s approval I
don‘t knots il I could CVcr do
soriicthiiig shc hutcd‘

Jonathan Rhys Meyers:
Sexy and (is lant

Jonathan Rl1)s Mcscrs st.ir-
ring rolc in Showiiriic s luscious
ncis druiiiia 'l'hc 'l‘udors rii.i_\
cam liini iiiorc lt‘lllttlc' .ittciiiioii
tliriri met. but his girlt’ricnd.
Rccna litiniincr. isiit ictilous
"ll‘s bccri tic.ti'l\ llli'c‘c‘ )t'nr‘s. so
I‘m Used to it b) now" the (‘lgts
sics studcnt. Ill. lclls l s ”Hcs
\cr)‘ good. soil knots." l‘\c|t
whcn hc's Vioiking. thc liish tic
tor 2‘). nirikcs timc tor roiii iiicc
Hammer s tu\oiitc gcsturc ot
his" When he surpriscd her on
Valentine's Day in Shanghai
"He Was shooting in (tuna and
was very eager to lc;i\'c this sc\~
cricoursc diniicr curl}. rind I
couldn't figure out “in."
"But oncc uc got to thc
hotcl. it was rill tloucrs and tan
dlcs. lt \\£l\ lowly" l‘lic l.onA
doiibuscd couple itisl bought a
house togcthcr in l. A . could
kids bc thc iicxt proiccl ' '\\'c ll
slic says. "I‘m still tiiiitc

Naveen Andrews:
Happily Unhitched!

l‘hc_\‘\'c spent iicnrl) .i
dcctidc dating on Lllltl on. but
don't cs'pcct \icddirig bclls tor
Lost \l‘dl' Nin'ccri :\lltll't‘\\s and
tictrcss Bartram llci'slic). 5‘}
The Londonrborn .rtroi. ‘X. tclls
l's tlicyrc hripp) to kccp dritiiig
"l'm lroiii lziuopc. liii rt snob
and \\c dont bclic\ c in rii.irritrgc
» but you llL‘\Cl kitois.” s;i_\s llic
tathcr ot tuo. "lts tl iiicc



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April 1 l,

Chris Miles
Asst. Sports Editor
cmiles@kykernel com


B.\Sl\'l{’l‘l&.\l.li N()’l‘l€ll( )()l\'

Gillispie focuses on
staff, recruits for now

By Chris Miles

trrtvrlestvkemel L‘Otrt

In onl} sr\ days as the head
coach ol the ("K ineii‘s basket
ball learn. Hill} (iilltspie \Jlti
he has alrcatl) begun
work on llt.‘\l season's

“lt's hccn last and
lut'ious and that‘s the
\sa) Hike it," (iillrspic
said in his ltrst nuns
coiilet'eiit'c \lllL‘C hung
lllllllL’tl ‘as head coach
last l‘t'itla). "lWL‘ hL‘L‘It
hustling. trying to get
C\t'r_\lhlll:.! organi/ctl.”

Dunnev that tune, (iillistiic
said he has hardl} had time to
breathe and take the “hole \llllr
ation in.

()ltL‘ of his prirnar) ohret
Ines has been to put together
lits coaching statt. a progess he
said he is doing; eaicltilli

"\oti \\ant to get it done as
quu'kl} as possihlc. hut not lot
as tittit’lsl) as Ptt\\li‘lL"\ saint.“
(itlltsptc said ”“t‘ t’at‘ h.i\-.
the host stall in the \Ullll‘i_'~ "

(irllispic said that he is
looking loi’ (nachos that are
rnultialitiictisronal. and are not
oiil) tottisetl on reti‘tiitiiig or

"I want gins that are yet,
ting read} to he head coaches."
(iiilispit' said

One tittsslhlc assl‘slatll ls ,ic
rein) (kn. “ho \torketl \\ith
(iillrspic at IC\.1\ .-\&'.\1 and
has started working: \\ ith him at
l'K. hut has not been ollrt‘iall}
htrsd. (itlllsptc said

(‘o\ is "\sa}. via} high up
on our lrst." (iillispre said.

(iillrspig is looking: l'or
coaches that lth to haw tint
and come onto the court \\ itli a
smile on their tau: he said

"At Kentucky )ou should
haw the absolute best stall in
the country"

UK late in recruiting

(‘ortit‘itliiitv \\rth the sear'th
lot a coaching' stall. (irllispie is
also looking tor r’t't'ttiits to till
out his squad

"()ut ictirrcntt roster ts del-
rnitcl} not “here it needs to
he" he said. "I think things are
stable l:\ct'_\otie hll(t\\s ut-
haw \xoi‘k to do on our roster “

(irllrspic “l“ haw three
\(llOit’tl'\illlt\ a\ai|;ihlt' tor the
2007708 season 'I\\o r‘cttuits
have alreatl) signed “till 1 is
last tall lor‘uat‘tl .\ J, Stewart

ol .lacksomtllc. Ha . anti \lrkc



\\tlliarn~-. oi .»\lc\aiith‘ia_ \a
Speculation tixe‘l' \KitL’th’l’ {‘7
loot-ll (enter [)Cr\lldll‘ Jordan.
the No 2 high school center in
the nation \\ ho signed \srth
Tt-sas .»\&.‘\l. “I” come to l'K
has "CU” incl) \ttit’t‘
(iillispic took the Job
Jordan has not an
trounced an} s\\llt'h to
Us lt'oin AN \1

(iillisruc saitl he is
looking.v tot ict‘i'uits
uho are \HIHPL’IHHK'
and team oriented

[wen late iii the to
(illihl‘lL‘ said he is tr)
in}v to him; the h\'\l
possible recruits to {K and he
doesn't think there \\ill he a
pt‘ohlt‘ni “hen it portics to
httrltlrii; a squad tot nut sea

"tn-i} plast-r \\rli help tis
\\ in." he sartl

(the lhrti: (rilherit' said he
mil .lo a lot o: is rtxrurt pla}
t.'l\ at an tai‘l} age

’I fhrrri. “(if he \qr\. ten


sclt'ttrtt' It: rtw~ rtirtiti: and \\t- It
he I.ci\. \eri aggresstw at an
earl) agt'

(rillrsprc sartl he '.\rll set!
C\Cl‘\lillll:_‘ that is print ahout
[is to ka'l the plrwrs that are
llk‘kk'\\tll'} in the tuturc

”\M'ic your: to so ‘»\hk'l\"-
CI no ham to go to rcpt-art the
host plajtt'rs .uitl \\tll rh iinrir
onships her-3’

Coach gets to know team

\ltcr last \wt‘k's ltt,‘\'\\ uIti
lci’cnu- and pep rally several
current plaurs said the}
thought (iillrsprc u as crithusr
astit' about the no“ rob and
the} Here t'\trtt'tl to rila) tor

Srirtt' l‘r'ttla_\_ the learn has
had liilk'k' \iiitll ‘tMIt'lsiIUls.
(itihsprc saitl

"l‘hrs \trll possrhl} tx-Hrirrc
a real tun It‘tllll to toath It
looks to tire that thcx'll t-urm
plastiig: ”

Ht" sari] liv: \\.is
ahout the tcaru aiit' \(‘Hik‘ «It the
itlLlUI\ he dr-lu‘? .Ktrnu nets
r'Ii‘t setrt iii the lL‘dlll

"I think the) it hcttci than I
thought. a iit'lt‘ hrt."(iillisruc
sartl "\M' haw \lllllL' gun that

u \t lit‘ti

haic the ahrlrt) to he ix‘tlkik'i‘
"lt'll he a hard \mi'kiirg:

» t r
It‘att‘. I! l: l‘«‘ .r t rtIst' lx' :tt‘



last s:\ i'atiics anti int-tr law ott at'arris!

Ill g

for racist remarks about the Rutgers womens basketball team




He has flourished in a culture that permits
(2 tain level of objectionable expression that

hurts and demeans a wide range of people."
— CBS President Leslie Moonves on the decrsron to tire radio host Don Imus

Coach to quit to be with fiance serving in Army




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\s a plau'i at \ehrasia: out «I: the tort trint'tarris Dowling 4

Cats look for momentum against \aridy







it‘ W't’rl’h'stlriv 7" s

' Vitae 'h ‘ at ”tt‘

Dewayne Oxford bitches during their 8 " at tw-
weeketrtt the Cats wrll tare I,“ dIHI'Wl NI:

\tttr opt-urn}; tht‘ scasoii \\tlil a W
thItllt‘ \‘Zl‘rlllll: sti‘ca‘k. the ('ats ham~ hit a
nail \irth a llllit‘ more than a month to
pla_\ in the 't‘fgllial' season. In the ( ats

Mast-Hail \il.‘s‘lr\.:

\\titurs \sstxiatrori
"Hm it a unlit grunt \ Itih’ st‘i‘tot 'hr: \t rtl Li- s "
utilit\ plan: \ltkt' ltruun sartl ’Hri! rw

By Eric Lindsey shim; l is has i tour It tttc'r 3.»! ':I t- :-~ '
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tshnut the Fara: s rcttut struggles 'Ilmr ' :tir. ' ' a .'


\w E \rliltit'lhlll mm the “Ck'hk'llli \nuht ts'm ti s 1min IIrtflIrrI.‘ to tire tight rum 'ra'ar
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3565 4 | Friday. April 13, 2007


Continued from page 3

[am (40 gap/aged 0/ 64mm; in [eathglan/

with her husband to Georgia -. and wherever K; ’

else the Anny wants to send them after Fundings- a
n )t‘te'

land‘s 10-month training stint.
"One thing that brought us together is that
{715 Mc'lro/asy ”’1‘ Rd
is now accepting applications for:

Continued from page 3


we're both so passionate about what we do,“
Dow ling said. “My passion can be moved and his
can‘t be. and I'm willing to do that.

“The passion that l have I see in him. and I
know you can't give it up. And l‘m willing to do
that for him."

The hardest pan of Dowling's decision was
telling Skinner. her mentor. But the UK head
coach supported her.

"They‘re doing this thing together." Skinner
said. “He‘s made a commitment to the country.
That's a pretty special thing that very few of us

Very few of as cart really understand this sto-
ry. Those of us who love sports can‘t understand
walking away frorri a career in the industry.
Those of us who haven't found “the one" can‘t
understand the choices you have to make when
you do find that person. But we can all under-
stand .. and admire 7* the most important parts
of this story: Love of another person. sacrifice for
the country and the importance of making tough

So when Jenae Dowling becomes Jenae
Fundingsland and leaves her job in May. she‘ll
leave behind volleyball at least for the time
being. She hopes to coach again at some level. ei»
ther in high school or club because "once volley-
ball is in your blood. it‘s hard to get out."

But there‘s something more important in the
blood of Fundingsland and Dowling. There's a
special selflessness: a selflessness for each other
and for the country. There’s a desire to serve and
a desire to sacrifice.

Arid above all. there‘s love.

case for the honor with batters
managing just a .l9l batting av»
erage off of him.

“It's a big challenge for Us."
Brown said. “We're just going
to play our game against hllll.
We‘re not going to swing at his
pitches and his slider outside the
strike zone."

The series will also be spe- l’VC‘ offer:
cial as UK will honor the family . 'l'np wages and ran-CH” btinusc's
"f “W"‘cf Pl‘Ch" 1"" H‘“’k""- 3‘ o ( ciniplimentat‘y shift meals daily
"“1”" 0‘ “'3'“? 5"” i“ “'“0' Medical, Dental. Vision. Life Insurance
grass Airport. with a ceremony. . Paid Vacations

Th" 0‘“ “'H Pk“C “” l“‘”’ 0 Fun and Learning Atomosphere
orary emblem on the old right—
field scoreboard before the game
on Saturday at (‘liff Hagan Sta~

Hooker. a London. Ky. ria—
tive. was a UK letterrnan from
1998-200l under former head
coach Keith Madison. He signed
a free agent contract with the
Chicago White Sox in 2(i(il folA
lowing his career with the (arts.

"I think it‘ll be an emotional
time." ('ohen said. "There will
be a lot of folks front London
that are going to come. I think
it’s a very important day for our
program and for the state of

Dowling played a role in the remarkable tum-
around of the program. helping Skinner captain
the Cats to back~tcrback NCAA 'loumament trips
for the first time since ”92-93.

One night in December during last season.
her second at UK. Dowling went out with
friends. On the dance floor at a local club. she
met Steven Fundingsland. who is finishing his
degree at UK with a plan to serve as an infantry
officer in the US. Anny.

“We knew pretty qurckly that there was a
connection." she said.

Dowling told Fundingsland that she was a
volleyball coach at UK.

"The next day. he showed up at our game."
she said. “But he left before I had a chance to talk
to him. I'm not sure if he knew how the whole
coaching thing worked."

The two talked plenty in the ensuing weeks
and soon became serious in their relationship.

"After about a month and a half. I knew she
was the one." Fundingsland said.

Five months after they met, Fundingsland
and Dowling got engaged.

And then Jenae Dowling had a decision to
make. She knew that Fundingsland would be sta-
tioned in Georgia for at least lti months after his
graduation. and she knew she couldn‘t live in
(ieorgia and coach volleyball at UK.

So Dowling made a choice.

As she prepared to rriarry a man who will
soon make a sacrifice for his country. Dowling
decided to sacrifice her career in the sport she
loy es. She resigned her coaching job at [K to go

51 RV] RS 0 Is'l'l't‘lll N .\l.\\' \(d R\
h' \KIHNIH ly’.\ 0 AIM ill .\
HUS'I‘ llUSI'I-SS O .\.\\()( [HI \I \.\’.\(.1I\‘s



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Saturday April 14““, 2007
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Friday the 13th brings out superstitions

By Chris Miles

cmiles@kykernel corn

stitrori. he d get neryoUs during ac am

I think we are all superstitious by na
ture Brown said. “l think (head coach Rich
Brooksi and coach Heller. our Director of
Football Operations. they go to Btirger King
every Friday or something like that iust to
keep the good luck going."

Brooks said his superstitions are not
necessarily flashy.

“I probably have some
when we get on a winning streak.
very much and not very exciting."
“Only when things are going good."

Brown said there is nothing w rong for
players or coaches to have superstitions. aricl
they are natural.

“When yoti are having success. you
don‘t want to do anything to change tip that
success. because we are creatures of habit.”
Brown said.

“I don‘t even think about it like that."
.lohnson said. "We‘ll see this season if it‘s
cool or if it‘s an unlucky number. [‘11 _|ll\l
take it for what it is."

New UK defensive coordinator Steve
Brown said he thinks everyone in
the sports world is superstitious.

“Especially coaches." Brown
said. “When you are winning you
try to repeat by either eating at the
same place or wearing the same
things. saying the same things. we
are _rust superstitious by nature."

And that includes himself.

"When I was a player. at every
home game before a game and Mar
the moming meeting I would go to

.lack-rn-thc—Boy. get my two breakfast

Jacks. drive the satire road. say hi to the

same people in the Astrodomc. made sitre I

shook the same people‘s hand and if they

weren't there I made sure l found them."

Brow u said.

If he didn‘t complete his personal supcrr

Tickets are only $5

Friday the 13th is Just another spring
practice day for the {K football team.

Though nothing is weird about
today for the players. there is a tradi—
tion of superstition belirnd it. There‘s
also a tradition of superstitions in

"I could tell you one thing that
nobody really knows about." said in»
mm yyide receiver Steve lohrisori.
who wears th