xt7nzs2k9k2h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7nzs2k9k2h/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1989-02-20 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 20, 1989 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 20, 1989 1989 1989-02-20 2020 true xt7nzs2k9k2h section xt7nzs2k9k2h  

Kentucky Kernel

Vol. XCII, No. 113

Estwllshed 1894

University of Kentucky. Lexington, Kentucky

Independent since 1 971

Monday. February 20, 1989


Duke snears at threats that he will be banned from GOP

Associated Press

NEW ORLEANS Newly elected state
Rep. David Duke, a former Ku Klux Klan
leader, said yesterday that blacks and
Jews have nothing to fear from him and
scoffed at the notion he would be banned
from the GOP and not be sealed by the
state Legislature

“l repudiate any racial or religious inlol»
erance,” Duke said at a news conference
“Any group racial or religious has
nothing to fear from l)aVid Duke."

Duke. 38. squeezed out a 227Avote victory
over hornebuilder John 'l‘reen. 63. to rep
resent a nearly all—white llouse district in
Metairie. a suburb of New tirleans. Duke
received H.459 votes. or 50.7 percent. to

'l‘reen's 8.232, or 49.3 percent. in Satur-
day 's election,

Duke registered as a Republican two
days before qualifying for the race, After
Duke‘s stunning success in the Jan. 21 pri—
mary. the national party sent three advisw
ers to help his mild-mannered opponent
and persuaded President Bush and former
President Reagan to endorse 'l‘reen.

Duke became an international spokesr
man for the Klan in the 1970s as grand wiy.»
ard of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. As
a teenager he was photographed in a Nazi

US. senators. the governor and other
community leaders of both parties warned
that a Duke Victory would ruin the state‘s
reputation and harm already tenuous race

While Duke said he was extending a

hand in friendship to the Jewish commu»
nity and inviting his opponents to talk Wllll
him. he did not mince words on where he
stands on civil rights and af’firiiiative act

“I'm for getting the government out of
our personal lives. I'm not for any law for
segregation or integration.” he said. "The
right not to associate is just as precious as
the right toassik'iate.“

Dukes Victory was denounced by llillltill'
al Republican t‘hairman lice Atwater. who
vowed to have Duke censured and barred
from using the (it )P name,

“David Duke is not a Republican] .\t
water said iii a statement "He‘s a prc
tender. a charlataii and a political oppor
tunist who is looking for any organization
he can find to try to legitimize his views of

racial and religious and iiitol

“We repudiate him in his views and we
are taking immediate steps to \(‘t‘ that he
is disenfranchised from our party ‘

“Is he going to censure lltt' lor my past“
How many Republicans. how many l)t'lltli
crats haye done controversial things tlt the
past"" Duke asked "'l'he actions of \lr
Alwater are really un ;\lll('l'lt‘ttll

Several lawmakers said they expert .in
attempt in the Legislature to refuse to a-at
Duke by challenging his qualifications.
namely his residency in the district

It would be the first time the House has
ever taken such action The Legislature
convenes for a special ’a\ st'ssltill on

"It all depends «in what the iiiayoiity of
the lloUse wants to do. silltl tloiisi- Spi ak



By M.“ \Hll'l'li
Managing Editor

While in the iiiiilsl of one of the worst
seasons lll the history of l'K basketball.
l'K coach Eddie Sutton is still able to
deliver a spirited and optimistic mes

But Saturday. after (K s 714;? loss to
the l'niversity of Alabama. the (‘ats'
fifth consecutive loss. Suttoii‘s iiiessagi
sounded somewhat hollow

“I gave a little speech to our players
a little "while ago." the coach said
"You just have to reacli down there and
regroup Who said life was going to be

It wasn't easy for the t‘ats Saturday
Despite a liarditought game which saw
several lead changes. l'K came up
short at the end once again. The ('ats
let their 39 Iii; halftime lead slip away to
a powerful Alabama inside game t‘riin
son 'l‘ide forward Michael Ansley scored
2t points. 12’, of which came in the sec
ond half

[K is now
Southeastern ('onferencc
sixth place in the league

"The effort on the part of our liallclub
was outstanding." Sutton said “I
thought our players played extremely
hard, But we just didn't do as good a
Job as we needed to in order to win.”

The last time a [K team lost five
games in a row was the 1924 :13 season
Sutton said he realm-s this is something
new for everyone associated with UK
basketball including the fans

The simple solution. he said. is to
start w inning

"I've never had a team lose five in a
row." Sutton said “It‘s a new experr
eiice for all of us. I mean that's why it‘s
difficult for these coaches and certainly
for the players. . . . I certainly feel for

It Iii o\era|l. ‘1'” in the
They are iii

our fans because I know how much they
liketowin ”

“No one wants to lose,‘ said l'K cen
tcr lit-lion Ellis. who scored only fiye
points in the game “That solely keeps
your morale up. lust not wanting to
lose It‘s frustrating. you know None of
us have ever been on losmg teams be
fore. where we liaye lost consecutiyely
as many games as we liaye this sea

’l‘oniglit. t'K will take its losing streak
on the road to Auburn t'niyci'sity The
Tigers are struggling as well t’. H
overall and Hit in the league 'l'hey oc
cupy' last place in the sec

The game. since it I.s only two days
after the Alabama loss. will be a strain
Sutton said that. although his team is
not one to be overconlident against any
opponent. he is glad Auburn is the oppo
nent tonight and not a tougher team

"I‘d rather be going to Auburn. baby.
than Syracuse at this point." Sutton
said “Since that's another place we
lltiy’t’tiigo ”

If the ('ats are to liaye a winning sea
son. they will have to win their remain
mg five games If they lose any one of
the remaining games they will finish
below .300. The last time l'K had a los
ing season was iii tttZT. and Sutton's
predecessors. Adolph ltupp and Joe [1.
”all. finished their worst seasons with
13- ll! records

Stilton is aware of the numbers

“Surely. I don't look at this situation
in a way that I'm pleased about it." he
said “But again. I know. when l get up
every morning. and I look in the mir-
ror. I know I'm doing the very best job
that I've ever done. So when I know
that I‘m giving everything I caii. then
it‘s easier to live with that ”

Other members of the l'K program

See COACH. Back Page

\m i. , ""

“You see, these guys are all winners. I don‘t care if we have a losing record, this
team that I’m coaching right now, they’re all winners. They may have learned more
than any Kentucky team —— more than any other in the history of Kentucky
basketball . "

Embattled coach
remains steadfast
despite adversity

Eddie Sutton




HARD TIMES: UK coach Eddie Sutton. right. said he. has tried to keerv tut

team optimistic (ltlflllt) its loosrnq season




er .liiii Diinos. a llt'liitit'l‘al t lllt‘ss stillft'
one makes a motion to disqualify ll‘lti flit-ii
he will lie s\\ill'll lll l know the people ll
his district elected him by a
but lie all“
\sk‘eil ll
district the requisite one
eli-itliiii. lllikt‘ and
a ll'lUtlUlls question
\li-taii'u- atloiiii-y
nlltl llt' represented «vii-rat
candidates iroiii lllt pi'iiiiaiy.
liayi- irrefutable cyidence that Mike tam i.
’o move into the disliit‘i lllllll septciittt
lfc \illtl he has .I *itflt'llit‘lll
ti‘iiiii .lll .lllt‘Lfll‘tl
power i‘iiliipttlly
were iiol turned on it ‘tii

Moslems see
disputed book

‘Satanic Verses’

~llfilll i i.it'i.'i:i.

was eli-itiit .lllti ii.. 1.. he
llt‘ tliitl lit't'fi vl t't'siili'ill i.l 'tls
iii-loin ‘lic

l .illi ll


‘wlici iiiai: In,
tfltslfl i i‘s-liii


ilaiiin-d t,

'o 'liat iitit'
ltiikc ..i~t

titillt‘. :ii'iil‘lt

itltlllilllJlI' lil
’i-tiiiit- ltlf‘


controversy based
on interpretation

Iiy ll \ltllllxl'l lll'.\liltl.\


‘ti ‘ lllI‘ \ssot Idlt‘Il l‘iiss

Kittiougti ‘tii- '.\i~-~t *r'r. naitaa

it'tlltiliiii itllltlii: ".51 ‘ll‘ 'ttt"t\
' t l\ whites-mi


'iviflttiltifl lififittilal


sec \Itl‘l f “S f‘a


Ry ELIZABI‘I'I‘II \\'.\Illi
News Editor

“Excelsior” stood up to the expecta
tions of its creators and its meaning
Friday night

The format. which was sponsored by
the Student Government Association
and other student organizations. was
classy. extravagant and the ultimate.
according to many in attendance at the

More than son people attended the
event. which included students. faculty.
alumni. and administration.

“It is a chance for administra'ion and
students to get together in this type of
atmosphere." said Tim (‘anselor. an ag-

riculture (‘t'tlllOllllt'S St‘lllt)!‘

Men wore classic tuxedos or suits.
while women were adorned in every
thing from elegant full-length satin and
lace gowns, stunning velvet tea-length
dresses. silver- and goldsmiuined
dresses and short l)t)(ly»llll;.’,glnl.’. leather
bubble dresses.

Although there was a diverse crowd
sporting a variety of styles. shapes and
sizes. the atmosphere of the event was
unified by good times. good music and
being part of a new tradition.

”It is not greek or indeywndent.” said
(Tarrie Tipton. one of the coordinators of
the .iance. “ft is exactly what we

Students, faculty, alumni among
500 attending first campus formal

“l think it is
very exceptional and anyone not here is
inissingout "

wanted We‘ve got about every type

no single group is dominating the
crowd. The theme is unity and it's rcal~
Iy exceeded our expectations ‘

“I think it IS a great idea to bring the
community together in lots of different
ways and not just sporting events." said
Jackie Hells. a teacher at Berea (‘ol
lege and wife of Raymond Belts, l'K
English professor “It is something a
little bit out of the ordinary We all need

“It brings us all together. there is no
tradition at this campus." said ’l‘iniothy
(‘onlin. a telecoininuiiications alumni
"It is good someone is trying to get one

Sec 500. Page ‘

UK President David Roselle and his Wife, Louise. were among those in atten~
dance at the campusmde formal held Friday night

Kernel Stat!







Today: Breezy. occasional rain
Tomorrow: Cooler and rain








Hanks’ newest movie
pointless, predictable,

after 10 minutes



Lady Kats struggle
Past lastrnlacsAlabama

See Back Page












2 — Kentucky Kernel. Mondey, Februery 20.1889




information on this calendar of events is collected and coordinated through the

Student Center Activities Office, 203/204 Student Center, University of Kentucky. The
Information is published as supplied by the on—campus sponsor. with editorial privi-
lege allowed for the sake of clarity of expression. For student organizations or Uni-
versity departments to make entries on the calendar. 0 Campus Calendar form

must be filled out and returned to the Student Activities Office.

DEADLINE: Forms will be accepted no later than the Monday preceding the

publication date.






Programs; 54; Worsham Theatre; 6:30-8
i p.m.;CaiI7-4048

OSeminars; integrative Studies Seminar
‘ — Raymond Carver's "Gazebo"; Free;
Chemistry-Physics room 137; 7:30-9:30
i p.m.;Cali233-5563
‘ 00ther: Artist Night - Open invitations
l for artists and musicians; $2 donation; The
i Wrocklage; 9:30 p.m.; Call 281-6168


oMovies (through 2/21): “Congratulato-
ry Speech." presented by UK Japanese



'Academics (Tuesdays through 4/25):
introduction to Algebra; $40: 265 Ander-
son Hall; 6:30-8:30 p.m.; Call 7-3383

oWorkshops; Financial Aid Workshop;
Free; Student Center room 119; 5-6 p.m.;
Cali 7-3383

oMeeiings: The infertility Support
Group; Free; Medical Center room c303;
7:30 p.m.; Call 233-5410



~Movies (through 2/25): The Year of
; Living Dangerously; $1.95; Worsham
i Theatre; 7:30 p.m.; Call 7-8867

0Movies (through 2/25): Mad Max;
i $1.95; Worsham Theatre; 10 p.m.; Cali 7.
i 8867

OSports: Wildcat Basketball vs. Tennes—

; see; Free with UKlD; Rupp Arena; Cali 7—
} 3838

~Sports; Lady Kat Basketball vs. Mar~

shall University; Free with UKlD; Memorial
1 Coliseum; Cali 7-3838

OSeminars: ”The Use and Abuse of

, Computers.“ Walter Doherty; Free; Chem—
‘ istry-Physics room 137; 3 p.m.; Call 78737

-Seminars; "Organometallic Chemistry

; of Photosynthetic Processes." Vince Peco-
; raro; Free; Chemistry-Physics room 137; 4

OLectures: “Experience a Career; What
UK Experimental Education Can Do for
You"; Free; Student Center room 231;

Noon; Call 7-3387

00ther; UK Founders Day; Free; Student
Center Great Hall; 11-noon; Call 78867
-0ther: integrative Studies; Free; New-

‘ man Center; 8 p.m.; Call 255-8566




oSports- UK Men's and Women's Swim
Team Southeastern Conference Champi-
onship; Gainesviile. FL; Call 7-3838

. Theatre (through 2/25): Wendy Kessei-
mari‘s, "My Sister in This House." directed
by Dr. Patrick Kagan-Moore; 54/55; Guig-
noi Theatre. FA; 8 p.m.; Call 266-6633

~Lectures: Fourth Annual Darwin’s Birth-
day Lecture; Free; SCFA Recital Hall; 8
p.m.; Call 74929

00ther: Vocation Evening; Free; New-
man Center room 9; 7:30 p.m.; Call 255-



oSports; UK Cool Cats
SCHA Playoffs; Roanoke. VA

oSports: UK Gymnastics vs. New Hamp-
shire and Bowling Green State; Home;
7:30 p.m.; Call 73838

oConcerts: Lexington Philharmonic —Lu-
cien Stark. piano; $12.50. $15. $17.50.
$20; SCFA Concert Hall; 8 p.m.; Cali 7-

-Theatre: Message Theatre presents
"Star Black”; Free; Peal Gallery; Noon;

0 Seminars: Synthesis and Physical Stud—
ies of Transition Metal Vinyiidene 8i AI—
kyne Complexes; Fre; Chemistry-Physics
room 137; 4 pm.

0Concerts: Triptych; SCFA Recital Hall;
8 p.m.; Cail 7-4929

ice Hockey



~Sports; UK indoor Track Southeastern
Conference Championship; Baton Rouge.
[A Call 73838

-Sports: UK Rifle Western Conference
Championship; Cincinnati. OH; Call 7-

-Sports: Lady Kat Basketball vs. Au-
burn; Away; Time TBA; Cali 7-3838

oSports: UK Cool Cats Ice Hockey
SCHA Playoffs; Roanoke, VA

oSports: UK Rugby Club vs. Ohio State
University; Rugby Pitch; 1 p.m.; Call 7-3928

0 Sports: Wildcat Basketball vs. Auburn;
Away; Call 73838

-Concerts; Evelyn Seymour. voice; Me-
morial Hall; 2:30 pm.

oConcerts: Triptych; SCFA Recital Hall;
8 p.m.; Call 7-4929

-Other: A public screening for choles-
terol levels at The Mall at Lexington
Green; 55; 11 a.m.-2 p.m.; Call 233—6363

ointramurais; intramural wrestling tour-
nament (weigh-ins 9 a.m.-4 p.m.); Seaton
Center; Call 7-3928



oConcerts: UK Concert Band; Free;
SCFA Concert Hall; 3 p.m.; Cali 7-4900

0Concerts: Ethnic Heritage Ensemble;
52; Memorial Hall; 8 p.m.; Cali 7-4130

- Movies: The Year of leng Dangerous-
|Y: $1.95; Worsham Theatre; 7 p.m.; Coil 7~

oLectures: African Myth. New World
Reality; Free; SCFA Recital Hall; 3 p.m.;
Call 74929

~Other: Poetry and Short Fiction Read—
lngs - Ed McClanahan. Jurors“ invitational
9006100; Ff”; ATTSHOCO: 7:30 p.m.; CO"




oConcerts: Cello Day - Kentucky Cello
Club; Free; SCFA Concert Hall; 4 p.m.; Call

-Concerts; Dana Lynn Franks. trumpet;
SCFA Recital Hall; 8 pm.

OSeminars: Integrative Studies Seminar
- "it is not true. sorrow. that i know you."
A. Machado; Free; Chemistry-Physics
room 137; 7:30-9:30 p.m.; Call 233-5563







special events


6:308:30 p.m.; Call 7-3383

9:30 p.m.; Call 281-6168

Center Great Hall; 11-noon; Call 7-8867
OOther — 2/22; integrative Studies; Free; Newman
Center; 8 p.m.; Call 255-8566

Center room 9; 7:30 p.m.; Call 255-8566

0 Other — 2/25; A public screening for cholesterol
levels at The Mall at Lexington Green; 55; ll a.m.-2
p.m.; Call 233-6363

-Other - 2/26: Poetry and Short Fiction Readings
— Ed McClanahan. Jurors‘ Invitational Reading; Free;
ArtsPlace; 7:30 p.m.; Cali 2552951


oAcademlcs - 2/21 (Tuesdays through 4/25): in
troductlon to Algebra; $40; 265 Anderson Hall;

0 Other - 2/20: Artist Night - Open invitations for
artists and musicians; $2 donation; The Wrocklage;

-Other - 2/22: UK Founders Day; Free; student

-Other — 2/23: Vocation Evening; Free; Newman






0Concerts — 2/24: Lexington Philharmonic — Lu-
cien Stark. piano; $12.50. $15. $17.50. $20; SCFA
Concert Hall; 8 p.m.; Call 74929

oConcerts - 2/24: Triptych; SCFA Recital Hall; 8
p.m.; Call 74929

- Concerts — 2/25: Evelyn Seymour. voice; Memori»
at Hall; 2:30 pm.

0Concerts — 2/25: Triptych; SCFA Recital Hall; 8
p.m.; Call 74929

oConcerts - 2/26: UK Concert Band; Free; SCFA
Concert Hall; 3 p.m.; Call 74900

0Concerts - 2/26: Ethnic Heritage Ensemble; 52;
Memorial Hall; 8 p.m.; Call 7-4130

.Concerts - 2/27: Cello Day — Kentucky Cello
Club; Free; SCFA Concert Hall; 4 p.m.; Call 741929

'CODCOI’TS — 2/27: Dana Lynn Franks. trumpet;
SCFA Recital Hall; 8 pm.

oMovies — 2/20-2/21; “Congratulatory Speech."
presented by UK Japanese Programs; $4; Worsham
Theatre; 6:30-8 p.m.; Cali 7-4048

°Movies - 2/22-2/25: The Year of Living Danger—
ously; $1.95; Worsham Theatre; 7:30 p.m.; Cali 7—

sMovies - 2/22-2/25: Mad Max; $1.95; Worsham
Theatre; 10 p.m.; Cali 7-8867

'Movies - 2/26; The Year of Living Dangerously:
$1.95; Worsham Theatre; 7 p.m.; Cali 7-8867

oTheatre — 2/23-2/25: Wendy Kesseiman's. "My
Sister in This House." directed by Dr. Patrick Kagan-
Moore; 54/55; Guignol Theatre. FA; 8 p.m.; Call 266-

oTheatre - 2/24: Message Theatre presents "Star
Black"; Free; Peal Gallery; Noon; Call 7-8861







olntramurais - 2/25: intramural wrestling tourna-
ment (weigh-ins 9 a.m.-4 p.m.); Seaton Center; Call

Osborts - 2/22: Wildcat Basketball vs. Tennessee;
Free with UKID. Rupp Arena; Call 7-3838

-Sports — 2/22: Lady Kat Basketball vs. Marshall
University; Free with UKID. Memorial Coliseum; Call

oSports - 2/23; UK Men's and Women's Swim
Team Southeastem Conference Championship;
Galnesvltle. FL; Call 7-3838

-Sports - 2/24: UK Cool Cats ice Hockey SCHA
Playoffs: Roanoke. VA

oSports - 2/26 UK Gymnastics vs. New Hampshire
origBBowIlng Green State; Home: 7:30 p.m.; Cali 7-

05ports - 2/25 UK indoor Track Southeastern
Corlerence Championship; Baton nge. lA; Call 7-
Osborts - 2125. UK Rifle Western Conference
Ctnmplonshlp: Cincinnati. OH; Call 7-3838
OSports — 2/25: Lady Kat Basketball vs. Auburn;
Away; Time TIA; Call 7-3838
Playoffs; Remake. VA
OSports - 2/25 UK mgby Club vs. Ohio State Uni-
versity; mm Pitch; 1 p.m.; Cali 7-3928
Osborts — 2/25 Wldcat Basketball vs. Auburn;
Away; Coil 7-3838



weekly events








- Other: Warhammer 40.000 Role—playing. Free. Student Center
room 205. 7 pm. Cal 76636

0 Other- Aldo Club Meeting. Free. Alumni Gym. 5630 p m

- Other. UK Parents Networking (babysitting co op). Call 2 71 5191

~0ther Alkldo - Japanese Martial Art, Free. Alumni Gym Loft 8 30
pm. Call 272-3369

-Rellglous: Cornerstone Music Practice - no talent reaurrea rust
energy. Free. SOB Columbia Avenue. 7 30 p m . Call 254 3714

' Religious: Worship Service - a casual time at singing and worship.
Free; 508 Columbia Avenue, 9 pm . Call 254 3714



IOther Aerobics. Free. Newman Center. 5507 pm Call 266:

-Other. Villains and Vigilanles Role—playing. Free, Studeni Center
room 205. 7:30 p.m.Cal125574204

0 Other; Game Night. Free. Student Center Game Room. 7 30 p m
Call 76636

~01her UK Fencing Club -- beginners welcome. equipment pro
vided; Free. Alumni Gym. 730 pm -9 30 p m .Call 8 5564

oOther Chess Club. Free. Student Center Game Room. 7 30 p m
Call 7-6636

-Meetings Table Tennis meeting. Free Sector-l Squash Room 7 10
p.m.. Call 76636

-Meetings UK Cycling Club meeting. Free Seaton Center room
207; 8 pm. Call 233-2438

IMeetlngs 5A8 Indoor Recreation Committee meeting. Free Stu
dent Center Game Room. 7 pm .Call 7-6636

”Religious Tuesday Night Together » informal worship Free 429
Columbia Avenue. 7 30 p m . Cali 7 3989

°Reltglous Rite of Christian initiation of Adults (RCtA) free New
man Center. 7 30 p m .Call 25578566


-Other Aerobics. Free. Newman Center 5507 pm. Call 266

° Other Aida Club Meeting. Free. Alumni Gym 576 30 p m

°Other ADBD Variant Rolesplaying Free Student Center room
205.7 p m .Call 76636

-Other Alkldo — Japanese Martial Art Free. Alumni Gym loft 8 30
pm .Call 272-3369

°Retlgious Holy Eucharist Free St Augustines Chapel 5 30 pm
Call 2544726


°Other UK Fencing Club . beginners welcome equipment p10
vided. Free. Alumni Gym. 7 3079 30 p m Call 8 5564

-Other Aerobics. Free. Newman Center 5507 pm Call 266

OOther ADBID Variant Roierpiaytng. Free Student Center room
205.7 pm . Call 76636

-Other Bridge Club Free Student Center Game Room 7 30 p m
Call 76636

oRelIgious Decision Point . Bible Study Free 508 Columbia Ave
nue. 8 pm.Call 2543714

~Reltgious oar Grill Devotion and lunch si 420 Columbia Ave
hue. 1215pm.CalI 7:3989

- Religious Cornerstone Drama Practice no talent required iusi
energy. Free. 508 Columbia Avenue. 6 30 p m Call 254 3714


-Meetlngs lntervarsity Christian Fellowship Chapter meeting Free
student Center room 205. 6 30 p m Call 278 8644


-Other Star Trek Role playing Free Student Center room 205 7
p m .Call 7-6636

-Other A080 211 Rolepiaying Free Student Center Game 120er
10 am .Call 7-6636

0 Religious Sunday Obligation Mass Free Newman Center 6 p rn


OOther Warhammer Role playing Free Student Center Game
Room. 3 p m . Call 269-4390

- Other Atkido ~ Japanese Martial Art Free Alumni Gym loft 8 30
pm .Call 2723369

ORellgtous Sunday Obligation Masses Free Newman Center 9
11 30.5 and 8 30. Call 25578566

ORetlglous Holy Eucharist. Free St Augustine 3 Chapel TO 30 a m
5p m ; Call 254-3726


-Other Warhammer 40 000 Rate playing Free Student (.entei
room 205. 7 pm . Call 76636

0 Other Aldo Club Meeting. Free, Alumni Gym 5 o 30 p n‘

o Other UK Parents Networking (babysitting co op) Call 27' Si or

'Olher Atkldo . Japanese Martial Art Free Alumni Gym loft 8 3O
Dm .Call 272-3369

-Rellgious Cornerstone Music Practice ru. tnien' rearrlred lust
energy. Free. 508 Columbia Avenue. 7 30 p m . Call 254 3714

0 Religious Worship Service . a casual time of singing and worship
Free. 508 Columbia Avenue. 9 p m . Call 254 3714



e.. ‘oé Sgéfiie ;










-Lectures - 2/22: "Experience a Career; What UK
Experimental Education Can Do for You"; Free; Stu»
dent Center room 231; Noon; Cali 7-3387

0 Lectures — 2/23; Fourth Annual Darwin's Birthday
Lecture; Free; SCFA Recital Hall; 8 p.m.; Call 7-4929

0 Lectures — 2/26: African Myth. New World Reality;
Free; SCFA Recital Hall; 3 p.m.; Cali 7-4929

oMeetings — 2/21; The infertility Support Group;
Free; Medical Center room c303; 7:30 pm; Call

ISeminars — 2/20: integrative Studies Seminar —
Raymond Carver‘s "Gazebo"; Free; Chemistry-Phys-
lcs room 137; 7:30-9:30 p.m.; Call 233-5563
-Seminars — 2/22: "The Use and Abuse of Com-
pitters." Walter Doherty; Free; Chemistry-Physics
room 137; 3 p.m.; Coil 7-8737

-Semtnars - 2/22: "Organometallic Chemistry of
Photosynthetic Processes." Vince Pecoraro; Free;
Chemistry-Physics room 137; 4 pm.

OSemlnars - 2/24: Mthesls and Physical Studies
of Transition Metal Virtyiidene 8r Alkyne Complexes;

°Sernlnars - 2/27; integrative Studies Seminar —“if
is not true. sorrow. that i know you." A. Mochado;
Free; Chemistry-Physics room 137; 7:30-9:30 pm;

0Workshops - 2/21: Financial Aid Workshop; Free:
Student Center room 119; 5-6 p.m.; Call 73383









Kentucky Kernel, Monday. February 20. 1989 - 3

Rob Song
Arts Editor



Staff Critic

“The Burbs" is pointless
Predictable after about to llllll'
utes, it offers nothing more than
a few tired cliches about the
suburbs and mundane dayrto»
day living. It just doesn‘t pay


(‘arrie Fisher is Virtually an
unneeded expense. as she does
nothing that any other no name
actress could have done.

Rick [)ucommun plays. and
is. a fat. obnoxious but'l'oon. And
Bruce I)ern just looks stupid.
"The Burbs" showed me iiotli

The plot concerns the “stay-
atihome“ vacation of one Ray
Peterson tllanks i.

ltather than taking a trip, l’e»
terson decides to lounge around,
watch TV and drink some beers
But his next~door tlt'lglllml‘s. the
Klopex family , won‘t let him

Hanks looks tired and


Mark Rumstield (Bruce Dern). Ray Peterson
(Tom Hanks) and Art Weingartner (Rick Du-

‘The ’Burbs’ sadly unoriginal




Every night, he hears strange
noises and sees bright flashes of
light coming from the Klopek‘s
basement across the way. And
his son has seen them digging in
the backyard during late-night

His two neighborhood buddies—
Weingartner and Rumsfield
it)ueommun and I)erni,try to
convince Peterson that the Kloi
pek family is performing human
sacrifices in some crazy satanic

And when Peterson's dog digs
up a human thigh bone in the
backyard, he knows something
has to be done.

So Peterson and the tvlayt'ield
Place gang decide to investi

While the Klopek household

more counrssv or mavens» crrv sruoios
commun) share a neighborly anecdote in the
newly relased film, “The 'Burbs. "


is away on a trip, they break
into the place to look ior their

friend Walter ((iale tiordoii»,
who has mysteriously tllm’lp'

After an incredibly long and
jokeless search, it seems the
Klopekes are pretty much what
everyone thought they were. lll'
eluding the trapped tilingoen
who has paid good money to see
this trash.

(iood things are hard to iind
in “The ‘Burbsf'

Brother Theodore oi 'liatc
Night Willi David Letterman”
lame gives a good but too slioit
performance as the groucliy
Uncle ltueben Klopek lle man
ages to inject a few ioiil natured
barbs into a movie that is tilled
Willi too many stale jokes about
dogs that poop on other people‘s
lawns. paper boys Vlllll bad aiin.
scantily clad temale neighbors
and beer sii illiiig teen agers

'l'lii' 'Iitttlis, 'tl’t'tl I’ti
noii playing at North l’iiil' and
South l‘iiil: I'llli'ttlli‘»




by Berke Breathed


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By VICKI (iRl’l‘l‘tiN
Contributing Writer

Plug in your lava lamps and
bring out your love beads. it's
Super 6th Hippie Night tonight at
the Wrocklage. The cost is a $2 do~
nation to help the Urban Artists
group With their opening of an al-
ternative art Gallery.

“We encourage people to dress
up for less of a donation," said
Casey (Tarrigaii, vice president ol
Urban Artists.

The evening holds a variety oi
festivuies, which will begin at
about 9 pm.

Scheduled to play are the iiiUsi
cal groups 7 Zark 7, (iroovy Kool,
Serious (ieorge, and (iordon
Brown, Along with those hands, a
nameless group ot tour friends,
.lohii Baird, Brian Billberry, tier
ald [)istant and (ireg Weaver, who
all play for Alice, \Hll be display
mg their “American creative

Baird, drum player tor the band.
said the group is just " to let
people see a little something ditier

The bands were st'lt't‘lt'tl or \ol
unteei'ed because ol their original
neo-‘tiiis styleol music

lty .\I).\.\I (itllilllirlltt.
Stall ('ritic

”Hill and lids lixcellent \dyeii
ture." starring Keann ltceies and
Alex Winter opened Friday \ou
know the one I'm talking about
two surler dudes lost ltl time" The

one with (ieorge (‘arhn oi sen-it
Words You (an! Say on 'l‘cle

Although (‘ai'lin has been in

mixed in very tunny undertakings
in the past this is not one ot lllt'lti
t‘arlui is on the st‘l't‘t'll tor .l total oi
only tTiiiiiuutes

The rest ot the lllllt' it s up to tam
unknown actors to play Scan
l'enns ”Fast Times" charactei
'l'liey don’t do it too well. although
oneol them looks a little like l‘eiiii

ltut you liaye to giye the llllli



The Urban Artists
group will be holding a
benefit concert at 9 to-
night at the Wrocklage.
Performing will be
Serious George. 7 Zark
7, Groovy Kool, and Gor-
don Brown. There also
will be poetry readings
and art showings. A $2
donation IS requested.




in addition to the bands. the ka
lt‘ltliisi'iiplt‘ eu-ning \yill l1.i\(' poe
ti'y readings and di‘aiiiatic iiilei
pictatious by Hand and lloniia
'l'lioi'ndale. and t 'asey t'arrigaii

Various \\Iit'l\'s ot art irom local
artists such .is \‘lltl’li l).l \hke
li_\lltll. \i ti'cccii and ltlionda
(iii-ei‘yiill ltt oiiilisplay

\ tiicnii o‘ ours with a whatcit

licait \lll ‘wiltiltit't‘l iiiiiiscll toi

lii'ail lutltli‘


ti.‘ lr‘» oiic Ht ‘tic .iit



[sis~ l.tl'l tiliiti

stitiie t ti‘iiil l‘llt'lt' .tlt‘ \t‘lllt' tlilttt‘.


'l'lii- Elli‘. ,‘Inc- mini-linin- til\t
this 'llic~i ‘Jni l‘lll'lt'tlttlll --iiitei'-
\yliii illlltl l-itiiii‘. litl.‘. ’Iv plaj. 'llt'
:iuitai foiin : t‘sopezmii ,‘tiitat

oiil'. liaii't 'l‘iii tia‘wt xi:|l stilltl'ilii‘.

toiiii 'iii luv mi .. ltlL'llt't ox.

litil till? 1 tit, *lll.l ‘iti
'.tltttll ; -v-":.' ‘M l‘.i'l‘it'l. 'Hlt


Ellt‘\ lttlill .‘t‘ lit; ‘\ trill. |‘li .: lli’l‘ll‘t


l‘Liitei t"aiiai in ~. uioii: ~‘-\l'»
‘liiltt ‘l.e l‘t'tlt'i mil; .. ‘iiiie 'i.i.il
iii.) plioiic lttlitll‘ ll: like ‘lit
*tttlt't tltlllt' 'lit’ gvlai'a llt‘llll, -'ii
and then. titrp ii, ‘luotiili. ‘ fzt

llicy t'l't ii~ tori.) 3.4 \aimnw
\tltlillt“ .loal of \i' l'ully tin

lyiilii \l‘l'itl‘ul't l,1tti’ivlt‘. miirl wtla'



t h e K e n t u, C k y K er n

we are students

Benefit for alternative art gallery tonight

The purpose ot an alternative
gallery is "to give Lexuigton expo
sure to slightly provocative art."
said ('y'nthia lthy'an, iiiembersbip
coordinator tll l'i‘liail Artists

She said that members ot the
gallery can be coiiipletly .ii'llH' in
working there and \llti\\lllL’ their
ait. iust >how tlieii ‘Atitk it imply
support the gallery .ilit' reep ll

\ L’ailery that slit‘t’lull/V- .n at
lei'iiatiye art does not rust till the

general public [it lrt‘XlllL‘ltlll it one
opens. it \Hll be a plate xtticrc
total artists iaii sll.llt' llieii‘ \uii‘k

'.\llli the coiiiinuiu‘z. suppoileis

lt \\ill atw iii-
spacc toi

place toi‘ people 'o _‘i‘l

tilt (llll‘l “all: i

pn'l ltll lll.tltt 1'» at it


taii'it mitt
\li \tt‘ lttl‘d' tili'. wail lll opt I.

.1 Nut |'tt:i'il ,'_.|llt‘l mitt. .. l'l‘t‘t

at! ioiii.at ‘.ilti;1iiti»iiill

\Mtli tonight s thud lctislllyi t'\.t'lll,

the lrbaiz \iti~t. Ltioup hopes to
tail enough mom; to open then
‘aliciy a -tiltli .c they tat" [mate a

plat c at lllt‘tlllv\l.ill.‘vli aica

llu ".t titll‘ liiitilil lic ,i‘tii’tallx

pit "it .rit ilnllt'tt taiigm‘

‘Bill and Ted’s’ pathetic adventure in time

initlx ‘ii
lvc-T iii,“

l'ilii‘>illll‘l‘tl .t,‘-» y, I iii-a5

’ l

l‘tttt'. \ wily
.' ltatl \»I<.':.i lttlltm! ‘o 1'

l itii lull

~‘ti.ii.iiii .,’
‘lttfl .‘c‘ "icy .m
:t. ‘lic «Hill
ii tliiu ”hit

r'iiii lllt r-l‘uk l‘

. taint. ll.lli.i



. t it'll} ‘lii hull:
5t ‘1 l ti‘. l Iiittli.
‘1. a \ ~- ~31 ltt